ABA Training and Supervising Human Service Staff Module 9

ABA Training and Supervising Human Service Staff Module 9


Feed­back is a crit­i­cal ele­ment of reg­u­lar per­for­mance dis­cus­sions. Man­agers should use this as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cuss what has been going well and what has been caus­ing prob­lems. What steps should be taken to make feedback effective and what should be avoided? Have you ever had a bad feedback experience and what do you think contributed?


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Steps to Make Feedback Effective and What Should be Avoided

There are seven evidence-based steps for providing effective feedback. The first step involves commencing the feedback with an encouraging or empathetic statement. Here, the supervisors should use a positive tone and compliment the employee’s observed performance to reduce the anxiety associated with a formal performance evaluation and increase the acceptability of the feedback session (Chapter 6). The second step involves specifying the
task that employees performed correctly to make them aware of precisely what was appropriately performed and how employees should continue upholding these desirable work behaviors. In the third step, the supervisors should specify what the employee failed to perform correctly, if applicable. Here, the exact work behavior or task aspects performed incorrectly should be provided. Supervisors should avoid being overly critical and negative. Following the description of what was performed incorrectly, supervisors should specify and be precise on what the worker should change or do differently to perform a task correctly. Here, the supervisor should avoid providing general information because employees feel……Read More

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