Based on the figure presented above, what is the most likely ligand for TLR-XX? Be as specific as possible, and justify your answer based on these data.

Question 1: Based on the figure presented above, what is the most likely ligand for TLR-XX? Be as specific as possible, and justify your answer based on these data.

Question 2: Based on these data, where would you MOST likely find toll-like receptor-XX (TLR-XX) among the following options? Justify WHY you selected the option that you chose for full credit. Your justification must be based on the data that are presented here, not the type of bacteria.

A. On the cell surface

B. In the endosome/ lysosome

C. In the nucleus

D. In the mitochondria

E. In the endoplasmic reticulum  

Question 3: Would you predict that TLR-XX is able to recognize other types of Gram-negative bacteria, in addition to the one that was used in this experiment?  Explain WHY or WHY NOT?

NK cells and Red Blood Cell tolerance: Red blood cells (RBCs) lack a nucleus and do not express MHC class I proteins. Although RBCs express CD47, a cell-surface protein that is associated with protection from cell-killing, its expression alone does not explain why NK cells do not kill RBCs1.

1.   Pulak Ranjan Nath, Dipasmita Pal-Nath, Ajeet Mandal, Margaret C. Cam, Anthony L. Schwartz, David D. Roberts; Natural Killer Cell Recruitment and Activation Are Regulated by CD47 Expression in the Tumor Microenvironment. Cancer Immunol Res 1 September 2019; 7 (9): 1547–1561.

 (Note this reference if provided for your information – You do not need to read this paper to answer the question 4)

Question 4: Based on your understanding of how NK cells distinguish between target cells for cell-killing and healthy cells that are not killed, explain why RBCs are not killed by NK cells. Using complete sentences support your answer with evidence from the suggested videos and/or readings.


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Second Edition


Medgar Evers College, City University of New York


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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Seay, Gary.

How to think logically / Gary Seay, Susana Nuccetelli.-2nd ed. p. cm.

Includes index. ISBN-13: 978-0-205-15498-2 ISBN-10: 0-205-15498-0 1. Logic-Textbooks. I. Nuccetelli, Susana. II. Title. BC108.S34 2012 160-dc22


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PEARSON ISBN 10: 0-205-15498-0 ISBN 13: 978-0-205-15498-2



Preface xi

About the Authors xiv

Part I The Building Blocks of Reasoning 1

brief contents .-.�?

CHAPTER 1 What Is Logical Thinking? And Why Should We Care? 3

CHAPTER 2 Thinking Logically and Speaking One’s Mind 24

CHAPTER 3 The Virtues of Belief 49

Part II Reason and Argument 71

CHAPTER 4 Tips for Argument Analysis 73

CHAPTER 5 Evaluating Deductive Arguments 94

CHAPTER 6 Analyzing Inductive Arguments 122

Part Ill Informal Fallacies 145

CHAPTER 7 Some Ways an Argument Can Fail 147

CHAPTER 8 Avoiding Ungrounded Assumptions 166

CHAPTER 9 From Unclear Language to Unclear Reasoning 187

CHAPTER 10 Avoiding Irrelevant Premises 209

Part IV More on Deductive Reasoning 227

CHAPTER 11 Compound Propositions 229

CHAPTER 12 Checking the Validity of Propositional Arguments 261




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CHAPTER 13 Categorical Propositions and Immediate Inferences 293

CHAPTER 14 Categorical Syllogisms 330

Solutions to Selected Exercises 365

Glossary /Index 386

Index 396



detailed contents

Preface xi

About the Authors xiv

PART I The Building Blocks of Reasoning 1

CHAPTER 1 What Is Logical Thinking? And Why Should We Care? 3

1.1 The Study of Reasoning 4 Inference or Argument 4 • 1.2 Logic and Reasoning 5

Dimensions of the Subject 5 Formal Logic 5 Informal Logic 6 Exercises 7 •

1.3 What Arguments Are 8 Argument Analysis 9 • 1.4 Reconstructing Arguments 10

Identifying Premises and Conclusion 10 Premise and Conclusion Indicators 11

Arguments with No Premise or Conclusion Indicators 13 Exercises 14

1.5 Arguments and Non-arguments 16 Explanations 16 Conditionals 17

Fictional Discourse 18 Exercises 19 Writing Project 21 Chapter Summary 21

• Key Words 23

CHAPTER 2 Thinking Logically and Speaking One’s Mind 24

2.1 Rational Acceptability 25 Logical Connectedness 25 Evidential Support 26 Truth and

Evidence 27 2.2 Beyond Rational Acceptability 28 Linguistic Merit 28 Rhetorical

Power 28 Rhetoric vs. Logical Thinking 29 Exercises 29 2.3 From Mind to Language 32 Propositions 32 Uses of Language 33 Types of Sentence 35

2.4 Indirect Use and Figurative Language 36 Indirect Use 37 Figurative

Meaning 37 Exercises 38 • 2.5 Definition: An Antidote to Unclear Language 42 Reconstructing Definitions 42 Reportive Definitions 43 Testing Reportive

Definitions 43 Ostensive and Contextual Definitions 45 Exercises 45 ■ Writing Project 47 Chapter Summary 47 Key Words 48

CHAPTER 3 The Virtues of Belief 49

3.1 Belief, Disbelief, and Non belief 50 Exercises 52 • 3.2 Beliefs’ Virtues and

Vices 53 3.3 Accuracy and Truth 54 Accuracy and Inaccuracy 54 Truth and

Falsity 54 • 3.4 Reasonableness 56 Two Kinds of Reasonableness 56

3.5 Consistency 58 Defining ‘Consistency’ and ‘Inconsistency’ 58 Logically Possible

Propositions 59 Logically Impossible Propositions 59 Consistency and Possible

Worlds 60 Consistency in Logical Thinking 61 ■ 3.6 Conservatism and

Revisability 61 Conservatism without Dogmatism 61 Revisability without Extreme

Relativism 62 3.7 Rationality vs. Irrationality 63 Exercises 65 Writing

Project 69 • Chapter Summary 69 Key Words 70




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PART 11 Reason and Argument 71

CHAPTER 4 Tips for Argument Analysis 73

4.1 A Principled Way of Reconstructing Arguments 74 Faithfulness 74 Charity 74

When Faithfulness and Charity Conflict 74 4.2 Missing Premises 76 • 4.3 Extended Arguments 77 Exercises 78 4.4 Types of Reason 81 Deductive vs. Inductive

Reasons 81 Exercises 83 4.5 Norm and Argument 85 What Is a Normative

Argument? 85 Missing Normative Premises 87 Exercises 88 Writing Project 92 Chapter Summary 93 Key Words 93

CHAPTER 5 Evaluating Deductive Arguments 94

5.1 Validity 95 Valid Arguments and Argument Form 97 ‘Validity’ as a Technical

Word 98 Exercises 99 Propositional Argument Forms 102 Categorical Argument

Forms 104 The Cash Value ofValidity 107 Exercises 108 ■ 5.2 Soundness 114 The Cash Value of Soundness 116 5.3 Cogency 116 The Cash Value of Cogency 117

Exercises 118 • Writing Project 119 • Chapter Summary 120 • Key Words 121

CHAPTER 6 Analyzing Inductive Arguments 122

6.1 Reconstructing Inductive Arguments 123 • 6.2 Some Types of Inductive Argument 125 Enumerative Induction 125 Statistical Syllogism 128 Causal Argument 130

Analogy 133 Exercises 135 • 6.3 Evaluating Inductive Arguments 137 Inductive

Reliability 137 Inductive Strength 138 Exercises 140 ■ Writing Project 143 Chapter Summary 143 Key Words 144

PART Ill Informal Fallacies 145

CHAPTER 7 Some Ways an Argument Can Fail 147

7,1 What Is a Fallacy? 148 • 7.2 Classification of Informal Fallacies 149 7.3 When Inductive Arguments Go Wrong 150 Hasty Generalization 150

Weak Analogy 152 False Cause 153 Appeal to Ignorance 156 Appeal to Unqualified

Authority 158 Exercises 160 Writing Project 164 • Chapter Summary 164 Key Words 165

