NREM 905


Institute of Natural Resources, Environment & Sustainable Dev.,

University of Port Harcourt,

Rivers State, Nigeria.



Waste (also known as rubbish, trash, refuse, garbage, junk,

litter, and ort) is unwanted or useless materials. In biology,

waste is any of the many unwanted substances or toxins that are

expelled from living organisms, metabolic waste; such as urea

and sweat.

Basel Convention Definition of Wastes

“substances or objects which are disposed of or are intended to be disposed of or are required to be disposed of by the provisions of the law”

Disposal means

“any operation which may lead to resource recovery, recycling, reclamation, direct re-use or alternative uses”




The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal –

➢ Adopted in 1989 and came into force in 1992

➢ The most comprehensive global environmental treaty on hazardous and other wastes

➢ About 170 member countries (Parties). Nigeria is a party

• Aim is – Protect human health and the environment against the adverse effects resulting from the generation, management, transboundary movements and disposal of hazardous and other wastes.

Reasons for the Basel Convention

• Illegal cross-border transport of hazardous wastes in the 1980s

• Toxic waste traders were in the rise with third world countries targeted as dumping grounds for hazardous waste

• Toxic ships such as the Katrin B and the Pelicano, sailed from port to port trying to offload their poisonous cargoes

• Five ship loads of highly toxic and radioactive wastes originating from city of Pisa, in the Italian region of Tuscany discovered at Koko Port (old Bendel State now in Warri North LGA of Delta State) in May 1988 – Katrin B

A little on Basel Convention



UNSD waste definition

• According to the United Nations Statistics Division (U.N.S.D.): “Wastes are materials that are not prime products (that is products produced for the market) for which the generator has no further use in terms of his/her own purposes of production, transformation or consumption, and of which he/she wants to dispose. Wastes may be generated during the extraction of raw materials, the processing of raw materials into intermediate and final products, the consumption of final products, and other human activities. Residuals recycled or reused at the place of generation are excluded.”



Nigeria and Waste Legislations




Relevant regulations are





Hazardous Waste General definition

A hazardous waste has the potential to cause an

unacceptable risk to:



Note: Hazardous wastes may arise in a number of different forms: liquids, solids, gases, or sludges.

• They may be by-products of extraction of raw materials (e.g. drill cuttings), manufacturing processes (e.g. leather, textile etc.) or simply discarded products (e.g. used electronics).

• The hazard associated with a waste depends on its composition, its physical form and its physical and chemical properties.



Hazardous Waste General definition

• In its simplest form, the definition of a hazardous waste is one that has the potential to cause harm to public health and to the environment. However, such a definition is too vague for use in a regulatory framework

• It is important to stress that waste classifications are related to, but generally independent of, the classification systems used for industrial chemicals.

• This can cause the waste generator confusion, and waste managers need to know both systems and have access to both sets of data.



Why definition is difficult





The hazard associated with a waste depends on:




Slide 8 Why definition is difficult

▪ Definition may be based on its composition; its physical form; its

chemical, biological or physical properties; or alternatively on the waste

stream in which it arises.

▪ Each country has its own interpretation of what constitutes hazardous

waste, as well as using various terms to refer to it, such as ‘chemical’,

‘special’, ‘poisonous’, ‘toxic’ or ‘difficult’.

▪ Worldwide there is no standard definition of hazardous wastes, and a

number of different approaches are taken to the problem of defining it.

▪ The Global Waste Survey 1992 – the first attempt to gain a worldwide

picture of hazardous wastes – found that there were ‘almost as many

definitions as countries’.

▪ Other ways of defining hazardous wastes might include one based on its

recycling potential.

▪ In developing economies, there is often an inadequate identification of

the waste streams which arise – not simply of hazardous wastes – and

this can lead to an increase in pollution of the environment as well as

increased risks to human health. Nigeria and artisanal mechanics

▪ However difficult, waste classification is an important early step in

developing a waste management system.



Examples of hazardous waste

definitions: 1. Basel Convention

According to the Basel Convention there are 45 categories of

wastes that are presumed to be hazardous.

