As a health care manager, you are responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of new technologies.

As a health care manager, you are responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of new technologies.

Reflect on the weekly assignments completed throughout the course regarding the selection, integration, and implementation of new technology.

Write a 800- to 1,050-word paper in which you:

  • Examine strategies to evaluate the effectiveness of the new technology and system. Answer the following questions:
  • How can you determine if it is the right technology to use?
  • How can you determine if it integrates well with existing technology?
  • How can you determine if the system is intuitive or easy to use for the users?
  • How can you determine the cost and benefits of the technology and system?
  • Explain your role and responsibilities as a manager in the evaluation of technology in health care.
  • Identify data sources used to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented technology.

Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed or similar references to support your paper.





Patient must be 35 years or older

Must follow HIPPA guidelines

Interview must be completed in person




Name (Initials): Age: Gender: Marital Status:

Date of Birth: Birthplace:

Address (City/State only)


Religion/Culture: None is NOT an answer!


Insurance Coverage: Only need to know if they have health insurance – do not need policy name or number

Source of Information AND Reliability: ex: Patient and appears to be reliable



Reason for Seeking Care: (“In quotes”) (2 points)


“I am helping (insert your name here) with their school project”



Present Health: (chronological account of one priority health issue) (3 points)

(This section will be how you address the ANALYSIS OF DATA on page 6)


Do this section last!

Chronological account – give a thorough history (like an OLDCART)



PAST HISTORY (10 points) Childhood Diseases (age; measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, pertussis, strep throat, rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, poliomyelitis)


Ex: Measles early childhood (or their age, if they remember)

Denies all other diseases listed



Immunization Dates (influenza, pneumococcal, shingles; date of last tetanus; and date and results of last TB test)


If patient cannot recall the date, they can just provide an approximate date/age. For example: Patient states that they received their TB test within the last 5 years but cannot recall the exact date. Patient states that it was negative.



Accidents or Injuries (year; auto accidents, fractures, penetrating wounds, head trauma-especially if associated with unconsciousness, burns; complications)





Serious or Chronic Illnesses (asthma, depression, diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, HIV infection, hepatitis, sickle-cell anemia, cancer, seizure disorder; year of diagnosis)




Hospitalizations (year; cause, name of hospital, doctor, how the condition was treated, how long the person recovered)






Surgeries (year; type of surgery, date, name of surgeon, name of hospital, how person recovered)


If Surgery required an overnight stay in the hospital, then copy this in the hospital section as well. If the surgery was done as an outpatient procedure, then state that here only.




Last Examination Date (physical, dental, vision, hearing, ECG, chest x-ray, mammogram, colonoscopy, serum cholesterol)





Allergies (allergan and reaction)

(This can be food, medication and/or seasonal allergies)




Current Medications (prescription and OTC; name, dose, schedule)





FAMILY HISTORY (coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, obesity, blood disorders, breast/ovarian cancer, colon cancer, sickle-cell anemia, arthritis, allergies, alcohol or drug addiction, mental illness, suicide, seizure disorder, kidney disease, TB) (6 points)


List all family members here, along with whatever diseases they have. Then state that they deny all other diseases listed (for those diseases not in the family history).

This information should be what you transfer onto your Genogram.

Mother; HTN

Father DM

Paternal GPa COD: stroke; history of CAD

Denies all other diseases listed.


Genogram (3 generations to include parents and grandparents) – May complete on a separate page




Instructions: Highlight the symptom if present, then complete analysis for each symptom using OLDCART: (O = Onset, L = Location, D = Duration, C = Characteristics, A = Aggravating Factors, R = Relieving Factors, T = Treatment). EACH SYSTEM MUST BE ADDRESSED.



General Overall Health Status: Weight gain or loss, fatigue weakness or malaise, fever, chills, sweats or night sweats.



Skin: History of skin disease (eczema, psoriasis, hives), pigment or color change, change in a mole, excessive dryness or moisture, pruritus, excessive bruising, rash, or lesion.


Patient has noticed a recent change in a mole, but denies all other diseases listed:

O: Started 3 weeks ago

L: on their right shoulder

D: It has been consistently growing larger, with occasional bleeding.

C: Experiences tenderness when applying any pressure to the site.

A: Nothing that appears to aggravate this condition

R: Nothing appears to relieve this condition.

T: Has not used any medications on this site.


Health Promotion: Amount of sun exposure; method of self-care for skin.


