Guidelines for community health paper assignment

Guidelines for community health paper assignment

Pages: up to 20 pages, double space, using APA format

Draft due on week 7 for guidance (not mandatory)

Final paper due week 9; mandatory to pass course, Submission through Turnitin

Resources: Any resources provided in the course shell. Journals and research articles appreciated at least 2 each must be used.

Outline format and rubric

Cover page with title


Part I: Introduction:  20 points

• Identify your population, choose a model for your population

• Reason for choosing population, general narrative, reference   regarding subject

• Epidemiology, community survey, supportive data

• Goals/aim/purpose


Part II Core information: 20 points

• Population needs assessment: techniques used, tools/framework

• Priority health issues; reference

• Process, research (primary, secondary data)

• Data analysis and comparison, issues of concerns


Part III post assessment Action plan: 20 points

• Health program planning development; PDCA format

• Interventions (3 total) primary/secondary/ tertiary

• Promotion, outreach, awareness


Part IV Consideration: 20 points

• Current public health policies

• Determinants of health

• Ethical dilemmas or considerations

• Cultural characteristics

• Analysis and comparison to general population


Part V Public health considerations: 20 points

• Closing argument

• Anticipation of new/revised health policy needs

• Informed decision for future plan

• Community health nurse anticipatory guidance

• Lessons learned/ personal thoughts

The Clinical Issue and Research Questions Developed Using PICOT

The Clinical Issue and Research Questions Developed Using PICOT

PICOT is an acronym used to help develop clinical research questions and guide you in your search for evidence:

= Patient population

= Intervention or issue of interest

= Comparison of interventions or comparison of interests

= Outcome

= Time frame

For example, you may wish to research the effects of interrupted sleep on cognition of ICU patients 65 or older.

Using this PICOT model,

In _________(P), how does __________ (I) compared to _________ (C) influence _________ (O) over ________ (T)?

In ICU patients who are 65 or older, how does interrupted sleep (awakened one time or more in four hours) as compared to uninterrupted sleep influence the patient’s cognitive ability over 5 days?


Assignment Directions

Begin by selecting a topic in nursing or medicine that is of interest to you. Next, use PICOT to format possible research questions about that topic. Provide 3 possible PICOT research questions.

Include the following:

· Title page

· Provide a brief description of the topic and background information.

· Explain the significance of the topic to nursing practice.

· Provide 3 clearly stated PICOT questions.

Your paper should:

· Be 2–3 pages (not including the title page and reference page)

· Use current APA format to style your paper and to cite your sources.

An individual is referred to your office by his parole officer.  This 19-year-old male, named Sam, was recently arrested for a “psychotic break” that caused him to throw a chair through the neighborhood drug store window.   Sam’s parents arrive and Sam agrees to have his parents present during the interview.

An individual is referred to your office by his parole officer.  This 19-year-old male, named Sam, was recently arrested for a “psychotic break” that caused him to throw a chair through the neighborhood drug store window.   Sam’s parents arrive and Sam agrees to have his parents present during the interview.

His parents state Sam recently withdrew from college after experiencing a “resounding moment” in which he changed his major from engineering to philosophy and increasingly had reduced his sleep, spending long hours engaging individuals in the commons in conversations about the nature of reality and how he is gaining an appreciation “for all life”. He had been convinced about the importance of his ideas, stating frequently that he was more learned and advanced than all his professors. He told many that “I should be the one teaching these courses, after all, I understand it much better than my professors”. Sam has also increased the number of high-risk behaviors – drinking and engaging in sexual relations in a way that was unlike his previous history.  He also has spent a considerable sum of money on “projects to help the world” – unfortunately, he has never completed a project.

Sam’s parents also state that Sam was diagnosed previously by his PCP with MDD and GAD.  “These new behaviors are just that – new – since he went to college”.

Further discussions with Sam and his parents reveal that he has never experienced hallucinations and you believe that he currently is not experiencing any delusions.  Sam states “I am what I am”.

What diagnosis do you believe may apply to this individual?

