Does Social Media make us more or less connected

Does Social Media make us more or less connected

Argumentative Research Paper on how Social Media Makes us less connected to one another.

MLA Formate (I can do the headinbg myself)

 Introduction: Introduce the topic you have chosen and provide a brief overview of why it is important to discuss. The introduction should include background, historical, or contextual information related to the topic. This section should also provide a clear and concise thesis statement that summarizes your position on the topic.

(2) Counterargument(s): This section should also address counterarguments and refute opposing viewpoints.
(3) Evidence: Using multiple paragraphs, present evidence to support your argument, including data, statistics, quotes or examples.
(4) Analysis: Analyze the evidence and explain how it supports your position. This section should also identify any limitations or weaknesses in the evidence.
(5) Conclusion: Summarize your argument and restate your thesis statement. This section should also provide recommendations for future research and action related to the topic.
  Minimum of five sources (only two may be generic web sources).
  Include correct in-text and works cited (or references) entries.
  Written in standard edited English (no slang, colloquialisms, no first or second person).

The Personal Cost of Car Ownership Can be Offset by Bicycle Ownership

The Personal Cost of Car Ownership Can be Offset by Bicycle Ownership

The assignment is to write a researched argument about an ethical issue based on an artifact. It must have at least two scholarly articles and include my positionality.

Attached I have the outline provided to us as well as an incomplete rough draft and a short essay that gives context to my positionality.

Reconstruction and the Age of American Imperialism

Reconstruction and the Age of American Imperialism

Over the course of the nineteenth century, the United States matured into a country with interests and influences extending beyond North America. Following the upheaval of the Civil War, Americans tried to reassemble their country and bring the states of the former Confederacy back into the Union. The decade of Reconstruction was characterized by contentious legislation and attempts to integrate African Americans into the political, economic, and social frameworks of the United States. The Second Industrial Revolution reached its height during the second half of the century as well. New innovations in manufacturing, transportation, and communication accelerated the growth of consumer culture and changed the standard of living in the United States. As the nineteenth century drew to a close, the United States became an overseas empire, fighting wars with European powers over territorial influence and acquiring colonial possessions of its own.

In this assessment, you will examine the legal and social changes that took place during Reconstruction in the United States. You will also consider the ways that industrialization and imperialism contributed to the emergence of the United States as an international power during the late nineteenth century.
A. Discuss three major changes in race relations (i.e., laws, amendments, labor arrangements, working conditions, migration patterns, socioeconomic changes) that resulted from Reconstruction (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs).

B. Describe two consequences of industrialization on American politics and/or society (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs).

C. Explain the rise of the Progressive movement (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) by doing the following:

1. Describe the role of religion and social morality in promoting Progressive reforms.

2. Describe two reform movements that helped to define the Progressive Era.

3. Discuss one impact of the Progressive movement on American politics (i.e., amendments, legislation, diplomatic decisions).

D. Explain (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) the role of American imperialism in leading the United States into two of the following conflicts:

• Hawaiian Annexation

• War in the Philippines

• Spanish-American War

• World War I

E. Provide acknowledgement of source information, using in-text citations and references, for quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content.

1. Include the following information when providing source references:

• author

• date

• title

• location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, or website URL)

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The Making of Modern America

The Making of Modern America

The development of the United States in the twentieth century was shaped by several challenges: an economic collapse, global war, and social and political upheaval at home. The economic collapse that preceded the Great Depression brought high unemployment, increased prices for goods, and displaced populations across the United States. President Franklin Roosevelt promised a “New Deal” for Americans, and during his administration the federal government intervened in the American economy with regulations and stimulus, changing the relationship between the states and the federal government. The aftermath of the Second World War brought the United States to greater international prominence, but the following geopolitical and ideological struggle with the Soviet Union divided the planet and threatened international destruction through the use of thermonuclear weapons. At the same time as the United States was expanding its role as an international power, many domestic protest movements challenged institutional discrimination and unequal systems of power in federal and state governments. Their victories resulted in legislation and legal precedents that changed the complexion of American society.

In this assessment you will examine several major events that shaped modern American society. You will consider how the New Deal policies were designed to ameliorate the effects of the Great Depression, how the Cold War was waged both internationally and domestically, and how the civil rights movement challenged the perceived assumptions of American society.
A. Explain (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) the major causes of the Great Depression (e.g., economic policies, trade concerns, banking practices, international commerce).

B. Describe three ways (e.g., major legislation, organizations, relief and recovery efforts) that the New Deal sought to address the problems of the Great Depression (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs).

