Assignment: Diagnosis: The Burden of Stigma in Help Seeking

Assignment: Diagnosis: The Burden of Stigma in Help Seeking

The threat of public stigma, as well as self-stigma, can prevent individuals from receiving the mental health treatment they need. In this Assignment, you analyze the influence of stigma on experiences with and treatment of mental illness.

To prepare: Watch the TED Talk by Sangu Delle and then review the readings for this week.

Focus on Delle’s examples illustrating Corrigan’s model about the stages of stigma and the hierarchy of disclosure. Consider Delle’s experience against that model.

By Day 7

Submit 3 pages that addresses the following:

  • Briefly explain Corrigan’s model of the stages of stigma and his recommendations and hierarchy about recovery.
  • Explain whether Delle’s experience follows that model. Use specific examples to argue your perspective. If you agree, identify which stage of recovery Delle is in.
  • Analyze Delle’s reports about his own experiences with both types of stigma. Provide specific examples, and in your analysis consider the following questions:
    • Does one type of stigma predominate in his talk?
    • Which of Delle’s personal values or beliefs were challenged by his internalizations about his own illness and help-seeking?
    • What strengths does he exhibit?
    • What was the primary benefit of his diagnosis?
    • Do you think his experience would be different if his culture was different? Explain why or why not?




From your textbook and any other readings on sexual development, briefly discuss both biological and social contributions to the development of sexual identity and development.  Be sure your discussion includes both biological and social aspects of development across the lifespan.  Include  both same-sex and opposite sex identities in your discussion.

Then, provide at least one scripture that supports or forbids same-sex behavior.  It is important to distinguish between attraction and behavior in this part of the discussion.  Do you believe it is a sin to be attracted (tempted) to a person of the same-sex?  Do you believe it is a sin to act on that temptation by practicing homosexual behavior?  Do you believe the attraction is a product of “ nature” (biological) or “nurture” (social) or both?

Note, do not simply discuss what you “think” or “feel”.  Rather give valid bases for your answers.  These can include both scripture and scientific bases.  Just be sure to think critically regarding your sources and the application to your position.


Briefly discuss the similarities and differences between Kohlberg’s and Fowler’s stages of moral development.  You may need to go outside your textbook for more information (be sure to cite your sources and include the full reference at the bottom).  Do you believe moral development can be explained in stages such as these?  If so, why?  If not, offer an alternative explanation to moral development across the lifespan.


Briefly discuss each of the four Adult Attachment Styles in your textbook (see table 14.1 in Sigelman & Rider 2018, 9th ed.).  You could also use additional sources to consider infant as well as adult attachment styles.  Which one do you think would be fit you and why?  If you prefer not to use yourself as an example, choose any one of the styles and give a hypothetical example of how that interaction might look in “real life”.


Every person is like every other person.

Every person is like some other person.

Every person is like no other person.

(Adapted from Kluckhohn & Murray, 1948, p. 35)

Take a few moments to consider this poem.  Based on what you have learned in the study of human development across the lifespan, and especially focusing on parenting styles and family issues, how would you apply the three sentiments in the poem to young adult and adult development?  In what ways are each of these lines true of all humans?  How might we use and understanding of these ideas to both improve the development of humans (e.g. child development programs, parent training, etc.), as well as to understand why people are the way they are?  What might this teach us about perspectives of others in regards to race, personality, behaviors, and other differences from a human development perspective?


Review Kubler-Ross’s stages of dying.  How might these same or similar stages be experienced by grieving loved ones after a person’s death?  Do you think grief can be understood in the context of “stages”?  Why or why not?

How would you use your understanding of lifespan development issues to help comfort those who have lost loved ones, or someone who is nearing death?

Include in your discussion how a view of God and eternity might affect how a person grieves, including different views of hope and hopelessness.


Identify one or more primary concepts of development from this course that you believe could most contribute to your development in your career, parenting, self-awareness, and/or life goals.  In what ways might you use the concepts you have learned in this course to help others with their life goals or struggles?  In other words, what have you learned from this course, and how will you apply it to your life and career?

(Note – this Db does NOT require replies to other students and will be graded only on the initial content.  Replies to other student are encouraged, however.  It also does not require the use of sources, however if you do reference specific information from a source, it should be cited,)

proposal of a video for creative leadership

proposal of a video for creative leadership

Must include business plan, marketing issues,promotion,etc.

Information you need to be aware of:

1.Activity Purpose:
I want to do a guzheng and piano ensemble for the “creative leadership” class.
the music we choose for ensemble is Lan TingXu(兰亭序).
The goal is to exercise your ability to cooperate with others. Because in the future, it will be more or less necessary to perform ensemble with other people, and it is also inevitable to cooperate with different instruments.(If necessary, you can add this paragraph to the article.)
2. place
The venue for the performance is school, Singapore.
Because the school’s resource booking is convenient and does not cost money (referring to the free use of the stage and piano room)
Just be responsible for the cost of moving instrument( guzheng) and clothing.
The total duration of the video is 15 minutes, of which the performance part of the music results is about 5 minutes, and the remaining 10 minutes are clips during rehearsal, which will include music score modification, daily rehearsal, and melody verification.

 Three hypotheses are proposed to explain why distributed practice leads to better learning than massed session.

 Three hypotheses are proposed to explain why distributed practice leads to better learning than massed session. These hypotheses include: the fatigue hypothesis, the cognitive effort hypothesis and the memory consolidation hypothesis. In your opinion which of these hypotheses explains the mass versus distributed learning phenomenon better. Give examples to argue for your position.

 For this Assignment, Read the case study Sandra located in this week’s resources. Think about the effects of the trauma on Sandra and the interventions you might use to help Sandra deal with those effects. Consider the cultural, ethical, and legal issues related to Sandra’s treatment.

