The Role of Associated Press in History of Journalism
The Role of Associated Press in History of Journalism
Instructions are located in the Sources/Files attached. Make sure to tell them something I don’t know. A research introduction is in some ways similar to an article lede. Make sure to create a focus and understanding of how the Associated Press has impacted Journalism and Publication using ONLY the Primary and Secondary sources attached. Explain its impact USE EVERY SINGLE SOURCE. ANSWER THE RESEARCH QUESTIONS TYPED IN THE FILE THROUGHOUT THE ESSAY USING ONLY THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCES.
!!! IMPORTANT Stylistic requirements!!!!!
Assignments must be typed in 12 point, Times New Roman font, using black ink. This is standard for academic assignments
Double space your assignment, with a 1″ margin on top/bottom/left/right
Don’t use extra spaces between paragraphs
Make sure your assignment has page numbers, electronically inserted
Use Chicago-style citations, listed as endnotes (NOT footnotes, hyperlinks, or “manual” endnotes).
Do not include a separate reference page (bibliography) in addition to the endnotes; the endnotes are your references and they serve as your reference list.
Research papers are written in third person. If you use first person, it’s an editorial and this is not an editorial.
You are not allowed to use more than 1 quote that is over 40 words and that quote can be max 60 words. Direct quotes are meant to enhance arguments and not “write” the paper for you. Keep in mind that the bulk of any assignment needs to be in your words.
!!!Important!!!! When you use endnotes, Word automatically includes the endnotes in the total word count. You have to uncheck the box that includes the endnotes in the total word count. One quick, easy way to check is to see how many words you have, remove one of your citation numbers in your assignment, then check the word count again. If the word count changes, then you word count is including endnotes. If it stays the same, your word count does not include endnotes. This way to check only works if you are using proper endnotes.