Learning-based theories of Lent and associates (SCCT) and Krumboltz in Career Counseling

Learning-based theories of Lent and associates (SCCT) and Krumboltz in Career Counseling


Compare and contrast the learning-based theories of Lent and associates (SCCT) and Krumboltz and also use examples and demonstrate your understanding by using hypothetical examples from your future clinical practice with a client(s). Be sure to specifically focus on career counseling throughout your entire paper and application.

You must use at least 3 additional scholarly sources used in this course. Reference provided:

Brown, D. (02/2017). Career Information, Career Counseling and Career Development, 11th Edition [VitalSource Bookshelf version]. Retrieved from vbk://9781323626221Sue, D.W., Sue, D., Neville, H.A., & Smith, L. (2019). Counseling the culturally diverse. John Wiley & Sons.

Walmart utilize their e-commerce platform during Covid-19

Walmart utilize their e-commerce platform during Covid-19


In addition, marks will be awarded for the overall presentation, argument and understanding, use of sources and evidence, academic referencing and written communication (10%)
NOTE: The list below is just a guide.

Table of contents
1.0 Introduction:

Purpose of the report
Brief insight/overview of topic area – what is e Business strategy + why is it important
Structure of report

1.1 Overview of the selected firm (very brief) – with respect to their online/offline activities

What is the firm’s business model – you could consider the Business model canvas (see week 2 Lecture notes)
B2C; B2B; etc.?
Porter’s Generic Business Strategy of your firm?

2.0 Element 1 (LO1 assessed) – an analysis of the impact of Covid-19 on the adoption and utilisation of digital technologies, in the industry of your selected organisation. (30%) 1000 words
Introduction – impact of Covid-19 on the adoption and utilisation of digital technologies

2.1 (using PETSL analysis)

Just analyze the online environment for retail industry not the company
Political – Political: Government implication, action, decision in Covid time impact on Retail Industry, regulation, ethics, GDPR
Economy- slow economy hurt disposal income -> Impact on RI, spending habits, categories spending – add example
Social – socio-cultural Privacy online trust, Social issue? Safety, shopping allowance
Technology: implication to react with covid situation
– Health and safety in workplace/factory/warehouse during Covid ?
– Consumer awareness -> distance, facemask, what retailer provide for safety
GDPR – general data protection regulation
2.2 Competitive environment (Industry)

5 porter’s forces OR Competitive threats acting on the digital business framework (pic 1 in attachment)

Intermediary threats – low, medium, high

New digital products –

New business models –


3.0 Element 2 (LO2 & LO3 assessed) – an evaluation of how your selected organisation has managed to cope, adapt or survive during the pandemic. What are the implications for the organisation operating in this industry, for instance, on their supply chain, eRM, reintermediaion or disintermediation strategies, etc.? (30%)

Focus on COVID + onine operations/activities
Define reintermediation (use of comparison websites) and define distermediation (selling direct). Does your company use any or both? Examples & advantages (annual report, journal articles) What about their competitors? (Pic 2 in attachment)

e- Supply chain -value proposition (e-value chain)


Ansoff matrix

4.0 A discussion and recommendation(s) on how the use of social media or social commerce can assist your chosen organisation in addressing issues such as customer behaviour, post-covid-19. (30%)

Define social media and social commerce. Benefits to business
Define online consumer behaviour- specific to your company/industry; eRM
(Pic 4 in attachment)

You can apply the RACE Marketing Framework

Use the Content marketing matrix to support & justify the recommendations here
Reach – define; provide your recommendation; example




5.0 Brief conclusion (very brief)
Summarise the main points of your research.
Connect the significance or results of the main point.

Appendices (if applicable)

Fundamentals Of Networking

Essay: Fundamentals Of Networking

The essay for this lesson is required to be 1,000-1,500-words.
Essays should be 5 or more paragraphs with a clear introduction, thesis statement and conclusion, written in APA format.
You may select from one of the following prompts:

• What are the integral hardware and software components required for setting up an enterprise network? Explain your answer. You can attach a visual representation to complement your network analysis.

• Describe the logical and physical aspects of an enterprise network. What are the integral hardware and software components required for setting up an enterprise network? Explain your answer.

• Describe the key elements of an enterprise network. Explain your answer.

• Describe the enterprise network hardware and software components. Explain your answer.

• Identify and explain the components involved in a enterprise network. Include all the hardware and software components necessary for a functioning network.

Early childhood development- Social-Emotional Milestones

Early childhood development- Social-Emotional Milestones


The expanding world of the toddler is filled with wonder and exploration. To have realistic expectations for toddlers, early childhood professionals need to thoroughly understand development during the first two years. Please review the scenario below and this week’s reading resources, which provide an overview of social-emotional developmental milestones as well as the theories that connect to a toddler’s behavior.

