Evaluate well-established treatments for the diagnosis, and describe the likelihood of success or possible outcomes for each treatment

Investigate and propose a psychiatric diagnosis based on the case study attached. Include an in-depth overview of the disorder within the diagnosis, treatment options for the diagnosis, and a sound rationale that explains why this diagnosis was made. Must present a thorough overview of each disorder within the diagnosis. Assume the audience has no prior knowledge of the disorder within the diagnosis, and provide relevant and easy to understand explanations of each for the readers. The Psychiatric Diagnosis must include the following (1)Explain psychological concepts in the patient’s presentation using professional terminology. Identify symptoms and behaviors exhibited by the patient in the chosen case study (2)Match the identified symptoms to potential disorders in the DSM-5 diagnostic manual (3)Propose a diagnosis based on the patient’s symptoms and the criteria listed for the disorder(s) in the DSM-5 diagnostic manual(4)Analyze and explain how the patient meets criteria for the disorder according to the patient’s symptoms and the criteria outlined in the DSM-5 diagnostic manual (5)Justify the use of the chosen DSM-5 diagnostic manual (i.e., What evidence supports the validity of this manual? What are limitations of this manual?)(6)Summarize general views of the diagnosis from at least three theoretical orientations (g., cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, biological, sociocultural, evolutionary, psychoanalytic, integrative, etc.). NOTE: Be clear that you are writing about theoretical orientations and using the theoretical orientations to explain the diagnosis. Do not use the theoretical orientations to discuss any therapy or treatment approaches. Your application of the theoretical orientations should answer the question: What causes this diagnosis? For example, “Based on the cognitive perspective, what causes this diagnosis?” “Based on the humanisitic perspective, what causes this diagnosis?” Etc. In addition, you may include a historical perspective on the diagnosis, but this is not required. Also note that here you are summarizing views of the overall diagnosis, not specific individual symptoms(7)Include a discussion on comorbidity if the diagnosis includes more than one disorder(8)Evaluate symptoms within the context of an appropriate theoretical orientation for this diagnosis (e.g., cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, biological, sociocultural, evolutionary, psychoanalytic, integrative, etc.).  NOTE: Here you are evaluating specific symptoms, not the overall diagnosis(9)Use at least two peer-reviewed articles to assess the validity of this diagnosis, and describe which demographics are at a higher risk of developing the disorder or receiving the diagnosis based on age, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Provide a brief evaluation of the scientific merit of these peer-reviewed sources in the validity assessment?(10)Summarize the risk factors (i.e., biological, psychological, environmental, and/or social) for the diagnosis If one of the categories is not relevant, address this within the summary(11)Compare evidence-based and non-evidence-based treatment options for the diagnosis(12)Evaluate well-established treatments for the diagnosis, and describe the likelihood of success or possible outcomes for each treatment(13)Create an annotated bibliography of five peer-reviewed references published within the last ten years to inform the diagnosis and treatment recommendation. In the annotated bibliography, write a two- to three- sentence evaluation of the scientific merit of each of these references?

Discuss how did your understanding of the field of developmental psychology and lifespan perspective change as a result of this course. What are three concepts/areas within developmental psychology that you found most interesting and new to you?


Earlier in this course, you chose a topic/issue/question in lifespan development that pertains to your professional career, program specialization, or research interest. Throughout the course, you have read and gathered research articles related to your topic. Now it is time to prepare your final paper. Your final paper is a reflection on the overall learning accomplished in this course and on the knowledge you gained about your topic/issue/question within your own area of interest/specialization in the field of psychology.

Your Signature Assignment requires you to complete the following:

  • Discuss how did your understanding of the field of developmental psychology and lifespan perspective change as a result of this course. What are three concepts/areas within developmental psychology that you found most interesting and new to you? Explain why this is new and of interest to you.
  • Considering the topic/issue/question you selected in week 1, what are three research findings within developmental psychology that you found most surprising, or counter to your original understanding? What was so surprising about these findings/results? What are three concepts/theories that are directly applicable to your specialization or to your future professional activities? Explain how they are applicable.

