The Superfund website will have information about contaminated areas, how they became contaminated, and who is responsible for the contamination, as well as clean-up plans for the contamination.

The Superfund website will have information about contaminated areas, how they became contaminated, and who is responsible for the contamination, as well as clean-up plans for the contamination.

Your PowerPoint Presentation should include:

Your voiceover narration using Screencast-O-Matic for each slide as well as references in APA format

The issue (background information from the website, contamination, clean-up)

The major players and stakeholders involved (the people who created the problem, the people who can fix the problem, and the people who are most impacted by the problem)

Possible controversies (differences in opinion about the issue)

Impact of this environmental issue to the surrounding environment (nearby rivers, streams, farmland, animal habitats, etc.)

 Create an ethical code of conduct for those in governance, management, and professional staff for this  health care organization:  


Create an ethical code of conduct for those in governance, management, and professional staff for this  health care organization:

  • Surgery Center


In a 10 to 12 page assignment (excluding title and reference pages), discuss the following:

  • Brief background of the facility.
  • Organization structure of the facility and duties/ responsibilities of those in management and professional staff.
  • Two possible ethical dilemmas that may be encountered.
  • Ethical standards for those in governance, management, and professional staff.
  • Ways to implement the ethical code of conduct and ensure compliance.
  • Consequences if there is a violation of the code of ethics.

When writing this assignment, use 3rd person. Follow APA guidelines. Use at least eight scholarly and/or peer-reviewed sources that were published within the past five years,   All sources must be cited according to APA


  • Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
  • Must address the topic of the assignment with critical thought.
  • Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.


Final Paper

Step 1: Select one of the types of healthcare organizations.

Step 2: Research ethical codes of conduct for that type of healthcare organization.

Step 3: Create an ethical code for the type of healthcare organization by answering the prompts below. Your responses to each prompt is the ethical code; the ethical code is not a separate document.

  1. Brief background of the facility. (No more than one- to two- pages)
  2. Organization structure of the facility and duties/ responsibilities of those in management and professional staff. (Two pages)
  3. Two possible ethical dilemmas that may be encountered. (Two pages)
  4. Ethical standards for those in governance, management, and professional staff. (Two pages)
  5. Ways to implement the ethical code of conduct and ensure compliance. (Two pages)
  6. Consequences if there is a violation of the code of ethics. (No more than one- to two- pages)

If you follow the guidance above, you should have a minimum of a 10 to 12-page paper (excluding title and reference pages).

Diet Fad Analysis

Diet Fad Analysis

You may confer and research in learning teams, but individual completion and submission is required for this assignment.

Write a short (not more than 2 pages) paperrr analyzing the validity of a particular diet fad. Be sure to include the scientific rationale for the diet, the benefits, and the potential dangers. The following are examples:

  • Atkins Diet
  • South Beach Diet
  • Whole 30
  • Paleo
  • Any type of juice cleanse

At least three references should be cited in the APA format. Correct spelling and grammar are expected.

Brundtland Convention defined sustainability

In 1987, the Brundtland Convention defined sustainability as finding ways to live today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. As discussed in Chapter 4, the goal of sustainability was defined by developed, egalitarian-minded, mostly European countries, and the values of the participants impacted how they viewed sustainability. Chapter 4 also discussed that we don’t know what needs will be in the future, therefore we can’t know how sustainable we are in the present.

Think about how you view and define sustainability. How would do those around you define sustainability: ask three people (for example: a parent, a roommate, the TA for calculus office hours, your boss, or a store clerk). Report your answer and the most interesting answer you got from someone else. Did the three people have similar views as you? What surprised you? Is there any overlap with Dr. Allenby’s textbook?

Next, compare this to what past and future generations each would have thought about the concept (or myth?) of sustainability, especially the four components: environmental, economic, social, and cultural sustainability.

meaningful responses to at least 3 classmates’ posts. Posts should be well-written (insightful, understandable, and with good grammar) and should be a minimum of 150 words for your own posts and 50 words for comments on others’ posts.

meaningful responses to at least 3 classmates’ posts. Posts should be well-written (insightful, understandable, and with good grammar) and should be a minimum of 150 words for your own posts and 50 words for comments on others’ posts. 

