P r e p a r e d F o r : D i c k G r e g e r s o n “ U n i v e r s e 1 , C o m p a n y 4 ”
B U S 4 9 7 0 C a l i f o r n i a S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y , L o s A n g e l e s
Table of Contents
Introduction………………………………………………………………………. 2 Overview Company History Vision Mission
Organization…………………………………………………………………….. 3 Our Team
Industry Analysis ……………………………………………………………….. 5 External Analysis………………………………………………………………. 7
Company Analysis: Strategy, Resources, and Financial Statement Analysis. Market Outlook…………………………………………………………………… 11 SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………………………. 12
Strengths Market Share Prices Getting into the Opponent’s Mind
Weaknesses……………………………………………………………. 14 Expenditures COGS vs. Revenue
Opportunities………………………………………………………… 15 Meet Customers Preferences Attracting New Investors
Threats ……………………………………………………………. 15 New Entrants Inflation
Strategies For Years 5 and 6 ………………………………………………………. 16 Mission Strategy and Objectives
Strategy Implementation. How Are We Going to Get there? ………………….. 17 Financial Statement Projections ……………………………………………………… 17 Analysis of Financial Statement Projections ……………………………………………… 19
Introduction Overview
The following two-year plan was created with the goal of providing an overview of our company
to our shareholders and potential investors. This two-year plan was created with the objective of
giving an outline of what Company 4 expects to accomplish over the following two years, year five
and year six. This plan will include a summary of the company’s organizational structure as well as
the individual profiles and duties of the teams. Along with our goals and objectives, we will also
present an industry analysis. The industry analysis will explain how Company 4 trends and
performance compare to industry averages for revenue, net income, return on assets, return on
equity, and stock price.
Company History
After a few long semesters of online learning, Company 4 was established, in this process other
companies were established as well, creating competition in the market. The company slowly
started to rise, both in customers and profits, along with its technology. Company 4 has the ability
of having business across some nations, including Europe, Asia and the U.S. Year after year the
company has been evolving, adding more features to it’s technology and expanding its
manufacturing process. Having a great team, the company expects to grow even more, creating
more profit for its shareholders.
The main objective of this report is to show our current shareholders and potential investors our
progress in the past 4 years, and our future goals and predictions for the years to come. Our main
goal is to provide our customers the latest technology and to deliver the best customer service.
From the beginning our main goal has been to provide a product across nations that is both
accessible and keeps up with the latest technology. Our company is centralized on the customer’s
demands and to dispense out products at a convenient cost.
My name is Katherine Vielman, this is my last semester at CSULA and I will be majoring in
Business Administration with an emphasis in Human Resources. It is a great honor to be a first
generation Latina to graduate. My goal is to become an HR coordinator for a company. According
to the Gallup institute one of my main strengths is discipline, and I hope this asset will help me
achieve my future goals.
My name is Jasmine Moncada and I’m in my senior year. My major is in Business
Administration with an emphasis in Human Resources. The reason why I picked Human Resources
is because I love to help people and I feel that that’s what the Human Resources department does.
Help employees with anything they need. My main goal in my career is to grow in my HR career. I
am currently working as a Human Resources Coordinator and want to grow and learn from all the
departments in my organization. For instance, I would like to work on Employee Relations, Leaves,
and just anything that can help me grow in my career.
CLAUDIA A. GARCIA Hello I am Claudia Alejandra Garcia. I am currently completing my last semester of undergrad
here at California State University, Los Angeles. My major has been Business Administration with
an emphasis in Statistics and Economics. Once I complete this semester I plan to continue on and
complete a MBA degree. I would like to work in Venture Capitals and Social Ventures, so I will
likely complete an extension program in NonProfit Management. I plan to work with marginalized
communities and help them take advantage of the opportunities Venture Capitals can offer, since
such a small percentage of these funds go to marginalized communities. I contributed to our future
Mission, Strategy and Objectives, as well as working on the appearance of the document.
My name is Sandra Sevilla and I am a senior at Cal State LA. I am majoring in business
management with an emphasis in healthcare administration. One day I would like to work as an
administrator at a children’s hospital or clinic. I currently spend a lot of my free time working on
flyers and instagram posts for a small dessert business. I believe that the skills I’ve acquired at this
job would lead me to be successful as a marketing manager as well. I’m not sure what job I’ll end
up having but I hope to be happy with whatever it is.