Support your Signature Assignment with at least 8 – 10 references from scholarly sources, including at least three research study articles published within the past five years.

Length: 8-10 pages, not including title and reference pages

Gloria and Lakeisha are coworkers who are assigned to work on a project together.

Gloria and Lakeisha are coworkers who are assigned to work on a project together. Lakeisha is very organized and wants them to do really well on this project. To help them get started, Lakeisha took some initiative and prepared a list of to-do items along with due dates. She even color-coded the list to indicate which partner will do each item and sends an email to Gloria with the to-do list. Lakeisha wants her partner to know that she’s serious about their success.

Gloria is surprised by Lakeisha’s to-do list and feels a bit uncomfortable because she feels like Lakeisha is micromanaging her. Gloria wants to do her part on the project but is feeling anxious because she doesn’t know where she fits in, and it is making her worried about working on this project. She wonders how she can succeed on this project if Lakeisha is already the leader. When working for a previous employer, Gloria felt anxious about her ability to successfully complete a project and attempted to communicate her feelings with a coworker; however, her coworker didn’t seem to understand Gloria’s concerns and said that she should just ignore her feelings and get the work done.

As Gloria ponders having a conversation with Lakeisha, she starts to feel overwhelmed and thinks it might just be easier to be removed from the project. Using your problem solving and self and social awareness skills and what you have learned about personality traits and emotions, answer the questions below to help Gloria calm her anxiety and find a solution to her problem:


Answer each question with 5-7 sentences

1. What are the Big 5 personality traits?

2. Use one of the Big 5 personality traits to describe Gloria’s personality.

3. Give advice to Gloria on how she can identify and regulate her own emotions so that she can stick with this project, and be successful.

4. If you were in this situation, how confident are you that you could successfully resolve a workplace conflict like the one that Gloria faced? What past experiences or knowledge influence your answer

How many acts of altruism can you identify in the video? Which altruistic act did you like most and why?


1. How many acts of altruism can you identify in the video? Which altruistic act did you like most and why?

2. Do you think altruism is learned or are we born with this trait? Explain your answer.

3. Can you give an example of a situation in which you exhibited altruism or saw someone else behave altruistically?

4. Respond to two classmates on their reaction to the video and examples of altruism.

Describe the point at which nature begins to influence nurture in the developmental process.


Chapter 1

  1. Describe the point at which nature begins to influence nurture in the developmental process.
  2. Identify some of the social contexts of life.
  3. Differentiate between cohorts and age groups.
  4. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative research.
  5. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research.

Chapter 2

  1. Explain the similarities and differences between Freud’s and Erikson’s theories of adulthood.
  2. Describe when social learning is most powerful.
  3. Explain what Piaget discovered that earlier psychologists did not realize.
  4. Identify human behaviors that were protective centuries ago but are harmful now.
  5. Describe why it is beneficial to know more than one theory to explain human behavior.

Research Proposal Assignment

Sibrava PSY 9922


Research Proposal Assignment

For this assignment, you are being asked to prepare an APA-style research proposal on a topic in counseling or clinical psychology. The objective of this assignment is to encourage you to think about a problem, phenomenon, or treatment of interest to you that can be tested through an empirical approach. Proposals must include the following components:

1) An Introduction (i.e., literature review): This section provides the background literature and rationale for your proposed study. It should include summaries of studies related to your topic (i.e., that support the rationale for investigating your topic) with proper APA- style citations. This section should be about 5-6 pages.

