SMART Plan: Project Goal and Objectives
Part 1
Using the data collected on your chosen public health issue and the target population it affects, develop a goal for your program planning project. After you write your initial goal, use the checklist questions to guide the development of your goal. Refine your goal as needed until all criteria are met.
Goal: |
Criteria for Assessing Goal | Yes | No |
Does your goal explain what the program intends to accomplish? | | |
Does your goal set a long-range direction? | | |
Is your goal a broad general statement? | | |
Does your goal specify the problem and define the target population? | | |
If you answered “yes” to all, your goal is ready. Proceed to Part 2.
If you answered “no” to any, your goal needs refinement. Make necessary changes, apply the criteria, then proceed to Part 2.
Part 2
Use the template below to develop two process objectives that support your goal. Process objectives should:
1. Focus on the activities to be completed in a specific time period
1. Enable accountability by setting specific activities to be completed by specific dates
1. Explain what you are doing and when you will do it
Begin by stating your process objective. Provide a rationale for your stated objective. After you write your initial objective, use the SMART criteria questions in the checklist below to assess each objective to determine if it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Adjust your objectives as needed until all the criteria are met.
Process Objective #1: |
Rationale for Objective: |
SMART Criteria for Assessing Process Objectives | Yes | No |
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific task/activity and for whom? | | |
Measurable – Can the objective be measured/quantified? Are the parameters defined? | | |
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible? | | |
Realistic – Will this objective influence the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available? | | |
Time-Bound – Does the objective define when it will be accomplished? When are start/end times? | | |
Process Objective #2: |
Rationale for Objective: |
SMART Criteria for Assessing Process Objectives | Yes | No |
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific task/activity and for whom? | | |
Measurable – Can the objective be measured/quantified? Are the parameters defined? | | |
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible? | | |
Realistic – Will this objective have an effect on the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available? | | |
Time-Bound – Does the objective define when it will be accomplished? When are start/end times? | | |
If you answered “yes” to all, your process objectives are ready. Proceed to Part 3.
If you answered “no” to any, your process objectives need refinement. Make necessary changes, apply the criteria, then proceed to Part 3.
Part 3
Use the template below to develop three outcome objectives (one short-term, one intermediate, and one long-term) that support your goal. Outcome objectives should:
1. Express the intended results or accomplishments of program or intervention activities
1. Focus on changes in policy, a system, the environment, knowledge, attitudes, or behavior
1. Can be short-term, intermediate, or long-term
2. Short-term objectives are generally expected immediately and occur soon after the program or intervention is implemented; within a year
2. Intermediate objectives result from and follow short-term outcomes; 1-3 years
2. Long-term objectives state the ultimate expected impact of the program or intervention; 3-5 years
Begin by stating your outcome objectives. Provide a rationale for your stated objective. After you write your initial objective, use the SMART criteria questions in the checklist below to assess each objective to determine if it is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Adjust your objectives as needed until all the criteria are met.
Short-Term Outcome Objective: |
Rationale for Objective: |
SMART Criteria for Assessing Outcome Objectives | Yes | No |
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific change or single result, and for whom? | | |
Measurable – Does the objective define how much change is expected? Can the objective be measured/quantified? | | |
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible? | | |
Realistic – Will this objective have an effect on the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available? | | |
Time-Bound – Does the objective reflect a short-term timeframe within one year? | | |
Intermediate Outcome Objective: |
Rationale for Objective: |
SMART Criteria for Assessing Process Objectives | Yes | No |
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific change or single result, and for whom? | | |
Measurable – Does the objective define how much change is expected? Can the objective be measured/quantified? | | |
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible? | | |
Realistic – Will this objective have an effect on the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available? | | |
Time-Bound – Does the objective reflect an intermediate timeframe of 1-3 years? | | |
Long-Term Outcome Objective: |
Rationale for Objective: |
SMART Criteria for Assessing Process Objectives | Yes | No |
Specific – Does the objective describe a specific change or single result, and for whom? | | |
Measurable – Does the objective define how much change is expected? Can the objective be measured/quantified? | | |
Attainable – Can the objective be completed in the proposed timeframe? Is the task/activity feasible? | | |
Realistic – Will this objective have an effect on the desired goal or strategy? Are sufficient resources available? | | |
Time-Bound – Does the objective reflect a long-term time frame of 3-5 years? | | |
If you answered “yes” to all, your outcome objectives are ready. You’re ready to submit the assignment.
If you answered “no” to any, your outcome objectives need refinement. Make necessary changes, apply the criteria, then submit your assignment.