The documentary The Pruitt-Ioge Myth presents a look at government housing in the United States.

The Pruitt-Igoe Myth Full Video (01:23:01)

Short Response 2: The documentary The Pruitt-Ioge Myth presents a look at government housing in the United States.  After watching the documentary, choose one scene that could be analyzed with any of the Chicago School Theories.  After using the theories to analyze, answer the question, what role did government play in the creation of the problems that existed in the projects in the United States?

The response should be no less than 500 words in length and must reference specific parts of
the documentaries as support for your analysis.  Failure to meet these requirements will result in a “0”.

The Pruitt-Igoe Myth Full Video

The Pruitt-Igoe Myth Full Video (01:23:01)

Short Response 2: The documentary The Pruitt-Ioge Myth presents a look at government housing in the United States.  After watching the documentary, choose one scene that could be analyzed with any of the Chicago School Theories.  After using the theories to analyze, answer the question, what role did government play in the creation of the problems that existed in the projects in the United States?

The response should be no less than 500 words in length and must reference specific parts of
the documentaries as support for your analysis.  Failure to meet these requirements will result in a “0”.

Running Head: COURSE PROJECT 2

Running Head: COURSE PROJECT 2



Topic Selection

· State the topic chosen from the list or approved by the instructor

The topic I selected is capital punishment. The use of this form of punishment as a penalty for a crime is a constant debate topic. Bearing in mind that there are many reasons people commit crimes, for instance, it is a means of survival because of the conditions impoverished or one’s mental deviance reflection. Moreover, social act performance, which violates society’s law, is crime commitment, ranging from crimes like stealing milk packet to murder cases.

· State the specific issue you will explore

Should capital punishment be legal?

· For the stated issue, state three (3) aspects of the issue that you think will likely develop in your paper. Briefly state why you have chosen each aspect.

1. Effects on society. What actions does the court take after using capital punishment as a penalty for crime?

· This aspect will support my work since those who dig more profoundly on the legalization of the punishment focus on the causes leaving behind effects.

2. Human right. Why should one be denied due to life?

· I selected this aspect because concerning the human rights theory, everyone has a right to live, and the government, not the law, shouldn’t deny them.

3. Religion. Does religion support the legalization of capital punishment for criminals?

· I selected this aspect because the Islamic countries practice the sharia law that supports capital punishment. In the Bible, Genesis 9:6 stipulates, “Whoever sheds blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed,” hence a critical point.

Reading and Understanding Scholarly Literature 

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: review Chapter 6
  • Lesson
  • Link (website): Reading and Understanding Scholarly Literature (Links to an external site.)
  • Link (Word doc): Source Evaluation WorksheetPreview the document (Download and save doc as “[your name] Annotated Bibliography”)
  • Minimum of 5 scholarly sources (You may include sources you developed in Week 3 if they meet scholarly criteria).

You have arrived at the third part of the Course Project. By this week, you should have collected the sources that you need to support, with relevant evidence, the position you have taken on the issue you chose, and the three aspects of the issue you will write about. This week you will submit a thesis statement and an annotated bibliography of at least five sources that you will use in your paper.


This week, submit the following:

  • A thesis statement stating your opinion/conclusion on the issue, the supporting points you will offer and at least one relevant opposing view you will address.
  • An annotated bibliography with evaluation of at least five (5) sources you intend to use in your final paper to support your claim.
    • These are sources that provide evidence to support that your claim should be accepted by the reader.
    • Scholarly sources are preferred and should be used where available; due to the nature of some of the topics, authoritative articles in very high quality substantive journals may also be acceptable.

Use the Source Evaluation Worksheet to determine the following:

  • If your source is current
    • If it is not current, explain why you think it is acceptable.
  • If your source is crediblereliable, and authoritative
  • How well your source supports your thesis
    • If the annotation does not make this obvious, explain to your instructor how you will use it.
  • If your support is popular
    • If it is, explain to your instructor why you think it is acceptable.


Facione, P. A., & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Think critically (3rd ed.). Pearson.