My name is Suren Maroutian and my major is Business Administration with an emphasis in
Marketing. I am currently a Senior at Cal State LA. My last semester will be Summer of 2022. My
goal is to find an internship for next semester and grow with that company. I would like to work
for a company like Walt Disney where I can find a marketing-entry position, and end up traveling
around the country. I am the youngest of 3 siblings, and the first one in my family to graduate
from a university.
Our team tries to work in a collective way. We meet twice a week, and before our meetings we
have reviewed the market for the forecast, revise our data compared to the other competitors, and
are ready to discuss our ideas and opinions. Our group tried this method from the beginning, and
we decided that it was the best approach for the decision making. The reason we liked this method
is because we are able to see the problems as a whole group, if someone brings up a new idea
everyone can share their opinion and point out possible problems. It also works for us because it
brings a broader perspective in terms of diversity of knowledge, considering that everyone has
different majors, we are able to explain to our team members information that is not generally
My name is Qiwen(Rita) Luo, my major is accounting. I am expected to graduate in Spring
2023. After graduation, I would like to be a commercial loan officer in the banking industry. I like
learning new things and working at a fast pace. Being an underwriter is a key person in the
process, the underwriter has to make an important decision which impacts many different people. I
want to be the person who can help people make their dreams come true.
Technology has been advancing over the years, the cellular market is one of them, and cellular
networks have been very competitive from the start. Our company is competing with five other firms
in the industry of cellular mobile network with different sales, marketing, and features from our
products. Technology has advanced so quickly that cellular phones started off by being a huge phone
that would only make phone calls. Currently cellular phones are touch screens, smaller, faster, and
there is so much you can do with them. This depicts how fast technology can grow, and our company
has the vision of advancing even further.
By definition bargaining power refers to suppliers who can put pressure on an organization by
raising their prices, lowering their quality or reducing the availability of their products. The
bargaining power is high when switching costs of buyers is high, threat of forward integration is
high, and switching costs of suppliers are low. On the other hand, the bargaining power is low when
switching costs of buyers are low, threat of forward integration is low, and switching costs of
suppliers are high. There are many different types of suppliers such as manufacturers and vendors,
distributors and wholesalers, independent suppliers, importers and exporters, and drop shippers. Our
company has faced some issues with our suppliers, specially during the war in Oilistan, where prices
increased due to the shortage of oil.
The main markets Company 4 focuses on is the U.S, Asia, and Europe. One thing our company
came to realize is that there are many factors that can produce changes in the market. At the
beginning we had the same strategy for all 3 markets, but once we got the results for Y1 and Y2 we
noticed that we needed to change our strategy and put our focus in each market individually rather
than all 3 markets as a whole. There has been up and downs in demand for our product. The
following chart depicts the percentages our company has estimated each year for each market.
At the moment, the demand is not doing so well due to news about the headsets exploding in an
airplane. We are predicting that for this coming year (Y5) the demand will be much improved. We
predicted for the demand in the U.S to be at 20%, Since Asia is one of the markets that has the
highest demand, we predicted it to be at 40%, finally, we predicted Europe’s demand to be at 15%.
There are many events that can happen in each country that we don’t have control over and those
events can and will stop the manufacturing and distribution temporarily or permanently. For
example, another event like the Civil war can occur, causing manufacturing and distribution to stop.
These estimates play a big role because it is very important for the company to produce enough
products and have the newest technologies and features to keep competing in the market.
Analyzing and understanding how the industry is doing in each region and globally is crucial for
success. In Y3, the total sales revenue for the company was $1,763,276. Between the United States,
Asia, and Europe, Asia did the best with a sales revenue of $849,699. The total amount of units sold
was 20,217 with tech 1 consisting of 70.8% and tech 2 of 29.2%. Europe did the worst with only
$511,064; there were 10,265 units sold with tech one consisting of 38.63% and tech 2 with 61.37%.
The average unit production cost was 64 USD for tech 1 and 122 USD for tech 2. The total profit for
the company in Y3 was $255,792. The return on equity (ROE) was 6.34%., higher than some
competitors but significantly lower than others’. The company had 46,000 shares and the share price
was $203.19.