•18 are waste streams (e.g. clinical wastes, mineral oils,

Polychlorinated biphenyls -PCBs) (Y1-Y18)

•27 are wastes having clearly identified constituents (e.g.

mercury, lead, asbestos, organic cyanides, solvents) (Y19-Y45)

These categories of waste need to exhibit one or more

hazardous characteristics:

flammable, oxidising, poisonous, infectious, corrosive,




Examples of hazardous waste definitions: 2. UNEP

Wastes other than radioactive wastes which,

by reason of their chemical activity or toxic, explosive,

corrosive or other characteristics cause danger or are likely

to cause danger to health or the environment

• Definition is based on the UN Transport of Dangerous Goods

Code. This is a classification system for hazardous materials

which does not have regard to the origin of the waste, nor to

the fact that wastes are often a complex mixture of unspecified

composition rather than pure substances.

• Such a classification is useful for improving aspects of

handling, transport and storage safety.



Examples of hazardous waste

definitions: 3. USA

UNDER US EPA REGULATIONS, there are three ways of

defining hazardous wastes:

1. The waste is listed/included in list of defined

hazardous wastes (i.e. in EPA regulations)

2. The waste is tested and meets one of the four

characteristics established by EPA:

• Ignitable

• Corrosive

• Reactive

• Toxic

3. The waste is declared hazardous by the generator



Examples of hazardous waste

definitions: 4. European Waste

Catalogue A core list of 850 types of waste

Of these, around 420 are classified as hazardous wastes

These are divided into 19 main categories



The objective of definitions

Why define wastes?

To decide whether or not that waste should be

controlled – this is important for the generator as well

as the regulator

Why create a list?

•Clear and simple

•No need for testing



Different methods of Classification

i. Lists e.g. Basel Convention Annex I, Basel List

A, EU European Waste Catalogue, US EPA list

ii. Origin e.g. processes, Basel Convention Annex


iii. Hazardous characteristics e.g. toxicity,

reactivity, Basel Convention Annex III

iv. Chemical and physical properties e.g.

inorganic, organic, oily, sludges

• Need to match classification to objectives

• No method will suit all cases



Methods of waste classification: by Origin

•Waste streams e.g. Basel Convention

•Miscellaneous or ubiquitous wastes e.g.

• contaminated soils

• dusts

• redundant pesticides from agriculture

• hospital wastes



Example of waste classification by Origin: Basel

The Basel Convention’s List of

Hazardous Waste Categories (Y1-Y18)

identifies wastes from specific


e.g. Y1 Clinical wastes

Y6 Wastes from the production and

use of organic solvents

Y18 Residues from industrial waste

disposal operations



Methods of Waste Classification: by Hazardous Characteristics

Main characteristics:



UN Committee on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

by Road or Rail (ADR) lists waste characteristics.

These have been adopted by Basel Convention –

Annex III gives 13 characteristics, based on ADR

rules, including:



•Toxic and eco-toxic

Represented as codes H1-H13





Hazardous Characteristics: Toxicity

Toxic wastes are harmful or fatal when ingested, inhaled or

absorbed through the skin


•Spent cyanide solutions

•Waste pesticides

• Toxic wastes disposed of on land may result in contaminated leachate.

• The leaching of toxic compounds or elements from landfills into

groundwater is one of the most common ways in which the general

population can be exposed to the chemicals found in industrial wastes.

• In the US, the EPA has devised a toxicity characteristic leaching

procedure (TCLP) test to identify wastes likely to leach hazardous

concentrations of toxic constituents.

• Using the test on a waste sample creates a liquid similar to the liquid the

US EPA would expect to find in the ground near a landfill containing the

same waste.



Hazardous Characteristics: Corrosivity

Acids or alkalis that are capable of dissolving human flesh and corroding metal such as storage tanks and drums

• Corrosive wastes are acid or alkaline and can readily corrode or dissolve flesh, metal or other materials.

• They are also one of the most common hazardous waste streams. Wastes with a high or low pH can react dangerously with other wastes or cause toxic contaminants to migrate from certain wastes.

• Examples of corrosive wastes include acids from metals cleaning processes (e.g. ferric chloride from printed circuit board manufacture) and liquor from steel manufacture.



