Application of theory

Choose ONE theory from various theories discussed in the class (i.e., Cognitive Development

Theory, Attachment Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory, Ecological Systems
Theory, and Social Learning Theory) that guide you to understand the person and the person’s
problem (developmental, psychological, behavioral, or relational problems; one problem may co-
occur with other problems). The paper must include:
a. Cover page
b. Abstract
c. The Theory: The main assumptions, Key Concepts, Strengths, and Weaknesses
: Discuss the main assumptions, key concepts, strengths, and weaknesses of the theory you
d. An Application of the Theory to the Case
: Discuss how the theory you chose explains the particular problems experienced by the person.
e. Usefulness and Challenges in Applying the Theory to the Case
: Discuss usefulness as well as challenges in applying the theory to the case.
f. Conclusion and the Alternative Theory
: Conclude your paper and suggest an alternative theory that helps further explain the person and
problem. Then, briefly describe why you think the alternative theory would be useful.
– *** See Paper Format & Grading Rubric
– For this paper, you must have at least of 8 references, 6 of which must be peer-reviewed
journal articles.
***If you read Nail (2017)’s article and used Deleuze and Guattari’s work cited in the Nail’s
article, in the text, you need to write, Deleuze and Guattari (2010) mentioned …….. (as cited
in Nail, 2017). Then, only the Nail (2017)’s work appears in the reference list. Do not list
Deleuze and Guattari’s work. It is counted as one reference, rather than two references.
– Your completed assignment should follow APA format (7th ed.) and be 8 ~ 9 pages in length.
The cover, abstract, and reference pages are not included in the 8 ~ 9 pages length
a. Age: 33
b. Gender: Female
c. Marital Status: Single, Never Married
d. Number of Children (include age and gender):
1 child, 6 year old boy
e. Highest grade completed: Some College
f. Occupation: Receptionist
g. Race, ethnic background: African American
h. Religion: Baptist
i. Referral source (if any): Primary physician
a. Nature of client’s problem: Client reports a lack of energy and emotional
outburst at work. Also, she reports symptoms and behaviors related to depression
and anxiety.
b. Client’s perception of the problem (Why do they think they are here?): Client
states that she is here to appease her doctor so he will prescribe her medication to
help “calm her nerves.”
c. History of the problem (How did the problem begin? When? Under what
circumstances ; How has the problem changed since it first began? When has it
been better or worse? ; How often does the problem occur now?; Where and
when does the problem occur now?) Client reports that she has had emotional
Page 2
outbursts since she was a teenager in high school. She states that she had these
outbursts at least two or three times a week. She remembers struggling
academically, being sent to the principal’s office frequently for her behavior, and
getting by bullied by her peers. Her emotional outbursts have become more
frequent and severe. She states that it happens almost daily now and happens
during social situations (at work and at home.)
a. Where does the client live? Client lives in a house, owned.
b. Who does the client live with? She lives with her two parents and her child.
c. Any issues between client and each person in the household? : Client reports
tension between her and her parents due to her still living in their home. She also
reports feeling guilty about getting frustrated and yelling at her son.
a. Current Medications: Losartan, Farxiga, and Vyvanse
b. Medical History (List any current medical conditions that require medical care.
List any previous conditions that required long term or recurring medical care or
resulted in significant life stressor): Diabetes, High blood pressure, and ADHD
Page 3
IF Yes, complete the section below
a. Diagnosis/Problem: ADHD
b. When: 2 years ago
c. Where: Wesley Behavioral
d. Who treated: Primary physical
e. How long: 2 years
f. Hospitalizations (where/when): none
IF Yes, complete the section below
a. Drug of Choice: marijuana
b. How long used: Used for 6 months, former marijuana smoker
c. How often: 2x a week
d. AA/NA Involvement (indicate previous or current)? Yes No
e. OP Treatment(who provided and when): Yes No
f. Hospitalizations (where/when): None
VII. EMPLOMENT HISTORY (If the person is a child or has never been employed,
insert NA)
a. Most recent job: Receptionist
 How long: 2 years Reason for leaving: Current Position
b. Previous job: Front Desk at hotel
 How long: 6 months Reason for leaving: Fired for attitude
c. Previous job: Cashier
Page 4
 How long:4 years Reason for leaving: Better pay
VIII. FAMILY HISTORY: List any significant family history (Grandparents, Parents,
Siblings) including medical, psychiatric and substance abuse information.
Mother suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, and bipolar.
Father has diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney failure.
No siblings. No sSubstance abuse was not present in either parent.
Client states she struggles coparenting with her child’s father and being able to afford
living to live independently from her parents.
X. RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Client’s current and significant past social supports,
family supports, significant relationships, religious and spiritual supports/affiliations
She receives financial support from her parents who whom she lives with. They also help
her with raising her child. She states that she has had two significant romantic
relationships, but both have ended on bad terms. She is currently single. She does attend
church and receives spiritual guidance from her Baptist preacher.
XI. ASSESSMENT OF PROBLEM: Present client’s problems, discussing risk factors
and conditions that contribute to the onset, development, or continuation of the
problems (including the client’s his bio/psycho/social aspects; Social and physical
environment factors). Around 250-300 words.
Page 5
The client is a 33-year-old African American woman with a child. Client has been
struggling with anxiety and depression. These problems have been exacerbated by the
ADHD that has only been treated for the past two years. She is experiencing a lack of
energy and increased sadness. She struggles to function at work and maintain
relationships with others. She has emotional outbursts at home and the workplace
frequently. She is not able to afford to live independently, so she lives with her parents.
Although her parents help with raising her child and support her financially, there is
tension between her and her parents. She is also experiencing additional stressors due to
living in her parents and coparenting with her ex-boyfriend. She does have high blood
pressure and diabetes. The anxiety and stress are causing an increase in her medical
medications and disrupting her management of diabetes. She is struggling to socialize at
work and at home.
Of particular concern is the presence of depressive and anxiety symptoms, further
psychological/psychiatric assessment is needed to gather more accurate and objective
information necessary to understand her symptoms and behaviors. Since she suffers from
both a chronic health condition (diabetes and high blood pressure) and mental health
problems, a treatment that integrates behavioral and mental health into diabetes care would be recommended. In addition, family counseling, stress management, financial
aid, parenting education/support, etc.

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