What classifications of medications can be used to treat this disorder?  Which medication do you recommend and why?

Healthcare professionals would be thrilled if individuals made decisions about what to eat based on a solid knowledge of what constitutes a “healthy diet.” Unfortunately, that is not typically the case. Many people do not know what constitutes a healthy diet. There are also those who do know but make less healthy choices for several reasons.

Module 01 Content


Top of Form

Healthcare professionals would be thrilled if individuals made decisions about what to eat based on a solid knowledge of what constitutes a “healthy diet.” Unfortunately, that is not typically the case. Many people do not know what constitutes a healthy diet. There are also those who do know but make less healthy choices for several reasons.

The food choices that people make are influenced by a variety of factors. Factor-categories include, but are not limited to, environmental cues, socioeconomic realities, cultural/religious beliefs, and the availability of foods in the community.

In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

1. Explain what nutrition is and why it is important.

2. Describe the characteristics of a healthy diet and provide supporting examples.

3. Identify at least two (2) factors (other than culture) that can impact a person’s food choices and provide a specific example for each.

4. Research a culture (e.g., ethnic, religious, dietary) where specific food restrictions are dictated and address the following:

(a)Describe the restrictions.

(b)Explain how the restrictions could make it difficult for an individual to achieve a healthy diet.

(c)What dietary alternatives could be incorporated to overcome the dietary restrictions?

5. Cite at least 3 credible references and present the resources in APA format on the References page.

6. For information about researching a topic and assessing the credibility of resources, consult the resources below.

Writing Guide: Research Papers – Researching

How do I know if a source is credible?

The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric. 


  1. The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 200 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
  2. Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are encouraged to use the APA Academic Writer and Grammarly tools when creating your assignment.
  3. Follow the directions below and the grading criteria located in the rubric closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty.
  4. The length of the paper should be 5-8 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s).
  5. Support ideas with a minimum of 3 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources do not include your textbook. You may need to use more than 3 scholarly resources to fully support your ideas.
  6. You may use first person voice when discussing information specific to your personal practice or skills.
  7. Current edition APA format is required with both a title page and reference page(s). Use the following as Level 1 headings to denote the sections of your paper (Level 1 headings use upper- and lower-case letters and are bold and centered):
    • APN Professional Development Plan (This is the paper introduction. In APA format, a restatement of the paper title, centered and not bold serves as the heading of the introduction section)
    • APN Scope of Practice
    • Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies
    • Leadership Skills
    • Conclusion


  1. Introduction: Provide an overview of what will be covered in the paper. Introduction should include general statements on scope of practice, competencies, and leadership, and identification of the purpose of the paper.
  2. APN Scope of Practice: Research the Nurse Practice Act and APN scope of practice guidelines for the state in which you intend to practice after graduation. Describe the educational, licensure, and regulatory requirements for that state in your own words. Identify whether your state allows full, limited, or restricted NP practice. Discuss NP prescriptive authority in your state. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be the regulatory body that governs nursing practice in your state.
  3. Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies: Review the NONPF Core Competencies. Describe two competency areas you believe to be personal strengths and two competency areas in which you have opportunities for growth. Discuss two scholarly activities you could do during the master’s program to help yourself achieve NP competencies. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be NONPF Core Competencies document provided via the link in the week 2 readings.
  4. Leadership Skills: Analyze three leadership skills required to lead as an NP within complex systems. Describe two strategies you could use to help you develop NP leadership skills. Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Textbooks are not considered scholarly sources.
  5. Conclusion: Provide a conclusion, including a brief summary of what you discussed in the paper.





Provides an overview of what will be covered in the paper. Introduction should include:

  1. general statements on scope of practice.
  2. general statements on NP competencies.
  3. general statements on leadership.
  4. identification of the purpose of the paper.

APN Scope of Practice



  1. Identify the intended state of practice after graduation.
  2. Describe the educational, licensure, and regulatory requirements for state.
  3. Identify whether the state allows full, limited, or restricted NP practice.
  4. Discuss NP prescriptive authority in the state.

