Assignment 1: Age Structure of a Population Using Life Tables Introduction to Life Tables

ECOL203/403 Assignment 1: Age Structure of a Population Using Life Tables Introduction to Life Tables

Before you begin this exercise (or read any further) you should:

1. Read Chapter 13 of Attiwill and Wilson (2006), particularly the section on life tables on page 220 – 223.

2. Make sure you have the life_table.xls file from the Assignment 1 folder)

3. Do the Molar Index and Skull aging Tutorial (Assignment 1 folder)

4. Download the Box of Skulls (Assignment 1 folder)

5. It is also advisable to read through this exercise completely before starting on the spreadsheet in excel.

Background to the Data

The Black-striped wallaby, Macropus dorsalis

The black-striped wallaby is a medium-sized macropod (females 7kg; males 16kg) that occurs from northern Queensland to northern NSW. The species is listed as ‘Endangered’ in NSW, but can become overabundant in some parts of Queensland – so wildlife ecologists need to manage their numbers in some regions so that they do not cause over-grazing of livestock pastures, while in other place, the population needs to be stimulated to increase in numbers to prevent them from becoming locally extinct. The wallabies shelter in dense scrub thickets (e.g. Brigalow) by day and graze adjacent pasture or natural grasslands by night. Debra White did her UNE Master of Natural Resource Science on black- striped wallabies at the Brigalow Research Station near Theodore in central Queensland (White 2004). She found that there was a high density of wallabies sheltering in the patches of brigalow by day, and that at night, these animals moved onto pasture, which they grazed heavily. White (2004) also looked at age structure of wallabies at the site by aging skulls she collected, and using these in a life table analysis. We will do a similar exercise in this assignment using skulls collected at the same site used by White (2004), and we will compare our results from the results from Debra White’s much larger dataset.

Molar Progression in Macropods

Molar progression occurs only in the marsupial genera Macropus, Petrogale and Peradorcas (Jackson 2003). These marsupials are among only a relatively few mammals worldwide whose teeth erupt at the posterior end of the jaw, and migrate forward along the jaw during life (the others are the elephants). As the teeth wear down and become less useful for grazing, they have moved sufficiently anterior in the jaw that they can fall out, ‘pushed’ from behind by newly erupted teeth. In this way, macropods can maintain good functioning teeth with high cusps for grazing on tough fibrous grasses throughout life. This ‘molar progression’ is a handy way to age kangaroo and wallaby skulls, and was used to generate the dataset you will use in this assignment to examine the life history parameters of a ‘population’ of black- striped wallabies (Macropus dorsalis) from the Brigalow Research Station in southern Queensland.

Aging of Macropods Using Molar Index (MI)

Molar Index (MI) is calculated by measuring the position of molariform teeth on the upper tooth row relative to a reference line drawn across the skull in line with the anterior limits of the orbits (see Figure 1 below). For convenience, ten stages of molar progression are recognized per tooth, and given decimal notation in tenths. In the example below (Fig 1a), molar M1 has progressed beyond the orbit, while molar M2 is given a score of about 0.7, according to Figure 1b. Therefore, the skull has a molar index (MI) of 1.7. Consulting Table 1 below of published estimates from red-necked wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus), a similar-sized macropod to the black- striped wallaby, we see that this animal was around age 2 (in years) when it died.

Figure 1. Skull showing reference line for age determination, and one-tenth division in length for molar teeth of kangaroos and wallabies. Figures from Kirkpatrick (1964), and Jackson (2003).