Scenario: You are in the early childhood environment and you hear a commotion. Turning, you observe two toddlers (a boy and a girl) fighting over a shopping cart. The girl does not want to give the boy a turn. She bites him.

Please respond to the following:

Share at least three social-emotional milestones for ages 12–24 months.
Based on these milestones, explain why you feel the behavior in the scenario is developmentally expected.
Choose a theory from this week’s chapter to explain why this behavior is developmentally expected. (Theories attached)


Related searches;

Genetics and Reproductive Risk: Can Having Children be Immoral

Impact of Childhood Obesity due to COVID-19 (U.S.)


ABA Training and Supervising Human Service Staff Module 9

ABA Training and Supervising Human Service Staff Module 9


Feed­back is a crit­i­cal ele­ment of reg­u­lar per­for­mance dis­cus­sions. Man­agers should use this as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to dis­cuss what has been going well and what has been caus­ing prob­lems. What steps should be taken to make feedback effective and what should be avoided? Have you ever had a bad feedback experience and what do you think contributed?


Solution Preview

Steps to Make Feedback Effective and What Should be Avoided

There are seven evidence-based steps for providing effective feedback. The first step involves commencing the feedback with an encouraging or empathetic statement. Here, the supervisors should use a positive tone and compliment the employee’s observed performance to reduce the anxiety associated with a formal performance evaluation and increase the acceptability of the feedback session (Chapter 6). The second step involves specifying the
task that employees performed correctly to make them aware of precisely what was appropriately performed and how employees should continue upholding these desirable work behaviors. In the third step, the supervisors should specify what the employee failed to perform correctly, if applicable. Here, the exact work behavior or task aspects performed incorrectly should be provided. Supervisors should avoid being overly critical and negative. Following the description of what was performed incorrectly, supervisors should specify and be precise on what the worker should change or do differently to perform a task correctly. Here, the supervisor should avoid providing general information because employees feel……Read More

intergenerational communication from a hospitality standpoint

Students will write an essay on the topic of intergenerational communication from a hospitality standpoint, based on the principles contained in the book ReGenerations by J. Stolling. This report must be at least 2200 words in length and must contain 8 scholarly references. Overall the essay is about comparing the different types of communication in the workforce, I would like the essay to compare baby boomers and Millennials and how they interact with each other.



Cloud Computing technologies

For this project, select an organization that has leveraged Cloud Computing technologies in an attempt to improve profitability or to give them a competitive advantage.  Research the organization to understand the challenges that they faced and how they intended to use Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.  The paper should include the following sections each called out with a header.
• Company Overview:  The section should include the company name, the industry they are in and a general overview of the organization.
• Challenges: Discuss the challenges the organization had that limited their profitability and/or competitiveness and how they planned to leverage Cloud Computing to overcome their challenges.
• Solution:  Describe the organization’s Cloud Computing implementation and the benefits they realized from the implementation.  What was the result of implementing Cloud Computing?  Did they meet their objectives for fall short?
• Conclusion:  Summarize the most important ideas from the paper and also make recommendations or how they might have achieved even greater success.


The paper must adhere to APA guidelines including Title and Reference pages.  There should be at least three scholarly sources listed on the reference page.  Each source should be cited in the body of the paper to give credit where due.  Per APA, the paper should use a 12-point Time New Roman font, should be double spaced throughout, and the first sentence of each paragraph should be indented .5 inches.  The body of the paper should be 3 – 5 pages in length.  The Title and Reference pages do not count towards the page count requirements.



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Research Paper Assignment

ASCI 404 – Research Paper Assignment


1. Select a specific civil airport located anywhere in the world and serving commercial airlines, then:

a. Describe briefly the airport and its owner/operator, airlines serving the airport, and the city, cities or region served by the airport.

b. Identify the governmental agency or authority or private enterprise responsible for providing security screening of passengers and cargo at the airport.

c. Identify government legal actions taken there to:

i. protect the surrounding airspace from obstruction by obstacles,

ii. assure that land uses surrounding the airport are compatible with aircraft noise,

iii. establish runway use preferences, approach and departure paths to minimize aircraft noise impact on surrounding communities.

d. Identify the specific government agency or authority that took each such action.

e. Identify the source and type of government legal powers relied on to accomplish each of these actions.

f. Include images illustrating the airport and vicinity relating to those specific actions.

g. Identify and briefly describe all airline accidents that have occurred at or in the vicinity of that airport since 1/01/2000, including the probable cause of each.

h. Identify current airport noise and safety issues that remain of concern to the community and any current activity to address those issues.

i. Analyze whether the airport’s level of activity and forecast air traffic demand appear sustainable at the present location for the long term, clearly explaining your reasoning.


