Review the case study and answer the following questions.

Review the case study and answer the following questions.

Case Study: Jimmy, ten years old, was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit after a fall from the second-story townhome were sustained a fractured left femur and mild head injury. Currently, Jimmy is two days post open reduction internal fixation of the left femur. Orders were updated to transfer Jimmy out of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) after being cleared by the neurologist. He has a long leg cast, indwelling foley catheter and will require neuro checks every two hours.

  • What are two priority nursing diagnoses for this child?
  • What are the priority nursing interventions for this patient after being transferred from the ICU?
  • What are the risks of foley catheter placement?
  • Does the patient still require an indwelling foley catheter? Provide a rationale to support your answer.

Healthcare Economics: Social Determinants of Health

Healthcare Economics: Social Determinants of Health




Miatta Teasley


Capella University



Economics and Decision Making in Health Care


Professor Georgena Wiley


February 20,2023















Social Determinants of Health

The economic aspects predominantly affect individual and collective health. The health economic issue I will discuss in detail is social determinants of health. Many social determinants of health include education levels, income rates, race, housing, nutrition, environment, and sanitation (Artiga & Hinton, 2019). These factors can positively or negatively contribute to the health of individuals. The specific social determinant of health the report will focus on is poverty. In 2021, 698 million people, or 9% of the world’s population, are expected to be living in extreme poverty, which is defined as earning less than $1.90 per day ( Development Initiatives, 2021). More than two-thirds of the world’s population (3,293 million people) and more than one-fifth (1,803 million people), respectively, lives on less than $5.50 per day ( Development Initiatives, 2021). In the United States, a report from the US Census in 2021 shows that approximately 37.9 million Americans, which is approximately 9% of the total population live in poverty. Therefore, poverty is a significant local and global social determinant of health.

In the United States, poverty is mainly concentrated among minority groups. Data shows that the number of African Americans and Hispanics living in poverty is higher than whites, despite their population being small. Approximately 19.5% Africans Americans are poor while only 8.1% non-Hispanic Whites live in poverty ( Federal Safety Net, 2023). The ethnic and racial variation in poverty is best explained through the accumulated systemic disadvantages towards peripheral ethnic groups for decades. With high poverty rates, the ethnic minority groups are predisposed to poor health outcomes and most of them can hardly afford treatment or insurance coverage.

One reason I have selected to focus on social determinants of health is that solving these issues can address the social and economic gaps in different communities. For instance, poverty patterns are associated with social and economic gaps. People living in overcrowded and poor house structures are from lower economic classes, while those living in furnished houses are from upper economic classes. The second reason for focusing on poverty is that it is both a global and local issue. The impacts of poverty on healthcare system are felt across the globe. Therefore, mediating the impacts of poverty on health of population can improve healthcare outcomes globally health (Artiga & Hinton, 2019). Offering job opportunities can eradicate poverty, create an equal society and allow many people to afford health services. In other words, the disparities in healthcare are first manifested in social and economic settings.

The poverty impacts the population of every community in varying degrees. I come from a low-income community where utilization for health services is very low (Cui & Chang, 2021). Most people in this community are uninsured because they cannot pay monthly insurance premiums. Consequently, they rarely go to hospitals for treatment. In the workplace, some employees who earn low salaries also face the same nightmare, as they cannot comfortably access the services they need and have to settle for low-quality care. The gaps that contribute to these issues include academic levels, employment, income, and housing, to mention but a few. If these gaps are removed, every person will have the same opportunity to access health services. Children from poor families have low academic achievement. Low academic attainment in adulthood augments inaccessibility to healthcare. Therefore, addressing poverty can solve other issues like poor housing, sanitation and illiteracy.






Artiga, S., & Hinton, E. (2019, July 9).  Beyond health care: The role of social determinants in promoting health and health equity. KFF.,Social%20determinants%20of%20health%20are%20the%20conditions%20in%20which%20people,health%20care%20(Figure%201)

Cui, X., & Chang, C. (2021). How income influences health: Decomposition based on absolute income and relative income effects.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,  18(20), 10738.

Poverty trends: Global, regional and national. Development Initiatives. (2021, November 10). Retrieved February 17, 2023, from,live%20below%20%245.50%20a%20day

U.S. Poverty Statistics. Federal Safety Net. (2023, Janu

identify some of the social, ethical, and economic reasons for addressing immigration policy reform.

identify some of the social, ethical, and economic reasons for addressing immigration policy reform.

The discussion must address the topic.

Rationale must be provided

Spiritual nursing is instrumental to the provision of holistic care. One of the tools that can be used to evaluate spirituality is AMEN (Affirm, Meet, Educate, No Matter What).

