MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 1

MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 1


Course Description An in-depth study of advanced pollution prevention practices with the preparation of a pollution prevention management plan. Emphasizes methodologies that achieve environmental compliance through less expensive pollution control methods.

Course Textbook Ashby, M. F. (2013). Materials and the environment: Eco-informed material choice (2nd ed.). Waltham, MA: Butterworth-


Course Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Describe federal laws related to pollution prevention. 2. Conduct life cycle analyses. 3. Explain pollution prevention audits. 4. Evaluate economics of pollution prevention strategies. 5. Examine impact of corporate philosophy on pollution prevention. 6. Describe pollution prevention strategies for various industries. 7. Identify best available technologies for various industries. 8. Evaluate the impact of pollution prevention on ecosystems and biological communities.


Credits Upon completion of this course, the students will earn three (3) hours of college credit.

Course Structure

1. Study Guide: Each unit contains a Study Guide that provides students with the learning outcomes, unit lesson, required reading assignments, and supplemental resources.

2. Learning Outcomes: Each unit contains Learning Outcomes that specify the measurable skills and knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit.

3. Unit Lesson: Each unit contains a Unit Lesson, which discusses lesson material. 4. Reading Assignments: Each unit contains Reading Assignments from one or more chapters from the textbook. 5. Suggested Reading: Suggested Readings are listed in Units I-VI and Unit VIII study guides. Students are

encouraged to read the resources listed if the opportunity arises, but they will not be tested on their knowledge of the Suggested Readings.

6. Discussion Boards: Discussion Boards are part of all CSU term courses. More information and specifications can be found in the Student Resources link listed in the Course Menu bar.

7. Unit Assignments: Students are required to submit for grading Unit Assignments in Units I-VIII. Specific information and instructions regarding these assignments are provided below. Grading rubrics are included with each assignment. Specific information about accessing these rubrics is provided below.

MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention Course Syllabus



MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 2

8. Ask the Professor: This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content related questions.

9. Student Break Room: This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates.

CSU Online Library The CSU Online Library is available to support your courses and programs. The online library includes databases, journals, e-books, and research guides. These resources are always accessible and can be reached through the library webpage. To access the library, log into the myCSU Student Portal, and click on “CSU Online Library.” You can also access the CSU Online Library from the “My Library” button on the course menu for each course in Blackboard. The CSU Online Library offers several reference services. E-mail ( and telephone (1.877.268.8046) assistance is available Monday – Thursday from 8 am to 5 pm and Friday from 8 am to 3 pm. The library’s chat reference service, Ask a Librarian, is available 24/7; look for the chat box on the online library page. Librarians can help you develop your research plan or assist you in finding relevant, appropriate, and timely information. Reference requests can include customized keyword search strategies, links to articles, database help, and other services.

Unit Assignments Unit I Scholarly Activity Select two out of the three writing prompts listed below. Your responses to your two chosen prompts should be at least 500 words each. No title page is needed, but be sure to indicate which writing prompts you are addressing at the top of each response. Each response needs its own reference page. Writing Prompts (respond to two only):

1. Explain the origin of the federal Pollution Prevention Act, including the year it was passed, events leading to its passage, politics leading up to its passage, by how wide of a vote it was passed, and which president signed it. Please use the CSU Online Library, the Internet, the textbook, and/or other resources to respond. Please cite and reference all sources used.

2. In Chapters 1 and 2 of the course textbook, Ashby (2013) discusses materials and energy. After studying the

chapters, select four items total (materials and/or energy) where minimal cost pollution prevention efforts can provide the most gain in environmental benefit. Also, discuss which of the laws listed in the Unit I Lesson apply to your selections.

3. Address one of the five principles described on page 102 of the textbook. In your essay, include the date that the

principle was initiated, events that led to the creation of the principle, the purpose of the principle, your thoughts about the usefulness of the principle, and any recent developments that occurred as a result of the principle.

You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for both of your responses. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit II Scholarly Activity Select two out of the three writing prompts listed below. Your responses to your two chosen prompts should be at least 500 words each. No title page is needed, but be sure to indicate which writing prompts you are addressing at the top of each response. Each response needs its own reference page. Writing Prompts (respond to two only):

1. Using the life cycle concepts discussed in Chapter 3, select a product, and describe its life cycle.



MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 3

2. Imagine that you broke a compact disk (CD) that had music on it. Please respond to the following questions in paragraph form:


 How do you typically dispose of a broken CD?

 Does your community have a means of recycling CDs?

 Considering Figure 4.2 in the textbook, what infrastructure would be needed in your community in order to have the best end of life option, which is reuse? If reuse is not possible, discuss re-engineering, recycling, or combustion as options instead of disposal in a landfill.

 Research the materials that are in a CD. Considering Table 4.1, is recycling a possibility?

3. Imagine that you have a smart phone that has been crushed and is no longer usable. Please respond to the following questions in paragraph form:


 How would you typically dispose of a broken smart phone?

 Does your community have a means of recycling smart phones?

 Considering Figure 4.2 in the textbook, what infrastructure would be needed in your community in order to have the best end of life option, which is reuse? If reuse is not possible, discuss re-engineering, recycling, combustion as options instead of disposal in a landfill.

 Research the materials that are in a smart phone. Considering Table 4.1, is recycling a possibility? You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for both of your responses. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit III Case Study Select one of the products described in the eco-audit case study in Chapter 8 of your textbook (e.g., cups, grocery bags, electric kettle). Using the data in the textbook from the eco-audit, additional data from Chapter 15 (as necessary), and any additional resources that you find helpful, prepare a pollution prevention audit for the product that you have selected. Base your P2 audit on the steps shown in the Unit III Lesson. You do not need to use all of the P2 audit steps shown in the Unit III Lesson, but use at least three major steps from each phase (a major step being Step 5 rather than Step 5.1). Since you will not be using all of the steps shown in the Unit Lesson, you may re-number them if you wish so that your audit proceeds sequentially without skipping numbers. Your audit should include an introductory paragraph explaining both the purpose of a P2 audit and the reasons for including the steps that you have selected. Your case study must be at least two full pages in length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style. The introduction should be formatted in paragraph form, and the steps can be formatted as a list. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit IV Scholarly Activity Address all three of the following writing prompts. Your responses to your three chosen prompts should be at least 350 words each. No title page is needed, but be sure to indicate which writing prompts you are addressing at the top of each response. Each response needs its own reference page. Writing Prompts (respond to all three):

1. Review the Reading Assignment titled as “Pollution Prevention Practices in Oregon’s Electronics Industry” by Harding and Jones. In your review, include:


 an overview of the article,

 benefits of using pollution prevention in the electronics industry,

 specific process modifications discussed in the article,



MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 4

 chemical substitutions mentioned in the article,

 economics of making the suggested changes, and

 reasons companies might not embrace pollution prevention.

2. Review the Reading Assignment titled as “Optimal Deployment of Emissions Reduction Technologies for Construction Equipment” by Barl, Zietsman, Quadrifoglio, and Farzaneh. In your review:


 Write an overview of the article.

 Describe hydrogen enrichment (HE), selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and fuel additive (FA) technologies.

 Describe the advantages and disadvantages of HE, SCR, and FA, including a discussion of costs.

 Does the computer model do a satisfactory job of determining the best technology? Explain.

 What would be your recommendations as far as which technology (HE, SCR, and/or FA) should be used, or should none be used?

3. Review the Reading Assignment titled as “Flue Gas Desulfurization: The State of the Art” by Srivastava and

Jozewicz. In your review:

 Write an overview of the article.

 Describe flue gas desulfurization (FGD) at coal-fired power plants and why it is used.

 Explain the details of one once-through process and one regenerable process.

 Summarize the section titled “The MEL [magnesium enhanced slurry] Cost Model.”

 Discuss how the article is useful to a pollution prevention manager.

 Conduct an Internet search to explain the concept of Best Available Technology (BAT) and whether any of the FGD processes described in the article are considered BATs.

You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for all of your responses. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit V Essay Please write an essay about pollution prevention in the dry cleaning and hydraulic fracturing industries. Include the following items:

1. one-paragraph introduction; 2. five-paragraph review of the Sinshelmer, Grout, Namkoong, Gottlieb, and Latif (2007) dry cleaning article,

including an explanation of the common dry cleaning process using perchloroethylene (PCE), problems with PCE, and a review of options to PCE presented in the paper;

3. five-paragraph review (total—not five paragraphs for each article) of the Heywood (2012) article and the Chen, Al- Wadei, Kennedy, and Terry (2014) article on hydraulic fracturing, including environmental issues with hydraulic fracturing and the P2 solutions presented in each of the two articles (include the use of liquid carbon dioxide);

4. five-paragraph review of the Taylor, Carbonell, and Desimone (2010) article on using liquid carbon dioxide for P2, focusing on how liquid carbon dioxide can be used as a substitute in the dry cleaning industry and in the hydraulic fracturing industry; and a

5. two-paragraph summary to include your overall thoughts about P2 in the dry cleaning and hydraulic fracturing industries, and specifically whether liquid carbon dioxide is a reasonable, cost-effective, and environmentally- friendly alternative to traditional methods.