CHAPTER 8 Avoiding Ungrounded Assumptions 166

8.1 Fallacies of Presumption 167 • 8.2 Begging the Question 167 Circular

Reasoning 169 Benign Circularity 170 The Burden of Proof 172 • 8.3 Begging the Question Against 173 Exercises 174 8.4 Complex Question 178

8.5 False Alternatives 179 • 8.6 Accident 181 Exercises 182 • Writing Project 185 • Chapter Summary 185 • Key Words 186

CHAPTER 9 From Unclear Language to Unclear Reasoning 187

9.1 Unclear Language and Argument Failure 188 • 9.2 Semantic Unclarity 189 9.3 Vagueness 191 The Heap Paradox 192 The Slippery-Slope Fallacy 194



9.4 Ambiguity 195 Equivocation 196 Amphiboly 197 ■ 9.5 Confused Predication 199

Composition 200 Division 201 Exercises 203 ■ Writing Project 207

Chapter Summary 207 ■ Key Words 208

CHAPTER 10 Avoiding Irrelevant Premises 209

10.1 Fallacies of Relevance 210 10.2 Appeal to Pity 210 10.3 Appeal to

Force 211 ■ 10.4 Appeal to Emotion 213 The Bandwagon Appeal 214 Appeal to

Vanity 214 10.5 Ad Hominem 215 The Abusive Ad Hominem 216 Tu Quoque 216

Nonfallacious Ad Hominem 217 10.6 Beside the Point 218 10.7 Straw Man 219

10.8 Is the Appeal to Emotion Always Fallacious? 221 Exercises 222 ■ Writing

Project 226 ■ Chapter Summary 226 ■ Key Words 226

PART IV More on Deductive Reasoning 227

CHAPTER 11 Compound Propositions 229

11.1 Argument as a Relation between Propositions 230 11.2 Simple and

Compound Propositions 231 Negation 232 Conjunction 234 Disjunction 236 Material

Conditional 237 Material Biconditional 240 Exercises 241 ■ 11.3 Propositional Formulas

for Compound Propositions 244 Punctuation Signs 244 Well-Formed

Formulas 244 Symbolizing Compound Propositions 245 Exercises 247 11.4 Defining

Connectives with Truth Tables 251 ■ 11.5 Truth Tables for Compound

Propositions 254 11.6 Logically Necessary and Logically Contingent

Propositions 256 ■ Contingencies 256 Contradictions 256 Tautologies 256 Exercises 257

Writing Project 259 Chapter Summary 259 Key Words 260

CHAPTER 12 Checking the Validity of Propositional Arguments 261

12.1 Checking Validity with Truth Tables 262 Exercises 266 12.2 Some Standard

Valid Argument Forms 268 Modus Ponens 268 Modus Tollens 269

Contraposition 269 Hypothetical Syllogism 270 Disjunctive Syllogism 271 More Complex

Instances ofValid Forms 271 Exercises 273 12.3 Some Standard Invalid Argument

Forms 276 Affirming the Consequent 278 Denying the Antecedent 279 Affirming a

Disjunct 280 Exercises 281 ■ 12.4 A Simplified Approach to Proofs of Validity 284

The Basic Rules 285 What Is a Proof of Validity? 285 How to Construct a Proof of

Validity 286 Proofs vs. Truth Tables 287 Exercises 287 Writing Project 291

Chapter Summary 291 Key Words 292

CHAPTER 13 Categorical Propositions and Immediate Inferences 293

13.1 What Is a Categorical Proposition? 294 Categorical Propositions 294 Standard

Form 296 Non-Standard Categorical Propositions 298 Exercises 299 13.2 Venn Diagrams

for Categorical Propositions 301 Exercises 305 13.3 The Square of Opposition 308

The Traditional Square of Opposition 308 Existential Import 312 The Modern Square of

Opposition 314 Exercises 315 13.4 Other Immediate Inferences 319 Conversion 319

Obversion 320 Contraposition 322 Exercises 325 ■ Writing Project 328

■ Chapter Summary 328 • Key Words 329

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CHAPTER 14 Categorical Syllogisms 330

14.1 What Is a Categorical Syllogism? 331 The Terms of a Syllogism 331 The Premises of a

Syllogism 332 Recognizing Syllogisms 333 14.2 Syllogistic Argument Forms 335

Figure 335 Mood 336 Determining a Syllogism’s Form 337 Exercises 339 14.3 Testing for

Validity with Venn Diagrams 342 How to Diagram a Standard Syllogism 342

Exercises 351 ■ 14.4 Distribution of Terms 354 14.5 Rules of Validity and

Syllogistic Fallacies 356 Rules ofValidity vs. Venn Diagrams 359 Exercises 360 ■

Writing Project 363 ■ Chapter Summary 363 ■ Key Words 364

Solutions to Selected Exercises 365

Glossary /Index 386

Index 396




This is a book intended for introductory courses in logic and critical thinking, but its scope is broadly focused to include some issues in philosophy as well as treatments of induction, informal fallacies, and both propositional and traditional syllogistic logic. Its aim throughout, however, is to broach these topics in a way that will be accessible to beginners in college-level work. How to Think Logically is a user-friendly text designed for students who have never encountered philosophy before, and for whom a systematic approach to analytical thinking may be an unfamiliar exercise. The writing style is simple and direct, with jargon kept to a min­ imum. Symbolism is also kept simple. Scattered through the text are special-emphasis boxes in which important points are summarized to help students focus on crucial distinctions and fundamental ideas. The book’s fourteen chapters unfold in a way that undergraduates will find understandable and easy to follow. Even so, the book maintains a punctilious regard for the principles of logic. At no point does it compromise rigor.

How to Think Logically is a guide to the analysis, reconstruction, and evaluation of argu­ ments. It is designed to help students learn to distinguish good reasoning from bad. The book is divided into four parts. The first is devoted to argument recognition and the building blocks of argument. Chapter 1 introduces argument analysis, focusing on argument recognition and the difference between formal and informal approaches to inference. Chapter 2 offers a closer look at the language from which arguments are constructed and examines such topics as logical strength, linguistic merit, rhetorical power, types of sentences, uses of language, and definition. Chapter 3 considers epistemic aspects of the statements that are the components of an inference. It explains the assumption that when speakers are sincere and competent, what they state is what they believe, so that the epistemic virtues and vices of belief may also affect statements. Part II is devoted to the analysis of deductive and inductive arguments, distinguishing under each of these two general classifications several different types of argument that students should be able to recognize. It also includes discussions of the principles of charity and faithfulness, extended arguments, enthymemes, and normative arguments of four different kinds. In Part III, students are shown how some very basic confusions in thinking may lead to defective reasoning, and they learn to spot twenty of the most common informal fallacies. Part N, which comprises Chapters 11

through 14, offers a feature many instructors will want: a detailed treatment of some common elementary procedures for determining validity in propositional logic-including a simplified approach to proofs-and traditional syllogistic logic. Here students will be able to go well beyond the intuitive procedures learned in Chapter 5.

Each of the book’s four parts is a self-contained unit. The topics are presented in a way that permits instructors to teach the chapters in different sequences and combinations, according to the needs of their courses. For example, an instructor in a critical thinking course could simply assign Chapters 1 through 10. But in a course geared more to deductive





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logic, Chapters 1, 4, 5, and 6 and then 11 through 14 might serve best. Other instructors might want to do some of both critical thinking and deductive logic, for which the best strategy might be to assign Chapter 1 and then either 4 through 12, or 4 through 10 plus 13 and 14.

How to Think Logically, in this new second-edition format, includes a number of improvements, thanks to the helpful suggestions of anonymous reviewers selected by Pearson and of philosophers we know who are using the book:

■ Chapter 1 has been reworked to present a better introduction to argument, the central topic of the book. The treatment of non-arguments now includes entries for explanations, conditionals, and fictional discourse. A more concise treatment of definition now follows discussions of figurative meaning and indirect use of language in Chapter 2. Also added to this chapter is an expanded treatment of sentence types, including speech acts, in connection with the discussion of uses of language, providing a more nuanced and timely treatment of this topic. The discussions of contradiction and consistency in Chapter 3 have been rewritten for greater clarity.