2) A statement of purpose: At the end of your Introduction section, you should include a final paragraph or two that includes a statement describing the purpose of your proposed study as well as your hypotheses (i.e., what you expect to find). For example, you might state something like: “Past research has shown … but the reasons for … remain unclear. Therefore, the purpose of the current proposal is to examine … I hypothesize that …”

3) Proposed Methods: This section of the proposal includes 3 subsections: Participants, Measures, and Procedures. The Participants section includes information about how participants will be recruited; eligibility criteria (inclusion/exclusion criteria); # of participants expected to participate; # of males/females, age range, etc; incentives for participation. The Measures section includes information about questionnaires participants would complete or equipment that they would use in the course of the study. Questionnaires should include a reference and a description of the important elements (e.g., reference to their utility/validity/reliability for the intended purpose, # of items, how it is administered; etc). If assessments involve an interview, these questions would be described here. The Procedure section includes a description of how the study would be conducted. This includes instructions to participants, how independent variables (IVs) will be manipulated, how dependent variables (DVs) will be measured, randomization procedures, descriptions of treatment, how often participants will be assessed, debriefing procedures, etc. This section should be about 3-4 pages.

4) Proposed Results: You are not collecting data for this assignment, so you have no results to report. However, in a proposed analysis section, you restate your hypotheses and explain the analyses you would use to test your hypotheses. You want to be specific about the type of analysis and which variables would be involved for each hypothesis. For example, you might say something like: “To test the hypothesis that … an Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted with xxx as the independent variable (levels: xxx), xxx as the dependent variable, and xxx included as covariates.” This section will be rather brief, probably ½ – 1 page.

5) Possible Limitations and Design Considerations: This section should present possible limitations that could arise from your choice of research design. Remember, no study is perfect, and all research studies have possible confounds, and their results may be interpreted in alternative ways other than you intended by critics. In this section, you will present a type of critique of your design, and explain why you chose to design the study the way you did. This will include explaining why you chose a certain design, measures, procedure, etc., in order to test your research hypotheses, and indicate any ways in



Sibrava PSY 9922


which the internal validity of your study may be compromised, as well as possible steps that future studies can take to help correct them. This section is not intended to allow you to make lazy design decisions!! In other words, don’t design a weak study and then simply tell me why it was weak in this section. This section should mostly explain why you designed your study the way you did, and show me that you understand the challenges of designing an internally valid research project. This section should be about 1-2 pages.

6) References: References must be primary, scholarly sources (largely empirical papers) from the past 10-15 years. Plan to include a minimum of 10 references. Please follow APA style for referencing.



Some important notes:

1) Please follow APA style in terms of structure of the paper as well as referencing. Appendix A of your text has good examples of APA style. Other resources for this include the websites I posted on Blackboard and the APA manual which is on reserve in the library.

2) The articles you read as part of your literature review will provide additional guidance in terms of what to include in the different sections of the proposal and how the sections of your proposal should be structured.

3) Research proposals must be typed in 12-point font, double-spaced with 1-inch margins. In terms of the page limit, please try your best to stay within the 10-15 page limit (not including references). I can understand going over by a reasonable amount (i.e., a few pages), but I will not be super-excited to read 20+ pages…

4) Grading: Proposals will be graded on 1) content (accuracy, breadth, and depth of topic), 2)

quality of writing (organization, clarity, and grammar), and 3) adherence to APA style (quality and accuracy of references and use of APA style in overall format and referencing).

Punishment is highly effective in Changing Long term Behaviors



Punishment is highly effective in Changing Long term Behaviors

Part 1: Annotated Bibliography

Carter-Davies, L., & Bristow, D. (2018). Parental Physical Punishment: Child Outcomes and Attitudes. 1-33.

The article was written by Lauren Carter-Davies and Dan Bristow and published in 2018. The article is credible for studying child punishment because Dan Bristow has served as a director for children policy and participated in numerous publications. On the other hand, Lauren Carter Davies is a research officer and has immensely contributed to research involving corporal punishment. The article was published in 2018, showing that the article’s information is up-to-date and relevant to the discussion topic. The article will used in the paper to show that punishment could be an ineffective means of reinforcing behavior in children. According to the article, physical punishment breach the rights of children.