In this assignment, you will generate age data from the skulls of black-striped wallabies collected in the field, and use them to generate a life table for the population. You will measure these skulls and calculated their molar index, and then convert these into ages for each animal (using Table 1). You can then use those data to generate a life table for the population. Incidentally – the skulls come from animals that died ‘naturally’ – that is, they weren’t culled or harvested. Some might have died of old age; others may have been caught up on a barbwire fence, while a dingo perhaps ate others. In any event, from the age structure of the population, we can determine a profile for the population in terms of average life expectancy, mortality rates, probability of surviving to the next age bracket and so forth. Such tools are useful for the ecologists, because they provide rich demographic data that allows one to determine which individuals should be culled in order to contain or reduce a population that is overabundant, or conversely, whether certain cohorts (age groups) are particularly susceptible to some kind of mortality agent (such as predation) and need to be protected so that the population has the best chance or recovering to more sustainable numbers.

Black-striped wallaby painting by John Gould

Data for the life table analysis Download and open the excel spreadsheet exercise called ‘life_table.xls’ from the Assignment 1 folder on the unit website. Spend a minute looking around this spreadsheet. There are three ‘worksheets’ (clickable tabs at the bottom left of the opened workbook) within the spreadsheet: 1. Molar Index 2. Life Table 3. Data from White (2004)

MI Age (years) <0.8 0

0.9 – 1.6 1 1.7 – 2.1 2 2.2 – 2.5 3 2.6 – 2.7 4 2.8 – 2.9 5 3.0 – 3.1 6 3.2 – 3.3 7

3.4 8 3.5 9 3.6 10 3.7 11 3.8 12 3.9 13 4.0 14 4.1 15 4.2 16 4.3 17 4.4 18+

Table 1: Relationship between molar index (MI) and age (in years) of red- necked wallabies. Equation modified from Kirkpatrick (1965).

The first, Molar Index’, is where you will enter the age data of the population. The second, ‘Life Table’ is where you will calculate the life history parameters of the population. The third worksheet is data from Debra White’s thesis. White examined the demography of wallabies at the Brigalow Research Station in the exact way that we are doing – but because she worked with 667 skulls, where you only have 49 – we might expect her results to be a robust estimate against which you can compare your own. Graphs appearing on the ‘Life Table’ worksheet template already show White’s results for some key life table parameters (take a look at these now – Whites results are in light grey on Graphs A and B). As you complete this exercise, your results will be graphed in red, so you can compare your results to White’s results. STEP 1 – Click the tab to bring up the worksheet labelled ‘Molar Index’. Enter the molar index data you have gathered in the columns labelled ‘MI’ against each of the 49 skulls. While in this worksheet, use Table 1 (above) to determine the age at death for each wallaby, and put that number alongside the molar index value (i.e. Column C) labelled ‘Age’ (Given age as the nearest whole number in years). [HINT: use the sort function to sort Cells 2 to 50 in Column A and B (as a block, sorted by MI) before you begin assigning ages – this will make it much easier to generate ages, because wallabies will be arranged from youngest to oldest – don’t worry that the skull numbers will be jumbled – we won’t be using these in the analysis]. STEP 2 – Once all the MI and age data are entered alongside the corresponding skull ID, click on the worksheet ‘Life table’. You will see here that there is a template for a life table that has the following columns: Column A – Actual numbers of skulls at each age Column B – Age in years (x) Column C – Age interval (yrs) Column D – number surviving (nx) Column E – Proportion surviving (lx) Column F – Deaths at each age interval (dx) Column G – mortality rate (qx) Column H – Number surviving at agex at last birthday (bx) Column I – Expectation of further life (ex) in years If you had a look at this spreadsheet before you entered the age data in the ‘Molar Index’, you will now see that the sheet has changed – the ‘Actual Numbers of skulls at each age’ column (Column A) is now filled with the data you entered, neatly compiled by age class – you can click on a cell to see the underlying formula for doing this – but don’t change the formula! Definitions for columns requiring calculation of life table parameters are as follows: nx – The number of animals from the original cohort, that are still alive at each age interval