In Y4, the company’s total sales revenue was $1,752,084, about $11,000 less than the year prior.
Higher production costs and expenses were some of the contributors that led to this decrease. Asia
again sold the most units, with a total of 18,992. Tech 1 made up 68.54% or about 13,017 units, tech
2 made up 29.41% or about 5585 units, and tech 3 only 2.06%, or 391 units. The United States and
Europe struggled, only selling about 10,000 units each. The average production cost for tech 1 was
$61, down $3 from Y3, $121 for tech 2, down $1 from Y3, and $125 for tech 3. The total profit for
the year was $161,047, down $94,745 from the prior year. The ROE was 4.34%, down 2% from Y3.
There were 45,700 shares, down 300 from Y3, and the ending share price was $231.94, up $28.75
from the year prior.
As can be seen in the below table, all companies have similar technologies sold in the market,
only Technology 1 and Technology 2 in the whole market in Y3. Asia Market had the highest
number of units sold among the three major market areas in Y3 and Y4; however, the total number
of units sold decreased from 20,217 units to 18,992 units in Y3 and Y4 because of a suspicious case
regarding an airplane crash in southern China may cause by headset explosion. This event caused
the most negative impact on the demand for new headsets in Asia market. In Y4, People in USA and
Europe markets were more interested in Technology 2, USA market had 52.83% of total units sold,
and Europe Market had 57.87% of total units sold; in addition, new technology 3 had been launched
in Asia and Europe market by company 5.
Competition is intense among existing companies. Although there is not much difference in
their products, companies try to occupy more market shares by changing the number of features and
selling prices. One of the competitors that has the stablest global market shares is Company 1, they
have been occupied by 20.47%% market shares in Y3 and 20.95% in Y4. Our company’s global
market share grew from 15.46% to 17.08% in Y3 and Y4.
Internal Analysis
In order to expand the company business, our company pursued to increase internal capacity
allocation for product 1 and product 2 in the Asia and USA market by installing new plants in the
USA and Asia. With increasing popularity of Technology 1 and Technology 2, companies that have
lower selling price and more features would occupy more market shares. We still need to work on
gaining larger market share and providing better return to stakeholders.
Global market share of three market areas’ had been increased from Y3 to Y4. Especially
in Asia and European markets. Company 4 managed to expand the US market share from
13.94% to 13.98% in Y3 and in Y4. In the Asia market, market share increased by 2.13%
from 14.73%. Europe market share had the highest percentage at 20.49% in Y4.
An overview of Company 4’s sales revenue in Y3 and Y 4, we had stable results ( Y3
$1,763,276, Y4 $1,752,084). The main sales that contributed to this result took place in Asia,
where there were 6,179 units sold. During Y3 and Y4, the Tec 1 sales in the US market decreased
from $707k units to 683k units. We decreased our price by $35 dollars per unit in Y4 while
retaining the same number of features, on the other hand, our competitors increased features and
decreased prices, which is why they took sales away from us. There was a downtrend profit
performance from $255,792 to $161,047 in Y3 and Y4. There were two main challenges that
caused the loss in Y4: Firstly, the decrease in sales revenue, secondly, the high R&D costs,
promotion and administration cost.
Market Outlook
The market has been a bit of a roller coaster for our product. The market outlook has been
extremely helpful to determine our decisions in each round, and has helped us to have an idea of
how the environment is doing, and shape our decisions. Our group spends a reasonable amount of
time going over the market outlook, and discussing possible outcomes of the events happening and
possible scenarios that might happen. We believe that this portion of the platform is very
interesting because it sets the rules for our decisions and how they will be determined. For
instance, during round 3, our group was divided on the strategy that we were going to take, some
group members predicted that the market growth was going to increase because other companies
were not going to invest in new technology since the war erupted in Oilistan. The other team
members wanted to invest in new technologies because they thought the competition was going to
hold on to new technology because of the war. We predicted that the demand in market for Y5 and
Y6 is going to increase, because the other companies will increase competition.
