Johnny Cash’s Impact on Arkansas History
Johnny Cash’s Impact on Arkansas History
Write a biographical essay about Johnny Cash and his impact on Arkansas History.
Are students overstimulated, and if so, what are the effects of such overstimulation on academic success?
I need a 1,250 word research paper on Are students overstimulated, and if so, what are the effects of such overstimulation on academic success?
How does the introduction of automation technology affect the demand for labor and wages in different industries and occupations?
How does the introduction of automation technology affect the demand for labor and wages in different industries and occupations?
This are the instruction on Canvas:
You will be conducting a literature review as part of this course. As part of the process, you must identify your research question, formulate your hypothesis, and provide the data source that you want to use to answer your question. Do not exceed 10 pages for the review. Your write-up should be double-spaced, justified (aligned), Times New Roman, and 12-font. Make sure you attach a bibliography using the APA format. Failing to follow the instructions will cost you points. You can also use the resources of the Writing Center.
Attached below is the rubric for the literature review.
Lit Review Econ Writing Rubric.doc
What is Literature Review
A literature review is not an annotated bibliography in which you summarize briefly each article that you have reviewed. While a summary of what you have read is contained within the literature review, it goes well beyond merely summarizing professional literature. It focuses on a specific topic of interest to you and includes a critical analysis of the relationship among different works, and relating this research to your work. The review of the professional literature relevant to your research question will help to contextualize, or frame, your research. It will give readers the necessary background to understand your research.
The structure of a literature review
A literature review should be structured like any other essay: it should have an introduction, a middle or main body, and a conclusion.
The introduction should:
- define your topic and provide an appropriate context for reviewing the literature;
- establish your reasons – i.e. point of view – for
- reviewing the literature;
- explain the organization – i.e. sequence – of the review;
- state the scope of the review – i.e. what is included and what isn’t included. For example, if you were reviewing the literature on obesity in children you might say something like: There are a large number of studies of obesity trends in the general population. However, since the focus of this research is on obesity in children, these will not be reviewed in detail and will only be referred to as appropriate.
Main body
The middle or main body should:
- organize the literature according to common themes;
- provide insight into the relationship between your chosen topic and the wider subject area e.g. between obesity in children and obesity in general;
- move from a general, wider view of the literature being reviewed to the specific focus of your research.
The conclusion should:
- summarize the important aspects of the existing body of literature;
- evaluate the current state of the literature review;
- identify significant flaws or gaps in existing knowledge;
- outline areas for future study;
- link your research to existing knowledge.
The Royal Literary Fund. (n.d.). The structure of a literature review. In Literature reviews. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)
Guidelines for writing a literature review:
- Provide an overview near the beginning of the review
- Near the beginning of a review, state explicitly what will and will not be covered
- Aim for a clear and cohesive essay that integrates the key details of the literature and communicates your point of view (literature is not a series of annotated articles).
- Use subheadings
- Use transitions to help trace your argument
- Where appropriate, describe why the information within a paragraph or a section is important relative to your study. Help the reader to connect the information to the research study.
- Write a conclusion for the end of the review: Provide closure so that the path of the argument ends with a conclusion of some kind. The conclusion of a paper in which you will be presenting original research usually leads to the research question or questions that will be addressed.
- Check the flow of your argument for coherence.
For further information check: Research Guides (Links to an external site.)
Executive Program Manager’s Decision Making Skills
Executive Program Manager’s Decision Making Skills
•APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting.
•Length of paper: typed, double-spaced pages with no less than four pages.
•Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Critical response #1 – what should colleges teach?
Critical response #1 – what should colleges teach?
The Reading you will be using:
Name of article you will be using: “what should colleges teach part 3”
you will write a 850 – 1,000 word (heading and works cited page do not count as part of the word count) critical response to at least one of the texts we read in class.
This first essay ask you to practice skills you will need to use for the rest of the quarter. Imagine that one of your goals as a student is to read widely and to think critically about the arguments you encounter in books, on-line articles, opinion pieces, etc.. You may have read essays, plays, poems, stories, letters, and other genres before, but now you want to take the next steps toward a college level experience with critical approaches to ideas and issues in writing. Remember that everything is an argument, even the fiction, poems, and opinions we read in class.
This assignment asks you to read rhetorically and develop a strong response to ideas you identify in a text selected from the several we have read thus far. You’ll then use that response to draft a closed-form, thesis-based essay. You’ll support that essay with points that develop your argument (your argument for this essay is how you feel about the writing: is it good? Why or why not? Is the point of the story a good one? Etc) so readers understand how you arrived at your thesis. You will also present particulars from your selected essay that either support or contradict your thesis. Throughout the essay, you will document (use MLA formatted source citations) all information that originates from these outside sources. You will also produce a works-cited page that lists the text you chose to use in addition to one other text. Please try to use proper MLA format for this page. I want you to write this essay so that you can show your critical understanding of the readings, and your ability to show your thinking to readers.
Directions: Write a critical response essay that includes: (a) a short summary of an identified and selected text; (b) a strong response to the text (either in support or in opposition to its ideas) in which you respond with your own critical thinking, personal experience, other texts, and values. As you formulate your response, consider both the author’s rhetorical strategies and the author’s ideas. Think of your response as your analysis of how the text tries to influence its readers rhetorically and how your wrestling with the text has expanded and deepened your thinking. Additionally, if you feel it fruitful, you can use one of the other readings we did in class or one that you picked in order to elucidate your views on the primary text.
