Personalized Gear Shifting Architecture for Next Generation Automatic Transmission Systems
Ayşegül Sarı AVL Research and Engineering
Istanbul, Turkey
Ahmet Taha Bilgiç AVL Research and Engineering
Istanbul, Turkey
Görkem Şafak AVL Research and Engineering
Istanbul, Turkey
Duygu Erateş AVL Research and Engineering
Istanbul, Turkey
Emre Kaplan AVL Research and Engineering
Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract—Personalization is one of the trending topics of nowadays. Artificial Intelligence based technologies enable us to personalize systems to reflect user desire and driving profile. In automotive domain, we see intelligent software takes place in many aspects of the vehicle including transmission systems. Today, most of the vehicles are produced with an automatic transmission system which works as programmed according to the development expertise but does not incorporate behavior feedbacks. This paper proposes a novel contribution to automatic transmission systems by incorporating driver feedback to achieve personalization. This way, next generation automatic transmis- sion systems can learn from user behavior taking their inputs into account and reflect under certain conditions. The system learns driver’s demands on the road via supervised learning and predicts driver’s desired gear according to the road conditions, user manipulations, and all relevant information gathered from the vehicle at run time. Learning desires of the driver can fit into the automatic transmission’s decision-making process without violating safety standards and the operational durability as well as leaving very small footprint in terms of memory, space and computation respecting to the limited capability of the environment that the method resides. The proposed method was tested in a realistic testing environment and the results are promising so that it can be deployed in a vehicle to extend automatic transmissions’ capabilities with personalization. In fact, personalized shifting leads to better customer experience and retention.
Index Terms—Artificial Intelligence, Automatic Transmission, Machine Learning, Personalization, Imbalanced Data Classifica- tion
Various high-technology devices are going through digital
transformation and vehicles are no exception with many op-
portunities [1]. Automatic transmission equipped within cars is
one of the most important candidates in vehicles [2]. Most of
these developed advanced automatic transmissions, the trend is
on Artificial Intelligence (AI) based technologies [3]. One of
the trending topics in AI is personalization [4] which focuses
on acting upon user’s profile and desire. Car manufacturers
should consider that personalization should not be limited to
peripheral systems like infotainment devices, but also extend to
the powertrain elements. In this work, we bring personalization
and automatic transmissions together to build an intelligent
transmission system which is adaptable to its user.
Since transmission is one of the key components that affects
driving comfort and experience, we see that a personalized
transmission will greatly enhance driver’s experience by pro-
viding gear shifts which are completely modified according
to their previous demands and driving styles. Moreover, this
kind of system maybe promising in commercial purposes as
well. In this work, we propose an end to end system which
will learn driver’s actions and interventions to the automatic
transmission using AI-based classification technique.
In Methodology Section, we depict the main flow of the
processes in the proposed architecture. In order to learn
the behavior and demand of the user, the state-of-the-art
learning methods are utilized and adapted to work under
limited capability of transmission control unit (TCU). This is
especially crucial considering the full safety and operational
security requirements of the system. According to the output
of this personalization engine, it signals TCU to apply desired
upshifts or downshifts as it is applied by the user transparently.
Input parameters of the TCU and driver’s upshift and down-
shift intervention to the transmission will be used for training
the machine learning model and by learning driver’s personal
choices, desired shift changes will be done automatically.
For the proof of concept implementation of the proposed
system, an end to end real-time simulation system is used.
In particular, a Hardware in the Loop (HIL) system is used
because simulation environment plays an important role for
testing automotive software applications in terms of saving
time and money. Early detection of problems and acting cor-
respondingly provide the opportunity to enhance quality. Since
it is possible to test every scenario in simulation environment,
it is also beneficial for safety critical products. HIL is one of
the simulation environments that is used for the development
and testing of complex control systems [5]. Physical parts that
are connected to the control systems through actuators and
sensors, are replaced by software models in the HIL simulation
978-1-5386-5541-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
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systems [6].
We developed several AI methods and compared their
performance in software-based experiments. Even up to 95%
score is achieved when modelling different user interactions
and personalizations.
Most common approach to the personalized transmission
concept is using a learning mode which is activated at a
certain stage to learn the operating parameters of gear shifting
algorithm and data is stored in the memory to be used for
future control [7].
In [8], authors propose a method focusing on learning
driver’s actions in different travel situations such as lane
changing, overtaking. Data is collected from sensors in learn-
ing mode to learn the driving maneuver and used for training
process which will then anticipate driver behavior in a non-
learning mode and shift gears accordingly.
Utilizing the same methods in previous work, learning
driver’s characteristics during different travel routes is another
proposed concept where a learning phase occurs for collecting
sensor data during predefined routes such as travelling to work,
shopping center or school [9].
Driver classification (driver type evaluation) is another
concept in personalized transmission. The classification uses
various number of parameters, which can range from pedal
position, kick down behavior to seat position [10].
In [11], shifting lines are compared with pre-defined shift
lines of different drivers and according to the driver’s style,
curves in the gear shifting map are updated.
