Academic Honor Code
Academic Honor Code
As members of an academic community that places a high value on truth and the pursuit
of knowledge, Saint Leo University students are expected to be honest in every phase of
their academic life and to present as their own work only that which is genuinely theirs.
Unless otherwise specified by the professor, students must complete homework
assignments by themselves (or if on a team assignment, with only their team members).If
they receive outside assistance of any kind, they are expected to cite the source and
indicate the extent of the assistance. Each student has the responsibility to maintain the
highest standards of academic integrity and to refrain from cheating, plagiarism, or any
other form of academic dishonesty as well as reporting any observed instance of
academic dishonesty to a faculty member.
Student Misconduct/Classroom Disruption
Saint Leo University students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in accord
with good taste and observe the regulations of the university and the laws of the city,
state, and national government. All university community members—faculty, staff,
employees, students—have the right and obligation to report violations of civil or
university regulations to the appropriate university vice president or to the associate vice
president of Student Affairs. Should a university community member encounter a
disruptive student, the student shall be asked politely, but firmly, to leave the classroom
(or wherever the locus of disruption). A university official has the authority to do this if
the student is acting in a disruptive manner. If the student refuses, the appropriate office