Special Topics in Autism Module 4

Special Topics in Autism Module 4

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


·       Kaiser, A., Fuller, E. A., & Heidlage, J. K. (2021). Enhanced milieu teaching. In P. A. Prelock & R. J. McCauley
(Eds.), Treatment of autism spectrum disorder: Evidence-based intervention strategies for communication
& social interactions (2nd ed., pp. 255–286). Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. (required text) Chapter 10

·       Shires, S. Y., Shih, W., & Kasari, C. (2018). Brief report: Caregiver strategy implementation—advancing
spoken communication in children who are minimally verbal. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 48, 1228–1234.  Brief_Report_Caregiver_Strateg.PDFDownload Brief_Report_Caregiver_Strateg.PDF


Review Powerpointpecs.pptDownload pecs.ppt

Review Videos of PECS In Action Link 1: https://youtu.be/HGtZNy0PcVw


PECS – Demonstration of Phases 1, 2, and 3 Link: https://youtu.be/zTEm4EACEko


Assignment 1, Module 4 Discussion: Is PECS a feasible option to teach communication?   What are the pros and cons of using PECS?

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 4

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 4

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


Select two articles to read for this week. Please indicate which articles you are referring to in your summary and reflection discussion. 

Topic 1: On Inclusion

1.  Causton-Theoharis, J., Theoharis, G., Bull, T., Cosier, M., & Dempf-Aldrich, K. (2011). Schools of promise: A school district-university partnership centered on inclusive school reform. Remedial and Special Education32(3), 192–205.  Causton-Theoharis et al._2011_.pdfDownload Causton-Theoharis et al._2011_.pdf

2.  Fisher, D. & Frey, N. (2014).  What 20+ years of secondary inclusion has taught us. In Danforth, S. (Ed.) Becoming a Great Inclusive Educator. (pp. 285-292). New York, NY: Peter Lang Publishing Inc. Fisher&Frey (2014).pdfDownload Fisher&Frey (2014).pdf

3. Eudaly _2009_.pdf

4. Research study PowerPoint – Inclusion-study-ppt-short.pdf Download Inclusion-study-ppt-short.pdf

5. Does_self-contained_special_education_deliver_etc.pdf Download Does_self-contained_special_education_deliver_etc.pdf

6. RASE_2013_Does_Access_Matter.pdf Download RASE_2013_Does_Access_Matter.pdf

7. The_Power_of_the_Inclusive_Camp_Experience-ACA Article.pdf Download The_Power_of_the_Inclusive_Camp_Experience-ACA Article.pdf

Additional  Resources: (Optional) 


·       Circle makers (by Dr. Julie Causton) – https://vimeo.com/462652898

·       Because of Oliver (by Dr. Julie Causton) – https://www.inclusiveschooling.com/because-of-oliver/

·       Transforming Inclusive Education (by Shelley Moore)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYtUlU8MjlY&feature=youtu.beLinks to an external site.

Additional Resources on Inclusive Education

https://ldaamerica.org/parents/Links to an external site.

https://www.pattan.net/Parent-Information/Pennsylvania-SupportsLinks to an external site.

https://www.pattan.net/getattachment/0395c4a1-6d19-42da-a049-b07a003317d6/Family-ABCs-InfGraph_ENG-SP-11-18-wba.pdf?lang=en-US&ext=.pdfLinks to an external site.

https://www.pattan.net/getattachment/Publications/Education-ABCs/Education_ABCs_0117-pdf/Education-ABCs-8-18-wba.pdf?lang=en-US&ext=.pdfLinks to an external site.

https://www.pattan.net/getattachment/Publications/Pennsylvania-Parent-Guide-to-Special-Education-for/SchAge_Parent0517-pdf/SchAge-Parent-Gd-10-25-18wba.pdf?lang=en-US&ext=.pdfLinks to an external site.

https://www.pattan.net/getattachment/Publications/What-is-the-Families-to-the-MAX-Pennsylvania-State/What-is-the-Families-to-the-MAX-Pennsylvania-State/Families-MAX-Flyer-ENG-10-18-wba.pdf?lang=en-US&ext=.pdfLinks to an external site.

https://www.pattan.net/getattachment/Publications/Understanding-the-Language-of-Special-Education-A/Lang_of_SpEd_1216-pdf/Language-of-Spec-Ed-9-18-wba.pdf?lang=en-US&ext=.pdfLinks to an external site.

https://www.pattan.net/getmedia/38fc4564-3927-4098-b903-afbc3346f706/EarlyInt%20Provider%20Guide%20JUL14%20LTR_v5Links to an external site.