In the proposed method of this paper, the main difference
is having no dedicated learning mode. Instead of using a re-
stricted period for learning driver’s shift actions, continuously
learning method is aimed. Driver classification and vehicle
characteristics are not considered as significant inputs for the
concept. The learning algorithm does not alter shift lines in
shift maps; instead, the output of the personalization engine
is used to override the request of output of the gear shift
map where it is allowed by transmission control algorithm.
Proposed method also differs from similar works in not being
restricted only to certain travel routes and situations. Every
intervention of the driver to the transmission is considered.
In a real-world personalized shifting engine life cycle, data
consisting parameters from TCU and requested gear (reqGear
in “Fig. 1”) from driver intervention is collected by person-
alization engine and stored in a measurement database. In
the meantime, a supervised learning model (Driver Behaviour
Learning block in “Fig. 1”) is trained periodically. This
training process continues until a confidence criterion is sat-
isfied and user confirmation is received. After personalization
engine is able to predict driver’s desired gear, the predicted
gear (predGear) is sent to Logic 1 symbolizing selection of
personalized gear. If driver does any tip-up or tip-down, logic 1
directly choose reqGear, if not, predGear is chosen as shifting
to be sent to TCU. Logic 2 checks the TCU conditions and
safety criteria. If shifting is allowed by TCU after safety
check, Next Gear Decision of TCU will be output of Logic 1.
Otherwise, no personalized shifting will be occurred, instead
desired gear from TCU is applied.
A. Data Acquisition Data acquisition and functionality tests are performed on a
HIL setup equipped with the TCU application software and a
plant model that consists of a recently developed state of the
art 7-speed dual clutch transmission and the corresponding
passenger car model. HIL follows a given driving cycle which
is a time-series signal of desired vehicle speeds (as depicted
in “Fig. 2”). In addition, pre-defined rules can be input to
change the behavior of the vehicle in certain situations. For
instance, tip up and tip down requests can be injected into
TCU application using these rules to emulate the behavior of
a user requesting another gear instead of the gear which is
calculated and decided by TCU gear selection mechanism.
We collected 4 hours of driving data using HIL with the
above-mentioned setup. Driving data generated using 4 differ-
ent driving cycle as a basis. In real life, these driving cycles
are the minority of the cases which consequently produce
imbalanced results since we are interested at these minority of
cases as training dataset. A practical solution on the other hand
and for the sake of rapid convergence, we generate and collect
data with higher ratio of tip-up and tip-down samples which
is produced by using aggressive driving cycles (not normal
driving behavior) including frequent speed changes.
Since HIL produces data with plenty of asynchronous
channels, we performed an interpolation and resampling with
sampling time of 40ms on the whole data (368487 samples).
B. Personalization Methods We aim to model user intervention state using feature set
consisting of engine speed, output shaft speed, gas pedal
Fig. 1. Personalized Shifting System on Vehicle
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Fig. 2. A drive cycle used as an input for HIL
position, current gear and desired gear by TCU. The user
intervention state can be either of the classes: ‘no intervention’,
‘tip-up’ and ‘tip-down’.
Since we focus on prediction of minor classes with in-
terventions, drastic imbalance in the class populations (Ta-
ble I), makes this problem difficult. To solve this problem,
we performed following procedures. Data is split to train,
validation and test sets considering the intervention class
statistics. To handle imbalance, we either resample the training
data before modelling or use cost-sensitive models directly.
Boosting models are utilized beside the conventional models
like logistic regression or multi-layer perceptron.
1) Data splitting Splitting data into train and test sets is especially crucial
when the data is highly imbalanced. When the data is split
randomly, it is possible that samples from minor classes
diminish in the training. For that reason, the stratified splitting
method which splits the dataset without losing the overall
statistics of the target variable, is found to be suitable for this
problem. Our data is split to train, validation and test sets in
the ratio of 65:10:25 and stratified according to intervention
2) Resampling Resampling methods simply aim to balance the data classes
quantitatively, which can be both under sampling the majority
classes and over-sampling the minority classes. Using only
under-sampling is not efficient because the training data will
consist of about 800 sample which causes lack of information.
Therefore, applying over-sampling or using both are efficient
in terms of data utilization (Table II). Synthetic Minority
Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) is applied to continuous
Target categories No intervention Tip-up Tip-down
Count 366831 1253 403 Ratio 0.9955 0.0034 0.0011
variables as over-sampling method because it is better than
random over-sampling to not overfit to the specific instances
[12]. Although SMOTE is applicable if all variables are
continuous numerical variables, we apply a SMOTE-based
technique which [12] proposed in the same paper to handle
both categorical and numerical variables (SMOTE-NC, etc. in
section 6.1).
SMOTE-NC is applied alone and combined with Random
Under-sampling (RUS) to training data considering nominal-
categorical features. After SMOTE-NC and combination of
SMOTE-NC and under-sampling is applied, counts of each
category in training data is shown in the Table II.