Prepare a citation, annotation, and evaluation for each source.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 100-150 words per source for Part 1; 50-80 words per source for Part 2 (not including title page or references page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page
  • References page

Literature Analysis Instructions

CJUS 550

Literature Analysis Instructions

The student will write a 10–12-page Literature Analysis on specific problem in criminal justice. It should not be a descriptive paper but one that critically examines the problems and the competing solutions. The student should make an argument if need be. The paper must utilize at least 12 significant, scholarly resources that are significant to the topic (current, relevant, credible, and each carries its weight) with a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources. The paper must properly follow current APA style. Detailed instructions can be found in Blackboard. If a student is struggling with current APA format, he/she may refer to the Additional Information folder for help.Organize and format your paper according to APA style. If you need more help understanding how to analyze scholastic literature consult the corresponding section in your APA manual. Your paper will be due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 7.

Include the following elements in your paper:

· Title page including a running head

· Abstract and key words

· Body

The body of the paper consists of all of the questions a person would ask if you mentioned the hypothesis to them. What is it I am researching? What is the current problem? What is the solution? What do my critics say about the problem and my solution? What does the literature say about the problem and my solution? What gaps in the literature will my solution address? If successful, what are the implications of my research? And a conclusion. Conclusion (Make sure you reflect back upon your thesis statement and make adjustments as needed.)

· References

Review the Literature Analysis Rubric to see how this assignment will be evaluated.



Ontology Cosmology Eschatology Axiology Praxeology Epistemology

Building Established Established Building Established Established

63 71 70 64 73 71

For each of the six worldview categories above you will see an indicator of ESTABLISHED (showing a higher degree of

alignment), BUILDING (a medium degree of alignment), or DEVELOPING (a lower degree of alignment).



ABOUT THIS REPORT This graphic represents your score in each of the constructs identified as most directly related to the foundations of a Biblical worldview.

Each of these areas is necessary for an individual to have a fully-developed worldview.

Keep in mind, this is not a measure of your spirituality or behavior. However, it does show whether what you believe to be true, or not true,

is consistent with the truths presented in the Bible. Lower scores show less alignment and higher scores show higher alignment. This

assessment is also not an indication of salvation, but is a measurement of whether what you believe to be true is consistent with the

historically accepted interpretation of the Bible. Let’s take a closer look at your score and some suggestions for further study and reflection.

Assessment Taken on Oct. 30, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Kendall Hunt Publishing 1



Ontology Ontology is primarily concerned with the nature of reality and is typified by the question ‘what is?’ Different ontological

approaches look at how we understand the physical and social world, and its nature. Are there multiple realities and what

are my assumptions about them? Or how can I know something exists? This area of study helps us to ask the questions

related to our understanding of the world and realism and idealism.

Your score indicates a medium level of alignment with the construct of Ontology, or how we understand reality, in a Biblical

worldview. This means that when asked questions about the nature of the world and what we can know about it, your

beliefs are moderately consistent with what is historically recognized as Biblical.

You might be asking, ‘What are some of the Scriptural references in this area of what is real? (Ontology)?’ Look no further.

Below is a list of specific verses foundational to studying Ontology from a Biblical standpoint:

Genesis 3:6, 17

Romans 2:15

Romans 3

Romans 5:12-19

2 Corinthians 5:19-21

Romans 10:13-17


The nature of reality, and how we can know what is real is a very challenging philosophical concept to understand. However,

for any worldview to be viable, it must be able to address this questions of existence and reality. Each of us operates with a

set of beliefs about reality that guide our actions, even if we don’t realize that they are there and even if we can’t articulate

them. For example, we operate our daily lives with the belief that what we are experiencing is real, and not just a figment of

our imagination or a dream. Is that a conscious decision that we make, to choose to believe that? Did we decide to believe

that after looking at all the evidence? Likely, we just assume that what we are experiencing is reality, and this reflects a part

of our worldview. The Bible provides us with an understanding of why we operate in such a way. As we see in the verses

mentioned above, such as Romans 2:15, we have an understanding about reality and how the world operates that is “written

on our hearts.” The Bible provides an explanation for the assumptions that we have about the world in which we operate.

