The Milky way is believes to be a _________ galaxy

Question 1

Jupiter is a

  Dwarf Planet
  Terrestrial Planet
  Jovian Planet

Question 2

The Milky way is believes to be a _________ galaxy


Question 3

Which color has the longest wavelength





Question 4

“What is the major fuel the sun “”burns”””


Question 5

Pluto was demoted frojm a planet to a

  Dwarf Planet

Question 6

Which type of star will stay on the main sequence for the longest time

  low mass stars
  medium mass (sun-like) stars
  Hig mass stars




Question 7

The largets storm in our solar system is

  The great red spot on Jupiter
  The dust storms on Mars
  The polar winds on Venus
  The rings of Saturn

Question 8

An emission nebula would have a _______ color


Question 9

Which type of telescope uses a mirror





Question 10

Sunlight originates from

  The Chromosphere
  The Photosphere
  The Corona
  The solar wind

Question 11

Which of the following type of stars can be used to accurately measure distances

  Pulsating variables
  Eruptive variables
  Cepheid variables

Question 12

A star 25 times more massive than our Sun would produce a _______ when it went nova

  Neutron star
  Black hole
  White dwarf




Question 13

Sunlight is an example of

  A continuous spectrum
  An absorbtion spectrum
  An emission spectrum
  A doppler spectrum

Question 14

Distant galaxies are receeding from the Earth. This is called

  Einstein’s law
  Galileo’s law
  Newton’ law
  Hubble’s law

Question 15

The dark areas called sunspots are

  Magnetic storms
  Areas with no Helium
  Where asteroids hit the Sun
  Wet areas




Question 16

A piece of extraterrestial material that reaches the surface of the Earth is called a

  Tunguska object

Question 17

Where does a star on the H-R diagram spend most of its life

  The main sequence
  A variable star
  As a nova
  As a type A star

Question 18

Our Sun will eventually go nova and produce a

  Neutron star
  Black hole
  White dwarf




Question 19

The asteroid belt lies between

  Mercury and Venus
  Earthand Mars
  Mars and Jupiter
  Jupiter and Saturn

Question 20

Comets are like

  “””dirty snowballs”””
  The solar wind

Question 21

The Chromosphere is red because of emission from

  Hydrogen and Helium




Question 22

Which type of telescope suffers from chromatic abberation


Question 23

Long period comets originate

  In the Kuiper Belt
  From Saturn’s rings
  From the Oort Cloud
  From nearby stars

Question 24

Maria on the Moon are

  Giant basalt filled impact craters
  Dust layers
  Comet debris




Question 25

Venus is extremely similar to Earth except that it has

  No water
  Much colder termperatures
  A thinner atmosphere
  No mountains

4 points

Save and Submit

Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers.

Weather and Climate Change


Lab 5 – Weather and Climate Change

Lab 5 – Demonstration 1: Modeling the Water Cycle


1. Which water cycle processes are represented in this model and by what components?

Answer =

2. Which processes are not represented? How could the model be altered to include these processes?

Answer =

3. How would the “weather” be affected if the water was at a decreased temperature? What about at an increased temperature?

Answer =

Experiment 1: Water Movement


1. Develop a hypothesis predicting the effect of sunlight on evaporation?

Hypothesis =

2. Based on the results of your experiment, would you reject or accept the hypothesis that you produced in question 1? Explain how you determined this.

Accept/reject =

3. What parts of the water cycle are represented in this experiment?

Answer =

4. How would increasing the proportion of land (sand) to water affect the amount of water vapor released?

Answer =

5. How would drought conditions impact infiltration and evaporation from the ground?

Answer =


Any sources utilized should be listed here.

© eScience Labs, 2013

Unit IV Scholarly Activity

Unit IV Scholarly Activity

· Weight: 10% of course grade

· Grading Rubric


The sampling results for the chemical hazards you tested for Acme Automotive Parts (AAP) are listed in the following table. The volumes that are listed are what you provided to the laboratory.

HazardAnalytical ResultVolume (Time)
Manganese Fume5 µg30 L (15-minute)
Copper Fume140 µg960 L (8-hour)
Lead Fume40 µg960 L (8-hour)
1,2,4 trimethylbenzene5 µg48 L (8-hour)
Toluene125 µg48 L (8-hour)
Xylene20 µg48 L (8-hour)
Metal Working Fluids500 µg720 L (8-hour)

Part I: For each of the chemical hazards complete the following:

· Calculate the exposure concentration in mg/m3 for the aerosols.