Spiritual nursing is instrumental to the provision of holistic care. One of the tools that can be used to evaluate spirituality is AMEN (Affirm, Meet, Educate, No Matter What). This tool is instrumental in helping patients navigate a poor prognosis. Nurses can use AMEN to engage their patients and families in difficult conversations about the religious beliefs of the patient during such scenarios. This way, the patient preserves their hope and faith since their belief has been affirmed despite the nature of the prognosis (Cosentino et al., 2020). It also allows nurses to confirm that they are supportive to the patients no matter what happens to them in the course of their treatment. Another tool that can be used to evaluate spirituality is Brief Serenity Scale. This tool is mostly effective for patients with organ failure. It can also be used for individuals with chronic illnesses. Using this scale to evaluate a patient’s spirituality allows them to have inner peace regardless of their situation (Cosentino et al., 2020). This way, the patient and their family members become content with the prognosis.

Another tool that can be used to evaluate spirituality is the level of cultural competence among the nurses. Hu et al. (2019) note that cultural and religious differences may affect the ability of nurses to extend spiritual care. However, if the nurses are culturally competent, they will understand the essence of finding a person who can offer spiritual care to their patients (Hu et al., 2019). The frequency at which spiritual care is extended is also an important evaluation tool for spirituality. This means that nurses must recognize patient cues in regards to receive spiritual care (Hu et al., 2019). Nurses must also be willing to support patients in meeting the specifics of spiritual care. This way, they will have advanced spirituality in nursing practice and towards their patients.

One of the student learning outcomes that have been achieved through this discussion is the evaluation of nursing models which focus on the spiritual wellbeing of patients. The evaluation of such models demonstrates that there is more to nursing care beyond the medical and physical care offered to patients. The discussion demonstrates that patients who are spiritual tend to have lesser suicidal or depressive thoughts. Understanding that aspect of healthcare is important since it challenges nurses to offer more than physical healing and focus on the spiritual and emotional wellbeing of their patients. Thus, this discussion allows one to understand the essence of spirituality in nursing care.


200 words and one scholarly reference

Spiritual nursing is instrumental to the provision of holistic care. One of the tools that can be used to evaluate spirituality is AMEN (Affirm, Meet, Educate, No Matter What)

Spiritual nursing is instrumental to the provision of holistic care. One of the tools that can be used to evaluate spirituality is AMEN (Affirm, Meet, Educate, No Matter What). This tool is instrumental in helping patients navigate a poor prognosis. Nurses can use AMEN to engage their patients and families in difficult conversations about the religious beliefs of the patient during such scenarios. This way, the patient preserves their hope and faith since their belief has been affirmed despite the nature of the prognosis (Cosentino et al., 2020). It also allows nurses to confirm that they are supportive to the patients no matter what happens to them in the course of their treatment. Another tool that can be used to evaluate spirituality is Brief Serenity Scale. This tool is mostly effective for patients with organ failure. It can also be used for individuals with chronic illnesses. Using this scale to evaluate a patient’s spirituality allows them to have inner peace regardless of their situation (Cosentino et al., 2020). This way, the patient and their family members become content with the prognosis.

Another tool that can be used to evaluate spirituality is the level of cultural competence among the nurses. Hu et al. (2019) note that cultural and religious differences may affect the ability of nurses to extend spiritual care. However, if the nurses are culturally competent, they will understand the essence of finding a person who can offer spiritual care to their patients (Hu et al., 2019). The frequency at which spiritual care is extended is also an important evaluation tool for spirituality. This means that nurses must recognize patient cues in regards to receive spiritual care (Hu et al., 2019). Nurses must also be willing to support patients in meeting the specifics of spiritual care. This way, they will have advanced spirituality in nursing practice and towards their patients.

One of the student learning outcomes that have been achieved through this discussion is the evaluation of nursing models which focus on the spiritual wellbeing of patients. The evaluation of such models demonstrates that there is more to nursing care beyond the medical and physical care offered to patients. The discussion demonstrates that patients who are spiritual tend to have lesser suicidal or depressive thoughts. Understanding that aspect of healthcare is important since it challenges nurses to offer more than physical healing and focus on the spiritual and emotional wellbeing of their patients. Thus, this discussion allows one to understand the essence of spirituality in nursing care.


200 words and one scholarly reference

 An important part of building evidence-based practice is the development,

An important part of building evidence-based practice is the development, refinement, and use of quality diagnostic tests and measures in research and practice. Discuss the role of sensitivity and specificity in accuracy of a screening test?