Assessment Taken on Oct. 30, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Kendall Hunt Publishing 2



Cosmology Cosmology is primarily concerned with how things originated. This is both scientific and non-scientific. This area deals with

beliefs about the beginnings of the universe and creation of humanity. How did we come to exist and why? Are there likely

alternatives for the origin of the universe and humanity? This area of study helps us to ask the questions related to the

process of how things began.

Your score indicates a high level of alignment with the construct of Cosmology, or the study of origins, in a Biblical

worldview. This means that when asked questions about how the Universe came into existence, or why is the world is the

way that it is, your beliefs are significantly consistent with what is historically recognized as Biblical.

You might be asking, ‘What are some of the Scriptural references in this area of where did everything come from?

(Cosmology)?’ Look no further. Below is a list of specific verses foundational to studying Cosmology from a Biblical


I Timothy 1:17

Genesis 1:1-31

Genesis 1:26

Genesis 3:6-8

Romans 5:12-19

John 1:2-3


Cosmology is related to answering the questions related to origins, and “why is there something instead of nothing?” How

that question is answered is based on the worldview of the individual. Again, we live with a belief about this question, even if

we haven’t articulated it. Do we live as if the universe was created by alien masters who formed us using complicated

machinery and who will return again someday? Probably not, but if we believed that, it would affect how we lived, right? Ask

yourself, what do I believe about the origin of the universe, and am I living a life that is truly consistent with that belief? If the

universe began as a collection of material and energy with no moral value or ultimate purpose to existence, from what am I

finding my own purpose? If the universe was not established with a purpose, how can I establish a purpose for myself, and

why do I even desire a purpose? The Bible teaches us that the universe was created by God, with a purpose, and that we

are a part of that purpose. This gives meaning to the existence of the universe and to us.

Assessment Taken on Oct. 30, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Kendall Hunt Publishing 3



Eschatology Eschatology is primarily concerned with having a belief regarding where the universe in general, and humanity specifically,

are headed. Are we moving toward a greater level of goodness, or are we headed for lower and lower levels of depravity?

Are there multiple futures or is there one pre-determined future? This area of study helps us to ask the questions related to

the potential future outcomes of our actions.

Your score indicates a high level of alignment with the construct of Eschatology, or prediction of the future, in a Biblical

worldview. This means that when asked questions about the future or how you determine where humanity is headed, your

beliefs are significantly consistent with what is historically recognized as Biblical.

You might be asking, ‘What are some of the Scriptural references in this area of where are we going? (Eschatology)?’ Look

no further. Below is a list of specific verses foundational to studying eschatology from a Biblical standpoint:

Acts 17.31

2 Corinthians 5:10

Romans 4:10-12

Matthew 25:31-46

Revelation 21:27

John 5:25-29

Hebrews 12:23


When it comes to eschatology, the practical question that we all have to ask ourselves is, what can I know about the future

that will allow me to make better decisions about the present? This question has a real effect on our present situation. If we

are going toward a meaningless and chaotic future, then we lose the ability to see how our decisions now make any

difference. If everything is moving towards nothingness, then why worry about anything but temporary and immediate


When we save money or engage in self-sacrifice for the benefit of others, we are envisioning a future that has meaning, and

where our decisions make a difference. What the Bible teaches us is that not only do our actions have meaning in the future

of our life here on earth, but they will have ramifications for eternity. This gives weight and meaning to our everyday

decisions, that helps us to understand that there is more beyond what we currently see and know. While the Bible does use

some imagery in the book of Revelation that makes for challenging interpretive issues, that is not all that the Bible has to say

about the future of humanity. The Bible teaches us that our decisions here, during our time on earth, have eternal

consequences, and that should give us hope, but also opportunity for

Assessment Taken on Oct. 30, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Kendall Hunt Publishing 4



Axiology Axiology is primarily concerned with good and evil. The answer, or designation of what you perceive to be good and what

you perceive to evil, gives you direction and purpose, providing the foundation to determine how you should live. How you

determine what is valuable to you relies on your understanding of good. This area of study helps us to ask the questions

related to what is preferable or desirable.