· Calculate the exposure in parts per million (ppm) for the vapors.

· Discuss where you think errors might have been introduced into the results.

Part II: The results for the noise sampling in the following table were recorded from your noise dosimeters. All the samples were collected for the full shift using 90 decibels on the A scale (dBA) as the criterion level and a 5 decibels (dB) exchange rate.

LocationShift LengthResult
Shipping/Receiving8 hours78.3 dBA (Lavg)
Hydraulic Press12 hours93.0 dBA (Lavg)
Metal Working Line12 hours84 dBA (Lavg)
Robotic Welding12 hours80.5 dBA (Lavg)
Hand Welding12 hours81.3 dBA (Lavg)
Paint Booth12 hours79.5 dBA (Lavg)
QA/QC Laboratory8 hours70.0 dBA (Lavg)
Final Inspection8 hours73.5 dBA (Lavg)

Answer the following for each of the locations listed above:

· Convert the results from dBA to percent.

Make sure you show all your work for calculations.

Your assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including title or reference pages. Your assignment must use at least two references. One must be gathered from the CSU Online Library; the other may be your textbook. All references and in-text citations must be formatted according to APA standards.


The following resource(s) may help you with this assignment.

· Citation Guide

· CSU Online Library Research Guide

· Submit Writing Center Request

This unit presented applications of the course material. The Unit VIII assignment is to write a report that addresses the following elements.

This unit presented applications of the course material. The Unit VIII assignment is to write a report that addresses the following elements.

  • Write an introduction to your report. Be specific.
  • Assess the impact of industrial waste on human populations.
  • Examine the key attributes of solid and hazardous waste.
  • Evaluate technologies related to the minimization of industrial and hazardous wastes.
  • Assess engineering principles applicable to solid and hazardous waste management.
  • Formulate strategies for solving industrial waste-related problems.
  • Write a summary of your results and the findings from your report.

Ensure your paper is written coherently and that it addresses the requirements mentioned above.

Your course project must be at least four pages in length, and it must include a title page and reference page (title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page requirement).

In addition to using the required unit resources article by Mor et al. and the unit lesson in your course project, locate three peer-reviewed articles from the CSU Online Library that focus on applications of the course material. At least two of the three sources must not have been used in any of your other assignments for this course. The articles must be no more than five years old.

Because this assignment requires you to reference peer-reviewed articles, you may find it helpful to review the library’s tutorial on How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources. (Transcript for How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources video)

Adhere to APA Style guidelines when constructing this assignment, including title page and in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Coevolution Models


Coevolution Models

Coevolution is where two or more species reciprocally influence each other and their evolution of various adaptations. Coevolution is similar to an arms race: as one species develops a dense against another species, the other species adapts to that other species adaptations. Evolution can be driven by a number of factors, biotic, abiotic, and luck. The survival of a species coevolving with another is dependent on the population size, the mutation rate, and the pressure on the population to adapt. This class activity will use NetLogo to mimic coevolution between bugs and birds in various scenarios.

Link to model:

Video explaining a famous coevolution example:


1) Open netlogo

2) Find “Bug Hunt Coevolution” in the Models Library under Beagle Evolution Folder.

3) Click on the Info tab at the bottom of the pate and read about the model

a. What does this model show? (in your own words)


c. How does vision help in a predator-prey relationship?

4) Click on the “Code” tab and scroll through it. What do the different colors of the bugs indicate?

5) For initial setup, these are the original settings for future reference:

a. Number-bugs: 30

b. Number-birds: 10

c. Wiggle? On

d. Show-vision-cone? On

e. Bug-flee-strategy: nearest

f. Bug-pursuit-strategy: nearest

g. Initial-bug-speed: 2

h. Bug-speed-mutation: 1

i. Initial-bug-vision: 0

j. Bug-vision-mutation: 0

k. Initial-bird-speed: 2

l. Bird-speed-mutation: 1

m. Initial-bird-vision: 0

n. Bird-vision-mutation: 0

6) Go back to the Interface tab. Click “Setup”, then click “go”.

a. Let the model run for 10,000 ticks

b. Screen shot the results and paste it here.

c. How many bugs were caught?

d. What happened in the plot “Avg. Speed vs. Time? (to see what the indicate, right click on the plot and select Edit. This will define the variables.)

i. Why?

e. What happened in the plot “Avg, Vision vs. Time”? Why? (hint, look at your settings.)