Market share
Market share is one of the key measures used by companies to evaluate how well they are
performing in comparison to competitors. It is a percentage of all sales by all competitors’ in any
particular market. Company 4, we weighed market share as one of the top factors at 17% because
we anticipate that our low cost will allow us to gain a firm position in the market. We conducted
market research in order to continue to satisfy our customers and change our product as demand
changes. For instance, it is critical to be able to give the quality and features that consumers are
looking for in order to have the largest market share. To maximize sales, we analyzed our
competitors’ pricing and features and reduced our costs while increasing our features. And, we are
continually striving to increase our market share by satisfying the needs of our customers. We
expect our market share to grow as we release new features and keep our costs lower than our
competitors. Importantly, in year four, we had the highest market share of 17.08 percent, and in
year one, we had the fourth largest market share. Our market share steadily grows year after year.
Furthermore, we anticipate that our consumers will desire the most features at the lowest
possible cost. We intend for our product to be less expensive than that of our competitors. Every
round, we introduced more and more features in order to distinguish our company. In year two,
our sales were at an all time higher than our other years. Also, we expect that our customers will
want more, and by providing more features, we keep them loyal to our company because they
know we will bring the next big thing at a lower cost.
Our goal at Company 4 was to focus on price to sell because it has a direct impact on the
company’s success. For example, Company 4 analyzed prices quarterly to ensure that they
reflected cost dynamics, market demand, response to the competition, and profitability goals to
ensure sales. Our price was determined by analyzing the competition and remaining competitive in
the market by offering more features at a lower cost. Based on the findings, our company will be
50 dollars to 100 dollars less affordable than the market average. Our cash flow was cumulatively
positive, and the market reacted positively to the low pricing we maintained throughout the sixth
year. Although we purposefully had lower prices than our competitors throughout the business
cycle, our increments, as applicable, have allowed us to have financial flexibility as well as
business success.
Getting into the Opponent’s Mind
Anticipating our competitors’ next move is a method of making future predictions based on
previous and present facts, most commonly through trend analysis. Company 4 spent time
analyzing patterns in pricing, marketing, spending, unit production, and units sold. As a result, we
were able to correctly forecast our competitors’ next move, such as the amount of features our
competitors will have in the following year, and we were able to add a feature while lowering our
costs. In addition, the precision of this form of forecasting was quite beneficial to our organization
in terms of determined sales data. The market is determined by the availability of the thing you
wish to sell. Our forecasting was good enough that we did not overproduce or run out of product
while producing the correct amount. This strategy, taken as a whole, enables us to sell products to
consumers and acquire market share. Our experts double-checked the data to eliminate space for
error and achieve a competitive advantage in the company as a whole.
Expenditures are the amounts of money spent to keep Company 4 operating efficiently. Although
many businesses attempt to keep costs low, at Company 4 we recognize that investing in certain
areas will provide positive outcomes. For example, we invested extensively in R&D, advertising,
and production as examples of recurring high expenditures. We experienced significantly higher
expenses in those areas as we addressed market needs, resulting in decreased net income in year
1.Expenses are perceived as a liability since we believed we must invest in particular areas to
achieve financial success, despite the fact that our revenue could be larger if we priced our
products competitively.
COGS vs. Revenue
Company 4, maintains committed to keeping our products at a lower price than the competitors.
However, this is a weakness because the incoming revenue could be significantly higher. Despite
the fact that we have gained market share, we believe that this will provide us an advantage in
selling more products in the long term. Our revenue vs. CoGs ratio may be more significant. For
instance, our price increases will be determined by the competition. The more they price their
products, the greater the chance for Company 4. to raise while being slightly below their amounts.
Meet consumers preferences
A consumer preference indicates how a customer rates or prefers one technology over another.
Company 4 invests in raw data in order to better understand our consumers’ preferences. For
example, in Asia, we invest more on Tech 1 since our revenues are significantly larger.
Furthermore, in Europe, we focused on Tech 2 because it demonstrated that our consumers were
engaged. Meeting the needs of our Asian and European customers gave us an advantage because
our competitors loved it and we are the only company giving such high-end features.
Attracting new investors
Company 4 focuses on raising capital to demonstrate to potential new investors that we are worth
investing in. Despite the fact that we distinguish ourselves by offering lower prices, we were able
to capture greater market share by the end of the year 4. As previously stated, our net income
fluctuates as we invest in expanding our business. If our company maintains its current uniqueness
trend and expands, we will be able to attract a large number of investors, allowing us to develop
even further.