In 1987, the Brundtland Convention defined sustainability as finding ways to live today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. As discussed in Chapter 4, the goal of sustainability was defined by developed, egalitarian-minded, mostly European countries, and the values of the participants impacted how they viewed sustainability. Chapter 4 also discussed that we don’t know what needs will be in the future, therefore we can’t know how sustainable we are in the present.

Think about how you view and define sustainability. How would do those around you define sustainability: ask three people (for example: a parent, a roommate, the TA for calculus office hours, your boss, or a store clerk). Report your answer and the most interesting answer you got from someone else. Did the three people have similar views as you? What surprised you? Is there any overlap with Dr. Allenby’s textbook?

Next, compare this to what past and future generations each would have thought about the concept (or myth?) of sustainability, especially the four components: environmental, economic, social, and cultural sustainability.

meaningful responses to at least 3 classmates’ posts. Posts should be well-written (insightful, understandable, and with good grammar) and should be a minimum of 150 words for your own posts and 50 words for comments on others’ posts.

Investigate safeguards and decision‐making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO 4)


The purpose of this assignment is to investigate informatics in healthcare and to apply professional, ethical, and legal principles to its appropriate use in healthcare technology.


1. Topic: You receive a message from a peer at work that there is a big investigation being conducted at work due to a HIPAA violation and that it involved a celebrity who had been admitted to the hospital. As a case manager for the hospital, you are given a company cell phone for hospital use because you are on call three days per week. You have pictures of this celebrity you took the other day.  The word is that legal action is being taken against the hospital due to some photos that were sold to the  Gossip Gazette. They ask to search your company cell phone.


Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 4: Investigate safeguards and decision‐making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO 4)

CO 6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO 6)

CO 8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in the delivery of nursing care. (PO 8)


Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 240 points


· Research, compose, and type a scholarly paper based on the scenario provided by your faculty, and choose a conclusion scenario to discuss within the body of your paper. Reflect on lessons learned in this class about technology, privacy concerns, and legal and ethical issues and address each of these concepts in the paper. Consider the consequences of such a scenario. Do not limit your review of the literature to the nursing discipline only because other health professionals are using the technology, and you may need to apply critical thinking skills to its applications in this scenario.

· Use Microsoft Word and APA formatting. Consult your copy of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, as well as the resources in Doc Sharing if you have questions (e.g., margin size, font type and size (point), use of third person, etc.). Take advantage of the writing service SmartThinking, which is accessed by clicking on the link called the Tutor Source, found under the Course Home area.

· The length of the paper should be four to five pages, excluding the title page and the reference page. Limit the references to a few key sources (minimum of three required).

· The paper will contain an introduction that catches the attention of the reader, states the purpose of the paper, and provides a narrative outline of what will follow (i.e., the assignment criteria).

· In the body of the paper, discuss the scenario in relation to HIPAA, legal, and other regulatory requirements that apply to the scenario and the ending you chose. Demonstrate support from sources of evidence (references) included as in‐text citations.

· Choose and identify one of the possible endings provided for the scenario, and construct your paper based on its implications to the scenario. Make recommendations about what should have been done and what could be done to correct or mitigate the problems caused by the scenario and the ending you chose. Demonstrate support from

sources of evidence (references) included as in‐text citations.

· Present the advantages and disadvantages of informatics relating to your scenario and describe professional and ethical principles appropriate to your chosen ending. Use facts from supporting sources of evidence, which must be included as in‐text citations.

· The paper’s conclusion should summarize what you learned and make reflections about them to your practice.

· Use the “Directions and Assignment Criteria” and “Grading Rubric” below to guide your writing and ensure that all

components are complete.

· Review the section on Academic Honesty found in the Chamberlain Course Policies. All work must be original (in your own words). Papers will automatically be submitted to TurnItIn when submitted to the Dropbox.

NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare RUA: We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines


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· Submit the completed paper to the “We Can But Dare We?” Dropbox by the end of Week 3. Please refer to the Syllabus for due dates for this assignment. For online students, please post questions about this assignment to the weekly Q & A Forums so that the entire class may view the answers.


Preparing the assignment


Healthcare is readily embracing any technology to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and lower costs, but we must also consider the impact of such technology on privacy and patient care.


