Assignment 1, Discussion 12

Assignment 1, Discussion 12

Broadly defined, social validity concerns the appropriateness and acceptability of ABA interventions as both process and outcome measures (Kazdin, 1977; Wolf, 1978). Such assessment enables practitioners to select reasonable intervention-targeted criteria. Social validity is useful in determining if changes that we as practitioners produce in behavior are acceptable and efficient for our clients and those that interact with them.  How do we ensure social validity during the CBC model? What things should we as practitioners should be mindful of? What are some ways we can foster the relationship between parent and teacher on social validity and behavior outcomes?


The Conjoint Behavioral Consultation model stresses on the criticality of integrating
social validity throughout the intervention process. Practitioner can ensure they are
considering social validity during the CBC model by employing a few strategies. Among
these strategies include joining all crucial stakeholders in the intervention process, including
parents, teachers, and clients. This type of collaboration plays an essential role in ensuring
that everyone’s point of views, values, and objectives are considered, resulting in the
enhancement of intervention’s social validity and client’s outcomes. This is consistent with
Colton & Sheridan (1998) research that noted positive changes in delivering social skills
intervention based on CBC between parents and teachers. Another strategy to ensure social
validity during CBC model is focusing on outcomes that are relevant to stakeholders. For
instance, if the objective of the intervention is to improve a child with autism spectrum
disorder communication skills, the practitioner should measure improvements in the client’s
ability to communicate in real-life scenarios, especially those relevant to the child and their
There are few things that practitioners should be mindful when ensuring social
validity in the CBC model. For instance, they should have an understanding of the cultural
and diversity factors that influence social validity of intervention. Among these factors
include distinct cultural and racial backgrounds of clients. Interventions should be tailored
bases on these factors. Besides, practitioners should be mindful of their ethical and moral
values. Precisely, they should ensure interventions align with professional ethics and values
associated with behavior analysis field. They should also ensure they base their decisions on
data and that the interventions they recommend are evidence-based, and this will enhance
social validity (Chapter 6).

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