A research article on Inclusive Education in Canada (2017): Developing_Effective_Instructional_Strat-1.pdf


Assignment 1, Module 4 Assignment:  Because of the significance of this topic and the vast amount of resources,  I made the following two changes for this Unit regarding the selection of texts to summarize and reflect on, as well as posting and responding to classmates on the Discussion links. Please read carefully:

·       Even though I encourage you to review all texts in this Unit, select two from the Required Texts section, to complete the Text Summaries and Reflection

For each assigned text/video/podcast, you will complete a Text Summary and Reflection and post it on that Unit Canvas Discussion. You will respond to two of your classmates’ posts in an effort to engage in a conversation, similar to how we will discuss a topic if we were face to face in the classroom.

Your post should demonstrate evidence that you have engaged with the text (read, listened, watched, etc.), what have you learned, and how it could affect your current professional practice.

One way to engage with your classmates’ posts is to think about the following connections: a. text to self; b. text to text; and c. text to world.  That is, what connections are you making between your classmates’ responses to your personal and professional experiences; what connections to other texts (whether from this course or others); and what connections to the world at large. Your Weekly Text Summaries and Reflections Assignments will be graded based on how:

·       Weekly Text Summary and Reflection demonstrates understanding and engagement with the text

·       Writing reflects thoughtful synthesis of text information and student’s professional experiences

·       Summaries include direct references to text including page numbers – note that this bullet was not included in the Syllabus description

Post by Thursday at midnight. Respond to two of your classmates by Sunday at midnight

·       Reading/Watching/Listening Summaries: First, complete your reading/watching/listening assignments and then the Text Summaries and Reflections for the Required texts. Recommended/Optional are not required, but recommended. If you read/watch/listen to them include the in the Text Summaries and Reflection form.  You will submit one Text Summaries and Reflections per unit. That is, on the same document, complete the Text Citation and Summary for each reading/video/podcast. Responses to Questions #3 and #4, what did you learn and would do differently, will be an integration of all that unit texts.

·       The Format of your post should be as follows.

Please complete one summary for each of the Required assigned readings. Optional/Recommended are welcomed but not required.

1. Text 1(Article/Resource/Media) Citation (APA Style):

2. Text 1 Summary: (Make direct connections to the text)

3. Text 2 (Article/Resource/Media) Citation (APA Style):

4. Text 2 Summary: (Make direct connections to the text) – Add more if more texts are assigned for that unit

5. What three things did you learn from these texts (article/resource/media)? (make direct connections to text including page numbers if appropriate)

6. What three things would you do differently as an educator/leader/therapist based on your new knowledge and understandings as a result of these texts (article/resource/media)?

Praxis Exam

Praxis Exam

In order to access your eBook(s), please click the following link(s):

Special Topics in Autism Module 5

Special Topics in Autism Module 5

Assignment 2, FE 1: Students will complete a review of different communication systems used for clients with autism.  Students will submit a 3-page review (following APA guidelines) of 2 different communication systems such as comparing PECS to ASL.  I suggest finding online resources on these devices and also a journal article would be great to gain that empirical view.


If students have access to students they will observe a student using one of these systems such as Picture Exchange Communication or an IPad and/or meet with a speech therapists to observe or discussion  forms of communication training with a student with Autism.  This observation should be approximately 4 hours in length if possible.  Include subheadings such pros; cons; limitations; etc, to organize the observation.


Please be aware that you will just skip the observation or SLP interview if you are impacted by the COVID Pandemic.  Please note on the PDE form if you were impacted by COVID just for tracking purposes.


Special Topics in Autism Module 5

Special Topics in Autism Module 5

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


·       Griffiths, S., Jarrold, C., Penton-Voak, I. S., Woods, A. T., Skinner, A. L., & Munafo, M. R. (2019). Impaired
recognition of basic emotions from facial expressions in young people with autism spectrum disorder:
Assessing the importance of expression intensity. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49,
2768–2778.    Impaired_Recognition_of_Basic.PDFDownload Impaired_Recognition_of_Basic.PDF
Tse, A. C. Y. (2020). Brief report: Impact of a physical exercise intervention on emotion regulation and
behavioral functioning in children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders, 50, 4191–4198  Brief_Report_Impact_of_a_Physi.PDFDownload Brief_Report_Impact_of_a_Physi.PDF

·       Links to an external site.

EBP and ASD.pptx Download EBP and ASD.pptx

Review PowerpointAutism and ASL.pptx

PortalGuard – Arcadia Login




Assignment 1, Module 5 Discussion: As you know the recent DSM-V now classifies the spectrum simply from  high-functioning autism to severe autism?  What are the pros and cons of this change and what do you  think about this change?

Learning for Justice Webinar #2

Assignment 2, Learning for Justice Webinar #2: From the Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance) Website select THREE webinars to complete during the semester.

https://www.learningforjustice.org/professional-development/webinarsLinks to an external site.


Learning for Justice webinars offer helpful guidance and great ideas from our experienced teaching and learning …

Webinar username: Kmurray_05@arcadia.edu
Password: $Champion212121


For each one:

1. Upload the Certificate of Completion onto Canvas. (Make sure you email me the certificate)

2. Provide a summary of the webinar as well as something you learned and how you will incorporate it into your practice.

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 6

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 6

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


·       National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD, 2020). Significant Disproportionality in Special Education: Current Trends and Actions for Impact 2020-NCLD-Disproportionality_Trends-and-Actions-for-Impact_FINAL-1.pdf Download 2020-NCLD-Disproportionality_Trends-and-Actions-for-Impact_FINAL-1.pdf

·       Novak (2019) The School-To-Prison Pipeline: An Examination of the Association Between Suspension and Justice System Involvement Novak (2019) School to Prison Pipeline- Suspension and Justice System Involvement.pdf Download Novak (2019) School to Prison Pipeline- Suspension and Justice System Involvement.pdf

·       Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc. (COPAA) Complaint (2018) Legal Case COPAA-complaint-filed.pdf Download COPAA-complaint-filed.pdf

·       Coutinho & Oswald (2006) Disproportionate Representation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students  students_in_SPED_Brief.pdf Download students_in_SPED_Brief.pdf

·       Drakeford (2006 ) Racial Disproportionality in School Disciplinary Practices School_Discipline_Brief.pdfDownload School_Discipline_Brief.pdf

Sub-topic: School to Prison Pipeline

·       Video: How the School to Prison Pipeline Works:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zer6FapK49ELinks to an external site.

·       Video: What is the School-to-Prison Pipeline? How Do We Dismantle It? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUUTDoWusHILinks to an external site.


Assignment 1, Module 6 Reflections on Disproportionality in Education: Please post here any thoughts that come to you as you after reading this Module Introduction – Due on Thursday – Respond to two classmates by Sunday at Midnight

Question 1

What did/do you noticed about the racial and gender make up of students receiving special education services, especially in predominantly white school districts. Have you ever noticed any demographic difference between the general population of students in the school/district and those receiving special education supports and services? Furthermore, who gets to be included and who is in more secluded/segregated education settings, such as Emotional and Behavioral Supports who rarely interact academic and socially with their peers?

Question 2

What did/do you noticed about the racial and gender make up of students placed in the Challenge/Gifted program, and Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses in High School? Have you ever noticed any demographic difference between the number of students of color in the school/district, and those having access to the most challenging and rigorous courses?

Question 3

How do you explain those differences?

Fairwold K-8th  Lesson Plan

Fairwold K-8th  Lesson Plan

I need you to complete a Fairwold K-8th  Lesson Plan. I need a lesson plan on lesson plan on the fundamentals of basketball for grades K-8TH.


Please use the website listed below to get the PA standards for Physical Education:



Assignment 2, Journal Article Reflection


Assignment 2, Journal Article Reflection:

  1. Search for an article about Autism in one of our search engines.
  2. Write a 2-page reflection about the aforementioned article.





  1. Reflection discusses the focus of the course.
  1. Reflection connects the current unit to your own professional practice.
  1. Reflection cites current research from the course or your own research – using APA Format.


  1. Reflection synthesis and answers assigned questions


 Total Points



Special Topics in Autism Module 6

Special Topics in Autism Module 6

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


·        In P. A. Prelock & R. J. McCauley (Eds.), Treatment of autism spectrum disorder: Evidence-based
intervention strategies for communication & social interactions (2nd ed., pp. 193–228). Paul H. Brookes
Publishing Co. (required text)  CHAPTER 6 and Chapter 8.

·       Review Video


·       Review PPT



·       DTT.presentation.pdfDownload DTT.presentation.pdf


ABA Autism Training-Chapter 1 video link: https://youtu.be/7pN6ydLE4EQ



Assignment 1, Prompting Discussion: Prompting is extensively used in behavior shaping and skill acquisition.  Therefore, it is a hallmark of programming with students with ASD.    Prompts vary from most to least intrusive in nature. What are the pros and cons and how to you think we can plan to avoid prompt dependency.  Please be specific and feel free to discuss experiences from the real world working with students with ASD.