2. Select a specific commercial airline headquartered anywhere in the world, then:

a. Describe the airline, its aircraft fleet, route structure and number of employees.

b. Determine whether the airline is organized as a corporation with private ownership or is owned by the national government.

c. Identify the governmental agency or authority responsible for regulation of the safety of the airline’s flight operations in its home nation.

d. Describe the certification requirements, including minimum flight time, if any, for commercial airline flight deck crewmembers in the airline’s home nation.

e. Identify the governmental agency or authority, if any, empowered to regulate the routes flown, rates charged, and other economic aspects of the airline’s flight operations.

f. Determine the extent to which the airline’s fleet consists of owned vs. leased aircraft

g. Identify and describe all accidents involving an aircraft operated by that airline since 1/01/2000, including the probable cause of each.

h. Determine whether the airline’s pilots and maintenance personnel based in the airline’s home nation are represented by a labor union or unions and identify and describe any strike activity that may have disrupted airline operations since 1/01/2000.

i. If neither the airline’s pilots nor its maintenance personnel are represented by a labor union or unions, discern whether a law of the airline’s home nation accounts for that and, if so, briefly describe that law.

Non-Air Carrier Commercial Aviation

3. Select a specific, existing non-airline commercial aviation business (such as, for example, an FBO or chain of FBOs) located anywhere in the world, then:

a. Describe the company, including

i. Form of business (corporation, LLC, etc.),

ii. Nature and scope of operations (i.e.: fuel, supplies, maintenance, flight training, aircraft sales, aircraft rental, etc.),

iii. Location(s) and facilities,

iv. Number of employees.

b. Identify and describe with specificity all insurance that company should now have in effect.

c. Determine whether any of the company’s employees are represented by a labor union or unions and identify and describe any strike activity that may have disrupted company operations at any location since 1/01/2000.

d. If no employees of the company are represented by a labor union or unions, discern the likely reason.

e. If any employees of the company are represented by a labor union or unions, but no strike activity has occurred since 1/01/2000, discern the likely reason for the lack of such disruption.

f. Determine whether the company is or has been involved in any mergers with or acquisitions of or by other companies and whether any such consolidation appears likely in the foreseeable future.

g. Identify laws applying to the potentially anticompetitive aspects of business mergers and acquisitions in nation(s) where the company is located.


4. Blue Eyes, Inc. is a U.S. company that began in the commercial aerial photography business but has been expanding in recent years into other forms of airborne sensing, imaging, and mapping such as infrared, ultraviolet, hyperspectral, and radar (including ground-penetrating radar). The company is headquartered in the Pacific Northwest, and most of its customers are located in the states of Alaska, Washington, Oregon and Idaho. Perceiving a growing market for its products and services, but noticing an increasing shortage of qualified pilots available for hire and capable of flying with the degree of precision required by these missions, the company has decided to explore the possibility of acquiring and utilizing unmanned aircraft systems to perform some of these missions. Some of these tasks, such as precision micro-mapping of the ground moisture distribution on smaller farms, could be performed by UAS smaller than 55 lbs. (either fixed or rotary-wing) and operating at or below 500’ AGL (above ground level), while other large-scale mapping such as what the company performs under contract for state environmental agencies, would require much heavier, much higher-flying fixed-wing UAS with much longer endurance. Some contracts require flight over congested urban areas in busy controlled and positively-controlled airspace, while others focus on sparsely-populated or unpopulated areas with less busy airspace. The company has hired you to advise them on the UAS project in this time of rapid legal developments in the industry. Research and prepare a paper covering the following:

a. Describe in detail the current FAA regulatory requirements governing the operations of the full range of UAS that may be needed to cover as many of the company’s customer needs as possible, considering the differing operating environments given and specifically addressing:

i. Airspace and altitude restrictions,

ii. Company, operator and visual observer qualifications,

iii. Company, operator and visual observer line-of-sight limitations,

iv. Limitations on operator and visual observer simultaneously controlling/observing multiple UAS, and

v. Potential penalties against the company, its operators and visual observers in the event of an FAR violation.

b. Analyze and describe the duties of the company and its operators, if any, to notify any federal agency and submit a written report in the event of an incident or accident involving a company UAS.

c. Analyze current state laws in each of the 4 states where the company operates to determine whether, and if so to what extent, they might also affect the company’s proposed UAS operations.

d. Analyze the potential liability of the company, its owners and employees in civil litigation arising out of injuries to others (such as a collision with a manned aircraft or crash harming persons or property on the ground during company UAS operations):

i. Caused by a maintenance or operational error by a company employee acting within the scope of his/her employment

ii. If the violation of an FAR intended to prevent such accidents was involved

iii. If UAS operations are deemed to be an ultrahazardous activity (take into consideration that a major cause of UAS accidents is interruption of the ground-air data link)

e. Assume that the company’s current operations are adequately insured. Advise the company on additional insurance you recommend adding to cover these UAS and their operations, explaining your reasoning clearly.