lx – Proportion of animals surviving from birth to age x. Because all individuals born are alive, l0 is proportional to the total number of animals sampled (i.e., is ‘1’), and successive values of lx get smaller, as fewer of those l0 animals live to older and older ages. dx – Deaths at each age interval (dx) is the number of individuals alive at age x that will die before age x+1. qx – the mortality rate (qx) is the per capita mortality rate during an age interval. bx – Number surviving at agex at last birthday – this is a prediction of the average number of individuals alive at the midpoint of age interval x, based upon number alive at one interval (x), and the next interval (x+1). ex – the expectation of further life (in years) for an individual that makes it to age x. This is calculated by summing all the values of bx from that age interval to the bottom of the table, divided by lx So, to recap, you should now have a spreadsheet that has the first three columns complete – is this correct? If so, is now time to calculate the parameters that we can use to describe the population. We will do these calculations, and compile the life table, using some simple Microsoft Excel equations. STEP 3 – Number Surviving (nx). Recall that nx is the number of wallabies surviving from birth to age x. So, we need to write a formula to go in Column D that describes survivorship at each age class. Starting at Cell D2, write the following formula:


Then hit the return key. What does this formula do? Well, simply put, it sums all of the individuals in Column A, to generate a value that describes the number of individuals surviving to Age 0. Because all individuals survive to this age (i.e., if a wallaby was born, it must have survived to Age 0), this value should be equal to the total animals in our sample – i.e., 49. OK – next step is to copy this cell down to fill the column as far as Cell D23. How do we do this? Hold the mouse over the bottom right corner of the cell – the cursor should change to a square with arrows at top left and bottom right… click and hold the mouse button down while dragging the cursor to Cell D22, then release the mouse. What happened? Hopefully, you generated a series of numbers that describe survivorship at each age class. When you highlight Cell D6, you should see the following formula:

=SUM(A6:A$23) Note that the formula now sums from Cell A6 to A23 (rather than from A5), similarly, in Cell D7, the formula will sum from A7, and so on (the ‘$’ preceding

the ‘23’ keeps Cell A23 constant in each subsequent equation, as the formula changes). When you give this some thought, this makes sense – because we only want survivorship from any particular age class, to the last (oldest) age class. If you have completed this step correctly, you should see fewer and fewer surviving wallabies with increasing age, until at age 18, only 1 wallaby survives (and for our purposes, we will assume that this animal will die before reaching the next age class). STEP 4 – Proportion Surviving If this is to be a representation of the whole population, we need to start converting out numbers to something more universal – the previous column simply told us how many of the 49 animals survived, but by converting this to a proportion, we have a number at each interval that we could apply to a population of any size, to predict how it might behave. So, the next step involves a simple calculation to determine the proportion of wallabies in the original cohort that survive to each age class. Since Column D represents the number surviving to the next age class, Column E is simply the number surviving, divided by our entire sample (N = 49). So, in Cell E2, type the following formula:

=D5/49 – and hit return. Then, as before, click the mouse in the bottom right hand corner of Cell E5, hold the mouse button down, drag the cursor down to Cell E23, and then release the mouse. You should now have filled Column E, which is a calculation of the proportion of animals born into the population that survive to each age class. You will also see that “Figure A, the Proportion of M. dorsalis Surviving (lx)” also was created, so you can, for the first time, see graphically how you data compares to that of White’s (2004) data. STEP 5 – Deaths at each age interval (dx), and mortality rate (qx) Survivorship and mortality are clearly inter-related; mortality at any one age interval is simply the difference between the numbers surviving from that age interval to the next. So, the calculation of dx is simply nx – nx+1, so for our spreadsheet, type the following in Cell F5:


Copy this formulae down to Cell F23, as previously described at STEP 4. STEP 6 – Mortality Rate Now we are in a position to calculate an important life history parameter for black-striped wallabies that is important in understanding any population – the age-specific mortality rate, or put another way, the rate at which animals in any particular age class would be expected to die before reaching the next age class. Incidentally, this is one of the calculations insurance companies use when determining what to charge you on a life insurance policy (see Table 13.6 on page 221 of Attiwill and Wilson).