7) Using the sliders, change the “initial-bug-vision”, “initial-bird-vision”, “bug-vision-mutation”, and “bird-vision-mutation” to 0.5. Click “Setup” and “Go”

a. Run the model for 15,000 ticks.

b. Screen shot the results and paste it here.

c. How many bugs were caught?

d. What happened to the bug vision compared to the bird vision?

i. Why do you think this happened?

e. How did the speed of both species change over time?

8) Using the sliders, change the “”bug-speed-mutation” and “bug-vision-mutation” to 0. Click “Setup” and “Go”

a. Run the model for 15,000 ticks

b. Screen shot the results and paste it here

c. How many bugs were caught?

d. What happened to the bug vision compared to the bird vision?

i. Why do you think this happened?

e. Comparing the results to #5, what does this tell you about mutation rate and coevolution?

9) Let’s move to exploring mutation rates about speed. Reset everything to the original setting as stipulated in #5. Now change the bug-speed-mutation to 0 and bird-speed-mutation to 0

a. Run the model for 15,000 ticks (remember to click setup before running the model)

b. Screen shot the results and paste it here

c. How many bugs were caught?

d. Based on the color of the bugs after 15,000 ticks, what speed were they at?

e. Will the speed ever change if you run the model for longer than 15,000 ticks?

10) Now change bug-speed-mutation to 0.5.

a. BEFORE RUNNING THE MODEL: What do you think will happen to the bug speed evolution if bugs have a speed mutation rate and birds don’t?

b. Click setup and go.

c. Run the model for 15,000 ticks (remember to click setup before running the model)

d. Screen shot the results and paste it here

e. How many bugs were caught?

f. Based on the color of the bugs after 15,000 ticks, what speed were they at?

g. What happened to the bugs evolution? Why did this happen? Was it what you predicted?

11) On your own, develop your own scenario:

a. Number-bugs:

b. Number-birds:

c. Wiggle?

d. Show-vision-cone?

e. Bug-flee-strategy:

f. Bug-pursuit-strategy:

g. Initial-bug-speed:

h. Bug-speed-mutation:

i. Initial-bug-vision:

j. Bug-vision-mutation:

k. Initial-bird-speed:

l. Bird-speed-mutation:

m. Initial-bird-vision:

n. Bird-vision-mutation:

o. What is your prediction for how the bugs and birds evolve?

p. How long did you run the model?

q. Screen shot your results and paste here:

r. How many bug were eaten?

s. Explain what happened to your populations and their mutations.

12) Save this document and upload it to blackboard for grading.

Your response should be at least 250 words in length for each question.  APA formatting using one reference per question.

Your response should be at least 250 words in length for each question.  APA formatting using one reference per question.


#1 The Limits to Growth model examines five major trends across the globe: accelerating industrial development, rapid population growth, widespread malnutrition, depletion of nonrenewable resources, and a deteriorating environment. Choose one of these trends, and discuss how a shift to sustainable development would affect this trend.

#2 How does consumption relate to the Limits to Growth model? Is it more important for us to address global attitudes towards population or consumption when it comes to decreasing our resource consumption? Explain your position?

Unit 1 Essay  genetically modified organisms,

You are required to use at least four sources to support your essay. CSU requires that students use the APA format in writing course papers. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Title page and reference page are not included in the page-length requirement.  Write a one-page essay that addresses the following points: Describe the topic or issue. Why there is controversy surrounding it? What is your opinion on the efficacy of applying the precautionary principle in attempts to solve your chosen issue? Would you side with Khourey or Adler? Discuss your reasoning behind siding with Khourey or Adler.

Developing the Outline Develop a thesis and detailed outline for your final paper topic.