Your faculty member will provide a scenario for you to address in your paper.


1. Topic: You receive a message from a peer at work that there is a big investigation being conducted at work due to a HIPAA violation and that it involved a celebrity who had been admitted to the hospital. As a case manager for the hospital, you are given a company cell phone for hospital use because you are on call three days per week. You have pictures of this celebrity you took the other day.  The word is that legal action is being taken against the hospital due to some photos that were sold to the  Gossip Gazette. They ask to search your company cell phone.



Choose an ending to the scenario, and construct your paper based on those reflections.

Choose one of the following outcomes:

1. A HIPAA violation occurs, and client data is exposed to the media.

2. A medication error has harmed a client.

3. A technology downtime that impacts patient care occurs, and an error is made.

4. A ransomware attack has occurred, and the organization must contemplate paying the ransom or lose access to patient data.

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions. Include the following sections:

a. Introduction – 40 points/17%

· Catches attention of the reader

· States purpose of the paper

· Provides a narrative outline of the paper (i.e., the assignment criteria)

b. HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion – 40 points/17%

· Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to:

· Patient privacy and HIPAA standards

· Healthcare regulations

· Legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology

c. Scenario Ending and Recommendations – 50 points/21%

· Selects and presents one scenario ending as the focus of the assignment.

· Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers as the situation evolved.

· Recommends actions that could have been taken to mitigate the circumstances presented in the selected scenario ending.

· Supports recommendations with evidence from recent scholarly publications.

d. Advantages and Disadvantages – 50 points/21%

· Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to:

· The advantages of appropriately using technology in healthcare

· Risks of technology use in healthcare

· Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare.

e. Conclusion and Reflections – 30 points/12%

· Summarizes what new information was learned by completing this assignment.

· Reflects on how this new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional.

f. Scholarly Writing and APA Format – 30 points/12%

· Paper submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

· Adheres to current APA formatting guidelines including proper use of:

· Title page

· Page numbers

· Length is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages.

· Includes at least three (3) references that are:

· From recent (within the last 5 years) scholarly sources

· Cited in text appropriately

· Included on an APA formatted reference page

· Scholarly writing reflects:

· Accurate spelling

· Correct use of professional grammar

· Logical organization of thoughts (mechanics)


For writing assistance, visit the Writing Center.


Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.


NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare RUA: We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines



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Grading Rubric Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.

Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of PerformanceHigh Level of PerformanceSatisfactory Level of PerformanceUnsatisfactory Level of PerformanceSection not present in paper

(40 points/17%)

40 points36 points32 points15 points0 points
Required criteria

· Catches attention of the reader.

· States purpose of the paper.

· Provides a narrative outline of the paper (i.e., the assignment criteria).

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 2 requirements for section.Includes no less than 1 requirement for section.Present, yet includes no required criteria.No requirements for this section presented.
HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion

(40 points/17%)

40 points36 points32 points15 points0 points
Required criteria

Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to:

· Patient privacy and HIPAA standards

· Healthcare regulations

· Legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 2 requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 1 requirement for section.Present, yet includes no required criteria.No requirements for this section presented.
Scenario Ending and Recommendations

(50 points/21%)

50 points46 points42 points19 points0 points
Required criteria

· Selects and presents one scenario ending as the focus of the assignment.

· Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers as the situation evolved.

· Recommends actions that could have been taken to mitigate the circumstances presented in the selected scenario ending. Supports recommendations with evidence from

· recent scholarly publications.

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section.Includes 1-2 requirements for section.Section present yet includes no required criteria.No requirements for this section presented.


NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare RUA: We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines



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Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of PerformanceHigh Level of PerformanceSatisfactory Level of PerformanceUnsatisfactory Level of PerformanceSection not present in paper
· Supports recommendations with evidence from

recent scholarly publications.

Advantages and Disadvantages

(50 points/21%)

50 points46 points42 points19 points0 points
Required criteria

· Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care.

· Evidence includes the advantages of appropriately using technology in healthcare.

· Evidence includes risks of inappropriately using technology in healthcare.

· Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare.

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section.Includes 1-2 requirements for section.Section present yet includes no required criteriaNo requirements for this section presented.
Conclusion and Reflections

(30 points/12%)

30 points15 points0 points
Required criteria

· Summarizes new information learned by completing this assignment.

