mapping of the Five Process Groups
Mapping of the Five Process Groups
Module 4 offers students; 1) an introduction to the “Standard for Project Management”; 2) a reintroduction of “the Fundamentals”; and 3) a mapping of the Project Management Process Groups (and Process) vis-à-vis the Knowledge Areas. With an appraisal of the “Standard”; the “Fundamentals”; the process Groups; and the Knowledge Areas, the purpose of Module 4 discussion is to reinforce project management knowledge, and connect the foundational components of project management. From this discussion, students should be able to survey the “panoramic view”; the mapping and integration of the Process Groups (and Process) vis-à-vis the Knowledge Areas. A more intricate examination of the Process Groups (and Process) vis-à-vis the Knowledge Areas ensues subsequently in Modules 5, 6, and 7.
The assigned readings for Module 4 are PMBOK Part 2 (Section I: Standard for Project Management Introduction pp 422-434). Pay special attention to Table 1-1, pp. 432. There is also one assigned video, and supplemental videos
After mapping out the Process Groups vis-a-vis the management Knowledge Areas, the subsequent modules, Modules 5-7, examine the integration between EACH Process Group (and Process) and the management Knowledge Areas.
PMBOK Part II 422-434, the assigned, and supplementary videos will be used to guide Module 4 Discussion
In three paragraphs this discussion will be presented following these tasks:
Task One (Chapter Summary)
Present a summary including the general key points of the assigned video………………
Task Two (“Key Points to Remember”)
Select, and further examine ONE “Key takeaway” of the assigned video. Your discussion must interrogate, and expand on the selected “key take away”. Referencing the supplementary videos is required. Referencing other external sources/research to help bolster your understanding of the “key takeaway” is highly encouraged.
Task Three (PMBOK Cross-Referencing)
Cross reference your selected “Key takeaway” to the corresponding PMBOK chapter. A) How does PMBOK Part 2 help bolster your understanding of the Process Groups and the management Knowledge Areas. B) Specifically, which components of PMBOK Part II do you find most helpful, and why?