Population – Mentally Ill/Addicts

Population – Mentally Ill/Addicts

Your presentation should be at least 15–20 slides, not including your cover slide or reference slides. Your reference slides should cite at least seven references. Your presentation should, at the minimum, include the following topics regarding your chosen vulnerable population and related health education program/plan:

  • Clearly states population chosen
  • Describes the vulnerable population
  • States the current population demographics
  • Discusses background of the problem, and its effect on public health
  • Discusses the cultural background of the selected population and any relevant history pertaining to the population
  • Discusses the psychosocial concerns and/or norms of the population
  • Discusses the economic concerns of the population including, but not limited to, income levels, educational levels and occupation
  • Discusses specific health concerns of the population
  • Information on specific risk factors for target population is presented concisely and accurately
  • Discusses prevention and control of health concerns and risk factors (primary, secondary and tertiary)
  • Discusses the role of the public health nurse in caring for vulnerable populations
  • States the core functions of public health and applies it to the care of the specific population
  • Three local agencies/facilities delivering services to the target population are identified and accessibility and service rendered are fully described
  • Additional resources needed in the community are identified.
  • Information discussed is current, within the last 5 years.

Remember that your presentation will be viewed/critiqued by your classmates and your instructor, and should be professional in format/appearance.

You will submit your presentation to the assignment dropbox and the Health Education Program Presentation Blog area in the main menu on the left, so that your classmates have a chance to comment on your presentation and provide feedback.

During week 7, you will be asked to review at least two of your classmates’ presentations and give substantive comments/feedback. To do this, click on the Health Education Program blog, find a presentation, watch it, and click comment in the entry to type your feedback.

Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)

Points Possible: 120

Videos can be recorded using any software or tool, but all videos are required to be uploaded to My Panopto Videos for assignment submission.

You can also use the Panopto Desktop Recording tool to create your video.

Critically analyze each of the identified organizational challenges you identified in Week 3 and compare them with Capella University’s criteria for an approvable doctoral capstone topic and project and with elements needed for the application of EBP improvement.


Critically analyze each of the identified organizational challenges you identified in Week 3 and compare them with Capella University’s criteria for an approvable doctoral capstone topic and project and with elements needed for the application of EBP improvement. Then, make a case for focusing on one challenge as the best opportunity for EBP improvement in a potential doctoral capstone project.


The assignment requirements, outlined below, correspond to the scoring guide criteria, so be sure to address each main point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. In addition, note the additional requirements for document format, length, and supporting evidence.

  • Describe the characteristics of a professional doctorate and doctoral capstone project.
    • Compare professional activities and roles for individuals with a DHA or DrPH degree compared to a PhD degree.
    • Delineate the differences and similarities between a DHA or DrPH capstone project and a PhD dissertation.
    • Describe three major characteristics of a doctoral capstone project.
  • Critically analyze the potential of evidence-based improvement to mitigate the negative impact of each of the three identified organizational challenges.
    • Describe the appropriateness of applying the EBP process to mitigate the negative impact of the identified challenges.
    • Summarize the quality of available research evidence to support a potential project focused on mitigating the negative impact of the identified challenges.
    • Describe how the EBP process could facilitate improvements that mitigate the negative impact of the challenges in a short period of time.
  • Determine the extent to which a project focused on mitigating the negative impact of each of the three organizational challenges meets Capella University criteria for a doctoral capstone project.
    • Outline what a doctoral capstone project is and what it is not, according to Capella University criteria for a doctoral capstone project.
    • Describe how the application of existing knowledge to mitigate the negative impact of the challenges aligns with your program and specialization and contributes to your field.
    • Summarize Capella University criteria that would be met by a doctoral capstone project focused on mitigating the negative impact of the challenges.
  • Argue for the potential success and approval of a doctoral capstone project focused on the evidence-based improvement of one challenge the organization is facing.
    • Describe how the evidence-based improvement of one challenge meets professional doctorate, EBP, and university standards and criteria.
  • Write concisely and directly, using active voice.
  • Apply APA style and formatting to scholarly writing.

Additional Requirements

  • Format: Format your paper using APA style. Use the APA Style Paper Template [DOCX]. An APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX] is also provided to help you in writing and formatting your paper. Be sure to include:
    • A title page and reference page. An abstract is not required.
    • A running head on all pages.
    • Appropriate section headings.
  • Length: Your paper should be 3–4 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page.
  • Supporting evidence: Cite at least two current and relevant peer-reviewed studies. Provide in-text citations and references in APA format.

Review the SMART resources in this topic prior to completing this assignment.

Review the SMART resources in this topic prior to completing this assignment. A SMART design is important to the success of a project. This design allows a project manager to structure a project and track its performance as it is implemented.