· Reflects on how this new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional.

Meets all requirements for section.Includes 1 requirement for section.No requirements for this section presented.
Scholarly Writing and APA Format

(30 points/12%)

30 points26 points22 points12 points0 points
Required criteria

· Paper submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

· Adheres to current APA formatting guidelines including proper use of:

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 4 fully met requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 3 fully met requirements for section.Includes 1-2 requirements fully met requirements for section.No requirements for this section presented.




Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of PerformanceHigh Level of PerformanceSatisfactory Level of PerformanceUnsatisfactory Level of PerformanceSection not present in paper
· Title page

· Page numbers

· Length is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages.

· Includes at least three (3) references that are:

· From recent (within the last 5 years) scholarly sources

· Cited in text appropriately

· Included on an APA formatted reference page

· Scholarly writing reflects:

· Accurate spelling

· Correct use of professional grammar

· Logical organization of thoughts (mechanics)

Total Points Possible = 240 points




The purpose of this assignment is to investigate informatics in healthcare and to apply professional, ethical, and legal principles to its appropriate use in healthcare technology.


The purpose of this assignment is to investigate informatics in healthcare and to apply professional, ethical, and legal principles to its appropriate use in healthcare technology.


1. Topic: You receive a message from a peer at work that there is a big investigation being conducted at work due to a HIPAA violation and that it involved a celebrity who had been admitted to the hospital. As a case manager for the hospital, you are given a company cell phone for hospital use because you are on call three days per week. You have pictures of this celebrity you took the other day.  The word is that legal action is being taken against the hospital due to some photos that were sold to the  Gossip Gazette. They ask to search your company cell phone.


Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 4: Investigate safeguards and decision‐making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO 4)

CO 6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO 6)

CO 8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in the delivery of nursing care. (PO 8)


Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 240 points


· Research, compose, and type a scholarly paper based on the scenario provided by your faculty, and choose a conclusion scenario to discuss within the body of your paper. Reflect on lessons learned in this class about technology, privacy concerns, and legal and ethical issues and address each of these concepts in the paper. Consider the consequences of such a scenario. Do not limit your review of the literature to the nursing discipline only because other health professionals are using the technology, and you may need to apply critical thinking skills to its applications in this scenario.

· Use Microsoft Word and APA formatting. Consult your copy of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, as well as the resources in Doc Sharing if you have questions (e.g., margin size, font type and size (point), use of third person, etc.). Take advantage of the writing service SmartThinking, which is accessed by clicking on the link called the Tutor Source, found under the Course Home area.

· The length of the paper should be four to five pages, excluding the title page and the reference page. Limit the references to a few key sources (minimum of three required).

· The paper will contain an introduction that catches the attention of the reader, states the purpose of the paper, and provides a narrative outline of what will follow (i.e., the assignment criteria).

· In the body of the paper, discuss the scenario in relation to HIPAA, legal, and other regulatory requirements that apply to the scenario and the ending you chose. Demonstrate support from sources of evidence (references) included as in‐text citations.

· Choose and identify one of the possible endings provided for the scenario, and construct your paper based on its implications to the scenario. Make recommendations about what should have been done and what could be done to correct or mitigate the problems caused by the scenario and the ending you chose. Demonstrate support from

sources of evidence (references) included as in‐text citations.

· Present the advantages and disadvantages of informatics relating to your scenario and describe professional and ethical principles appropriate to your chosen ending. Use facts from supporting sources of evidence, which must be included as in‐text citations.

· The paper’s conclusion should summarize what you learned and make reflections about them to your practice.

· Use the “Directions and Assignment Criteria” and “Grading Rubric” below to guide your writing and ensure that all

components are complete.

· Review the section on Academic Honesty found in the Chamberlain Course Policies. All work must be original (in your own words). Papers will automatically be submitted to TurnItIn when submitted to the Dropbox.

NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare RUA: We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines


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· Submit the completed paper to the “We Can But Dare We?” Dropbox by the end of Week 3. Please refer to the Syllabus for due dates for this assignment. For online students, please post questions about this assignment to the weekly Q & A Forums so that the entire class may view the answers.