Patient states that they get an average of 8-10 hours in the sun during the Summer, during life-guarding season. Patient states that they apply sunscreen at the beginning of the day but will occasionally not take time to re-apply sunscreen later in the day. Patient states that they shower once/day and applies lotion after bathing.


Hair: Recent loss, change in texture. Nails: change in shape, color, or brittleness.


Health Promotion: Method of self-care for hair and nails.


Head: Any unusual frequent or severe headache, any head injury, dizziness (syncope) or vertigo.


Eyes: Difficulty with vision (decreased acuity, blurring, blind spots), eye pain, diplopia (double vision), redness or swelling, watering or discharge, glaucoma or cataracts.


Health Promotion: Wears glasses or contacts; last vision check or glaucoma test; and how coping with loss of vision if any.


Ears: Earaches, infections, discharge and its characteristics, tinnitus or vertigo.


Health Promotion: Hearing loss, hearing aid use, how loss affects the daily life, any exposure to environmental noise, and method of cleaning ears.


Nose and Sinuses: Discharge and its characteristics, any unusually frequent or severe colds, sinus pain, nasal obstruction, nosebleeds, allergies or hay fever, or change in sense of smell.


Mouth and Throat: Mouth pain, frequent sore throat, bleeding gums, toothache, lesion in mouth or tongue, dysphagia, hoarseness or voice change, tonsillectomy, altered taste.


Health Promotion: Pattern of daily dental care, use of dentures, bridge, and last dental checkup.


Neck: Pain, limitation of motion, lumps or swelling, enlarged or tender nodes, goiter.


Respiratory System: History of lung diseases (asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis), chest pain with breathing, wheezing or noisy breathing, shortness of breath, how much activity produces shortness of breath, cough, sputum (color, amount), hemoptysis, toxin or pollution exposure.


Health Promotion: Last chest x-ray study, TB skin test.


Cardiovascular System: Precordial or retrosternal pain, palpitation, cyanosis, dyspnea on exertion (specify amount of exertion [e.g., walking one flight of stairs, walking from chair to bath, or just talking]), orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, nocturia, edema, history of heart murmur, hypertension, coronary artery disease, anemia.


Health Promotion: Date of last ECG or other heart tests, cholesterol screening.


Hematologic System: Bleeding tendency of skin or mucous membranes, excessive bruising, lymph node swelling.


Endocrine System: history of thyroid disease, intolerance to heat and cold, change in skin pigmentation or texture, excessive sweating, relationship between appetite and weight, diabetes, abnormal hair distribution.



FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT (Including Activities of Daily Living) (15 points)

Self-Esteem/Self-Concept: Education (last grade completed, other significant training), financial status (income adequate for lifestyle and/or health concerns), value-belief system (religious practices and perception of personal strengths).


Activity/Exercise: Note ability to perform ADLs: independent or needs assistance with feeding, bathing, hygiene, dressing, toileting, bed-to-chair transfer, walking, standing, or climbing stairs. Any use of wheelchair, prostheses, or mobility aids?

Record leisure activities enjoyed and the exercise pattern (type, amount per day or week, method of warm-up session, method of monitoring the body’s response to exercise).


Sleep/Rest: Sleep patterns, daytime naps, any sleep aids used.


Interpersonal Relationships/Resources: Social roles: “How would you say you get along with family, friends, and co-workers?”


Spiritual Resources: Faith : “Does religious faith or spirituality play an important part in your life? Yes/No Do you consider yourself to be a religious or spiritual person?” Yes/No Influence : “How does your religious faith or spirituality influence the way you think about your health or the way you care for yourself?” Their answer here. Community : “Are you a part of any religious or spiritual community or congregation?” Yes/No Address : “Would you like me to address any religious or spiritual issues or concerns with you?” Their answer here.


Coping and Stress Management: Kinds of stresses if life, especially in the past year, any change in lifestyle or any current stress, methods tried to relieve stress, and whether these have been helpful.


Personal Habits: Tobacco, “Do you smoke cigarettes (pipe, use chewing tobacco)?” “At what age did you start?” “How many packs do you smoke per day?” “How many years have you smoked?” Record the number of packs smoked per day (PPD) and duration (e.g., 1 PPD x 5 years). Then ask, “Have you ever tried to quit?” and “How did it go?” to introduce plans about smoking cessation.


