Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 6

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 6

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


·       National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD, 2020). Significant Disproportionality in Special Education: Current Trends and Actions for Impact 2020-NCLD-Disproportionality_Trends-and-Actions-for-Impact_FINAL-1.pdf Download 2020-NCLD-Disproportionality_Trends-and-Actions-for-Impact_FINAL-1.pdf

·       Novak (2019) The School-To-Prison Pipeline: An Examination of the Association Between Suspension and Justice System Involvement Novak (2019) School to Prison Pipeline- Suspension and Justice System Involvement.pdf Download Novak (2019) School to Prison Pipeline- Suspension and Justice System Involvement.pdf

·       Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Inc. (COPAA) Complaint (2018) Legal Case COPAA-complaint-filed.pdf Download COPAA-complaint-filed.pdf

·       Coutinho & Oswald (2006) Disproportionate Representation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students  students_in_SPED_Brief.pdf Download students_in_SPED_Brief.pdf

·       Drakeford (2006 ) Racial Disproportionality in School Disciplinary Practices School_Discipline_Brief.pdfDownload School_Discipline_Brief.pdf

Sub-topic: School to Prison Pipeline

·       Video: How the School to Prison Pipeline Works: to an external site.

·       Video: What is the School-to-Prison Pipeline? How Do We Dismantle It? to an external site.


Assignment 1, Module 6 Reflections on Disproportionality in Education: Please post here any thoughts that come to you as you after reading this Module Introduction – Due on Thursday – Respond to two classmates by Sunday at Midnight

Question 1

What did/do you noticed about the racial and gender make up of students receiving special education services, especially in predominantly white school districts. Have you ever noticed any demographic difference between the general population of students in the school/district and those receiving special education supports and services? Furthermore, who gets to be included and who is in more secluded/segregated education settings, such as Emotional and Behavioral Supports who rarely interact academic and socially with their peers?

Question 2

What did/do you noticed about the racial and gender make up of students placed in the Challenge/Gifted program, and Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses in High School? Have you ever noticed any demographic difference between the number of students of color in the school/district, and those having access to the most challenging and rigorous courses?

Question 3

How do you explain those differences?

Fairwold K-8th  Lesson Plan

Fairwold K-8th  Lesson Plan

I need you to complete a Fairwold K-8th  Lesson Plan. I need a lesson plan on lesson plan on the fundamentals of basketball for grades K-8TH.


Please use the website listed below to get the PA standards for Physical Education:

Assignment 2, Journal Article Reflection


Assignment 2, Journal Article Reflection:

  1. Search for an article about Autism in one of our search engines.
  2. Write a 2-page reflection about the aforementioned article.





  1. Reflection discusses the focus of the course.
  1. Reflection connects the current unit to your own professional practice.
  1. Reflection cites current research from the course or your own research – using APA Format.


  1. Reflection synthesis and answers assigned questions


 Total Points



Special Topics in Autism Module 6

Special Topics in Autism Module 6

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


·        In P. A. Prelock & R. J. McCauley (Eds.), Treatment of autism spectrum disorder: Evidence-based
intervention strategies for communication & social interactions (2nd ed., pp. 193–228). Paul H. Brookes
Publishing Co. (required text)  CHAPTER 6 and Chapter 8.

·       Review Video


·       Review PPT



·       DTT.presentation.pdfDownload DTT.presentation.pdf


ABA Autism Training-Chapter 1 video link:



Assignment 1, Prompting Discussion: Prompting is extensively used in behavior shaping and skill acquisition.  Therefore, it is a hallmark of programming with students with ASD.    Prompts vary from most to least intrusive in nature. What are the pros and cons and how to you think we can plan to avoid prompt dependency.  Please be specific and feel free to discuss experiences from the real world working with students with ASD.

Special Topics in Autism Model 2 Peer Responses

Please respond to my peer discussions listed below. All responses should 100-150 words peer response. Please agree with all discussion and provide evidence to support your responses.



Peer 1 Elena Habel: Evidence based practices have been instituted in schools as interventions for children with ASD largely in part because there is a high probability of success, a reduction of time in planning and preparing, and an increased likelihood of educators’ responsiveness to student needs. According to the National Professional Development Center on ASD, EBP’s have shown to be safe and effective through peer reviewed research with high standard methodologies (The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2017).