Preparing the assignment


Healthcare is readily embracing any technology to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and lower costs, but we must also consider the impact of such technology on privacy and patient care.


Your faculty member will provide a scenario for you to address in your paper.


1. Topic: You receive a message from a peer at work that there is a big investigation being conducted at work due to a HIPAA violation and that it involved a celebrity who had been admitted to the hospital. As a case manager for the hospital, you are given a company cell phone for hospital use because you are on call three days per week. You have pictures of this celebrity you took the other day.  The word is that legal action is being taken against the hospital due to some photos that were sold to the  Gossip Gazette. They ask to search your company cell phone.



Choose an ending to the scenario, and construct your paper based on those reflections.

Choose one of the following outcomes:

1. A HIPAA violation occurs, and client data is exposed to the media.

2. A medication error has harmed a client.

3. A technology downtime that impacts patient care occurs, and an error is made.

4. A ransomware attack has occurred, and the organization must contemplate paying the ransom or lose access to patient data.

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions. Include the following sections:

a. Introduction – 40 points/17%

· Catches attention of the reader

· States purpose of the paper

· Provides a narrative outline of the paper (i.e., the assignment criteria)

b. HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion – 40 points/17%

· Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to:

· Patient privacy and HIPAA standards

· Healthcare regulations

· Legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology

c. Scenario Ending and Recommendations – 50 points/21%

· Selects and presents one scenario ending as the focus of the assignment.

· Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers as the situation evolved.

· Recommends actions that could have been taken to mitigate the circumstances presented in the selected scenario ending.

· Supports recommendations with evidence from recent scholarly publications.

d. Advantages and Disadvantages – 50 points/21%

· Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to:

· The advantages of appropriately using technology in healthcare

· Risks of technology use in healthcare

· Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare.

e. Conclusion and Reflections – 30 points/12%

· Summarizes what new information was learned by completing this assignment.

· Reflects on how this new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional.

f. Scholarly Writing and APA Format – 30 points/12%

· Paper submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

· Adheres to current APA formatting guidelines including proper use of:

· Title page

· Page numbers

· Length is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages.

· Includes at least three (3) references that are:

· From recent (within the last 5 years) scholarly sources

· Cited in text appropriately

· Included on an APA formatted reference page

· Scholarly writing reflects:

· Accurate spelling

· Correct use of professional grammar

· Logical organization of thoughts (mechanics)


For writing assistance, visit the Writing Center.


Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.


NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare RUA: We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines



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Grading Rubric Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.

Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of PerformanceHigh Level of PerformanceSatisfactory Level of PerformanceUnsatisfactory Level of PerformanceSection not present in paper

(40 points/17%)

40 points36 points32 points15 points0 points
Required criteria

· Catches attention of the reader.

· States purpose of the paper.

· Provides a narrative outline of the paper (i.e., the assignment criteria).

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 2 requirements for section.Includes no less than 1 requirement for section.Present, yet includes no required criteria.No requirements for this section presented.
HIPAA, Legal, and Regulatory Discussion

(40 points/17%)

40 points36 points32 points15 points0 points
Required criteria

Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care related to:

· Patient privacy and HIPAA standards

· Healthcare regulations

· Legal guidelines on appropriate use of technology

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 2 requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 1 requirement for section.Present, yet includes no required criteria.No requirements for this section presented.
Scenario Ending and Recommendations

(50 points/21%)

50 points46 points42 points19 points0 points
Required criteria

· Selects and presents one scenario ending as the focus of the assignment.

· Evaluates the actions taken by healthcare providers as the situation evolved.

· Recommends actions that could have been taken to mitigate the circumstances presented in the selected scenario ending. Supports recommendations with evidence from

· recent scholarly publications.

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section.Includes 1-2 requirements for section.Section present yet includes no required criteria.No requirements for this section presented.


NR360 Information Systems in Healthcare RUA: We Can, But Dare We? Guidelines



© 2022 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved.

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Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of PerformanceHigh Level of PerformanceSatisfactory Level of PerformanceUnsatisfactory Level of PerformanceSection not present in paper
· Supports recommendations with evidence from

recent scholarly publications.

