communications research paper on how social media use by politicians has evolved

communications research paper on how social media use by politicians has evolved

Week 8: Assignment 5 – Final Research Paper

(Worth 25% of your course grade.)


For your final project, you will write a 6-8-page, double-spaced, APA-formatted, scholarly research paper on one of the following research questions*:

  1. How has social media use by U.S. political candidates evolved over time?

and analyze the impact that the internet has had in the context of the following mass communication or set of related mass communication theories:

    • agenda-setting theory


Your job is to present an argument about the impact of the internet on the U.S. people, media, and/or society related to one of these questions, through the prism of at least one mass communication or media literacy theory studied in this class. 


Your paper should clearly state your position in an argument thesis on/conclusions about the media effects issue posed in your research question, supported by researched evidence and reasons, including at least one relevant mass communication theory studied in this course. It should be 6-8 pages in length and employ 6-10 credible and authoritative resources, of which at least three must be peer-reviewed, scholarly journals from our library’s academic journal database. Its ideas must be properly documented with in-text citations and an end-of-text reference list that reflects theAmerican Psychological Association’s style rules.

Signal phrases and attributions must be employed to integrate direct quotes, summaries, or paraphrases into the paper, accompanied by in-text citations that reflect American Psychological Association style rules. No more than three of the direct quotes may be long block quotes. The sources may not include general websites, online dictionaries or encyclopedias, blogs, Wikipedia, or wiki-type materials. 

Your paper must be carefully edited and proofread. The paper also should follow the general American Psychological Association manuscript rules and be double-spaced with a title page. Make sure to verify the originality and documentation by submitting your paper to the Draft Assignments folder first where you can use its score to help you edit it. You will find links inside that assignment folder to resources that can help you interpret your Turnitin score and tell you how to remedy any deficiencies in the way you have integrated outside research into your writing

Riley v. California (a decision related to Fourth Amendment rights and cell phone search)

Riley v. California (a decision related to Fourth Amendment rights and cell phone search)

Write a clear, succinct case brief (1-2 pages). Your case brief should demonstrate your ability to (1) identify relevant facts of the case (parties involved, procedural history, etc.), (2) summarize the main issues (what is in dispute), (3) explain the holding (the applied rule of law), and (4) interpret the rationale for the decision (the reasons the court presented for the holding).


You should use a heading (at the top of the page) with your name, course information, etc.. Following the header, you should include the properly formatted citation for the case (centered as a title). Below the case citation, you should organize the case brief into sections. However, it is essential to keep in mind that, unlike the “APA General Reporting Standards,” which apply to nearly all forms of academic writing, there is no single format for writing case briefs. The sections, arrangement of information, and formatting of case briefs varies widely.


We will be using a four-section structure for the brief. These sections will be: (1) Facts of the Case, (2) Issues and Arguments, (3) Holding, and (4) Reasons and Judgments.


Riley v. California (a decision related to Fourth Amendment rights and cell phone search)

The facts of the case should include the parties involved (the plaintiff and defendant), the procedural history (including lower court decisions, etc.), and the general facts (what happened that led to the case). Always include the names for the plaintiff and defendant. Do not simply refer to them as “plaintiff” and “defendant.” You should summarize the facts of the case as concisely as possible. Many students – who are not familiar with legal ideas – focus too much time and too many sentences on the “facts” of the case. A case brief is not a story – just the facts is fine.


What is at issue means: “what is disputed” (what was being decided by the court). You should always phrase the issue as a “yes-no” legal question. Do not make the issue moral or interpretative.


The “holding” is the applied rule of law, which is different from the judgement. The holding should summarize the applied rule of law that the court used to make the final judgment.


Identify and summarize the judgment of the court, including a brief description of the rationale and decisions reached by the court. Whenever relevant, briefly describe concurrence, or dissent.

How effective proper hand hygiene is compared to current hand hygiene practice effective in spreading infectious diseases in elderly patients

How effective proper hand hygiene is compared to current hand hygiene practice effective in spreading infectious diseases in elderly patients