Your score indicates a medium level of alignment with the construct of Axiology, or how we determine what is good and

what is evil, in a Biblical worldview. This means that when asked questions about the value of good or evil or how you

determine where humanity is headed, your beliefs are moderately consistent with what is historically recognized as Biblical.

You might be asking, ‘What are some of the Scriptural references in this area of determining what is good and what is evil?

(Axiology)?’ Look no further. Below is a list of specific verses foundational to studying Axiology from a Biblical standpoint:

2 Timothy 3:15-16

1 Thessalonians 2:13

Psalm 145:17

Deuteronomy 30:19

Romans 8:7-8

Romans 7:14-25


Axiology is the study of how we can know what is good, and what is evil. How do we separate those things that we believe to

be good for ourselves and others, and how do we define what is undesirable or evil. Is there even a true and objective good

and evil? The Biblical manner of understanding this is that God is the source of goodness, and that disobedience or rebellion

against God is evil. We are to seek out that which is of God, and we are to avoid those things that are not consistent with His

nature or the truth He has given us. We can know good and evil through a couple of different means. God has given us a

natural law that is “written on our hearts”, a “general revelation” of Him and His will. He has also given us the Bible, which He

provided to us through holy men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit, this falls under a “special revelation”, and allows us to

understand the specifics about God and Christ. These revelations work together to help us know good and evil.

Assessment Taken on Oct. 30, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Kendall Hunt Publishing 5



Praxeology Praxeology is primarily concerned with how we should act and what is guiding our actions. The practical-ness of this area

of study helps us implement plans of action, (based on our values), that answer practical problems we are facing. What are

the guidelines I use to determine what I should do in a given moment? This is where you see the application of your

preferences and choices. This area is concerned with solving problems in a practical way, based on the already chosen


Your score indicates a high level of alignment with the construct of Praxeology, or theory of action, in a Biblical worldview.

This means that when asked questions about how humanity should act, or solve problems, your beliefs are significantly

consistent with what is historically recognized as Biblical.

You might be asking, ‘What are some of the Scriptural references in this area of how should we act? (Praxeology)?’ Look

no further. Below is a list of specific verses foundational to studying Praxeology from a Biblical standpoint:

Exodus 20

1 John 2:3, 5

Colossians 3:15-17

Deuteronomy 10:4

Matt 22:37-40

Romans 2:14-15

1 John 1:1, 14


Praxeology is a worthy addition to worldview, as it is a study of the way we take the larger values of axiology and give them

practical application. It helps to answer the question of how we should act, now that we have determined what is good and

what is evil via our axiology? How do we put together a plan of action for our lives that will help us to move forward and be

successful in the framework of the values we have been given. Praxeology is important for a cohesive worldview, as it takes

the worldview out of the realm of philosophy and provides concrete action for our lives. For the Biblical worldview, it is in this

construct that we see some of the specifics for how we can direct our lives, such as the 10 commandments. These are

specific guidelines for how we are to move forward and act in our lives. We can also see the Biblical mandates in the New

Testament regarding how we are to treat our neighbor as well as spread the Gospel.

Assessment Taken on Oct. 30, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Kendall Hunt Publishing 6



Epistemology Epistemology is a difficult construct to understand… philosophers have been debating if we can know and how we can

know since Socrates and Theaetetus debated it somewhere around 370BC. And that’s just the earliest argument we know

about. The interesting thing about epistemology, and what has contributed to the debate, is that it is inherently grounded in

faith. There is no way to prove the validity of our own logic and reason, we must simply believe and assume them to be true

in order to move forward in understanding the world around us.

Your score indicates a high level of alignment with the construct of Knowledge in a Biblical worldview. This means that

when asked questions about the source of knowledge or how you determine what is or isn’t true, your beliefs are

significantly consistent with what is historically recognized as Biblical.

You might be asking, ‘What are some of the Scriptural references in this area of Knowledge (epistemology)?’ Look no

further. Below is a list of specific verses foundational to studying epistemology from a Biblical standpoint:

Psalms 92

Psalm 90:2

Isaiah 45:5-6

Ephesians 1:11

Romans 11:36

Exodus 34:6-7


Epistemology is similar to Ontology, in that it is concerned with how we know what we know, and the method we use to

obtain further knowledge. We believe that our use of logic and reason is valid, but how can we prove that logic is objectively

valid, meaning that it accurately reflects objective truth? If we tried to use logic to support our belief in logic, that is circular.

