21st Centuray Corporate Social Responsibility
Prior to beginning your assignment, read chapter 2 of the textbook (Gonzalez-Padron 2015) and the article, corporate social responsibility in the 21st-century: a view from the worlds most successful firms (Snider, Jamie)
Using the “hundred best companies to work for” https://fortune.com/ranking/best-companies/ list, choose an organization that has their corporate social responsibility (CSR) statement, vision, and mission statements available on the website.
– Quote the statement describes what does means in your own words.
– Research a recent article, an organization that is related to the current or future CSR activities.
– Describe how the new plan to affect the organization, both internally and externally.
– Developing an idea for the new CSR endeavor for the organization based on the organizations, mission and vision.
The 21st Century Corporate Social Responsibility paper
– Must be 3-4 double spaced pages
Below sources must be used: they are attached
-Gonzalez-Padron 2015 (Chapter 2)
-Snider, Jamie
-Fortune 100 best companies to work for
Fortune. (n.d.). 100 best companies to work for
Links to an external site.
. http://fortune.com/best-companies/