Respond to a classmate who holds a different philosophical orientation than you and share an insight.
Respond to a classmate who holds a different philosophical orientation than you and share an insight.
Respond to a classmate who holds a different philosophical orientation than you and share an insight.
· Review the Learning Resources and Course Announcement.
· Complete a search online for syllabi in foundational human services courses, which are typically named Introduction to Human Services or Foundations in Human Services. Choose a syllabus.
· Consider the strengths and weaknesses of the syllabus you chose.
· For this Discussion, you should cite the sources you use to support your evaluation. However, APA formatting of those citations will not be assessed as part of your Discussion grade.
Write a 400- to 500-word initial post that is organized into multiple paragraphs in which you:
· Share an overview of your chosen syllabus and provide an attached .doc or .pdf file or link to the original source. Note if the course is in-person, online, or hybrid.
· Evaluate the strengths of the syllabus by pointing out at least 4 effective features of the syllabus. Use Learning Resources to support your evaluation.
· Evaluate the weaknesses of the syllabus by pointing out at least 2 changes you would make. Explain how these changes would improve the syllabus. Use Learning Resources to support your evaluation.
The city of Erickson has allocated 4 million dollars to develop an outpatient mental health treatment center for people in the community who are homeless. Can you recommend two best practice methods for the new service. ?
My literature review was conducted on Rethinking decision making: An ethnographic study of worker agency in crisis intervention. From my review of the literature, Smith (2014) describes the problem of decision-making among social workers during crisis intervention. She explains how formal training in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention, a systematic crisis prevention and management program for workers in youth care, is mobilized during crisis intervention “ (p.2).through the decision-making process . This study documents how mental health workers at the University. According to Smith (2014), “while much literature on decision-making in social work is normative, some authors have focused more descriptively on the range of ways in which social workers actually make decisions in specific fields of practice”. (P.1) The author suggests that the social work literature on decision making may benefit from further studies of the ways in which workers mobilize knowledge in their work with clients” (p. 2). Therefore, the literature does show a gap in research on how social workers ultimately make decisions in the workplace.
Smith (2014) describes the findings of her study, “these studies reflect ongoing developments in the fields of judgment and decision-making more generally, which have increasingly complicated or challenged the classical rational actor model of decision-making” (p. 3).
The author’s rationale for the problem is clearly stated. Smith (2014) explains, “I selected UHS as the site of this study because “it offered the opportunity to intensively study how workers did or did not use a formalized decision-making process taught in a crisis intervention” (p. 11 ).
The author also framed the problem in a way that was consistent with her research approach. Smith (2014) notes “Preliminary interviews with UHS executives revealed that the organization was interested in working with a researcher to learn more about how workers made decisions and selected interventions. After speaking with executives, she interviewed “all UHS workers involved in management, clinical training, direct care, or mental health treatment of clients to participate in this study. She conducted approximately 1,560 hours of participant observation with 78 consenting UHS mental health workers over the course of 13 months”
(p. 12).
The targeted population was described in the article as she identified the research study sample which was “conducted at a residential treatment center and school serving approximately 45 children and young adults between the ages of 5 and 20 whose emotional and behavioral symptoms had not been adequately managed in less restrictive environments” (p. 10 ).
Smith (2014) revealed that the clients often had a long-documented history of behavioral, emotional, and social difficulties, as well as outpatient therapies, school-based interventions, hospitalizations, or other residential placement”. (p. 10 )
Respond to a classmate who was assigned a different article than you by further supporting his or her critique or respectfully offering a differing perspective.
The author’s theoretical framework is grounded in Bourdieu’s theory of practice. Through this conceptual framework, the author frames the literature to “suggests that the social work literature on decision making may benefit from further studies of the ways in which workers mobilize knowledge in their work with clients”(p.28). In conclusion, the citations are not within the past 5 years.
Post a response to the following:
For this Discussion, you and your colleagues consider how social work values are demonstrated in social work practice. Consider different scenarios you may experience during your career and how ethical standards may influence your response.
Respond to at least 2 of your peers by comparing and contrasting the features of your syllabus to theirs. Try to find someone whose setting (in-person, online, or hybrid) is different from yours.
The syllabus chosen for this week’s discussion was an Introduction to Human Services syllabus from the College of Menominee Nation. This was an in-person, on-campus class. The syllabus gave a course description of the class, which said to provide an overview of career choices related to the Human Services field. Similarly, the course description provided info on several different fields that students could choose to work in, from those who have substance use disorders to those who may have developmental disabilities. The purpose of this syllabus was to let the students know what the learning objectives were in the class as well as the expectations of the class. As described by Richmond (2016), this type of syllabus allows the professor to give the students an outline of what is expected in the course and how they can pass it.
Four Effective Features
Although many features stood out, the four that I thought was to be the most effective in this syllabus are listed below
1. Instructor Information: The instructor provides information on how to address the professor and serves as an introduction, and a means to communicate with the professor in multiple ways. In this particular syllabus, the professor lists their email and several phone numbers in which they can be contacted. Additionally, on this syllabus, the instructor has listed the scheduled office hours, so the students will know when the professor is available.
2. The Learning Objectives: The syllabus gave an overview of what should be learned in the course. The feature is essential and effective because they assist in communicating to the students what they should be able to do or what they should have learned. Furthermore, it sets the student’s expectations and helps guide their learning processes (Mitchell & Manzo, 2018).