The section on evaluative reasoning in Chapter 4 has been expanded into a much­ improved discussion of moral, legal, prudential, and aesthetic norms and arguments. Many new examples, of varying degrees of difficulty, have been incorporated in the book’s account of informal fallacies. First-edition examples have been brought up to date. Exercise sections in all chapters have been greatly expanded. Many new exercises have been added, so that students can now get more practice in applying what they’re learning. As a result, instructors will now have a larger selection of exercises from which to choose

in assigning homework or in engaging students in class discussions. ■ The program of the book has been simplified so that it does much better, and more

economically, what instructors need it to do: namely, serve as a text for teaching students how to develop critical-reasoning skills. The ‘Philosopher’s Corner’ features of the first edition have been taken out, following the consensus of reviewers, who said that they almost never had time in a fifteen-week semester to use them if they were teaching the logic, too. In this new edition, references to philosophical theories have been minimized and woven into topics of informal logic. In this way, the overall length of the book has been kept about the same as in the first edition, and the price of the

book has been kept low.

But many features of the earlier edition have been retained here. There are abundant

pedagogical aids in the book, including not only more exercises, but also study questions and lists of key words. At the end of each chapter are a chapter summary and a writing project. And in the back of the book is a detailed glossary of important terms.

We wish to thank our editor at Pearson Education, Nancy Roberts, and Kate Fernandes, the

project manager for this book. Special thanks are due also to Pearson editor-in-chief Dickson Musslewhite, who provided judicious guidance at crucial points in bringing out this new edition. We are also grateful for the criticisms of the philosophers selected as anonymous reviewers by Pearson. Their sometimes barbed but always trenchant observations about the first edition have helped us to make this a much better textbook.



Support for Instructors and Students is an online tool that offers a wealth of resources to help student learning

and comprehension, including practice quizzes, primary source readings and more. Please

contact your Pearson representative for more information or visit

Instructor’s Manual with Tests (0-205-15534-0) for each chapter in the text, this valuable

resource provides a detailed outline, list of objectives, and discussion questions. In addition,

test questions in multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer formats are

available for each chapter; the answers are page referenced to the text. For easy access, this

manual is available at

PowerPoint Presentation Slides for How to Think Logically (0-205-15538-3): These

PowerPoint Slides help instructors convey logic principles in a clear and engaging way. For

easy access, they are available at w







about the authors

GARY SEAY has taught formal and informal logic since 1979 at the City University of New York, where he is presently professor of phi­

losophy at Medgar Evers College. His articles on moral philosophy and bioethics have appeared in The American Philosophical Q.uarter!Y, The Journal of Value Inquiry, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, and The Cambridge Q_uarter!Y of Healthcare Ethics, among other journals. With Susana Nuccetelli, he is editor of Themes from G. E. Moore: New Essays in Epistemology and Ethics (Oxford University Press, 2007), Philosophy of Language: The Central Topics (Rowman and Littlefield, 2007), and Latin American Philosophy: An Introduction with

Readings (Prentice Hall, 2004).

SUSANA NUCCETELLI is professor of philosophy at St. Cloud

State University in Minnesota. Her essays in epistemology and

philosophy of language have appeared in Anarysis, The American Philosophical Q!iarter!Y, Metaphilosophy, The Philosophical Forum, Inquiry, and The Southern Journal of Philosophy, among other

journals. She is editor of New Essays in Semantic Externalism and Self-Knowledge (MIT Press, 2003) and author of Latin American Thought: Philosophical Problems and Arguments (Westview Press,

2002). She is co-editor of The Blackwell Companion to Latin American Philosophy (Blackwell, 2009) and, with Gary Seay, Ethical Naturalism: Current Debates (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2011).




The Building Blocks of Reasoning

Pa rt



What Is Logical Thinking? And Why Should We Care?


After reading this chapter, you’ll be able to answer questions about

logical thinking, such as

What is its subject matter?

■ How does its approach to reasoning differ from those of neuroscience and psychology?

■ Which are the main dimensions of logical thinking?

■ How does logical thinking differ from formal logic?

■ What is an argument? And how is it distinguished from a non-argument?

■ What are the steps in argument analysis?




1.1 The Study of Reasoning

Logical thinking, or informal logic, is a branch of philosophy devoted to the study of reason­

ing. Although it shares this interest with other philosophical and scientific disciplines, it differs from them in a number of ways. Compare, for example, cognitive psychology and neuro­ science. These also study reasoning but are chiefly concerned with the mental and physiolog­ ical processes underlying it. By contrast, logical thinking focuses on the outcomes of such processes: namely, certain logical relations among beliefs and their building blocks that obtain when reasoning is at work. It also focuses on logical relations among statements, which, when speakers are sincere and competent, express the logical relations among their beliefs.

Inference or Argument

As far as logical thinking is concerned, reasoning consists in logical relations. Prominent

among them is a relation whereby one or more beliefs are taken to offer support for another. Known as inference or argument, this relation obtains whenever a thinker entertains one or more beliefs as being reasons in support of another belief. Inferences could be strong, weak, or

failed. Here is an example of a strong inference:

1 All whales are mammals, and Moby Dick is a whale; therefore, Moby Dick is a mammal.

(1) is a strong inference because, if the beliefs offered as reasons (‘All whales are mammals,’ and

‘Moby Dick is a whale’) are true, then the belief they are supposed to support (‘Moby Dick is a mammal’) must also be true. But compare

2 No oranges from Florida are small; therefore, no oranges from the United States

are small.

In (2) the logical relation of inference between the beliefs is weak, since the reason offered (‘No

oranges from Florida are small’) could be true and the belief it’s offered to support (‘No oranges from the United States are small’) false. But by no means does (2) illustrate the worst-case scenario. In some attempted inferences, a belief or beliefs offered to support another belief

might fail to do so. Consider

3 No oranges are apples; therefore, all elms are trees.

Since in (3) ‘therefore’ occurs between the two beliefs, it is clear that ‘No oranges are apples’ is offered as a reason for ‘All elms are trees.’ Yet it is not. Although these two beliefs

both happen to be true, they do not stand in the relation of inference. Here is another such

case of failed inference, this time involving false beliefs:

4 All lawyers are thin; therefore, the current pope is Chinese.

Since in (4) the component beliefs have little to do with each other, neither of them actually supports the other. As in (3), the inference fails.

Success and failure in inference are logical thinking’s central topic. Let’s now look more

closely at how it approaches this subject.



1.2 Logic and Reasoning

Dimensions of the Subject

Inference is the most fundamental relation between beliefs or thoughts when reasoning is at

work. Logical thinking studies this and other logical relations, with an eye toward

1. Describing patterns of reasoning. 2. Evaluating good- and bad-making features of reasoning. 3. Sanctioning rules for maximizing reasoning’s good-making features.

Each of these tasks may be thought of as a dimension of logical thinking. The first describes

logical relations, which initially requires identifying common patterns of inference. The

second distinguishes good and bad traits in those relations. And the third sanctions rules for

adequate reasoning. Rules are norms that can help us maximize the good (and minimize the

bad) traits of our reasoning. The picture that emerges is as in Box 1.

Understanding these dimensions is crucial to the study of reasoning. Since the third

dimension especially bears on how well we perform at reasoning, it has practical worth or cash

value. Its cash value consists in the prescriptions it issues for materially improving our reason­

ing. But this dimension depends on the other two, because useful prescriptions for adequate

reasoning require accurate descriptions of the common logical relations established by

reasoning (such as inference). And they require adequate criteria to distinguish good and bad

features in those relations.

Formal Logic

What we’re calling ‘logical thinking’ is often known as informal logic. This discipline shares

with another branch of philosophy.formal logic, its interest in inference and other logical

relations. Informal and formal logic differ, however, in their scope and methods. Formal logic

is also known as symbolic logic. It develops its own formal languages for the purpose of




Studies the logical relations among

beliefs typical of reasoning





Identifies good and bad Gives rules for achieving good

traits in reasoning and avoiding bad reasoning

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deducing theorems from formulas accepted as axioms (in ways somewhat like mathematical proofs). Any such system consists of basic symbolic expressions, the initial vocabulary of the formal language, and rules for operations with them. The rules prescribe how to form correct

expressions and how to determine which formulas are the logical consequence of other formulas. In formal logic, then, inference is a relation among formulas: one that holds when­

ever a formula follows from one or more formulas. Formal logic uses a symbolic notation, which may be quite complex. And its formulas need not be translated into a natural language, which is the language of a speech community, such as English, Arabic, or Japanese. As far as formal logic is concerned, inference is a relation among formulas. It need be neither a relation

among beliefs nor one among statements. Furthermore, it need not be identified with inferences people actually make in ordinary reasoning.