Look at Column D of the life table in the spreadsheet. For age interval 0 – 1 we should have 49 animals, but at other age intervals (at least, after about age 3) we see less that this. What happened to those other animals? For whatever reason, they didn’t make it to that particular age class – they died before the next census period. So, the mortality rate at each age class is clearly equal to dx/nx, and in the spreadsheet, we can calculate this by typing the following equation in Cell G5:

=F5/D5 and then copying this down all the way to Cell G23 in the usual manner. You now have an estimate of the rate at which animals at different age classes in the population are dying – or put another way, “what is the likelihood of death for a wallaby at age x before the next census date”. And, as for proportion surviving in STEP 4, you now also have a graphical representation of this in “Figure B: Mortality rate (qx) for M. dorsalis”, and can compare your data for mortality directly with White’s (2004) data. STEP 7 – Number surviving at agex at last birthday (bx) and expectation of further life (ex). Simply put, bx is the average number of individuals alive at the midpoint of age interval x. So, to calculate this for each age class, you need to calculate the average of one age class (x) and the next age class (x+1). So, at Cell H5, enter the formula that describes this parameter:

=(D5+D6)/2 then, copy this down to H23. You now have a calculation of the ‘age structure’ of the population. You may be asking at this point, so what? Well, this is an intermediate calculation that will allow us to calculate a very useful parameter for the population – expectation of further life. For any age class, our calculations so far allow us to answer questions like: “What is the mortality or survival rate of animals in that age class?” But importantly, as an individual animal survives each age class, its expectation of further life should increase, because it managed to survive (through finding food, evading predation and disease etc) where others died. Life tables allow us to ask the question “For animals at a given age, how much longer should we expect those animals to live?” To calculate this, we sum the age structure of the remainder of the population older than any particular age class, and divide this value by the number of animals surviving at that age class. So, type the following formula into Cell I5:

=SUM(H5:H$23)/D5 And copy this down to Cell I23, as previously described. Have a look at the values you generated in this column. Starting at Age 0, we can see that all animals, at birth, have an expectation of further life of about 7.4 years (or something similar). But, if we look at Age 8, we see that animals that survived to 8 years of age have an expectation of further life of about 5

years. At age 11, these animals can be expected to live another 3.5 years, and so on. Once again, insurance companies use calculations of this nature on human census data to determine life insurance premiums. STEP 8 – Generating a Survivorship Curve The final step involves generating a survivorship curve for black-striped wallabies that we can compare to theoretical survivorship curves commonly used to summarise a population’s demography. These curves (e.g. Figure 13.12 on page 222 in Attiwill and Wilson) have a logarithmic scale on the y- axis, so to compare to our survivorship for wallabies to these theoretical curves, we must convert our data for nx to log values. To do this, type:

=LOG(D5) in Cell D26, and copy this down to Cell D44. Presto! – you have a survivorship curve for the population. References Attiwill, P. and Wilson, B. (2006). Ecology: An Australian Perspective. 2nd Edition. Oxford

University Press, Melbourne. Jackson, S. (2003). Australian Mammals: Biology and Captive Management. CSIRO

Publishing, Melbourne. Kirkpatrick, T.H. (1964). Molar progression and macropod age. Qld J. Ag. Anim. Sci. 21:

163–165. Kirkpatrick, T.H. (1965). Studies of Macropodidae in Queensland. 2. Age estimation in the

grey kangaroo, the eastern wallaroo, and the red-necked wallaby, with notes on dental abnormalities. Qld J. Ag. Anim. Sci. 22: 301–317.

White, D. (2004). Utilisation of remnant Brigalow communities and adjacent pasture by the

black-striped wallaby (Macropus dorsalis). Master of Resource Science, University of New England, Armidale NSW.

Assessment Questions As part of your assessment (the other part being the completed spreadsheet), you are required to write a paragraph on each of the following questions (use Microsoft Word for this), and submit your responses as part of your assignment. The total length of this section should be no more than 600 words.

