Because you can gain a lot by interviewing the people involved in implementing farm and food policies, you are assigned to meet with a number of individuals to discuss the topics presented in your material.
Because you can gain a lot by interviewing the people involved in implementing farm and food policies, you are assigned to meet with a number of individuals to discuss the topics presented in your material. Not only will this get you “away from the computer,” it will also help to get you acquainted with agencies/personnel that deal with agricultural and food policies everyday in your own community.
Your assignment is to meet and interview with someone involved in agricultural policy in your community. This could be a lawmaker, representative, extension agent, farm service agency employee, university professor, community college instructor, high school FFA advisor, rancher, farmer, etc…. The list is abundant. You will need to make your own appointments, allowing enough time to then write a synopsis of your discussion for submission by the due date.
There are discussion boards during the week in which these topics are introduced. Use these discussion boards to help each other brainstorm what questions / topics / issues to discuss at each of these interviews.
What I am expecting in the report is: description of the organization or how that person is involved in agricultural policy, the policies they are most involved in and how (explain the programs); the answers to your interview questions and your thoughtful analysis of those answers; description of how this organization directly and/or indirectly impacts you and your community.
Use a normal, 12-point, black font, double-spaced with 1″ page margins and present a minimum of 3 pages. No cover page is necessary.