Informal Logic

In contrast to formal logic, logical thinking is completely focused on the study of logical

relations as they occur when ordinary reasoning is at work. Its three dimensions can be shown relevant to reasoning in a variety of common contexts, as when we deliberate about issues

such as those in Box 2.

The study of the inferences we make in these and other issues is approached by logical thinking in its three dimensions: once it describes the logical relations underlying particular

inferences, it evaluates them and determines whether they conform to rules of good reason­

ing. Since doing this requires no formal languages, logical thinking is sometimes known as ‘informal logic.’ Although this discipline may introduce special symbols, it need not do so: it

can be conducted entirely in a natural language. Furthermore, in contrast to formal logic, what

we’re here calling ‘logical thinking’ approaches the study of inference as a relation among beliefs-or among statements, the linguistic expressions of beliefs.

Why, then, should we care about logical thinking? First, we want to avoid false beliefs and have as many true beliefs as possible, all related in a way that makes logical sense, and logical thinking is instrumental in achieving this goal. Second, for the intellectually curious, learning


A criminal trial:

A domestic question:

A scientific puzzle:

A philosophical issue:

An ethical problem:

A political decision:

A financial decision:

A health matter:

Is the defendant guilty?What shall we make of the alibi?

What’s the best school for our kids? Should they go to a private school, or a public school?

How to choose between equal!), supported,yet opposite, scientific theories?

Are mind and body the same thing, or different?

Is euthanasia moral!}, right?What about abortion?

Whom should I vote for in the general election?

Shall I follow my broker’s advice and invest in this new fund?

Given my medical records, is exercise good for me? Do I need more health insurance?



about the logical relations that take place in reasoning is an activity worthwhile for its own

sake. Moreover, it can help us in practical situations where competent reasoning is required,

which are exceedingly common. They arise whenever we wish to do well in intellectual

tasks such as those listed in Box 2. Each of us has faced them at some point-for example,

in attempting to convince someone of a view, in writing on a controversial topic, or simply in

deciding between two seemingly well-supported yet incompatible claims. To succeed in

meeting these ordinary challenges requires the ability to think logically. In the next section,

we’ll have a closer look at this important competence.


1. How does logical thinking differ from scientific disciplines that study reasoning?

2. What is informal logic? And how does it differ from formal logic?

3. What is the main topic of logical thinking?

4. List one feature that logical thinking and formal logic have in common and one about which they


5. What is an inference?

6. Could an inference fail completely? If so, how? If not, why not?

7. What are the different dimensions of logical thinking?

8. Which dimension of logical thinking is relevant to determining reasoning’s good- and bad-making


9. Which is the dimension of logical thinking that has “cash value”? And what does this mean?

10. What is a natural language? Give three examples of a natural language.


1 . Construct two inferences.

2. Construct a strong inference (one in which, if the supporting beliefs are true, the supported belief

must be true).

3. Construct a weak inference (one in which the supporting beliefs could be true and the belief they’re

intended to support false).

4. Construct a blatantly failed inference.

5. Describe a scenario for which logical thinking could help a thinker in everyday life.

6. Describe a scenario for which logical thinking could help with your own studies in college.

7. Suppose someone says, “Thinking logically has no practical worth!” How would you respond?

8. ‘Cats are carnivorous animals. No carnivorous animals are vegetarians; therefore, no cat is a vegetarian’

is a strong inference. Why?

9. Consider ‘All geckos are nocturnal. Therefore, there will be peace in the Middle East next year.’

What’s the matter with this inference?

10. Consider ‘Politicians are all crooks. Therefore, it never snows in the Sahara.’ What’s the matter with

this inference?

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1.3 What Arguments Are

In this book, we call ‘inference’ the relation whereby one or more beliefs are taken to support

another belief, and ‘argument’ the relation whereby one or more statements are offered in

support of another statement. When speakers are sincere and competent, they believe what

they assert, and their statements express their beliefs. Thus ‘inference’ and ‘argument’ may be

taken to apply to the same relation. Just as beliefs are the fundamental parts, or building

blocks, of inference, so statements are the building blocks from which arguments are con­

structed. A statement is like a belief, in that it has a truth value, which is a way of saying that it

is either true (‘No apples are oranges’) or false (‘The Pope is Chinese’).

But not all relations between statements constitute arguments. Suppose someone says:

5 Philadelphia is a large city, and Chicago is larger still, but New York is the largest

of all.

Although (s) is made up of three simple statements grouped together, it does not amount to an

argument, for there is no attempt at presenting a supported claim; that is, the statements are

not arranged so that one of them makes a claim for which the others are offered as reasons.

Rather, they are just three conjoined statements. By contrast,

6 I think, therefore I am.

7 All lawyers are attorneys. Jack McCoy is a lawyer. Thus Jack McCoy is an attorney.

8 No chiropractors are surgeons. Only surgeons can legally perform a coronary bypass.

Hence, no chiropractors can legally perform a coronary bypass.

9 A Chevrolet Impala is faster than a bicycle. A Maserati is faster than a Chevrolet

Impala. A Japanese bullet train is faster than a Maserati. It follows that a Japanese

bullet train is faster than a bicycle.

In each of these examples, a claim is made and at least one other statement is offered in

support of that claim. This is the basic feature that all arguments share: every argument must


• Statements are the building blocks of argument

• They have truth values, because they express beliefs, and beliefs also have truth values • Each statement is either true or false

• Only sentences that can be used to express beliefs can be used to make statements

• Sentences of the following types cannot be used to make statements

•1. Expressive sentences (e.g., “What a lovely day!”) •2. Imperative sentences (e.g., “Please close the door”) •3. Interrogative sentences (“What did you do last weekend?”) More on this in Chapter 2



consist of at least two statements, one that makes a claim of some sort, and one or more others that are offered in support of it. The statement that makes the claim is the conclusion, and that

offered to support it is the premise (or premises, if there are more than one).

Now, clearly we are introducing some special terminology here. For in everyday English, ‘argu­

ment’ most often means ‘dispute,’ a hostile verbal exchange between two or more people. But that is

very different from the more technical use of ‘argument’ in logical thinking, where its meaning is

similar to that common in a court of law. In a trial, each attorney is expected to present an argument.

This amounts to making a claim (e.g., ‘My client is innocent’) and then giving some reasons to

support it (‘He was visiting his mother on the night of the crime’). In doing this, the attorney is not

having a dispute with someone in the courtroom; rather, she is making an assertion and offering

evidence that supposedly backs it up. This is very much like what we mean by ‘argument’ in logical

thinking. An argument is a group of statements that are intended to make a supported claim. By this

definition, then, an argument is not a verbal confrontation between two hostile parties.

Before we look more closely at argument, let’s consider Box 4, which summarizes what we already know about this relation among statements.


■ In logical thinking, the meaning of the term ‘argument’ is similar to that common in a court of law.

■ For a set of statements to be an argument, one of them must be presented as supported by the other or others.

■ An argument is a logical relation between two or more statements: a conclusion that makes a claim of some sort, and one or more premises that are the reasons offered to support that claim.

Argument Analysis

One essential competence that all logical thinkers must have is the ability to analyze

arguments, a technique summarized in Box 5. What, exactly, is required for this competence? It

involves knowing

1. How to recognize arguments, 2. How to identify the logical relation between their parts, and 3. How to evaluate arguments.

Recognizing an argument requires identifying the logical relations among the statements that

make it up, which is essential to the process of reconstructing an argument. Reconstruction

begins by paying close attention to the piece of spoken or written language that might contain

an argument. One must read a passage carefully or listen attentively in order to determine

whether or not a claim is being made, with reasons offered in support of it. If we have identified

a conclusion and at least one premise, we can then be confident that the passage does contain

an argument. The next step is to put the parts of the argument into an orderly arrangement, so

that the relation between premise/s and conclusion becomes plain.

