François Boucher, Juno asking Aeolus to release the winds, 1769.

François Boucher, Juno asking Aeolus to release the winds, 1769.

Goal: to improve the research and written skills of visual analysis and contextual historical analysis.
Assignment: To examine a painting at the Kimbell Art Museum and analyze its artistic elements and art-historical context; and secondly to contextualize the artwork in terms of its Nazi-era provenance.

Compose your paper under the following requirements. Pay close attention to the format requirements listed in the rubric appended to these instructions. Grade is based on Format (40%) and Content (60%).
Paragraphs on Identification and Original Context (when the artwork was created): 30 points
1. Identify the artist’s name and nationality, title of the work, date created, medium, and subject matter. Describe the painting’s subject matter in your own words. Subject matter = who or what can we identify in the picture, and what (if anything) is happening? If some of your description is informed by the museum label, please cite the label as your source of information (regardless: please use your own words and phrasing).
2. Discuss your artist’s contemporary context – what is his/her period; in what cities/countries did they live and work; with what styles or art movements are they associated? Define and cite characteristics of this art style or movement; then cite specific details in your artwork that demonstrate how it relates to that style/movement.
3. What is the artwork’s origin (commissioned or not) and/or function, if known? That is, why did the artist create the work? If unknown, you are permitted to speculate based on historical facts. You can determine the origin by looking at the object entry on the Kimbell website: read the description as well as the provenance; and listen to the recording (if available). Ask instructor for help, if needed.
Paragraphs on Nazi and World War II-Era Provenance: 30 points
4. Trace the ownership of the work from its inception until the 1930s (just before World War II). Identify owner names, dates, locations, and how the artwork changed hands (e.g., by inheritance, or through a dealer sale, or an auction, etc.). Focus especially on the last owner of the artwork prior to the Second World War. Provide a description of that owner’s identity, family, and background. (Consult and cite the artwork’s entry on the Kimbell website, and any other databases or sources of provenance information).
5. Describe how the work was “displaced” as a result of Nazi policy; that is, why was it targeted by the Nazis (refer to and cite the provenance record listed on the Kimbell website)? What specific Nazi policies, organizations, and people were likely involved (if the record is vague, please speculate narrowly, based on historical facts discussed in class or in readings). *If you choose the Turner painting, translate the French text on the provenance record and ask the instructor for assistance, if necessary.
6. When, how, and to whom was the work restituted? How and when did the Kimbell come to acquire it?
7. The study and appreciation of a work of art is influenced by many factors. As exemplified by your artwork,
what role does (or should) provenance play in the understanding of a work’s overall significance? Why is it important to know the provenance of a work of art?
RESEARCH RESOURCES (PRINT): museum label, textbooks, other scholarly publications, newspapers
ONLINE RESOURCES: Kimbell Art Museum: – see the entry for your painting **Google Scholar – – to find reliable resources on virtually any topic
–Database of E.R.R.-looted artworks at the Jeu de Paume, Paris: –NARA (National Archives and Records Administration), US government archives: –General Art History Research:
NOTE: Any student who uses Wikipedia, social media, Mental Floss, or any other source without corroboration from another reputable source will lose points, as well as dignity.
If you use outside sources, cite them using MLA format and use a Bibliography. If you use information from the museum, it is fine to say something like “According to the Kimbell Art Museum, …” Your paper, however, should reflect your own independent thinking and processing of historical facts, and should be written as a formal academic paper. THEREFORE, avoid the following:
– quoting, copying or paraphrasing from outside sources
– first and second-person nouns (I, you, we, our)
– qualifying statements like “I think”, “I believe” (such statements weaken your analysis)

Preparing for Professional Practice Assignment

 Preparing for Professional Practice Assignment


There are 4 different sections to this assignment and they are names patch 1, 2, 3 and 4. They all have different word limits which all in all should add up to 3500 words. I have done the first patch which is 750 words which I will attach for you to read and continue on. I only need you to complete patch 2, 3 and 4. Patch 2 and 3 are 750 words each and patch 4 is 1250 words. I will attach the assignment guidelines and handbook for you. I will also attach a example layout for you. Like I said ignore Patch one as that has been completed by myself, if you could just take a read of it and continue or link that onto the other patches. I have also attached some documents which may be helpful for patch 3

Opportunities for optional formative feedback for patches 1-3

Patch 1 – 750 words

Consider the teamworking you have experienced in a chosen placement area. Create an action plan for the ward manager which identifies how they could promote a positive team culture and/or improve team working. Underpin action points with theoretical evidence.