3) Boosting Gradient boosting is an ensemble learning method to get
an iteratively strong model with starting a weak classifier,
focusing on the misclassifications of model and trying to fit
the residuals (real value – predicted value) in each iteration of
training [13]. Model iteratively fits more data and can catch the
minor patterns and learn difficult instances. Generally, decision
tree algorithms are used in boosting. As mentioned before,
personalized shifting behavior of a driver consists of some
decisions under similar conditions. This cause the appropriate
learning solution on the problem can be decision tree-based
classifiers. On the other hand, minor patterns which is hard to
learn for models can be handled by the boosting algorithms.
In the experiments, XGBoost [14] and CatBoost [15] are
applied as the new generation powerful gradient boosting tree
4) Cost-Sensitive Modelling In a real-world problem as AI model learns user’s behaviors
and demands, using synthetic data in training can make the
learning model weak when the output of the model will
directly be used for intervention to the real world. Giving
different costs according to weights of classes can be better al-
ternatives in modelling. For example, in a binary classification
assuming minority as positive class, false positive error for one
sample has accordingly higher importance than false negative
sample error, however, when a cost-insensitive classifier is
used, the model predicts all dataset as negative [16].
In the modelling personalized gear shift intervention, data is
three classes with two minorities. In the ratio of class weights
in training data, the high cost is given to misclassifications of
upshifts and downshifts, and the low cost to false positives of
minority classes. In other words, since the category ratio is
1:3:1000, the cost weights ratio is chosen as 1000:333:1. The
Target category counts Train Set No intervention Tip-up Tip-down Original 238440 814 262
After RUS 262 262 262 After SMOTE-NC 238440 238440 238440 After combination 50000 50000 50000
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implementation results show that using boosting algorithms
with cost sensitive approach can achieve confident models.
Concepts detailed in the previous part got into some com-
binations to reach the powerful model that can be used in the
personalization engine. Resampling and const-sensitive mod-
elling concepts are implemented as alternatives of each other
while logistic regression, multi-layer perceptron, XGBoost and
CatBoost used as modelling algorithms. The primary aim of our model is learning minorities well
because personalization engine changes the behavior of TCU
in these cases. On the other hand, misclassification of no-
intervention class is not problematic cases for the system
because the safety conditions are checked, and the gear
shifts occur if they are fully safe and eligible for shifting.
Considering all of these aspects, the recall score (i.e. the true
positive rate) of each class, especially the minority classes
is decided to be important but also the weighted accuracy
which is average of the recall scores of three categories. On the
other hand, precision metric and F1 score are not important to
evaluate models. Results of the selected method combinations
indicating the comparison are shown in the Table III. The scores show that the most powerful models are the cost-
sensitive XGBoost and cost-sensitive multi-layer perceptron
with average recall score greater than 0.94.
Personalization may be considered as one of the most
appealing criteria that makes next generation products more
popular thanks to AI expansion in almost all fields of our
lives. A personalized automatic transmission concept is stud-
ied in this work incorporates AI into transmission to make
transmission intelligent. The gear shifting in a vehicle is one
of the most appropriate components giving the feeling of
personalization of their car to its driver. Main purpose of
the system is to eliminate user’s desire to interfere with the
automatic transmission by learning their previous interventions
and performing desired shift changes. Since driver’s manual
intervention to the automatic transmission is not a frequent
action, the generated training data is a good example of an
imbalanced data set which is also a challenge. Different meth-
ods, that are mostly used for imbalanced dataset problems, are
experimented such as resampling, boosting and cost-sensitive
modeling. The experimental results indicate that the proposed
system is promising. As a future work, we plan to deploy
this method to a development vehicle for demonstration. In
such a setup, the driver interventions will be used instead of
the upshift and downshift signals created by the HIL simula-
tion which is according to some predetermined programmed
conditions. In a real-world scenario, the correspondence for
the predetermined conditions are the user’s demands for gear
shifting in terms of tip-ups and tip-downs.
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Recalls Methods Weighted Accuracy Weighted F1 No Intervention Tip-down Tip-Up
Cost-sensitive Logistic Regression 0.5643 0.9279 0.1818 0.5831 0.9633 Logistic Regression to SMOTE-NC 0.8101 0.7886 0.8080 0.8338 0.7098
Cost-sensitive Multi-Layer Perceptron 0.9401 0.8923 0.9607 0.9674 0.9546 Cost-insensitive XGBoost 0.4087 0.9990 0.1717 0.0554 0.9929 XGBoost to SMOTE-NC 0.7678 0.9772 0.8181 0.5082 0.9749
Cost-insensitive XGBoost to SMOTE-NC-RUS combination 0.8167 0.9701 0.8384 0.6417 0.8975 Cost-Sensitive XGBoost 0.9467 0.8997 0.9697 0.9707 0.9237
Cost-Sensitive CatBoost without one-hot-encoder 0.8904 0.9609 0.9091 0.8013 0.9672 Cost-Sensitive CatBoost with one-hot-encoder gear states 0.8691 0.9628 0.8889 0.7557 0.9361
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