LU a:


(/) f­ z LU

� :::)

(‘) a:




C’- C’­C) LU z a: – <! �o � LU �s _J 0 <! _J 0:::, -0 C, I

0 (/) _J >­ (/) I ;::: s <! 0 Iz s <!


Argument or


Nonargument: Argument:

STOP Proceed to






Argument reconstruction is the first step in argument analysis, and argument evalua­ tion is the second. But before argument analysis can get started, we need to determine whether the passage under consideration contains an argument or not. If it does, then we proceed to argument reconstruction: we first make sure that we have identified premises and conclusion correctly. To do that, it’s helpful to rewrite these parts of the argument in logical order, placing the conclusion at the end. During argument evaluation, we assess whether the argument’s premises do actually succeed in supporting its conclusion, thereby giving good reasons for it. But before we can move ahead to the evaluation of arguments, we

must reconstruct them properly. There is, then, one important thing to which we must pay attention before we can go further, and that is the matter of how to distinguish correctly

between premises and conclusion.

1.4 Reconstructing Arguments

Identifying Premises and Conclusion

Let’s now reconstruct arguments (6) through (9) from the previous section of this chapter. For each argument, we rewrite its premise/s first and the conclusion last, listing each of these

statements with a number, which makes it easy to refer to them later if needed. If there are two or more premises, for our purposes here, the order does not matter. It is also customary to introduce, before the conclusion, either a horizontal line or the word ‘therefore’ to indicate that what comes next is the conclusion. In a reconstructed argument, then, we use the line to signal that a conclusion is being drawn; when you see it, you should think: ‘therefore.’ Thus re­ constructed, (6) through (9) are as follows:

6′ 1. I think.

2. I am.



7′ 1. All lawyers are attorneys. 2. Jack McCoy is a lawyer. 3. Jack McCoy is an attorney.

8′ 1. No chiropractors are surgeons. 2. Only surgeons can legally perform a coronary bypass. 3. No chiropractors can legally perform a coronary bypass.

9′ 1. A Chevrolet Impala is faster than a bicycle. 2. A Maserati is faster than a Chevrolet Impala. 3. A Japanese bullet train is faster than a Maserati. 4. A Japanese bullet train is faster than a bicycle.

Examples (6′), (7′), (8′), and (9′) all have at least one premise, but, as shown here, there may be more-in principle, there is no upper limit to how many premises an argument could have. In all these reconstructed arguments, the premise/s have been listed first and the conclusion last. But ‘premise’ does not mean ‘statement that comes first.’ Nor does ‘conclusion’ mean ‘state­ ment that comes last.’ Rather, a premise is a reason for an argument’s conclusion: its job is to support it. And the conclusion is the claim that is to be supported. Sometimes the conclusion of an unreconstructed argument does come last, but it does not have to: it can come at the beginning of the argument, or in the middle of it, surrounded by premises. The same holds for the premises of unreconstructed arguments: although they sometimes come at the beginning, they don’t have to. They can come after the conclusion; or there can be some premises at the beginning, then the conclusion, then more premises. What is essential to a premise is that it is a statement offered in support of some other statement (the conclusion). As we shall see later, sometimes the attempted support succeeds, and other times it fails. But let us now consider some more examples of arguments.

1 0 Aunt Theresa won’t vote in the Republican primary next week, because she is a Democrat, and Democrats can’t vote in a Republican primary election.

11 Simon’s cell phone will cause an incident at the Metropolitan Museum, since art museums don’t allow cell phone use in the galleries, and Simon’s is always ringing.

12 It gets lousy gas mileage, so I ought to sell the SUV as soon as possible! After all, it is just too expensive to maintain that vehicle, and besides, it pollutes the atmosphere worse than a regular car.

In each of these arguments, the conclusion is in underlined. As you can see, in both (10) and (n) it comes first, followed by two premises. But in (12), a premise comes first, followed by the conclusion, which is itself followed by two more premises.

Premise and Conclusion Indicators

We have seen that the premises of an argument are sentences offered in support of a certain claim or conclusion. But how can we tell, in any actual argument, which is which? As the examples considered so far demonstrate, when arguments are presented in natural language, the order of premises and conclusion can be scrambled in various ways. So how do we distinguish one from the other? Fortunately, certain words and phrases are often helpful

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Cl a: <{

Cl z l­

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C’- (‘­ (‘) UJ �� ::.:: 0 � UJ

�3 _J 0 <l’. _J 0 🙂 -0 (‘) I

0 (/) _J >­ (/) I

;::: 3 <l’. 0 Iz 3 <l’.


in determining this. These are of two kinds: premise indicators and conclusion indicators.

Premise indicators include such expressions as

because since for

given that assuming that provided that

as whereas after all

for the reason that inasmuch as in that

follows from is a consequence of considering that

When we see one of these expressions, it very often means that a premise is coming next.

In other words, one of these (or another synonymous expression) may precede the statements

of an argument that are its premises. You can see this in some of the earlier example

arguments. Recall

10 Aunt Theresa won’t vote in the Republican primary next week, because she is a

Democrat, and Democrats can’t vote in a Republican primary election.

11 Simon’s cell phone will cause an incident at the Metropolitan Museum, since art

museums don’t allow cell phone use in the galleries, and Simon’s is always ringing .

In (10), ‘because’ is used as a premise indicator; in (11), the premise indicator is ‘since.’ In (12),

‘after all’ functions as an indicator of two of its premises:

12 It gets lousy gas mileage, so I ought to sell the SUV as soon as possible! After all, it is

just too expensive to maintain that vehicle, and besides, it pollutes the atmosphere

worse than a regular car.

We must, however, be careful here. This method is more like a rule of thumb and is not one

hundred percent dependable-not all occurrences of these words and phrases actually do

indicate that premises are coming next. But many do. How to recognize when they mean this,

and when they don’t, is a competence acquired with practice, and you’ll be getting some of

that when you do the exercises in this chapter.

Conclusion indicators also have different degrees of reliability. Here is a list of some

conclusion indicators:

therefore hence so entails that

suggests that accordingly supports that consequently

from this we can see that we may conclude that we may infer that it follows that

thus recommends that for this reason as a result

When we see a conclusion indicator, it often means that a conclusion is coming after it.

Arguments containing such indicators can be seen in some of the examples in this chapter. In

(6), ‘therefore’ functions as a conclusion indicator, as does ‘thus’ in (7):

6 I think, therefore I am.

7 All lawyers are attorneys.Jack McCoy is a lawyer. Thus Jack McCoy is an attorney.



In (8), the conclusion indicator is ‘hence’; in (9), it’s ‘it follows that’:

8 No chiropractors are surgeons. Only surgeons can legally perform a coronary bypass.

Hence, no chiropractors can legally perform a coronary bypass.

9 A Chevrolet Impala is faster than a bicycle. A Maserati is faster than a Chevrolet

Impala. A Japanese bullet train is faster than a Maserati. It follows that a Japanese

bullet train is faster than a bicycle.

Again, you will get more practice in recognizing conclusion indicators when you do the exercises in this chapter. But, as just noted, premise and conclusion indicators are reliable only

for the most part and not in all cases. What, then, are some cases where these expressions do not

function as indicators of premises or conclusions? Consider the following:

13 Since he first came to New York in 1979, Max has read El Diario every day.

14 Alice took out a health insurance policy on her own, because her employer did not

provide a health plan as a part of her employment contract.

In (13) ‘since’ is not functioning as a premise indicator. Although there are two statements

in this sentence, they do not amount to an argument, because neither statement attempts

to offer support for the other. Here, ‘since’ serves merely to introduce a temporal reference:

the sentence describes a sequence of actions beginning in the past and continuing for

some time. In (14) there are two statements, but it would be a mistake to think of their

relation as an argument. Rather, one statement offers an explanation of the other: the last

statement serves to account for the action described in the first, not to offer support for it.

Here is another case in which words that often are premise indicators have some other


15 The best way to maintain the peace is to be prepared for war. As a means to peace,

disarmament will surely fail.

This is not an argument, because neither statement really attempts to offer support for the

other (in fact, they are both saying much the same thing). This should make us suspect that

‘for,’ in the first statement, and ‘as,’ in the second, are not serving here as premise indicators at

all. This suspicion would be correct-for although both words sometimes serve as premise

indicators, neither is doing so in (15).