Advantages and Disadvantages

(50 points/21%)

50 points46 points42 points19 points0 points
Required criteria

· Presents evidence from recent scholarly publications to address the impact of technology on nursing care.

· Evidence includes the advantages of appropriately using technology in healthcare.

· Evidence includes risks of inappropriately using technology in healthcare.

· Describes professional and ethical principles guiding the appropriate use of technology in healthcare.

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section.Includes 1-2 requirements for section.Section present yet includes no required criteriaNo requirements for this section presented.
Conclusion and Reflections

(30 points/12%)

30 points15 points0 points
Required criteria

· Summarizes new information learned by completing this assignment.

· Reflects on how this new knowledge will impact future behavior as a healthcare professional.

Meets all requirements for section.Includes 1 requirement for section.No requirements for this section presented.
Scholarly Writing and APA Format

(30 points/12%)

30 points26 points22 points12 points0 points
Required criteria

· Paper submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

· Adheres to current APA formatting guidelines including proper use of:

Meets all requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 4 fully met requirements for section.Includes no fewer than 3 fully met requirements for section.Includes 1-2 requirements fully met requirements for section.No requirements for this section presented.




Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of PerformanceHigh Level of PerformanceSatisfactory Level of PerformanceUnsatisfactory Level of PerformanceSection not present in paper
· Title page

· Page numbers

· Length is 4-5 pages, excluding title and reference pages.

· Includes at least three (3) references that are:

· From recent (within the last 5 years) scholarly sources

· Cited in text appropriately

· Included on an APA formatted reference page

· Scholarly writing reflects:

· Accurate spelling

· Correct use of professional grammar

· Logical organization of thoughts (mechanics)

Total Points Possible = 240 points




Discuss three challenges associated with the Bahamian environment and give a solution for each within the context of building a sustainable Bahamas”.

Discuss three challenges associated with the Bahamian environment and give a solution for each within the context of building a sustainable Bahamas”.

Master of Arts in Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurship

Cé sar Ritz Colleges Switzerland





Master of Arts in Hospitality and Tourism Entrepreneurship









CSR Analysis of Marriott International

Submitted on Feb. 13, 2023



By: Yaorui Ma 747137




Word Count: 802



Submitted to:

Ms. Paola Ossola Course Title & Code:

Business Sustainability in Hospitality and Tourism




Table of Contents:

Description of Marriott International’s CSR Policies 1 Evaluations of Marriott International’s CSR Policies 2 Strengths 2 Weaknesses 2 Recommendations 3 Short Term 3 Long Term 4 Conclusion 4 References 5 Appendix 6


1. Description of Marriott International’s CSR Policies Comment by Paola Ossola: Before going into the details of CSR, remember to add also some information about the company



In the three spheres of social, environmental, and economic CSR, Marriott International has a distinct policy.

Marriott International’s commitment to social responsibility includes ensuring that its staff members have a safe and healthy work environment as well as increasing their skills and abilities through development and training. By assisting regional groups and providing charity contributions, the business also contributes to the community.

Environmental responsibility: Marriott International focuses on environmental protection and has taken a number of steps to reduce energy and water consumption, reduce waste generation, protect biodiversity and more. The company is also committed to reducing its negative impact on the environment by adopting a sustainable approach to hotel operations.

Economic Responsibility: Marriott International is committed to long-term economic success through responsible business operations and management, and a commitment to customers, employees and shareholders. The company also strives to improve operational efficiency through the use of effective resource management, cost reduction and efficiency measures.

In summary, Marriott International strives to achieve its corporate social responsibility objectives and make a positive contribution to its employees, customers and society through its commitment to three areas of social, environmental and economic responsibility.





Policy Description



· Supporting local communities and diversity

· Enhancing guests’ experiences and safety

· Supporting human rights and ethical sourcing




· Reducing energy consumption and waste

· Promoting eco-friendly practices and sustainable tourism

· Developing environmentally responsible properties



· Driving business success and profitability – Creating value for stakeholders

· Promoting responsible business practices and innovation



( 10 )

2. Evaluations of Marriott International’s CSR Policies Comment by Paola Ossola: Before getting into the evaluations part, I would recommend you to analyze what the company is doing in terms of SDGs and GRI. This would give you the chance also to show what is missing, and from here you can evaluate and give recommendations Comment by Paola Ossola: In this evaluation tell precisely what they do that are good practices (and as a consequence STRENGTHS), and what are aspects that are missing or that they don’t good great (this could be later on the basis of the WEAKNESSES).