Your essay should (in other words, use the following as a checklist of things your essay should. Be doing):
–Summarize at least one of the texts we have read so far
–Analyze that text and Respond to it critically
–Provide a thesis statement (what do you think of the text?)
–Provide support for your thesis using personal experience
–Provide support for your thesis USING the primary text
–Organize paragraphs coherently
–Show awareness of rhetorical situation and rhetorically strategies
–Cite all sources using proper MLA citation style
–Format paper in proper MLA format
–Provide a properly cited works cited page.
Be sure that all documents:
- are typed;
- use 12 point font size;
- use Times New Roman font;
- are double-spaced;
- follow MLA style requirements for all other formatting issues (see the Purdue OWL for guidelines);
- have been spell-checked and edited for grammar and syntax problems;
- are properly uploaded as a WORD .doc or .docx or .pdf file (you can download Microsoft word for free by using your Bellevue College sign in at the Microsoft webpageLinks to an external site.).
(Assignments not uploaded as a WORD DOC or DOCX or PDF file will receive a zero and be ignored. In other words, absolutely no txt, zip, .pages, or other files are acceptable. If you need help formatting, come see me during office hours).
Your grade for this essay will depend on how well you addressed each issue above.
Resources for success:
Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing sources:
- SummaryLinks to an external site. (See also: ParaphraseLinks to an external site. and Examples of summariesLinks to an external site.)
Help for analysis:
Thesis help: Thesis statement helpLinks to an external site.
MLA help:
This VideoLinks to an external site.walks you through MLA formatting
Writing Center information can be found hereLinks to an external site.
Some advice: When you write a response essay that uses a single source, you must be careful to balance the writer’s ideas with your own. Imagine yourself in partnership with the author, using his/her ideas and arguments as a base from which to launch your own. Overall, though, it is your voice that should dominate your draft. Your thesis and the points that support it should be based on your own opinions and written in your own words.
These were the comments I recieved on my rough draft. Please optimize the essay based on the advice on the comments.
“I appreciate the effort you put into writing your essay, but I wanted to provide some feedback on your summary and critical response. While your summary provides a basic overview of the primary text, it lacks detail and cohesion, which makes it difficult to follow your thought process. Additionally, your essay fails to really engage with the text in a critical manner, and the analysis presented lacks depth and insight. I encourage you to take a closer look at the primary text and think more critically about its themes, arguments, and implications. By doing so, you can strengthen your analysis and present a more cohesive and insightful essay.”
**Please try to base your opinions on the article from a student point of view. Although I don’t mind mixing your point of view to create a stronger argument. Also Try to include atleast 3 sources that backup your claims in this essay**.
**I left my rough draft for you to see. Although I want you to completely rewrite the essay. you can use the roughdraft as reference but the essay you write can use completely different points of view and arguments. It is perferable that way. Thankyou 🙂
The Role of American Consumers in Eradicating Human Trafficking in the Supply Chain
The Role of American Consumers in Eradicating Human Trafficking in the Supply Chain
Using the graded and revised proposal, write a focused and logical argumentative essay, in which you put forth a clear position on an issue. Make sure to decide what type of position or argument you are taking and explore at least one opposing/counter viewpoint as well. There is no ‘right’ answer, but your position must be based on logic and reason as well as grounded in the research you do. Make sure to use third person point of view and consider your audience. For the annotated bibliography: At least 8-12 outside sources are required for this piece; they should be appropriately formatted in MLA and implemented in this work. You will need to have at least 3 scholarly sources. At least five of your total sources must have annotations (evaluation based). If you add two more, you will be eligible for 2 points extra credit, but the annotations must be evaluation based and in MLA format. Make sure to follow the correct MLA bibliographical and in-text citation guidelines. Remember to use the reading and sample in Modules to help you.
Reflective Response to: Kevin Lynch and Donald Appleyard, Temporary Paradise
Reflective Response to: Kevin Lynch and Donald Appleyard, Temporary Paradise
The midterm assignment will be a 5 page-written reflective response to Kevin Lynch and Bruce Appleyard’s, Temporary Paradise? This will be a personal reflection on the significance of the reading, and the role it can play in cultivating a new cross-border urban and public imagination.
I have attached the course syllabus, assignment rubric and prompt, and the reading that You must read in order to write the reflective response. Besides, you need to the 6 prompt questions that in the midterm prompt doc to write about it. Thank you!
Must follow the rubric, 0 Palagiarism, 0% AI, High quality!
The role of parent-child attachment in infant and toddler social and emotional development
The role of parent-child attachment in infant and toddler social and emotional development
Discussion of the research will include an analysis and synthesis of findings. A minimum of 10 scholarly, peer-reviewed sources is required.
You are on the accounting team at a large multinational company. Over the last few years your supervisor has become aware of the movement to incorporate sustainability-related issues into the company’s financial and managerial accounting reports. She has asked you to review several articles and summarize the issues involved.
Content Expectations
In considering sustainability incorporation in a company’s financial and managerial accounting reports, discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages, as well as any implementation issues. Be sure to include the reasoning behind each point you make as well as a detailed listing of the reference sources in which each argument originates.
All of the reference articles you need for this assignment are provided in the Writing Assignment folder. Read these articles to get the information needed. You do not need to provide a bibliography page at the end of your write-up, but you need to cite your reference source within your text by quoting the file title directly (for example, EY 2020, pp. 123). Use normal (1”) border margins, 12” font (Times Roman), and contrasting (bold) headings. The content of your write-up should be between two to six pages.