For this assignment, you will develop a goal, process objectives, and outcome objectives that apply SMART criteria for an evidence-based intervention to address the health issue affecting the target population identified in your community needs assessment. Review the “SMART Goals and Objectives” video in your Topic Resources to help you complete this worksheet. Use the “SMART Plan: Project Goal and Objectives” worksheet to complete this assignment.

You are required to cite five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content. APA style

SMART Plan: Project Goal and Objectives

SMART Plan: Project Goal and Objectives

Part 1

Using the data collected on your chosen public health issue and the target population it affects, develop a goal for your program planning project. After you write your initial goal, use the checklist questions to guide the development of your goal. Refine your goal as needed until all criteria are met.

Criteria for Assessing GoalYesNo
Does your goal explain what the program intends to accomplish?  
Does your goal set a long-range direction?  
Is your goal a broad general statement?  
Does your goal specify the problem and define the target population?  

If you answered “yes” to all, your goal is ready. Proceed to Part 2.

If you answered “no” to any, your goal needs refinement. Make necessary changes, apply the criteria, then proceed to Part 2.

Part 2

Use the template below to develop two process objectives that support your goal. Process objectives should:

1. Focus on the activities to be completed in a specific time period

1. Enable accountability by setting specific activities to be completed by specific dates

1. Explain what you are doing and when you will do it

Begin by stating your process objective. Provide a rationale for your stated objective. After you write your initial objective, use the SMART criteria questions in the checklist below to assess each objective to determine if it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Adjust your objectives as needed until all the criteria are met.

Process Objective #1:
Rationale for Objective:
SMART Criteria for Assessing Process ObjectivesYesNo
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific task/activity and for whom?  
Measurable – Can the objective be measured/quantified? Are the parameters defined?  
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible?  
Realistic – Will this objective influence the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available?  
Time-Bound – Does the objective define when it will be accomplished? When are start/end times?  
Process Objective #2:
Rationale for Objective:
SMART Criteria for Assessing Process ObjectivesYesNo
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific task/activity and for whom?  
Measurable – Can the objective be measured/quantified? Are the parameters defined?  
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible?  
Realistic – Will this objective have an effect on the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available?  
Time-Bound – Does the objective define when it will be accomplished? When are start/end times?  

If you answered “yes” to all, your process objectives are ready. Proceed to Part 3.

If you answered “no” to any, your process objectives need refinement. Make necessary changes, apply the criteria, then proceed to Part 3.

Part 3

Use the template below to develop three outcome objectives (one short-term, one intermediate, and one long-term) that support your goal. Outcome objectives should:

1. Express the intended results or accomplishments of program or intervention activities

1. Focus on changes in policy, a system, the environment, knowledge, attitudes, or behavior

1. Can be short-term, intermediate, or long-term

2. Short-term objectives are generally expected immediately and occur soon after the program or intervention is implemented; within a year

2. Intermediate objectives result from and follow short-term outcomes; 1-3 years

2. Long-term objectives state the ultimate expected impact of the program or intervention; 3-5 years

Begin by stating your outcome objectives. Provide a rationale for your stated objective. After you write your initial objective, use the SMART criteria questions in the checklist below to assess each objective to determine if it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Adjust your objectives as needed until all the criteria are met.

Short-Term Outcome Objective:
Rationale for Objective:
SMART Criteria for Assessing Outcome ObjectivesYesNo
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific change or single result, and for whom?  
Measurable – Does the objective define how much change is expected? Can the objective be measured/quantified?  
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible?  
Realistic – Will this objective have an effect on the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available?  
Time-Bound – Does the objective reflect a short-term timeframe within one year?  
Intermediate Outcome Objective:
Rationale for Objective:
SMART Criteria for Assessing Process ObjectivesYesNo
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific change or single result, and for whom?  
Measurable – Does the objective define how much change is expected? Can the objective be measured/quantified?  
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible?  
Realistic – Will this objective have an effect on the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available?  
Time-Bound – Does the objective reflect an intermediate timeframe of 1-3 years?  
Long-Term Outcome Objective:
Rationale for Objective:
SMART Criteria for Assessing Process ObjectivesYesNo
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific change or single result, and for whom?  
Measurable – Does the objective define how much change is expected? Can the objective be measured/quantified?  
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible?  
Realistic – Will this objective have an effect on the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available?  
Time-Bound – Does the objective reflect a long-term time frame of 3-5 years?  

If you answered “yes” to all, your outcome objectives are ready. You’re ready to submit the assignment.

If you answered “no” to any, your outcome objectives need refinement. Make necessary changes, apply the criteria, then submit your assignment.