Developing the Outline Develop a thesis and detailed outline for your final paper topic. The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for the research proposal due in Unit VII. Include at least the following elements in your outline: an APA formatted title page, a thesis for the introduction, the purpose of your paper with support for your points from scholarly material taking into consideration the benefits and ethical issues associated with the purpose, research question or questions, at least five main section headings for the body of the document, sub-sections to each of those main sections, and recommendations and conclusions. Click here to utilize the template for this assignment. Be sure to replace template headings with your own content. Your outline should be at least one page in length. Remember to use in-text citations throughout to show from where information came and to support your points with scholarly material. Include an APA style reference section at the end. Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. Sites such as Wikipedia,,,, and other similar sources are not scholarly in nature and may not be used for this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and citations used must be in APA style. Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Course Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Course Description

Provides a framework for conducting and evaluating independent research in the fire service by examining the basic principles and methodology for analyzing current fire- related research.

Course Textbook(s)

Kumar, R. (2014). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners (4th ed.). London, United Kingdom: Sage.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Locate, evaluate, and analyze fire-related research. 2. Demonstrate the application of fire research to a research problem. 3. Conduct a literature review of current research on a fire-related topic. 4. Determine the appropriate use of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies within a research project. 5. Draft a fire-related research proposal. 6. Write a fire-related research report.


No prerequisite courses are required for enrollment in this course.


Upon completion of this course, the students will earn 3 hours of college credit.

Course Structure

1. Study Guide: Course units contain a Study Guide that provides students with the learning outcomes, unit lesson, required reading assignments, and supplemental resources.

2. Learning Outcomes: Each unit contains Learning Outcomes that specify the measurable skills and knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit.

3. Unit Lesson: Unit Lessons, which are located in the Study Guide, discuss lesson material. 4. Reading Assignments: Units contain Reading Assignments from one or more chapters from the textbook and/or

outside resources. 5. Suggested Reading: Suggested Readings are listed within the Study Guide. Students are encouraged to read the

resources listed if the opportunity arises, but they will not be tested on their knowledge of the Suggested Readings. 6. Discussion Boards: Students are required to submit Discussion Board posts in Units I-VIII. Discussion Boards

provide students the opportunity for student-to-student and professor-to-student interaction based on relevant course concepts and ideas. Specific information about accessing the Discussion Board rubric is provided below.

7. Unit Assignments: Students are required to submit for grading Unit Assignments. Specific information and instructions regarding these assignments are provided below. Grading rubrics are included with each assignment. Specific information about accessing these rubrics is provided below.

8. Ask the Professor: This communication forum provides students with an opportunity to ask their professor general

FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research

FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research 1



questions or questions related to course content. 9. Student Break Room: This communication forum allows for casual conversation with other classmates.

CSU Online Library

The CSU Online Library is available to support your courses and programs. The online library includes databases, journals, e-books, and research guides. These resources are always accessible and can be reached through the library web page. To access the library, log into the myCSU Student Portal, and click on “CSU Online Library.” You can also access the CSU Online Library from the “My Library” button on the course menu for each course in Blackboard.

The CSU Online Library offers several reference services. E-mail ( and telephone (1.877.268.8046) assistance is available Monday – Thursday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The library’s chat reference service, Ask a Librarian, is available 24/7; look for the chat box on the online library page.

Librarians can help you develop your research plan or assist you in finding relevant, appropriate, and timely information. Reference requests can include customized keyword search strategies, links to articles, database help, and other services.

Unit Assignments

Unit I Article Review

For this assignment, use the CSU Online Library databases to locate a peer-reviewed article that is in some way related to the principles of fire chemistry and fire dynamics as well as their effects on emergency situations. You can select any article of interest dealing with this broad topic, which should give you plenty from which to choose. Some examples are reports analyzing a fire or other articles that research what took place at a fire incident. You may also find an appropriate article on the National Fire Protection Association, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, National Institute of Standards and Technology, United States Fire Administration websites. Be sure to select a full-length article. Letters to the editor, editorials, roundtable discussions, blog postings, or press releases made to look like articles are not acceptable for this assignment. This assignment is to give you practice reviewing articles that contribute to the industry.

The article you choose must meet the following requirements:

be peer-reviewed or scholarly in nature; relate to the concepts within this course and, if possible, to your research proposal topic; and be at least eight pages in length.

The article review you submit must meet the following requirements:

be at least two full double-spaced pages in length not including the title page or reference page; identify the main topic/question; critique the article and share your thoughts on what appears to be valid or invalid; and include your thoughts on whether you agree with the author’s position, and why, or why not?

Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit II Scholarly Activity

Developing the Research Problem and Question

Developing the research question can be one of the most challenging parts of the whole process. A well-defined research question should be narrow in scope and should be a question to which the answer is not already known through other published material. After all, if the answer is already known, there is no need to create a research study to answer that same question again.

This assignment focuses on developing your research problem, the purpose statement, and research question.

First, discuss your research problem. Be sure to support your points with scholarly material. For example, do not simply assert that health and wellness is a problem in the fire service. Demonstrate this by supporting your point with scholarly material. Include a few solid paragraphs of description.

Next, include the purpose statement. This should be a sentence that clearly tells the reader what you intend to accomplish by creating the study.

Finally, create a research question you would like to investigate for your project. Remember that the question needs to be unique. One way to accomplish this is to make the question specific to a particular department or jurisdiction.

This activity should be at least one page in length. Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and

FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research 2



citations used must be in APA style.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit III Scholarly Activity

United States Fire Statistics

The United States Fire Administration (USFA) collects fire-related data to provide information and analysis on the fire problem in the United States. Fire departments may use this information in multiple ways, including creating a baseline for evaluating programs, increasing awareness, and targeting public education programs.

For this assignment, access the USFA fire statistics page at the following link: Select any one of the topics for which the site provides statistics, including:

trends, causes, where fires occur, who fire affects, and firefighters and fire departments.

In a paper of no fewer than three full double-spaced pages not including the title page or reference page, analyze the information on the USFA fire statistics page under the topic you selected, and explain how the data may be applied to community risk reduction methods in your community. For example, your department may be looking for data to support a public outreach program related to the causes of fire or any of the other topics listed. How can the data presented on the USFA fire statistics page be used to accomplish this? Once you have discussed how the data could support a public outreach program, explain how you would design a study for the community based on those data.

Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit IV Annotated Bibliography

Develop an annotated bibliography of at least three scholarly sources excluding the course textbook that utilize empirical studies for your final paper topic. The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for the final research proposal due in Unit VII.

The annotated bibliography submission should include:

Summaries for each source should include the following information: A brief explanation/summary of the source. (Identify what the article is about or explain what the author tested, etc.) Do not copy and paste the abstract or the summary from the article to your paper. Paraphrase and summarize the information in your own words. The whole summary may not be one long quotation. A brief explanation of how this source will contribute to your final paper.

The following are NOT acceptable for academic research and referencing: Encyclopedias Dictionaries Wikipedia, other wikis, or blogs,,,, or any similar site Websites and other sources that do not provide quality researched materials or that do not use credible sources to support the information in the document.

Each summary should be at least 100 words in length. Your document must use proper APA elements such as a title page, running head, and more. Click here to access the annotated bibliography template.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit V Scholarly Activity

Developing the Methodology

Selecting the right research method for the project is essential. The wrong research design can result in information that does not answer the research question or data that are not helpful to the researcher. It is important to carefully select the methodology that best suits the research question.

For this assignment, select the most appropriate research method to test the research question for your research report. Begin by explaining whether your research question is asking for quantitative or qualitative data. Then, consider which type of research design you would select if you were actually going to conduct the study. Remember that you will design the study but not actually do the data collection portion for the final paper. This means you can carefully design the most appropriate study for your project without worrying about time constraints that would normally play a role in the data collection step. Which research design is most appropriate? Which design will provide you with results to directly address your research problem?

FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research 3



In no fewer than two full double-spaced pages, include at least the following for this assignment:

List the most current version of your research problem at the top of the page. Include the most current version of the purpose of your research report next. Explain whether you are designing a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods study, and what constitutes such a study. Be sure to support your points with scholarly material. Include the following information to clearly describe your research design:

participants; instruments, if any; design; and procedure.

Explain why this research method is the best fit for your study. Include a specific design in your response. Support your research method choice with scholarly material from at least three outside sources. At least two of those sources must come from the CSU Online Library.

Remember, this assignment is designed to help you work toward your research proposal.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit VI Outline

Developing the Outline

Develop a thesis and detailed outline for your final paper topic. The purpose of this assignment is to help you prepare for the research proposal due in Unit VII.

Include at least the following elements in your outline:

an APA formatted title page, a thesis for the introduction, the purpose of your paper with support for your points from scholarly material taking into consideration the benefits and ethical issues associated with the purpose, research question or questions, at least five main section headings for the body of the document, sub-sections to each of those main sections, and recommendations and conclusions.