In order to access the resources below, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the Academic Search Complete database within the CSU Online Library. Use at least the following references: Chen, J., Al-Wadei, M. H., Kennedy, C. M., & Terry, P. D. (2014). Hydraulic fracturing: Paving the way for a sustainable

future? Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 1-10. Heywood, P. (2012, April). Fracking safer and greener? TCE: The Chemical Engineer, 850, 42-45.



MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 5

Sinshelmer, P., Grout, C., Namkoong, A., Gottlieb, R., & Latif, A. (2007). The viability of professional wet cleaning as a pollution prevention alternative to perchloroethylene dry cleaning. Air and Waste Management Association, 57, 172-178.

Taylor, D. K., Carbonell, R., & Desimone, J. M. (2010). Opportunities for pollution prevention and energy efficiency

enabled by the carbon dioxide technology platform. Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 25(1), 115-148.

Your paper must be at least three full pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit VI Scholarly Activity Address both of the following writing prompts. Your responses to both of your chosen prompts should be at least 500 words each. No title page is needed, but be sure to indicate which writing prompts you are addressing at the top of each response. Each response needs its own reference page. Writing Prompts (respond to both):

1. Review the Reading Assignment titled as “The Greening of a Pulp and Paper Mill” by Hill, Saviello, and Groves. In your review, describe:

 the history of the Androscoggin Mill, including when it was built, the strike, number of employees, and amount of paper produced,

 the kraft pulping process,

 pollution problems prior to 1990,

 P2 methods implemented after 1990, best available technologies, and economics, and

 key actions by the 1990s management team that changed the mill from an environmental problem to an environmental success.

2. Review the Reading Assignment titled as “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Opportunities for Concrete

Pavements” by Santero, Loojos, and Ochsendorf. In your review, describe:

 greenhouse gas production from construction and operation of pavements,

 how each of the following reduces greenhouse emissions: embodied emissions, albedo, carbonation, and vehicle fuel consumption,

 the five greenhouse gas emissions strategies starting on page 861,

 best available technologies related to concrete paving, and

 the Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) presented in the article. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for both of your responses. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit VII Scholarly Activity Address both of the following writing prompts. Your responses to both of your chosen prompts should be at least 500 words each. No title page is needed, but be sure to indicate which writing prompts you are addressing at the top of each response. Each response needs its own reference page. Writing Prompts (respond to both):

1. Review the Reading Assignment titled as “Designing a Low-Cost Pollution Prevention Plan to Pay Off at the University of Houston” by Bialowas, Sullivan, and Schneller. In your review, describe:


 why the university developed a P2 plan,

 the process of bulking hazardous wastes, fume hood modifications, and cost savings,



MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 6

 silver recovery and cost savings,

 oil reclamation plan and cost savings, and

 your overall thoughts about the university’s P2 program.

2. Review the Reading Assignment titled as “Effectiveness of State Pollution Prevention Programs and Policies” by Donna Harrington. In your review, describe:


 the three objectives of the study,

 the Toxic Releases Inventory (TRI) and its impact on P2,

 the empirical model (framework) used in the study,

 costs of P2 programs, and

 the article’s conclusions and your thoughts about the conclusions. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for both of your responses. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below. Unit VIII Research Paper Please write a research paper addressing the following: How important is corporate philosophy to a company’s pollution prevention efforts? Please use an example of one or more companies to support your position. The completed assignment must be a minimum of 4-5 pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. The paper should have a minimum of three sections: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. A minimum of three references should be used, and at least one of these must be from a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. You may use articles cited in previous portions of the course but you must write new, unique content that was not in any of your previous submissions in this (or any other) course. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

APA Guidelines The application of the APA writing style shall be practical, functional, and appropriate to each academic level, with the primary purpose being the documentation (citation) of sources. CSU requires that students use APA style for certain papers and projects. Students should always carefully read and follow assignment directions and review the associated grading rubric when available. Students can find CSU’s Citation Guide by clicking here. This document includes examples and sample papers and provides information on how to contact the CSU Success Center.

Grading Rubrics This course utilizes analytic grading rubrics as tools for your professor in assigning grades for all learning activities. Each rubric serves as a guide that communicates the expectations of the learning activity and describes the criteria for each level of achievement. In addition, a rubric is a reference tool that lists evaluation criteria and can help you organize your efforts to meet the requirements of that learning activity. It is imperative for you to familiarize yourself with these rubrics because these are the primary tools your professor uses for assessing learning activities. Rubric categories include: (1) Discussion Board, (2) Assessment (Written Response), and (3) Assignment. However, it is possible that not all of the listed rubric types will be used in a single course (e.g., some courses may not have Assessments). The Discussion Board rubric can be found within Unit I’s Discussion Board submission instructions. The Assessment (Written Response) rubric can be found embedded in a link within the directions for each Unit Assessment. However, these rubrics will only be used when written-response questions appear within the Assessment.



MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 7

Each Assignment type (e.g., article critique, case study, research paper) will have its own rubric. The Assignment rubrics are built into Blackboard, allowing students to review them prior to beginning the Assignment and again once the Assignment has been scored. This rubric can be accessed via the Assignment link located within the unit where it is to be submitted. Students may also access the rubric through the course menu by selecting “Tools” and then “My Grades.” Again, it is vitally important for you to become familiar with these rubrics because their application to your Discussion Boards, Assessments, and Assignments is the method by which your instructor assigns all grades.

Communication Forums These are non-graded discussion forums that allow you to communicate with your professor and other students. Participation in these discussion forums is encouraged, but not required. You can access these forums with the buttons in the Course Menu. Instructions for subscribing/unsubscribing to these forums are provided below. Click here for instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe and post to the Communication Forums. Ask the Professor This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content questions. Questions may focus on Blackboard locations of online course components, textbook or course content elaboration, additional guidance on assessment requirements, or general advice from other students. Questions that are specific in nature, such as inquiries regarding assessment/assignment grades or personal accommodation requests, are NOT to be posted on this forum. If you have questions, comments, or concerns of a non- public nature, please feel free to email your professor. Responses to your post will be addressed or emailed by the professor within 48 hours. Before posting, please ensure that you have read all relevant course documentation, including the syllabus, assessment/assignment instructions, faculty feedback, and other important information. Student Break Room This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates. Communication on this forum should always maintain a standard of appropriateness and respect for your fellow classmates. This forum should NOT be used to share assessment answers.


Discussion Boards (8 @ 2%) = 16% Scholarly Activities (5 @ 9%) = 45% Unit III Case Study = 12% Unit V Essay = 12% Unit VIII Research Paper = 15% Total = 100%


Course Schedule/Checklist (PLEASE PRINT) The following pages contain a printable Course Schedule to assist you through this course. By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted.



MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 8

MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention Course Schedule

By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted. Please keep this schedule for reference as you progress through your course.


Unit I Introduction to Pollution Prevention

Review:  Unit Study Guide


 Chapter 1: Introduction: material dependence  Chapter 2: Resource consumption and its drivers  Chapter 5: The long reach of legislation  Additional Reading Assignment(s): See Study Guide  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

Submit:  Scholarly Activity by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)



Unit II Life Cycle Assessment as it Relates to Pollution Prevention

Review:  Unit Study Guide


 Chapter 3: The material life cycle  Chapter 4: End of first life: a problem or a resource?  Additional Reading Assignment(s): See Study Guide  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

Submit:  Scholarly Activity by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)





MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 9

MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention Course Schedule

Unit III Pollution Prevention Audits

Review:  Unit Study Guide


 Chapter 7: Eco-audits and eco-audit tools  Chapter 8: Case studies: eco-audits  Additional Reading Assignment(s): See Study Guide  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

Submit:  Case Study by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)



Unit IV Pollution Prevention in Specific Industries – Construction, Electronics, and Coal-Fired Power Plants

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Reading Assignment: See Study Guide  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

Submit:  Scholarly Activity by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)



Unit V Pollution Prevention in Specific Industries – Dry Cleaning and Hydraulic Fracturing

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Reading Assignment: See Study Guide  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

Submit:  Essay by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)





MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 10

MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention Course Schedule

Unit VI Pollution Prevention in Specific Industries – Pulp and Paper Milling and Concrete Paving

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Reading Assignment: See Study Guide  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

Submit:  Scholarly Activity by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)



Unit VII Pollution Prevention Economics

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Reading Assignment: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

Submit:  Scholarly Activity by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)



Unit VIII Corporate Philosophy

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Reading Assignment: See Study Guide  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)

Submit:  Research Paper by Tuesday,11:59 p.m (Central Time)


Hazard Vulnerability Matrix – Completed Example Hazard Probability Impact Frequency Distribution

Toolkit IS-559 / G-556


Hazard Vulnerability Matrix – Completed Example Hazard Probability Impact Frequency Distribution

List specific hazards which could occur in your community. Include natural hazards as well as adversarial or human-caused hazards.