C. Explain how the end of World War II contributed to the rise of Cold War tensions (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) by doing the following:

1. Discuss the effect of the arms race on the rise of Cold War tensions.

2. Describe how differing ideologies led to increased Cold War tensions.

3. Explain the effect of Cold War tensions on American culture and domestic policies (e.g., security concerns, organizations, discrimination).

D. Explain two changes (e.g., legislation, cultural shifts, economic shifts) that came about as a result of one of the following historical events (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs):

• civil rights movement

• feminist movement

• gay rights movement

• rise of the religious right

E. Provide acknowledgement of source information, using in-text citations and references, for quoted, paraphrased, or summarized content.

1. Include the following information when providing source references:

• author

• date

• title

• location of information (e.g., publisher, journal, or website URL)

How to lead a company through a change process

How to lead a company through a change process

Go into detail on why “How to lead a company through a change process” was selected. For this part, I suggest writing about the applicability of implementing changes across many organizations. Then, more specifically, if you could tie it to the nuclear industry implementing changes all the time would be good. This industry requires a lot of effort to make changes, and therefore this topic is relevant.

The challenges you anticipate you might encounter while solving the issues you have identified in the project.

The strategies you will employ to overcome these potential barriers.

Develop an action plan to continuously improve and update one’s knowledge and skills in strategic leadership.

Integrate empirical research and management theories for the purpose of strategic planning for profitability, including times of economic recession.

Please refer to the attached rubric for paper content.

policy summary and performance measurement ( Los Angeles police department

policy summary and performance measurement ( Los Angeles police department)

Group project worksheets – however, please edit and revise per my comments on the previous worksheets. As is demonstrated in the example, this is a conceptual exercise and does not require specific costs or measurements – that would take months if not years to properly report and analyze – rather, this is a conceptual overview of a policy alternative and related performance measurement items.

4. The example is an exemplar of what is expected for your group Policy Summary and Performance Measurement Worksheet assignment, format and substance. Pay special attention to the level of detail and directness (succinctness) in the example responses. Read the worksheet questions carefully and communicate among your group members using the Group Homepage features. How each group distributes the assignment tasks is up to each group individually and should be done fairly. Please be respectful with all group members and use each others’ strengths to produce the best possible product.

5. Complete your assignment by typing each worksheet question response within the Policy Summary and Performance Measurement Worksheet document itself and save as a new Microsoft Word document titled with the course information, your group number, and assignment name only (example file name: PA 460 Group 2 Policy Summary and Performance Measurement Worksheet).

The Power of Sports Media: How Rhetoric in Media Fuels Rivalries in Sports and Affects Fan Behavior

The Power of Sports Media: How Rhetoric in Media Fuels Rivalries in Sports and Affects Fan Behavior


Spring 2023

Essay 3: Research Argument



This semester, we’re researching the narrative and persuasive nature of visual rhetoric. You’ll join a cluster topic group that will read, research, and reconsider visual images within that particular topic. From these discussions, you’ll create an original question that requires research.



This paper is the culminating project of the semester. It will reflect the careful critical thinking, evaluation, and logical reasoning skills that you have honed over the past several weeks in this class. You will judiciously select sources to support a convincing and discerning thesis that is related to your assigned cluster topic.


Assignment Prompt

For this paper, identify a problem related to your visual rhetoric cluster topic, ask a researchable question, and formulate a well-supported argument for a specific audience.


Cluster Topics (Visual Rhetoric)

  1. Graffiti or other “Banned” print images
  2. Food/Beverage Ads (including Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs as well as Diet Culture Rhetoric)
  3. Political campaign ads and commercials, cartoons, or satire
  4. Unboxing or other YouTube reality shorts
  5. Children as ads or ads marketed to children/babies
  6. Political imagery and symbolic action on TikTok
  7. Manipulated/deceptive photos or visual media
  8. Jackpot Group (to be determined in class)


The point of cluster groups is to consolidate your topical research on your Canvas group page, share your findings, and discover related research that might serve as points of comparison or divergence.



  • The thesis must be argument-driven, supported with clear premises, logical reasoning, and a sound argument.
  • At a minimum, you are required to cite at least 5 sources; at least 2 of those must be peer-reviewed, and at least 2 must be visual images you analyze.
  • The essay should be 8-9 pages—anything shorter or longer will be considered a failure to adhere to one of the assignment’s basic requirements. Be sure to revise and polish your paper not only in content, but also in style and mechanics.
  • The essay should be double-spaced, typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font and one-inch margins all the way around, and have an original title, header, and MLA heading. The Works Cited will be included at the end of the essay on a new page. Please see LSH for other MLA formatting and expectations.