2.1 Strengths:




Marriott International is devoted to fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace and to helping out local communities. By doing this, the business is better able to cultivate its stakeholder connections and improve its reputation.



Marriott has implemented a number of initiatives to reduce its environmental impact, such as reducing energy and water consumption and promoting eco- friendly practices. This helps to reduce the company’s carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.



Marriott International’s focus on driving business success and profitability has helped it to become one of the largest and most successful hotel companies in the world. The company’s investment in innovation and technology has also helped it to improve operations and enhance the guest experience.



2.2 Weaknesses:




While Marriott has made some progress in supporting local communities and promoting diversity, there is always room for improvement in these areas. For example, the company could do more to support human rights and ethical sourcing practices in its supply chain.




Despite its efforts to reduce its environmental impact, Marriott International still has a significant carbon footprint. The company could do more to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainable tourism.



Marriott International’s focus on business success and profitability has sometimes come at the expense of environmental and social considerations. The company could do more to balance its economic goals with its social and environmental responsibilities.



3. Recommendations


3.1 Long Term

Increased transparency in reporting activities and donations will show that the company is actually making a difference in the world. Comment by Paola Ossola: These are general, you can keep but then provide more insights into possible actions

To increase efficiency and make the best possible use of the limited resources available, implement more effective management practices.

In order to increase employee engagement, you should encourage your staff to get involved in socially conscious initiatives. This will increase their sense of pride and zeal.

To further the aims of shared social responsibility, expand relationships by working with local governments, communities, and other interested parties.

3.2 Short Term Comment by Paola Ossola: In terms of specific actions, what would you propose?

Assessing the current situation: by evaluating current social responsibility practices to identify future directions for improvement. Comment by Paola Ossola: This is your aim. So what is the current situation, what are future directions of improvement in specific actions?

Strengthen regulation: by strengthening the regulation of socially responsible activities to ensure they are in line with the company’s standards and policies.


Increase education and training: by providing education and training on social responsibility to employees to improve their literacy and competence.

Enhanced public relations: To enhance the company’s socially responsible image by strengthening relations with the public.

3.3 Conclusion Comment by Paola Ossola: You don’t need this, since your work continues later on with the action to propose

Marriott International has a high level of CSR completion. Marriott International, an industry leader in the hotel industry, takes seriously the three pillars of environmental, social, and economic responsibility. In the areas of employee relations, community involvement, environmental protection, and customer service, the corporation has made major contributions. Although there has been progress, there is always opportunity for development, including bolstering the business’ dedication to sustainability, upgrading employee working conditions, and increasing community involvement. Overall, Marriott International has accomplished a lot of its CSR objectives, but there is still opportunity for growth. The business needs to deepen its commitment in more ways and increase its social and environmental effect in order to boost its CSR fulfillment. Comment by Paola Ossola: Harvard Stye in the references


4. References



1) Hastings, G. (2016) CSR. Social marketing quarterly. [Online] 22 (4), 280






ENGAGEMENTS. Academy of Management journal. [Online] 60 (4), 1582–





3) Ertuna, B. et al. (2022) ‘A thread connects all beads’: Aligning global CSR strategy by hotel MNCs. Tourism management (1982). [Online] 91104520–.


5. Appendix Comment by Paola Ossola: The GRI analysis is completely missing. Make sure to have this analysis for the final report










Does the company

disclose data on the topic? YES or




Type of information disclosed


Brief description

of the actions the company does on

the disclosed information



Your evaluation of the actions (Qualitative description)

Your evaluation of the actions (Score from 1 to 5, where 1 is very poor and 5 is very










GOAL 1: No












Poverty Eradication

1. Organize charity dinner to raise funds for donation.

2. Recruit disabled employees.




Provided fair employment opportunities. Achieves greater benefits for disadvantaged groups
















GOAL 2: Zero Hunger













Eliminate hunger

1. Food waste reduction: Hotels can reduce food waste through proper menu planning and food storage.

2. Food Donation: Hotels can donate surplus food to local food banks or charities to help meet the food needs of people in need in the community.