We can’t prove logic is objectively true, so we assume it to be true and use it to formulate a system of understanding about

our lives. However, we have to look at that assumption carefully. Logic assumes an order to the universe, and that there is a

system in place that we can use to guide further understanding of our world. However, is it safe to assume that the universe

is ordered, and can each worldview account for that order? If the universe is a result of a chaotic beginning, can order come

from chaos? How would that be possible? Simply saying that the universe is ordered may explain what IS true, but it doesn’t

account for WHY it is true. The Bible puts forth the belief that our universe is ordered by an orderly, sovereign, creator, and

that creator has given us the tools to increase our understanding of the world.

Assessment Taken on Oct. 30, 2020

Copyright © 2020 Kendall Hunt Publishing 7


  • Your Report
    • Overview
    • Ontology
    • Cosmology
    • Eschatology
    • Axiology
    • Praxeology
    • Epistemology

Literature Analysis on a specific problems in criminal justice.

The student will write a 10–12-page Literature Analysis on a specific problems in criminal justice. It should not be a descriptive paper but one that critically examines the problems and the competing solutions. The student should make an argument if need be. The paper must utilize at least 12 significant, scholarly resources that are significant to the topic (current, relevant, credible, and each carries its weight) with a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources.

**I attached my previous papers that needs to be combined as one

As societal-norms evolve, a variety of popular entertainment media

As societal-norms evolve, a variety of popular entertainment media (books, movies, TV shows, etc.) feature stories of characters who are a part of traditional and non-traditional family or relationship structures. Examples include but are not limited to: traditional families, cohabitation, single-parent households, blended families, same-sex couples, and grandparents as the primary care-givers for their grandchildren.

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

  1. Describe a book, movie, or TV show that you are familiar with which features characters in families or personal relationships.
  2. Select at least two families/relationships from your chosen story and explain the relationship characteristics and dynamics between individuals.
  3. Apply terminology presented within the module when analyzing the relationships. Be sure to include APA citations for any resources you used as references.

CLO: Apply critical thinking to make and defend business decisions (LO 2.4)

CLO: Apply critical thinking to make and defend business decisions (LO 2.4)

CLO: Ability to rise to ethical issues and challenges in the context of public management (LO3.3)

Write an essay in about 1000-1200 words on the following topic.

Provide a statement explaining your own personal code of ethics. Include at least 4 codes in your answer with enough explanation and examples. Refer to concepts learned in class or in the textbook and link them to your justification.

In addition, discuss whether personal code of ethics could clash with organizational ethics. Some people believe, that personal ethics and organization’s ethics are two different and unrelated concepts. Others, believe that personal ethics should be applied to organization’s ethics. Is it possible that our personal beliefs and ethics are applicable to our work? Discuss.

Important: You are required to present at least three scholarly journals to support your answers

Using only the three excerpts attached from 19th century travelers’ accounts of particular regions of Northeast and West Africa,

Using only the three excerpts attached from 19th century travelers’ accounts of particular regions of Northeast and West Africa, construct an argument supporting, opposing, or revising John Iliffe’s view that Africa’s ancient rocks, poor soils, fickle rainfall, abundant insects, and unique prevalence of disease produced an environment hostile to agriculture and populations that were short lived and sparse.

The aim of this assignment is to enable you to construct in your own words a very succinct account of the complex ways in which women, men and children produced and traded in a wide range of agricultural and manufactured products in 19th century Africa, and to be able to do so on the basis of a close reading of texts written by three people close in age at the time of their travels to what you are now, i.e. their late teens and 20s.

Only use the short excerpts from the texts linked to this assignment. Make sure you use material (citations, quotes) from ALL three.

Please footnote quotes and other direct citations from the excerpts, and include a separate bibliography listing your three sources with full publication details (you will find these on the title page of each except) according to Chicago Style (a description of that system, widely used by scholars in the humanities and social sciences) is attached.