Patch 2 – 750 words

Identify a nurse leader you can relate to. Summarise the characteristics, behaviours and leadership approaches which you consider make them an effective leader. Underpin your reflection with relevant theory.

Patch 3 – 750 words

Devise a service improvement tool for use in a specified practice area. Provide a commentary outlining the rationale for where, why and how it should be used.

Patch 4 – 1250
Reflect upon the development of your leadership skills throughout year 3, drawing on theory to inform your reflection. Consider how the completion of patches 1 to 3 has influenced your development as a leader. Identify where you need to develop further as you move to Registered Nurse practice and how you plan to achieve this by providing a table of SMART objectives.

An Examination of Arens’ Man-Eating Myth and Beyond

An Examination of Arens’ Man-Eating Myth and Beyond


You will write an expository essay for this course, which will count as 15% of your final grade. It will be helpful to review guidelines of expository essays at Purdue Owl. Keep in mind that you are writing an expository essay, not an exploratory one.
Arens’ book, at first glance, seems to be about cannibalism, but it’s so much more than that. The goal of this paper is to first examine his larger argument and agenda, then apply his perspective to the world around us in 2023. Your paper should be roughly 30% discussion of Arens and 70% application of Arens’ larger argument to relevant contemporary issues. You will need additional sources to support your argument, a minimum of 3, including scholarly and news articles, relevant websites, and perhaps an examination of social media, if appropriate to your paper. We will discuss this further as we approach the due date. Take careful notes as you read Arens’ book to make it easier in the writing process, instead of going back and rereading sections. Your time is valuable, so plan accordingly.
Paper Format:
Your paper should be 5 written pages, not counting your Works Cited, double-spaced with 1-inch margins, and in 12-point Times New Roman font, which is standard MLA style. Submit your paper using proper MLA style, including a Works Cited page. Make sure to meticulously proofread your paper

How can an understanding of motivation and emotions be applied to enhance employee engagement and job satisfaction in the workplace?

How can an understanding of motivation and emotions be applied to enhance employee engagement and job satisfaction in the workplace?

Provide examples of specific strategies organisations can use to foster employee motivation and positive emotions. Support your discussion with relevant literature and research studies.

Your entire paper should be between 1500 – 2000 words in length. APA reference.

General Formatting Guidelines:
· Times New Romans, 12 point
· Double-line spacing
· Page numbers – top, aligned to the right
· Header – consisting of first 2 or 3 words of the title – aligned to the right

· list of all references for the materials cited in the body of your essay.

you should have a minimum of 4-5 references – you are strongly encouraged to take from journal articles and reference books).

· Please use online references sparingly and wisely – only select reference materials from credible sources.




This should be on separate pages between the title page and the beginning of the Policy Analysis itself. Summarize the content of the entire brief in one page. The summary should:

1) state the problem or issue (RQ);
2) give BRIEF background;
3) identify major alternatives;
4) state preferred alternative with justification;

I am working on a policy analysis and need some help with executive summary. There is a template and a draft of the policy analysis attached. Let me know if there are more questions. Appreciate your help!

Activity 7: Eating Behaviors

Activity 7: Eating Behaviors

Learners are expected to have weekly interaction with the Faculty Mentor as well as with other Learners through class participation in course Discussion assignments. Learners must post to each Discussion assignment at least twice each week as follows:

Can the brain impact eating behaviors? Please share your thoughts.

Posting 1 (300 words)

The first post is a direct response to the topic for the week, written in the Learner’s own words to represent a broad integration of relevant knowledge and understanding of assignment topic. The post must include at least two scholarly sources in response that are not part of the required or recommended reading for the course.

Posting 2 (300 words)

The second post must address the topic collaboratively by commenting on the posting of another Learner(s) and/or mentor.

All posts must be written in graduate level English, and include all in-text citations and references, according to 7th edition APA formatting

Activity Outcomes

Explore the role of biology on behaviors and mental processes.

For post 2 : I will send one of peers post later….