High Moderate Low None

Major Minor None

50 years 10 years 5-10 years 2-3 years every year several times per year

Regional County-wide Localized N/A

Civil Disturbance Low Minor 50 years Localized

Communications Failure Medium Minor 10 years Regional

Drought Low Minor 50 years Regional

Earthquake None None N/A N/A

Epidemic Medium Major 50 years Regional

Fire Low Minor 10 years Localized

Flooding Medium Major 5-10 years County-wide

Gas Leak Low Minor 50 years Localized

Hazardous Material Spill Low Minor 50 years Localized

Hurricane Medium Major 50 years County-wide

Ice Storm Low Minor 50 years County-wide

Landslide None None N/A N/A

Plane/Train/Auto Crash Low Minor 10 years Localized

Terrorism Low Minor 50 years County-wide

Tornado Low Minor 10 years County-wide

Tropical Storm Medium Minor 10 years County-wide

Tsunami None None N/A N/A

Water Pipe Break Medium Minor 10 years Localized

Wildfire Low Minor 50 years Localized

Work Stoppage Low Minor 50 years Localized

Note: This is not a comprehensive list of hazards. Be sure to identify and list hazards that could affect your community.

IS-11.a: Animals in Disasters: Community Planning

IS-11.a: Animals in Disasters: Community Planning

1. Animals that have been exposed to hazardous materials present no danger to people.

A. True B. False 2. The best disaster preparedness starts at which level?

A. Local B. Personal C. Federal D. State 3. A legal agreement among two or more local jurisdictions that plan to assist each other in cases of emergencies is which of the following?

A. Local law B. Mutual aid agreement C. Memorandum of understanding D. Local ordinance 4. Which is NOT a method of reducing the impact of floods on animals?

A. Locating stables and other animal buildings on high ground B. Creating flood protection for roads into and out of the farm C. Identifying cost-effective methods of disposing of animal carcasses D. Making plans for evacuation of companion animals 5. Which of the following is NOT accounted for in community damage assessment?

A. Damages to structures B. Number of animals killed or injured C. Personal items such as photographs D. Damages to a community’s infrastructure 6. Which of the following is NOT a form of assistance that may be provided following a Presidential disaster declaration?

A. Food coupons B. Legal services C. Unemployment assistance D. Permanent housing 7. When confronted by a dog that seems as though it is going to attack you, which of the following actions will most likely reduce the risk of being bitten? A. Yelling for help B. Running away C. Putting something between yourself and the dog D. Lying down and playing dead 8. Public awareness campaigns accomplish which one of the following?

A. Plan implementation, including who is responsible for which actions B. Form partnerships between emergency management and animal-care communities C. Assign roles to various governmental agencies in emergency response D. Address hazards that may potentially affect your community 9. Emergency operations plans should not be tested in advance, so that responders will react with additional energy and not be complacent.

A. True B. False 10. Holding training sessions for officials with roles in the emergency operations plan is an example of approaching which of the following groups?

A. The public B. Private-sector organizations C. Government D. The media 11. During a disaster, information about a temporary animal shelter:

A. Should be conveyed to the public by the Public Information Officer to ensure a coordinated and consistent message. B. Is best communicated to the public by each separate department involved in the disaster response. C. Is most effectively conveyed by announcing it to all local veterinarians so they can inform their patients. D. Can most efficiently be communicated by posting a sign on the front door of City Hall. 12. The emergency operations plan functions as a local law.

A. True B. False 13. Adding a distinctive smell to odorless liquid propane gas is an example of what type of mitigation activity?

A. Modifying the basic qualities of a hazard B. Reducing or limiting the amount of hazard manufactured C. Disseminating information D. Modifying the rate or spatial distribution of the release of the hazard 14. Plans should respect the concerns of people who do not wish to be exposed to animals.

A. True B. False 15. Which method of carcass disposal involves mixing 1 part carcass to 2 parts litter and 1 part straw in alternate layers in a boxed, enclosed area?

A. Burial B. Rendering C. Fermenting D. Composting 16. Which of the following Federal organizations is most likely to provide assistance regarding the safety of livestock feed in a federally declared disaster? A. Food and Drug Administration B. Department of Agriculture C. Federal Emergency Management Agency D. Environmental Protection Agency 17. Who is responsible for coordinating the Federal agencies and programs involved in assistance?

A. FEMA B. State Coordinating Officer C. Local emergency manager D. Federal Coordinating Officer 18. Which of the following government agencies may send veterinary medical assistance teams (VMATs) in the event of an emergency?

A. Department of Health and Human Services B. Department of Defense C. Federal Emergency Management Agency D. Department of Agriculture 19. Senior citizens are a valuable source of volunteers.

A. True B. False 20. Creating brochures is expensive, and NOT recommended as a way to inform the community about the emergency operations plan.

A. True B. False

I have FEMA Certifications particular subjects listed below. If anyone is familiar with FEMA certifications, it HAS to have passing choices.

I have FEMA Certifications particular subjects listed below. If anyone is familiar with FEMA certifications, it HAS to have passing choices.


I will send the multiple choice word documents of each of the subjects listed below. Questions range from a minimum of 15 – 50 (very few) multiple choice questions. You can forward back to me as you complete until all is completed. Deadline is Feb. 12, 2015. All SERIOUS and EXPERIENCED APPLY.




IS – 10.a                   Animals in Disasters: Awareness and Preparedness

IS – 11.a                   Animals in Disasters:  Community Planning

IS – 103                    Geospatial Information Systems Specialist

IS – 111.a                 Livestock in Disasters

IS – 139                    Exercise Design

IS – 208.a                 State Disaster Management


IS – 235.b                 Emergency Planning

IS – 240.a                 Leadership and Influence

IS – 241.a  Decision Making and Problem Solving

– 244.a or 244.b    Developing and Managing Volunteers


IS – 288                    The Role of Voluntary Agencies in Emergency Management

IS – 301                    Radiological Emergency Response

IS – 302                    Modular Emergency Radiological Response Transportation Training

IS—315                    CERT Supplemental Training: The Incident Command System


IS – 331                    Introduction to Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation

IS – 340                    Hazardous Materials Prevention

IS – 346                    An Orientation to Hazardous Materials for Medical Personnel

IS—360                    Preparing for Mass Casualty Incidents: A Guide for Schools, Higher Ed and Houses of Worship


IS – 386                    Introduction to Residential Coastal Construction

IS – 393 or 393.a      Introduction to Hazard Mitigation

IS – 394 or 394.a      Protecting Your Home or Small Business from Disaster

IS—523                    Resilient Accord – Exercising Continuity Plans for Cyber Incidents

IS – 613                    Technical Writing – (ENGLISH)

IS – 632.a                 Introduction to Debris Operations


Energy Use: Our Growing Dependence on Nonrenewable Fuels What Is Energy?


Energy comes in many forms. In most industrial nations, coal,oil, and natural gas are the predominant fuels. These non-renewable forms of energy are the lifeblood of modern indus- trial societies, but they are also a potential Achilles’ heel. If you cut the supply off for even a brief moment, industry would come to a standstill. Agriculture and mining would halt. Millions would be out of work. Automobiles would vanish from city streets. Al- most everything in our homes would cease to operate. In addition, as the Gulf oil spill in 2010 showed, our dependence on these fuels can be extremely costly!

Many of the less developed nations have pinned their hopes for economic progress on their ability to tap into oil, coal, natural gas, and to a lesser extent nuclear power, which have fueled the indus-

Nonrenewable Energy Sources

Energy Use: Our Growing Dependence on Nonrenewable Fuels What Is Energy? Fossil Fuels: Analyzing Our Options Fossil Fuels: Meeting Future Demand Nuclear Energy Guidelines for Creating a Sustainable Energy System Establishing Priorities

Spotlight on Sustainable Development 14-1: Controversy Over Oil Exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Spotlight on Sustainable Development 14-2: Coca-Cola Goes Green Point/Counterpoint: Should We Drill for Oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge? Point/Counterpoint: Should Nuclear Power Be Revived?


14.6 14.5


14.3 14.2




That human beings are fallible has been known since the beginning of time, but modern technology adds new urgency to the recognition.

—Garrett Hardin



276 PART IV. Resource Issues: Solutions for a Sustainable Society

FIGURE 14-1 Chang- ing options. Energy consumption in the United States by fuel type from 1850 to the present. As this graph shows, U.S. energy de- pendence has shifted over the years from wood to oil, coal, and natural gas. (Quad = quadrillion BTUs.) Source: US Statistical Abstract.


Exercise Global climate change has led many propo- nents of nuclear energy in the United States to lobby the public and Congress for renewed support of nuclear energy to lessen America’s dependence on foreign oil and coal. Adver- tisements in prominent magazines still tout the benefits of nuclear power. In such ads, proponents of nuclear power note that this technology has the added benefit of not contributing to global warming, a problem worsened by the combustion of fossil fuels— especially coal, oil, and oil byproducts such as gasoline, jet fuel, and diesel.

Is this thinking valid? Why or why not?

oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy. It looks at their impacts and their abundance. It ends with some guidelines on creating a sustainable energy future.

Energy Use: Our Growing Dependence on Nonrenewable Fuels

U.S. and Canadian Energy Consumption One hundred years ago, Americans had few choices for en- ergy (FIGURE 14-1). Wood, a renewable resource, was the main form of energy. Today, the nation’s options are many: coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, geothermal energy, solar power, nuclear power, and wind.