Again, we must bear in mind that learning how to recognize when words of these

kinds are functioning as indicators comes with practice. As with learning to ride a bicycle,

one gets better at it by doing it. The more one works at trying to see the distinction and

to draw it correctly, the easier it becomes. You’ll get some practice at this later, in the


Arguments with No Premise or Conclusion Indicators

A further problem, however, must be noted at this point: not all arguments have premise or conclusion indicators! Some have none at all. When this happens in an argument, there is

simply no other reliable way of identifying premises and conclusion than to ask yourself:

(/) 1- z UJ

::?: 🙂 0 a: <{

0 z l­ o 🙂

a: I­ (/) z 0 0 UJ a:





C’- C’-· (‘) LlJ � � � 0

� LlJ �s _J 0 <l: _J

S2 6 (‘) I 0 (/) _J >­ (/) I ;:: s <l: 0 Iz s <l:


What is the claim being made? (that will be the conclusion) and Which statements are offered

in support of the claim that is being made? (those are the premises). Consider this example:

16 Crocodiles aren’t really dangerous at all. I’ve seen them on television many times,

and they seem very peaceful. And I remember seeing Paul Hogan wrestle one in

the movie Crocodile Dundee.

This is plainly an argument-a rather bad one-yet it has no indicators of any kind. Even so,

we can easily see what its conclusion is: it’s the first statement. This is because the first statement

is the claim that the other three statements are supposed to support. That the support here seems

a bit dim-witted does not change the fact that the last three statements are functioning as

premises. It only means that the argument does not really succeed: it gives no good reason to

accept the conclusion. In (16), then, we don’t really need indicators to be able to recognize

premises and conclusion. When arguments do have some indicators of premises and/or the

conclusion, that is usually enough to tell you what’s what. For arguments that lack such

indicators altogether, asking the questions suggested above will be sufficient for this purpose.


1 . What is an argument?

2. What are the parts of an argument?

3. How should the parts of an argument be arranged if one wants to make their logical role clear?

4. How many premises could an argument have?

5. What are premises for? What is their purpose with respect to a conclusion?

6. What sense of the word ‘argument’ is irrelevant to logical thinking?

7. What are the steps in argument analysis?

8. What is involved in reconstructing an argument?

9. Can premises with no indicators be identified? Explain.

1 O. What should you ask yourself to identify the conclusion of an argument?

IV. The following expressions usually are premise indicators, conclusion indicators,

or neither. Identify which is which. (For exercises marked with a star; answers can be

found in the back of the book.)

SAMPLE ANSWER: 1 . ‘since’ is a premise indicator

1. since

2. as a result *3. after all

4. if and only if

5. however *6.and

7. thus

*8.perhaps 9. because

*10. for *13. accordingly

11. it follows that 14. we may infer 12. given that 15. just in case

v. In the following arguments, put premises in parentheses and underline the

conclusion. Mark indicators of premises and conclusion, if any. Use angles'<>’

for premise indicators and square brackets ‘[ ]’ for conclusion indicators.

1. SAMPLE: <Since> (all the Dobermans I have known were dangerous) and (my neighbor’s new dog,

Franz, is a Doberman), [it follows that] Franz is dangerous.



2. Reverend Sharpton has no chance of being elected this time, because his campaign is not well

financed , and any politician who is not well financed has no real chance of being elected.

*3. Badgers are native to southern Wisconsin. After all, they are always spotted there.

4. Since all theoretical physicists have studied quadratic equations, no theoretical physicists are

dummies at math, for no one who has studied quadratic equations is a dummy at math.

5. Thousands of salamanders have been observed by naturalists and none has ever been found to be

warm-blooded. We may conclude that no salamanders are warm-blooded animals.

*6. In the past, every person who ever lived did eventually die. This suggests that all human beings are


7. Since architects regularly study engineering, Frank Gehry did, for he is an architect.

8. Britney Spears’s new CD is her most innovative album so far. It’s got the best music of any new pop

music CD this year, and all the DJs are playing it on radio stations across the United States.

Accordingly, Britney Spears’s new CD is sure to win an award this year.

*9. Online education is a great option for working adults in general, regardless of their ethnic back­

ground. For one thing, there is a large population of working adults who simply are not in a position

to attend a traditional university.

10. Any airline that can successfully pass some of the increases in costs on to its passengers will be able

to recover from higher fuel costs. South Airlink Airlines seems able to successfully pass some of the

increases in costs on to its passengers. As a result, South Airlink Airlines will remain in business.

11. Jackrabbits can be found in Texas. Jackrabbits are speedy rodents. Hence, some speedy rodents

can be found in Texas.

*12. There is evidence that galaxies are flying outward and apart from each other, so the cosmos will grow

darker and colder.

13. The Cubans are planning to boycott the conference, so the Venezuelans will boycott it, too.

14. Since Reverend Windfield will preach an extra-long sermon this Sunday, we may therefore expect

that some of his congregation will fall asleep.

*15. Captain Binnacle will not desert his sinking ship, for only a cowardly captain would desert a sinking

ship, and Captain Binnacle is no coward.

16. A well-known biologist recently admitted having fabricated data on stem-cell experiments. So his

claim that he has a cloned dog is probably false.

17. The French minister of culture has announced that France will not restrict American movies.

Assuming that film critics are right in questioning the overall quality of American movies, it follows that

French movie theaters will soon feature movies of questionable quality.

*18. The University of California at Berkeley is strong in math, for many instructors in its Math Department

have published breakthrough papers in the core areas of mathematics.

19. Her Spanish must be good now. She spent a year in Mexico living with a Mexican family, and she

took courses at the Autonomous University of Mexico.

Order a Similar Paper

Compare and Contrast Spanish Flu, Swine Flu


Grading: This is an all or nothing assignment. Full points for substantial completion of the assignment (answer #1-6 as requested, short responses accepted though you must be able to defend your statistics and statements when follow-up questions are directed to you by your classmates or professor). Zero points for non-completion or non-substantial work for this assignment.

Compare and Contrast Spanish Flu, Swine Flu (1976 and 2009), SARS, and Covid-19. 

I have always used the activity to teach students to plan for a pandemic in the future…. Well, it seems the future is now!

I developed this activity around 20 years ago when SARS CoV-1 was an issue (see if you can find the actual dates SARS CoV-1 started and ended if you can…), and approached the College about a plan for online learning in the event it disrupted our education…….

Research each disease, and list your references in each post. (Be sure to use citations that hold weight…like the CDC and WHO …NOT Wikipedia!). My goals for this exercise are to educate you about the past and how we have handled pandemics (and yes, we do come out of them and return to normal), get you to think critically about something that is affecting all of us so personally, and to also show you that the Internet does not always give us the truth. Many of the sites I have used in the past to teach Pandemics have been blocked or re-written (re-written history and distorted facts). So, let’s get to work on this as a team and see what we come up with, and I’ll give you insights as we go along. Don’t be surprised if your information is not the same as others’, that is why we need the citations to conduct our search for the truth so we can make informed decisions about what is happening to us now.

For each disease (especially Swine Flu 1976!) note the following information:

1. When and Where did it occur? 10 pts

2. What are the symptoms? 10 pts

3. How many people became ill, and how many people died? 10 pts

4. What are the cures (if any)? 10 pts

5. What lessons can we learn from the event? 5 pts

6. How has Covid-19 (SARS CoV-2) affected you and your family, and perhaps how you are working around problems it has caused for you? Are there any “upsides” to this experience for you? 5 pts

Be thoughtful in your posts. Post at least one initial post with your research citations. Provide substantial information (if you pull directly from a source put it in quotations and cite the author) and pose insightful questions. We are living in an historic time right now.

Check your spelling and watch your language please (no inflammatory or political opinions, per the Netiquette rules for the College).

Minimum of 600 words


Order a Similar Paper

Individual Assignments:

Individual Assignments: is a type of e-business exchange that does business entirely on the Internet. The system connects parking space landlords and space tenants all over the world in an online market and manages the entire booking process and payments.

