Program Evaluation Assignment:

 Program Evaluation Assignment: Evaluation is a process that critically examines a program. It involves collecting and analyzing information about a program’s activities, characteristics, and outcomes. Its purpose is to make judgments about a program, to improve its effectiveness, and/or to inform programming decisions. Evaluation can be thought of as a set of linked activities, and the process for undertaking an evaluation includes four main phases – planning, development, implementation, and action and improvement.

Using this week’s readings, create a short PowerPoint that outlines the key steps in program evaluation.  Make sure you highlight the steps you would take in evaluating a Residential or Adult Vocational Center Based Setting.  Highlight how you would execute each step.


Colorism Reaction Paper

Colorism Reaction Paper

Introduction: Colorism is a multifaceted issue that goes beyond

skin color and physical appearance. It is deeply embedded in our society’s social, economic, and political structures, and its effects are felt not only by individuals but also by entire communities. In this reaction paper, you will delve deeper into the complexities of colorism in the black community, examining its historical roots, current manifestations, and potential solutions.

Prompt: In this reaction paper, you will analyze the complexities of colorism in the black community. Using course readings and discussions, and additional research, answer the following questions:
1. How has colorism evolved throughout history, and what are some of the underlying factors that have perpetuated its existence?
2. How does colorism intersect with other forms of oppression
within the black community, such as sexism and classism?
3. What are some of the psychological effects of colorism on individuals and communities, and how do they contribute to the perpetuation of colorism?
4. How has colorism affected the black community in terms of self-esteem, mental health, and relationships?
5. What are some ways that individuals and communities can combat colorism and promote self-love and acceptance
* Your reaction paper should double-spaced, and formatted
according to APA style.
* Use at least two sources beyond the course readings to support your arguments.
* Include a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
* Use specific examples and evidence to support your arguments.
* Provide in-text citations and a reference page using APA style.

The new initiative to reduce type 2 diabetes

The new initiative to reduce type 2 diabetes


Imagine you are the New South Wales Minister for Health. It is an election year and you want to announce a $100M initiative to reduce the incidence of type 2 diabetes in New South Wales to the lowest levels in the world.

In this activity I want you to prepare a 1 minute podcast that explains (1) what levels of type 2 diabetes you are aiming to achieve (2) what your initiative is (3) the timeline for assessment of your initiative. Prepare your podcast as a response to this question presented by a journalist: “So Minister, could you please explain your new initiative to reduce type 2 diabetes?”

The literature of UTAUT

In this unit, we considered culture as an antecedent of the UTAUT. Review the literature of UTAUT and identify three other antecedents of the model. How were these studies conducted? What were their findings?

Requirements: The paper must be three (3) pages (not including references), double-spaced, in Times New Roman, and 12-point font. The paper should include references from the assigned reading and any sources used to prepare the paper. Please use the APA citation format for your references. In this unit, we considered culture as an antecedent of the UTAUT. Review the literature of UTAUT and identify three other antecedents of the model. How were these studies conducted? What were their findings?

Bloom taxonomy

Bloom taxonomy for the cognitive domain


Using the hierarchical order of Bloom’s taxonomy for the cognitive domain, develop a learning objective related to a selected nursing course for each of the six categories of cognitive skills: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Comment on at least two other student’s postings to enhance or improve learning outcomes.

Accreditation Plan Table

Accreditation Plan Table

One way an organization communicates with its constituents is by its accreditation. Your department head knows that you are in a graduate program and has asked you to assist the department head that works with accreditation and licensure in your facility. She has asked you to develop an initial plan to gain accreditation for a new facility that your organization is opening. Choose one accreditation that is appropriate for the facility. Write an introductory paragraph then follow it with the initial plan in table format and should include:

One type of accreditation needed for the facility and in 1-2 sentences, why it is needed for the facility
Estimate the amount of time it will take for the new facility to attain accreditation
What resources are needed
Estimate direct costs for accreditation
Estimate the financial impact on revenue if not earning accreditation

Table Headers:
Type of Accreditation
Time Needed
Resources Required
Direct Costs for Accreditation
Financial impact if Accreditation not Earned

Provide a paragraph under the table with limitations and conclusions and any potential limitation of this accreditation.

