Review section V New And Emerging Technologies- chapters 25 to 30.

Review section V New And Emerging Technologies- chapters 25 to 30.

Interprofessional Collaborative Expert Panel (ICEP) suggested that the challenges of health systems are fundamentally ethical. Debate the ethical issues related to interprofessional values and ethics.

Testicular torsion

A 23-year-old healthy man has been unable to father a child. He and his wife have a workup for infertility. His wife’s reproductive function is normal. On physical examination both his testes are palpable in the scrotum and the testes and scrotum are normal in size, with no masses palpable. However, the spermatic cord on the left has the feel of a ‘bag of worms’. Laboratory studies show oligospermia. Which of the following conditions is this man most likely to have? Explain your answer.

A Hydrocele

B Testicular torsion

C Spermatocele

D Varicocele

E Seminoma

Discussion: Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension

Discussion: Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Share your opinions about holistic and allopathic care. Would you have any conflicts or concerns supporting a patient who chooses holistic or allopathic medicine?

Discussion related to the management of chronic pain for the patient in the listed case study.

Discussion related to the management of chronic pain for the patient in the listed case study.

Case Study Scenario

Rhonda, a 37-year-old white female, states that she transferred her care to you because she is dissatisfied with her previous primary care provider. She describes constant pain in her neck, shoulders, arms, knees, and ankles that started about 5 years ago. Sometimes her skin hurts, and her muscles ache frequently. She recovered from numerous fractures sustained in a motor vehicle accident nearly 8 years ago. She is unable to exercise owing to pain and fatigue. She is employed as a bank teller, but has missed work frequently. She has used up all of her vacation time, and is afraid that she will lose her job if she continues to call in sick. She is unable to keep up with household duties, enlisting the help of her husband. Her teenage daughter has recently been failing in school, adding to her overall stress level. She smokes one pack of cigarettes a day and drinks two glasses of wine after work. She often purchases fast food for dinner. She has frequent heartburn and non-restful, insufficient sleep. She stays in bed up to 20 hours per day on the weekends. She has become isolated from family and friends over the past year.

Current drugs include amitriptyline (Elavil) 75 mg at bedtime and ibuprofen 400 mg every 8 hours prn pain. Upon review of the patient history form, she had written voluminous notes describing her history, pain, and associated symptoms, filling in all margins of the forms.


Physical examination revealed 11/18 pairs of tender points. She was anxious and unable to sit during the interview. She meets the diagnostic criteria for major depression and anxiety. The remainder of the examination was normal. Initial assessment included myofascial pain and anxiety/depression. Amitriptyline, the first-line drug treatment for fibromyalgia is, by her report, failing. Sleep is poor, and she is anxious and depressed. Functional status is poor in physical, psychosocial, social , and vocational.

For the Discussion (Include the corresponding number below as you respond in your initial post):

  1. What non-pharmacologic and pharmacologic (controlled and noncontrolled drugs) treatment plan will you prescribe to the scenario?
  2. Give the rationale why you chose certain treatment plans and not others.
  3. Provide the follow up plan for the patient and why you made the decision.

Spiritual nursing care has been widely utilized for several years because of its positive impacts on a patient’s stress responses, spiritual health, and physical and mental well-being.

Spiritual nursing care has been widely utilized for several years because of its positive impacts on a patient’s stress responses, spiritual health, and physical and mental well-being. Professional nurses use spiritual healthcare in conjunction with other holistic and pharmaceutical medications to improve the patient’s clinical outcome. There is no actual definition of spirituality, but it mainly deals with a person’s beliefs and perspective of a higher being. Many nurses have challenges implementing and integrating spiritual healthcare practices for several reasons. Therefore, several tools have been developed and tested to aid nurses in improving their spiritual healthcare service provision within a clinical setting.

The first and the best spiritual evaluation tool is the FICA Spiritual History Tool, developed in 1996 by Puchalsky. The device was designed with primary care workers like nurses to guide physicians in integrating open-ended questions regarding spirituality. According to the tool, older individuals often require developing means of dealing with severe and chronic illnesses, and often people, especially older individuals, turn to religion to easily cope with their conditions. The FICA tool comprises four domains: faith, beliefs, spiritual significance, and the influence of a belief system (Robert et al., 2019).

The second spirituality evaluation tool is the HOPE questions. The HOPE questions are designed to help nurses ask about a patient’s source of hope and whether they originate from a particular religion. The HOPE questions can help a patient to improve their medical outcome significantly. The HOPE questions are a set number of questions that nurses ask their patients, and the answers required are ranked on the Likert Scale (Batstone et al., 2020). The third tool is the open invite which mainly focuses on the patient. The device encourages spiritual dialogue between nurses, medical service providers, and patients. The conversation may help nurses discover the cause of a patient’s spiritual perception and its implication on their general reaction to medical interventions, especially uncomfortable ones like chemotherapy.

Since many people around the globe highly value religion, spirituality is essential in the medical sector. The tools discussed above have significantly helped nurses engage with patients empathetically and devise effective clinical interventions tailored to a patient’s religion. Additionally, specific spiritual assessment tools like the SPIRIT tool help student nurses understand their religious perceptions and how they can incorporate them in their care to help patients of similar religious preferences. The tools have been subjected to several tests and enhancements, especially among adults comprising of nurses, patients, and the general population, to make them more effective because the healthcare sector is ever-changing.

Advanced Pharmacology

Advanced Pharmacology


Please discuss 3 things you have learned throughout this course.

Inter professional Collaborative Expert Panel (ICEP) suggested that the challenges of health systems are fundamentally ethical.

Inter professional Collaborative Expert Panel (ICEP) suggested that the challenges of health systems are fundamentally ethical. Debate the ethical issues related to inter professional values and ethics.

 Spirituality is much valued in the profession of nursing. As such, this means that nurses must be able to recognize and evaluate the spiritual needs of their patients.

Spirituality is much valued in the profession of nursing. As such, this means that nurses must be able to recognize and evaluate the spiritual needs of their patients. To accomplish this goal, nurses must be familiar with various tools used to evaluate patients’ spiritual needs. The first tool can be interviewing the patient is the first step in determining their spiritual needs. Also the nurse can gain a deeper understanding of the patient’s spiritual beliefs, practices, and values by conversing with the patient (Demmrich & Huber, 2019). The patient’s understanding on what is their relationship with God and their participation in spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and rituals, are some possible questions to address. As a result, the nurse can in a better way understand the patient’s spiritual needs thus aiding them.

The second most commonly used tool is an assessment questionnaire for the patient’s spiritual needs. According to Bussing (2021) questionnaire inquiries aim to ascertain the patient’s spiritual beliefs and the guiding principles and actions that reflect those beliefs. The purpose of the questions is to determine the patient’s sense of purpose and direction in life with their views regards to the existence of a higher power, the afterlife, and spiritual pursuits. These questions can give the nurses important information on the patient’s spiritual well-being, enabling them to offer the patient the necessary treatment possible. The spiritual care plan is the third method for assessing a patient’s spiritual requirements. These requirements and goals are laid out in writing in this plan, along with a procedure for meeting those needs. Nissen et al. (2021) states that the method involves a plan that patients can use to accomplish their spiritual goals. Also the plan should contain a list of the patient’s spiritual assets and weaknesses which increases the possibility that the patient’s spiritual needs will be met, making monitoring the patient’s spiritual well-being simple. The final approach that can be used to determine whether a patient has any spiritual needs is spiritual treatment. Counseling and assistance are required to understand and treat the patient’s spiritual issues effectively. Through the counseling session, the nurse can assist the patient in developing resilience and coping mechanisms and acquiring an understanding of their spiritual beliefs, values, and practices.

In conclusion, various techniques can be applied to assess a patient’s spiritual needs, including spiritual care plans, spiritual treatment, spiritual evaluation surveys or the use of questionnaire, and interviews. By utilizing these resources, nurses may get a deeper understanding of their patient’s spiritual health and ensure that their patients’ spiritual requirements are met.

Transition to the Nursing Profession Small Group Discussion Guidelines

NR103 Transition to the Nursing Profession Small Group Discussion Guidelines

NR103_Small_Group_Discussion_Guidelines_BSN-OL 1

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to help the student collaborate with their peers while using course topics. The student will also have an opportunity to develop informed opinion while identifying personal biases.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1. Implement skills for successful scholarship including effective study skills, note taking, active listening, and learning preferences (POs 5 and 7) .

CO 2. Identify characteristics of professional behavior including emotional intelligence, communication, and conflict resolution (POs 3, 5, 6, and 7).

CO 3. Demonstrate information literacy and the ability to utilize resources (POs 3, 5, and 8).

Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Total points possible: 100 points (20 points each)

Preparing the assignment Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

1. You will be asked to respond to questions posed on the discussion board. 2. Your discussion responses are graded based on these criteria.

a. Depth of understanding (10 points/50%) i. Addresses all concepts in initial response by Wednesday.

ii. Replies to one peer response. iii. Uses relevant experience as examples iv. Applies new knowledge to demonstrate understanding of content

b. Clarity of writing (5 points/25%) i. Addresses all questions posed by the discussion topic.

ii. Response is well organized. iii. Information is easy to read and understand.

c. Ability to convey an informed opinion (5 points/25%) i. Provides current, scholarly evidence to support statements.

ii. Identifies personal biases, setting them aside based on facts.

For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned.



NR103 Transition to the Nursing Profession Small Group Discussion Guidelines

NR103_Small_Group_Discussion_Guidelines_BSN-OL 2

Grading Rubric: Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.

Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of Performance

High Level of Performance

Satisfactory Level of


Unsatisfactory Level of


Section not present in


Depth of Understanding (10 points/50%)

10 points 9 points 8 points 4 Points 0 points

Required criteria 1. Addresses all weekly concepts in initial response by

Wednesday. 2. Replies to one peer response. 3. Uses relevant experience as examples 4. Applies new knowledge to demonstrate

understanding of content

Includes no fewer than 4 requirements for section.

Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section.

Includes no less than 2 requirements for section.

Includes no less than 1 requirement for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Clarity of Writing (5 points/25%)

5 Points 4 points 2 Points 0 points

Required criteria 1. Addresses all questions posed by the discussion

topic. 2. Response is well organized. 3. Information is easy to read and understand.

Includes no fewer than 3 requirements for section.

Includes no fewer than 2 requirements for section.

Includes 1 or fewer requirements for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Convey Informed Opinion (5 points/25%)

5 points 4 points 0 points

Required criteria 1. Provides current, scholarly evidence to support

statements. 2. Identifies personal biases, setting them aside based

on facts.

Includes no fewer than 2 requirements for section.

Includes no less than 1 requirements for section.

No requirements for this section presented.

Total Points Possible = 20 points each assignment; 100 points total in course


  • Purpose
  • Preparing the assignment
  • Grading Rubric: Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.

What tools will you use to handle stress?


  1. What are your top three priorities over the next 3 years?
  2. Keeping these priorities in mind, what three things do you need to change to help you be successful?
  3. What tools will you use to handle stress?
  4. What was the best tip you received from the upperclassmen?