1. How do the graphs you made compare to White’s data? Was your sample a reasonable representation of the black-striped wallaby population?

2. Given your results, how would you respond if someone asked the

question: “To what age does a black-striped wallaby live at the Brigalow Research Station?”

3. In reference to hypothetical survivorship curves (see pages 221-222 in

Attiwill and Wilson), what type of survivorship do black-striped wallabies most likely exhibit? Does this fit the typical curve for mammals?

4. Does the mortality rate fit the prediction for mammals? In very brief

terms, explain the pattern of mortality in the black-striped wallaby population.

Grading Rubric – Case Studies Fall B

AGB 302 Grading Rubric – Case Studies Fall B – 2018

Evaluation Criteria Excellent Very Good Adequate Needs Improvement No Credit

Content (18 points)

Complete and organized

submissions that adhere to all assignment instructions.

Submission is missing minor elements

and/or is not well- organized and/or

missed an assignment instructions.

Submission is missing minor elements

and/or is not well- organized and/or

missed an assignment instructions.

Submission is missing elements and/or is not well-organized

and/or did not adhere to assignment instructions.

Did not submit or submission


18 13.5 9 4.5 0

Application (18 points)

High quality submissions that

clearly demonstrate understanding of course materials.

Thorough explanation of key

factors/reasons that make milk a key ingredient in the

value chain established by Nestle, and the

geographic region.

Good submissions with some

connections to course materials.

Occasionally contributes ideas, relevant personal

experience, materials and/or comments.

Moderate explanation of key

factors/reasons that make milk a key ingredient in the

value chain established by Nestle, and the

geographic region.

Good submissions with some

connections to course materials.

Occasionally contributes ideas, relevant personal

experience, materials and/or comments.

Adequate explanation of key factors/reasons that make milk a key

ingredient in the value chain established by

Nestle, and the geographic region..

Little to no evidence that course materials

are understood or incorporated into submissions. Poor explanation of key

factors/reasons that make milk a key

ingredient in the value chain established by

Nestle, and the geographic region.

Did not submit or submission


18 13.5 9 4.5 0



AGB 302 Grading Rubric – Case Studies Fall B – 2018

Organization and Grammar (4 points)

Properly formatted submissions

demonstrating professional, college-

level tone, no spelling or grammar

errors and well- documented sources

(when applicable).

Submission may be lacking proper formatting or

professional tone or may contain minor spelling/ grammar

errors or is not well- supported (when


Submission may be lacking proper formatting or

professional tone or may contain minor spelling/ grammar

errors or is not well- supported (when


Submission may be lacking proper

formatting and/or professional tone

and/or may contain multiple

spelling/grammar errors and/or is not

well-supported (when applicable).

Did not submit or submission


LA Food Policy Council and a local area organization


LA Food Policy Council and a local area organization


Directions: Please take a look at two local area organizations, and answer the related questions. One organization, LA Food Policy Council, you have already seen.



1) Go back to the LA Food Policy Council website. I really would like you to take a look at their mission, and the concept of “Good Food.”


2) How would you describe “Good Food?” Do you see elements of Agroecology and Regeneration? Please relate this back to some of the concepts in the film or the text book.


3) Find another organization here in your own community, that is doing something related to local farming and community building. This might require some digging around.


a) Name the organization, and explain what they are doing.

b) Explain how the organization incorporates permaculture or community building concepts. You should also see if there are concepts they could improve upon.

c) Who are the people this organization impacts—we might call these the beneficiaries, or stakeholders.

d) Go to the discussion board and post a picture of something that captures what the organization does. Post their weblink, and give us a couple of sentences explaining them.


4) Provide any final thoughts you have on the concepts covered in this unit. Now that you have completed a review of all the material in the course, what are your thoughts about food, and the food system. It’s very possible that you have more questions now than at the beginning of the course. I think that would be a success. Please give me your thoughts in a few sentences.


