Vitamin A

Vitamin A

You will need to format your paper using MLA format.

Discuss the following information in your paper/report:
a. Function of the vitamin or mineral (this will be a very important part of the presentation)
b. RDA or DRI recommendations
c. Storage in the body
d. Food sources
e. Symptoms of toxicity (if applicable)
f. Symptoms of deficiency
g. Supplements (requires a visit to a vitamin or health food store)
1. Types of supplements available
2. Are supplements in pure or mixed form
3. % RDA or DRI the supplement provides
4. Cost of supplements
5. Recommendations regarding supplementation of this nutrient
2. Prepare a 2-3 page written report. Please be sure to include at least 3 references/resources.

What topic did you choose?
Is it categorized as a vitamin or a mineral?
What type of vitamin (water-soluble or fat-soluble) or mineral (micro-mineral or macro-mineral) is it? Define the type.
What are 3-5 whole food sources for your topic?
What is the RDA? AI? UL?
What happens if you are deficient in this vitamin or mineral?

What is your comprehension of the functions of the nervous system, inward and outward neurons? Provide behavioral examples of each of their functions

What is your comprehension of the functions of the nervous system, inward and outward
neurons? Provide behavioral examples of each of their functions

I want to 7 pages essay with the instruction that I send it to the file pleas read carefully and follow exactly whatever mentioned in there and also follow this Format:
The entire paper should be seven (7) pages in length. The paper should be well organized, concisely written, should be free of grammatical and spelling errors, and written in APA format. No more than 7 seven pages. I will stop reading your paper on the 7th page.

Writing in APA format


*Left justify

*Margins (top/bottom/right/left) of every page should be one (1) inch

*Tab the first line of every paragraph

*Page numbers should appear on the top right-hand corner of every page

Writing is APA format Times New Roman font, double-spaced, “1” inch margins T/B/L/R.
No citation, because you are not going to use any quotations. You are going to use your own words, therefore no reference page.
No title pages
No cover pages
No abstract
No running heads
No reference pages
In writing this term paper, do not write out the questions but identify each section by its alphabet in a new paragraph (e.g. Q1, Q2, Q3, etc.) Incorporate all the points on a questions in organized paragraphs. Also, make sure you answer the questions chronologically. Thank you
Best Regards

Endocrine System case study

Endocrine System case study

Read the Endocrine System case study.
Answer each question/complete the tasks and create a report for the case study.
Your report must be a minimum of 300 words.
All answers should be in your own words and typed neatly using appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, and APA style.
Include APA citations when necessary.
Do not include/rewrite the questions in the assignment.
Your submission must have a Turnitin similarity score of less than 20%. Remember you have 3 submissions before the due date to check your score.
Submissions greater than 20% will risk earning no points with no redo option and you may be reported to Administration for academic discipline.
Case Study
by Dr. Bruce Forciea.

Ashley plopped her backpack onto the floor and sat across from Dr. Jones in the hard wooden chair. She noticed the finish almost completely gone from sections of the chair’s arms and wondered how many other students sat in her position with the same issue.

“So, Dr. Jones, I know I bombed the test again,” she said while avoiding eye contact. “I don’t know what to do. I study for many hours, but I can’t seem to remember or understand any of this physiology.”

“I remember you earned an “A” last semester, is there anything else going on in your life that may be interfering with your studies,” said a concerned Dr. Jones.

Ashley’s hand trembled as she adjusted her glasses. “Well, I’ve been having this stubborn sinus infection and headache for a while now,” she said as she reached for some Kleenex to wipe her nose.

“Have you been to the health clinic?” said Dr. Jones.

“Not yet, but I have an appointment tomorrow.”

The Clinic
Ashley sat in the exam room waiting for Dr. Smith. She could hear bits and pieces of conversations in the hall on the other side of the closed door. Dr. Smith burst into the room.

“Good morning, Ashley,” Dr. Smith said with a smile. “What brings you in today?”

Ashley related her symptoms of the past few weeks which included a runny nose, headaches, and a green discharge.

Dr. Smith began her examination.

“Hmm, looks like you have all the signs of a nasty sinus infection. Your eyes look like they are protruding a bit, however. Is this new? Also, have you lost weight or have been feeling nervous lately?”

“Yes doctor, but I thought it was just stress,” said Ashley, concerned.

“We’ll run some tests,” said Dr. Smith while tapping on her laptop keyboard.

A Few Days Later
“I have your test results,” said Dr. Smith.

“It looks like your TSH levels are low. T3 levels are very high and T4 levels are moderately high, so your thyroid gland is the problem. I’m going to refer you to an endocrinologist for a radioactive iodine uptake test to help confirm my diagnosis of Grave’s disease.”

Case Study Questions
Describe the function of the hormones of the thyroid gland.
Describe the feedback system for regulating thyroid hormones. How does this relate to Ashley’s thyroid hormone levels?
Describe the signs and symptoms of Grave’s disease.
Describe treatments for Grave’s disease. Include descriptions of the treatment and mechanisms of actions of any medications.++

Multi Query Optimization in Spark

Please read the document attached to get an understanding of what the work is about. The paper proposes heuristic algorithms for multi-query optimization.

The research extends the paper by Michiardi, P., Carra, D., & Migliorini, S. (2019a). “In-memory Caching for Multi-query Optimization of Data intensive Scalable Computing Workloads” to support Join Operators.

The focus of this writeup is the Chapter 3(Methodology):
– An in-depth introduction to the chapter with references
– An in-depth description of the methodology
– recognizing the possibilities of shared computation, essentially setting up the search space by identifying common sub-expressions (search space initialization)
– modifying the optimizer search strategy to explicitly account for shared computation and improve overall performance (optimization stage)
– An in-depth description of the proposed algorithms with references. 
- Conclusion of the chapter
– A better organization of the chapter and sections

It is crucial that the write-up is precise and accurate, therefore, it necessitates a thorough comprehension of the concept to be written meticulously.

Discrimination as a societal issue that impedes quality healthcare for all

Discrimination as a societal issue that impedes quality healthcare for all

Now that you have chosen a topic “a societal issue that impedes quality healthcare for all,” you will now research your topic on a local and national level. Be sure to address the following:

Explain the types of issues that are causing your topic to be a health disparity?
Are there any resources available on your topic at either local or national level, if so what types of resources are available?
What, if any particular minority population, does your topic affect?
What statistics can you find on your topic at a local and national level?
Write a paragraph for each question mentioned above; you will write a minimum of four paragraphs. Be sure to cite your references. Always proofread before you turn in to ensure you have an academic-quality submission (no slang or text language) Do not plagiarize.

Jobs& Shortages Due To High Unemployment Rates

Jobs& Shortages Due To High Unemployment Rates

For the Week 5 Project Findings and Analysis Activity, you will use your project topic to submit your preliminary research and data findings for review. Include tables, charts, etc. you plan to submit. Include details relating to the costs of your proposed solution and the benefits if implemented. Note: Not all benefits have tangible dollar savings; some are intangible. Think about the intangible benefits as well as the tangible ones and discuss both. You are presenting a rough draft of the body of your paper – do not provide any conclusions or recommendations, just your findings and analysis thus far for review. Include the title of your paper and your problem statement previously submitted.

Be as thorough as possible when writing your report, and remember, this is an academic assignment, so no “text-talk,” no conversational tone, and ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS… don’t plagiarize!! Lastly, spell-check and proofread your work! Failure to follow these steps will negatively impact your grade.

For this course, you will submit the graded activity using Turnitin. An Originality Report will become available within a few minutes after your first submission. Inside the Originality Report will be a Similarity Index. The Similarity Index shows a percentage of the material in your paper which matches other sources found by Turnitin. You will be expected to have a Similarity Index of less than 15%. If your Similarity Index is greater than 15% you will need to review your Originality Report to be sure that you have paraphrased your work appropriately, and cited your sources correctly.

The Originality Report will help you to avoid plagiarism and improve the quality and content of your essay. It is strongly suggested that you keep direct quotations to a minimum, and never copy and paste text without proper citations. You have until the activity due date to resubmit your work, however, there will be a 24-hour delay before the Originality Report becomes available. It is your responsibility to submit your activity on time, with a Similarity Index of less than 15%.

General APA Formatting Guidelines:

The Project Findings and Analysis Activity should have an APA title page and an APA reference page. The APA title page and APA reference page DO NOT count towards the minimum page requirement! Your body of work needs to be a minimum of 2 complete pages in length. Note that an APA abstract page is NOT required!

Font Type: Times New Roman
Font Size: 12 point
Margins: 1 inch on all sides
Spacing: Double-spacing
Justification: Left
Paragraph Indentation: Use the Tab key to indent all paragraphs one half-inch from the left margin

Parasite (2019) how it engages with power structures 

Parasite (2019) how it engages with power structures

For this paper, you will use all your analytical skills to make an argument about one of the following contemporary films/TV shows and what it is suggesting about power dynamics based on class, race, sexuality, and/or gender. More specifically, your thesis should put forward a nuanced view of how it engages with power structures through the making of what we will call “hegemony”.
consider the following questions:

What is the film/show suggesting about power dynamics (what is its subtextual argument about power, how it is formed, how it is maintained, etc.)?
How does the film/show challenge or reinforce dominant viewpoints regarding nationality, race, class, gender, sexuality, etc.?
How does the film/show reflect the intersections of power or disempowerment (meaning, how are class and race, or race and gender, or gender and class, or a combination of more than two of these, etc. interrelated in the film or show)? What does the film or show suggest about the relationship between these different identity markers and their connection to power or disempowerment?
How does the film/show make an argument about the way that ideologies are formed? In what ways might its presentation of power be flawed or even harmful?
You must fully introduce, quote from, and fluidly integrate your primary source and five additional sources in this paper.

To support your argument about the film or to episodes of a series, which will be your PRIMARY source and should be the focus on analysis throughout the entire paper, you will also integrate 5 additional secondary sources. YOU WILL HAVE 6 to 7 SOURCES TOTAL!
Three of the Unit 3 theory sources (Du Bois, Marx, Baldwin, de Beauvoir, Said, Foucault, Althusser, or Lull) must be used. The other two secondary sources must be peer-reviewed academic journal articles about the issues you are discussing in the paper. For example, if you are looking at how The Boys depicts race and power, you can find journal articles on race and power in modern America or on how the show itself depicts these issues; if you are looking at how The Handmaid’s Tale depicts gender, sex, sexuality, and power, you can find journal articles on modern power dynamics related to sex and gender or on the show itself (do not confuse the show with the book, though–make sure that if you use sources on the show that they are in fact about the show itself and not the book alone).

Do not use any other sources. Reviews or popular articles from general websites will not be accepted. In addition to the course readings, you must use two peer-reviewed academic journal articles (you can find these in JSTOR or EBSCO or another comparable database with peer-reviewed journal materials).
Near the end of the introduction, you will answer the thesis question that follows:

What is the film arguing about the establishment, reproduction, and/or maintenance of power based on specific identity markers, such as class, race, gender, sexuality, or intersections of these?
Note: the title of the film MUST be in the thesis statement.

Mass Surveillance

Mass Surveillance

Take your topic and refine the it to a specific ISSUE by finding a news article. The news article should discuss a specific and recent (last 10 years) issue. This essay is a position paper; you are not only exploring an issue, but you should also take a position on the topic. This may take the form of an interpretation (making a claim about the best way to understand the issue, in contrast to other interpretations you’ve read about) OR an argument as to what the best response to the issue is.. You are required to read at least 2 outside sources on your chosen topic, 1 of which must be the news article introducing your issue.

Project Planning Assessment Part 1

Read the following scenario and address the steps that follow in 525 words.

Innovative Automotive is an automobile accessories company that has been in business for 15 years. The company’s director of research and development (R&D) has been asked by the president to develop a new product: an after-market accessory that attaches to any windshield wiper and helps solve the problem of removing bugs from the front windshield.

This product needs to be developed, tested, patented (or patent-filed), and brought to market in 12 months. The R&D director, who has an industrial engineering background and a track record of successfully leading projects of this nature, has assigned you as an in-house project manager (PM) to this project. As the project manager:

List the 3 primary characteristics of this product development project that qualify it to be considered a project.
Describe a project initiation force that caused this project to be initiated.
Explain why you chose the specific type of project.
Summarize the project life cycle that will likely follow this project.
Describe the selection method that has been used to initiate the project.
Identify 2 to 3 of the constraints that the PM will be required to manage.
Identify at least 5 stakeholders you imagine will be key to the success of this project.
Determine the best project structure for this project.

Project Planning Scenario part 2

Read the following scenario and address the steps that follow.

As an independent project manager, you have just been hired by the president of a privately-owned insurance company that has 200 employees and has been in the family for three generations. The current leadership of the company has grown up in the business, has little background in project management, and is largely absentee.

The project you have been hired to turn around is one that was started 18 months ago and was managed by the then-director of customer service, who, after 20 years, has left for another opportunity. This project, like other projects at the company, is floundering. It is already six months behind schedule and over budget, and it lacks commitment from the four other functional groups who are key stakeholders: sales, accounting, IT, and order processing. The project you are charged with getting back on track and completing is for a new customer service system that is projected to create efficiencies, automate call center functions, and increase the quality of customer service.

Use this scenario to address the following in 525 to 700 words.

Assess two reasons why the previous manager may not have been the right person to run this project. The previous manager was the director of customer service who knew her department well, but she had no project management experience.
Determine the type of power you will likely have as an independent PM leading this project and requiring input and fractional resources from various other departments.
Identify the key person in the company who must actively and fully support you and the project for the project to succeed.
Describe the leadership style you will choose to practice as project manager.
Summarize the steps you will take to reform the team and name the type of team culture (using the Human Synergistics Circumplex) you will try to develop.