New Entrants
New entrants to the market may represent a threat to Company 4. As a low-cost company, a
company may find it easy to follow our business strategy and immediately adopt an aggressive
growth model. New entries will increase the industry’s competitive rivalry. For instance, as new
entrants begin to gain customers in order to acquire market share, existing competitors such as
Company 4 will be put at risk because margins will be reduced across the industry.
Inflation is a significant factor to consider for any company because changes are unpredictable.
For example, it varied dramatically between years 3 and 4. Cash flow is influenced by price
discrepancies. Because our plants are located in different places, our production costs, labor costs,
and overall operations vary. Company 4 will avoid making pricing modifications purely due to
inflation, despite the fact that this is a danger because we must fulfill production needs as well as
other expenses without negatively impacting our market share.
We aim to create a technologically advanced phone that will keep people around the world
connected in a sustainable and accessible way in the United States, Asia, and in Europe. We will
continue to be a competitor in the affordable phone market.
We will continue striving for the lowest cost phones, making advanced technology accessible
to all. Our strategy for the years to come will include raising our market shares through expansion
into new technologies introducing tech 3 into the Asian and European markets to begin with because
of the increased forecast coverage. We will do our best to maximize our in-house manufacturing to
ensure our productions are low, we will also increase our plants overseas for the same reason.
Market Standing Market Shares, Customer Satisfaction, Product range
Innovation New Products and features, better processing, technology
Productivity Optimize our resources and focus on keeping selling price low while maximizing
shareholder return
Our expectations for the upcoming year is to be even more competitive in how accessible we
make our phones to all. We want to lead in placing prices lower than others.
We will use our high equity in cash to develop better infrastructure to maximize our in house
manufacturing and lower the prices of our products by doing this. Our strategy for the years to come
will include raising our market shares through expansion into new technologies introducing tech 3
into the Asian and European markets to begin with because of the increased forecast coverage. We
will do our best to maximize our in-house manufacturing to ensure our productions are low, we will
also increase our plants overseas for the same reason.
While brainstorming, our group came to the realization that we have been making some
mistakes. One of our strategies was to compare the results of other companies, we would compare
the numbers from the company that had the lowest earnings and the one with the highest earnings,
and our decisions would fall somewhat in the middle. However, we are ready to change our strategy.
As a group we decided that we will try to set up the prices in the market, so we don’t have to adapt
to the prices set by other companies in order to stay in competition. For these coming years, our
main goal as a company is to develop products with more features and launch them into the market
before the other teams. The reason for this is that we want to obtain market share before the
competition. Previously we have been setting the prices accordingly to what they have, but we are
aiming at setting the prices first ourselves.
Another plan we would like to implement is to get rid of Tech 1 for this coming round, because
the production costs are actually affecting us more than helping. With this capital we plan to invest
more on Tech 4, to have a headstart in the market. We are yet to decide if we will be bringing back
Tech 1 once the demand increases for it.
FINANCIAL STATEMENT PROJECTIONS Our company mainly utilized the defensive strategy; this reduced the risk and thus the potential
for losses. This approach offered better alternatives to capture a wider market. In the first three
years, Our company performed steadily, gaining a small percentage of market share compared to our
competitors because our prices are higher compared to other competitors’ prices. Basically, there
were two production facilities, one in the USA and the other in Asia. We have been investing in
more plants in a market base in the Asian market, which has favorably low payments to workers.
New technologies are emerging in the market, such as Technology 3 and Technology 4. These
indicate that customer preferences are shifting towards newer technology-based phones. Starting
from Y5 the forecast market growth in Asia appears to be higher than the growth of the same
products in the US and Europe. With advanced technology, it provides a better competitive
advantage against other businesses.
We are planning to expand our business and build a new strategy to meet the needs of our
customers, which validates depending on the market segments they are in. In Europe, people there
are more likely to be attracted to phones which have more features and new technology. Thus
adding more features and developing Tec 4 will build up customers’ loyalty, we will provide the
most developed technology at a relatively high price. In Asia, we are still using a low-cost strategy
because customers in Asia market are very careful about paying high amounts of money on
technologies, we are planning to build new plants in Asia for the Y5 and Y6. These will help us in
expanding the production lines and increasing our sales capacity. In the US market, we will
provide the latest technologie