you have to provide an in-depth analysis of decision making of nurses in Saudi Arabia, its significance to nursing and your role as a PhD nurse.

you have to provide an in-depth analysis of decision making of nurses in Saudi Arabia, its significance to nursing and your role as a PhD nurse.

You will be expected to gather information through research and discussion with legislators, consumers and other health professionals.

The assignment must be between 5-7 pages in length, excluding references.

You must have a minimum of 8 current references, including articles from scholarly journals and texts, as well as from the Internet.

Correct APA style as well as grammar and spelling are expected.

What is the first hygiene-related nursing diagnosis (problem and etiology) that comes to your mind for Mrs. Little?

You are caring for Mrs. Little, a 57-year-old woman who has been experiencing severe arthritic pain for the past 2 years. She rates her pain at an 8 or 9 on a 10-point pain-rating scale. During your assessment, you notice that Mrs. Little has a moderate body odor, long and untrimmed fingernails and toenails, oily hair, and unshaven legs and axillae. Mrs. Little readily admits that she has neglected her hygiene practices.

a.    What is the first hygiene-related nursing diagnosis (problem and etiology) that comes to your mind for Mrs. Little?

b.    What data do you have to support a diagnosis of Self-Care Deficit: Bathing? What data do you have to support an etiology of “immobility secondary to pain”?

c.     With the information in the scenario, how would you rate her Self-Care Deficit: mild, moderate, severe, or total?

d.    Anything you could do to help relieve Mrs. Little’s pain would facilitate her self-care abilities. However, to plan interventions in which you will assist with her hygiene care, what further patient data do you need?

e. Suppose you assess Mrs. Little further and determine that she has arthritis in multiple joints, including her hands, shoulders, back, knees, and feet. You also determine that she will need a complete bath, either tub or shower, but that she can brush her own teeth if someone provides the necessary supplies. Could you delegate her morning hygiene care to an experienced unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? If so, what instructions would you give the UAP?

I need 13 case scenario to discuss in class, no more than 3 sentences each one, need to have CC (Chief complaint) , impression and treatment.

I need 13 case scenario to discuss in class, no more than 3 sentences each one, need to have CC (Chief complaint) , impression and treatment. Any age, any illness. No more than 3 sentences each one. I will provide an example. Plagiarism free. don’t need to be APA stile. Word is ok

Case scenario # 1

CC: ” I’m having diarrhea after a trip to Punta Cana”

ES, 56 y/o male returned from a short trip to Punta Cana presenting with severe diarrhea and abdominal cramps. He only ate very well cooked food and drank bottled soft drinks during his trip, But it was very hot, that he always add  ice to his drinks. Impression Gastroenteritis. Labs ordered: Treatment Ciprofloxacin 500 mg daily for 7 days.

After reviewing Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following;

After reviewing Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following;

How effective are the resources in your community for the vulnerable populations we have discussed over the past 2 weeks?  In which areas is there room for improvement?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.

· All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

Post 1


Vulnerable Populations

Chabely Tapanes Prado

St. Thomas University

NUR 420

Dr. Tina Roberts



Vulnerable Populations

Vulnerable populations include racial and ethnic minorities, the elderly, the economically disadvantaged, the homeless, low-income children, people with chronic health disorders, and unsecured individuals. People become vulnerable when there are things that they are unable to do, like other people, and these things affect their daily living and quality of life. Some factors are considered in identifying vulnerable people. The vulnerable population has resources that help them have an effective living just like other people. Resources for the vulnerable in my community have helped to some extent, but more is needed regarding equality, funding, and accessibility.

It is good to note that millions of vulnerable Americans have hospitals as an important source of their health care. Although the policy of universal health care has been applied, some hospitals for vulnerable groups risk losing the resources needed for improving health care and access to health services. Additionally, according to Bhatt & Bathija (2018), healthcare inequalities persist in America despite the actions taken to ensure equality.

Although federal funding is limited and regulation can act as barriers to delivering good health, hospital and community collaboration have worked in my community. Many stakeholders have been involved in that collaboration, which addresses similar issues and provides opportunities and solutions. To improve healthcare services for the vulnerable, community stakeholders should ensure that the limited financial resources are used well, there is proper identification and selection of the vulnerable people, and a strong collaboration between the hospitals and the community is maintained. Moreover, the vulnerable need to be sensitized about the resources available to them and their rights.