Provides support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be the regulatory body that governs nursing practice in the state.

Nurse Practitioner (NONPF) Core Competencies



  1. Describe two competency areas believed to be student’s personal strengths.
  2. Describes two competency areas in which student has opportunities for growth.
  3. Discuss two scholarly activities to do during the master’s program to help student achieve NP competencies.

Provide support from at least one scholarly source. Source may be NONPF Core Competencies document provided via the link in the week 2 readings.

Leadership Skills



  1. Analyze three leadership skills required to lead as an NP within complex systems.
  2. Describe two strategies student could use to help develop NP leadership skills.

Provide support from at least one scholarly source.




Provide a conclusion, including a brief summary of what was discussed in the paper.



Total CONTENT Points= 180 points






APA Formatting



Formatting follows current edition APA Manual guidelines for

  1. title page
  2. body of paper (including citations and headings)
  3. reference page

Writing Mechanics



Writing mechanics follow the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA manual. The length of the paper is at least 5 pages but no more than 8 pages.



Total FORMAT Points= 20 points




To understand emerging and reemerging diseases, you must understand the interconnectedness between human health and the environment and have a grasp on epidemiology.


To understand emerging and reemerging diseases, you must understand the interconnectedness between human health and the environment and have a grasp on epidemiology.

Human Health

Epidemiology, the study of determinates and distribution of disease in populations, is essential in protecting public health and controlling health problems. Before moving into the specifics of epidemiology, you need to understand some of the basics of human anatomy and physiology; specifically, how the immune system protects us from disease.

Your body’s first line of defense against a foreign invader is keeping the invader out. The skin is part of that defense, as it creates a barrier over most of the body. This defense continues with the mucous membranes lining your nasal pathway, and the hairs help catch particles and keep them from entering your lungs. Tears and saliva both contain lysozymes, which can break down foreign invaders. Bleeding from an open wound helps to rinse away dirt and other particles, and clotting helps keep anything from entering the body through that wound. Your body contains many different types of white blood cells that can fight off a variety of pathogens.

If an invader gets past the first line of the defense, the body’s second line of defense is the immune system. We can acquire natural immunity in two different ways: naturally acquired active immunity occurs when we are exposed to a disease-causing agent (for example, getting chicken pox as a child), and naturally acquired passive immunity occurs when antibodies are received through the placenta or breast milk. We can also attain immunity through vaccinations; this is called artificially acquired active immunity. Persons with severe immunodeficiency may be given antibody-containing serums or immunoglobins from a person or animal.

Many cells and chemicals that are part of the immune system work to destroy foreign substances as they enter the body. Macrophages circulate throughout the body and digest any foreign substances they run into. Interferons are chemicals released when a cell is attacked by a virus. These and other chemicals signal surrounding cells to shut down and prevent the virus from spreading. Lymphocytes are a type of white blood cell that produces antigens that respond to specific viruses. So, if you had chicken pox as a child, then your body will produce antibodies to protect you if the chicken pox virus enters your body again.

The state of the environment also plays a role in disease transmission. For example, the changing weather patterns associated with global warming affect disease patterns. The increased rainfall and flooding in some areas has increased the populations of a major carrier of disease—mosquitoes. The warm winters and hot dry summers in many areas are also affecting the transmission of vector-borne diseases; for example, ticks spread Lyme disease and bacteria spread cholera. There is significant evidence that outbreaks of Ebola are related to unusual patterns in the wet or dry cycle. Increases in international travel have also increased the spread of diseases worldwide. In the United States, emerging diseases such as West Nile Virus cause severe illness and sometimes death (World Health Organization, 2011). As diseases spread, or new diseases are recognized, fear of a major epidemic has caused public health agencies to prepare plans for mass epidemics or bioterrorism events.