In my own experience as teacher to children with ASD, I have found that it is important to have a foundational background on the most common evidence based practices—and with ten years under my belt I finally feel confident to make decisions to support my students. Of course, it is imperative to rely on the support of the special education teacher, speech, ot, and pt therapists, and parent input. I think often as teachers we take on sole responsibility when we should lean on these support resources—they often have experiences and knowledge we do not have.

One specific example of an evidence based practice that worked very well with my students–—allowing children to have choices in preferred activities and materials yields a pivotal response in training students to complete tasks (Prelock, 2021).



Prelock, P. A., & McCauley, R. J. (2021). Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders:

Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies for Communication & Social Interactions.

Second Edition, Baltimore, Maryland: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.


Peer 2 Alyssa Friedenberg: Evidence Based Practices are “clinical practice in which clinicians integrate the best available external research evidence; information they obtain about client needs, values, and preferences, and their clinical expertise and practice-internal evidence.”  The advantages to using evidence based practices is that they have the research that backs their effectiveness. Or in other words, they are proven to work. Since this is the case, by using evidence based practices, you will be able to provide your clients with the best treatment possible for them.

Even though evidence based practices are proven to work, they may need to be tweaked a little to work better for clients with different cultural backgrounds. Not every intervention works for every person and it is important to keep in mind the cultural background of your client to tailor the intervention to them or pick a different intervention that may suit them better. It is important to keep this in mind because some evidence based practices may actually harm clients from different cultural backgrounds instead of helping them as they were intended to.

My experience in using evidence based practices relates to both my work and school work. Last semester in my Theory and Techniques course we talked about how CBT is an evidence based practice for people with anxiety and depression. I practiced using CBT during a role-play assignment. Ever since learning about CBT, I have been transferring it into my work as an Equine Assisted Learning instructor in the sessions I have with kids with anxiety. Using evidence based practices allows clinicians to make progress towards their client’s goals quicker since they are using research backed methods.


Source- Prelock, P. A., & McCauley, R. J. (2021). Introduction to treatment of autism spectrum disorder- (ASD). In P.
A. Prelock, & R. J. McCauley (Eds.), Treatment of autism spectrum disorder: Evidence-based intervention
strategies for communication & social interactions (2nd ed.). Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 1

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.



You do not need to purchase a textbook for this course. All Reading/Podcast/Webinars will be posted in each weekly Module.


Assignment 1, Module 1: Lights, Camera, Action: Post on Canvas a brief video introduction of yourself including by Thursday at midnight, find something you have in common with two of your classmates, and respond to them by Sunday at midnight.

·       What name would you like us to call you in class?

·       What are your pronouns?

·       Where are you joining us from?

·       What is your major? Degree program? What is your academic/professional goal? E.g., to be a certified special education teacher? A principal? To get your doctorate? How close are you to achieving it?

·       If you currently teach, what grade level or specialty? If not, what age level and/or subject area would you like to teach?

·       Just for fun…tell us a little bit about yourself by sharing with us a hidden talent or personal accomplishment, we all have one, so get it out there. It could be something as small as “I make the best rice cake treats ever” or in my case, I am a dragon boat paddler and I have raced internationally. Yes! That is true! I raced in Hungary and qualified to race again in France, but Covid ….

·       If you prefer not to post a video, please include a picture of yourself.

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 2

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.



1.    Snow, K. (2010). People first language. (Links to an external site.)

2.     Longmore and Piastro: Un-handicapping our Language: Unhandicapping Our Language.pdf

3.    I prefer that you called me disabled:

Recommended (Optional)

1.    Teen Vogue: How to Use Gender Neutral Words (Links to an external site.)

2.    Disability is Natural (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

3.    American Psychological Association (APA) –  APA Manual Unbiased language supplemental materials.pdf Download APA Manual Unbiased language supplemental materials.pdf

You do not need to purchase a textbook for this course. All Reading/Podcast/Webinars will be posted in each weekly Module.