Final Paper Nabiha

Final Paper Nabiha

Final Paper Guidelines
1. Selecting the Topic:
On the journey we call, “life,” where do you see yourself and your relationship with
others? Are there areas you want to improve and develop a greater awareness of your own
patterns of behavior? Is it your self-esteem, your identity, your emotional expression,
your communication style, or how you handle conflict? Select at least two-three areas that
are most significant to your own growth and development, i.e., your identity development
and its impact on personal and interpersonal relationships, or how you manage conflict and
your communication style and their impact on your relationships, or how you manage your
emotions and their role in developing your personality traits. You have total freedom to
choose any of the areas discussed in your textbook. Make this assignment worthwhile to
2. Structure and Organization:
It would be best to include an introduction and to organize your paper in terms of past,
present, and future to give it a logical order and a smooth flow.
I. Introduction:
Introduce your theme (s) and why you chose this topic. State clearly what your paper is
going to be about. Make sure to highlight your topic sentence. You are expected to
elaborate on this area (s) of your life throughout the paper.
II. Past:
Reflect back on your life story and early childhood experiences. Include details that are
only pertinent to your theme. When you introduce an idea, ask yourself: How does it
relate to my topic sentence? What am I trying to show? This is a good place to introduce
and show how have you dealt or been affected by the theme(s) in your life.
III. Present:
Who are you now in relation to the issue(s) you introduced earlier. How are you dealing
with this issue(s) now compared with how you dealt with it in the past? What are some of
the current event(s) that are impacting the issue(s) presented? Are there any changes to
how you view yourself now?
IV. Future:
What techniques or coping skills from Becoming Aware textbook that you might use to
deal with the issue(s) that you presented earlier? What would you do differently now to
enhance the quality of your life in regard to this issue(s)? What are your goals, hopes and
visions of yourself? In other words, if you were to re-write your life story, what would
you do differently? This part of your paper is about bringing a resolution to the issue (s) of
your earlier concern (s).
An “A” paper must show a clear reflection of the terms used and successful knowledge of
application. This paper is not an autobiography or a book/Chapter summary but rather a
synthesis of the two.
Autobiography Synthesis of the two Book/Chapter Summary
V. Make sure to utilize at least terms from the text and underline them.
VI. Include concepts of at least different theorists from your text.
VII. Use examples from your own experiences and life events to supplement your
VIII. Submit a one page outline by the due date, discussing the vision of your paper with
your instructor. For a sample outline, see Human Relations Position Paper (p.
IX. Write a reflective paper that is 4-5 pages double spaced. This paper is not an
autobiography of your life or a book/chapter summary but rather about incorporating
theories and concepts into one or two or more themes of your personal life.
X. You may submit many rough drafts before the due date until you secure an “A”.
Sample paragraph: (My identity in the future)
In the areas of developing a greater self-awareness of myself, I have always wondered about
who I am and what my identity is. I have been intrigued by the Ideas of Eric Erickson’s
eight stages of psychosocial development. I am convinced that who I will be today is largely
determined by my social interaction with the outside world. I have often found myself
changing and evolving as I meet new friends and acquire new experiences. In his
description of the last stage of psychosocial development (Integrity vs. Despair), I have
come to realize how important it is for me to live life to the fullest so I won’t have any
regrets later on in life. This has become part of my personality and how I see the world.

9th Grade _ World History _ The Contemporary World

9th Grade _ World History _ The Contemporary World

Graded Assignment

Unit Test, Part 2

Complete this teacher-scored portion of the Unit Test, and submit it to your teacher by the due date for full credit.

Total score: ____ of 40 points

(Score for Question 1: ___ of 20 points)

  1. Most African nations gained independence after World War II. In some cases, independence was achieved through peaceful means. In other cases, independence was achieved by violent means, and violence continued in the years after independence. What colonial policies or practices played a part in peaceful or violent transitions to self-rule?


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 20 points)

  1. In your opinion, which Asian nation has had the greatest success in meeting its peoples’ needs since World War II? Justify your answer with specific details.


Type your answer here.

Identify and understand ways to respond to students with learning support needs

Identify and understand ways to respond to students with learning support needs


Define learning support needs with biblical perspectives, ideas of the essay which is physically and emotionally, economically and politically, socially and environmentally

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.

Total Points Possible

This assignment is worth 85 points.

Due Date

Your assignment is due no later than the end of Week 4Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT.


  1. View the assigned Case Study prompt/activity.
  2. Respond to the case study and share
    1. three things you learned;
    2. two things you will use in your practice; and
    3. one thing about which you are concerned or puzzled.
  3. Apply what you have learned using the modular resources and this resource.
  4. The length of the paper is to be no less than 2 and no greater than 4 pages, excluding title page and reference pages.
  5. APA format is required with both a title page and reference page.

Note: Introduction – Write an introduction to your paper, but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association.

Preparing the Response

  1. Prepare time to view the assigned case study. Some of the cases presented have multiple layers of information to review.
  2. Be sure to investigate all links within the case study resource. Once you have completed investigation of the case study material, you will develop the following response to post on the Case Study:
    1. Identify three aspects of the case that you consider new information or that offered deeper context.
    2. Explain two aspects of the case that you can apply in practice now or in the future.
    3. Describe one aspect of the case that you found confusing, created question for further consideration, or which you would like to learn more.
  3. Be sure to consider the modular resources and lessons when developing your response.

Module 4 Case Study:

View the following Ethics Narratives in Humanitarian Aid (ENHA) Case Study Series.