For a person to offer parking spaces (landlord), he/she must register with The person must provide a current physical address and telephone number as well as a current e-mail address. The system will then maintain an open account for this person. Access to the system as a landlord is through a secure, authenticated portal.

A landlord can list parking spaces on the system through a special Internet form. Information required includes all of the pertinent information about the parking space, the asking price, and documents showing that the landlord has the right to rent the space. A landlord may list as many spaces as desired. Parking spaces listed by a landlord need to be verified that the landlord owns them, before they can be visible to the public. The system maintains an index of all parking spaces in the system so that tenants can use the search engine to search for parking spaces. The search engine allows searches of parking spaces by location. At the end of each month, a check is mailed to each landlord for the spaces that have been rented.

People wanting to rent parking spaces (potential tenants) come to the site and search for the space they want. When they decide to book, they must open an account with a credit card to pay for the parking space. They need to select the space they want to book, the time slot for the renting period and the vehicle license plate number. The system maintains all of this information on secure servers. The tenants can, if they want, enter their review and ratings of the parking space. The same functionality can be accessed through mobile app, which can be downloaded and installed from Apple Store and Google Play Store.

Week 2:

4. Based on the information here, draw  a domain model class diagram (UML Class Diagram) for the system that includes classes, attributes, association relationships, cardinality (10 points)

5. For each of the two use cases  List a Parking Space and  Book a Parking Space, develop a  fully developed use case description and a  System Sequence Diagram (SSD)  (20 points)


Order a Similar Paper


Name: Sample Date:


SCENARIO: Your supervisor has approved your research question and plan for studying some aspect of diversity and/or collaboration in a community group. Now it is time to conduct your literature review and develop your hypothesis and research plan.


ASSIGNMENT: In the first Touchstone, you developed a research question and prepared a preliminary bibliography for your literature review. You will now conduct your literature review, formulate your hypothesis and research plan, and develop a set of notecards that summarize your work.



IntroductionYour introduction notecard should introduce your audience to the community group being studied.
Research questionYour second notecard should state your research question.
Literature Review (4-6 cards)Each source should have one notecard. The notecard should describe the information and analysis you performed in Step 2.
HypothesisYour hypothesis notecard should describe your hypothesis.
Operational definitionsYour operational definitions notecard should include and explain any operational definitions you developed for your study. You may skip this card if you have none.
Research methodYour research method notecard should introduce your proposed research method and explain how you propose to conduct your research.





SOCI1010 Unit 3 Touchstone Sample


Complete the following template, including all parts, using complete sentences.



NOTECARD 1, Introduction: Your introduction card should introduce your audience to the community group being studied. Remember, it should be a group in which membership is voluntary and recreational.


In particular, be sure to answer the following questions:


· What is the community group?

· What are the attributes or characteristics of this community group? (e.g. What activities does this group do together? What element of the members’ interests or identities brings them together? How is membership in the group defined, if at all?)

· Is there anything else listeners should know about this group that is relevant for your research proposal?

I propose to study the Teen Reading Club at the Springfield Public Library. Teen Reading Club is a book club led by an SPL librarian. The group meets once per month to discuss a book that everyone has read. It’s an open group, so the teens who participate can vary from month to month. Prior to January 2020, each month’s reading selection was chosen by the librarian. Beginning in January 2020, the reading selection for each month was chosen by attendees at the previous month’s meeting, voting among five options pre-selected by the librarian.














NOTECARD 2, Research Question: This card will state your research question.
Does the method of selecting a reading for the Teen Reading Club have a measurable impact on the diversity of the readings selected?










NOTECARD 3, Literature Review: Describe and analyze your source. Include the bibliography information of author’s name(s); publisher and publication date; title of the source, in quotation marks; page numbers (if applicable); and source’s location for web-based texts (URL).


Describe the source and how it is relevant to your research proposal. Questions you could answer about your source include:

· Who wrote this article? Do they have an academic affiliation? Are the researchers sociologists, or are they of a different discipline?

· Where was this article published?

· When was the research conducted?

· What question were the researchers attempting to answer?

· How does this question/topic relate to my question/topic?

· What methods did they use to study their question?

· What conclusions did they draw from their results?

· How do their conclusions relate to my research question, hypothesis, or research plan?

Sofya Aptekar, 2019

The Public Library as Resistive Space in the Neoliberal City


Sofya Aptekar is a sociology professor at UMass Boston. She did ethnographic research in a public library in Queens, New York City. She was interested in studying how people of different classes and backgrounds interacted in a library space within a diverse neighborhood. She found that the library is a place where middle class people and lower class people have authentic interactions and where middle class people try to bend the rules in order to help lower class people. This is relevant to my proposed study because Aptekar discusses how diversity — in this case, economic diversity — impacts relationships and programming at an urban public library.






NOTECARD 4, Literature Review: Describe and analyze your source. Include the bibliography information of author’s name(s); publisher and publication date; title of the source, in quotation marks; page numbers (if applicable); and source’s location for web-based texts (URL).


Describe the source and how it is relevant to your research proposal. Questions you could answer about your source include:

· Who wrote this article? Do they have an academic affiliation? Are the researchers sociologists, or are they of a different discipline?

· Where was this article published?

· When was the research conducted?

· What question were the researchers attempting to answer?

· How does this question/topic relate to my question/topic?

· What methods did they use to study their question?

· What conclusions did they draw from their results?

· How do their conclusions relate to my research question, hypothesis, or research plan?

Jil’lana Heard. Knowledge Quest, 2015. “Engaging Teens in Recreational Reading Through Book Clubs.”


Jil’lana Heard is a media specialist at a junior high school in Arkansas. In this article, she describes a lunchtime book club that she began with her students. She describes why she started the book club, how she runs the book club, and what the impacts of the book club have been. The article was published in a journal for librarians. It was published in 2015 and Heard ran the book club for eight years at that point. It is relevant for my research because Heard describes how a youth book club can be run by librarians and details like book selection and how students respond to the books.
















NOTECARD 5, Literature Review: Describe and analyze your source. Include the bibliography information of author’s name(s); publisher and publication date; title of the source, in quotation marks; page numbers (if applicable); and source’s location for web-based texts (URL).


Describe the source and how it is relevant to your research proposal. Questions you could answer about your source include:

· Who wrote this article? Do they have an academic affiliation? Are the researchers sociologists, or are they of a different discipline?

· Where was this article published?

· When was the research conducted?

· What question were the researchers attempting to answer?

· How does this question/topic relate to my question/topic?

· What methods did they use to study their question?

· What conclusions did they draw from their results?

· How do their conclusions relate to my research question, hypothesis, or research plan?

Jamie Campbell Naidoo. ALSC, 2014. The Importance of Diversity in Library Programs and Material.


Naidoo is a professor at the University of Alabama and a member of the board of directors of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC). He wrote this paper for the ALSC publication in 2014. He reviews studies and other research about how children are exposed to diversity through the library and its collections. He emphasizes the importance of reading selections that introduce young people to cultures different from their own, frequently.














NOTECARD 6, Literature Review: Describe and analyze your source. Include the bibliography information of author’s name(s); publisher and publication date; title of the source, in quotation marks; page numbers (if applicable); and source’s location for web-based texts (URL).


Describe the source and how it is relevant to your research proposal. Questions you could answer about your source include:

· Who wrote this article? Do they have an academic affiliation? Are the researchers sociologists, or are they of a different discipline?

· Where was this article published?

· When was the research conducted?

· What question were the researchers attempting to answer?

· How does this question/topic relate to my question/topic?

· What methods did they use to study their question?

· What conclusions did they draw from their results?

· How do their conclusions relate to my research question, hypothesis, or research plan?

Linda Terran Strommen and Barbara Fowles Mates. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 2011. “Learning To Love Reading: Interviews With Older Children and Teens.”


Strommen and Mates interviewed children and teens who like to read and children and teens who don’t like to read. They analyzed the interview results and found that children who see themselves as part of a community of readers (such as those who have at least one family member who is a reader) are more likely to enjoy reading. This research was completed in 2011.

















NOTECARD 9, Hypothesis: State your hypothesis. Remember, a formal hypothesis states the relationship between two variables—one is independent and one is dependent. It must also be formatted as an If/Then statement.
If the attendees select the books, then the readings selected will exhibit a decrease in diversity of the writers, compared to when the librarian selects the books.







