Age and the Stroop Effect Research Report


For this assignment, complete a research paper on The Stroop Effect and selective attention. The Stroop Effect is a phenomenon that occurs with the Stroop Task, a test that looks at what happens when we are asked to perform an ordinary task (such as reading or identifying a list of colors) when there is some sort of visual interference.


You are acting like you are the researcher who conducted this study! However, you do not have to actually collect the data – the instructor will provide that.


write this paper in third person, so your hypothesis should be in third person as well.


In order to understand how the study works and how data was collected, you will need to participate in an online experiment on the Stroop Effect. (The tests is the PDF file provided)


Once you have completed the experiment you will need to analyze data (the data provided) and write a lab report (7- 10 pages – not including the title page or references) in APA style consisting of the following sections:

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • References

(More information on each section is located below)


Here is the data file: DATA

Remember that you were given additional details in the Hypothesis discussion.

Write the report as if you were the researcher conducting the experiment. The data given includes the gender and age of the participants as well as two columns of results data (reading the words and saying the colors). Use as much of the data provided as possible. Do not discard any data unless there is a really good reason to do so.

Pay careful attention to APA Style as it represents a significant portion of the grade for the paper and is an intended learning outcome for the course.


Main components on your research paper

  1. Title page –main points of a title page are included.
  2. Abstract – This is a well written summary of your paper.

·         Give the reader a clear picture of your paper.

·         Include everything from a quick introduction of the topic, findings and method to a sentence that implies that you will discuss results and implications.

  1. Introduction – Not a summary of your paper.

·         The introduction should be 2-3 pages of double-spaced writing. your topic in general.

·         Discuss research from relevant published studies.

·         Cite most, if not all, of your 8 references from peer reviewed sources.

·         Provide a rationale for your study.

·         Finish by clearly stating your hypothesis.


    1. Here is an article to get you started- this website isn’t the source for this article.


  1. Methods – Split this section into participants, materials, and procedures subsections.

·         You know the gender and age of all of your participants.

·         You are welcome to include other demographic or recruiting information as it helps you with your study.


a. Try the study here so you can adequately write about the procedures.


  1. Results – Use the data provided to calculate your results.

·         Your hypothesis drives your statistics.

·         Think about what statistics you need to include to test your hypothesis.

·         Write out all of your results even if you are including them in a table.

·         Include charts & tables.


  1. Discussion – Talk about what you think.

·         Restate your results and talk about what they mean.

·         What are the implications of your findings? Why are they important? For instance, why should we care that age affects the Stroop effect? Or that younger people perform better than older people in the Stroop task?

·         Talk about the limitations to your study and give specific ideas for future research.

  1. References – References (and the entire paper) needs to be in APA format.

·         Use at least 8 references from peer reviewed sources (e.g., journals).





implementing sustainable aviation practices:

In this assignment create a problem-style proposal that is connected to your chosen discipline.(My chosen discipline is aviation as a pilot) This type of proposal seeks to address a specific issue (usually locally) that may exist in some public or private place or it may recommend for the addition or creation of some new concept. This style of proposal is often seen in business and engineering (it may be called a business proposal, project proposal, or something else).

This proposal should have a clear problem section that explains the problem in detail and its impact on consumers and the business/workplace/community as a whole. The primary solution section should be the best solution that can address the aforementioned problem based on research. Then a clear implementation plan of that solution should be laid out. It should include any costs (with actual numbers) mentioned as well as timelines and tasks that need to be completed to make the primary solution a reality.

The essay should be five pages of actual text, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, with at least six primary or secondary sources. Format the essay according to MLA style (your choice).

Intro to Health and Soc Services

Intro to Health and Soc Services

Choose a career in the health field. Select one profession of interest.
Discuss the role of the profession.
What personal skills are needed?
What education is required?
What type of certification/license is required?
What is the career pathway?
What is the salary range?
What are the options for employment?
Explain why you chose that profession.
10 Bonus Points: What was one favorite thing you learned from
the course? Would you change anything about the course? If so,
what would you change?

Description of the State of the U.S. Economy

Description of the State of the U.S. Economy

Research Topic and Instructions

This research assignment requires analysis of economic data and policies in a manner that displays advanced understating of the topics and models/theories presented in the Macroeconomics course. The assignment has two major parts. Each part contains multiple components. Please address both parts and each of the specified components in sufficient detail in one comprehensive research paper. You must correctly use most of the relevant key concepts and models/theories learned in the course.


Part I: Description of the State of the U.S. Economy

  1. Describe the state of the U.S. Economy for the years between 2015 and now in terms of macroeconomic measures discussed in the course (GDP, unemployment, and inflation rates). Select ONE of these macroeconomic measures to write about. Use data from the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), http://www.recovery.govLinks to an external site., and other government agencies and departments, such as Department of Labor (Bureau of Labor Statistics), Department of Commerce (Bureau of Economic Analysis), etc. and present the data in charts, graphs, or tables.
  2. As you will notice from your data analysis, the economy passes through different phases and turns. Discuss the implications of a given state (for example, recession) in terms households, businesses, and the entire society as a whole. Share your thoughts as to why it is important for you to understand the different states through which the economy passes. Share personal examples and experiences. While Covid-19 has been a major disruptor of the economy, it should not form the major basis for your paper, so many other things have taken place since 2012.