American energy options began to expand in the late 1800s as wood, which once fueled the nation’s factories, became depleted. Coal began to be used in factories, but coal was a dirty, bulky fuel that was expensive to mine and transport. When oil and natural gas were made available in the early 1900s, coal use began to fall. The new, cleaner-burning fuels were easier and cheaper to transport.

Today, despite numerous energy options, the United States depends primarily on three fossil fuels: oil, natural gas, and coal. In 2008, oil accounted for 37% of total energy con- sumption (FIGURE 14-2a). Natural gas provided 24%, and coal provided nearly 23% of the energy. All told, fossil fuels account for nearly 85% of our energy use. Nuclear power, another nonrenewable fuel, provided 8.5%. Renewable sources—solar, geothermal, and hydropower—supplied a little over 7%.

Canada is also heavily dependent on fossil fuels. In 2008, coal, oil, natural gas, and other fossil fuels accounted for 66% of the nation’s total energy consumption. Canada relies heav- ily on nuclear energy, which meets 7% of its total demand. Wood makes up the remaining supplies along with renewable


Nuclear energy

Hydropower, geothermal, and others

Natural gas




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1880 1900 1920 Year

1940 1960 1980

trial transformation of the wealthy nations. China, for example, is hoping to get much of its future en- ergy from its abundant supplies of coal and from oil it imports from other countries. According to several sources, China is building hundreds of coal- fired power plants to supply electricity to its vast and continually growing population, which is experiencing rapid economic growth.

Is the industrial world’s dependence on coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear energy sustainable? Can less developed nations achieve success by follow- ing in our footsteps?

This chapter examines the sustainability of the predominant nonrenewable energy fuels—coal,



CHAPTER 14: Nonrenewable Energy Sources 277

FIGURE 14-2 The U.S. energy profile. (a) This pie chart shows the major energy sources in the United States in 2009. Oil, natural gas, and coal are the three most commonly used fuels. (b) Ma- jor energy consumers in the United States. Indus- try and transportation lead the pack.

energy, primarily hydroelectricity, energy which supplies about 25% of Canada’s annual energy demand. Renewable energy from solar and wind sources provide negligible amounts of power.

FIGURE 14-2b breaks down energy consumption by user in the United States in 2009. As it shows, industry and the com- mercial sector consume about 50% of the nation’s energy. Transportation consumes about 28%, and residential use ac- counts for about 22.4%.


Global Energy Consumption Virtually all industrial nations get the energy they need from nonrenewable energy sources. On average, they receive about 85% of their energy from fossil fuels, 5% from nuclear power, a type of nonrenewable energy, and 10% from renewables such as solar and wind energy, although the renewable en- ergy contribution is growing rapidly in many countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Spain, and Den- mark. (FIGURE 14-3a). In the less developed countries, renew- able energy sources such as biomass (wood and cow dung, for example) play a much more important role in supplying de- mand, satisfying about 40% of their energy requirements (FIG- URE 14-3b). Nonrenewable fossil fuels supply about 60% of the total energy. Of nonrenewable energy fuels used in these coun- tries, oil supplies the largest share. Coal and natural gas sup- ply the rest. Nuclear power contributes only a tiny fraction of their energy demand, in large part, because of the high cost of this option.

Worldwide, the biggest users of energy are Americans, who make up about 4.6% of the world’s population but con- sume about 25% of its primary energy. On a per capita ba- sis, Americans consume more than twice as much energy as the people of Japan and Western Europe and about 16 times more per capita than the people of less developed nations. Canada is also a major consumer of energy, using more per capita than any other nation except for Luxembourg. With only 0.6% of the world’s population, Canada uses

Energy use in the United States has shifted considerably over the years. Today, the United States depends on a variety of fuel sources. Fossil fuels provide the bulk of the energy. Industry and business consume the majority of the fuel. Transportation is another major energy consumer.

2.5% of the world’s energy. The reasons for this are many. It is a large country, situated in a cold climate. It has an energy-intensive industrial economy with logging, mining, agriculture, and energy production as the

chief sources of income. The extraction and processing of energy resources alone contributes 7% to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product. Historically, energy prices have been low and Canadians tend to use energy inefficiently.

KEY CONCEPTS Like the United States, most more developed countries rely pri- marily on fossil fuels. Least developed countries depend on fos- sil fuels as well, but they also receive a substantial amount of energy from various renewable fuels, especially biomass. Amer- icans make up a small portion of the world’s population but ac- count for a very large percentage of global energy consumption.

Coal Transportation


(a) Ene r gy sou r ces (b) Ene r gy consume r s




Nuclear 8.5%

Solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric 7.3%

Natural gas





29.8% 19.2%




Nuclear Power

Natural Gas 23%

Coal 25%

Oil 37%



Biomass 3%

Nuclear Power 1%

Natural Gas 7%

Coal 25%

Oil 26%

Biomass 35%

Hydropower, geothermal, solar

Hydropower, geothermal,

solar 6%

Renewable Resources

Nonrenewable Resources





FIGURE 14-3 Global energy use. (a) More developed countries. (b) Less developed countries.





278 PART IV. Resource Issues: Solutions for a Sustainable Society

What Is Energy? Energy is all around us, but it is sometimes difficult to de- fine. But what exactly is it?

Energy Comes in Many Forms Let’s begin by making a simple observation as a way to help define this term: Energy comes in many forms. For example, humans in many countries rely today on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas. Some use a lot of nuclear energy to generate electricity. In other countries, wood and other forms of biomass are primary forms of energy. (Biomass in- cludes a wide assortment of solid fuels, such as wood, and liquid fuels, such as ethanol derived from corn, and biodiesel, a diesel fuel made from vegetable oils.) And don’t forget sun- light, wind, hydropower, and the geothermal energy—energy produced in the Earth’s interior. Even a cube of sugar con- tains energy! Touch a match to it, and it will burn, giving off heat and light energy, two additional forms of energy.

Energy Can Be Renewable or Nonrenewable Energy in its various forms can be broadly classified as either renewable or nonrenewable. Renewable energy, as noted earlier, is any form of energy that’s regenerated by natural forces. Wind, for instance, is a renewable form of energy. It is available to us year after year, thanks in large part to the unequal heating of the Earth’s surface. When one area is warmed by the sun, for instance, hot air is produced. Hot air rises, and as it does, cooler air moves in from neighboring areas. As the cool air moves in, it creates winds of varying intensity. Renewable en- ergy is everywhere and is replenished year after year, provid- ing humankind with a potentially enormous supply . . . if only we’re smart enough to tap into it!

Nonrenewable energy, on the other hand, is finite. It can- not be regenerated in a timely fashion by natural processes. Coal, oil, natural gas, tar sands, oil shale, and nuclear energy are all nonrenewable forms of energy. Ironically, although most of these sources of energy were produced by natural bi- ological and geological processes early in the Earth’s history, and, although these processes continue today in some parts of the world, these fuels are not being produced at a rate even remotely close to our consumption. Coal, for instance, may be forming in some swamplands around the world. But its re- generation is taking place at such a painfully slow rate that it is meaningless. Put another way, contemporary produc- tion can never replenish the massive supplies that were pro- duced over long periods of time many millions of years ago. Because of this, coal, oil, natural gas, and others are essentially finite. When they’re gone, they’re gone.

So, now you know two basic facts about energy: energy comes in many forms, and all forms of energy broadly fit into two general categories: renewable and nonrenewable.

Energy Can Be Converted from One Form to Another Yet there’s more to energy than this. For example, even the ca- sual observer can tell you that energy can be converted from one form to another. Natural gas, for example, when burned

14.2 is converted to heat and light. Coal, oil, wood, biodiesel, and other fuels are also converted to other forms of energy dur- ing combustion. Heat, light, and electricity are the most com- mon byproducts of these conversions, but the possibilities don’t end here. Visible light contained in the sun’s energy can be converted to heat. It can also be converted to electrical energy. Even wind can be converted to electricity or to me- chanical energy to drive a pump to draw water from the ground.

Energy Conversions Allow Us to Put Energy to Good Use Not only can energy be converted to other forms, it has to derive benefit for us. Coal, by itself, is of little value to us. It’s a sedimentary rock and fun to behold, but it is the heat and electricity produced when coal is burned in power plants that are of value to us. Sunlight is pretty, too, and it feeds the plants we eat; but in our homes and factories, however, it is the heat that the sun produces and the electricity we can generate from it that is of primary value to us.

In summary, then, it is not raw forms of energy that we need. Not at all. It is the byproducts of energy that are un- leashed when we “process” them in various energy-liberating technologies that meet the complex needs of society.

Energy Can Neither Be Created nor Destroyed Another thing you need to know to deepen your under- standing of energy is that energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed. Physicists call this the First Law of Thermo- dynamics or, simply, the First Law.

The First Law says that all energy comes from pre- existing forms. Even though you may think you are “creat- ing” energy when you burn a piece of firewood in a woodstove, all you are doing is unleashing energy contained in the wood—specifically, the energy locked in the chemi- cal bonds in the molecules that make up wood. It, in turn, came from sunlight. The sun’s energy came from the fusion of hydrogen atoms in the sun’s interior.

Energy Is Degraded When It Is Converted from One Form to Another More important to us, however, is the Second Law of Thermo- dynamics. The Second Law, says, quite simply, that anytime one converts a form of energy to another form—for example, when you convert natural gas to heat—it is degraded. Trans- lated, that means energy conversions transform high-quality energy resource to low-quality energy. Natural gas, for in- stance, contains a huge amount of energy in a small volume; it’s locked up in the simple chemical bonds that attach the car- bon atom to the four hydrogen atoms of the methane mole- cules. When these bonds are broken, the stored chemical energy is released. Light and heat are the products. Both light and heat are less concentrated forms of energy, or lower qual- ity forms of energy. Hence, we say that natural gas, a concen- trated form of energy, is “degraded.” In electric power plants,



CHAPTER 14: Nonrenewable Energy Sources 279

only about 50% of the energy contained in natural gas is con- verted to electrical energy. The rest is “lost” as heat and is dissipated into the environment.

No Energy Conversion Is 100% Efficient, Not Even Close to It! This leads us to another important fact about energy: No energy conversion is 100% efficient. When coal is burned in an electrical power plant, only about one-third of the en- ergy contained in the coal is converted to useful energy, in this case, electricity. The rest is lost as heat and light. The same goes for renewable energy technologies. One hundred units of solar energy beaming down on a solar electric module won’t produce the equivalent of 100 units of electricity. You’ll only get around 12 to 15% conversion on the most popular modules on the market today.

Energy is lost in all conversions. One hundred units of electrical energy won’t produce 100 units of light energy in a standard incandescent lightbulb. In fact, most conven- tional lightbulbs in our homes (incandescent lights) con- vert only about 5% of the electrical energy that runs through them into light. The rest comes out as heat!

Each conversion in a chain of energy conversions loses useful energy, as shown in FIGURE 14-4. Don’t forget that. To get the most out of our primary energy sources, we must re- duce the number of conversions along the path.

But let’s get something straight. Some of you may be wondering whether all of this discussion of “energy losses” is violation of the First Law, which states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

The truth be known, the “energy losses” I’ve been talk- ing about during energy conversion are not really losses in the true sense of the word. Energy is not really destroyed; it is released in various forms, some useful and others, such as heat, not so useful. Chemical energy in gasoline that runs a car, for instance, is converted to mechanical energy of mov- ing parts that propel us forward along the highways. Some is also lost as heat that radiates off the engine. This waste heat is of little value except to use on cold winter days when cap- tured, at least in part, to warm the car’s interior.

Eventually, however, all heat produced by a motorized vehicle escapes into outer space. It is not destroyed, per se;

it escapes into space and is no longer available to us. Hence, the conversion results in a net loss of useful energy.

By now you know that there are many forms of energy. You know that energy can be renewable or nonrenewable. You understand that raw energy is not as important to us in our homes as is the useful byproducts such as electricity, light, or heat. You now also know that energy can neither be cre- ated, nor destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another, and you’re privy to the fact that no energy con- version is 100% efficient, not even close.

You also understand that during conversions useful en- ergy decreases. Put another way, all conversions lose energy as heat that is dissipated into outer space. That fact, in turn, is important for nonrenewable fuels; once they’ve burned or reacted in the case of nuclear fuels their energy is gone for- ever. The heat radiates endlessly into outer space, heating the universe as it were.

Renewable energy resources, on the other hand, can be regenerated year after year after year. If we’re going to per- sist as a society in the long term, it is renewable energy re- sources we’ll need to rely on. Unlike fossil fuel energy and nuclear energy, renewable resources can return again and again, making our lives bright and cheery and comfortable so long as the sun continues to illuminate the daytime sky. With these important points in mind, let’s define this thing we call energy.

Energy Is the Ability to Do Work To a physicist, energy is defined as “the ability to do work.” More accurately, says engineer John Howe, “Energy is that elusive something that allows us to do work.” We and our machines, that is.

Any time you lift an object, for example, or slide an ob- ject across the floor, you are performing work. The same holds for our machines. Anytime a machine lifts something or moves it from one place to another, it performs work.

Energy, quite simply, is valuable because it allows us to perform work. It powers our bodies. It powers our homes. It powers our society. We cannot exist without energy.

According to physicists, work is also performed when the temperature of a substance, for example, water, is raised. Therefore, your stove or microwave is working when it boils water for hot tea or soup.

Radiant energy

Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat Heat


Chemical energy


Chemical energy


Thermal energy

Coal-burning power plant

Mechanical energy

Steam-driven turbine

Electrical energy

Transmission tower

Radiant energy

Computer monitor

FIGURE 14-4 Different forms of energy. Energy can be changed from one form to another; however, with each change a certain amount of energy is lost as heat. (Adapted from D. D. Chiras, et al. Management for a Sustainable Future, Ninth edition. Pearson Education [2005]: Upper Saddle River, NJ.)



280 PART IV. Resource Issues: Solutions for a Sustainable Society

Fossil Fuels: Analyzing Our Options

Energy is the lifeblood of modern society, but it does not come cheaply. In addition to its economic cost, huge envi- ronmental costs are posed by many forms of energy. As you shall soon see, these impacts lead many to conclude that the current energy system is unsustainable. When analyzing the sustainability of the world’s energy system, one must take into account available supplies as well as the impacts to the en- vironment, climate, and human health. This section exam- ines those impacts. Before we can understand them, though, we must first understand the many steps required to deliver energy to our homes, factories, and gas stations.

FIGURE 14-5 presents a diagram of some of the major steps involved in energy production and consumption. This chain of events constitutes an energy system and is composed of six major phases: exploration, extraction, processing, distribution, storage, and end use. Take a moment to familiarize yourself

14.3 with these steps. As a rule, the most notable environmental impacts occur at the extraction and end-use phases.

Understanding energy systems and the impacts along the way makes it clear that a simple flick of a light switch or a press on the gas pedal of an automobile creates a trail of en- vironmental damage. It shows our personal connection to the long list of environmental problems facing the world.


Crude Oil Crude oil or petroleum is a thick liquid containing many combustible hydrocarbons (organic compounds made of hy- drogen and carbon). Found in deep deposits in the seafloor

Energy does not come cheaply. In addition to the economic costs, society pays a huge environmental price for its use of nonrenew- able energy in damage to the health of its people and to the en- vironment. These impacts arise at every phase of energy production. The most significant impacts arise from extraction and end use.






Mine rail




Pipeline Refineries

National Tank truck

Tank car



Tanker (product imports)


Pipeline Gas holders

LNG tanker

LNG truck

LNG truck Regasification

Storage tank

Tank truck

Tank car

Coke clean

Steam clean


Mixed train

Unit train

Barge Generation

Transmission Truck










Transmission Electrical

Space conditioning


Space conditioning





Slot oven



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Tr an

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Pr oc

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University of California, San Diego Urban Studies and Planning Program USP 177, URBAN DESIGN PRACTICUM

FALL 2017

Individual Exercise: REACTION PAPER DUE Week 3 October 18, 2017 Page 1 of 1


Individual Exercise 1 – Individual Reaction Paper DUE Week 3, October 18, 2017 at the start of class A Reaction Paper is a BRIEF synopsis or analysis that answers the question(s) posed, supported by the reading materials. The purpose of a Reaction Paper is to develop analytical writing skills that are concise and to the point. You will not string together quotes from reading materials. You will express your ideas with a strong conclusion. In your own words you will answer 2 questions: “What is Urban Design? How does Urban Design contribute to the physical development of a city?” Your paper will be prepared on TWO (2), single sheets of 8-1/2”x11” paper using a 12 pt. font, double-spaced and a hard copy submitted on the due date. Type your name and date at the upper left corner of the page. Late papers will not be accepted. You are required to include one quote from each of the required readings (see READINGS below) Use one (1) quote from Madanipour and one (1) quote from Krieger to support your answers and point of view; your paper must have a total of two (2) quotes. Use footnotes to cite your quotes/source material and your footnotes are included in the TWO page limit.

Required Reading is On website: 1. “Ambiguities of urban design”, Ali Madanipour, Chapter 2, pgs.

12-23. 2. “Where and How does Urban Design Happen?” Alex Krieger,

pgs. 113-130.



Worth 5 Points Comments: Student Name:__________________________________

Imagine that you are preparing a 750- to 1,050-word letter for a time capsule for your great-great grandchildren which explains the long-term energy sustainability plan that you developed in Episode 4 of Gamescape.

Imagine that you are preparing a 750- to 1,050-word letter for a time capsule for your great-great grandchildren which explains the long-term energy sustainability plan that you developed in Episode 4 of Gamescape.

Include the following points in your letter:

  • Briefly describe the nation’s current energy situation, reliance on oil, and renewable energy sources avaible to us. Discuss some challenges that our nation faces with managing our energy resources and how these challenges have affect you personally.
  • Describe the sustainability plan you developed in Epsiode 4 of Gamescape. Identify two strengths and two weaknesses in this plan. How can you address these weaknesses?
  • Present three ways in which you hope our nation will educate people on renewable resources and wisely managing our fossil fuel supply.
  • Close with one key message that you want your great-great grandchildren to understand about how our current society has managed our energy sources and their environmental effects.