Please include 400 words in your initial post with two scholarly references.

use of quality diagnostic tests and measures in research and practice.

An important part of building evidence-based practice is the development, refinement, and use of quality diagnostic tests and measures in research and practice. Discuss the role of sensitivity and specificity in accuracy of a screening test?

Please include 400 words in your initial post with two scholarly references.

MSN-FNP Discussion Rubric

MSN-FNP Discussion Rubric


Criteria Does Not Meet (0%) Approaches (60%) Meets 80% Exceeds (100%) Total Initial Post relevance to the topic of discussion, applicability, and insight. (20%)


The student does not provide coverage of discussion topic (s); the student does not address the requirements of the weekly discussion. Provide redundant information. The posting does not apply to the course concepts or no example provided from the material explored during the weekly reading or from other relevant examples from the clinical practice. The student does not show applied

12 The student provides partial coverage of discussion topic (s), does not provide clarity on the key concepts; the student does not address all of the requirements of the weekly discussion. Provide redundant information. The posting does not apply to the course concepts or no example provided from the material explored during the weekly reading or from other relevant examples from the

16 The student provides complete coverage of discussion topic (s), provide clarity on the key concepts, demonstrated in the information presented; the student addresses all of the requirements of the weekly discussion question with adequate attention to details with some redundancy. The posting applies course concepts without examples learned from the material provided during the

20 The student provides in-depth coverage of discussion topic (s), outstanding clarity, and explanation of concepts demonstrated in the information presented; approaches the weekly discussion with depth and breadth, without redundancy, using clear and focused details. The posting directly addresses key issues, questions, or problems related to the topic of discussion. The posting applies course concepts with





MSN-FNP Discussion Rubric


knowledge and understanding of the discussion topic. The student’s initial thread response does not reflect critical thinking.

clinical practice. The student shows some applied knowledge and understanding of the discussion topic. The student’s initial thread response does not reflect critical thinking. The discussion topic is vaguely covered and does not adequately demonstrate an accurate understanding of concepts.

weekly reading or other relevant examples from the clinical practice. The student is still showing applied knowledge and understanding of the topic. Also, the posting offers original and thoughtful insight, synthesis, or observation that demonstrates an understanding of the concepts and ideas pertaining to the discussion topic (no use of example). The student’s initial thread response reflects critical thinking and contains thought, insight, and analysis.

examples learned from the material provided during the weekly reading or other relevant examples from the clinical practice; the student is showing applied knowledge and understanding of the topic. Also, the posting offers original and thoughtful insight, synthesis, or observation that demonstrates a strong understanding of the concepts and ideas pertaining to the discussion topic (use of examples). The student’s initial thread response is rich in critical thinking and full of thought, insight, and analysis;




MSN-FNP Discussion Rubric


the argument is clear and concise.

Quality of Written Communication Appropriateness of audience and words choice is specific, purposeful, dynamic, and varied. Grammar, spelling, punctuation. (20%)

0 The student uses a style and voice inappropriate or does not address the given audience, purpose, etc. Word choice is excessively redundant, clichéd, and unspecific. Inconsistent grammar, spelling, punctuation, and paragraphing (More than five grammatical errors). Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning.

12 The student uses a style and voice that is somewhat appropriate to given audience and purpose. Word choice is often unspecific, generic, redundant, and clichéd. Repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader (More than two grammatical errors). Inconsistencies in language, sentence structure, and/or word choice are present.

16 The student uses a style and voice that are appropriate to the given audience and purpose. Word choice is specific and purposeful and somewhat varied throughout. Minimal mechanical or typographical errors are present but are not overly distracting to the reader (Less than two grammatical errors). Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used.

20 The student uses a style and voice that are not only appropriate to the given audience and purpose, but that also shows originality and creativity. Word choice is specific, purposeful, dynamic, and varied. Free of mechanical and typographical errors. A variety of sentence structures are used. The student is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.






MSN-FNP Discussion Rubric


Inclusion of the student outcomes explored in the discussion as well as the role- specific competencies as applicable. (10%)

0 The student does not explain how the Student Learning Outcomes were explored or related to the weekly discussion topic.

6 The student does not explain how the Student Learning Outcomes were explored or related to the weekly discussion topic. The student only provides a list of the applicable Student Learning Outcome.

8 The student does not explain how the Student Learning Outcomes were explored or related to the weekly discussion topic.

10 The student provides an explanation of how the applicable Student Learning Outcomes were explored or related to the weekly discussion topic.


Rigor, currency, and relevance of the scholarly references. (20%)

0 The student does not provide any supporting scholarly references that are current or relevant to the weekly discussion topic.

