The role of language in maintaining and transmitting Indigenous culture: insights from the Warlpiri community

The role of language in maintaining and transmitting Indigenous culture: insights from the Warlpiri community


Assignment Details

Your submitted assignment should:
include 7-10 texts that you have reviewed for this assignment. All of these texts must drawn from the list of acceptable sources listed below and at least 5 of which must be scholarly peer-reviewed sources
Provide the full bibliographic details for each source
Give a brief summary of the main findings/points that each source makes and explain how the source helped you better understand your chosen topic or community
How to Create an Annotated Bibliography
It is not sufficient to simply select relevant readings and include them in this assignment without reading them. Remember, if you choose a creative option for your final project, this is your opportunity to convince me that you have really engaged in exploring the topic you have chosen. Your summary of each reading needs to consider the main points that the reading makes not a list of the topics that are covered. By this I mean you need to tell me exactly what they say about something rather than just that they talk about that topic. Its not an abstract or an overview of the reading, but it should in some ways resemble the reading summaries you are doing for the reading notes assignment.
Your annotation for each source should be around 70-120 words (this will vary between sources as some will require more explanation than others) and include the following details:
Description (2-3 sentences): provide a brief summary of the reading. Focus on the points made that are relevant to your topic rather than simply listing the topics covered.
Utility (2-3 sentences): consider what aspect of your final paper this source helps with. How exactly does it help you to better understand the issue and/or answer the research question you have chosen?
Evaluation (2-3 sentences): provide a brief assessment of the usefulness of the source for your final paper. Consider the quality of the source (i.e., is it an academic source?) and its relevance to your specific project. It’s highly unlikely (and undesirable) that you solely use sources that talk about your specific issue, so it is important to be mindful of the limits of their usefulness. For example, if your project is about Kāi Tahu language revitalization programs, a source that discusses language revitalization among the Chickasaw may give you some good ideas and theory but will also include some information that doesn’t work for your project. In this kind of instance, you might say something like: “The points that Davis makes about Chickasaw approaches to language revitalization are useful for understanding Kāi Tahu projects because [explain why they work in the different context]. The points that Davis makes about [give a very brief description/summary of these points] are not relevant as the Kāi Tahu experience is [explain the relevant differences].
Your sources should be listed in alphabetical order following the below example. Because you have provided the full bibliographic details as your headings, you do not need to include a Works Cited list in this assignment (you will need one in your reflexive statement though and if you choose to present your findings in a traditional essay you will need one for that too).
Haig-Brown, Celia. 2018. “Working to Reconcile: Truth, Action, and Indigenous Education in Canada.” In Race and Racialization: Essential Readings, edited by Tania Das Gupta, Carl E. James, Chris Andersen, Grace-Edward Galabuzi, and Roger C.A. Maaka, 2nd ed., 318–37. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press.
Sentences describing the source here
IMPORTANT: USE ETHNOGRAPHIC TEXT ” An Australian Indigenous Diaspora: Warlpiri Matriarchs and the Refashioning of Tradition” AS A ACADEMIC SOURCE.