Research Proposal Draft


Research Proposal Draft

By the due date assigned, write a 2 page  addressing the sections below of the research proposal.


  • Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled).
  • Instruments: Description, validity, and reliability estimates, which have been performed (on a pre-established measure). Include plans for testing validity and reliability of generating your own instrument(s).
  • Description of the Intervention
  • Data Collection Procedures

Community Assessment, Analysis, Diagnosis, Plan, and Evaluation

Community Assessment, Analysis, Diagnosis, Plan, and Evaluation

Weekly Objective 4 is addressed in this assignment.

Needed Document: Final Paper Template

This activity is intended for undergraduate nursing students. In this activity, you will observe, think critically about, and report health issues in diverse community environments.

Community health nursing can improve access to care for the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups in any country. The community health nurse should combine knowledge of major indicators of health, social factors that contribute to declining health status, and public programs designed to address problems of health care. Efforts should encompass all levels of prevention (primary, secondary, tertiary) and should address the needs of the individual, family, aggregate, and community.

You will submit a formal APA Paper (see instructions in the template and the rubric).

Utilizing the information gathered on your selected community in from eight Sentinel City subsystems you have been working on throughout this class, write your assessmentanalysisnursing diagnosisplan, and evaluation method (per the rubric) in APA 7th edition format.

You do not need an abstract. The order of the paper is as follows: the title page, the body of the paper (5-10 pages), a reference page. See the sample template provided.

Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of a facility using supplemental and floating staff. Would this vary depending on specific units? Why? (Respond to all three parts)

Discuss the benefits and disadvantages of a facility using supplemental and floating staff. Would this vary depending on specific units? Why? (Respond to all three parts)

Be sure to apply concepts from the readings and research. You must cite (with reference) at least one source: your textbook, scholarly resources, or ATI textbook (no blogs, Wiki, or other school of nursing website) in current APA Style.

Leading and Managing in Nursing

Leading and Managing in Nursing


Patricia S. Yoder-Wise, RN, EdD, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN Professor and Dean Emerita, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas


Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page







Concept and practice combined

Diversity of perspectives




Learning strategies

Complete teaching and learning package

Chapter overview Part 1: Overview

1: Leading, Managing, and Following


Theory development in leading, managing, and following

Leading, managing, and following—different but related

Traditional and emerging leadership and management roles

Leading, managing, and following in a diverse organization




The evidence

Tips for leading, managing, and following

2: Clinical Safety: The Core of Leading, Managing, and Following


The classic reports and emerging supports

Other key agencies and endeavors

Meaning for leading and managing in nursing



The evidence

Tips for clinical safety

3: Legal and Ethical Issues


Professional nursing practice: nurse practice acts

Negligence and malpractice

Informed consent

Privacy and confidentiality

Policies and procedures

Employment laws

Professional nursing practice: ethics



The evidence

Tips for incorporating legal and ethical issues in practice settings

4: Cultural Diversity and Inclusion in Health Care


Concepts and principles



National and global directives

Special issues


Meaning of diversity in the organization

Cultural relevance in the workplace

Individual and societal factors

Dealing effectively with cultural diversity

Implications in the workplace



The evidence

Tips for incorporating cultural diversity in health care

Part 2: Know Yourself

5: Gaining Personal Insight: The Beginning of Being a Leader


Informal and formal leadership

The core of learning to be a leader

Gaining insight into self

Becoming an authentic leader



The evidence

Tips for Gaining Personal Insight

6: Being an Effective Follower


Research on followership

Followership theories

Differences between leading and following

Leader–follower relationship




The evidence

Tips on how to be an effective follower

7: Managing Self: Stress and Time


Emotional intelligence

Understanding stress

Definition of stress

Sources of job stress

Dynamics of stress

Management of stress


Resolution of stress

Management of time



The evidence

Tips for self-management

8: Communication and Conflict


Effective communication within healthcare settings

Types of conflict

Stages of conflict

Categories of conflict

Modes of conflict resolution

Differences of conflict-handling styles among nurses

The role of the leader

Managing incivility, lateral violence, and bullying



The evidence


Tips for effective communication and addressing conflict

9: Power, Politics, and Influence





Sharing Power

Personal power strategies

Exercising Power and Influence in the Workplace and Other Organizations



The evidence

Tips for using influence

Part 3: Know the Organization

10: Healthcare Organizations


Characteristics and types of organizations


Acquisitions and mergers

Forces that influence healthcare organizations

Theoretical Perspectives

Nursing role and function changes



The evidence

Tips for healthcare organizations

11: Organizational Structures






Organizational culture

Factors influencing organizational development

Characteristics of organizational structures


Types of organizational structures

Emerging fluid relationships



The evidence

Tips for understanding organizational structures

12: Care Delivery Strategies


Historical methods of organizing nursing care

Leadership during implementation of a model of care

Organizational strategies influencing care delivery

Positive care delivery systems

Transitional care

Interprofessional education and collaboration



The evidence

Tips for selecting a care delivery model

13: Staffing and Scheduling


The staffing process

Evaluation of effective staffing

Factors in staffing that influence patient outcomes

Supplemental (agency or contract) staff and float pools

Organizational factors that affect staffing plans

Developing a staffing budget



Evaluating unit staffing and productivity



The evidence

Tips for staffing and scheduling

14: Workforce Engagement Through Collective Action and Governance


Nurses as knowledge workers

Professional practice responsibility

Workplace advocacy, engagement, and empowerment

Shared governance

Collective action, collective bargaining, and unionization in nursing

Healthy work environments



The evidence

Tips for workforce engagement and collective action

Part 4: Use Your Skills

15: Making Decisions and Solving Problems


Differentiation of decision making and problem solving

Decision making

Problem solving



The evidence

Tips for decision making and problem solving

16: The Impact of Technology



Types of technologies

Knowledge technology

Information systems


Patient safety

Impact of clinical information systems

Safely implementing health information technology

Future trends and professional issues

Professional, ethical nursing practice and new technologies



The evidence

Tips for managing information and technology

17: Delegating: Authority, Accountability, and Responsibility in Delegation Decisions


Historical perspective


Assignment versus delegation

NCSBN model: an organizational framework for delegation

Effective communication: an essential competency for successful delegation

Delegation and the decision-making process in nursing

Organizational and individual accountability

Legal authority to delegate

Learning how to delegate: different strategies for success



The evidence

Implications for practice

Tips for delegating

18: Leading Change



The nature of change

The change process

People and change

Context and change

Leadership and change



The evidence

Tips for leading change

19: Building Effective Teams


Groups and teams

Creating effective teams

Key concepts of teams

Issues that affect team functioning

Interprofessional teams

The value of team-building

The role of leadership



The evidence

Tips for team building

20: Managing Costs and Budgets


What escalates healthcare costs

How health care is financed

Healthcare reimbursement

The changing healthcare economic environment

Why profit is necessary

Cost-conscious nursing practices





The evidence

Tips for managing costs and budgets

21: Selecting, Developing, and Evaluating Staff


Roles in an organization

Selection of staff

Developing staff

Performance appraisals




The evidence

Tips for selecting, developing, and evaluating staff

22: Person-Centered Care


Person-centered care—why now?

Initiatives to deliver person-centered care

Challenges in the delivery of person-centered care

Patient engagement

Nurses in the delivery of person-centered care

Synthesis and application



The evidence

Tips for competent person-centered care

23: Managing Quality and Risk


Quality management in health care


Benefits of quality management

Planning for quality management

Evolution of quality management

Quality management principles


The quality improvement process

Quality assurance

Risk management



The evidence

Tips for quality management

24: Translating Research Into Practice


From using research to evidence-based practice

Development of evidence-based practice

Comparative effectiveness research

Practice-based evidence

Participatory action research

Quality improvement

Evaluating evidence

Organizational strategies to embed evidence-based practice into organizations

Issues for nurse leaders and managers



The evidence

Tips for developing skill in using evidence and translating research into practice

25: Managing Personal and Personnel Problems


Personal/personnel problems



Progressive discipline




The evidence

Tips in the documentation of problems

Part 5: Prepare for the Future

26: Role Transition


Types of roles

Roles: The ABCs of understanding roles

Role transition process

Strategies to promote role transition



The evidence

Tips for role transition

27: Managing Your Career


A career framework

Career theory

Professional development

Contributing through scholarly activities and research

Career marketing strategies



The evidence

Tips for a successful career

28: Developing the Role of Leader



What is a leader?