5) Place a picture of a local food organization in your community. Provide a brief description of what they do, and provide a weblink to their site.

Directions: Please answer these questions as completely as possible based on the reading of Chapter 2.



watch these and


Directions: Please answer these questions as completely as possible based on the reading of Chapter 2.


1) Meat packing houses exemplify many of the low wage working conditions in the food and agriculture sector. Explain what these conditions are, and why have meat packing conditions become worse over the last few years.


2) How does Mills (and others) consider food a resource, and therefore the same as any other resource?


3) Explain the unique traits of race, gender, and other marginalized groups that make food justice different from general issues of social justice.


4) Using examples from the video clips provided, or other sources, discuss one of the following: distributive environmental justice, participatory environmental justice, justice in recognition, participatory environmental justice. Please indicate which video or article you are discussing in your response.


5) Explain the concept of why food is not just a biological necessity, and achieving food justice goes beyond just providing food to people.


6) What additional question do you have after reading this material? (none is not acceptable)

Hospitals and health care facilities

For Part III of your final project, you will be identifying the members for a Collaborative Planning Committee of community stakeholders based on the research you have completed so far in determining the threats and hazards of your community, critical infrastructure, type of assessment and its demographics. You need not use actual persons, but their titles or positions would be sufficient.

Some areas or disciplines that you may wish to examine when identifying these stakeholders include:

  • Emergency management
  • Law enforcement
  • Fire services
  • EMS
  • Public health
  • Hospitals and health care facilities
  • Public works
  • Utility operators
  • Education
  • Agriculture
  • Animal control
  • Social services
  • Childcare, child welfare, and juvenile justice facilities (including courts)
  • National Guard
  • Private sector
  • Civic, social, faith-based, educational, professional, and advocacy organizations (e.g., those that address disability and access and functional needs issues, children’s issues, immigrant and racial/ethnic community concerns, animal welfare, and service animals).


You will now combine the research data you have acquired from the three assignments that you have completed so far, along with any additional research data and submit your report outlining information on threats and hazards, critical infrastructure, demographics and identifying planning representatives, they will need to create and complete a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP).

Your final  must also meet the following requirements:

  • Be a minimum of five double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title/cover page and reference page). If you include an abstract, the abstract does not count towards the five pages.
  • Incorporate concepts from our course.
  • Include a properly formatted APA style title page.
  • Include in-text citations
  • Include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
  • Conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
  • Include an APA-formatted reference section.

Your research must be cited per APA guidelines.

Assignment 2, Extending ABA

Assignment 2, Extending ABA): This assignment is to help students view the application of Applied Behavior Analysis in other settings. Each student will be responsible for reading the article provided on extending ABA. The paper will include the purpose of the article, a summary of each field listed in the article (ie: CPT, OTA, etc) where ABA can be utilized. How can you expand this information into your current/past work or life experiences? Each student will write a 2-4 page reflection based on the information presented. Read and summarize the following article:

·       Normand, M.P., & Kohn, C.S. (2013). Don’t wag the dog: Extending the reach of applied behavior analysis.  The Behavior Analyst, 36, 109-122.

Dont wag the dog Extending the reach of applied behavior analysis.pdf Download Dont wag the dog Extending the reach of applied behavior analysis.pdf

Assignment 1, Discussion 13 (1 )

Assignment 1, Discussion 13 (1 page): Although legislative initiatives have spurred a growth of funding options to support individuals with autism and intellectual disabilities, these opportunities may wane or the number of behavior analysts may meet the demand. What other consumer groups could benefit from behavior analytic services? How would you go about supporting this group? What are your thoughts on how such funding would be possible? How would diversifying your consumer base make you a better practitioner? How would you go about learning to provide services out of your scope of practice? How could expanding into other areas help job growth in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis. These are just some questions to keep in mind when posting to the discussion board.


Are all coastal processes naturally hazardous? Explain

1.  Are all coastal processes naturally hazardous? Explain

2.  What can be done to reduce damages from tropical cyclones?

3.  Beach nourishment project: an environmental decision or an economic decision or both?

4.  Will coastal hazards become more severe, less severe, or stay the same in the geologic future?

5.  What are the management procedures in place for your community, if you live in a coastal state?

6.  Do you agree or disagree with the statements that all structures in the coastal zone (with exceptions of critical facilities) should be considered temporary and expendable and that any development in the coastal zone must be in the best interest of the general public rather than the few who developed the ocean front? Explain your position.

7.  Do you think building a space colony is a feasible solution to the impact of MACs? Why or why not?

8.  Will new technology be available to shield us from potential major aerial bursts or direct impact? If yes, how?

9.  Should we have an equal emphasis on the environment threats at the Earth’s surface and the potential threats from the space? Explain

10.  Consider the hypothetical concept of planetary sustainability over a time period of hundreds of millions of years. At this time frame, what is the role of large impacts of extraterrestrial objects? How does your answer link to sustainability at a human time frame (hundreds of years)?

11.  What is the feasibility of mining extraterrestrial objects for rare ores?

12.  Describe the likely results if a Tunguska-type (check your book) event were to occur over or in central North America. If the event were predicted with 100 years warning, what could be done to mitigate the effects if changing the object’s orbit were not possible? Outline a plan to minimize death and destruction.

13.  In your area, which type of water source (surface water or groundwater) is more important? Why? Why not?

14.  If we change the ways we use water, what would be the impact on the global water cycle?

15.  What sort of wetlands are found in your region? Any changes over the years?

16.  Which continent will the global warming have a greater impact on its water resources?

17.  Do you think we are living in a “food bubble” that may burst in the next few decades? That is, will links between food and water lead to a drop in food production with increasing human tragedy?

18.  When a municipal water system needs to expand its supply because of growing demand, why is it often preferable to accomplish this through conservation efforts as opposed to building a new reservoir or drilling additional wells?

19.  What can individual citizens do to reduce groundwater pollutants?

20.  Does surface water contamination automatically trigger groundwater pollution at a given location?

21.  What are the major point and nonpoint sources of water pollution in your community?

22.  What current water laws and legislation are you familiar with? Are there any problems with them?

23.  How safe do you think your drinking water supply is? Upon what are you basing your answer? What do you need to know to give an informed answer?

24.  Dams can create large reservoirs for greatly expanding a region’s water supply. If a dam releases water and always maintains the flow of its river, how can it have a negative impact on the downstream ecosystem?

25.  Considering mineral resources are nonrenewable, do you believe that technology will eventually help meet the growing demand for mineral resources? If yes, explain.

26.  Biotechnology shows the potential for cleaner minerals extraction and waste disposal. Will biotechnology bring about any environmental problems?

27.  What types of environmental impact would there be if we increasingly extract more mineral resources from seafloor?

28.  Conservation is important when it comes to any of Earth’s resources. How is conserving metals, such as aluminum or copper, any more important that conserving water?

29.  How can some valuable elements and minerals be fairly abundant in Earth’s crust, yet rarely be found in concentrations that are economical to mine?

30.  Select one metallic mineral resource and investigate its occurrence, distribution, consumption, and reserves. A good place to start is the USGS Mineral Resource Program website. Evaluate the impact of its customary mining and extraction methods:

a.  How and where is it mined?

b.  How much energy is used in processing it?

c.  What special pollution problems, if any, are associated with the processing?

d.  Can this metal be recycled, and if so, from what sorts of materials?

e.  Are there practical substitutions for it?

31.  Sustainable energy development means an energy policy and energy sources without harming the environment. Do you think this is possible?