Disease Transmission Routes
  • Airborne (coughing, sneezing).
  • Fecal-oral transmission (improper hand washing contaminating food, untreated sewage contaminating water supply).
  • Waterborne (drinking, swimming, eating, improper hand washing).
  • Direct contact (athlete’s foot, warts, STDs).
  • Zoonoses (animal bites, scratches, meat, hides, feces).
  • Vector-transmitted (insects, rodents).
  • Soil contamination (landfill leaching).
  • Fomite (transferred from inanimate objects like handrails, doorknobs, grocery carts, clothing, toys).
  • Nosocomial (transferred from health workers). (Hilgenkamp, 2006, p. 54).
Environmental Health

As the human population and technology have grown, our impact on the environment—and subsequently, on our own health—has also grown. The World Health Organization (2014) defines environmental health as “all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviors. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments. This definition excludes behavior not related to environment, as well as behavior related to the social and cultural environment, and genetics.”

To understand environmental health, we must first understand the environment and its many interrelated systems. We do not often think about the Earth beyond what we see around us every day, but the environment spans from the core of the Earth to the outer reaches of the troposphere. The four main divisions of the Earth system are the lithosphere (crust and mantle), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (gases surrounding earth), and biosphere (area supporting life). Life on Earth depends on the biogeochemical cycles that occur within each of these regions. Biogeochemical cycles recycle energy and chemicals through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Within the biosphere there are specific divisions called biomes. Biomes are characterized by similar climate, soil, plants, and animals. Because humans dominate most ecosystems on Earth, we have a large impact on the environment. Overpopulation and demands on natural resources can degrade the environment. Since the environment provides us with so many resources such as clean air, clean water, and nutrients, environmental degradation directly influences human health.

Environmental scientists and government officials look for ways to preserve the environment and conserve environmental resources. By monitoring human demand on the environment, laws such as the Endangered Species Act, Clean Air Act, and Clean Water Act have worked to protect the environment for future generations. While technology has created many problems for the environment, it is also being used to benefit the environment and human health. New farming techniques, waste management methods, and pollution control devices all help to keep the environment healthy and protect human health. Environmental health is everyone’s responsibility. Public health officials and governmental leaders are on the front lines, but the decisions made daily by businesses and individuals directly affect our health and the health of the environment.


Hilgenkamp, K. (2006). Environmental health: Ecological perspectives. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

World Health Organization. (2011). West nile virus. Retrieved from factsheets/fs354/en/

World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. (2014). Environmental health. Retrieved from

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Assess basic environmental health principles, theories, and issues.
    • Analyze an emerging or reemerging disease.
    • Describe how an emerging disease is transmitted.
    • Describe the incubation period of an emerging disease.
    • Describe how an emerging disease is treated.
    • Predict prognosis of recovery and residual effects of an emerging disease.
    • Assess the role of vaccines in disease prevention.
  • Competency 4: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.
    • Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.


Select one emerging or reemerging disease to research for this report. Note: You may use the WHO Infectious Diseases and CDC websites (both linked in Resources: Diseases and Pathogens), which list a variety of relevant diseases.


To begin, select one emerging or reemerging disease to research for this report.

Then, craft a 3–4-page report that analyzes the disease and addresses the following points:

  • Provide a brief historical account of the disease selected. Consider why this disease is emerging or reemerging.
  • What areas of the globe are currently affected by this disease?
  • How is it transmitted?
  • What is the incubation period?
  • What is the treatment for this disease?
  • What is the role of vaccines in combatting this disease? If there is no vaccine, why not?
  • What is the predicted prognosis of recovery and residual effect?

Your report should be logically organized around a point you would like to make regarding the emerging or reemerging disease you select. Consider the MEAL Plan to help organize your thoughts:

  • Main Idea: What is the main point or idea that you want your reader to remember about this disease?
  • Evidence: What does the research say? Support your point with evidence from the literature you have researched. (This is where you would include facts about the history, transmission, incubation, treatment, and prevention of the disease. Refer to your sources when you provide your evidence.)
  • Assess: Summarize main ideas from articles related to the disease. Apply health principles and theories that relate directly or indirectly to your main point. Make explicit links between source articles and your current report.
  • Link: Integrate and combine information from your source articles to your main point or idea.
Additional Requirements

Use the APA Paper Template (linked in Resources: Writing, Research, and APA) to format your report.