Humanitarian Healthcare Ethics. (2014). ENHA case study series: Coping with outbreaks of disease with limited resources. Retrieved from

Attached to this assignment, you will find the articles and instructions necessary to complete Assignment 4.1 Applying the Bradford Hill Criteria.



Attached to this assignment, you will find the articles and instructions necessary to complete Assignment 4.1 Applying the Bradford Hill Criteria.

First, you will read the short article about GMOs found at The Generic Literacy Project. (Links to an external site.)This article serves as your example of how to apply the Bradford Hill criteria. As you read, think about how the Bradford Hill criteria were applied to formulate this stance about GMOs. Consider the factors that were identified about GMOs to represent each of the Bradford Hill criteria and, subsequently, form an opinion.

Second, you will read the attached article about a proposed link between French fries and breast cancer. You will then note how the Bradford Hill criteria apply to that article and decide if causation is present based on your application of the Bradford Hill criteria. To complete the assignment, list each of the nine Bradford Hill criteria in a Word document, using the class lecture slides to remind you of the criteria. Next to each one of the criteria, write what you find in the article which corresponds to that criterion–that is, supporting or refuting evidence for each criterion. You may not find evidence for all nine criteria. That is ok. Be sure that you report evidence for at least five of the criteria. After you have noted supporting or refuting evidence for at least five criteria, write a brief summary paragraph stating your conclusion about whether there is a causal link between french fries and breast cancer and why you believe there is or is not based on your application of the Bradford Hill criteria.

Third, you will read the attached article about HPV and cervical cancer. You will apply the Bradford Hill criteria to that article, noting supporting or refuting evidence for each one of the criteria as you did for the previous article. Just as you did before, after noting supporting or refuting evidence for at least five of the Bradford Hill criteria, you will write a brief summary paragraph stating your conclusion about whether there is a causal link between HPV and cervical cancer and why there is or is not based on your application of the Bradford Hill criteria.



iscuss what makes this an ethical dilemma

Assignment Instructions

Examine the case of Baby Boy Doe (Darr, 2011, p. 16.) The objective of this assignment is to get you to think critically about real-life ethical dilemmas and the moral principals involved. There is no right or wrong answer, just try to look at this case subjectively. Most of the time, resolving ethical dilemmas is not so “black and white.” Discuss arguments for and against the issues below
1. Discuss what makes this an ethical dilemma (read pp. 3 and 4).
2. Discuss the implications of this study in terms of the moral principles described in chapter 1.
Here are some questions that may guide your thinking:
Respect for persons: Did the hospital/ physicians allow the parents to be autonomous in their decision-making? Do you see any elements of paternalism on behalf of the physicians?
Beneficence: Did the hospital/ physicians act beneficently?
Nonmaleficence: Did the hospital/ physicians consider nonmaleficence?
Justice: Did the hospital act in a just way?
3. Finally, do you think that the hospital did all that it could in this situation? Did it act appropriately? Explain.

Assignments are to be a minimum of 2 full pages of text and 3 reputable references in proper APA format.

Reference: Darr, K. (2011).  Ethics in Health Services Management.  (5th Edition).  Baltimore, MD:  Health Professions Press, Inc.
(Assignments are due in the Assignment portion of the classroom by Sunday, 11:55 p.m. EST each week. Make sure you read and understand the directions and requirements for each Assignment. Please ensure you cite your references in APA format with a minimum of 3 references (You may use your textbook as a reference and you should have a minimum of 2 academic outside references).  Assignment will be graded based on the following areas: Foundation and synthesis of knowledge, application of knowledge critical thinking, writing skills, and organization of ideas and format)





The context is a European Union country (specifically, Spain) with a national health insurance system that covers the cost of all childhood immunizations. It is 2009-2010, and a new vaccination for human papilloma virus (HPV) has been developed and is available on the market. Administration of the vaccine has been shown to reduce incidence of cervical cancer in women, since HPV is associated with over 70% of cases of cervical cancer. Current recommendations (in 2009) are for routine vaccination of females aged 11 or 12 years, and the vaccination series can be started beginning at age 9 years. Vaccination is also recommended for females aged 13 through 26 years who have not been vaccinated previously or who have not completed the 3-dose series.


The country is in the throes of an economic crisis (just like the U.S. and most developed countries in 2009), and there are no budgetary increases to accommodate the new HPV vaccination requirements. Moreover, the cost of a single HPV vaccination (around 600 euros) is equivalent to the sum total of all routine childhood vaccinations already covered until adolescence.



a) Discuss this case in terms of: 1) public health ethics and 2) cost-benefit.

b) What would you recommend? Provide your rationale for this recommendation.

Supporting Documents:

· CDC HPV vaccination recommendations (patient information sheet)

· Public Health Leadership Society: Principles of the Ethical Practice of Public Health, 2002