Voluntariness of confession under the Fourteenth Amendment

Voluntariness of confession under the Fourteenth Amendment


Based on the sources identified and your discussion with the Professor , use the resources identified to prepare and record a 30 minute PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should use the approved resources to provide a more detailed discussion of your chosen topic than was undertaken in the textbook. Both the PowerPoint and the Yuja video must be turned in for grading.

Note: I just put 20 sources because previously we used 20 of them. Could you please the comments made by the professor into consideration? Here it is again “ overall great job!!! One thing I would like to see is more discussion of specific case holding (I am sure your articles and ALR’s have some of those which you can discuss in your presentation in addition to the cases you already included in the summary!!)”
Please research the specific cases on the WestLaw Campus website. I will upload the previous paper again.
On the four pages paper could you please write a script for the presentation that I will read through.
Also do not forget the outline of the main points I am planning on discussing:
– Fourteenth Amendment Requirements for Voluntary confession
– Mental and Physical behavior of defendant during interrogation or defendant’s mental and physical state during interrogation
– police use of deceptive tactics during interrogation
– other material to add such as discussion on most controversial issues on the topic.
Do not forget to give example of actual cases by just writing briefly about them.



Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, whether dealing with an internal conflict within yourself or an external conflict with others. Understanding your natural response to conflict will help you build your conflict response repertoire and perform more effectively in leadership roles, resulting in improved outcomes for service users.
For this Assignment, you assess your conflict management style, the degree to which your style would be effective for resolving conflicts in human services settings, and what you can do to turn your limitations in this area into strengths.

Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
WEEKLY RESOURCES (Resources attached)
• Review the Learning Resources on conflict management. Consider the strengths and limitations of different conflict management styles.
• Complete the Interact (n.d.) “What’s Your Conflict Management Style?” Quiz, and review your results. (attached)
• Go to the Hart City virtual community using the link that is provided in the Learning Resources. Once you are in the community, visit the Hart City Community Center and view the scenario about Stacey. Then, visit Tommy’s House Residential Group Home and view the scenario about James. Given your conflict management style, consider how you would resolve the conflicts in both scenarios and whether your style would be effective. (scenarios attached)
• Reflect on how you would address the limitations associated with your conflict management style to improve your ability to lead and collaborate in human services settings.

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that addresses the following:
• Briefly describe your conflict management style.
• Based on this style, explain how you would resolve the conflict in each of the Hart City scenarios. Be specific.
• Evaluate the effectiveness of your conflict management style for resolving the conflicts in each scenario and other conflicts that may occur in human services settings. Be sure to include both the strengths and limitations of your style.
• Explain how your limitations might hinder your ability to lead and collaborate, and what you would do to turn your limitations in strengths.

Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching

 Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching

In this assignment, I want you to consider how we depict the world that we can’t see. You’ll be using Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching as the central text; every assignment should quote at least two passages from the D.C. Lau translation of the Tao.
As a few critics have noted (, the recent movie Everything Everywhere All At Once shares some similarities to the Tao. This is dicey, since East Asian religious texts are so often misused in U.S. pop culture – but the connections really do seem to be there. Quoting from the Tao and specific scenes from the 2022 film, discuss how Evelyn and Waymond may reflect aspects of Lao Tzu’s ideas.

Voluntariness of confession under the Fourteenth Amendment

Voluntariness of confession under the Fourteenth Amendment

Based on the sources identified and your discussion with the Professor , use the resources identified to prepare and record a 30 minute PowerPoint presentation. The presentation should use the approved resources to provide a more detailed discussion of your chosen topic than was undertaken in the textbook. Both the PowerPoint and the Yuja video must be turned in for grading.

Note: I just put 20 sources because previously we used 20 of them. Could you please the comments made by the professor into consideration? Here it is again “ overall great job!!! One thing I would like to see is more discussion of specific case holding (I am sure your articles and ALR’s have some of those which you can discuss in your presentation in addition to the cases you already included in the summary!!)”
Please research the specific cases on the WestLaw Campus website. I will upload the previous paper again.
On the four pages paper could you please write a script for the presentation that I will read through.
Also do not forget the outline of the main points I am planning on discussing:
– Fourteenth Amendment Requirements for Voluntary confession
– Mental and Physical behavior of defendant during interrogation or defendant’s mental and physical state during interrogation
– police use of deceptive tactics during interrogation
– other material to add such as discussion on most controversial issues on the topic.
Do not forget to give example of actual cases by just writing briefly about them.