Affirmative action

Affirmative action

1. Read the two short texts found in the book at the end of Chapter 1 – on Affirmative Action (this will help you familiarize yourself with the topic and language used to discuss the issue).

2. Look up/Search for the official USA Government definition/explanation of Affirmative Action.  It will be absolutely essential that you include the correct definition in your  paper, and address the issue based in the facts of the program. Be sure that the source you cite has a web address that ends in .gov. It will count as your “Academic Source”.

3. Look up/Search for a news article, or other popular culture source (blog, YouTube video, magazine article) on Affirmative Action, how it works, and who it benefits. Also think critically about whether or not the source is likely to express a political bias. If you believe the source might be biased, keep looking. 

4. Write a 3-5 page paper taking a clear position on affirmative action – this does not mean I want you to tell me your opinion of AA. I want you to research the issue, and base your argument in evidence. You must cite at least three sources in the text of your paper, and in a works cited page (1 textbook article, 1 Academic Source, 1 Pop-culture source).

5. Include a works cited page. MLA or APA style are both fine. Use to locate MLA or APA “style guides” for help with citation.

***. I will be looking for and grading these based on A. Evidence of personal voice (voice is not the same as opinion – I want to “hear” you speaking to me) in the writing, B. Critical assessment of the provided material, C. Logical consistency of the position taken.

Ukraine Crisis with Russia

Ukraine Crisis with Russia

Police accountability within law enforcement

Police accountability within law enforcement

Organized information is the key to effective extemporaneous speaking. For the Persuasive Speech you will prepare two outlines –a preparation outline that contains all of your research and a speaking outline that you will use during your presentation. You also need to prepare a bibliography with your sources listed. Remember to practice with your speaking outline, time yourself for length, and edit your content to fit the time and assignment.

articulating your interpretation of Elaine Hsieh Chou’s Disorientation and will be supporting that interpretation with research.

articulating your interpretation of Elaine Hsieh Chou’s Disorientation and will be supporting that interpretation with research.


For this final essay, you will be articulating your interpretation of Elaine Hsieh Chou’s Disorientation and will be supporting that interpretation with research.

There are two ways to write this essay:

Choice 1: Do a focused closed reading of the text, examining the different elements of the novel and those elements come together to make meaning.  You may do this examination from a theoretical lens, narrowing your focus by adopting such lens to interpret the different part of the novel.

Choice 2: You may write an essay that compares this novel with one of the texts we read in the first half of the semester.  You can compare another character with Ingrid Yang.  You may compare the narrative structure of the novel with another of the texts.  There are many ways to do this.  You also adopt a theoretical lens in your analysis.

Your research should help evidence, elaborate, and validate your interpretation.  You may also use research to help you further define your ideas.  Remember that research is knowledge-gathering so don’t get stuck trying to find research that exactly fits what you need but rather, use research to expand your ideas and give you better understanding.  Research is required and the quality of your research will be part of the assessment of your essay.  A Works Cited page is also required.

Your essay should be at least 2000 words in length.  I will care more about the quality of your explanation than the word count.  If you go over, that is very much expected.

Your essay should follow MLA conventions, using 12 pt. Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and be double-spaced.  Also, don’t forget to give your essay a befitting title that is scholarly and is also revelatory of your thesis.  Remember that this is a paper that you can submit for journal publication or academic conference delivery should you choose to do so.

Explain in detail the different Physiological changes that occur due to aging.

Explain in detail the different Physiological changes that occur due to aging.


Explain in detail the different Physiological changes that occur due to aging.
BOOK needed:
Human Development: A Life-Span View, Eighth EditionRobert V. Kail and John C. Cavanaugh
Found in chapter 14

Do you think the SML strategy(buy short duration firms and sell long duration firms) profitability comes from risk or from mispricing?

Do you think the SML strategy(buy short duration firms and sell long duration firms) profitability comes from risk or from mispricing?