NOTECARD 10, Operational definitions: Include and explain any operational definitions you developed for your study. Remember, operational definitions identify important concepts related to the research. You may skip this card if you have none.
Attendees = the teens who attended the previous month’s reading group and who voted on the next month’s reading.


Librarian = the professional SPL librarian leading the reading group any given month. Note that multiple librarians have led the reading group in the period of time included in my study.


Writer diversity = the diversity of the identities of the authors of the selected readings will be assessed based on the writers’ Wikipedia pages. Diversity will be measured based on race and ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and religion.









NOTECARD 11, Proposed Research Method: Introduce your proposed research method and explain how you propose to conduct your research. Some questions about your research method you might want to answer include:

· Will you use qualitative or quantitative research or a combination?

· How will you engage subjects or find your data?

· What kinds of tools and assessments will be used to gather the data?

I will ask the librarian for a list of the readings for the teen reading group from January 2017 up until the most recent month available. I will analyze this data to determine whether the diversity of the writers represented increased or decreased since the change to the book selection process in January 2020. I will assign a score to each writer based on publicly available information about their identities, according to the following criteria:


Race and ethnicity:

If the writer is a person of color and/or Hispanic, +1

If race and ethnicity are unknown, 0

If the writer is non-Hispanic white, -1


If the writer is a woman, non-binary, transgender, or another gender minority, +1

If the writer’s gender is unknown, 0

If the writer is a cisgendered man, -1

Sexual orientation:

If the writer is openly queer (or, for writers from prior generations who are deceased, if historians largely consider them to have been queer), +1

If the writer’s sexual orientation is unknown, 0

If the writer is heterosexual, -1


If the writer practices a minority religion in the USA or is strongly connected to a minority religion heritage, +1

If the writer’s religion is unknown or if they have no religious affiliation, 0

If the writer is Protestant or Catholic, 0


For instance, J.K Rowling would receive a total score of -2, because she is a straight, white, Christian woman. Angie Thomas would receive a total score of 1, because she is a Black Christian woman of unknown sexual orientation.


After assigning scores, I will find the average score for all writers selected between January 2017 and December 2019, and the average score for all writers selected between January 2020 and the latest available data. Comparing the average scores for the two time periods will show whether my hypothesis is correct.


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Prepare a written work in a word file of 4 pages, including all the elements you have written before as well as the alternatives for vendors and software for each kind of it and the corresponding advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Prepare a written work in a word file of 4 pages, including all the elements you have written before as well as the alternatives for vendors and software for each kind of it and the corresponding advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Include an introduction, development, and conclusions, as well as at least 6 references using APA style.

Discussion week 6

Propose arguments and recommendations for using the software types and social media selection for making possible cross impacts and principal strategic objectives of your project company. Select a specific software for each type, and share the vendor and website. Write the information in at least 200 words.


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Anatomy And Physiology II W/Lab

Please make sure to go to the “Modules” link on the top left side of the course and then click on “Instructor Information,” the 4th link down under the “Start Here – Course Information” area.

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Describe how the human relationship to nature will be different from what it is at present.

Imagine a future (probably a long time from now) in which human beings have achieved environmental sustainability on a global scale. That means that we as a species have figured out how to maintain a lifestyle that can go on indefinitely. Humans will exist in harmony with their environment, not needing more resources than can naturally be replenished. What would such a world be like? How might we get there from here?

In this final assignment, you will play the part of science-fiction writer, imagining and describing what a sustainable Earth, inhabited by humans, might look like in the distant future. You will need to provide examples throughout to support your descriptions. You should include all the terms that you have researched during Weeks 1 through 4 of this class, underlining each term as you include it. Be sure to expand on your terms and include other concepts that you learned in the course. Provide as detailed a picture as possible of how that future world might function on a day-to-day basis. In your paper, use grammar and spell-checking programs to insure clarity. Proofread carefully prior to submitting your work. Finally, you will submit the document to Waypoint.

Your paper will consist of seven paragraphs using the format below to address the elements with the assumption that environmental sustainability has been achieved:

  • Paragraph 1:
    • Describe how the human relationship to nature will be different from what it is at present.
    • Examine how humans will cope differently with the ways that natural phenomena like hurricanes affect lives.
  • Paragraph 2:
    • Describe what Earth’s biodiversity and ecosystems will look like in a sustainable future.
    • Explain what humans have done differently to enable biodiversity and ecosystems to function sustainably.
  • Paragraph 3:
    • Examine how agricultural production will be different in a sustainable future.
  • Paragraph 4:
    • Differentiate between how humans will manage water resources (fresh water and ocean) in the sustainable future compared to how it is done now.
  • Paragraph 5
    • Examine how humans will meet their energy needs in the future in a way that will enable maintenance of a sustainable, habitable atmosphere and climate.
    • Indicate the changes that humans have made that are enabling them to maintain a healthy atmosphere and climate for all.
  • Paragraph 6:
    • Describe how waste management will be different in a sustainable future.
    • Indicate the changes have been made to how humans think about and treat what is currently called “waste.”
  • Paragraph 7:

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Chairman Bennie Thompson outlined a story about Lincoln. What did he convey and what was his intent in doing so?

QUESTIONS: 1. Chairman Bennie Thompson outlined a story about Lincoln. What did he convey and what was his intent in doing so? Answer in approximately 100 words 2. Former Attorney General William Barr, a Trump political appointee and staunch supporter, appears in a video clip at the beginning of the hearing. What is his message in approximately 75 words? 3. Who was Alex Cannon and what did he testify regarding the election fraud issue? Answer in approximately 50 words. 4. In terms of assertions of fraudulent voting machines, what did AG Barr say about the issue? Answer in approximately 50 words. 5. When appearing on video, Ivanka Trumps conveyed what to investigators when under oath? Answer in 1-2 sentences. 6. What did Representative Liz Cheney lay out as possible illegal efforts by the president regarding the election and attempts to undermine the Department of Justice. Answer in approximately 150 words? 7. Who is Dr. John Eastman and what role did he play on January 6th, and in the overall election fraud scheme? Answer in approximately 100 words. 8. Explain the pressure campaign on Mike Pence. Answer in approximately 100 words 9. Explain the pressure campaign on state legislators. Answer in approximately 100 words. 10. Explain what occurred of significance in the December 18, 2020 meeting in the White House with outside council. Answer in 50 words. 11. What did General Mark Milley convey in his sworn testimony? Answer in approximately 50 words. 12. Who are the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, and how do they factor into Jan 6th? Answer in approximately 100 words. 13. In the final ½ hour of the hearing, the recount by a female police officer and a documentary filmmaker who were both present that day outlined what of importance from your perspective? Answer in 125 words 14. What were your main takeaways, and or what surprised you in the video? Answer in approximately 150 words.


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Peer Evaluation and Self-Evaluation

For this assignment, each student will submit a brief WORD document (double spaced) that contains two headings: Peer Evaluation and Self-Evaluation. For the Peer Evaluation section, address the following elements: (1) What group strategies are going well? Explain why these strategies are effective. (2) What specific improvements need to be made? For the Self-Evaluation section, address the following elements: (1) What individual strengths do you bring to the final project? (2) What is a challenge (growth edge) that you can improve upon in moving forward with the final project? (3) What can you do to improve your own contributions to the group’s goals and processes in the second half of the semester? The paper should be approximately one double-spaced page; address all of the criteria, and demonstrate clear and correct writing.

*PhD Student(s): Address the first two components for the Self-Evaluation PLUS one additional element (of your choice) that is relevant to your progress in developing the manuscript.

*Save/name the file according to instructions in the course syllabus.

Due Sun, Mar 12 @ 11:59 p.m. CST


Excellent (10-9): Student addresses all of the criteria and demonstrates critical thinking. Student demonstrates clear and correct writing.

Above Average (8): Student addresses all of the criteria and mostly demonstrates critical thinking. Student mostly demonstrates clear and correct writing.

Average (7): Student may not clearly address all of the criteria. Critical thinking is average, and writing may contain more than a few errors.

Below Average (6 & Below): Student did not address all of the criteria. Critical thinking is below average, and writing may contain multiple errors. 


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