3. Classroom Conduct: The classroom conduct was an effective portion of this syllabus as once someone gets to the collegiate level, things can change, and what they may be used to in high school will no longer be acceptable. This section outlines what is expected of the student regarding assignments and homework. Likewise, this portion of the syllabus also talks about the responsibility of the student to have academic integrity.
4. Course Schedule with Guest Speakers: This feature was effective in the syllabus because it clearly outlines what is due and when it is due. However, it also allowed guest speakers to come and speak about their various roles in the Human Services field. I have found that many people don’t know exactly how they want to help or what they want to do until they hear or see someone else do it. The guest speaker portion gives the students an inside view of what could be expected and how these speakers go through in their field of expertise.
Two Changes
The two changes I would make to this syllabus is the conciseness of the grading scale. The syllabus annotates that there are grades of “ AB, BC, and CD rather than A-, B- or C-. When grades are received at the end of the semester, I have yet to see where grades are given in this formation. Therefore, if this is not how the grades will be reflected on the transcript, then I think it should be made to reflect on the said transcript and how the grades will appear. The other change I would make to this syllabus is to make it more inclusive. This will help the student’s first impression become more positive and easy to understand. As stated before, the grading scale was confusing and difficult to understand.
Bezzerides, J., Daly-Galeano, M., & Payton, S. (2020). Syllabus as inclusive practice. Syllabus, 9(1), 1–2.
Gannon, K. (2018, September 12). How to create a syllabus: Advice guideLinks to an external site. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Mitchell, K. M. W., & Manzo, W. R. (2018). The purpose and perception of learning objectives. Journal of Political Science Education, 14(4), 456–472.
Sharing an Overview:
The syllabus that I selected was a human service in-person course at Calumet College of Saint Joseph. The course syllabus gave an introduction to the professor how and where she can be reached and when she can be reached, and a brief background or some history of the professor. I think this is useful information for the students one it’s allowing them the professor’s background and two they can ask questions as they inspire or give them direction to be Human Services providers.
The course syllabus is one place where an instructor directly can influence students’ interest and motivation. The syllabus may provide an overview of the content areas, elaborate on how the course will be taught, and introduce the instructor.
Evaluate the strengths of the syllabus by pointing out at least 4 effective features of the syllabus. Use Learning Resources to support your evaluation.
4 Strengths of the Syllabus:
1. The course provides a clear course description: Students will be provided with an overview of the Human Services field and the various concentrations offered at Calumet College of St. Joseph. This course serves as the foundational course for the Counseling and Social Service concentrations. The course is delivered as an accelerated hybrid course linked with HSV 220. According to Ludy et. al., (2016) “the syllabus provides a first impression, which may be important (Matejka & Kurke, 1994) because it can motivate students or, alternatively, disinterest them in the course” (pg.1). The clarity of the course layout would bring a sense of peace when first reviewing the syllabus.
2. The course provides the outcomes and competencies so that the students can stay on the course and know what to expect. How the overall layout and the organization of the syllabus speak volumes about how the university and professor want the students to be successful. It was stated by Ludy et. al., (2016) “the syllabus may provide an overview of the content areas, elaborate on how the course will be taught, and introduce the instructor”.
3. Summary assessments: The goal of the summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against a standard or benchmark.
4. Description of Student Assignments: The course description provides direct detail of assignments, quizzes, presentations, grading scales, and the dates from week to week until the final day of class.
Evaluate the weaknesses of the syllabus by pointing out at least 2 changes you would make. Explain how these changes would improve the syllabus. Use Learning Resources to support your evaluation.
The two changes that I would like to point out that I would consider a weakness with the syllabus falls under the responsibilities. The tone of the verbiage that falls under the responsibility column could be unmotivating a little intimidating to the student or create more anxiety especially if you have a student who is a first-time learner. I would change the energy and the tone of the wording to be more encouraging and empowering.
Respond to a classmate by further supporting his or her response or respectfully offering a differing perspective.
Respond to at least two of your peers by commenting on similarities and differences between your research experiences or by offering an answer to their questions or concerns.
Share your potential dissertation topic or area of focus
Building a wellness center that provides access to Trauma Therapy in underserved populations, for adults who survived the civil war in Liberia and are still suffering from Long-Term Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). I am Liberian and a survivor of the civil war, so this project means a lot to me.
Topic or Area
Trauma Therapy and Long-Term Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Explain what went well and what was difficult during the library search.
Due to the knowledge and training obtained during residency 1, I did not have a difficult time doing the library search. Finding articles on my subject went well. Although the research process went well, having the instructions on how to access the database from the library homepage and clicking on the subject area (How do I find databases by subject, 2023) was a great reminder.
Explain the research strategy you used and explain how it was helpful or not
During residency 1, I learned about the Citation management tool and how to formulate key words. Also, the search log matrix, which helps students keep track of their research and what database was used. Learning how to set up an alert for new article and journal releases. Watching abbreviations and hyphens when researching in the database because those things prevent articles from coming up and affect the research. Example; write out Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and not PTSD. Using these strategies helped make the process easier. Also, the Determining Reliability and Credibility: Evaluating the Author and Publisher model 4 section 3 Interactive tutorial, was a great read and helped my research process as well.
Watch the board meeting and answer the questions.
This assignment is designed to provide you with the opportunity to experience the policy making process in person and obtain a deeper understanding of the procedures followed to establish policy at the local level. Attend a local public meeting and summarize responses to the questions below. The written summary should be 2-3 pages in length (not including the cover page). Examples of public office meetings include City council meetings, County Board of Supervisor meetings, and School Board meetings.
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