Please provide 3-4 references from scholarly journals and websites provided in the course.

Gold Coast Health Organisational strategic analysis

Gold Coast Health Organisational strategic analysis


2400 word strategic analysis. Instructions for paper attached, as well as strategy document for Gold Coast Health and previously completed assessment that feeds into this one.

Compare, contrast, and evaluate how cognitive dissonance theory and self-perception theory help explain how our behavior shapes our attitudes.



Grading Rubric for Final Paper

Compare, contrast, and evaluate how cognitive dissonance theory and self-perception theory help explain how our behavior shapes our attitudes.
– This review paper must have a clear thesis and present a novel argument or synthesis of the ideas presented and/or discussed in the course (e.g., you should compare, contrast, and evaluate two competing theories).

Content Development 70%

– Subject Matter is clearly discussed.

– Key elements of assignment covered.

– Content is comprehensive/accurate/persuasive.

– Displays an understanding of relevant theory.

– Major points supported by specific details/samples. Research is adequate/timely.

– Writer has gone beyond textbook for resources the assignment objective.
o Myers, M., Twenge,J. Jordan, C. & Smith, S. (2021). Social Pychology . Mc Grew Hill (8th edition).
– You have provided good examples supporting your argument.

Literature Review
– Literature reviewed relates to the main topic and sets up the rationale for the study aim/ purpose by clearly identifying a gap in the literature.
– Introduction covers relevant and current articles in detail. Only scholarly articles are used to build the argument for the need for the study.


The aim clearly flows from the groundwork laid/ literature reviewed and a clear case is made
for the need for the study aims based on a gap in the literature.


The study design is described in detail.

Higher Order Thinking
Writer compares/contrasts/integrates theory/subject matter with environment/experience.
At an appropriate level, you analyze & synthesize theory/practice to develop
new ideas and ways of conceptualizing and performing

Organization 20%
– The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
– Central theme/purpose is immediately clear.
– Structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow.
– Subsequent sections develop and support the central theme.
– Conclusion/recommendations follow logically from the body of the paper.

Style 10%

Citation/reference page follows guidelines. [size 12, APA citation format]
Properly cites ideas/info from other sources.
Paper is laid out effectively – uses headings & reader-friendly tools.
Paper is neat/shows attention to detail.

Rules of grammar, usage, punctuation are followed.
References are cited properly.
Spelling is correct.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise
Sentences well-constructed – consistently strong, varied structure
Transitions between sentences/paragraphs/sections help the flow improve
Words used are precise and unambiguous
The tone is appropriate to the audience, content, and assignment

Creating a sustainable asset guide

Creating a sustainable asset guide

I have 3 sections that need to be written on sustainability to create a sustainable asset guide. Other parts will be done by members of a team.

It should be focused on the food processing industry in British Columbia, but research can be used from Canada, North America, or globally if needed, but primarily BC.

The content should represent a guide that a food processor could use to become more sustainable.

2 pages for each topic

The topics for each section are:

Clean Energy and Water Management
Better Buildings
Government Supports & Resources (Must be within British Columbia and Canada)

Each topic should contain
Introduction and overview of the topic
Challanges faced in the industry
Sustainable implementations, products, features, design…
Benifits of implemting sustainblility
Example of firms in BC that are sustainble
Links to resouces to get started

Attached is a copy that has been started, The first section “Food Waste” is an example on how the writing style should sound.

Refeneces can be directly added to the content.

Effective Communication

Effective Communication

It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread your response carefully for grammar and spelling. Do not upload any attachments unless specified in the instructions. All posts should be supported by a minimum of one scholarly resource, ideally within the last 5 years. Journals and websites must be cited appropriately. Citations and references must adhere to APA 7 format. level one headings

After reading chapter 9 in your textbook,

-Describe a communication style you used in a recent professional interaction.
-Describe the interaction and why you used that style.
-Was this style effective for the interaction?
-Additionally, describe one barrier to effective communication you would most like to improve in yourself.

the bullet point can be used for level one headings with addressing each bullet.

Hitt, M.A., Colella, A., Miller, C. & Triana, M. (2018). Organizational behavior. (5th ed.). Wiley Publishing.