Plan of Action—A Literature Review for A Public Health Problem

Plan of Action—A Literature Review for A Public Health Problem

The literature review process can be an inexact science and tedious process because of the extensive scope of public health material, studies, and research. To add to this challenge, there are inconsistencies in the search process which demands a systematic approach to reviewing available literature in order to apply evidence-based decision making. Nonetheless, the literature review remains a key process in EBPH.

Going back to Week 3 Project in which you identified five peer-reviewed articles, use the other two articles that you did not use for your assignment. Now, do the following:

  • Utilize these two articles to “Analyze, Summarize, and Apply the Literature Review” process.
  • Summarize each article ensuring that you focus on the relevance of the article to your public health topic. Each summary must clearly demonstrate the connection or importance of the article being reviewed. For example, one article may be providing background information to your public health problem while another article may be presenting policy approach to your public health problem while yet another article may be reviewing a successful intervention or approach to address your public health problem.

In completing this assignment, please utilize all the information (readings, websites, search engines) covered in this module.

Utilize assigned and suggested weekly readings, the South University online library, the Internet readings, and references to search, evaluate, and retrieve relevant EBPH literature to support your responses.


Bonner, C., Fajardo, M. A., Doust, J., McCaffery, K., & Trevena, L. (2019, August 30). Implementing cardiovascular disease prevention guidelines to translate evidence-based medicine and shared decision making into general practice: Theory-based intervention development, qualitative piloting and quantitative feasibility – implementation science. BioMed Central. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from https://implementationscience.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13012-019-0927-x

CDC. (2018, May 18). CDC prevention programs. www.heart.org. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from https://www.heart.org/en/get-involved/advocate/federal-priorities/cdc-prevention-programs

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, September 27). Heart disease facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/facts.htm

Roger, V. L. (2021, May 13). Epidemiology of Heart Failure. Circulation Research. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.121.318172

When Nursing Meets Medicine.

Read the case on page 227: When Nursing Meets Medicine. Answer all four questions below:

Be concise and use outside resources if needed.

1. How is Maureen’s situation affected  by the structure of the nursing profession? Past and present?

2. How is Maureen’s situation affected by the changing roles for nurses that have occurred in the United States in the last 40 years?

3. How is Maureen’s situation affected by the changes that have occurred in the delivery of health care over the last 10-20 years?

4. What changes do you think are needed in the health care system to prevent the types of mistakes illustrated in this case?

Your report should be no less than two pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 font. (500 words). Use supporting sources as necessary. Make sure to use proper in text citations.

For this assignment, you will now use the information and findings from your community needs assessment to complete the second phase of this project: development of a program/intervention implementation plan

For this assignment, you will now use the information and findings from your community needs assessment to complete the second phase of this project: development of a program/intervention implementation plan. Your program/intervention implementation plan will include: a description of the program, logic model outlining the intervention, implementation timeline and action plan, and a budget and budget justification for your intervention. Use the “Program Implementation Plan” template to complete this assignment.

You are required to cite to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and public health content.

Healthcare Accessibility in the Inuit Culture of Alaska and Northern Canada

Power Point

Topic- Healthcare Accessibility in the Inuit Culture of Alaska and Northern Canada

Outlines for slides

Health- Morbidity and Mortality

Facing Disparity- Areas of Disparity

Telehealth- What is Telehealth? Demonstrated success of Public health


P.S( Note sections at the bottom of slides have to be 250 -350 words)

Instructions for Completing the Discussion Question

Discussion Question-


Instructions for Completing the Discussion Question:

  • Please post your original response by Wednesday. Your response should be a minimum of 5 sentences but should not exceed 250 words. Appropriately cite any of the references that you use to fully answer the questions

do not copy. And use a reference

Develop a realistic solution to your nursing diagnosis in a teaching manner (evidenced-based practice) (20 points)


  1. Paper format (20 points)
    • 3-5 pages (not including title and reference page) typed (12 Times Roman/Arial Font) in APA format
    • Title page and reference page
    • No spelling or grammatical errors
    • Paper outline similar to this:
      • Introduction
      • Community resources
      • Priority diagnoses, the goal and reason for the change
      • Realistic solution
      • Health education
      • Role of the nurse and community in the intervention
      • Conclusion
  2. Community resources (15 points)
    1. Identified and analyzed
    2. How will the resources support the intervention of your nursing diagnosis?
  3. Priority diagnosis, the goal for change, and rationale (15 points)
  4. Develop a realistic solution to your nursing diagnosis in a teaching manner (evidenced-based practice) (20 points)
  5. Describe the health education you will promote which follows from your nursing diagnosis (20 points)
  6. Describe the role of the nurse and other community members in the interventions (10 points)