Gershoff, E. T., & Lee, S. J. (2020). Ending the physical punishment of children: A guide for clinicians and practitioners. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

The book was written by Gershoff and Lee and published in 2020. The book is credible because Elizabeth Thompson Gershoff is a Professor of Human Development and Family Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. Shawna J. Lee, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the University Of Michigan in social work, where she is director of the Parenting in Context Research Lab and Director of the Program Evaluation Group. The book was published in 2020, and thus, it has relevant and up-to-date information. The book discusses other interventions parents could use to instill good character and behavior among their children apart from punishment. In the final paper, the book will propose other alternatives parents can use to correct their children apart from physical punishment.

Hyman, I. A. (1997).The case against spanking: how to discipline your child without hitting. Jossey-Bass.

The book was written by Hyman Irwin and published in 1997. Irwin was an American school psychologist opposed to corporal punishment among children, and thus, the book source is credible. It was published in 1997 and can provide an excellent platform to compare how parenting perspectives and punishment opinions have changed over time. The author offers parents and teachers constructive methods that can be used to punish their children apart from physical punishment. He asserts that hitting children causes injuries and could result in the children feeling rejected. He provides alternative methods parents can use to punish their children. According to him, punishment is key to children’s behavioral development but should be done appropriately. In the final paper, the book will discuss other children’s corrective measures that can be used to promote children’s behavior.


How many children are punished every day across the world? Many researchers and opinions suggest that punishment is unavoidable in enhancing the behavior of children. Still, dissenters perceive punishment as an inappropriate way of raising children. Nevertheless, society has been made to believe that punishment is the only option to deal with children. Albeit punishment increases respect for authority, makes children accountable for their misconduct, and teaches them to behave like adults, on the other hand, it can make the children feel rejected, lonely, and misunderstood.

Punishment increases the respect of authority. Psychologically, punishing children makes them aware that they are subject to a higher order that needs to be respected. Consequently, as they grow up, they learn to be obedient to their parents, teachers, and the social structures within their societies. Secondly, many believe that punishing children make the account for their mistakes. For instance, if a child is punished for disrespecting an older adult, the child will feel guilty for his/her actions. Accordingly, the child learns how to interact with other members respectfully. On the contrary, if the child is not punished for an offense s/he commits, there is no accountability. Hence, the child grows abusing disrespecting other members of the society.

Additionally, many people believe that punishment changes children’s long-term behavior by teaching them how to behave like adults. As a result, the children are constantly punished when they contradict what is right. As they grow up, they learn to do what is expected of them, or otherwise, they begin behaving like adults. Hence, punishment shapes character by making the children act like adults.

On the contrary, opponents of child punishment believe that punishing children makes them feel rejected. Consequently, they isolate themselves from other family members and peers, which eventually affects their behavioral development. Also, punishing children make them feel misunderstood. For instance, when a parent punishes her child for arriving late at home after school, the child may feel misunderstood. Therefore, punishment tempers with children’s long-term behavior because it makes them feel unwanted, lonely, and misunderstood.

Conclusively, many people believe that punishment helps children to grow up morally upright. However, the punishment could lead to children’s ultimate downfall by making them feel rejected and ignored.


Carter-Davies, L., & Bristow, D. (2018). Parental Physical Punishment: Child Outcomes and Attitudes. 1-33.

Gershoff, E. T., & Lee, S. J. (2020). Ending the physical punishment of children: A guide for clinicians and practitioners. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hyman, I. A. (1997).The case against spanking: how to discipline your child without hitting. Jossey-Bass.

The purpose of the Final Paper is to apply critical insight to discern fact from fiction with regard to a topical area of your choice.

The purpose of the Final Paper is to apply critical insight to discern fact from fiction with regard to a topical area of your choice.