Furthermore, several programs have been run in the community to address the growing problems of drug abuse. These programs have been effective because some youths have been transformed through the programs. Children from vulnerable populations are vulnerable to the use of drugs, and other people use drugs to manage stressors (Sussman & Sinclair, 2022). The programs have been achieved through the involvement of researchers and practitioners. The effectiveness of these resources can be improved by proper follow-up of the victims and connecting them to productive activities such as schooling and training, involvement in programs such as football, and provision of employment opportunities. Moreover, there is a need for more social networking.

Mental health has recently become one alarming health problem in many countries, which affects both children and adults. Many vulnerable people with mental disorders have limited or no access to high-quality mental health services. Moreover, mental disorders receive limited funding compared to the significant impact the disease is making in the life of many people. Many strategies have been applied in addressing mental health issues, and the world bank endorsed mental health as a priority. Again, World Health Organization (WHO) developed the Mental Health Gap Action Program Intervention Guide, which was to be used by unspecialized healthcare providers. The providers use these guidelines after analyzing the local and community needs (Wainberg et al., 2017). However, research needs to be improved because, over the past 20 years, research concerning mental health has been conducted, but significant challenges still remain. Moreover, mental health disorders must be identified and treated when children are young. Schools should also introduce programs that address mental problems among young people.



Bhatt, J., & Bathija, P. (2018). Ensuring access to quality health care in vulnerable communities. Academic medicine, 93(9), 1271.

Sussman, S., & Sinclair, D. L. (2022). Substance and behavioral addictions, and their consequences among vulnerable populations. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(10), 6163.

Wainberg, M. L., Scorza, P., Shultz, J. M., Helpman, L., Mootz, J. J., Johnson, K. A., … & Arbuckle, M. R. (2017). Challenges and opportunities in global mental health: a research-to-practice perspective. Current psychiatry reports, 19, 1-10.










Post 2


Name: Fabienne Jean Baptiste

Institution: St Thomas University

Professor: Robert Tina M

Class: NUR-420-AP1

Assignment: Module #6


From a healthcare perspective, one of the chief strengths of my community is that it has a wide range of resources that cater to different needs. For instance, all three major health centers have facilities that cater to the physical, mental, and psychological ailments that tend to afflict some members of the public. In this context, people have significant access to healthcare. However, the society is also renowned for being diverse, incorporating people from a wide range of social, ethnic, cultural, and economic backgrounds. For this reason, a significant number of people cannot afford to access these healthcare facilities due to financial constraints. The people in this category often lack health insurance, which is a cheaper option for accessing experts in these healthcare facilities. Additionally, sickness is likely to find such people without the finances necessary to pay for much-needed healthcare services. For this reason, while healthcare facilities enable access to wide-ranging services, some people are financially unable to afford the access.

Vulnerable demographic segments include children, the elderly, the disabled, and those with mental handicaps. The available facilities cater to the general public’s needs, incorporating services catering to the needs of different demographic segments. In this context, the community is restricted in the number of facilities that cater specifically to the healthcare needs of the mentioned vulnerable populations. The community has only two nursing homes catering specifically to the needs of older adults. However, these privately owned facilities are significantly expensive, which implies that their services are largely inaccessible to the massive number of older adults in the community that have financial constraints.

Some Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have endeavored to children’s hospitals and older adult facilities. Thus, they have provided cheaper options that can ensure that the most vulnerable demographic segments can meet their healthcare needs. For example, the facilities catering to the healthcare needs of the elderly are renowned for offering a safe and supportive environment and referring people to different like-minded institutions that provide services that are unavailable in the facilities. However, these facilities are primarily dependent on funding from donors (Stajduhar et al., 2019). The same is true in the case of facilities catering to the needs of children. For this reason, the quality of service fluctuates in alignment with the available funds. This aspect throws the reliability and consistency of the services provided in such facilities into serious doubt.

The community boasts a wide array of facilities and organizations that cater to the needs of vulnerable populations. However, access to these services is determined by financial ability, which is often minimal among those in the targeted demographic segments. In this context, addressing the challenges requires formulating and implementing policies that can make the services targeted toward vulnerable populations cheaper. This aspect is crucial, considering the increase in the number of people in vulnerable demographic segments such as the elderly, children, and disabled from low socioeconomic contexts.



Stajduhar, K. I., Mollison, A., Giesbrecht, M., McNeil, R., Paul, B., Reimer-Kirkham, S. … & Rounds, K. (2019). “Just too busy living in the moment and surviving”: barriers to accessing   health care for structurally vulnerable populations at end-of-life. BMC  Palliative Care, 18(1), 1-14.