12 The student provides supporting scholarly references that are not current but relevant to the weekly discussion topic. The student provides only one scholarly reference.

16 The student provides supporting scholarly references that are not current or but relevant to the weekly discussion topic. The student provides at least two scholarly references.

20 The student provides robust support from credible, current (less than five years old), and relevant scholarly references (at least two). The supporting evidence meets or exceeds the minimum number of required scholarly references.






MSN-FNP Discussion Rubric


Peer & Professor Responses. Number of responses, quality of response posts. (20%)

0 The student did not make an effort to participate in the learning discussion board. The student did not meet the answer post requirements, and the posts, if submitted, are reflecting a lack of engagement or providing a vague answer to the weekly topic. The student does not answer the professor’s feedback/question.

12 The student does not provide substantive interaction relevant to the weekly topic or provide vague responses. The answer provided by the student does not build on the discussion question and ideas of others, utilizing course content with appropriate citation/references. The student does not motivate and encourage the group. The student does not respond to two peers. The student does not answer the professor’s feedback/question.

16 The student provides substantive interaction relevant to the weekly topic. The answer provided by the student builds on the discussion question and ideas of others, utilizing course content with appropriate citation/references. The student provides frequent attempts to motivate and encourage the group. The student responds to at least two peers. The student does not answer the professor’s feedback/question.

20 The student provides substantive interaction relevant to the weekly topic. The answer provided by the student builds on the discussion question and ideas of others, utilizing course content with appropriate citation/references. The student provides frequent attempts to motivate and encourage the group. The student responds to at least two peers and answers the professor’s feedback/question.





MSN-FNP Discussion Rubric



Timeliness of the initial post and the answers to the peers. (10%)

0 The student was late for the initial post and the answer to peers, or absence of submissions.

6 The student posted the initial tread on time by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, or the student submits the initial thread late and submits the answers to peers on time.

8 The student posted the initial tread on time by 11:59 PM on Wednesday and one answer to a peer by Saturday 11:59 PM.

10 The student posted the initial thread and both answers to peers on time (Initial post by Wednesday 1159 PM and two replies to peers by Saturday 11:59 PM).

topic Remote Care in the Future of Nursing

topic Remote Care in the Future of Nursing

2 slides only

only the Research Process part

  • Clearly describe research process
  • What went well
  • Barriers encountered
  • What is still needed

The Group Presentation is the final of the three assignments in this course. It builds upon and utilizes information gathered and reported in the first two assignments.


The Group Presentation is the final of the three assignments in this course. It builds upon and utilizes information gathered and reported in the first two assignments. The purpose of this assignment is two-fold: a) to provide a solution to a clinical problem using the EBP process, and b) to demonstrate presentation skills for a group of peers.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1: Examine the sources of knowledge that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO 7)

CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs 4 and 8) CO 3: Identify ethical issues common to research involving human subjects. (PO 6)

CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs 4 and 8)

CO 5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (POs 7 and 8)


Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 240 points

Preparing the assignment (Online Students Only)

1. Follow these guidelines when completing this online assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

a. Presentations will give a brief overview of the topic, followed by examples of how the topic influences or assists the nursing profession.

b. Each student will contribute two to three slides for the group presentation.

c. The final presentation will consist of 10–12 PowerPoint slides and may include handouts, if applicable.


Preparing the assignment (Campus Students Only)

1. Follow these guidelines when completing this on-campus assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

a. Each group will have 15 minutes to present on their topic.

b. Presentations will give a brief overview of the topic, followed by examples of how the topic influences or assists the nursing profession.

c. Each student will have an opportunity to present (speak).

d. Each student will contribute two to three slides for the group presentation.

e. Students will be prepared to have 10–12 PowerPoint slides and may include handouts, if applicable.

2. Include the following sections: (

a. Content ( [All Students] 125 points/52%)

· Identification of problem and impact on nursing practice.

· Clearly describe the research process, including what went well, barriers encountered, and what is still needed. (2 slides)

· Correlates research findings to identified clinical issue.

· Summarizes validity of qualitative and quantitative evidence.

· Findings are clearly identified.

· Recommends practice change with measurable outcomes and addresses feasibility issues.

· Suggestions for implementation.

· Conclusion of content findings.

b. Delivery (40 points/17%)

(Online Students Only)

· Follows guidelines for a professional PowerPoint presentation. Speak directly with faculty for online Canvas submission process.

· Evidence of participation by all group members.

(Campus Students Only)

· Follows guidelines for a professional PowerPoint presentation.

· Verbal delivery with good volume, pitch, and inflection for all group members.