Assignment 1, Discussion 1: Weekly Text Summary and Reflection:

About this Week’s Readings: Module 2: Weekly Text Summaries and Reflection Posts (by Thursday at midnight) & Response to Two Classmates (by Sunday at midnight)  

Format is as follows:
Reading/Watching/Listening Summaries
: First, complete your reading/watching/listening assignments and answer to the prompts on the Text Summaries and Reflections for the Required texts. Recommended/Optional are not required, but recommended. If you read/watch/listen to them include the in the Text Summaries and Reflection form.  You will submit one Text Summaries and Reflections per unit. That is, on the same Text Summaries and Reflections you will complete the Text Citation and Summary for each reading/video/podcast. Responses to Questions #3 and #4, what did you learn and would do differently, will be an integration of all the texts. That is one citation and summary for each Text, and an integrated Reflection of the three texts.

o   Format

Please complete one summary for each of the assigned readings:

1. Text 1(Article/Resource/Media) Citation (APA Style):

2. Text 1 Summary: (Make direct connections to the text)

3. Text 2 (Article/Resource/Media) Citation (APA Style):

4. Text 2 Summary: (Make direct connections to the text) – if there are more required texts for that unit you will add an APA citation and a Summary, and combine the reflection responses for all three texts.

·       5. What three things did you learn from these texts (article/resource/media)? (make direct connections to text)

·       6. What three things would you do differently as an educator/leader/therapist based on your new knowledge and understandings as a result of these texts (article/resource/media)?

Assignment 1 is due Wednesday September 06, 2023 @12noon. I will pay you $10.00 only for the assignment. I will use PayPal only for payment. Please verify that you received this email. Late assignments will not be paid for.


Assignment 2, Discussion 2:  Personal and Professional Experiences with People of Diverse Identities and Lived Experiences: 

Personal and Professional Experiences with people of diverse abilities/disabilities, race/ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, language, country of origin, social class. Assignment link: Module 2: Personal and Professional Experiences with People of Diverse Identities

·       Question 1. Educational Experience: Reflect on your K-12 experiences as a student and describe what you remember from that time regarding student and teacher population. Who were the individuals in your school community? Did it feel like a community? Was your school a diverse environment in terms of abilities, race, class, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation of students, families, and educators? Was it a welcoming school? How can you tell? What did “Special Education” look like? What school environments looked like: cafeteria, classrooms, recess, clubs, etc.? In addition, provide some more detailed information on where students with disabilities received their special education services, were they in your classroom, in a separate classroom, separate part of the building, did you have an opportunity to interact with them?

·       Question 2Personal/Professional Experience: Also, please come prepared to discuss your personal and/or professional experiences with people of diverse abilities/disabilities, race/ethnicity, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation in your personal or professional life and how they inform your perspectives in life. If you work in a school or another organization, what difference and similarities can you draw from you as a student, and you as the professional?

·       Question 3. Special Teacher: Do you have a teacher who was special to you? If so, why? What do you remember? Did your teacher know?

Introduction to Inclusive Education Module 3

Before completing the assignments, please read the readings and instructional lessons for this module. Please complete these items at the beginning of the module as they are the basis for your discussions and assignments.


1.  Smith, D.D. & Tyler, N.C. (2010). Introduction to special education: Making a difference. (pp. 4-18)  Smith&Tyler__2010__4-18.pdf

2. a. Friend & Bursuck (2015) – Chapter 2: Special Education Procedures and Services – Book Chapter – Text.  Friend & Bursuck (2015) Chapter 2.pdfDownload Friend & Bursuck (2015) Chapter 2.pdf

b.  Friend & Bursuck (2015%- Chapter 2: Special Education Procedures and Services – Book Chapter – Power Point Friend & Bursuck (2015) Ch2 Powerpoint.pdfDownload Friend & Bursuck (2015) Ch2 Powerpoint.pdf



1.    Assignment 1, Module 3 Assignment: Discussion Board:  Module 3: Weekly Text Summaries and Reflection Posts (by Thursday at midnight) & Response to Two Classmates (by Sunday at midnight)
Reading/Watching/Listening Summaries
: First, complete your reading/watching/listening assignments and then the Text Summaries and Reflections for the Required texts. Recommended/Optional are not required, but recommended. If you read/watch/listen to them include the in the Text Summaries and Reflection form.  You will submit one Text Summaries and Reflections per unit. That is, on the same document, complete the Text Citation and Summary for each reading/video/podcast. Responses to Questions #3 and #4, what did you learn and would do differently, will be an integration of all that unit texts.

o   Format

Please complete one summary for each of the assigned readings:

1. Text 1(Article/Resource/Media) Citation (APA Style):

2. Text 1 Summary: (Make direct connections to the text)

3. Text 2 (Article/Resource/Media) Citation (APA Style):

4. Text 2 Summary: (Make direct connections to the text) – Add more if more texts are assigned for that unit

5. What three things did you learn from these texts (article/resource/media)? (make direct connections to text)

6. What three things would you do differently as an educator/leader/therapist based on your new knowledge and understandings as a result of these texts (article/resource/media)?