  • Written Communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Length: This report should be 3–4 pages in content length. Include a separate title page and a separate references page.
  • Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spaced. Use Microsoft Word.
  • APA Formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to the current APA style and formatting.
  • Number of Resources: You are required to cite a minimum of 2 scholarly resources. You may conduct independent research for resources and references to support your report. Provide a reference list and in-text citations for all your resources, using APA format. You may cite texts and authors from the Resources.

Rubric Detail

Rubric Detail


Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.

Name: NURS_6521_Week5_Discussion_Rubric


· Grid View

· List View

Main Posting45 (45%) – 50 (50%)

Answers all parts of the discussion question(s) expectations with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources. Supported by at least three current, credible sources. Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

40 (40%) – 44 (44%)

Responds to the discussion question(s) and is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module. At least 75% of post has exceptional depth and breadth. Supported by at least three credible sources. Written clearly and concisely with one or no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

35 (35%) – 39 (39%)

Responds to some of the discussion question(s). One or two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed. Is somewhat lacking reflection and critical analysis and synthesis. Somewhat represents knowledge gained from the course readings for the module. Post is cited with two credible sources. Written somewhat concisely; may contain more than two spelling or grammatical errors. Contains some APA formatting errors.

0 (0%) – 34 (34%)

Does not respond to the discussion question(s) adequately. Lacks depth or superficially addresses criteria. Lacks reflection and critical analysis and synthesis. Does not represent knowledge gained from the course readings for the module. Contains only one or no credible sources. Not written clearly or concisely. Contains more than two spelling or grammatical errors. Does not adhere to current APA manual writing rules and style.

Main Post: Timeliness10 (10%) – 10 (10%)

Posts main post by day 3

0 (0%) – 0 (0%)0 (0%) – 0 (0%)0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Does not post by day 3

First Response17 (17%) – 18 (18%)

Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings. Responds fully to questions posed by faculty. Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources. Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives. Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues. . Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed. Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

15 (15%) – 16 (16%)

Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings. Responds fully to questions posed by faculty. Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources. Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives. Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues. . Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed. Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

13 (13%) – 14 (14%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth. Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication. Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed. Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 12 (12%)

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth. Responses posted in the discussion lack effective professional communication. Responses to faculty questions are missing. No credible sources are cited.

Second Response16 (16%) – 17 (17%)

Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings. Responds fully to questions posed by faculty. Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources. Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives. Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues. . Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed. Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

14 (14%) – 15 (15%)

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings. Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues. Responses to faculty questions are answered, if posed. Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources. Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

12 (12%) – 13 (13%)

Response is on topic and may have some depth. Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication. Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed. . Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 11 (11%)

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth. Responses posted in the discussion lack effective professional communication. Responses to faculty questions are missing. No credible sources are cited.

Participation5 (5%) – 5 (5%)

Meets requirements for participation by posting on three different days.

0 (0%) – 0 (0%)0 (0%) – 0 (0%)0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Does not meet requirements for participation by posting on 3 different days

Total Points: 100

Name: NURS_6521_Week5_Discussion_Rubric

Responding to the social problems that affect the populations you serve as a social worker is only one aspect of the professional responsibility you must undertake. The ability to be proactive by identifying disparities and gaps in policies is just as important.

Responding to the social problems that affect the populations you serve as a social worker is only one aspect of the professional responsibility you must undertake. The ability to be proactive by identifying disparities and gaps in policies is just as important. However, in order to be an effective advocate and to fully participate in the policy process, it is important that you be able to connect theory and research to policy-making decisions. Having the knowledge and skills to implement new policies and policy alternatives without creating new disparities is a skill all social workers need to possess.

For this Assignment, consider what you have learned about the possible causes of the social problem you selected.

