American History HIST 170
American History HIST 170
“Please answer the question below in as much detail as possible, remember, if you use quotes (” “), make sure to cite the page numbers!”
Part. 1 (Textbook. Chapter 15)
1. What were the competing visions of Reconstruction? In the end, was Reconstruction successful, or did it cause more issues?….think outside the box!
2. The Trap of Sharecropping
You just learned about the cycle of sharecropping (or a crop lien), how does it work to keep farmers in an endless cycle of poverty and debt, especially former slaves?
Part. 2 (“The Mississippi Black Code”)
Main Argument/important points/key phrases (feel free to use “quotes” here, and remember, what is the author/document trying to accomplish?): (1-3 sentences)
The Mississippi Black CodeHistorical Context – what else was happening at this time and place? Could include significant political, religious, or media events, social norms and behavior, weather events, etc. Dig deep! (Use our textbook and lecture notes to help with context!): (1-3 sentences)
Who cares? Why is this document important? Does this address nation building or citizenship? If so, how?: (1-3 sentences)