The practice of leadership

Leadership development

Leadership development model

Surviving and thriving as a leader

The nurse as leader



The evidence

Tips for becoming a leader

29: Developing the Role of Manager


The definition of management

Nurse manager as change leader

Nurse manager role and the intergenerational workforce

The nurse manager and interprofessional collaboration

Building a positive work environment

Consuming research

Organizational culture


Day-to-day management challenges

Managing resources

Technology and informatics

Dashboards and decision support tools

Budgets and finance

Quality indicators




The evidence

Tips for implementing the role of nurse manager


30: The Strategic Planning Process


Strategic planning

Reasons for strategic planning

Phases of the strategic planning process



The evidence

Tips for developing and executing a strategic plan for nursing

31: Thriving for the Future


Leadership demands for the future

Leadership strengths for the future

Visioning, forecasting, and innovation

The wise forecast model©

Shared vision

Projections for the future



Tips for the Thriving in the future

The evidence




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This book is dedicated to the families and friends who supported all of us who created it, to the faculty who use this book to develop tomorrow’s emerging leaders and managers, and to the

learners who have the vision and insight to grasp today’s reality and mold it into the future of dynamic nursing leadership.

Lead on! ¡Adelante!



Joan Benson, BSN, RN, CPN Manager, Clinical Informatics and Practice, Children’s Mercy— Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri

Kristin K. Benton, BS, BSN, MSN, DNP Director of Nursing, Nursing, Texas Board of Nursing, Austin, Texas

Amy Boothe, DNP, RN Instructor, Traditional Undergraduate Program, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas

Elizabeth H. Boyd, MSN, BS Instructor/Site Coordinator, School of Nursing, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas

Myra A. Broadway, JD, MS, BSN Formerly, Executive Director, Maine State Board of Nursing, Past President, National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Maine Medical Professionals Health Program Advisory Committee USAFR Nurse Corps (Retired Colonel), Gardiner, Maine

M. Margaret Calacci, MS Director, Simulation and Learning Resources, Arizona State University College of Nursing and Health Innovation, Phoenix, Arizona

Mary Ellen Clyne, PhD President and Chief Executive Officer, Administration, Clara Maass Medical Center, Belleville, New Jersey

Jeannette T. Crenshaw, DNP, RN, LCCE, IBCLC, NEA-BC, FACCE, FAAN Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas

Mary Ann T. Donohue-Ryan, PhD, RN, APN, APRN-MH, NEA-BC Vice President for Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer, Administration, Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, Englewood, New Jersey

Michael L. Evans, PhD, MSN, BSN, BA Dean and Professor, School of Nursing, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lub



You must “attend” 1 policy event, at least approximately 1 hour in length.

The event may be online and it must have a health policy focus. Online health policy events/ webinars will be posted from which you may choose.  Event must be health-related.

1.  At the event, take notes, and then write up an account and analysis of the event, using the template for field experience logs (below), and the Field Experience Rubric.


As a way of demonstrating completion of this course requirement, you must submit, in writing, field logs that detail certain aspects of the event. The template for field experience logs is below.

·  Each event log should be three to five double-spaced pages of text.

·  Provide only a brief summary of the event itself.

·  The analysis section should be 550 to 800 words, and be the most developed component of the report. In the analysis section, you can write about the process of policy being made at this event, and/or you can write about the actual health policy issue being discussed/considered.

·  Your analysis should reference at least two sources. They can be from the learning materials in this course or other sources, but should be current (within the last 3 months).

·  Use APA format for citations and references.

·  The name of the event/meeting and who has sponsored it.

·  The name of the event/meeting and who has sponsored it.

·  Describe the steps taken in preparation for the event (beyond listening or attending the event).

·  Place, date, time, and length of hearing/meeting/event.

·  Topic under discussion.

·  Names of participants and their titles (to the extent you can get them).

·  Brief description of the testimony/meeting/event. (If more than one issue is presented, discuss a sampling of issues.)

·  Analysis of the health policy issue and its implications for healthcare. Integrate course content and readings in your analysis. This section should be approximately 500 to 750 words.


Note: Attached, you will find a Field Experience Log work that you may use as a Reference for this new 3rd Field Log assignment.








Week #2 Assignment #2

Field Experience Log

January 19th, 2020










Field Experience Log

Name of the eventHealth policy / Importance of vaccination in early ages.


Sponsors:Florida, Miami-Dade County.
Steps taken for preparation of the eventCreation of public awareness by

· Magazines and newspapers

· Use of posters

· Social media channels


· Speakers

· Funding

Place, date, time and length of hearingThe meeting was scheduled to take place at Mater Academy Charter Middle/High School on date 16th Jan 2020 starting from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.
Topic for discussionThe importance of vaccinating school children as a way of preventing communicable diseases.
Name of the participants· World Health Organization representatives

· Local leaders

· Teachers

· Parents

· Children


Brief description of the testimony of the meetingThe meeting ended successfully. A range of issues was discussed including the feasibility of the policy and its perceived benefits. All the participants detested that they will cooperate during the period of policy implementation.