32.  Is it possible that new technology will be able to make fossil-fuel burning a clean process? Explain.

33.  Speculate the possibility of power plants in space.

34.  List specific actions that an individual citizen can take to conserve energy and reduce environmental impact.

35.  Do you think that peak oil will be a defining moment in human history? Why or why not?

36.  How long do you think it will take to transition from oil (mostly used in the transportation sector [e.g. cars, buses, trains, planes]) to other sources of energy? Is it possible in 20 years? 50? Why or why not?

This week’s discussion focuses on the pros and cons of hydraulic fracking and asks for your SCIENCE informed opinion on whether the economics and political fossil fuel issues justify the negative tradeoffs.


The US is currently undergoing an energy boom largely because of the development of the greatly expanded use of a well technique developed over 40 years ago – hydraulic fracking. It can be used for both oil and natural gas wells.. The technique allows previously unrecoverable oil and gas in old, played out wells to be accessed and increases the efficiency of recovery in new wells significantly. The current level of both recovery and new well drilling is dramatically higher than it has been for decades. The dramatic increase in well activity, some of which has been near towns and places no one thought drilling would ever occur. It has brought a great deal of attention to the technique and associated effects on everything from ground water and air pollution, to biodiversity disruption and earthquakes.

One important fact to weave into your opinion about fracking pro or con is that all of the sub-surface mineral rights in the US are owned by someone (a private individual, a business, or the state or federal government) but surface and mineral rights can be separated, i.e. sold. Originally, mineral rights were sold along with the land and then companies or individuals could decide if they wanted to keep or sell the mineral rights. Before mineral rights were so valuable, many people opted to sell their mineral rights to oil & gas companies. It never occurred to many people that someone would actually be drilling on their property or their neighbors. Oil and gas companies have a legal right to exercise their ownership options and if you are going to say “no” to them, then you owe them for what you are not letting them have, i.e. the money that would be produced if they were allowed to drill. This is not a trivial issue.


This week’s discussion focuses on the pros and cons of hydraulic fracking and asks for your SCIENCE informed opinion on whether the economics and political fossil fuel issues justify the negative tradeoffs.

Address each of the following in your discussion:

  1. How is fracking done and why are companies doing this action versus traditional drilling?
  2. Are the environmental issues with fracking worse than conventional drilling?  Why or why not?
  3. Why are people along the Front Range and in other states where fracking is widespread, so upset about it now even though fracking has been occurring for a long time?

*In your initial post, please provide 3-4 references in APA format with in-text citations.

Assignment 1, Final Project:

Assignment 1, Final Project: This assignment includes creating data sheets and a video of a role play situation where you provide feedback on a “trainee performance “.  A few of you have asked questions about the final project.  For the final project you will create a sample scenario where you have to provide feedback to a trainee.

So you are creating a data sheet for an RBT to complete focused on a particular target behavior.  So you will need to define the behavior clearly (e.g., operational definition) and indicate how the data is recorded etc.  Is it frequency data over 30 minute intervals or duration data etc.  You will create a data sheet that the RBT staff member would use to collect the data.

This assignment really taked shape as you will include  a video of a role play situation where you provide feedback on  “trainee performance “.   So this could be feedback on data collection accuracy, feedback on delivery of reinforcement or any other ethical concern we addressed as part of this course.  I want to see if you can set up the tools (E.g., data sheet etc.) and if you provide feedback on an issue and utilize the skills we have discussed this semester.   The feedback role play scenario should meet the following:


Scoring will be based on the following:



·       is interesting

·       is educational

·       is relevant to RBT task list

·       provides insight into topic

·       is discussed thoroughly

Concept Score ______ out of 30



·       Utilizes aspects of supervision discussed in the course

·       Language is used properly and effectively

·       Feedback is clear, concise, and adheres ti guidelines

·       Demonstrates thoughtful approach to subject


Content Score ______ out of 30


Data Sheet

*Operational Definitions are clear

*Competnecy, Criterion, and Ratings are Clear

*Elements of Performance Monitoring are included


Content Score_______out of 40