Click here to utilize the template for this assignment. Be sure to replace template headings with your own content.

Your outline should be at least one page in length. Remember to use in-text citations throughout to show from where information came and to support your points with scholarly material. Include an APA style reference section at the end.

Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. Sites such as Wikipedia,,,, and other similar sources are not scholarly in nature and may not be used for this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit VII Research Proposal

The research proposal in this course is designed to allow you to discover, analyze, and interpret a fire-related research problem. A problem is not necessarily a troublesome area but an area of desired improvement. In other words, something may be performing well, yet someone still wants to see it perform even better. That is what a lot of research is all about— how can we do it better?

Include at least the following elements in your research proposal:

a title page; a table of contents; an introduction; the purpose of the research with support for your points from scholarly material; a literature review, which is different from the annotated bibliography, a hypothesis; a description of the research method, what you would do if you were to carry out the study; conclusions and recommendations; and a reference page.

Click here to view the short video for more guidance concerning the proposal assignment. Click here for a transcript of the video.

The proposal should be 10 full double-spaced pages not including the title page, references, abstract, or any appendices. You proposal should provide 12 sources that include empirical studies.

Be sure to summarize, paraphrase, and cite the information. Do not copy directly from the textbook or from any other source. Websites such as Wikipedia,,,, and other similar sources are not

FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research 4



scholarly in nature and may not be used for this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and entries in the reference section. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation

Reviewing the Eight-Step Model

Our textbook presented eight steps to completing a research report. While your final paper in the previous unit went through the research proposal step, it is still important to be familiar with the final steps in the process for future endeavors. For this assignment, take on the role of instructor, and design a PowerPoint assignment explaining each of the eight steps in the process. Do not simply paste information from the textbook or any other source. Use text sparingly on each slide and use the Notes section to further explain the bullet point material you have included on each slide. Please do not paste paragraphs of small font onto the slides. Include at least one slide for each of the eight steps.

Remember to support your points with scholarly material and include citations where needed to show from where the information came. Include a full APA style reference slide at the end. Do not forget to include a title slide with your name on it.

For guidance in creating an effective PowerPoint presentation, review the following resource created by the CSU Writing Center.

For a simple guide on inserting speaker notes into your presentation, click here to view the document PowerPoint Speaker Notes.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

APA Guidelines

The application of the APA writing style shall be practical, functional, and appropriate to each academic level, with the primary purpose being the documentation (citation) of sources. CSU requires that students use APA style for certain papers and projects. Students should always carefully read and follow assignment directions and review the associated grading rubric when available. Students can find The CSU Citation Guide by clicking here. This document includes examples and sample papers and provides information on how to contact the CSU Writing Center.

Grading Rubrics

This course utilizes analytic grading rubrics as tools for your professor in assigning grades for all learning activities. Each rubric serves as a guide that communicates the expectations of the learning activity and describes the criteria for each level of achievement. In addition, a rubric is a reference tool that lists evaluation criteria and can help you organize your efforts to meet the requirements of that learning activity. It is imperative for you to familiarize yourself with these rubrics because these are the primary tools your professor uses for assessing learning activities.

Rubric categories include (1) Discussion Board, (2) Assessment (Written Response), and (3) Assignment. However, it is possible that not all of the listed rubric types will be used in a single course (e.g., some courses may not have Assessments).

The Discussion Board rubric can be found within Unit I’s Discussion Board submission instructions.

The Assessment (Written Response) rubric can be found embedded in a link within the directions for each Unit Assessment. However, these rubrics will only be used when written-response questions appear within the Assessment.

Each Assignment type (e.g., article critique, case study, research paper) will have its own rubric. The Assignment rubrics are built into Blackboard, allowing students to review them prior to beginning the Assignment and again once the Assignment has been scored. This rubric can be accessed via the Assignment link located within the unit where it is to be submitted. Students may also access the rubric through the course menu by selecting “Tools” and then “My Grades.”

Again, it is vitally important for you to become familiar with these rubrics because their application to your Discussion Boards, Assessments, and Assignments is the method by which your instructor assigns all grades.

Communication Forums

These are non-graded discussion forums that allow you to communicate with your professor and other students. Participation in these discussion forums is encouraged but not required. You can access these forums with the buttons in the Course Menu.