Topic: SCI 207 Our Dependence upon the Environment

36002 Topic: SCI 207 Our Dependence upon the Environment

Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced)

Number of sources: 3

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay

Academic Level:Undergraduate

Category: Environmental Issues

Language Style: English (U.S.)

Order Instructions: Attached

Week 1 – Assignment 1

Stream Morphology Laboratory

[WLO: 1] [CLOs: 1, 3, 5]

This lab enables you to construct a physical scale model of a stream system to help you understand how streams and rivers shape the landscape, and how human actions can affect river ecosystems. This lab is done with materials that you will need to supply; the list of items you will need to obtain is in the Stream Morphology Investigation ManualPreview the document.

The Process:

Take the required photos and complete all parts of the assignment (calculations, data tables, etc.). On the “Lab Worksheet,” answer all of the questions in the “Lab Questions” section. Finally, transfer all of your answers and visual elements from the “Lab Worksheet” into the “Lab Report.” You will submit both the “Lab Report” and the “Lab Worksheet” to Waypoint.

The Assignment:

Make sure to complete all of the following items before submission:

Before you begin the assignment, read the Stream Morphology Investigation ManualPreview the document and review The Scientific Method presentation video.

Complete Activity 1 and Activity 2 using the materials that you supply. Photograph each activity following these instructions:

When taking lab photos, you need to include in each image a strip of paper with your name and the date clearly written on it.

Complete all parts of the Week 1 Lab WorksheetPreview the document and answer all of the questions in the “Lab Questions” section.

Transfer your responses to the lab questions and the data tables and your photos from the “Lab Worksheet” into the Lab Report TemplatePreview the document.

Submit your completed “Lab Report” and “Lab Worksheet” through Waypoint.


Stream Morphology

Investigation Manual


Table of Contents

2 Overview 2 Outcomes

2 Time Requirements

3 Background

9 Materials

10 Safety

10 Preparation 10 Activity 1

12 Activity 2

13 Submission

13 Disposal and Cleanup

14 Lab Worksheet

18 Lab Questions


Students will construct a physical scale model of a stream system to help understand how streams and rivers shape the solid earth (i.e., the landscape). Students will perform several experiments

to determine streamflow properties under different conditions. They will apply the scientific method, testing their own scenarios regarding human impacts on river systems.


• Design a stream table model to analyze the different characteristics of streamflow.

• Explain the effects of watersheds on the surrounding environment in terms of the biology, water quality, and economic importance of streams.

• Identify different stream features based on their geological formation due to erosion and deposition.

• Develop an experiment to test how human actions can modify stream morphology in ways that may, in turn, impact riparian ecosystems.

Time Requirements

Preparation ……………………………………………………………. 5 minutes, then let sit overnight Activity 1: Creating a Stream Table ………………………….. 60 minutes

Activity 2: Scientific Method: Modeling Human Impacts

on Stream Ecosystems……………………………. 45 minutes


Personal project

e (PPE)








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follow photograph stopwatch

link to video

results and submit

required on flammable toxic environment health hazard













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2 Carolina Distance Learning


A watershed is an area of land that drains

any form of precipitation into the earth’s water bodies (see Figure 1). The entire land area that forms this connection of atmospheric water to the water on Earth, whether it is rain flowing into a lake or snow soaking into the groundwater, is considered a watershed.

Water covers approximately 70% of the earth’s surface. However, about two-thirds of all water is impaired to some degree, with less than

1% being accessible, consumable freshwater. Keeping watersheds pristine is the leading method for providing clean drinking water to communities, and it is a high priority worldwide. However, with increased development and people flocking toward waterfront regions to live, downstream communities are becoming increasingly polluted every day.

From small streams to large rivers (hereafter considered “streams”), streamflow is a vital part of understanding the formation of water and landmasses within a watershed. Understanding the flow of a stream can help to determine when and how much water reaches other areas of a watershed. For example, one of the leading causes of pollution in most waterways across the United States is excessive nutrient and sediment overloading from runoff from

the landmasses surrounding these waterways. Nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen

are prevalent in fertilizers that wash off lawns and farms into surrounding sewer and water systems. This process can cause the overproduction of algae, which are further degraded

by bacteria. These bacteria then take up the surrounding oxygen for respiration and kill multiple plants and organisms. A comprehensive understanding of the interaction between streams and the land as they move downstream to other areas of a watershed can help prevent pollution. One example is to build a riparian buffer—a group of plants grown along parts of a stream bank that are able to trap pollutants and absorb excess nutrients; this lessens the effects of nutrient overloading in the streambed. (A riparian ecosystem is one that includes a stream and the life along its banks.)

Sediment, which is easily moved by bodies of water, has a negative effect on water quality. It can clog fish gills and cause suffocation, and the water quality can be impaired by becoming very cloudy because of high sediment flow. This can create problems for natural vegetation growth

by obstructing light and can prevent animals

continued on next page

Figure 1.




Overland flows

Underground sources 3


Background continued

from visibly finding their prey. Erosion also has considerable effects on stream health. Erosion, or the moving of material (soil, rock, or sand) from the earth to another location, is caused by actions such as physical and chemical weathering (see Figure 2). These processes loosen rocks and other materials and can move these sediments to other locations through bodies

of water. Once these particles reach their final destination, they are considered to be deposited. Deposition is also an important process because where the sediment particles end up can greatly impact the shape of the land and how water is distributed throughout the system (see Figure 2). Erosion and deposition can occur multiple times along the length of a stream and can vary because of extreme weather, such

as flooding or high wind. Over time, these two processes can completely reshape an area,

Figure 2.

causing the topography, or physical features, of an entire watershed to be altered. Depending on weather conditions, a streambed can be altered quite quickly. Faster moving water tends to erode more sediment than it deposits. Deposition usually occurs in slower moving water. With less force acting on the sediment, it falls out

of suspension and builds upon the bottom or sides of the streambed.

Sediments are deposited throughout the length of a stream as bars, generally in the middle of

a channel, or as floodplains, which are more ridgelike areas of land along the edges of the stream. Bars generally consist of gravel or sand-size particles, whereas floodplains are made of more fine-grained material. Deltas (see Figure

3) and alluvial fans (see Figure 4) are sediment deposits that occur because of flowing water

Figure 3.

Erosion Deposition

continued on next page

4 Carolina Distance Learning

Figure 4.

the water moving in the stream) are both vital to the shaping of streambeds. Within stream ecosystems, there are microhabitats (smaller habitats making up larger habitats) that have different discharges and velocities. The type

of microhabitat depends on the width of that part of the stream, the shape of the streambed, and many other physical factors. In areas that contain rifles, water quickly splashes over shallow, rocky areas, which are easily observed in sunny areas (see Figure 5). Deeper pools of slower moving water also form on the outside of the bends of the streams, as shown in Figure 5. Runs, which are deeper than rifles but have a moderate current, connect riffles and pools throughout the stream. The source of a stream and are considered more permanent structures because of their longevity. They are both fan-shaped accumulations of sediment that form when the stream shape changes. Deltas form in continuous, flowing water at the mouth of streams, whereas alluvial fans only form in streams that flow intermittently (when it rains or when the snow melts). Alluvial fans are usually composed of larger particles and will form in canyons and valleys as water accumulates in these regions. The fan shape of both deposits is easy to spot from a distance because they are formed due to the sand settling out on the bottom of the streams.

Streamflow Characteristics

Discharge, or the amount of water that flows past a given location of a stream (per second), is a very important characteristic of stream- flow. Discharge and velocity (the speed of

Figure 5.

Riffles Pool

continued on next page 5


Background continued

is where it begins, while the mouth of a stream is

where it discharges into a lake or an ocean.

The flow rate is very helpful for engineers and scientists who study the impacts of a stream on organisms, surrounding land, and even recreational uses such as boating and fishing. The speed of the water in specific areas helps to determine the composition of the substrate in that area of the streambed, i.e., whether the material is more clay, sand, mud, or gravel. Particle sizes of different sediments are shaped and deposited throughout various areas of a stream, depending on these factors.

Most streams have specific physical features that show periodicity or consistency in regular

intervals. Meanders can occur in a streambed because of gravity. Water erodes sediment to the outside of a stream and deposits sediment along the opposite bank, forming a natural weaving or “snaking” pattern. This pattern can form in any depth of water and along any type of terrain. Sinuosity is the measure of how curvy a stream is. This is a helpful measurement when determining the flow rates of streams because it can show how the curves affect the water velocity. In major rivers and very broad valleys, meanders can be separated from the main body of a river, leaving a U-shaped water body known as an oxbow lake (see Figure 6). These lake formations can become an entirely new ecosystem with food and shelter for some organisms, such as amphibians, to thrive in.

Figure 6.

Oxbow Lake Formation

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6 Carolina Distance Learning

Another feature important for streamflow is the difference in elevation or the relief of a stream as it flows downstream. Streams start at a higher elevation than where they end up; this causes the discharge and velocity at the source versus that at the mouth of the stream to be quite different, depending on the meandering of the stream and the type of deposition and erosion that occurs. The gradient is another important factor of stream morphology. This

is a measure of the slope of the stream over

a particular distance (the relief over the total distance of the stream). For a kayaker who wants to know how fast he/she can paddle down a particular stream, knowing the difference in elevation (relief) is important over a particular area; however, knowing the slope of this particular area will give the kayaker a more accurate prediction. With erosion and deposition occur- ring at different rates and at different parts of the stream, knowing the gradient is a very important part of determining streamflow for the kayaker.

Groundwater is also affected by changes in

the stream shape and flow. Water infiltrates the ground in recharge zones. If streams are continuously flowing over these areas, the ground is able to stay saturated. Most streams are perennial, meaning they flow all year. However, a drought or an extreme weather event may lower the stream level. This can lower the groundwater level, which then allows the stream to only sustain flow when it rises to a level above the water table. With the small amount of available freshwater on Earth, it is vital that our groundwater sources stay pristine.

Biotic and Economic Impacts of Streams

Not only stream a major source of clean

freshwater for humans, but they are also a hotspot for diversity and life. There is great biotic variability between the different microhabitats (e.g., riffles, pools, and runs) of a stream. Riffles, in particular, have high biodiversity because of the constant movement of water and replenishment of oxygen throughout. Pools usually have fewer and more hardy organisms in their slower, deeper moving waters where less oxygen is available. There is also a multitude of plant

and animal species living around streams. From a stream in a backyard to the 1,500-mile-long Colorado River, streams have thousands of types of birds, insects, and plants that live near them because they are nutrient-rich with clean freshwater. Sometimes nutrient spiraling can occur in these streams. Nutrient spiraling is the periodic chemical cycling of nutrients throughout different depths of the streams. This process recycles nutrients and allows life to thrive at all depths and regions of different-size streams.

Streams can also have significant economic impacts on a region. Streams are a channel for fishing and transportation, two of the largest industries in the world. Because of all the commercial boating operations that occur worldwide in these channels, it is vital to understand the formation and flow patterns of streams so that they are clear and navigable. Fishing for human consumption is another large, worldwide industry that depends on stream health; keeping streams pristine and understanding how they form are of utmost importance in sustaining this top food industry. Recreational activities such

as kayaking, sportfishing, and boating all shape areas where streams and rivers are prevalent as

well. 7

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Background continued

All acts that happen on land affect the water quality downstream. Through creating a model stream table in this lab, one can predict large, system-wide effects. Many land features and physical parts of a streambed can affect the flow of water within a watershed. Houses along a streambed or numerous large rocks can cause the streamflow to change directions. If any of these factors cause erosion or deposition in

an area of the stream, microhabitats can be created. These factors can affect the stream on a larger scale, creating changes in flow speeds and widths of the streambeds.

The Importance of Scaling and the Use of the Scientific Method

When a stream table model is created, a large- scale depiction of a streambed is being reduced to a smaller scale so that the effects of different stream properties on the surrounding environment can be demonstrated. While the stream table made in this lab is not a to-size stream and landscape, the same processes can be more easily observed at a scaled-down size. Scientists frequently create models to simplify complex processes for easier understanding. For example, to physically observe something that is too big, such as the distance between each planet in the solar system, the spatial distance can be scaled to create a solar system model. By changing the distance between each planet from kilometers to centimeters, this large system is now more feasibly observed. Similarly, the stream model allows us to physically view different scenarios of a streambed and analyze different stream properties. Mathematical equations are also used frequently to observe

data to predict future conditions, such as in meteorological models. Ultimately, models can be very important tools for predicting future events and analyzing processes that occur

in a system.

When one creates a model, many different outcomes for the same type of setup can be possible. In this case, multiple variations of similar-size streambeds will be designed to evaluate different stream features and their impacts on the surrounding ecosystem. When performing any type of scientific evaluation time

, the scientific method is very useful in obtaining accurate results. This method involves performing experiments and recording observations to answer a question of interest.

Although the exact step names and sequences sometimes vary a bit from source to source,

in general, the scientific method begins with

a scientist making observations about some phenomenon and then asking a question. Next, a scientist proposes a hypothesis—a “best guess” based upon available information as to what the answer to the question will be. The scientist then designs an experiment to test the hypothesis. Based on the experimental results, the scientist then either accepts the hypothesis (if it matches what happened) or rejects it (if it doesn’t). A rejected hypothesis is not a failure; it is helpful information that can point the way to

a new hypothesis and experiment. Finally, the scientist communicates the findings to the world through presenting at a peer-reviewed academic conference and/or publishing in a scholarly journal like Science or Nature, for example.

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8 Carolina Distance Learning

When creating stream table models, we are trying to understand how different factors can affect streamflow. A few very important steps from the scientific method are required. The first is forming a testable hypothesis, or an educated prediction, of what you expect to observe

based on what you have learned about stream morphology thus far. In Activity 1, the steps are already listed, so the main goal is to compare the two differences in stream reliefs. However,

in Activity 2, the goal is to alter a different variable and predict what will happen to several stream features in this new situation. In general, when recording these observations to test a hypothesis, it is important to repeat the tests.

To obtain valid results, you need to have similar results over multiple attempts to ensure consis- tency in the findings and to show that what you are discovering is not by chance but is instead replicated each time the experiment is run. While multiple trials are not required in this lab experiment, if you feel particularly less than confident with your results from doing only one trial run in Activity 1 or 2, feel free to do multiple trials to test for validity.


Needed but not supplied:

• Tray or cookie sheet (or something similar)

• •

• •

• •

• •

• •

2–3 lb bag of sand or 1 lb bag (or more) of cornmeal

A single-use cup that can have a hole poked in it (e.g., plastic yogurt cup, foam cup)

A small piece of foam (such as from a foam cup), about the size of a grain of rice

Cup, such as glass, mug, or plastic cup Paper clip, skewer, or thumbtack (to poke a hole in the single-use cup)

2 books, one approximately twice as thick as the other

Ruler (There is a ruler in the Equipment Kit if you have already received it, or you can print one at a website such as Tap water

2 Plastic bags (to cover the books or objects you don’t want to get wet)

Stopwatch (or cell phone with a timer) Digital camera or mobile device capable of taking photos

A piece of string Marker 9



Wear your safety goggles, gloves, and lab apron for the duration of this investigation.


A Creating a Stream Table

In this activity, you will be measuring different factors (see Step 5) for two different stream models: one where the streambed is tilted at a steeper angle and another where the streambed is tilted at a shallower one. Propose four separate hypotheses for which of the two streambed angles (steeper or shallower) will have the highest values for sinuosity, velocity, relief, and gradient. Briefly state why you feel that way. Complete this information in the “Hypotheses” section of the Lab Worksheet.

1. Bring the tray outside. Place the thicker book in a plastic bag. Place the tray on one end of the book so it is tilted (see Figure 7).

Figure 7. Tray Thicker book

2. Fill the cup without a hole in it with tap water and slowly pour the water into the single-use cup. Ensure that the single-use cup is right above the higher end of the tray.

Note: Store extra tap water on-site if more water is needed to form a stream.

3. Let the water trickle out of the hole in the single-use cup down the sand/cornmeal. Observe how the water forms a “stream” in the table. Stop pouring after small streamflow has formed down the table.

Poking a Hole in a Cup to Create a Stream

https://players.brightcove. net/17907428001/HJ2y9UNi_default/ index.html?videoId=5973740372001

continued on next page

Read all the instructions for these laboratory activities before beginning. Follow the instructions closely, and observe established laboratory safety practices, including the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).

Do not eat, drink, or chew gum while performing these activities. Wash your hands with soap and water before and after performing the activities. Clean the work area with soap and water after completing the investigation. Keep pets and children away from lab materials and equipment.


1. Read through the activities.

2. Obtain all materials.

3. Pour the sand or cornmeal in one, even layer on the tray or cookie sheet.

4. Pour water slowly over the sand/cornmeal until it is completely saturated. Pour off any excess water outside.

5. With your hands, rub the sand/cornmeal so it is flat, and let it dry overnight in the tray/ cookie sheet.

6. Using the paper clip, skewer, or thumbtack, poke a hole in the side of the single-use cup, 1 cm up from the bottom of the cup.

10 Carolina Distance Learning

Note: This investigation is best performed outdoors or in an area in which it is easy to clean up wet sand/cornmeal and water. Do not dump any of the sand/cornmeal and water mixtures down the sink, because it can cause clogging.

4. On a separate sheet of paper, draw what the formed stream looks like.

Label where erosion and deposition occur along the streambed. Then take a photograph of your completed drawings of the stream to upload to the “Photographs” section of the Lab Worksheet.

5. Use the instructions below to calculate the values for the different physical stream features in the “Calculations” section of the Lab Worksheet. Record these values in Data Table 1 of the “Observations/Data Tables” section of the Lab Worksheet.

a. Sinuosity = curvy distance (cm)/straight distance (cm) (no units)

i. Use a piece of string to measure the distance from the mouth to the source

of the stream along the curve (curvy distance). Once you have used the string to trace the stream, hold each end of the string, straighten it, lay it flat, and mark where the two ends of the stream were. Use a ruler to measure this distance between the marks (the curvy distance).

ii. Use a ruler to measure the distance straight down the stream from the mouth to the source of the stream (no curve— straight distance).

iii. Now, divide the curvy distance by the straight distance. Note: If there is no curvy distance (if the stream forms straight down the table), then the sinuosity is 1.

How to Measure the Sinuosity of a Stream

https://players.bright- HJ2y9UNi_default/index. html?videoId=5973736251001

b. Velocity = distance traveled (cm)/time to travel (s) (recorded in cm/s)

Obtain the small piece of foam (about

the size of a grain of rice). Hold the single-use cup over the raised edge of the stream table, allow water to flow out of the hole, and drop the piece of foam into the top of the stream. Time how long it takes (in seconds) for the piece of foam to float downstream. Divide the curvy distance by this time.

How to Measure the Velocity of a Stream

https://players.brightcove. net/17907428001/HJ2y9UNi_default/ index.html?videoId=5973739032001

c. Relief = highest elevation (cm) − lowest elevation (cm) (recorded in cm)

Measure the elevation change from the beginning to the end of the stream. Use the ruler to measure the highest point of the incline to the ground for the highest elevation and measure the bottom part of the tray to the ground for the lowest elevation.

How to Measure the Relief of a Stream

https://players.brightcove. net/17907428001/HJ2y9UNi_default/ index.html?videoId=5973740399001

d. Gradient = relief (cm)/total distance (cm) (rise/run) (no units)

Measure the slope of the stream; divide the relief by the total distance (calculated in Steps c and a). Note: If the stream is curvy, this distance is the curvy distance;

continued on next page 11


ACTIVITY 1 continued

if it is not, then this distance is the straight distance.

How to Measure the Gradient of a Stream

https://players.brightcove. net/17907428001/HJ2y9UNi_default/ index.html?videoId=5973742678001

6. Gently pour the excess water from the stream table into the grass, and flatten the sand/ cornmeal out where the stream formed, making a uniform layer.

7. Repeat Steps 1–6 with the thinner book to obtain a more gradual stream formation.

8. While not required, if you feel particularly less than confident with your results from doing only one trial run, feel free to do multiple trials to test for validity.


A Scientific Method: Modeling Human Impacts on Stream Ecosystems

Note: In Activity 1, the heights of the source of the streams were altered to observe how streamflow and streambed formation were affected. In Activity 2, use your streamflow knowledge to design an experiment by altering a different characteristic. You will record the same calculations for your new experimental setup.

1. Design a procedure similar to Activity 1. Choose one height to test the trials and change a different variable to analyze the same calculations for stream movement

and formation throughout the streambed. Choose a variable to change that models how humans might modify a stream channel for good or for ill. Activities such as pre-digging

a stream, adding a dam or other features along the streambed, or adding plants along these areas are all common factors that

can be altered within a streambed. Feel

free to implement additional materials from your surroundings, such as using a rock to represent a dam, for example.

2. Hypothesize whether each of the four calculations (sinuosity, velocity, relief, and gradient) will increase, decrease, or stay the same, and include your reasoning in your choices. Record this in the “Hypotheses” section in your Lab Worksheet.

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12 Carolina Distance Learning

3. Test your new experimental design by using the same procedure as in

Activity 1. On a separate sheet of paper,

draw what the formed stream looks like. Label where erosion and deposition occur along the streambed. Then take a photograph of your completed drawings of the stream to upload to the “Photographs” section of the Lab Worksheet.

4. Calculate the values of the four different stream features in the “Calculations” section of the Lab Worksheet. Record your findings in Data Table 2 of the “Observations/Data Tables” section of the Lab Worksheet.

5. While not required, if you feel particularly less than confident with your results from doing only one trial run, feel free to do multiple trials to test for validity.


Submit the following two documents to Waypoint for grading:

• Completed Lab Worksheet

• Completed report (using the Lab Report


Disposal and Cleanup

1. Dispose of the sand/cornmeal mixture either in the environment or in the household trash. Dispose of any other materials in the household trash, or clean them for reuse.

2. Sanitize the workspace, and wash your hands thoroughly. 13


Lab Worksheet


Activity 1.

Sinuosity hypothesis:

Activity 2.

Sinuosity hypothesis:

Velocity hypothesis:

Velocity hypothesis:

Relief hypothesis:

Relief hypothesis:

Gradient hypothesis:

Gradient hypothesis:

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14 Carolina Distance Learning

Observations/Data Tables

Data Table 1.



Velocity (cm/s)

Relief (cm)


Thicker Book




Thinner Book




Data Table 2.

Variable changed: _________________________________________________________________________ Book thickness used: ______________________________________________________________________



Velocity (cm/s)

Relief (cm)





continued on next page 15


Lab Worksheet continued Calculations

Activity 1.


curvy distance (cm)/straight distance (cm) = sinuosity (no units)

___________ / ____________ =

Both the curvy and straight distances are measurements taken from the stream formation in the stream table. Please refer to Activity 1 for more details.


distance traveled (cm)/time it takes to travel (s) =

velocity (cm/s)

___________ / ____________ =

The distance a small piece of foam travels downstream divided by how long it takes to get downstream is the velocity. Refer to Activity 1 for more details.


highest elevation (cm) – lowest elevation (cm) =

relief (cm)

___________ – ____________ =

Subtract the lowest elevation of the stream from the highest elevation of the stream to calculate the relief. Please refer to Activity 1 for more details.


relief (cm)/total distance (cm) = gradient (no units) ___________ / ____________ =

Divide the relief by the total distance of the stream to calculate the gradient. Please refer to Activity 1 for more details.

Activity 2.


curvy distance (cm)/straight distance (cm) = sinuosity (no units)

___________ / ____________ =

Both the curvy and straight distances are measurements taken from the stream formation in the stream table. Please refer to Activity 1 for more details.


distance traveled (cm)/time it takes to travel (s) =

velocity (cm/s)

___________ / ____________ =

The distance a small piece of foam travels downstream divided by how long it takes to get downstream is the velocity. Refer to Activity 1 for more details.


highest elevation (cm) – lowest elevation (cm) =

relief (cm)

___________ – ____________ =

Subtract the lowest elevation of the stream from the highest elevation of the stream to calculate the relief. Please refer to Activity 1 for more details.


relief (cm)/total distance (cm) = gradient (no units) ___________ / ____________ =

Divide the relief by the total distance of the stream to calculate the gradient. Please refer to Activity 1 for more details.

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16 Carolina Distance Learning


Activity 1.

Activity 2. 17


Lab Questions

Please answer the following entirely in your own words and in complete sentences:


1. Background—What is important to know

about the topic of this lab? Use at least one outside source (other than course materials) to answer this question. Cite the source using APA format. Answers should be 5–7 sentences in length.

2. Outcomes—What was the main purpose of this lab?

3. Hypotheses—What were your hypotheses for Activity 1? What were your hypotheses for Activity 2? Identify each hypothesis clearly, and explain your reasoning.

Materials and Methods

4. Using your own words, briefly describe

what materials and methods you used in each of the activities. Your answer should be sufficiently detailed so that someone reading it would be able to replicate what you did. Explain any measurements you made.


5. Based upon the results of each activity,

explain whether you accepted or rejected your hypotheses and why.

6. What important information have you learned from this lab? Use at least one outside source (scholarly for full credit) to answer this question. Cite the source using APA format. Answers should be 5–7 sentences in length.

7. What challenges did you encounter when doing this lab? Name at least one.

8. Based upon your results in Activity 2, what next step(s) might a scientist take to explore how humans affect stream ecosystems?

Literature Cited

9. List the references you used to answer these

questions. (Use APA format, and alphabetize by the last name.)

Now copy and paste your answers into the Lab Report Template provided. Include the data tables and photographs. You may wish to make minor edits to enhance the flow of your resulting lab report.


Carolina Distance Learning


Carolina Biological Supply Company • 800.334.5551

©2018 Carolina Biological Supply Company

CB781631812 ASH_V2.2

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Stream Morphology Investigation Manual 866.332.4478


Required Resources


Bensel, T., & Turk, J. (2014). Contempor

Topic: SCI 207 Our Dependence upon the Environment

36002 Topic: SCI 207 Our Dependence upon the Environment

Number of Pages: 2 (Double Spaced)

Number of sources: 3

Writing Style: APA

Type of document: Essay

Academic Level:Undergraduate

Category:   Environmental Issues

Language Style: English (U.S.)

Order Instructions: Attached

Look at the figure that Amelia found in Wired pertaining to antibiotics and the microbiota. What conclusions can you draw from this figure?

Please answer the following questions based on the article i posted called “Case study_Too Clean”.


Look at the figure that Amelia found in Wired pertaining to antibiotics and the microbiota. What conclusions can you draw from this figure?


Given the fact that Amelia found this article in an on-line pop-culture science magazine, do you believe the data presented? Do some research on the impact of antibiotics on the human microbiome using peer-reviewed literature. Summarize your findings from at least three articles in a short paragraph.


Based on the figure from Wired and on your research, do you think that antibiotics caused Amelia’s Crohn’s disease? Why or why not?


If a diverse gut microbiome is important for optimal health, what steps can you think of to protect and/or re-establish gut flora following an illness like food poisoning?

Answer the below questions based on the following youtube video link

1) What is a normal relationship between humans and bacteria or microorganisms?

2)What purpose do bacteria or microorganisms serve us and what purpose do we serve them?

3) What did you learn that surprised you about the human-bacteria/microorganisms relationship?