2. Partnership Experience –  Who are you partnering with for this field experience? Link: Partnership Experience – Initial Partner Information 

3. On Social Media, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. search and follow at least two disabled self-advocates who use Identity First Language and another person, a Gen Z (younger person) with a lived experience different from you (with regards to gender, sexuality,  citizenship, disability, race, ethnicity, etc.) Suggestions for Autisitc self-advocates include: to an external site.;Links to an external site. to an external site.

·       Discussion Section: Who are you following on Social Media?– Post by Thursday, Respond by Sunday

·       Share who you are following

·       Based on who you are following and read from disabled self-advocates, what resonated with you as a current or future educator, advocate, leader, clinician; your own experiences with members of the disability community, and why?

What Characteristics Would Lead A Provider To Suspect Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Or Elder Abuse Is Taking Place Within A Family

Topic 5 DQ 2

What characteristics would lead a provider to suspect domestic violence, child abuse, or elder abuse is taking place within a family? Discuss your facility’s procedure for reporting these types of abuse.

Violence and abuse is described as any intentional physical, mental, or psychological harm inflicted on a vulnerable person. This includes punching, berating, screaming, and other types of intentional cruelty. Domestic violence also involves threats or mild verbal or physical attacks, and victims seek to comply with the abuser’s demands. Victims feel trapped, reliant, helpless, and powerless. They can experience depression as a result of being stuck in the abuser’s power and control loop. As a victim’s self-esteem deteriorates as a result of prolonged abuse, he or she will blame themselves for the violence and be unable to see a way out of the situation. Neglect is described as any deliberate or unintentional lack of concern for someone’s well-being, such as failing to meet a dependent’s basic needs. Child abuse, child neglect, dependent adult abuse, dependent adult neglect, and domestic violence are all examples of abuse and neglect

If a family member shows apparent signs of bruising, malnutrition, depression, extreme fear, extortion, or other similar factors, a mandatory leader can suspect violence or neglect. However, this list is little and not an exhaustive, and other elements which exist. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but mandatory reporters are expected to search for trends of concern and various indicators of problems; they are expected to ask questions if required and to report anything they believe, even if they are not 100 percent certain.

A instructor, for example, can suspect child abuse if a student is chronically underweight and seems desperate to eat all they can while at school. If a woman arrives at the emergency room with severe bruises and physical injuries that do not seem to match her reasons for the medical problems, a nurse may suspect domestic abuse. A mental health professional may suspect elder abuse if a senior citizen pays large sums of money to a single person or if a family member micromanages their finances.

A required reporter must be aware of the appropriate authority to which the alleged violence and neglect should be reported. In the case of child violence, each state has a department of child services (also known as social services) that should be contacted through the appropriate channels, such as hot lines. Domestic abuse should be reported to local law enforcement. Adult services agencies in each state deal with elder abuse and other forms of maltreatment of dependent adult.


Child abuse – reporting procedures. (2019). Better Health Channel.

Elder abuse: Types, signs, and reporting. (2020, June 11). Find Assisted Living, Memory Care and Senior Living | A Place for Mom.

Respond to the post in discussion using 200-300 words in APA format with reference to support the post.

Technology is only as effective as the extent to which it is used. To the healthcare provider, it is a valuable tool. But are we setting these providers up for burn-out?

Technology is only as effective as the extent to which it is used. To the healthcare provider, it is a valuable tool. But are we setting these providers up for burn-out?

Read the Harris and Hilliard articles and write your response:

1. How would you define EHR or technology-related stress?

2. How can you overcome this challenge in your APN role?




McBride and Tietze (2022)

∙ Chapter 14: Privacy and Security

∙ Chapter 15: Personal Health Records and Patient Portals

Additional resources

∙ Harris, D., Haskell, J., Cooper, E., Crouse, N, and Gardner, R. (2018). Estimating the association between burnout and electronic health record-related stress among advanced practice registered nurses. EHR-1.related.stress.among.APNs.pdf (ATTACHED)

∙ Hilliard, R., Haskell, J., & Gardner, R. (2020). Are specific elements of electronic health record use associated with clinician burnout more than others? Available at