Tips for Success

  • Don’t be intimidated by the length of this paper, even if it may be one of the longest you’ve written up to this point. We’ll take it one step at a time together as a class. Our work thus far in the semester will prepare you to succeed.
  • When planning for long research papers, it is often tempting to choose a very broad topic to write about. On the contrary, I’d suggest choosing a specific topic with a very specific audience. Research papers that focus on depth more than breadth are often the most successful.
  • If you run out of things to write about, sometimes that means you either need to analyze your sources better or include more sources. Make sure that you understand your sources well and have plenty to say about them. If you get stuck while drafting this longer paper, I’m happy to brainstorm ideas or analyze sources with you.


Rubric and Grading

This essay will be graded based on the WRTR 1313 rubric. When you submit your essay, you must include the WRTR 1313 rubric as the last page of your document (after your Works Cited). I will provide a Word document template with the rubric already included on the last page. The easiest way to submit your essay is to either write your essay in this template or copy and paste your final draft into this template.


What if I don’t have Microsoft Word downloaded onto my computer? The good news is that all SMU students have access to Microsoft 365. You may use your SMU login to download Microsoft 365 here: Alternatively, you can visit the library and use one of their computers, which have the Microsoft Word application.


Annotated Bibliography

Your annotated bibliography must include 7 sources. At least 2 of those must be peer-reviewed, and at least 2 must be visual images you analyze. As you research, read, and discern the value of your sources, you’ll keep and update a working Annotated Bibliography. You might not use all these sources in your research paper. By completing the notes and annotations before writing your draft, you’ll save time, reduce the risk of plagiarism, and keep your sources organized. Each annotation should be 4-5 sentences long; see the samples in Little Seagull Handbook for clarification. This is an important step in the research process, so be sure to do it well.


Your notes on each source will help you create your draft, so do them well and with purpose. The Annotated Bibliography will be graded.


Author’s Note

With each draft of the paper, including the final draft, you’ll be required to submit an author’s note. Instructions for the author’s note can be found on Canvas. The author’s note should be included as the first page of your essay but should be numbered as page 0 in the top right-hand corner.



Parametric vs. Nonparametric Methods

Parametric vs. Nonparametric Methods

The purpose of this assignment is to differentiate between parametric and nonparametric statistical methods. In addition, this assignment will help you understand and implement parametric or nonparametric statistical methods.

Using the South University Online Library, the Internet, and your text readings, research the following statistical topics:

  • Levels of measurement
  • Parametric and nonparametric methods

On the basis of your research and understanding, respond to the following:

  • Find and state the definition of levels of measurement that distinguishes the five types of data used in statistical analysis.
  • In your own words, compare the five types of data and explain how they differ.
  • Find and state a definition of parametric and nonparametric methods that distinguishes between the two.
  • In your own words, explain the difference between parametric and nonparametric methods.
  • Explain which types of data require parametric statistics to be used and which types of data require nonparametric statistics to be used and why.
  • Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using parametric and nonparametric statistics.
  • Describe how the level of measurement helps determine which of these methods to use on the data being analyzed.

Native American Discrimination in Sports in the 20th century

Native American Discrimination in Sports in the 20th century

I already have the sources

please dedicate a lot to Jim Thrope
There will be two parts to your paper. The first part (about 2/3) will be description and explanations of your topic. The second portion will be your assessment of your topic’s impacts and consequences for the United States, and perhaps, the world. Your evaluations and conclusions need to be coherent and also supported by the material you examined.



  • Purpose of or rationale for the scholarly project: Provide an evidence-based explanation of why it is necessary to complete your scholarly project and what benefit will be gained (health promotion, fiscal, and efficiency).
  • Background on the problem or population of interest: Using primary sources, provide data on your topic. Providing the background will demonstrate the focused need for your project.
  • Significance of the problem to nursing and healthcare: State how your problem or population of interest aligns with the larger interest of healthcare in the community. Create a context to why your topic is important.
  • Benefit of the project to nursing practice: State what will be gained from your project. Describe the expected outcomes of your project to practice within your population and setting. Relate the outcomes to evidence-based guidelines and outcomes. Describe how your project may influence other populations or settings.
  • PICOT question: State what specific issue or question your work will address. Very briefly (this is still the introduction), say how you will approach the work. What will others learn from your work?
  • Scope of the project: State the scope of your project. What are the project’s objectives, goals, tasks, and resources necessary for your work? Note that much of your scope will be preliminary at this phase of your work. Minimum of five pages.