Click here for instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe and post to the Communication Forums.

FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research 5



Ask the Professor

This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content questions. Questions may focus on Blackboard locations of online course components, textbook or course content elaboration, additional guidance on assessment requirements, or general advice from other students.

Questions that are specific in nature, such as inquiries regarding assessment/assignment grades or personal accommodation requests, are NOT to be posted on this forum. If you have questions, comments, or concerns of a non- public nature, please feel free to e-mail your professor. Responses to your post will be addressed or e-mailed by the professor within 48 hours.

Before posting, please ensure that you have read all relevant course documentation, including the syllabus, assessment/assignment instructions, faculty feedback, and other important information.

Student Break Room

This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates. Communication on this forum should always maintain a standard of appropriateness and respect for your fellow classmates. This forum should NOT be used to share assessment answers.


The following pages contain a printable Course Schedule to assist you through this course. By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted.

Unit I Introduction to the Research Process [ Weight: 12% ]

Read/View: Unit I Study Guide Chapter 1: Research: a way of thinking Chapter 2: The research process: a quick glance Chapter 3: Reviewing the literature

Discuss: Unit I Discussion Board 2%

Submit: Unit I Article Review 10%

Unit II Developing the Research Problem [ Weight: 12% ]

Read/View: Unit II Study Guide Chapter 4: Formulating a research problem Chapter 5: Identifying variables Chapter 6: Constructing hypotheses

Discuss: Unit II Discussion Board 2%

Submit: Unit II Scholarly Activity 10%

Unit III The Research Design [ Weight: 12% ]

Read/View: Unit III Study Guide Chapter 7: The research design Chapter 8: Selecting a study design

Discuss: Unit III Discussion Board 2%

Submit: Unit III Scholarly Activity 10%

FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research 6



Unit IV Selecting a Methodology [ Weight: 12% ]

Read/View: Unit IV Study Guide Chapter 9: Selecting a method of data collection Chapter 10: Collecting data using attitudinal scales

Discuss: Unit IV Discussion Board 2%

Submit: Unit IV Annotated Bibliography 10%

Unit V Sample Selection [ Weight: 12% ]

Read/View: Unit V Study Guide Chapter 11: Establishing the validity and reliability of a research instrument Chapter 12: Selecting a sample

Discuss: Unit V Discussion Board 2%

Submit: Unit V Scholarly Activity 10%

Unit VI Considering Ethical Issues [ Weight: 12% ]

Read/View: Unit VI Study Guide Chapter 14: Considering ethical issues in data collection

Discuss: Unit VI Discussion Board 2%

Submit: Unit VI Outline 10%

Unit VII The Research Proposal [ Weight: 16% ]

Read/View: Unit VII Study Guide Chapter 13: Writing a research proposal

Discuss: Unit VII Discussion Board 2%

Submit: Unit VII Research Proposal 14%

Unit VIII The Eight-Step Model [ Weight: 12% ]

Read/View: Unit VIII Study Guide Chapter 17: Writing a research report

Discuss: Unit VIII Discussion Board 2%

Submit: Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation 10%

FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research 7


  • FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research
  • Course Syllabus
    • Course Description
    • Course Textbook(s)
    • Course Learning Outcomes
    • Prerequisite(s)
    • Credits
    • Course Structure
    • CSU Online Library
    • Unit Assignments
      • Unit I Article Review
      • Unit II Scholarly Activity
      • Unit III Scholarly Activity
      • Unit IV Annotated Bibliography
      • Unit V Scholarly Activity
      • Unit VI Outline
      • Unit VII Research Proposal
      • Unit VIII PowerPoint Presentation
    • APA Guidelines
    • Grading Rubrics
    • Communication Forums
    • Schedule/Grading

Environmental Coordinator at a nuclear facility.

Question 1

  1. Part A: You are the Environmental Coordinator at a nuclear facility. You are tasked with the compliant and safe transport of radioactive waste off site to the disposal facility. Identify the proper placarding, labeling, and shipping documentation of the transport vehicle as required by the DOT.

    Part B: The vehicle that was transporting the radioactive waste in Part A has been struck by another vehicle. Fuel is leaking at the scene of the accident. Identify the radioactive material that could be involved, and describe the chemical interaction that could be occurring as a result of the collision between the two vehicles. What immediate action should the EHS and FS responders take to protect human health and the environment?