For this Assignment, Read the case study Sandra located in this week’s resources. Think about the effects of the trauma on Sandra and the interventions you might use to help Sandra deal with those effects. Consider the cultural, ethical, and legal issues related to Sandra’s treatment.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Explain the effects of sexual trauma on Sandra.
  • Describe two specific interventions you might use to help Sandra deal with those effects.
  • Explain any cultural, ethical, and legal issues related to Sandra’s treatment.
  • Explain what might be different in the effects of the trauma and the interventions you might select if Sandra had been a male

Laureate Education

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Case Study: Sandra Sandra, a 28-year-old female, seeks treatment for issues of depression. After three sessions, she reports that she was sexually abused from ages 4 to 9 by an uncle, after which she experienced two date/acquaintance rapes her senior year in high school. Sandra states that she told her mother, who accused her of making up stories and demanded she not say another word. She also reported an older female cousin had “played doctor” with her on several occasions, including examining her private parts with a “tube” and checking her tonsils with her tongue. Sandra states she spent most of her time drunk from ages 18 to 22 and slept with many men during this time period. She states she often thought of suicide during this time period, although she only had one real attempt in which she tried to drive her car into a lake but blew out a tire before reaching the water. Sandra states she has very few friends and no longer talks with anyone in her family. She reports not being able to keep a boyfriend and believes that the few friends she does have talk about her behind her back. Sandra reports not drinking for the last few years and is determined not to drink again due to her raising her 2-year-old child. She states that she wants to be a good mother. The father is “out of the picture,” so Sandra is raising her child on her own.

Constructivists suggest that a person’s reality is unique from others. Thus, this unique reality affects what and how effective knowledge is acquired, and is affected by numerous variables such as culture, past experiences, and past knowledge.

Consider the following:

  • Constructivists suggest that a person’s reality is unique from others. Thus, this unique reality affects what and how effective knowledge is acquired, and is affected by numerous variables such as culture, past experiences, and past knowledge.
  • Humanism posits a purposefully person-centered approach to learning that includes personal growth, focus on self-development, and personal needs.

Include the following:

Explain why logical positivism would not be a supporter for constructivist-based theories? Do you agree or disagree?

  • Hint: Can we “see” mental constructions?
  • Compare how exogenous constructivism, endogenous constructivism, and dialectical constructivism differ, and why it matters.
  • Analyze how situated cognition (discussed in Week 3) supports the suggestions made by constructivism?
  • Discuss a personal experience in which constructivism ideologies explained either the effectiveness of, or the non-effectiveness of, the learning experience.
    • Would you consider this learning experience exploratory learning, inquiry learning, or problem-based learning? Why?
  • Identify the implications in learning effectiveness that might exist if construction of individualized knowledge is negated.

Your initial post should be between 350 and 400 words. You must support your discussion by citing the required textbook. Cite all information from your sources according to APA guidelines as outlined in the APA: Citing Within Your Papers (Links to an external site.) resource. List each of your sources at the end of your posting according to APA Style as shown in the sample page for APA: Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource.

For this assignment, you will choose one or two social media platform(s) (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, etc.). Once you have chosen, in 500-750 words, do the following:

For this assignment, you will choose one or two social media platform(s) (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, etc.). Once you have chosen, in 500-750 words, do the following:

  1. Describe the self-enhancement and self-verification motives for self-esteem.
  2. Evaluate the posts/pages you see through the lens of self-presentation.
  3. Discuss which motive (self-enhancement or self-verification) is most evident in the sites you viewed. Provide examples, but do not include identifying information (names, handles, gender, etc.).
  4. Discuss if you think these online portraits of people are accurate. Explain your position.
  5. Explain if the prevalence of being exposed to social factors on social media influences individual behavior and the development of the social self, include how it does or does not. Use social psychological terminology to explain your answer.
  6. Discuss the positive and negative aspects associated with social media sites.

Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Each CLC team will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses an area of health psychology and increases patient adherence to medical advice. The goal is to attempt to solve a specific problem. Address the following:

Each CLC team will create a PowerPoint presentation that addresses an area of health psychology and increases patient adherence to medical advice. The goal is to attempt to solve a specific problem. Address the following:

Your health issue for this assignment should be the same one that you chose for Topic 4.

Select a topic: topics include subjects that have been covered in the course thus far (e.g., substance abuse, adherence to complex medical regimens, reducing health risks to cardiovascular disease, cancer, or diabetes).  Program design includes:


Our Chosen Topic Is: POST COVID19 World, returning from the alcohol induced world we have self-created



1. Target population

2. Scope of the current problem

3. Location in which the program will be implemented. Justify why this location is chosen.

4. Specific techniques or strategies implemented. Include research to support why these are the best techniques or strategies.

5. Discuss ways to help patients adhere to medical advice.

6. Logistical concerns: cost or community/provider attitudes

Use GCU databases; include five to six outside references or other resources for evidentiary support which may include the textbook or assigned readings.

CLC members will compile the assignment into one PowerPoint presentation.

Please include speaker notes for each slide. It is expected that you have speaker notes of 35-50 words per slide use in text citations as well & references.


While APA style is required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, including an APA formatted reference slide, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Oftentimes, the presentation of mental illness is regarded as scary or threatening. How is this concept perpetuated in the media and other social outlets? Discuss and provide at least two examples of how this is occurring in society today.

2. Oftentimes, the presentation of mental illness is regarded as scary or threatening. How is this concept perpetuated in the media and other social outlets? Discuss and provide at least two examples of how this is occurring in society today.

Answer should be approximately 200 words.

Use this for one of your references if you want