By Monday Dec 31, 2019 (APA format)

Assignment (2–4 pages, APA format): Your paper should include:

  • A description of the known explanations or causes of the issue you selected in your Social Issues paper in Week 3
  • A description of the theoretical explanations and approaches scholars and policy analysts used to discuss this issue
  • A description of the policies that have resulted from these discussions and an explanation of whether they are effective at resolving the issue

The NASW Code of Ethics provides social workers with guidelines and standards for interacting with clients, colleagues, communities, and society, as a whole.

The NASW Code of Ethics provides social workers with guidelines and standards for interacting with clients, colleagues, communities, and society, as a whole. These standards govern interactions and professional behavior of social work practitioners. The NASW has also developed specific standards, which are published in the NASW Standards for Social Work Practice With Clients With Substance Use Disorders. These standards emphasize the importance of the competence of social workers. The standards indicate that social workers should be knowledgeable of evidence-based interventions for substance disorders. The confidentiality standard becomes essential as social workers must be informed and comply with federal, state, and local laws about substance use, as well as third-party payee regulations.

For this Discussion, review this week’s resources, including the case Working with Clients with Dual Diagnosis: The Case of Joe,and consider how social policies affect Joe’s circumstances as described in the case study. Then, think about any gaps in service you found in Joe’s case. Finally, reflect on how you might address these gaps or make changes to the policies that affect Joe.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of how drug policies affect Joe’s circumstances, as described in the case study. Then, explain any gaps in service you found in Joe’s case as a result of the drug policies described in the case study. Finally, describe a strategy you might use to address these gaps or make changes to the policies that affect Joe.

The case of Joe:

Joe is a 34-year-old, Caucasian male who came to the County Division of Social Services to apply for General Assistance (GA) benefits. The GA program provides cash assistance, Medicaid coverage, and housing for homeless single adults. Joe is in need of Medicaid benefits in order to remain active in his treatment program. Joe is receiving treatment at the Mentally Ill Chemical Abuser (MICA) partial hospitalization program at the local community mental health center for clients who are dually diagnosed. Joe has a dependence on marijuana, although he has stopped using it for approximately six months, and has been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. He is being prescribed medication. Joe reports that he is unable to work due to mental illness, and without an income or health insurance, he is unable to obtain his medication. Joe reports that while he was enrolled as a student at the state university, he would sell marijuana to other college students. Eventually, he was arrested and convicted of possession with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) and served 3 years in prison. Joe has had no further arrests; however, he has not been able to secure permanent housing or employment since his release. Joe reports that this event has ruined his life. His lack of employment results from an inability to pass most background checks. If he discloses that he was arrested, Joe reports that he is never called for interviews. But when he once failed to disclose the information to the prospective employer, Joe was terminated for lying on his application. Joe believes that he has little hope for future employment. Joe has few natural supports in his life. He reports that following the incarceration, his family distanced itself from him and his girlfriend at the time broke up with him. He reports that his only supports are his local Narcotics Anonymous (NA) sponsor and his mental health counselor. Joe reports that his housing situation has been unstable and sporadic for the past 10 years. Joe’s mental health counselor from the MICA program has contacted me to advocate for Joe’s approval for benefits. I explained that under the current state regulations, Joe is ineligible for benefits due to his CDS distribution conviction. The only program options that I can offer him are food stamps and access to a homeless shelter outside of the county. The counselor explained that relocation would cause a disruption to Joe’s mental health treatment and would cause him to lose contact with his local NA sponsor. In response to the counselor’s concerns, I suggested that Joe contact the local faith-based organization for assistance. Although they do not house single males, they have an extensive network of volunteers, mentors, and donors who may financially support people in need. I referred Joe to a program that offers bonding to people seeking employment who have been previously incarcerated. Finally, I suggested that the counselor research Joe’s ability to remain in treatment at the hospital despite his lack of Medicaid coverage. The counselor agreed to assist Joe with these suggestions.

Compare and contrast the differences in purpose and data analysis methods between quantitative and qualitative nursing research.

Compare and contrast the differences in purpose and data analysis methods between quantitative and qualitative nursing research.  Provide two examples of a research question, one question for each type of research, that you might wish to investigate in your future advanced nursing role.

  • Length: A minimum of 300 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA format from within the last 5 years