***Please note that this assignment is a continuation of the work you began during the Week 3 Assignment.  You will expand upon the topic you selected earlier, taking into consideration your instructor’s feedback and incorporating additional insight gained through your research and analysis of the issue.***  

The goal of this paper is to review the available evidence for a commonly held belief and provide a conclusion regarding the merit of this claim by describing concepts in core psychological domains and examining variations in psychological functioning.

To complete this activity,

  • Write an introduction paragraph for your topic. (You must continue with your selected topic identified in Week 3, unless you have received permission from your instructor otherwise.)
  • Develop supporting Body Paragraphs (Links to an external site.) that apply a professional psychological perspective to a commonly held belief about why people think or act as they do. Consider both perspectives. Use headings as necessary to organize your work. (Use your sources identified in your Week 3 annotated bibliography, your course content, as well as any additional scholarly resources that support your argument. Visit APA Style Elements (Links to an external site.) for help with headings, and the University of Arizona Global Campus Library to obtain additional scholarly articles as necessary to fully inform your thinking and address gaps in your knowledge of the topic. Refer to the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table for additional guidance.).
    • Apply psychological theory and research to a commonly held belief.
      • Employ examples to fully illustrate your analysis.
    • Examine potential implications of diversity.
    • Discern any relevant ethical issues.
    • Relate potential applications of this insight to various careers.
  • Write a conclusion paragraph that summarizes your findings and whether or not the commonly held belief you have chosen to explore is supported by psychological research and theory. Review Introductions & Conclusions (Links to an external site.) for more.

The Fact or Fiction? Final Paper

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

There is a growing body of literature written predominantly for health professionals and more recently for social workers about the importance of developing and incorporating cultural and spiritual sensitivity and awareness in their work with others

Furness and Gilligan (2010) stated, “There is a growing body of literature written predominantly for health professionals and more recently for social workers about the importance of developing and incorporating cultural and spiritual sensitivity and awareness in their work with others” (p. 2187). Spirituality, which may or may not include involvement with an established religion, contributes to human diversity and influences human behavior. An individual’s spirituality may be an important factor in his or her social environment. As a social worker, your awareness of a client’s spirituality may help increase your understanding of the client and his or her needs.

Sensitivity to and respect for your client’s spiritual dimension reflects your appreciation of diversity. As you consider the potential impact of your clients’ spirituality on their perspectives and behavior, you must also consider how your spirituality might influence your interactions with a client.

For this Discussion, you consider the impact of spirituality on your interactions with clients.

Post a Discussion in which you explain how considerations about clients’ worldviews, including their spirituality or religious convictions, might affect your interactions with them. Provide at least two specific examples. In addition, explain one way your own spirituality or religious convictions might support your work with a client, and one barrier it might present. Finally, share one strategy for applying an awareness of spirituality to social work practice in general.

Developing Thinking and Emotional Skills in Infants and Toddlers


For this task, imagine that you have been contacted by Huffington Post to contribute to their series entitled “Developing Thinking and Emotional Skills in Infants and Toddlers: What Can a Parent Do?” They asked you to provide a blog that gives concrete tips for parents that reflect the latest research findings on cognitive and emotional development in infants and toddlers by answering the following questions they received from parents. They want the blog to be written in question-and-answer format:

  1. What can I do to best support my child’s language development?
  2. What are some of the warning signs of my infant and my toddler being below expected cognitive abilities?
  3. What activities can I do with my toddler to promote optimal social and emotional development?
  4. What are the best ways to deal with temper tantrums?
  5. Many parents really want to do what’s right—but when they turn to the experts, they get conflicting advice. One day, it seems researchers say it is OK to punish your child for misbehaving; the next day, researchers indicate that it is never OK to punish your child.  What should a parent do when it seems like even the experts cannot make up their minds?

Support your responses with at least three references from research conducted in the past five years.

If you cannot find recent research in the library, consider sources such as the American Psychological Association and other reliable sources. Contact the Northcentral Librarian if you need help in locating recent, reliable resources.

Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages