Corpus Christi Public Policy Review and Critique

Corpus Christi Public Policy Review and Critique

You will be provided with a list of issues our City currently has a public policy for and implements. You will have the opportunity to look at what the City is now doing, how well it is working in the public interest, what other cities are doing, and finally, make a policy recommendation based on your findings.

You will also include a personal reflection on what you have learned through the process and what actions you will take because of your work.
PLEASE READ THROUGH THE ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT BEFORE BEGINNING. I am here to assist you with any aspect you have questions about.
Write the following sections:
A brief discussion about current City policy and implementation analysis
Talk about your Research and evaluation of policy alternatives
 Your policy recommendation.
 A personal reflection on what you have learned through the process and what actions you will take because of your work.
Policy Critique and Recommendation:
 Discuss current City policy and implementation analysis*, your research and evaluation of policy alternatives, and finally, your policy recommendation. *Based on the issue list provided
The following is an outline of steps to create a policy critique and recommendation:
Review the concerns our City must respond to and determine what problem you will focus on.
Preliminary Research: review course materials, brainstorm, conduct an environmental scan or site visit, and consider current issues relevant to course concepts.
Define the issue: consider questions and frameworks.
Research issue and context
Research and evaluate policy alternatives in other places
Analyze policy alternatives and consider fit for current issue and context; select policy options to present
Outline sections: what evidence goes where? How does proof work together?
Write sections: Briefly discuss current City policy and implementation analysis, your Research and evaluation of policy alternatives, and finally, your recommendation. You will also include a personal reflection on what you have learned through the process and what actions you will take because of your work.
Edit for clarity, concision, and grammar.
The complete final proof of the document
The following information will provide directions to accomplish each step in the assignment:
Policy Critique
In a policy critique, you must read and critically analyze one or more policy documents that address a common issue (see list provided). This assignment aims to present an overall assessment of current and proposed policies and their efficacy or potential, considering both scholarly theory and real-world practical application with consideration of environmental, social, or economic contexts.
Proposed structure
Issue: what is the policy in question?
Background: where did it emerge? What problem does it try to address?
Application: Based on the evidence, how effective has it been?
Limits: what are the limits of the policy? How has it been adapted? What questions remain?
Evaluation/potential: based on concepts and theories from course materials, what is the potential for this policy to address a particular issue/problem? How well is it working?
2: Using Research
The policy is informed by evidence from scholarly literature, government data, and Research by various stakeholder organizations.
In policy writing, your goal is to present Research both accurately and accessibly, as decision-makers in government and business may need to become more familiar with terminology or concepts presented by scholars. Make efforts to paraphrase the evidence you use, and be sure to include citations (footnotes).
3. Demonstrating Analysis
The quality of your policy assignment is closely tied to your Analysis of the issue and the policy options you present. Evaluating policy options as you research and critically analyze how those options address the issue within its context is essential.
Take time to examine specific factors and parties involved in an issue and consider how these factors may facilitate or challenge each policy option; furthermore, you should also assess the advantages and disadvantages of each policy option and its impacts on these factors or parties.
Consider theories, concepts, or frameworks from your course to develop your argument and establish coherence throughout your assignment. If you assess all policy options through the same critical lens or theory, your message will be clear and consistent throughout your document.
List of Issues to choose from: Explain the issue, context, and where to find out more.
Click on this link: Texas Public Policy Project Resources
Community Goals and objectives that work for all the public?
Step 1 Identify your area of interest as an individual and group.
Step 2 Look at current ordinances of our city concerning your area of interest. What are our actual ordinances?
Step 3 How well is our current system working? What evidence do we see or not see? Funding, priorities, effectiveness
Step 4 Based on your research, what is your recommendation to improve or change what we are doing?
Resources: Texas Public Policy Project Resources
General Policy Planning
Environmental Issues: (Quality of life)
Environment and Traffic
(Traffic Calming and environmental improvement.)
Code Enforcement Design/Priorities/Policies/Implementation:
An example of Code Enforcement from one of the cleanest cities in the country:
This is a list of issues Corpus Christi has to address as a city. You will pick one area to investigate “how” we are doing and what we should be doing.
Regardless of your research choice, you will need to start with what our city is currently doing and what ordinances are in place.
Corpus Christi Municipal Codes:
Once you are familiar with what we are doing, we can “see” how effective what we are doing actually is.
Step 1 Identify your area of interest as an individual and group.
Step 2 Look at current ordinances of our city concerning your area of interest. What are our actual ordinances?
Step 3 How well is our current system working? What evidence do we see or not see? Funding, priorities, effectiveness
Step 4 Based on your research, what is your recommendation to improve or change what we are doing?
Residential Quality of Life: Safety/Traffic Calming/Landscape design
Code Enforcement: Priorities/Rentals/Slum Landlords. Enforcement officer Priorities/Procedures (out in the field) in practice.
Community Goals and objectives that work for all the public?
Code Enforcement Resource:
Code Enforcement Design/Priorities/Policies/Implementation:
A must read: to an external site.
An example of Code Enforcement from one of the cleanest cities in the country: to an external site.
Corpus Christi Municipal Codes:
General Policy Planning to an external site. to an external site.
Environmental Issues: (Quality of life) to an external site.
Environment and Traffic to an external site.
(Traffic Calming and environmental improvement.) to an external site. to an external site. to an external site.
Code Enforcement Design/Priorities/Policies/Implementation: to an external site.
An example of Code Enforcement from one of the cleanest cities in the country: to an external site.

Application of theory

Choose ONE theory from various theories discussed in the class (i.e., Cognitive Development

Theory, Attachment Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory, Ecological Systems
Theory, and Social Learning Theory) that guide you to understand the person and the person’s
problem (developmental, psychological, behavioral, or relational problems; one problem may co-
occur with other problems). The paper must include:
a. Cover page
b. Abstract
c. The Theory: The main assumptions, Key Concepts, Strengths, and Weaknesses
: Discuss the main assumptions, key concepts, strengths, and weaknesses of the theory you
d. An Application of the Theory to the Case
: Discuss how the theory you chose explains the particular problems experienced by the person.
e. Usefulness and Challenges in Applying the Theory to the Case
: Discuss usefulness as well as challenges in applying the theory to the case.
f. Conclusion and the Alternative Theory
: Conclude your paper and suggest an alternative theory that helps further explain the person and
problem. Then, briefly describe why you think the alternative theory would be useful.
– *** See Paper Format & Grading Rubric
– For this paper, you must have at least of 8 references, 6 of which must be peer-reviewed
journal articles.
***If you read Nail (2017)’s article and used Deleuze and Guattari’s work cited in the Nail’s
article, in the text, you need to write, Deleuze and Guattari (2010) mentioned …….. (as cited
in Nail, 2017). Then, only the Nail (2017)’s work appears in the reference list. Do not list
Deleuze and Guattari’s work. It is counted as one reference, rather than two references.
– Your completed assignment should follow APA format (7th ed.) and be 8 ~ 9 pages in length.
The cover, abstract, and reference pages are not included in the 8 ~ 9 pages length
a. Age: 33
b. Gender: Female
c. Marital Status: Single, Never Married
d. Number of Children (include age and gender):
1 child, 6 year old boy
e. Highest grade completed: Some College
f. Occupation: Receptionist
g. Race, ethnic background: African American
h. Religion: Baptist
i. Referral source (if any): Primary physician
a. Nature of client’s problem: Client reports a lack of energy and emotional
outburst at work. Also, she reports symptoms and behaviors related to depression
and anxiety.
b. Client’s perception of the problem (Why do they think they are here?): Client
states that she is here to appease her doctor so he will prescribe her medication to
help “calm her nerves.”
c. History of the problem (How did the problem begin? When? Under what
circumstances ; How has the problem changed since it first began? When has it
been better or worse? ; How often does the problem occur now?; Where and
when does the problem occur now?) Client reports that she has had emotional
Page 2
outbursts since she was a teenager in high school. She states that she had these
outbursts at least two or three times a week. She remembers struggling
academically, being sent to the principal’s office frequently for her behavior, and
getting by bullied by her peers. Her emotional outbursts have become more
frequent and severe. She states that it happens almost daily now and happens
during social situations (at work and at home.)
a. Where does the client live? Client lives in a house, owned.
b. Who does the client live with? She lives with her two parents and her child.
c. Any issues between client and each person in the household? : Client reports
tension between her and her parents due to her still living in their home. She also
reports feeling guilty about getting frustrated and yelling at her son.
a. Current Medications: Losartan, Farxiga, and Vyvanse
b. Medical History (List any current medical conditions that require medical care.
List any previous conditions that required long term or recurring medical care or
resulted in significant life stressor): Diabetes, High blood pressure, and ADHD
Page 3
IF Yes, complete the section below
a. Diagnosis/Problem: ADHD
b. When: 2 years ago
c. Where: Wesley Behavioral
d. Who treated: Primary physical
e. How long: 2 years
f. Hospitalizations (where/when): none
IF Yes, complete the section below
a. Drug of Choice: marijuana
b. How long used: Used for 6 months, former marijuana smoker
c. How often: 2x a week
d. AA/NA Involvement (indicate previous or current)? Yes No
e. OP Treatment(who provided and when): Yes No
f. Hospitalizations (where/when): None
VII. EMPLOMENT HISTORY (If the person is a child or has never been employed,
insert NA)
a. Most recent job: Receptionist
 How long: 2 years Reason for leaving: Current Position
b. Previous job: Front Desk at hotel
 How long: 6 months Reason for leaving: Fired for attitude
c. Previous job: Cashier
Page 4
 How long:4 years Reason for leaving: Better pay
VIII. FAMILY HISTORY: List any significant family history (Grandparents, Parents,
Siblings) including medical, psychiatric and substance abuse information.
Mother suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, and bipolar.
Father has diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney failure.
No siblings. No sSubstance abuse was not present in either parent.
Client states she struggles coparenting with her child’s father and being able to afford
living to live independently from her parents.
X. RESOURCES AVAILABLE: Client’s current and significant past social supports,
family supports, significant relationships, religious and spiritual supports/affiliations
She receives financial support from her parents who whom she lives with. They also help
her with raising her child. She states that she has had two significant romantic
relationships, but both have ended on bad terms. She is currently single. She does attend
church and receives spiritual guidance from her Baptist preacher.
XI. ASSESSMENT OF PROBLEM: Present client’s problems, discussing risk factors
and conditions that contribute to the onset, development, or continuation of the
problems (including the client’s his bio/psycho/social aspects; Social and physical
environment factors). Around 250-300 words.
Page 5
The client is a 33-year-old African American woman with a child. Client has been
struggling with anxiety and depression. These problems have been exacerbated by the
ADHD that has only been treated for the past two years. She is experiencing a lack of
energy and increased sadness. She struggles to function at work and maintain
relationships with others. She has emotional outbursts at home and the workplace
frequently. She is not able to afford to live independently, so she lives with her parents.
Although her parents help with raising her child and support her financially, there is
tension between her and her parents. She is also experiencing additional stressors due to
living in her parents and coparenting with her ex-boyfriend. She does have high blood
pressure and diabetes. The anxiety and stress are causing an increase in her medical
medications and disrupting her management of diabetes. She is struggling to socialize at
work and at home.
Of particular concern is the presence of depressive and anxiety symptoms, further
psychological/psychiatric assessment is needed to gather more accurate and objective
information necessary to understand her symptoms and behaviors. Since she suffers from
both a chronic health condition (diabetes and high blood pressure) and mental health
problems, a treatment that integrates behavioral and mental health into diabetes care would be recommended. In addition, family counseling, stress management, financial
aid, parenting education/support, etc.

The movie is calling Losing Isaiah

 The movie is calling Losing Isaiah


Describe the movie  that you have chosen?

Discuss the abuse or neglect that occurred in the movie?
What  were the safety factors in movie?
How did mental health, intimate partner violence or substance use disorder
impact the family?
what intervention would you have recommended for this family? why you choose these service?

Who is Kelly Slater?, Surf Therapy, and Male Nursing Profession

Who is Kelly Slater?, Surf Therapy, and Male Nursing Profession

Use this link for databases and sources:

At least five (5) peer-reviewed, scholarly articles must be cited in the writing.
This is a woven essay which is basically 3 topics woven together. In this essay you will be writing about a brief summaray of who Kelly Slater is and what he as done in surfing (200 words-ish) (No scholary articles needed for this topic). This topic will then be changed/ woven into what surf therapy is and its benefits (400 words ish). Finally, the essay will be woven into the topic of how male nurses are often treated and differences towards there female counter part (Something like this).

Women in History

 Women in History
Beginning in 1619, the first slaves came to North America and with them, slave women. What was their life like? How was their life similar to or differing from free white women? What were some of the unique familial challenges encountered by slave women during this period and what were some of the lasting effects as a result of the dynamics of slave families in North America?
Just be sure to add a work cited page and to put any quotations in quotation marks. I am expecting roughly 2-3 pages to answer your essay question.




JAY HEIZER Texas Lutheran University

BARRY RENDER Graduate School of Business, Rollins College

CHUCK MUNSON Carson College of Business, Washington State University

PAUL GRIFFIN Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning


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To Kathryn Ann Heizer —JH

To Donna, Charlie, Jesse, and Reva and to Howard G. Kornacki, the teacher who taught

me to love math —BR

To Suzanne, Alexandra, Kenna, Ryan, and Robert Kathleen


Pearson Canada Inc., 26 Prince Andrew Place, North York, Ontario M3C 2H4.

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Authorized adaptation from Operations Management, Twelfth Edition, Copyright © 2017, Pearson Education, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, USA. Used by permission. All rights reserved. This edition is authorized for sale only in Canada.

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ISBN 978-0-13-483807-6

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Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

Heizer, Jay, author Operations management : sustainability and supply chain management / Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Chuck Munson, Paul Griffin. — Third Canadian edition.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 978-0-13-483807-6 (softcover)

1. Production management–Textbooks. 2. Textbooks. I. Render, Barry, author II. Munson, Chuck, author III. Griffin, Paul, 1961-, author IV. Title.

TS155.H3726 2018 658.5 C2018-904040-8

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About the Authors


Jay Heizer Professor Emeritus, the Jesse H. Jones Chair of Business Administration, Texas Lutheran University, Seguin, Texas. He received his B.B.A. and M.B.A. from the University of North Texas and his Ph.D. in Management and Statistics from Arizona State University. He was previously a member of the faculty at the University of Memphis, the University of Oklahoma, Virginia Commonwealth University, and the University of Richmond. He has also held visiting positions at Boston University, George Mason University, the Czech Management Center, and the Otto-Von-Guericke University, Magdeburg.

Dr. Heizer’s industrial experience is extensive. He learned the practical side of operations manage- ment as a machinist apprentice at Foringer and Company, as a production planner for Westinghouse Airbrake, and at General Dynamics, where he worked in engineering administration. In addition, he has been actively involved in consulting in the OM and MIS areas for a variety of organizations, including Philip Morris, Firestone, Dixie Container Corporation, Columbia Industries, and Tenneco. He holds the CPIM certification from APICS—the Association for Operations Management.

Professor Heizer has co-authored five books and has published more than 30 articles on a variety of management topics. His papers have appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Purchasing, Personnel Psychology, Production & Inventory Control Management, APICS— The Performance Advantage, Journal of Management History, IIE Solutions, and Engineering Management, among others. He has taught operations management courses in undergraduate, graduate, and executive programs.

Barry Render Professor Emeritus, the Charles Harwood Professor of Operations Management, Crummer Graduate School of Business, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida. He received his B.S. in Mathematics and Physics at Roosevelt University, and his M.S. in Operations Research and Ph.D. in Quantitative Analysis at the University of Cincinnati. He previously taught at George Washington University, University of New Orleans, Boston University, and George Mason University, where he held the Mason Foundation Professorship in Decision Sciences and was Chair of the Decision Sciences Department. Dr. Render has also worked in the aerospace industry for General Electric, McDonnell Douglas, and NASA.

Professor Render has co-authored 10 textbooks for Prentice Hall, including Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets, Quantitative Analysis for Management, Service Management, Introduction to Management Science, and Cases and Readings in Management Science. Quantitative Analysis for Management, now in its 11th edition, is a leading text in that discipline in the United States and globally. Dr. Render’s more than 100 articles on a variety of management topics have appeared in Decision Sciences, Production and Operations Management, Interfaces, Information and Management, Journal of Management Information Systems, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, IIE Solutions, and Operations Management Review, among others.

Dr. Render has been honoured as an AACSB Fellow and was twice named a Senior Fulbright Scholar. He was Vice President of the Decision Science Institute Southeast Region and served as Software Review Editor for Decision Line for six years and as Editor of the New York Times Operations Management special issues for five years. From 1984 to 1993, Dr. Render was President of Management Service Associates of Virginia, Inc., whose technology clients included the FBI, the U.S. Navy, Fairfax County, Virginia, and C&P Telephone. He is currently Consulting Editor to Financial Times Press.

Dr. Render has taught operations management courses in Rollins College’s MBA and Executive MBA programs. He has received that school’s Welsh Award as leading Professor and was selected by Roosevelt University as the 1996 recipient of the St. Claire Drake Award for Outstanding Scholarship. In 2005, Dr. Render received the Rollins College MBA Student Award for Best Overall Course, and in 2009 was named Professor of the Year by full-time MBA students.

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iv About the Authors

Chuck Munson Professor of Operations Management, Carson College of Business, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. He received his BSBA summa cum laude in finance, along with his MSBA and Ph.D. in operations management, from Washington University in St. Louis. For two years, he served as Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in Business at Washington State. He also worked for three years as a financial analyst for Contel Telephone Corporation.

Professor Munson serves as a senior editor for Production and Operations Management, and he serves on the editorial review board of four other journals. He has published more than 25 articles in such journals as Production and Operations Management, IIE Transactions, Decision Sciences, Naval Research Logistics, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, and Annals of Operations Research. He is editor of the book The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM, and he has co-authored the research monograph Quantity Discounts: An Overview and Practical Guide for Buyers and Sellers. He is also coauthor of Managerial Decision Modeling with Spreadsheets (4th edition), published by Pearson.

Dr. Munson has taught operations management core and elective courses at the undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. levels at Washington State University. He has also conducted several teaching workshops at international conferences and for Ph.D. students at Washington State University. His major awards include being a Founding Board Member of the Washington State University President’s Teaching Academy (2004); winning the WSU College of Business Outstanding Teaching Award (2001 and 2015), Research Award (2004), and Service Award (2009 and 2013); and being named the WSU MBA Professor of the Year (2000 and 2008).

Paul Griffin Associate Dean, Business Degrees, Humber Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Management from the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom and has also achieved 18 professional designations, including Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Certified General Accountant (CGA), Certified Financial Planner (CFP), Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI), and several others.

Before joining academia, Dr. Griffin was engaged in the financial services sector for over 20 years and was most recently the National Director of Operations and Compliance at ING Canada. He remains an active member of several boards and committees, most notably the Insurance Institute of Canada’s Ethics Advisory Board and the Financial Services Commission of Ontario’s Advisory Board, and he serves as Chair of the Education Committee and Board of Directors for the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning. Before becoming Associate Dean at Humber, Dr. Griffin was a Professor and taught operations management, accounting, finance, and marketing. During that time, he received the Award of Excellence for Outstanding Academic Contribution.

Dr. Griffin continues to write for practitioner-targeted publications and develops a continuous stream of technical manuals, materials, and courses for both the academic and industrial sectors. He remains an active member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Journal of Financial Planning.

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Brief Table of Contents


PART ONE Introduction to Operations Management 1 1 Operations and Productivity 1 2 Operations Strategy in a Global

Environment 26

3 Project Management 58 4 Forecasting 103

PART TWO Designing Operations 151 5 Design of Goods and Services 151 Supplement 5: Sustainability in the

Supply Chain 183

6 Managing Quality 203 Supplement 6: Statistical

Process Control 233

7 Process Strategy 264 Supplement 7: Capacity and

Constraint Management 293

8 Location Strategies 322 9 Layout Strategies 349 10 Human Resources, Job Design,

and Work Measurement 387

PART THREE Managing Operations 421 11 Supply Chain Management 421 Supplement 11: Supply Chain

Management Analytics 453

12 Inventory Management 468

13 Aggregate Planning and Sales and Operations Planning 512

14 Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP 543

15 Short-Term Scheduling 580 16 Lean Operations 617 17 Maintenance and Reliability 643

PART FOUR Business Analytics Modules 661 A Decision-Making Tools 661 B Linear Programming 681 C Transportation Models 711 D Waiting-Line Models 731 E Learning Curves 761 F Simulation 775 Appendix A1

Bibliography B1

Indices I1

Online Tutorials 1 Statistical Tools for Managers T1-1 2 Acceptance Sampling T2-1 3 The Simplex Method of Linear

Programming T3-1

4 The MODI and VAM Methods of Solving Transportation Problems T4-1

5 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling T5-1

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About the Authors


About the Authors iii Preface xvi

PART ONE Introduction to Operations Management 1

1 Operations and Productivity 1 What Is Operations Management? 2 Organizing to Produce Goods and Services 3

The Supply Chain 4 Why Study Operations Management? 4 What Operations Managers Do 5

Where Are the OM Jobs? 6 The Heritage of Operations Management 6 Operations in the Service Sector 9

Differences Between Goods and Services 9 Growth of Services 9 Service Pay 10

New Challenges in Operations Management 11 The Productivity Challenge 11

Productivity Measurement 12 Productivity Variables 14 Productivity and the Service Sector 16

Ethics, Social Responsibility, and Sustainability 17 Chapter Summary 18 • Ethical Dilemma 18 • Discussion Questions 19 • Solved Problems 19 • Problems 20 • Case Studies: National Air Express 21 • Video Case Studies: Frito- Lay: Operations Management in Manufacturing 22 • Hard Rock Cafe: Operations Management in Services 22 • Rapid Review 23 • Self-Test 25

2 Operations Strategy in a Global Environment 26 A Global View of Operations and Supply Chains 28

Reduce Costs 29 Improve the Supply Chain 30 Provide Better Goods and Services 30 Understand Markets 30 Learn to Improve Operations 31 Attract and Retain Global Talent 31

Cultural and Ethical Issues 31 Developing Missions and Strategies 32

Mission 32 Strategy 32

Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Operations 33

Competing on Differentiation 34 Competing on Cost 34 Competing on Response 35

10 Strategic OM Decisions 36 Issues in Operations Strategy 39 Strategy Development and Implementation 40

Key Success Factors and Core Competencies 41 Build and Staff the Organization 42 Integrate OM with Other Activities 42

Strategic Planning, Core Competencies, and Outsourcing 43

The Theory of Comparative Advantage 44 Risks of Outsourcing 44 Rating Outsource Providers 45

Global Operations Strategy Options 47 International Strategy 47 Multidomestic Strategy 48 Global Strategy 48 Transnational Strategy 48 Chapter Summary 49 • Ethical Dilemma 49 • Discussion Questions 50 • Solved Problems 50 • Problems 51 • Case Studies: Mr. Lube 53 • Video Case Studies: Operations Strategy at Regal Marine 53 • Hard Rock Cafe’s Global Strategy 53 • Rapid Review 54 • Self-Test 56

3 Project Management 58 The Importance of Project Management 59 Project Planning 60

The Project Manager 61 Work Breakdown Structure 61

Project Scheduling 62 Project Controlling 64 Project Management Techniques: PERT and CPM 65

The Framework of PERT and CPM 65 Network Diagrams and Approaches 66 Activity-on-Node Example 67 Activity-on-Arrow Example 69

Determining the Project Schedule 70 Forward Pass 70 Backward Pass 72

Table of Contents

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Table of Contents vii

Calculating Slack Time and Identifying the Critical Path(s) 73

Variability in Activity Times 75 Three Time Estimates in PERT 76 Probability of Project Completion 77

Cost–Time Trade-Offs and Project Crashing 81 A Critique of PERT and CPM 83

Advantages 83 Limitations 84

Using Microsoft Project to Manage Projects 84 Entering Data 84 Viewing the Project Schedule 85 PERT Analysis 86 Tracking the Time Status of a Project 86 Chapter Summary 87 • Ethical Dilemma 87 • Discussion Questions 87 • Using Software to Solve Project Management Problems 88 • Solved Problems 88 • Problems 91 • Case Studies: Fast Creek Lightning: (A) 96 • Video Case Studies: Project Management at Arnold Palmer Hospital 97 • Managing Hard Rock’s Rockfest 98 • Rapid Review 100 • Self-Test 102

4 Forecasting 103 What Is Forecasting? 104

Forecasting Time Horizons 105 The Influence of Product Life Cycle 105 Types of Forecasts 106

The Strategic Importance of Forecasting 106 Supply Chain Management 106 Human Resources 106 Capacity 106

Seven Steps in the Forecasting System 107 Forecasting Approaches 107

Overview of Qualitative Methods 107 Overview of Quantitative Methods 108

Time-Series Forecasting 108 Decomposition of a Time Series 108 Naive Approach 109 Moving Averages 109 Exponential Smoothing 112 Measuring Forecast Error 113 Exponential Smoothing with Trend Adjustment 116 Trend Projections 119 Seasonal Variations in Data 122 Cyclical Variations in Data 126

Associative Forecasting Methods: Regression and Correlation Analysis 126

Using Regression Analysis for Forecasting 126 Standard Error of the Estimate 128

Correlation Coefficients for Regression Lines 129 Multiple-Regression Analysis 131

Monitoring and Controlling Forecasts 132 Adaptive Smoothing 133 Focus Forecasting 133

Forecasting in the Service Sector 134 Specialty Retail Shops 134 Fast-Food Restaurants 134 Chapter Summary 135 • Ethical Dilemma 135 • Discussion Questions 136 • Using Software in Forecasting 136 • Solved Problems 138 • Problems 139 • Case Studies: Fast Creek Lightning: (B) 146 • Video Case Studies: Forecasting at Hard Rock Cafe 146 • Rapid Review 147 • Self-Test 150

PART TWO Designing Operations 151

5 Design of Goods and Services 151 Goods and Services Selection 152

Product Strategy Options Support Competitive Advantage 153 Product Life Cycles 154 Life Cycle and Strategy 154 Product-by-Value Analysis 155

Generating New Products 155 New Product Opportunities 155 Importance of New Products 155

Product Development 156 Product Development System 156 Quality Function Deployment (QFD) 157 Organizing for Product Development 160 Manufacturability and Value Engineering 161

Issues for Product Design 162 Robust Design 162 Modular Design 162 Computer-Aided Design (CAD) 162 Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) 163 Virtual Reality Technology 164 Value Analysis 164 Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) 164

Time-Based Competition 164 Purchasing Technology by Acquiring a Firm 166 Joint Ventures 166 Alliances 166

Defining a Product 166 Make-or-Buy Decisions 167 Group Technology 168

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viii Table of Contents

Documents for Production 169 Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) 169

Service Design 170 Process–Chain–Network (PCN) Analysis 170 Adding Service Efficiency 172 Documents for Services 172

Application of Decision Trees to Product Design 173 Transition to Production 175

Chapter Summary 175 • Ethical Dilemma 176 • Discussion Questions 176 • Solved Problem 176 • Problems 177 • Case Studies: StackTeck 179 • Video Case Studies: Product Strategy at Regal Marine 179 • Rapid Review 180 • Self-Test 182

5 Supplement: Sustainability in the Supply Chain 183 Corporate Social Responsibility 184 Sustainability 185

Systems View 185 Commons 185 Triple Bottom Line 185

Design and Production for Sustainability 188 Product Design 188 Production Process 190 Logistics 190 End-of-Life Phase 193

Regulations and Industry Standards 193 International Environmental Policies and Standards 194 Supplement Summary 195 • Discussion Questions 195 • Solved Problems 196 • Problems 197 • Video Case Studies: Building Sustainability at the Orlando Magic’s Amway Center 199 • Green Manufacturing and Sustainability at Frito-Lay 199 • Rapid Review 200 • Self-Test 202

6 Managing Quality 203 Quality and Strategy 204 Defining Quality 205

Implications of Quality 206 National Quality Awards 206 ISO 9000 International Quality Standards 206 ISO 14000 206 Cost of Quality (COQ) 207 Ethics and Quality Management 208

Total Quality Management 208 Continuous Improvement 209 Six Sigma 210 Employee Empowerment 211 Benchmarking 211

Just-in-Time (JIT) 213 Taguchi Concepts 213 Knowledge of TQM Tools 214

Tools of TQM 214 Check Sheets 214 Scatter Diagrams 214 Cause-and-Effect Diagrams 214 Pareto Charts 215 Flowcharts 217 Histograms 218 Statistical Process Control (SPC) 218

The Role of Inspection 219 When and Where to Inspect 219 Source Inspection 220 Service Industry Inspection 220 Inspection of Attributes versus Variables 220

TQM in Services 221 Chapter Summary 223 • Ethical Dilemma 224 • Discussion Questions 224 • Problems 224 • Case Studies: Fast Creek Lightning: (C) 226 • Video Case Studies: The Culture of Quality at Arnold Palmer Hospital 227 • Quality Counts at Alaska Airlines 228 • TQM at Ritz-Carlton Hotels 229 • Rapid Review 230 • Self-Test 232

6 Supplement: Statistical Process Control 233 Statistical Process Control (SPC) 233

Natural Variations 233 Assignable Variations 234 Samples 234 Control Charts 235 Control Charts for Variables 235 The Central Limit Theorem 235 Setting Mean Chart Limits (X -Charts) 237 Setting Range Chart Limits (R-Charts) 240 Using Mean and Range Charts 240 Control Charts for Attributes 242 Managerial Issues and Control Charts 245

Process Capability 246 Process Capability Ratio (Cp) 246 Process Capability Index (Cpk) 247

Acceptance Sampling 248 Operating Characteristic Curve 248 Average Outgoing Quality 250 Supplement Summary 251 • Discussion Questions 251 • Using Software for SPC 252 • Solved Problems 253 • Problems 254 • Case Studies: PEI Potato Purveyors 258 • Video Case Studies: Frito-Lay’s Quality-Controlled Potato Chips 260 • Farm to Fork: Quality at Darden Restaurants 260 • Rapid Review 261 • Self-Test 263

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Table of Contents ix

7 Process Strategy 264 Four Process Strategies 266

Process Focus 266 Repetitive Focus 267 Product Focus 267 Mass Customization Focus 268 Comparison of Process Choices 270

Selection of Equipment and Technology 272 Process Analysis and Design 273

Flowchart 274 Time-Function Mapping 274 Value-Stream Mapping 274 Process Charts 275 Service Blueprinting 276

Special Considerations for Service Process Design 277

Customer Interaction and Process Design 277 More Opportunities to Improve Service Processes 279

Production Technology 279 Machine Technology 279 Automatic Identification Systems (AISs) and RFID 280 Process Control 280 Vision Systems 281 Robots 281 Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRSs) 281 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) 281 Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) 281 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 282

Technology in Services 283 Process Redesign 284

Chapter Summary 285 • Ethical Dilemma 285 • Discussion Questions 285 • Solved Problem 286 • Problems 286 • Case Studies: Regina Manufacturing’s Process Decision 287 • Environmental Sustainability at Walmart 287 • Video Case Studies: Process Strategy at Wheeled Coach Ambulance 288 • Process Analysis at Arnold Palmer Hospital 288 • Alaska Airlines: 20-Minute Baggage Process—Guaranteed! 289 • Rapid Review 290 • Self-Test 292

7 Supplement: Capacity and Constraint Management 293 Capacity 293

Design and Effective Capacity 293 Capacity and Strategy 296 Capacity Considerations 296

Managing Demand 297 Demand and Capacity Management in the Service Sector 299

Bottleneck Analysis and the Theory of Constraints 299 Theory of Constraints 302 Bottleneck Management 302

Break-Even Analysis 304 Assumptions 304 Graphic Approach 304 Algebraic Approach 305 Single-Product Case 305 Multiproduct Case 306

Reducing Risk with Incremental Changes 308 Applying Expected Monetary Value (EMV) to Capacity Decisions 309 Applying Investment Analysis to Strategy-Driven Investments 309

Investment, Variable Cost, and Cash Flow 309 Net Present Value 309 Supplement Summary 312 • Discussion Questions 312 • Using Software for Break-Even Analysis 312 • Solved Problems 313 • Problems 315 • Video Case Study: Capacity Planning at Arnold Palmer Hospital 318 • Rapid Review 319 • Self-Test 321

8 Location Strategies 322 The Strategic Importance of Location 323

Location and Costs 324 Factors that Affect Location Decisions 324

Labour Productivity 326 Exchange Rates and Currency Risk 326 Costs 327 Political Risk, Values, and Culture 327 Proximity to Markets 327 Proximity to Suppliers 328 Proximity to Competitors (Clustering) 329

Methods of Evaluating Location Alternatives 329 The Factor Rating Method 329 Locational Break-Even Analysis 330 Centre-of-Gravity Method 332 Transportation Model 333

Service Location Strategy 334 Geographic Information Systems 334 Chapter Summary 336 • Ethical Dilemma 336 • Discussion Questions 336 • Using Software to Solve Location Problems 337 • Solved Problems 337 • Problems 339 • Case Studies: Atlantic Assembly Services 344 • Video Case Studies: Locating the Next Red Lobster Restaurant 344 • Hard Rock’s Location Selection 345 • Rapid Review 346 • Self-Test 348

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x Table of Contents

9 Layout Strategies 349 The Strategic Importance of Layout Decisions 350 Types of Layout 351 Office Layout 352 Retail Layout 353

Servicescapes 355 Warehousing and Storage Layouts 356

Cross-Docking 356 Random Stocking 357 Customizing 358

Fixed-Position Layout 358 Process-Oriented Layout 359

Computer Software for Process-Oriented Layouts 363

Work Cells 364 Requirements of Work Cells 364 Staffing and Balancing Work Cells 365 The Focused Work Centre and the Focused Factory 367

Repetitive and Product-Oriented Layout 367 Assembly-Line Balancing 368 Chapter Summary 373 • Ethical Dilemma 373 • Discussion Questions 373 • Using Software to Solve Layout Problems 373 • Solved Problems 374 • Problems 377 • Case Studies: Automobile Licence Renewals 382 • Video Case Studies: Layout at Arnold Palmer Hospital 383 • Facility Layout at Wheeled Coach Ambulance 384 • Rapid Review 385 • Self-Test 386

10 Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement 387 Human Resource Strategy for Competitive Advantage 389

Constraints on Human Resource Strategy 389 Labour Planning 390

Employment-Stability Policies 390 Work Schedules 390 Job Classifications and Work Rules 391

Job Design 391 Labour Specialization 391 Job Expansion 392 Psychological Components of Job Design 392 Self-Directed Teams 393 Motivation and Incentive Systems 393

Ergonomics and the Work Environment 395 Ergonomics 395 Operator Input to Machines 395 Feedback to Operators 395 The Work Environment 396

Methods Analysis 397 The Visual Workplace 399 Labour Standards 400

Historical Experience 400 Time Studies 400 Predetermined Time Standards 405 Work Sampling 407

Ethics 409 Chapter Summary 410 • Ethical Dilemma 410 • Discussion Questions 410 • Solved Problems 411 • Problems 413 • Case Studies: Jackson Manufacturing Company 416 • Video Case Studies: The “People” Focus: Human Resources at Alaska Airlines 416 • Human Resources at Hard Rock Cafe 417 • Rapid Review 418 • Self-Test 420

PART THREE Managing Operations 421

11 Supply Chain Management 421 The Supply Chain’s Strategic Importance 422

Supply Chain Risk 424 Ethics and Sustainability 425

Personal Ethics 425 Ethics within the Supply Chain 425 Ethical Behaviour Regarding the Environment 425

Supply Chain Economics 426 Make-or-Buy Decisions 427 Outsourcing 427

Supply Chain Strategies 427 Many Suppliers 428 Few Suppliers 428 Vertical Integration 428 Joint Ventures 429 Keiretsu Networks 429 Virtual Companies 429

Managing the Supply Chain 430 Mutual Agreement on Goals 430 Trust 430 Compatible Organizational Cultures 430 Issues in an Integrated Supply Chain 431 Opportunities in an Integrated Supply Chain 431

Eprocurement 433 Electronic Ordering and Funds Transfer 434 Online Catalogues 434 Auctions 434

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Table of Contents xi

RFQs 434 Real-Time Inventory Tracking 434

Vendor Selection 435 Vendor Evaluation 435 Vendor Development 436 Negotiations 436 Contracting 437 Centralized Purchasing 437 E-Procurement 437

Logistics Management 438 Distribution Systems 438 Warehousing 439 Third-Party Logistics 440 Cost of Shipping Alternatives 440 Security and JIT 441

Measuring Supply Chain Performance 442 Supply Chain Performance 442 Assets Committed to Inventory 442 The SCOR Model 444 Chapter Summary 445 • Ethical Dilemma 445 • Discussion Questions 445 • Solved Problems 445 • Problems 446 • Case Studies: Dell’s Value Chain 447 • Video Case Studies: Darden’s Global Supply Chain 448 • Supply Chain Management at Regal Marine 449 • Arnold Palmer Hospital ’s Supply Chain 449 • Rapid Review 450 • Self-Test 452

11 Supplement: Supply Chain Management Analytics 453 Techniques for Evaluating Supply Chains 453 Evaluating Disaster Risk in the Supply Chain 453 Managing the Bullwhip Effect 455

A Bullwhip Effect Measure 456 Supplier Selection Analysis 457 Transportation Mode Analysis 458 Warehouse Storage 459

Supplement Summary 460 • Discussion Questions 460 • Solved Problems 460 • Problems 462 • Rapid Review 465 • Self-Test 467

12 Inventory Management 468 The Importance of Inventory 470

Functions of Inventory 471 Types of Inventory 471

Managing Inventory 472 ABC Analysis 472 Record Accuracy 474 Cycle Counting 474 Control of Service Inventories 476

Inventory Models 478

Independent versus Dependent Demand 478 Holding, Ordering, and Setup Costs 478

Inventory Models for Independent Demand 478 The Basic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model 479 Minimizing Costs 479 Reorder Points 483 Production Order Quantity Model 485 Quantity Discount Models 487

Probabilistic Models and Safety Stock 490 Other Probabilistic Models 493

Single-Period Model 495 Fixed-Period (P) Systems 496

Chapter Summary 497 • Ethical Dilemma 497 • Discussion Questions 497 • Using Software to Solve Inventory Problems 498 • Solved Problem 499 • Problems 502 • Case Studies: Zhou Bicycle Company 507 • Video Case Studies: Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay 507 • Inventory Control at Wheeled Coach Ambulance 508 • Rapid Review 508 • Self-Test 510

13 Aggregate Planning and Sales and Operations Planning 512 The Planning Process 513

Sales and Operations Planning 513 The Nature of Aggregate Planning 515 Aggregate Planning Strategies 516

Capacity Options 517 Demand Options 517 Mixing Options to Develop a Plan 518

Methods for Aggregate Planning 519 Graphical Methods 519 Mathematical Approaches 523 Comparison of Aggregate Planning Methods 525

Aggregate Planning in Services 526 Restaurants 526 Hospitals 527 National Chains of Small Service Firms 527 Miscellaneous Services 527 Airline Industry 528

Yield Management 528 Chapter Summary 531 • Ethical Dilemma 531 • Discussion Questions 532 • Using Software for Aggregate Planning 532 • Solved Problems 533 • Problems 534 • Case Studies: Fast Creek Lightning (G) 538 • Andrew-Carter, Inc. 539 • Video Case Studies: Using Revenue Management to Set Orlando Magic Ticket Prices 540 • Rapid Review 540 • Self-Test 542

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xii Table of Contents

14 Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP 543 Dependent Demand 544 Dependent Inventory Model Requirements 545

Master Production Schedule 545 Bills of Material 547 Accurate Inventory Records 549 Purchase Orders Outstanding 549 Lead Times for Components 549

MRP Structure 550 MRP Management 554

MRP Dynamics 554 MRP and JIT 554

Lot-Sizing Techniques 555 Lot-for-Lot 555 Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) 556 Periodic Order Quantity 557 Lot-Sizing Summary 558

Extensions of MRP 559 Material Requirements Planning II (MRP II) 559 Closed-Loop MRP 560 Capacity Planning 560

MRP in Services 561 Restaurants 562 Hospitals 562 Hotels 562 Distribution Resource Planning (DRP) 563

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 563 ERP in the Service Sector 565 Chapter Summary 566 • Ethical Dilemma 566 • Discussion Questions 566 • Using Software to Solve MRP Problems 566 • Solved Problems 568 • Problems 571 • Case Studies: Hill’s Automotive, Inc. 575 • Video Case Studies: When 18 500 Orlando Magic Fans Come to Dinner 575 • MRP at Wheeled Coach Ambulance 576 • Rapid Review 577 • Self-Test 579

15 Short-Term Scheduling 580 The Importance of Short-Term Scheduling 581 Scheduling Issues 582

Forward and Backward Scheduling 583 Finite and Infinite Loading 584 Scheduling Criteria 585

Scheduling Process-Focused Facilities 586 Loading Jobs 586

Input–Output Control 586 Gantt Charts 588 Assignment Method 588

Sequencing Jobs 592 Priority Rules for Dispatching Jobs 592 Critical Ratio 595 Sequencing N Jobs on Two Machines: Johnson’s Rule 595 Limitations of Rule-Based Dispatching Systems 597

Finite Capacity Scheduling (FCS) 597 Scheduling Repetitive Facilities 599 Scheduling Services 599

Hospitals 599 Banks 599 Retail Stores 600 Airlines 600 24/7 Operations 600 Scheduling Service Employees with Cyclical Scheduling 601 Cyclical Scheduling 601 Chapter Summary 603 • Ethical Dilemma 603 • Discussion Questions 603 • Using Software for Short-Term Scheduling 603 • Solved Problems 605 • Problems 608 • Case Studies: Old Muskoka Wood Store 611 • Video Case Studies: From the Eagles to the Magic: Converting the Amway Center 612 • Scheduling at Hard Rock Cafe 614 • Rapid Review 614 • Self-Test 616

16 Lean Operations 617 Lean Operations 619

Eliminate Waste 619 Remove Variability 621 Improve Throughput 621

Lean and Just-in-Time 621 Supplier Partnerships 621

Lean Layout 624 Distance Reduction 624 Increased Flexibility 624 Impact on Employees 624 Reduced Space and Inventory 625

Lean Inventory 625 Reduce Inventory and Variability 625 Reduce Lot Sizes 626 Reduce Setup Costs 627

Lean Scheduling 628 Level Schedules 628 Kanban 629

Lean Quality 631 Toyota Production System 632

Continuous Improvement 632 Respect for People 633 Processes and Standard Work Practice 633

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Table of Contents xiii

Lean Organizations 633 Building a Lean Organization 633 Lean Sustainability 634

Lean Operations in Services 635 Suppliers 635 Layouts 635 Inventory 635 Scheduling 635 Chapter Summary 635 • Ethical Dilemma 636 • Discussion Questions 636 • Solved Problems 636 • Problems 637 • Case Studies: Saskatchewan Mutual Insurance Company 638 • Video Case Studies: Lean Operations at Alaska Airline 638 • JIT at Arnold Palmer Hospital 640 • Rapid Review 640 • Self-Test 642

17 Maintenance and Reliability 643 The Strategic Importance of Maintenance and Reliability 644 Reliability 645

Improving Individual Components 645 Providing Redundancy 647

Maintenance 649 Implementing Preventive Maintenance 649 Increasing Repair Capabilities 652 Autonomous Maintenance 653

Total Productive Maintenance 653 Techniques for Enhancing Maintenance 653

Simulation 653 Expert Systems 654 Automated Sensors 654 Chapter Summary 654 • Ethical Dilemma 654 • Discussion Questions 654 • Using Software to Solve Reliability Problems 655 • Solved Problems 655 • Problems 655 • Video Case Study: Maintenance Drives Profits at Frito-Lay 657 • Rapid Review 658 • Self-Test 659

PART FOUR Business Analytics Modules 661

A Decision-Making Tools 661 The Decision Process in Operations 661 Fundamentals of Decision Making 662 Decision Tables 663 Types of Decision-Making Environments 664

Decision Making Under Uncertainty 664

Decision Making Under Risk 665 Decision Making Under Certainty 665 Expected Value of Perfect Information (EVPI) 666

Decision Trees 667 A More Complex Decision Tree 668

Using Decision Trees in Ethical Decision Making 670

The Poker Decision Process 671 Module Summary 671 • Discussion Questions 671 • Using Software for Decision Models 672 • Solved Problems 673 • Problems 674 • Case Study: Tom Tucker’s Liver Transplant 678 • Rapid Review 678 • Self-Test 680

B Linear Programming 681 Why Use Linear Programming? 681 Requirements of a Linear Programming Problem 682 Formulating Linear Programming Problems 682

Glickman Electronics Example 682 Graphical Solution to a Linear Programming Problem 683

Graphical Representation of Constraints 683 Iso-Profit Line Solution Method 684 Corner-Point Solution Method 687

Sensitivity Analysis 688 Sensitivity Report 689 Changes in the Resources or Right-Hand-Side Values 689 Changes in the Objective Function Coefficient 690

Solving Minimization Problems 690 Linear Programming Applications 692

Production-Mix Example 692 Diet Problem Example 693 Labour Scheduling Example 694

The Simplex Method of LP 695 Integer and Binary Variables 696

Creating Integer and Binary Variables 696 Linear Programming Applications with Binary Variables 696 A Fixed-Charge Integer Programming Problem 697 Module Summary 698 • Discussion Questions 698 • Using Software to Solve LP Problems 699 • Solved Problems 700 • Problems 702 • Case Study: Golding Landscaping and Plants Inc. 708 • Rapid Review 708 • Self-Test 710

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xiv Table of Contents

C Transportation Models 711 Transportation Modelling 711 Developing an Initial Solution 713

The Northwest-Corner Rule 713 The Intuitive Lowest-Cost Method 714

The Stepping-Stone Method 715 Special Issues in Modelling 718

Demand Not Equal to Supply 718 Degeneracy 719 Module Summary 720 • Discussion Questions 720 • Using Software to Solve Transportation Problems 721 • Solved Problems 722 • Problems 724 • Case Study: Custom Vans Inc. 727 • Rapid Review 728 • Self-Test 730

D Waiting-Line Models 731 Queuing Theory 731 Characteristics of a Waiting-Line System 732

Arrival Characteristics 732 Waiting-Line Characteristics 734 Service Characteristics 734 Measuring a Queue’s Performance 736

Queuing Costs 736 The Variety of Queuing Models 737

Model A (M/M/1): Single-Channel Queuing Model with Poisson Arrivals and Exponential Service Times 738 Model B (M/M/S): Multiple-Channel Queuing Model 741 Model C (M/D/1): Constant-Service-Time Model 745 Little’s Law 746 Model D: Limited-Population Model 746

Other Queuing Approaches 749 Module Summary 750 • Discussion Questions 750 • Using Software to Solve Queuing Problems 750 • Solved Problems 751 • Problems 753 • Case Studies: Labrador Foundry Inc. 756 • The Winter Park Hotel 757 • Rapid Review 758 • Self-Test 759

E Learning Curves 761 What Is a Learning Curve? 761 Learning Curves in Services and Manufacturing 762 Applying the Learning Curve 763

Arithmetic Approach 763 Logarithmic Approach 763 Learning-Curve Coefficient Approach 764

Strategic Implications of Learning Curves 766

Limitations of Learning Curves 767 Module Summary 767 • Discussion Questions 767 • Using Software for Learning Curves 767 • Solved Problems 768 • Problems 769 • Case Study: SMT’s Negotiation with IBM 771 • Rapid Review 772 • Self-Test 774

F Simulation 775 What Is Simulation? 775 Advantages and Disadvantages of Simulation 776 Monte Carlo Simulation 777

Step 1. Establishing Probability Distributions 777 Step 2. Building a Cumulative Probability Distribution for Each Variable 778 Step 3. Setting Random-Number Intervals 778 Step 4. Generating Random Numbers 779 Step 5. Simulating the Experiment 779

Simulation of a Queuing Problem 780 Simulation and Inventory Analysis 783

Module Summary 786 • Discussion Questions 786 • Using Software in Simulation 786 • Solved Problems 788 • Problems 789 • Case Study: Canadian Shield Airlines Call Centre 793 • Rapid Review 794 • Self-Test 796

Appendix A1 Bibliography B1 Indices I1

Online Tutorials

1 Statistical Tools for Managers T1-1 Discrete Probability Distributions T1-2

Expected Value of a Discrete Probability Distribution T1-3 Variance of a Discrete Probability Distribution T1-3

Continuous Probability Distributions T1-4 The Normal Distribution T1-4 Summary T1-7 • Key Terms T1-7 • Discussion Questions T1-7 • Problems T1-7 • Bibliography T1-8

2 Acceptance Sampling T2-1 Sampling Plans T2-2

Single Sampling T2-2 Double Sampling T2-2 Sequential Sampling T2-2

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Table of Contents xv

Operating Characteristic (OC) Curves T2-2 Producer’s and Consumer’s Risk T2-3 Average Outgoing Quality T2-5

Summary T2-6 • Key Terms T2-6 • Solved Problem T2-7 • Discussion Questions T2-7 • Problems T2-7

3 The Simplex Method of Linear Programming T3-1 Converting the Constraints to Equations T3-2 Setting Up the First Simplex Tableau T3-2 Simplex Solution Procedures T3-4 Summary of Simplex Steps for Maximization Problems T3-6 Artificial and Surplus Variables T3-7 Solving Minimization Problems T3-7

Summary T3-8 • Key Terms T3-8 • Solved Problem T3-8 • Discussion Questions T3-8 • Problems T3-9

4 The MODI and VAM Methods of Solving Transportation Problems T4-1 MODI Method T4-2

How to Use the MODI Method T4-2 Solving the Arizona Plumbing Problem with MODI T4-2

Vogel’s Approximation Method: Another Way to Find an Initial Solution T4-4

Discussion Questions T4-8 • Problems T4-8

5 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling T5-1 Introduction T5-2

Service Delivery Example: Meals-for-ME T5-2 Objectives of Routing and Scheduling Problems T5-2 Characteristics of Routing and Scheduling Problems T5-3

Classifying Routing and Scheduling Problems T5-3 Solving Routing and Scheduling Problems T5-4

Routing Service Vehicles T5-5 The Traveling Salesman Problem T5-5 Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem T5-8 The Vehicle Routing Problem T5-9 Cluster First, Route Second Approach T5-10

Scheduling Service Vehicles T5-11 The Concurrent Scheduler Approach T5-13

Other Routing and Scheduling Problems T5-13 Summary T5-14 • Key Terms T5-15 • Discussion Questions T5-15 • Problems T5-15 • Case Study: Routing and Scheduling of Phlebotomists T5-17 • Bibliography T5-17

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Welcome to your operations management (OM) course and to the third Canadian edition of this textbook. This text presents a state-of-the-art view of the activities of the operations function from a Canadian perspective. Operations is an exciting and dynamic area of management that has a profound effect on the productivity of both services and manufacturing. Indeed, few other activities have so much impact on the quality of your life. The goal of this book is to present a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic, meaningful, and practical manner. OM includes a blend of subject areas, including accounting, industrial engineering, management, management science, and statistics. Whether you are pursuing a career in the operations field or not, you will likely be working with people in operations. Therefore, having a solid understanding of the role of operations in an organization is of substantial benefit to you. This text will also help you understand how OM affects society and your life. Certainly, you will better understand what goes on behind the scenes when you buy a coffee at Tim Hortons, take a flight from Edmonton to Vancouver, place an order with, or enter a Canadian hospital for medical care.

Although many readers of this book are not OM majors, students studying marketing, finance, accounting, and MIS will hopefully find the material both interesting and useful as they develop a fundamental working knowledge of the operations side of the firm.

ABOUT THE THIRD CANADIAN EDITION The goal of this third Canadian edition is to retain the features and strengths that have made this book so successful over the years while bringing a new Canadian perspective to the text. Readers will find examples of Canadian companies and success stories woven throughout the book with cases drawn from the manufacturing and service industry taken from both the private and public sectors. The text describes many Canadian locations and uses Canadian data when available. Readers can follow the story of the construction of a hockey arena as a recurring case study that touches upon many aspects of OM in a familiar setting. It is also important to acknowledge the global nature of today’s business environment. Operations management is a discipline that encompasses both the local and the international, with global considerations affecting everything from location strategies to scheduling and transportation. This third Canadian edition therefore retains many of the best and most familiar U.S. and international examples.

NEW TO THIS EDITION We’ve made significant revisions to this edition, and we want to share some of the changes with you.

Five New Video Case Studies Featuring Alaska Airlines In this edition we take you behind the scenes of Alaska Airlines, consistently rated as one of the top carriers in North America. This fascinating organization opened its doors—and planes—so we could examine leading-edge OM in the airline industry. We observe the quality program at Alaska Air (Chapter 6), the process analysis behind the airline’s 20-minute baggage retrieval guarantee (Chapter 7), how Alaska empowers its employees (Chapter 10), the airline’s use of Lean, 5s, kaizen, and Gemba walks (Chapter 16), and the complexities of scheduling (Module B). These videos, and other video case studies that feature real companies, can be found in MyLab Operations Management.

New Sustainability in the Supply Chain Supplement 5 We have enhanced the cov- erage of sustainability in this edition with the inclusion of a brand-new supplement that covers the topics of corporate social responsibility, design and production for sustainability, and regula- tions and industry standards.

Creating Your Own Excel Spreadsheets We continue to provide two free decision support software programs, Excel OM for Windows and Mac and POM for Windows, to help


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Preface xvii

you and your students solve homework problems and case studies. These excellent packages are found in MyLab Operations Management’s Download Center.

Many instructors also encourage students to develop their own Excel spreadsheet models to tackle OM issues. With this edition we provide numerous examples at chapter end on how to do so. “Creating Your Own Excel Spreadsheets” examples now appear in Chapters 2, 4, 8, 12, and Supplement 6, Supplement 7, and Modules A, and F. We hope these 8 samples will help expand students’ spreadsheet capabilities.

Expanding and Reordering Our Set of Homework Problems We believe that a vast selection of quality homework problems, ranging from easy to challenging (denoted by one to four dots), is critical for both instructors and students. Instructors need a broad selection of problems to choose from for homework, quizzes, and exams—without reusing the same set from semester to semester. We take pride in having more problems than any other OM text. We added dozens of new problems this edition.

Further, with the majority of our adopters now using the MyLab Operations Management learning system in their classes, we have reorganized all the homework problems—both those appearing in the printed text and the additional homework problems that are available in MyLab Operations Management—by topic heading. We identify all problems by topic.

The list of all problems by topic also appears at the end of each boxed example as well as in the Rapid Review that closes each chapter. These handy references should make it easier to assign problems for homework, quizzes, and exams. A rich set of assignable problems and cases makes the learning experience more complete and pedagogically sound.

Lean Operations In previous editions we sought to explicitly differentiate the concepts of just-in-time, Lean, and the Toyota Production System in Chapter 16. However, there is signifi- cant overlap and interchangeability among those three concepts, so we have revised Chapter 16 to incorporate the three concepts into an overall concept of “Lean”. The chapter suggests that students view Lean as a comprehensive integrated operations strategy that sustains competitive advantage and results in increased returns to all stakeholders.

In addition, the following changes have been made for the third Canadian edition: • New section on strategic planning, core competencies, and outsourcing added to Chapter 2. • Coverage of agile and waterfall approaches to project management have been revised in

Chapter 3. • New section on supply chain management in Chapter 4. • Added coverage of sustainability and life cycle assessment (LCA) to Chapter 5. • New section on ISO 9000 International Quality Standards in Chapter 6. • Coverage of bottleneck analysis in Supplement 7 has been completely revised. • Added coverage of supplier certification, contracting, and centralized purchasing to

Chapter 11. • Added section on warehouse storage to Supplement 11. • Coverage of economic order quantity enhanced with new section on period order quantity in

Chapter 14. • Added coverage of finite and infinite loading to Chapter 15. • Added coverage of Lean sustainability to Chapter 16. • Added coverage of parallel redundancy to Chapter 17. • New examples and case studies throughout the text.

MyLab Operations Management Resources In addition to our video case studies and our Excel OM and POM for Windows software, we provide the following resources in MyLab Operations Management: • Excel OM data files: Prepared for specific examples, these files allow users to solve all the

marked text examples without reentering data. • Active Models: These are Excel-based OM simulations, designed to help students under-

stand the quantitative methods shown in the textbook examples. Students may change the

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xviii Preface

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to acknowledge the contributions of the following reviewers who provided feedback during the development of the manuscript.

Farid Albehadili, University of Prince Edward Island

Gary Llewellyn Evans, University of Prince Edward Island

Scott Hadley, Sheridan College

Elkafi Hassini, McMaster University

Sam Lampropoulos, George Brown College

David Roberts, Southern Alberta Institute of Technology

Publishing a textbook requires the work of many talented individuals to handle the specialized tasks of development, photography, graphic design, illustration, editing, and production, to name only a few. I would like to thank Scott Hardie, Portfolio Manager; and Jennifer Murray, Content Developer, for her editorial guidance throughout the writing stage. I also thank the rest of the talented team: John Polanszky, Content Manager; Pippa Kennard and Christine Selvan, Project Managers; Sally Glover, Copy Editor; the team at Pearson CSC, and, finally, Spencer Snell, Marketing Manager.

But most of all, I thank my wife, Suzanne, and my children, Alexandra and Kathleen; my granddaughter, Kenna; plus Ryan and Robert, family and extended family, friends, and col- leagues. I couldn’t have done it without all of their support.

data to see how the changes affect the answers. These files are available in the Download Center.

• Online Tutorial Chapters: “Statistical Tools for Managers,” “Acceptance Sampling,” “The Simplex Method of Linear Programming,” “The MODI and VAM Methods of Solving Transportation Problems,” and “Vehicle Routing and Scheduling” are provided as additional material.

• Additional case studies: These case studies supplement the ones in the text. • Virtual office hours videos: Professors Heizer, Render, and Munson walk students through

the Solved Problems in a series of 5- to 20-minute explanations.

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Operations and Productivity

PART ONE Introduction to Operations Management (Chapters 1–4)

Learning Objectives LO1 Define operations

management 2

LO2 Explain the distinction between goods and services 9

LO3 Explain the difference between production and productivity 11

LO4 Compute single-factor productivity 12

LO5 Compute multifactor productivity 13

LO6 Identify the critical variables in enhancing productivity 14

Operations Management at Hard Rock Cafe Operations managers throughout the world are producing products daily

to provide for the well-being of society. These products take on a mul-

titude of forms, including auto parts at Magna International, motion pic-

tures at DreamWorks Studios, rides at Disney World, and food at Hard

Rock Cafe. These firms produce thousands of complex products every

day—to be delivered as the customer ordered them, when the customer

wants them, and where the customer wants them. Hard Rock does this

for over 35 million guests worldwide every year. This is a challenging

task, and the operations manager’s job—whether at Magna Internation-

al, DreamWorks, Disney, or Hard Rock—is demanding.

Orlando-based Hard Rock Cafe opened its first restaurant in London in

1971, making it over four decades old and the granddaddy of theme restau-

rants. Although other theme restaurants have come and gone, Hard Rock is

still going strong, with 150 restaurants in 53 countries—and new restaurants

opening each year. Hard Rock made its name with rock music memorabilia,

having started when Eric Clapton, a regular customer, marked his favourite

bar stool by hanging his guitar on the wall in the London cafe. Now Hard



Global Company Profile Hard Rock Cafe

Ruffer/Agencja Fotograficzna Caro/Alamy Stock Photo

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2 PART 1 Introduction to Operations Management

Rock has 70 000 items and millions of dollars invest-

ed in memorabilia. To keep customers coming back

time and again, Hard Rock creates value in the form

of good food and entertainment.

The operations managers at Hard Rock Cafe at

Universal Studios in Orlando provide more than 3500

custom products—in this case, meals—every day.

These products are designed, tested, and then ana-

lyzed for cost of ingredients, labour requirements, and

customer satisfaction. On approval, menu items are

put into production—and then only if the ingredients

are available from qualified suppliers. The production

process—from receiving, to cold storage, to grilling or

baking or frying, and a dozen other steps—is designed

and maintained to yield a quality meal. Operations

managers, using the best people they can recruit and

train, also prepare effective employee schedules and

design efficient layouts.

Managers who successfully design and deliver

goods and services throughout the world understand

operations. In this textbook, we look not only at how

Hard Rock’s managers create value but also at how

operations managers in other services, as well as in

manufacturing, do so. Operations management is de-

manding, challenging, and exciting. It affects our lives

every day. Ultimately, operations managers determine

how well we live.

What Is Operations Management? Operations management (OM) is a discipline that applies to restaurants like Hard Rock Cafe as well as to factories like Ford and Whirlpool. The techniques of OM apply throughout the world to virtually all productive enterprises. It doesn’t matter if the application is in an office, a hospi- tal, a restaurant, a department store, or a factory—the production of goods and services requires operations management. And the efficient production of goods and services requires effective application of the concepts, tools, and techniques of OM that we introduce in this book.

As we progress through this text, we will discover how to manage operations in a changing global economy. An array of informative examples, charts, text discussions, and pictures illus- trate concepts and provide information. We will see how operations managers create the goods and services that enrich our lives.

In this chapter, we first define operations management, explaining its heritage and exploring the exciting role operations managers play in a huge variety of organizations. Then we discuss production and productivity in both goods- and service-producing firms. This is followed by a discussion of operations in the service sector and the challenge of managing an effective and efficient production system.

Production is the creation of goods and services. Operations management (OM) is the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. Activities cr

Assessment 4 Instructions: Improvement Plan Tool Kit 

Assessment 4 Instructions: Improvement Plan Tool Kit

For this assessment, you will develop a Word document or an online resource repository of at least 12 annotated professional or scholarly resources that you consider critical for the audience of your safety improvement plan, pertaining to medication administration, to understand or implement to ensure the success of the plan.

Communication in the health care environment consists of an information-sharing experience whether through oral or written messages (Chard, Makary, 2015). As health care organizations and nurses strive to create a culture of safety and quality care, the importance of interprofessional collaboration, the development of tool kits, and the use of wikis become more relevant and vital. In addition to the dissemination of information and evidence-based findings and the development of tool kits, continuous support for and availability of such resources are critical. Among the most popular methods to promote ongoing dialogue and information sharing are blogs, wikis, websites, and social media. Nurses know how to support people in time of need or crisis and how to support one another in the workplace; wikis in particular enable nurses to continue that support beyond the work environment. Here they can be free to share their unique perspectives, educate others, and promote health care wellness at local and global levels (Kaminski, 2016).
You are encouraged to complete the Determining the Relevance and Usefulness of Resources activity prior to developing the repository. This activity will help you determine which resources or research will be most relevant to address a particular need. This may be useful as you consider how to explain the purpose and relevance of the resources you are assembling for your tool kit. The activity is for your own practice and self-assessment, and demonstrates course engagement.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.
    • Analyze usefulness of resources for role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements with medication administration.
  • Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.
    • Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk or improve quality with medication administration.
  • Competency 3: Identify organizational interventions to promote patient safety.
    • Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and sustainability of a safety improvement initiative focusing on medication administration.
  • Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.
    • Present compelling reasons and relevant situations for resource tool kit to be used by its target audience.
    • Communicate in a clear, logically structured, and professional manner, using current APA style and formatting.
  • References
    Chard, R., Makary, M. A. (2015). Transfer-of-care communication: Nursing best practices. AORN Journal, 102(4), 329-342.
    Kaminski, J. (2016). Why all nurses can/should be authors. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 11(4), 1-7.
    Professional Context
    Nurses are often asked to implement processes, concepts, or practices – sometimes with little preparatory communication or education. One way to encourage sustainability of quality and process improvements is to assemble an accessible, user-friendly tool kit for knowledge and process documentation. Creating a resource repository or tool kit is also an excellent way to follow up an educational or in-service session, as it can help to reinforce attendees’ new knowledge as well as the understanding of its value. By practicing creating a simple online tool kit, you can develop valuable technology skills to improve your competence and efficacy. This technology is easy to use, and resources are available to guide you.
    For this assessment, consider taking one of these two approaches:
  1. Build on the work done in your first three assessments and create an online tool kit or resource repository that will help the audience of your in-service understand the research behind your safety improvement plan pertaining to medication administration and put the plan into action.
  2. Locate a safety improvement plan (your current organization, the Institution for Healthcare Improvement, or a publicly available safety improvement initiative) pertaining to medication administration and create an online tool kit or resource repository that will help an audience understand the research behind the safety improvement plan and how to put the plan into action.
  3. Preparation
    Google Sites is recommended for this assessment – the tools are free to use and should offer you a blend of flexibility and simplicity as you create your online tool kit. Please note that this requires a Google account; use your Gmail or GoogleDocs login, or create an account following the directions under the “Create Account” menu.
    Refer to the following links to help you get started with Google Sites:
  • G Suite Learning Center. (n.d.). Get started with Sites. Retrieved from!/
  • Google. (n.d.). ;Google Sites. Retrieved from
  • Google. (n.d.). ;Sites help. Retrieved from
  • Instructions
    Using Google Sites, assemble an online resource tool kit containing at least 12 annotated resources that you consider critical to the success of your safety improvement initiative. These resources should enable nurses and others to implement and maintain the safety improvement you have developed.
    It is recommended that you focus on the 3 or 4 most critical categories or themes with respect to your safety improvement initiative pertaining to medication administration. For example, for an ;initiative that concerns improving workplace safety for practitioners, you might choose broad themes such as general organizational safety and quality best practices; environmental safety and quality risks; individual strategies to improve personal and team safety; and process best practices for reporting and improving environmental safety issues.
    Following the recommended scheme, you would collect 3 resources on average for each of the 4 categories focusing on safety with medication administration. Each resource listing should include ;the following:
  • An APA-formatted citation of the resource with a working link.
  • A description of the information, skills, or tools provided by the resource.
  • A brief explanation of how the resource can help nurses better understand or implement the safety improvement initiative pertaining to medication administration.
  • A description of how nurses can use this resource and when its use may be appropriate.
  • Remember that you must make your site public so that your faculty can access it. Check out the Google Sites resources for more information.
    Here is an example entry:
  • Merret, A., Thomas, P., Stephens, A., ;Moghabghab, R., Gruneir, M. (2011). A collaborative approach to fall preventionCanadian Nurse, 107(8), 24-29. Retrieved from
    • This article presents the Geriatric Emergency Management-Falls Intervention Team (GEM-FIT) project. It shows how a collaborative nurse lead project can be implemented and used to improve collaboration and interdisciplinary teamwork, as well as improve the delivery of health care services. This resource is likely more useful to nurses as a resource for strategies and models for assembling and participating in an interdisciplinary team than for specific fall-prevention strategies. It is suggested that this resource be reviewed prior to creating an interdisciplinary team for a collaborative project in a health care setting.
  • Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.
  • Identify necessary resources to support the implementation and continued sustainability of a safety improvement initiative pertaining to medication administration.
  • Analyze the usefulness of resources to the role group responsible for implementing quality and safety improvements focusing on medication administration.
  • Analyze the value of resources to reduce patient safety risk related to medication administration.
  • Present compelling reasons and relevant situations for use of resource tool kit by its target audience.
  • Communicate in a clear, logically structured, and professional manner that applies current APA style and formatting.
  • Example Assessment: You may use the following example to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like but keep in mind that your tool kit will focus on promoting safety with medication administration. Note that you do not have to submit your bibliography in addition to the Google Site; the example bibliography is merely for your reference.
  • Assessment 4 Example [PDF].
  • To submit your online tool kit assessment, paste the link to your Google Site in the assessment submission box.
    Example Google Site: You may use the example Google Site, Resources for Safety and Improvement Measures in Geropsychiatric Care, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like for this assessment but keep in mind that your tool kit will focus on promoting safety with medication administration.
    Note: If you experience technical or other challenges in completing this assessment, please contact your faculty member.
    Additional Requirements
  • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style
  • Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the final assessment to your ePortfolio so that you may refer to it as you complete the final Capstone course.
  • Scoring Guide
    Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

Problem identification:: Answer the two questions below:

::Problem identification::

Answer the two questions below:

1. Sleepless nights at Holiday Inn Case (Published in Business Week and

adapted in the textbook p. 91-92 for the course)

Just a few years ago, Tom Oliver, the Chief Executive of Holiday Hospitality Crop.,

was struggling to differentiate among the variety of facilities offered for clients

under the Holiday flag – the Holiday Inn Select designed for business travelers,

the Holiday Inn Express used by penny pinchers, and the Crown Plaza Hotels, the

luxurious hotels meant for the big spenders. Oliver felt that revenues could be

quadrupled if only clients could differentiate among these.

Keen on developing a viable strategy for Holiday Hospitality, which suffered from

brand confusion. Tom Olivers conducted a customer survey of those who had used

each type of facility, and found the following. The consumers didn’t have a clue as

to the difference among the three different types. Many complained that the

buildings were old and not properly maintained, and the quality rating of service

and other factors were also poor. Furthermore, when word spread that one of the

contemplated strategies of Oliver was a name change to differentiate the three

facilities, irate franchises balked. Their mixed message did not help consumers to

understand the differences, either.

Oliver thought that he first needed to understand how the different classifications

would be important to the several classes of client, and then he could market the

heck out of them and greatly enhance the revenues. Simultaneously, he

recognized that unless the franchises owners fully cooperated with him in all his

plans, mere face-lifting and improvement of customer service would not bring

added revenues.

Answer the following questions dealing with the case above:

a. Identify the problem

b. Develop a research question

2. Select a problem or issues of concerns within a company. Identify the problem

and then develop the problem statement section which includes:

a. The purpose of the study

b. Research questions

::Chapter summary::

Please write a one page chapter summary from the attached text book- Chapter 6 and chapter 6S. PLEASE write summary ONLY from textbook NO outside sources.

Which statement provides the best definition of the Enlightenment of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe and America?

(Q1) -Which statement provides the best definition of the Enlightenment of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe and America?

A)  “Enlightenment!” is what Benjamin Franklin exclaimed to his son, the day he discovered how electricity works by observing a lightning strike. Thereafter, that became the expression used by scientists and inventors.

B)  The Enlightenment is the burst of intellectual activity in Europe and the colonies that, among other things, caused an increase in the respect for education and value of information.


C)  When settlers arrived on the shores of the American colonies, they were said to have reached an “Enlightened” place. Therefore, the mass migration of immigrants to the colonies is known as the Enlightenment.

D)  The Enlightenment refers to “seeing the light,” as many colonists did in the eighteenth century as a Protestant religious revival swept through the colonies.

(Q2) – What was the purpose of Poor Richard’s Almanack

A)   Poor Richard’s Almanack shared weather and other information relevant to farmers, and also entertained readers with stories and wise sayings.

B)   Poor Richard’s Almanack targeted toward the poor of society, attempted to help them accept the truth of their position.


C)   Poor Richard’s Almanack recorded the births and marriages that occurred in the city of Philadelphia during the colonial era.

D)   Poor Richard’s Almanack is the written record of all Enlightenment era inventions and ideas.

(Q3) – When Poor Richard discusses the invention of the telescope and the orbits of planets around the sun, what does he assume about his readership? 

A)   Poor Richard assumes his readers may be in the market for telescopes, and he is an investor in the company that makes them.

B)   They are ignorant and need to be taught how the world works.

D)    His readers are open to discussions of Natural Law and astronomical sciences.

D)   Americans have always loved the occult, and Poor Richard’s Almanack was the first place a wide group of people had access to that type of literature.


(Q4) – To the historian, the printed sermon by Jonathan Edwards (Document 2) provides evidence that 


A)  Colonial Americans firmly believed in reason and scientific observation as a way of understanding and surviving in their world.

B)  there was a demand for transcripts of powerful sermons among the colonial population.

C)  Jonathan Edwards was a religious fanatic.

D)  only preachers held the power of the written word and the gospel in their hands.

(Q5) – Compare the “Urban Web” and the development of print culture in colonial America discussed in Chapter 3 to the way that information is spread and acquired in the twenty-first century. Was information a more valuable resource then because it was so much more difficult than it is now to access so much information? 


Quiz Instructions

Think about: In what ways did the Enlightenment and Great Awakening shape American thought?

The first printing press arrived in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1638, at the recently founded Harvard College. It is hard to imagine that this wooden machine could wield enough power to change a culture and affect the history of a place and its people. By the mid-eighteenth century, the existence of printing presses in the colonies helped inform, entertain, and bring American colonists together culturally. We live in the world of instant communication, where the written word has the ability to be dispersed to millions of people instantaneously. However, the force of shared printed materials during the colonial period, and the ideas they conveyed, cannot be underestimated. The printed word provided wide public access to very powerful ideas.

Benjamin Franklin, thought of as the founder of the Enlightenment in America, famously believed in the ability of educated men to gain understanding of the natural world through scientific observation. Via his printing presses and publishing business, Franklin himself did much to spread Enlightenment sensibilities throughout the colonies in the form of a Farmer’s Almanac. The power of the press was also put to use in service of the spread of new religious ideas, such as those espoused during America’s first Great Awakening, a religious movement that caught fire in the colonies, in large part due to a literate population, receptive to learning about preachers who challenged the established British churches. They learned about those preachers and their sermons because of the growing access to printed materials from multiple sources, not just the established churches


Document 1(  is from Poor Richard’s Almanack. Benjamin Franklin began publishing the almanac, under the pseudonym Richard Saunders, in 1732. By 1753, the date of the attached excerpt, nearly every household in colonial America had a copy. The humorous sayings, advice, and educational information became part of the shared experience in the colonies, due to the availability of printed materials. The fact that Benjamin Franklin was the author and publisher of these almanacs helped spread Enlightenment sensibility, reason, and values.

Document 2 ( ) is an excerpt of a sermon given by Jonathan Edwards in 1741 that was later transcribed and distributed as pamphlets, allowing the words of Edwards to reach far beyond his congregation.


1. Read Chapter 3 of the textbook, with special attention to the section on the Enlightenment in America, pages 144-147.

2. Analyze the documents for this exercise.

3. Answer the questions that follow these documents.

Preparing Data for Quantitative Analysis

Chapter 10 Preparing Data for Quantitative Analysis 267


In this chapter, we have shown you simple approaches to examine data. In later chap- ters, we show you more advanced statistical techniques to analyze data. The most impor- tant consideration in deciding how to analyze data is to enable businesses to use data to make better decisions. To help students more easily understand the best ways to examine data, we have prepared several databases that can be applied to various research problems. This case is about Deli Depot, a sandwich restaurant. The database is available at connect

Deli Depot sells cold and hot sandwiches, soup and chili, yogurt, and pies and cookies. The restaurant is positioned in the fast-food market to compete directly with Subway and similar sandwich restaurants. Its competitive advantages include special sauces on sand- wiches, supplementary menu items like soup and pies, and quick delivery within specified zones. As part of their marketing research class, students conducted a survey for the owner of a local restaurant near their campus.

The students obtained permission to conduct interviews with customers inside the restaurant. Information was collected for 17 questions. Customers were first asked their perceptions of the restaurant on six factors (variables X1–X6) and then asked to rank the same six factors in terms of their importance in selecting a restaurant where they wanted to eat (variables X12–X17). Finally, respondents were asked how satisfied they were with the restaurant, how likely they were to recommend it to a friend, how often they eat there, and how far they drove to eat a meal at Deli Depot. Interviewers recorded the sex of the respondents without asking it. The variables, sample questions, and their coding are shown below.

Performance Perceptions Variables The performance perceptions were measured as follows.

Listed below is a set of characteristics that could be used to describe Deli Depot. Using a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being “Strongly Agree” and 1 being “Strongly Disagree,” to what extent do you agree or disagree that Deli Depot has:

X1–Friendly Employees X2–Competitive Prices X3–Competent Employees X4–Excellent Food Quality X5–Wide Variety of Food X6–Fast Service

If a respondent chose a 10 on the Friendly Employees category, this would indicate strong agreement that Deli Depot has friendly employees. On the other hand, if a respon- dent chose a 1 for Fast Service, this would indicate strong disagreement and the perception that Deli Depot offers relatively slower service.

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268 Part 4 Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the Results

Classification Variables Data for the classification variables were asked at the end of the survey, but in the database they are recorded as variables X7–X11. Responses were coded as follows:

X7–Gender (1 = Male; 0 = Female) X8–Recommend to Friend (7 = Definitely Recommend; 1 = Definitely Not

Recommend) X9–Satisfaction Level (7 = Highly Satisfied; 1 = Not Very Satisfied) X10–Usage Level (1 = Heavy User—eats at Deli Depot two or more times each week;

0 = Light User—eats at Deli Depot fewer than two times a week) X11–Market Area (1 = Came from within 1 mile; 2 = Came from 1–3 miles; 3 = Came

from more than 3 miles)

Selection Factor Rankings Data for the selection factors were collected as follows:

Listed below is a set of attributes (reasons) many people use when selecting a fast- food restaurant. Regarding your visits to fast-food restaurants in the last 30 days, please rank each attribute from 1 to 6, with 6 being the most important reason for selecting the fast-food restaurant and 1 being the least important reason. There can be no ties, so make sure you rank each attribute with a different number.

X12–Friendly Employees X13–Competitive Prices X14–Competent Employees X15–Excellent Food Quality X16–Wide Variety of Food X17–Fast Service

The questionnaire for the Deli Depot survey is shown in Exhibit 10.9.

Hands-On Exercise 1. Should the Deli Depot questionnaire have screening questions? 2. Run a frequency count on variable X3–Competent Employees. Do the customers per-

ceive employees to be competent? 3. Consider the guidelines on questionnaire design you learned in Chapter 8. How would

you improve the Deli Depot questionnaire?

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Chapter 10 Preparing Data for Quantitative Analysis 269

Exhibit 10.9 Deli Depot Questionnaire

Screening and Rapport Questions

Hello. My name is ____ and I work for Decision Analyst, a market research firm in Dallas, Texas. We are talking to people today/tonight about eating out habits.

1. “How often do you eat out?” __ Often __ Occasionally __ Seldom 2. “Did you just eat at Deli Depot?” __ Yes __ No 3. “Have you completed a restaurant

questionnaire on Deli Depot before?” __ Yes __ No

If respondent answers “Often or Occasionally” to the 1st question, “Yes” to the 2nd question, and “No” to the 3rd question, then say:

We would like you to answer a few questions about your experience today/tonight at Deli Depot, and we hope you will be willing to give us your opinions. The survey will only take a few minutes and it will be very helpful to management in better serving its customers. We will pay you $5.00 for completing the questionnaire.

If the person says yes, give them a clipboard with the questionnaire on it, briefly explain the questionnaire, and show them where to complete the survey.


Please read all questions carefully. If you do not understand a question, ask the interviewer to help you.

Section 1: Perceptions Measures

Listed below is a set of characteristics that could be used to describe Deli Depot. Using a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being “Strongly Agree” and 1 being “Strongly Disagree,” to what extent do you agree or disagree that Deli Depot has: Circle the correct response.

1. Friendly Employees Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Competitive Prices Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Competent Employees Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. Excellent Food Quality Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5. Wide Variety of Food Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. Fast Service Strongly Strongly Disagree Agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Section 2: Classification Variables

Circle the response that describes you.

7. Your Gender 1 Male 0 Female


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270 Part 4 Data Preparation, Analysis, and Reporting the Results

Exhibit 10.9 Deli Depot Questionnaire, continued

Attribute Ranking

12. Friendly Employees

13. Competitive Prices

14. Competent Employees

15. Excellent Food Quality

16. Wide Variety of Food

17. Fast Service

Thank you very much for your help. Please give your questionnaire to the interviewer and you will be given your $5.00.

8. How likely are you to recommend Deli Depot Definitely Definitely to a friend? Not Recommend Recommend 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9. How satisfied are you with Deli Depot? Not Very Highly Satisfied Satisfied 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10. How often do you patronize Deli Depot? !!!!1 = eat at Deli Depot 2 or more times each week. 0 = eat at Deli Depot fewer than 2 times each week. 11. How far did you drive to get to Deli Depot? !!!!1 = came from within one mile. 2 = 1−3 miles. 3 = came from more than 3 miles. Section 3: Selection Factors

Listed below is a set of attributes (reasons) many people use when selecting a fast-food restaurant. Regarding your visits to fast-food restaurants in the last 30 days, please rank each attribute from 1 to 6, with 6 being the most important reason for selecting the restaurant and 1 being the least important reason. There can be no ties so make sure you rank each attribute with a different number.

Summary Describe the process for data preparation and analysis. The value of marketing research is its ability to provide accurate decision-making information to the user. To accomplish this, the data must be converted into usable information or knowledge. After collecting data through the appropriate method, the task becomes one of ensur- ing the data provide meaning and value. Data prepara- tion is the first part of the process of transforming data

into useful knowledge. This process involves several steps: (1) data validation; (2) editing and coding; (3) data entry; (4) error detection; and (5) data tabulation. Data analysis follows data preparation and facilitates proper interpretation of the findings. Discuss validation, editing, and coding of survey data. Data validation attempts to determine whether surveys, interviews, or observations were conducted correctly and are free from fraud. In recontacting selected respondents,

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Chapter 10 Preparing Data for Quantitative Analysis 271

the researcher asks whether the interview (1) was falsi- fied; (2) was conducted with a qualified respondent; (3) took place in the proper procedural setting; (4) was com- pleted correctly and accurately; and (5) was accomplished in a courteous manner. The editing process involves scan- ning of interviews or questionnaire responses to determine whether the proper questions were asked, the answers were recorded according to the instructions given, and the screening questions were executed properly, as well as whether open-ended questions were recorded accurately. Once edited, the questionnaires are coded by assigning numerical values to all responses. Coding is the process of providing numeric labels to the data so they can be entered into a computer for subsequent statistical analysis. Explain data entry procedures and how to detect errors. There are several methods for entering coded data into a computer. First is the PC keyboard. Data also

can be entered through terminals having touch-screen capabilities, or through the use of a handheld elec- tronic pointer or light pen. Finally, data can be entered through a scanner using optical character recognition. Data entry errors can be detected through the use of error edit routines in the data entry software. Another approach is to visually scan the actual data after it has been entered. Describe data tabulation and analysis approaches. Two common forms of data tabulation are used in mar- keting research. A one-way tabulation indicates the num- ber of respondents who gave each possible answer to each question on a questionnaire. Cross-tabulation pro- vides categorization of respondents by treating two or more variables simultaneously. Categorization is based on the number of respondents who have responded to two or more consecutive questions.

Key Terms and Concepts Coding 256 Cross-tabulation 261 Curbstoning 249 Data entry 259

Data validation 249 Editing 251 One-way tabulation 261 Tabulation 261

Review Questions 1. Briefly describe the process of data validation. Spe-

cifically discuss the issues of fraud, screening, proce- dure, completeness, and courtesy.

2. What are the differences between data validation, data editing, and data coding?

3. Explain the differences between developing codes for open-ended questions and for closed-ended questions.

4. Briefly describe the process of data entry. What changes in technology have simplified this procedure?

5. What is the purpose of a simple one-way tabulation? How does this relate to a one-way frequency table?

Discussion Questions 1. Explain the importance of following the sequence for

data preparation and analysis described in Exhibit 10.1. 2. Identify four problems a researcher might find while

screening questionnaires and preparing data for analysis. 3. How can data tabulation help researchers better

understand and report findings?

4. SPSS Exercise. Using SPSS and the Santa Fe Grill employee database, develop frequencies, means, modes, and medians for all the relevant variables on the questionnaire.

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