    Your response should consist of at least 200 words.

Final Paper Outline

Final Paper Outline


During Week Three, you will complete an outline of the final assignment. Refer to the complete instructions for the Final Paper, which can be found below or in the Components of Course Evaluation section of this guide.


The outline should be written in complete sentences and detailed enough to meaningfully address all sections that will be covered in your Final Paper. In addition, include a minimum of four scholarly sources (i.e. academic journal articles). The sources should directly support the development of content in the paper. Be sure to write everything in your own words and do not rely on direct quotes to develop content or express your ideas.


Outline of the Final Paper – Ecosystems and Community Structure


  • Must be four to six double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Include an introduction stating your selected aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem followed by an outline of topics that will be discussed.
  • Include an outline summarizing the main points discussed in the paper, with particular attention to ecosystem function and the future of your selected ecosystem.
  • Must reference at least four scholarly sources (i.e., academic journal articles) in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Final Paper – Ecosystem and Community Structure


The final paper will combine the ecological concepts from the course under one analysis: ecosystem and community ecology. The overall objective is to understand how the biotic and abiotic factors influence the physical and biological structure of ecosystems and the communities within them. This knowledge is fundamental for developing effective policy and managing wildlife and habitats.


To begin the assignment, select one of the following ecosystems. Then, address the questions below. Analyzing ecological communities can be accomplished by taking apart all of the physical and biological pieces that make up an ecological community, and then relating them back to one another in order to understand how they interact to form a functioning system. Conclude the paper with an assessment of human impacts on your selected ecosystem and how this will affect the ecology and future adaptation capabilities of the species in your community. Reference your textbook and a minimum of six scholarly sources (i.e., academic journal research articles) to provide examples and evidence that support your main points.


Before beginning the assignment, be sure to read Chapters 16 through 18 carefully, and to learn more about specific ecosystems, review Chapters 23 through 25 in the course text (Smith & Smith, 2015).


Step 1: Choose one ecosystem to analyze.


·     Coniferous temperate forest·     Freshwater wetlands
·     Tropical rain forest·     Salt marsh
·     Streams and rivers
·     Broadleaf forest
·     Mangrove forest
·     Temperate or tropical savanna·     Lakes and ponds
·     Shrublands


Step 2: Address the following points in your paper.


  • Describe the physical structure of the selected ecosystem, and explain how structural factors come together to create the ecosystem. The physical structure refers to the abiotic (non-living) components—such as temperature, precipitation, bedrock, soil type, riverbed or ocean floor, boulders, and topography—that make up your ecosystem.
  • Describe the biological structure of your selected ecosystem. Explain how living forms come together to shape your ecosystem. The biological structure is how the ecosystem is shaped by plants and animals, and it includes forest levels and coral reef structure. It also includes the overall level of diversity, species composition, and dominant plant and animal species with details about niche, height, size, density, and/or function.
  • Analyze the function of the selected ecosystem by indicating how the physical and biological structures are related to the ecosystem’s productivity (i.e., the amount of biomass produced), complexity of food webs, nutrient availability, and nutrient cycling.
  • Explain the process of succession in your selected ecosystem.
  • Describe one mutualistic interaction in your selected ecosystem. Explain the role that each species has in the interaction and the resulting mutual benefits to each species population. In other words, what does each species give and what does each one get in return.
  • Describe one predator-prey (or plant-herbivore) interaction. Explain how this interaction impacts the ecological community as a whole. Predict what would happen to the predator and prey populations (or, herbivore and plant) if either species were removed from the community.
  • Evaluate the magnitude of human impact on your ecosystem. This includes how humans are affecting the physical and biological structures in your ecosystem. Predict whether the species and their interactions presented in your paper will be able to adapt to these changes. For example, what would happen to pollinators in a plant-pollinator mutualism if plants are destroyed due to urbanization?


The Final Paper – Ecosystem and Community Structure


  • Must be 8 to 12 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Include an introduction stating your selected aquatic or terrestrial ecosystem followed by an overview of topics that will be discussed.
  • Include a summary of the main points discussed in the paper, with particular attention to ecosystem function and the future of your selected ecosystem.
  • Must reference at least six scholarly sources (i.e., academic journal articles) in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.