Operations and Project Management
Operations and Project Management
Assignment Description
Case is attached.
Develop a paper that follows the APA Guidelines and is approximately 10 pages in length excluding cover page, diagrams, tables, references, and appendices. See layout requirements below.
If there are questions in the case, answer them. View the case as if you are the Operations Manager, or CEO of the company. Look up the company on the internet, are they real? What kind of analysis tools can you use from your text to help you support your conclusions with the case? How does the foreign–based firm operate differently than the U.S. based counterparts? Definitely answer the key questions. If you choose, the Further Thought questions could be addressed as part of your overall analysis.
Writing Guidelines
Your paper must follow the layout below, including types of headings, flow of information, and what content to include.
· Title Page
· Abstract
· Introduction (40 points)
Begin with an introduction, including your thesis statement. The Introduction answers the following questions:
· Give background information
· What is the thesis or main idea of the case study?
· What are the relevant key points about the organization?
· What are the relevant key points about the situation?
· What are the ethical and diversity issues related to this case?
· Method (60 points) At a minimum, this is to be a main section and heading in your paper. You may use additional major headings if you wish, and you will probably also want to use subheadings (see example below). The Method section answers the following questions:
· What is the situational analysis of the problem or issue? (A SWOT analysis is suggested here.)
· What are the causes/effects of the situation or problem?
· How did the problem evolve (over night or over time)?
· How can course concepts be applied to provide greater understanding of the situation?
· How will ethical and diversity issues be addressed?
· Results/Discussion (60 points) At a minimum, this is to be a main section and heading in your paper. You may use additional major headings if you wish, and you will probably also want to use subheadings (see example below). The Results/Discussion section answers the following questions:
· How can the problem be solved?
· What specific recommendations can be made for improving the situation?
· Explain your rationale for these suggestions.
· How will these recommendations, if implemented, enhance organizational effectiveness?
· How will ethical and diversity issues impact your recommendations?
· References (40 points) Per APA, start the “References” section on a new page after the last page of your last section of the paper.
· Appendix (if needed)
Each page of your printed paper must include the title of the paper (left-justified) and the page number (right-justified). Use header/footer function in MS Word to insert the required information at the top right corner, starting with the title page as page 1.
In general, pay close attention to style, format, and proper mechanics including language use, grammar, spelling, sentence structure and where required supported by APA formatted references. (-1 point for each error)
Before turning in your final draft, make sure:
· Your key points are clear and the information is well-organized as described in the term paper assessment rubric
· Proofread the entire document (or have someone you trust proofread it)
· Eliminate mechanical errors, run spell check, etc.
Use of Subheadings
· Subheadings can be used under a main heading to provide additional clarity. Subheading format follows a prescribed method that is the same for both the Analysis and the Recommendations and Rationale sections. See the example below:
· Subheading (first level of subheading – either underline or italicize)
· Start writing here. Comments regarding subheadings: You may or may not include subheadings. You name the subheadings yourself.
· Subheading. Start writing here. (Next level of subheading. If you have one subheading at this level, then you must have at least two subheadings at this level.) Note the period at the end of this title for this level of subheading. Again, either underline or italicize.
· Subheading. Start writing here. (Next level of subheading.) Note the period at the end of this title for this level of subheading. Again, either underline or italicize.
· Subheading (Back to the first level of subheading – either underline or italicize)
· Start writing here. If you have one subheading, then you must have at least two subheadings.
· Subheading. Start writing here. (Next level of subheading. If you have one subheading at this level, then you must have at least two subheadings at this level.) Note the period at the end of this title for this level of subheading. Again, either underline or italicize.
· Subheading. Start writing here. (Next level of subheading.) Note the period at the end of this title for this level of subheading. Again, either underline or italicize.
· And so on…