Both the parents and teachers asserted that communicable diseases were alarming among the school children. The policy came at the convenient time and it would be essential at enhancing the health and wellbeing of their children.




















Policymaking is a process of setting out guidelines, rules and principles that are formulated and adopted by the party that need to achieve certain goals. It involves systematic stages of identifying the need of the policies, the parties to lead the process, gathering of information, drafting of the policy, stakeholder consultation, the approval stage and the implementation stage (Cui et al., 2017). Policymaking and its subsequent implementation are the best way of addressing the societal challenges, it encompasses a great number of people coming together to give a solution to the common problem that is affecting them. Thus, this paper discusses the analysis of vaccination policy for the school children.

Healthcare policies are prone to receive mixed reactions because of the influence it has on society. For this reason, thereof, there should be a systematic process that engages various stakeholders. This ensures that there is adequate consultation and thus making the implementation process as easy as possible. Notably, in areas where there is no consultation such policy may receive a total objection especially from the influential persons in the society including the politicians, church leaders, among others (Seither et al., 2019).

To ensure that the school children are safe from various infections, the state and county government came up with a vaccination policy for school children to secure their health. Various events financed by the state and county government were organized to as organized to educate the parents, teachers and children about the importance of vaccination policy (Seither et al., 2019). Notably, these events were scheduled to take place in various schools at both the national, county and local levels to seek public opinion about the formulated policy. In these, events members of the public were allowed to express their opinions. The reports were written by the school heads and submitted to the county and national government for decision making.

Over time, the policy was securitized by the interested parties who expressed divergent opinions about the value and the effectiveness of this policy. Overall, the vaccination policy for school children was considered an important way of preventing many of the communicable diseases. This because schools are social gathering that contains children from different backgrounds. Therefore, a trigger of any communicable infection spreads very fast. School children have a close interaction at various grounds including playing, during class sessions and thus increasing the likelihood of disease spread (Seither et al., 2019). In this case, if the infection is severe, it will cost the lives of many children and parents as well. For this reason, thereof, it is important to consider preventing the occurrence of such infections through vaccinations.

Vaccination of the school children is likely to be beneficial not only to the children but also to the entire society. The immunity of the children is lower than one of the adults. This subjects them vulnerable to many of the communicable diseases and thus compromising their health and wellbeing. Factoring on this, children will facilitate the communicability of these infections to the healthy populations including their parents and other society members (Cui et al., 2017). As a result, the entire society is affected something that could have been prevented through vaccination.







Cui, F., Lipin Shen, L. L., Wang, H., Wang, F., Bi, S., Liu, J., … & Miao, N. (2017). Prevention of chronic hepatitis B after three decades of escalating vaccination policy, China. Emerging infectious diseases23(5), 765.

Seither, R., Loretan, C., Driver, K., Mellerson, J. L., Knighton, C. L., & Black, C. L. (2019). Vaccination Coverage with Selected Vaccines and Exemption Rates Among Children in Kindergarten—the United States, 2018–19 School Year. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report68(41), 905.

 Post a brief explanation of how you would identify a quality improvement practice gap in your practice or organization.

 Post a brief explanation of how you would identify a quality improvement practice gap in your practice or organization. Describe a potential quality improvement practice gap you might use for your DNP project, and explain why. Then, explain at least two types of tools and/or methods you might use to address this quality improvement practice gap, and explain why. Be specific and provide examples.

Watson’s Caring Theory, a grand theory and conceptual model in nursing, is the underlying framework for the University College of Nursing’s programs. 

Watson’s Caring Theory, a grand theory and conceptual model in nursing, is the underlying framework for the University College of Nursing’s programs.  Identify a middle-range theory within her conceptual model. Clearly identify how she defines the concepts and propositions between them. Report them to the class using the form “psychosocial development (Concept A) progresses through (Proposition) stages (Concept B)”. Psychosocial development and stages are examples and NOT required for the assignment. Using the readings for the week, discuss why her work is considered a grand theory.