· Physical delivery with professional dress, good posture, facial expression with eye contact, and enthusiasm is present for all group members.

· All group members effectively use notes and do not read from slides.

· Participation by all group members.

c. Slide Presentation ( [All Students] 60 points/25% distributed as shown)

· Title slide including group members

· Introductory slide with the clinical problem

· Additional slides illustrating key points

· Conclusion slide

· Reference slide in current APA format

· Effective balance of color, graphics, words, and space

· Slide limit: 10–12, inclusive of introduction and references

***Optional handouts may be included to provide information for the audience to keep.

d. Peer Evaluation ( [All Students] 15 points/6%)

· Completed peer evaluation with respectful and constructive feedback.

· Equal work: Did equal share of work.

· Teamwork: Took the initiative in helping get the group organized.

· Communication: Provided ideas for the development of the presentation.

· Team membership skills: Assisted group members.

· Time: Met all deadlines.


For writing assistance, visit the Writing Center.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.

NR449 Evidence-Based Practice

RUA: Evidence-Based Practice Change Group Project Guidelines


NR449 Evidence-Based Practice

RUA: Evidence-Based Practice Change Group Project Guidelines


© 2021 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved

NR449_RUA_Group_Presentation_V2_JUL22 2


© 2021 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved

NR449_RUA_Group_Presentation_V2_JUL22 1

Grading Rubric Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.

Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of PerformanceHigh Level of PerformanceSatisfactory Level of PerformanceUnsatisfactory Level of PerformanceSection not present in paper

(125 points/52%)

125 points110 points100 points50 points0 points
Required criteria

1. Identification of problem and impact on nursing practice.

2. Clearly describe the research process, including what went well, barriers encountered, and what is still needed.

3. Correlates research findings to identified clinical issue.

4. Summarizes validity of qualitative and quantitative evidence.

5. Findings are clearly identified.

6. Recommends practice change with measurable outcomes and addresses feasibility issues.

7. Suggestions for implementation.

8. Conclusion of content findings.

Includes 8 requirements for section.Includes 7 requirements for section.Includes 6 requirements for section.Includes 5 or less requirements for section.No requirements for this section presented.

(40 points/17%)

40 points35 points25 points12 points0 points
Required criteria (Online Students Only)

1. Follows guidelines for a professional PowerPoint presentation. Speak directly with faculty for online Canvas submission process.

2. Evidence of participation by all group members.

(Campus Students Only)

1. Follows guidelines for a professional PowerPoint presentation.

2. Verbal delivery with good volume, pitch, and inflection for all group members.

3. Physical delivery with professional dress, good posture, facial expression with eye contact, and enthusiasm is present for all group members.

4. All group members effectively use notes and do not read from slides.

5. Participation by all group members.

Includes 2 requirements for section. (online)







Includes 5 requirements for section. (campus)










Includes 4 requirements for section. (campus)

Includes 1 requirement for section. (online)






Includes 3 requirements for section. (campus)










Includes 2 or less requirements for section. (campus)

No requirements for this section presented. (online)






No requirements for section presented. (campus)

( NR449 Evidence-Based Practice RUA: Evidence-Based Practice Change Group Project Guidelines )


© 2021 Chamberlain University. All Rights Reserved

NR449_RUA_Group_Presentation_V2_JUL22 2

Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of PerformanceHigh Level of PerformanceSatisfactory Level of PerformanceUnsatisfactory Level of PerformanceSection not present in paper
Slide Presentation

(60 points/25%)

60 points53 points47 points23 points0 points
Required criteria

1. Title slide including group members

2. Introductory slide with the clinical problem

3. Additional slides illustrating key points

4. Conclusion slide

5. Reference slide in current APA format

6. Effective balance of color, graphics, words, and space

7. Slide limit: 10–12, inclusive of introduction and references

***Optional handouts may be included to provide information for the audience to keep.

Includes 7 requirements for section.Includes 6 requirements for section.Includes 5 requirements for section.Includes 4 or less requirements for section.No requirements for this section presented.
Peer Evaluation

(15 points/6%)

15 points13 points11 points6 points0 points
1. Completed peer evaluation with respectful and constructive feedback.

2. Equal work: Did equal share of work.

3. Teamwork: Took the initiative in helping get the group organized.

4. Communication: Provided ideas for the development of the presentation.

5. Team membership skills: Assisted group members.

6. Time: Met all deadlines.

Includes 6 requirements for section.Includes 5 requirements for section.Includes 4 requirements for section.Includes 3 or less requirements for section.No requirements for this section presented.
Total Points Possible = 240 points