Hazardous Characteristics: Ignitability Ignitable wastes:

• can create fires under certain conditions

• or are spontaneously combustible

Examples: •Waste oils •Used solvents •Organic cleaning materials •Paint wastes

For emphasis, ignitable wastes are those which readily catch fire and sustain

combustion. These could cause a fire during transport or storage of the waste,

or after disposal.



Hazardous Characteristics: Reactivity Reactive wastes are unstable under ‘normal conditions’

They can cause: explosions, toxic fumes, gases or vapours

Examples: • Peroxide solutions • Hypochlorite solutions or solids •Discarded munitions and explosives

For emphasis, reactive wastes will readily explode or undergo violent

reactions. Reactivity is an important characteristic of hazardous wastes

because unstable wastes can pose a problem at any stage of the waste

management life cycle.



Hazardous characteristics: Eco-toxicity

Eco-toxic wastes are harmful or fatal to other species

or to the ecological integrity of their habitats

Examples: Heavy metals, Detergents, Oils, Soluble salts

• The high sensitivity of some fish like trout to toxins at levels far lower than

human drinking water standards illustrates the importance of regarding eco-

toxicity as an important separate issue.

• By implication, human toxicity standards are not always appropriate when

considering ecological problems.

• Some substances such as oils and detergents that barely affect humans can

nevertheless interfere with other species’ life processes including


• Issues of bio-magnification along the food chain are just as important for

other species as they are for human toxicity.

• Despite the importance of this issue, criteria, measurements and standards

for eco-toxicity are not well developed, and are thus frequently discounted

by regulators or waste operators.

• Animal and plant species can be much more sensitive to

certain chemical substances or to conditions of pH than

mammals (including humans).



Methods of waste classification: by chemical, biological and physical properties

• Inorganic wastes e.g. acids, alkalis, heavy metals, cyanides, wastewaters from electroplating

• Organic wastes e.g. pesticides, halogenated and non-halogenated solvents, PCBs

• Oily wastes e.g. lubricating oils, hydraulic fluids, contaminated fuel oils

• Sludge e.g. from metal working, painting, wastewater treatment



Hazardous waste handling and




Links in an integrated hazardous

waste management system







Links in an integrated hazardous waste management system contd.

• There is always a need for a structured hazardous waste management system which begins as soon as the waste has been generated and continues through all subsequent stages to final treatment and disposal. In the simplest form, a hazardous waste management system comprises three units:

i. Storage upon generation

ii. Collection and transportation

iii. Final treatment and disposal

• Handling and storage are both important factors in all of these management stages, from cradle to grave.

• Different materials have to be handled in different ways, and may have special storage requirements. For this reason proper identification and labelling of materials is essential, and is likely to represent the difference between a safe hazardous waste management system and a dangerous one.



Links in an integrated hazardous waste management system contd.

• Correct handling, storage, packaging and labelling are vital if accidents are to be avoided and the environment is to be protected.

• The hazardous waste management system consists of a series of actions to control and contain the waste. This must be coordinated so that the various persons and groups of persons involved at the different stages are aware of their role and how that role fits within the larger structure. This is particularly true of handling and storage procedures.



Storage site selection

On-site storage:

• In waste generator premises

• Not subject to flooding

• Away from manufacturing/processing areas

• Away from employee activities

Off-site storage:

• Not subject to flooding

• Away from residential area

• Ideally in industrial area

• Good access to public infrastructure e.g. roads, emergency services



• Minimise risk of explosion or unplanned releases

• Keep incompatible wastes separate

• Not < 15m from site boundary (where possible)

• Away from foot and vehicular traffic

Storage site design criteria 1


• Impermeable base material

• Leak and spill containment



Storage site design criteria 1 contd.

• Whether it is stored on-site or off, any hazardous waste storage areas must be designed to minimise the possibility of an explosion or any unplanned sudden or gradual release of hazardous waste to air, water or soil. The following design criteria should be observed:

• Waste compatibility: different hazardous wastes should be stored in separate compatibility areas

• Distances from boundary and traffic: hazardous waste should be stored away from traffic, including both vehicular and foot traffic. Ignitable and reactive wastes should be stored at least 15m from the facility’s boundary, if possible – on small sites

• Base material: an impermeable base should used for the area where containers may be stored, to prevent any leaks or spills, or accumulated precipitation, from seeping into the ground.