  • Length: A minimum of 300 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA format from within the last 5 years

Link of the topic: ‘They’re all someone’s mum, someone’s dad… and they’re just forgotten’ – ABC News

Link of the topic: ‘They’re all someone’s mum, someone’s dad… and they’re just forgotten’ – ABC News

This written assessment requires you to provide a critical synopsis of a chosen aged care related to a media item. It is designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to acquire and apply knowledge that forms the basis of contemporary evidenced based practices. You are also expected to reflect on how this knowledge is important for your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse.

The task includes:

· Source a news item (released between 2016-2021) related to aged care from a popular media source – this could be a newspaper article, radio interview, blog or another source of online or hardcopy media (suitable online sites and hardcopy resources will be clarified by your tutor)

· Provide a synopsis (with the integration of key literature into this summary) that states the relevance of the media topic to aged care and describes why this is important knowledge for you in your role as a Student Registered Nurse and soon to be New Graduate Nurse.

· Review the content of the media item to identify the author’s argument.

· Critically examine the strengths of their claims against the current aged care literature.

· Identify any gaps in the information presented, implications for how this knowledge impacts on the care of older people and possible solutions for future care.

· Reflect on how this knowledge can influence your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse.

· The task is to be supported with literature published within 5 years unless referring to a core document (please see your tutor for assistance)

Length:1800 words



Critical Synopsis of Media Item



Review assessment guidelines and marking criteria

Format 12pt font, double spaced text for essay

The task is to be supported with literature published within 5 years



2.Introduction (100 – 120 words)

3.Summary of media item – Review the content of the popular media item stating relevance to aged care and identify the author’s argument. (100 – 200 words)

Criteria : A summary of one media item is provided. Outline the author’s argument and why the topic is relevant to aged care. Essay includes a softcopy or web link to media item (20%)

Well-articulated summary, clear evidence of media items relevance to aged care. Author’s argument clearly identified and supported with examples from the media item. A web link or soft copy of the media item is included in the assessment.( 20 – 17 marks)


4. A review of the aged care literature – Critically examine the strengths of their claims against the current aged care literature.(400 – 500 words)

Criteria: Literature is accurately and critically reviewed in relation to the author’s argument. A minimum 6 high quality journal articles dated 2015-2020 are used in the analysis. (30%)

Well-articulated critical review, integration of evidence of the author’s claims and 6 plus high-quality journals dated 2015 – 2020 that inform the topic of the media item.( 30 – 25.5 marks)

5. Knowledge gaps identified from literature reviewed – What remains unanswered after a review of the literature, what still needs to be done, where to now?(100 – 200 words)

Criteria: Identify any gaps in the information and implications for how this knowledge impacts the care of older people and possible solutions for future consideration. (25%)

Clear identification of gaps in the literature or areas for further research is described. Implications for how this knowledge impacts the care of older people and possible solutions for future consideration is well articulated and clearly described. 25 – 21 marks

6. Implications for the older person – How this knowledge impacts on the care of older people and possible solutions for future care(200 – 300 words)

Clear identification of gaps in the literature or areas for further research is described. Implications for how this knowledge impacts the care of older people and possible solutions for future consideration is well articulated and clearly described. 25 – 21 marks


7. Importance to new graduate nurses – Reflect on why this information is important and how this knowledge can influence your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse. (100 – 200 words)

Criteria: Reflect on how this knowledge can inform and/or influence your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse (25%)

Well articulated reflection on how this knowledge can inform and/or influence your future nursing practice as a soon to be New Graduate Nurse. Clear strategies and examples are provided. 25 – 21 marks

It has to be Australian based (New graduation Registration Nurse)

8. Conclusion(100 – 120 words)9. References – APA 7 format. Should demonstrated wide reading. The reference list is not included in the word limit for this assessmen

My professor instruction: “Nephrolithiasis”

My professor instruction: “Nephrolithiasis”


A 42-year old male on a high calcium diet has complained of dull persistent pain in the lower back and flank regions for several days. He exercises daily but fails to replenish water lost through urination and perspiration on a regular basis. This morning he awakened with intense pain in the abdomen. A routine urinalysis reveals a significant level of hematuria.

· Explain what may be a likely diagnosis

· Include what helped you to draw these conclusions

· Discuss any potential treatment options.


· This should be a substantive response to the topic(s) in your own words, referencing (using APA format) what you have discovered in your required reading and other learning activities.

· You may use resources in addition to your textbook that supports your post(s); however, you must mention the source(s) that you used in your post(s) using APA format in-text citations and reference lists. You can review APA formatting

Note: this is a case of Nephrolithiasis conduct to writing to this topic.

Answer the three main topic my professor asks (abode)

No plagiarism

APA format