Goncalves (2021) proposes an active equity trading strategy – buy short-duration firms and sell long duration firms. You are required to evaluate the performances of ten portfolios formed on cash flow duration as well as the long-short SML strategy (buy the shortest-duration and sell the longest-duration firms) portfolio from July 1973 to June 2018.
Do you think the SML profitability comes from risk or from mispricing? Your arguments/reasonings/discussions should demonstrate your understanding of academic and/orindustry research.
what you need to do
1.Your answer should contain literature review of the equity duration risk premium regarding both theories and empirics. It should cover both rational risk models versus behavioural models. Your answer should also contain your critical
evaluation of the literature. Hint: Goncalves (2021) provides a number of papers that are relevant to your literature.
the reference of Goncalves(2021) is Gonçalves, A. S. (2021). The short duration premium. Journal of Financial economics, 141(3), 919-945
2.References should be in Harvard style. References should come from high quality sources e.g. academic journals, industry reports, World Bank, IMF, etc.
!!! Note !!!: the SML strategy is not the Security Market Line !, the SML strategy is buy short duration firms and sell long duration firms

Discuss notions about cultural heritage expressed in Walker Everyday Use

Discuss notions about cultural heritage expressed in Walker Everyday Use


HCC English Composition 1302Professor Cathy ClayFinal EssayChoose one of the following topics. Response should be 2 pages in length. Reference the texts to support your response.1. Discuss notions about cultural heritage expressed in Walker’s “Everyday Use.”2. Examine the moral of Carver’s “Cathedral.”3. Is graphic storytelling an effective genre to address complex topics? Reference Spiegelman’s “Prisoner on Hell Planet” or Satrapi’s ‘From Persepolis.’

Social Institutions and issues short paper

Social Institutions and issues short paper

As cited in lecture, compare the conservative and conflict

 theorist perspectives on crime and deviance. Be sure to
reference pages 533-541 and 547-554 in your discussion of the conflict theorist perspective. According to the movie The House I Live In and Alexander (Pages 120-127), what are the key flaws with the American criminal justice system, particularly the way it prosecutes the “War on Drugs”?
In your opinion, what’s the most important thing that the
United States needs to change about its approach to illegal drugs? Elaborate.

Indigenous Health

Indigenous Health

Assessment 3: Yatduligin Essay
In this assessment, you will be required to exercise Yatdjuligin
to talk in a good way towards the best outcomes for members
of the public, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS)
are self-determined, holistic, culturally safe models of primary
health care. This essay will explore how ACCHS’s address the
systemic issues caused by colonisation and work towards
culturally safe health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander peoples’.
What you
need to do:
Choose one (1) Queensland based Aboriginal Community
Controlled Health Service (ACCHS):
Bidgerdii Community Health Service
Yulu-Buri-Ba (
Write an essay related to the chosen ACCHS USING THE
This essay should:
Discuss how the ACCHS delivers primary health care, and
how this care demonstrates cultural safety.
Using the Aboriginal definition of health (NACCHO), explain
how the ACCHS promotes self-determination and holistic
care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ at
individual, family and community levels.
Using the 2018 Close the Gap Review, analyse the
commitment towards ACCHS’ models of care and its impac
on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health and
Summarise what your knowledge of self-determined, holist
and cultural safety models of care, such as ACCHS.
Discuss how you will embed these learnings into your futur
nursing practice.
Your essay will need an introduction and conclusion. To
demonstrate your understanding of core concepts from
NSB202, your discussion of ACCHS must expand on the
information included reputable academic articles and
prescribed readings, which must be referenced throughout
your essay.
Length: 1800 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing
and excludes your reference list and appendices)
time to
30 hours
Weighting: 50%
How will I be
+/- 7 point grading scale using a rubric
See printable Assessment 3_ Yatduligin Essay
(Submission) PDF CRA.pdf
Due date: See the About Assessments module for details of due date an
submission requirements.
Your response to the assessment tasks must adhere to the
prescribed formatting.
Make your own cover sheet with the assessment title, your
name, student number, tutor name and word count.
Include a ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student
number unit code and page number.
3cm margins on all sides, and double-spaced text.
Use fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri; font
size 12.
Cite Write APA style referencing
( .
Include a complete reference list on a new page.
Headings may be used for each step.
Note it is a requirement that page numbers for all in-text
references are provided: (see CiteWrite APA
( ).
Be submitted in electronic format through your Canvas site.
What you
need to
Microsoft Word Document
TEQSA PRV12079 | CRICOS 00213J | ABN 83 791 724 622

position essay – virtual learning as a con

position essay – virtual learning as a con


Position essay. Use quotes and evidence to prove that virtual learning is bad for students because…