Part II: Analysis of Economic Policies

  1. In your analysis of the macroeconomic data, you will notice that the U.S. economy passed through a major recession. Based on research, discuss the underlying causes of the recession. Identify monetary and fiscal policies implemented by the Federal Reserve and the government to deal with the recession.
  2. Evaluate the expected and actual effects of each policy. Your response needs to include the name of the policy, description of the policy, the year it is implemented, and discussion of expected and actual outcomes in terms of the GDP, unemployment and inflation rates.
  3. After close observation of the different perspectives discussed in the course, share your position on the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies to deal with recession or inflation.
  1. As part of the economy, each of us will be affected by the state of the economy and the actions policy makers take to stabilize or advance it. Conclude by sharing why understanding these actions and outcomes matter to you as an individual who is part of the economic system. How do they affect the society/economy? What could be done differently? Share personal examples and experiences


General Guidelines

  • The paper must be 1000 – 1500 words long, typewritten, double-spaced, with 1” margins and 12pt. Times New Roman font. The paper must be written in essay format, using standard written English with a clear introduction and conclusion. Organize your paper with the following subheadings:
  • Introduction
  • Description of the State of the U.S. Economy
  • Analysis of Economic Policies
  • Personal Reflections and
  • Conclusion
    • You must use APA-formatted in-text citations (It is important that you identify all items directly copied or paraphrased from other sources by including the source each time you cite or paraphrased other people’s work. Read TCCD’s policy on plagiarism)
    • You must include an APA-formatted reference page. Below is an example of how you can cite your sources in the work cited list in APA format: – this how you will list in the reference page or work cited list:

business research and communication 7

business research and communication 7

Assignment Description:
  1. The textbook outlines ways to overcome fear and anxiety associated with public speaking. Explain which you think is the one most important or effective, based on your own experiences. Include how the type of audience might influence the effectiveness of this particular technique.
  2. Find a video of a business presentation that includes a PowerPoint presentation on YouTube and analyze the presentation delivery using information from the textbook.
  3. Using the same video from Question #2, now analyze the slide deck using information from the textbook.

Scholarly critique

Scholarly critique

Attached is my version of the paper. I used chat gpt and my teacher sent me an email saying that they’re cracking down on chat gpt users and want us to write more authentically. This is why I need a rewrite. Basically for this assignment I am put in the position of the critique. My crtitque is based on white savior tropes and how they impact movies and the reasoning behind these white savior tropes. I mostly did most the work which is why i believe this is a good price for an re-write. I bascially want you to just sharpen the paper up. Make it look like a college student wrote it instead of chat gpt. The movies im focusing on for the white savior tropes is The blind side, The green book and Django. Please feel free to add your own insight or knowledge on anything if you believe it will make the paper better! Again this is a 10 page doiblle spaced paper but I did all the work. Also add 3 schlorarly sources and properly add it to the paper! That will be a huge help. Let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks, Marcellus

Case Study Analysis on using FASB Codification to Research a Complex Accounting Issue

Case Study Analysis on using FASB Codification to Research a Complex Accounting Issue


The FASB Codification must be used to cite and reference in the paper (access is a must to write this). Please read the attached instructions.

The Concept of Europe

Two short answer essays, approximately 400 words each


Question One: The Concept of Europe.

–       This question will ask you to discuss key characteristics of Europe (according to Bartlett, Wallace and the EU Treaty)

–       discuss the critique of some of these characteristics by Amin, and

–       discuss how some of these characteristics have been undermined by contemporary issues in Europe.



Question Two: Contemporary Issues.

–       This question will ask you to choose two contemporary issues in Europe (e.g refugee crisis, Islamophobia, right-wing populism, Brexit)

–       discuss how they are interrelated, as well as how they illustrate a discourse (or competing discourses) and a hegemony (or competing hegemonies).

–       You also need to mention two readings from the course in this answer.

Application of theory in nursing practice

Application of theory in nursing practice

Discussion Question:

Visit an Internet resource devoted to evidence-based practice (Cochrane Collaboration, AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse, or Bandolier Evidence Based Journal). Review a summary systematic review on a topic of interest. Present your findings to your classmates, and illustrate how this may or may not be used in practice.

The principal-agent problem in internal controls and corporate governance

The principal-agent problem in internal controls and corporate governance

In your own words, explain the principal-agent problem in detail and how it manifests in the arena of internal controls and corporate governance. The following are some suggestions for issues to cover in your response:


Why are internal controls necessary? How can we evaluate the internal controls of a firm?

What are some typical examples and types of internal controls that we can expect to encounter in a publicly traded firm?

How does the principal-agent problem pertain to risk and the overall outcomes for a firm?

What are some indicators of good governance and what are some indicators of bad governance?

What are some mechanisms that firms can put in place to improve governance? Be sure to discuss internal based mechanisms and market-based mechanisms.

What are some current issues being debated in the arena of corporate governance?

How do alternative models of firm ownership affect the principal-agent problem? How well do they fare as governance mechanisms?

What changes do you foresee to internal controls and corporate governance in the future? Why?