Alcohol: Ask whether the person drinks alcohol. If yes, ask specific questions about the amount and frequency of alcohol use: “When was your last drink of alcohol?” “How much did you drink that time?” “Out of the past 30 days, about how many days would you say that you drank alcohol?” “Has anyone ever said you had a drinking problem?” If the person answers “no” to drinking alcohol, ask the reason for his decision (psychosocial, legal, health). Any history of alcohol treatment? Involvement in recovery activities? History of family member with problem drinking?


Illicit or Street Drugs: Ask specifically about marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, amphetamines, heroin, pain killers like OxyContin or Vicodin, and barbiturates. Indicate frequency of use and how usage has affected work or family.


Environment/Occupational Hazards: Housing and neighborhood (living alone, knowledge of neighbors), safety of area, adequate heat and utilities, access to transportation, and involvement in community services. Note environmental health, including hazards in workplace (asbestos, inhalants, chemicals, or repetitive motion). Wear any protective equipment? Aware of any health problems now that may be related to work exposure? Geographic exposures including travel or residence in other countries, including time spent abroad during military service.






Review the collected subjective data and identify the PRIORTY body system for the client and state the rationale for selecting the system.

This section is directly related to you identified priority health issue that you identified on page 1 (Present Health: (chronological account of one priority health issue))


· Priority System:



· Rationale for Selecting this System:


List two (2) Teaching/Learning needs related to the PRIORITY system listed above.






REFLECTION (20 points and 4 points for APA) – Separate Document (2-3 pages, APA format – 7th edition – please refer to your resources for additional APA guidelines.)

First, reflect on your interaction with the interviewee holistically. Consider the interaction in its entirety: include the environment, your approach to the individual, time of day, and other features relevant to therapeutic communication and to the interview process (if needed, refer to your text for a description of therapeutic communication and of the interview process). Finally, be sure your reflection addresses EACH of these questions:



Address these in the order that they are written here – you can use a paragraph (or more) for each of these questions in your paper.



· How did you prepare yourself and the patient for the interview?

· Describe the environment in which the interview took place.

· Describe the therapeutic communication techniques utilized during the interview.

· What barriers to communication did you experience? How did you overcome them? What will you do to overcome them in the future?

· Were there unanticipated challenges to the interview?

· What went well?

· Was there information you wished you had obtained?

· How will you alter your approach next time?



Include a reference page with textbook citation.

Evaluating ethics and ethical committees is on the rise in the health care industry, and there is a new job title emerging: ethicist.

Evaluating ethics and ethical committees is on the rise in the health care industry, and there is a new job title emerging: ethicist. This role focuses on consulting leadership teams on policies and education to best approach future ethical issues.

Discuss the following questions:

  • What is a current biomedical ethics issue in health care that concerns you? Explain your answer.
  • Do you feel the biomedical ethics issue is being handled appropriately? Explain your answer.

Business Ethics Memo Template

HCS/335 v10

Business Ethics Memo Template

HCS/335 v10

Page 2 of 2


Business Ethics Memo Template

Use this template to write a 700- to 1,050-word memo to your selected organization’s corporate compliance officer. Begin your answer to each prompt on a new line.

Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment. Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, a textbook, or other sources of similar quality.

Format your references section and citations used in your memo according to APA guidelines.

Memo to: Locate the corporate compliance officer’s name from your selected organization’s website and provide it.

Memo from: Insert your name.

Re: Insert the organization’s name.

Date: Insert the date of the assignment submission.

Overview: Write an overview about what the memo is about.

1. Name and description of the organization

Provide the organization’s name and describe the organization and its role in health care.

2. Description of the organizational culture

After examining your organization, explain the corporate culture and what makes it easier or harder for the organization to be ethical.

3. Mission, code of ethics, and core values of the organization

After evaluating your organization, explain the corporate mission, code of ethics, and core values.

4. Leadership strategies to promote legal and ethical compliance

Look to the weekly readings and research to determine leadership strategies to promote legal and ethical compliance. An example could be directing employees to an employee handbook.

5. Legal and/or ethical issue

Select and explain one legal and/or ethical issue the organization has faced, such as lawsuits, sanctions, bad press, and corporate integrity agreements. Detail the issue, why it was unethical, how it was resolved, and whether the organization took responsibility for it.

6. Recommendations to strengthen legal and ethical compliance

Recommend at least 2 new initiatives, such as education, that the organization could implement to strengthen legal and ethical compliance. Detail how your recommendation will make the organization a more ethical company. This could come from your research of the organization’s current or past issues or outside research you may have found about effective compliance initiatives.