• Leak and spill containment: the storage area must be designed and operated to contain any leaks and spills e.g. with bunds. For outdoor storage facilities, the maximum probable quantity of runoff must also be considered. Regulatory agencies, such as fire departments, may specify certain containment requirements.



Storage site design criteria 2

• Protection from climate

• Good ventilation

• Limit height of stacked containers

• Eye wash station

• Provide drainage system or elevate

• Adsorbent material for spills

• Re-packaging area

• Comply with regulations



Storage site design criteria 2 contd.

• Climate and environment: weather conditions can frequently be an important factor in determining storage conditions. Heat, cold, moisture, and wind can adversely affect storage of all chemicals. If waste materials must be stored outside, they should always be covered by a roof or tarpaulin, and be kept away from direct sunlight.

• Ventilation: adequate ventilation should be provided to prevent build-up of gases. Any area used for storage of chemical wastes or any other hazardous material should be well ventilated.

• Stack height: drums should not be stacked more too high. Drums containing flammable liquid should not be stacked.

• Eye wash station: an eye wash station must be provided for each storage area



Storage site design criteria 2 contd.

• Drainage system: floors should be sloped towards retention pits or drains. The drainage system should ensure that any spilled wastes or precipitation do not remain in contact with the waste containers. Alternatively, storage could be on elevated platforms or pallets – this also simplifies inspection. Any spilled or leaked waste, or storm water run-off, should be removed from the sump or collection area as soon as possible to prevent any overflow. (This collected waste must then be correctly handled as hazardous waste.)

• Earthing: when pumping waste or emptying and filling containers, it is necessary to earth the process

• Adsorbent material: should always be present to clean up spills immediately

• A separate repackaging room: any items which are seen to be incorrectly or inadequately packaged can be taken here

• Agency requirements: government agencies, such as the fire department, should be contacted prior to the design and building of a storage structure to incorporate any other specific requirements they may have.



Hazardous waste compatibility 1

• Need compatibility between:

• waste & container; wastes stored together; wastes stored close to each other; wastes & environment

Compatibility = the ability of two or more materials to exist

in close association with each other without the formation

of harmful chemical or physical reactions

• The concept of compatibility, when applied to hazardous waste, refers to: the

way chemicals react when in contact with each other

• Chemicals need compatibility with the containers in which they are stored,

otherwise there is a risk of container failure resulting in environmental

damage or personal injury. For example, acid should not be stored in steel

drums, or pressurised materials in weak containers.

• Compatibility with nearby materials and equipment: For example, containers

of flammable materials should be stored with proper consideration of

proximity to heat, electrical sources and open flames.

• All flammable containers 20 litre or larger should be earthed.

• Compatibility with the environment itself. Storing many waste materials

outside may be practical, but storing drums of highly flammable material in

dark drums in open sunlight can be extremely dangerous.



Hazardous waste compatibility 2

Source: UK DoE (1988) Waste Management Paper No 26



Undesirable reactions to mixing incompatible wastes

▪Generation of heat by chemical reaction

➔ Alkali metals, metal powders

▪ Generation of toxic gases

➔ Hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulphide

▪ Generation of flammable gases

➔ Hydrogen, acetylene

▪ Generation of gases

➔ Nitrogen oxides, chlorine, sulphur dioxide

▪ Dissolution of toxic compounds

➔ Heavy metals, complexing agents



• Storage should be for as brief a period as possible

• Permitted temporary storage duration varies from country to country

Western Europe:

• Typically 28 or 90 days


• Up to 90 days for large quantity generators

• Up to 180 days for small quantity generators

Some European countries and Far East:

• Indefinite period allowed

Duration of hazardous waste storage



Long term storage

• For longer term storage, different controls needed

• If storage may be indefinite, controls should be similar to

those for final disposal facilities

• Long term storage may be a practical solution to the

problem of a shortage of hazardous waste treatment and

disposal facilities

• Important to avoid ‘storage’ becoming an excuse for

uncontrolled disposal

• Example of inappropriate long term storage of wastes is the stockpiling of obsolete pesticides in some countries. Because the conditions were not properly controlled, drums have corroded or buckled, and storage areas h

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