Choose one of the case study options to complete for this activity. Read the selected case study and answer the questions in a Microsoft Word document.

Choose one of the case study options to complete for this activity. Read the selected case study and answer the questions in a Microsoft Word document. Each response should be a minimum of 5 sentences in length, clear and concise, and use correct grammar.

Review each case study option and select the one you would like to complete.

Meet Jeremy and Sandy.

Jeremy and Sandy are nursing students in their second year of a baccalaureate nursing program. They both have an interest in emergency nursing and decide to start a blog. They call the blog Emergency Room Futures for Student Nurses and take turns writing posts about new information in emergency nursing and their aspirations and experiences.

Jeremy and Sandy, two nursing students holding patient files

Many of their fellow students and a few faculty members follow their blogs. There is a growing audience of students in other programs in the United States and even internationally. One post they cowrite is critical of the BCMA system being used in the emergency department of one of their clinical sites. They are careful not to mention the facility by name but refer to examples of workarounds used there.

In one instance, they mention a nurse who carried several patients’ barcodes on her belt and caused some confusion in treating three family members who were brought in following a motor vehicle crash. One of the blog’s readers is married to one of the nurses who work in the facility, and he shows it to his wife. A faculty member emails Jeremy and Sandy, telling them to delete the blog post. Sandy obliges immediately.

In what way could Jeremy and Sandy have used their blog in a better manner to provide constructive feedback about the BCMA system and the workarounds they observed?

How do you think a family member or friend of the motor vehicle crash victims might have felt if they read the article? What about other members of the community where the hospital is located? Can you think of any other possible ramifications?

What course of action do you think the Dean of Nursing should take in response to this incident? Support your opinion.

Congratulations on reaching the end of the course! Now it is time to reflect upon what you have learned. This course has introduced various topics regarding critical thinking

Congratulations on reaching the end of the course! Now it is time to reflect upon what you have learned. This course has introduced various topics regarding critical thinking. Reflect upon the concepts introduced in this course for your initial post. After creating your initial post, respond to at least two of your peers substantively. Comments like “I agree” or “Good point” are not accepted as required responses.

Discussion Prompts

  • Answer the following questions in your initial post:
    • What was the most personally useful or favorite thing you learned in this course? (how I discovered myself)
    • What topic(s) are you still struggling with? Or, what topic did you initially struggle with, and how did you master the concept? (Therapeutical questions
    • What have you learned in this course that will help you continue to grow as a future nurse?(self Confidence)
  • In your response to others, provide tips and pointers for topics you feel proficient in that they identified as struggling to learn.

Nursing Process Project: Peer Review

Nursing Process Project: Peer Review


Initial Post

In your initial discussion board post:

  • Share your final Nursing Process Project: Presentation. You may upload a video file or share a link to the presentation.
  • Provide a brief 2–3 sentence summary of your presentation, including why you selected the character you did for this project.

Response Posts

Give feedback to two peers’ presentations and discussion post content. In your response, offer helpful topics regarding the video or information regarding the content.

Nursing Process Project: Peer Review

Nursing Process Project: Peer Review


Initial Post

In your initial discussion board post:

  • Share your final Nursing Process Project: Presentation. You may upload a video file or share a link to the presentation.
  • Provide a brief 2–3 sentence summary of your presentation, including why you selected the character you did for this project.

Response Posts

Give feedback to two peers’ presentations and discussion post content. In your response, offer helpful topics regarding the video or information regarding the content.

Congratulations on reaching the end of the course! Now it is time to reflect upon what you have learned. This course has introduced various topics regarding critical thinking.

Congratulations on reaching the end of the course! Now it is time to reflect upon what you have learned. This course has introduced various topics regarding critical thinking. Reflect upon the concepts introduced in this course for your initial post. After creating your initial post, respond to at least two of your peers substantively. Comments like “I agree” or “Good point” are not accepted as required responses.

Discussion Prompts

  • Answer the following questions in your initial post:
    • What was the most personally useful or favorite thing you learned in this course? (how I discovered myself)
    • What topic(s) are you still struggling with? Or, what topic did you initially struggle with, and how did you master the concept? (Therapeutical questions
    • What have you learned in this course that will help you continue to grow as a future nurse?(self Confidence)
  • In your response to others, provide tips and pointers for topics you feel proficient in that they identified as struggling to learn.