Copyright 2023 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2023 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


Healthcare finance

Healthcare finance is a complicated topic that involves multiple players and organizations all working together with one overarching goal in mind: the improvement of patient care. In this course, you learned about various organizational structures in healthcare and the purposes of financial reporting in healthcare. You also became familiar with the various types of health insurance and reimbursement in the United States, along with the current transition to value-based reimbursement.

For this assignment, imagine that you are a doctor at a mid-sized community clinic. Dr. Peterson, a doctor in your practice, suggests creating an accountable care organization (ACO) with other hospitals and healthcare providers to provide quality healthcare to Medicare patients. The other doctors in the practice are not too sure about this, mostly because they don’t understand what an ACO is and what function it serves. Since you are the most junior physician on the staff and just one year out of medical school, Dr. Peterson nominates you to write a memo to the other staff members that will address their concerns.

Your goal for this assignment is to draft a clear and concise memo of at least 1,000 words , addressed to the other doctors in your clinic, explaining the goals, objectives, and purposes of ACOs and why your clinic should consider forming one.

Assignment Specifics

Make sure that your memo includes the following elements:

  1. A clear definition of ACOs, including their objectives, purposes, and why they are necessary. This section should also include the history behind ACOs.
  2. Examples of other ACOs and how they have been successful. Make sure to use specific, concrete examples to analyze how specific ACOs have served their patients and community.
  3. Any potential challenges or disadvantages posed. Make sure to anticipate, address, and rebut any challenges or issues your clinic may face in forming an ACO.

Wrap up your memo with a few concise statements about why this is the best step for your clinic to take.

explain the effect of organizational ethics, culture, and values on compliance to evaluate business ethics.

s a risk manager, you have been assigned to an organizational committee that has been asked to evaluate the organization and make recommendations to the compliance officer on ways to strengthen legal and ethical compliance. Using a memo format, you explain the effect of organizational ethics, culture, and values on compliance to evaluate business ethics.

Preparing for the Assessment

In this assessment, you will prepare a memo. A memo template has been provided for you to use.

You will research organizations, not agencies, for this assessment. Remember that an organization is a company or business, such as a hospital, clinic, or insurance company. Whereas an agency is a part of the government at the federal, state, or local levels, such as the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), or a state health department.

Choose 1 of the following options to complete this assignment:

  • Verizon Healthcare IT Solutions
  • United Healthcare
  • Tuskegee University Hospital
  • Stryker Corporation
  • Mayo Clinic/Health care
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF)
  • GE Healthcare
  • Aetna Insurance

Research your selected organization’s compliance information.

Access and review the Business Ethics Memo Template to ensure you can obtain all information for your selected organization.


As a nursing student, you are concerned and passionate about the topic “self-care”. Please inform the class how you use the power of the media for the specific topic (self-care using 2 examples) and Communication skills (Provide 2 detailed examples) to combat this topic.  Please write in sentences with examples and provide references.  Do not only provide bullets of your examples.

Billions spent to fix VA didn’t solve problems, and made some issues worse.

Billions spent to fix VA didn’t solve problems, and made some issues worse.
1. Critique the quality as this article states, Money isn’t an issue. What do you think is the problem?
• Must address the topic
• Discuss question with 200-400 words, APA format.
Minimum three references. The references must be published within the last five days. a textbook must be one of the references. Use APA styl

Billions spent to fix VA didn’t solve problems, and made some issues worse.

Billions spent to fix VA didn’t solve problems, and made some issues worse.
1. Critique the quality as this article states, Money isn’t an issue. What do you think is the problem?
• Must address the topic
• Discuss question with 200-400 words, APA format.
Minimum three references. The references must be published within the last five days. a textbook must be one of the references. Use APA styl

Apply a model of cultural competence to personal practice beliefs.

Apply a model of cultural competence to personal practice beliefs.

  1. Reflect on the 5 constructs of Campinha-Bacote’s model of The Process of Cultural Competence in the Delivery of Healthcare Services: Cultural desire, Cultural Awareness, Cultural Knowledge, Cultural Skill, and Cultural Encounters. (See Chapter 2)
  2. Review the Mission statements and values of St. Thomas University and its Nursing programs.
  3. Reflect on your learning during this course.
  4. Evidence of reflection on Campinha-Bacote’s cultural competency model and/or STU mission and values.
  5. Your personal beliefs.
  6. Your philosophy statement(s) related to culturally competent nursing care.
  7. Implementing your beliefs.
  8. Continuing your journey towards cultural competence.

APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources.

  • no shorter than 1 pages; nor longer than 2 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
  • Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style