3. Agricultural support: Hotels support local agricultural





Saving food for community welfare agencies and the poor has

led to a decline in hunger.













GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being










Health Management

1. Healthy and nutritious eating options: The hotel offers healthy and nutritious food options in its restaurant and bar menus to promote healthier eating habits. 

A healthy diet is essential to improve physical fitness, and better exercise is necessary to have a healthy body.







   2.Organize sports events and promote public sports.  

GOAL 4: Quality Education





Improving the quality of education

1. Donate to public education.

2. Provide event space for educational activities such as meeting rooms, banquet halls.

Although funding and space have been provided to support education, 









GOAL 5: Gender Equality









Gender Equality







Although fair

treatment of different gender

groups was mentioned, there were no specific















GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

















Sanitary water



1. Multiple water treatment systems ensure clean water for the hotel.

2. Regular cleaning of cisterns and maintenance of water equipment.




Ensures clean water while providing an additional safeguard for health

















Affordable and Clean Energy














Clean Energy




1. Some hotels use solar energy for power storage, reducing electricity consumption.

2. Adopting energy- saving products






Reduced energy consumption













GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth













Driving employment and economic growth

1. Support employee development: Provide training, advancement opportunities and skills development to help employees improve their skills and career prospects.

2. Promote economic growth: Contribute to the growth of the regional economy by providing employment opportunities, increasing the economic benefits of the hotel, and encouraging local

community development.

Marriott is a very large company, and each Marriott hotel has a huge impact on local employment and the economy. 








Industry, Innovation









Industry Innovation

Adopt intelligent equipment to improve the application of technology in hotelsAs far as I know, innovation is less present in the

hospitality industry









GOAL 10:

Reduced Inequality







A supportive workplace for

disabled and breastfeeding

team members

Promote fair working

conditions and employment equity, mentioned



A fair working environment is conducive to increased












GOAL 11:

Sustainable Cities and Communities













Use of environmentally friendly materials for construction, and transportation planning

1. Construction of the hotel using sustainable materials and design methods to reduce the environmental impact.

2. Collaborate with local governments to promote more sustainable transportation planning

It does have an environmental impact and helps reduce the burden on the transportation system. 















GOAL 12:


Consumption and




















Maintain customer relationships




To visit the

customer’s satisfaction level of the hotel, listen to the customer’s opinion and make a timely solution to satisfy the





This measure is a good way to maintain the relationship between the hotel and the customer, which is conducive to secondary consumption




















GOAL 13:

Climate Action

















Reduce carbon emissions








Use of energy-saving electric lamps and heating equipment







Not very efficient, and energy-saving efforts are not enough



















GOAL 14: Life

Below Water




















































GOAL 15: Life on Land


















































GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong









Social Welfare and Public Welfare Activities



Organize volunteer activities and host charity events to help the less fortunate.



Effectively help the disadvantaged and reduce the burden on the government











GOAL 17:





Relationships with




Marriott hotels are at the forefront of the global hotel industry, playing a leading and exemplary role in the sustainable development of the industry




The good partnership makes it better to

Partnerships toYESother travel accomplish the goal5
achieve the Goal companies of sustainable


  Government and   



Appendix 1 (Ma, 2023)











Explain the importance of the 29 CFR Hazard Communication Standard, a requirement

for an MSDS to an organizations Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) programs and


Week 3: Term Project Part 1 – Outline

First, you will need to select a topic related to the class.

Recommended Topics:

Compare and contrast and integrate environmental regulations that impact on organizational plans to dispose of unused or waste materials.

Describe modalities related to sustainment of materials recovered from waste management programs

Identify areas of specific concern related to the packaging and protection of finished goods throughout their life cycle, and those material’s impact on waste streams.

Evaluate the direct and indirect impact of reverse logistics operations on the local and regional and world environment.

Define, describe and detail out the competitive advantages of green practices for individuals, companies or governments.

Second, write an outline of your research topic JOURNAL. This outline can follow the following format as far as section headings. But you do not have to follow it. You can add more sections. But there must be at least four sections highlighted by * and section titles.

Include at least 100 words per section that you use.




Literature Review




Future Research Recommendation