5. Close Up Aviation Corp. is a commercial helicopter operator specializing in providing air support to Hollywood motion picture and television production companies using specially-trained and highly-experienced flight crews and aircraft equipped with the latest technology in gyro-stabilized camera mounts for air-to-ground and air-to-air cinematography. Typically, Close Up furnishes the flight crews and aircraft, while the production company provides the cameras, along with on-board cinematographers and related technical personnel. The company will be providing its services to the producers of a new action thriller, and much of the flying will involve high-speed maneuvering flight at very low altitudes over broken terrain, between buildings, under bridges and powerlines and in very close proximity to actors and camera crews on the ground, vehicles and other participating aircraft, and amidst explosions and other pyrotechnics. Close Up is also considering adding appropriate camera-carrying unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to its fleet of camera aircraft, and hiring and training crews to operate them. Some of the more dangerous shots might be accomplished using those aircraft instead of the manned helicopters. A group of prospective investors in the movie hires you to review the production company plan of aviation operations and advise them on risk management concerns. Research and prepare a paper covering the following:

a. Determine which individuals and companies could be deemed to be an “operator” of aircraft (both manned and unmanned) involved in this project, for FAR compliance purposes.

b. Identify specific Federal Aviation Regulations involved and FAA certificates of waiver or authorization required.

c. Analyze whether these operations might be considered an ultrahazardous activity in the eyes of the law, and the effect of that determination on the level of legal risk Close Up and the production company will be exposed to in these operations.

d. Itemize with specificity insurance coverages that both the production company and Close Up Aviation Corp. should have in place to cover potential injuries to their respective employees.

e. Identify and describe with specificity aircraft insurance (for both the manned and unmanned aircraft) Close Up should have in place to cover potential aircraft damage, injuries to others, and damage to the property of others that might result from these operations.

f. Identify and describe any additional insurance you consider it prudent for Close Up and the production company to have in place in case an accident causes injuries and/or damages that exceed the liability limits of the policies you identified above.

g. Analyze and identify any legal risk management tool(s) that might be useful in addition to the foregoing in these operations.


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Assignment Instructions

Assignment Instructions

For this midterm you will write a college level research paper describing the psychological and behavioral factors of individual terrorists (i.e. recruits and suicide bombers; not terrorist leaders such as Bin Laden).

Note: you will address different radicalization processes/models in the final paper such as Moghaddam’s Staircase, so you only need to research and discuss individual psychological and behavioral factors in this paper. Also remember that “psychological” does not mean “psychotic” and we are only addressing those of sound mind who deliberately choose violence for a political purpose, or retribution or to instill fear (not crazy mass shooters). State this topic question in your paper.

Assignment Specifics:

The body of your report is to be at least three FULL pages in length (not counting title page and references) and is to contain the following:

A brief defined (stated) introduction, with the topic and your thesis

A main body, containing the “meat” of the paper, where you provide the requested information supported by class readings and with your analysis

A defined (stated) conclusion, summarizing your information clearly and concisely

Make sure you read the instructions carefully and that you focus your paper on answering the assigned questions. This assignment is a research paper, not an opinion paper, so you need to use scholarly sources to support your thesis. Make sure you use APA style in-text parenthetical citations at the end of every sentence where you are quoting another’s ideas (or any information) that is not your own thoughts and words, like this (Bergen, 2015, para. 14). Citations are required for paraphrases as well, but not the page or paragraph number in that case. You are welcome to use supplementary sources to compliment the assigned readings based upon your research, but make sure you use only scholarly and credible sources (do not use open websites and you never want to use wikipedia for a college level paper). Also, dictionaries and encyclopedias as well as general news sites (like CNN, FOX News) are not appropriate for college level research papers.


Written according to the APA style and format (parenthetical in-text citation formats only; not end notes or footnotes);

Use Times New Roman 12 point font;

1 inch margins on all sides with no paragraph indentation other than the first line by .5 inches

– The body of your report is to be at least three FULL pages in length (not counting title page and references) and is to contain the following:

– A brief introduction, with the topic and your thesis

– A main body, containing the “meat” of the paper, where you provide the requested information supported by class readings and with your analysis

– A conclusion, summarizing your information clearly and concisely

Double space all text (no extra lines or spaces after a paragraph or section headings and no added font sizes or lines either)

A respectable number of credible resources used, cited in the paper as in-text citations, and included on the reference page. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content (a minimum of 2 new scholarly sources per page in a research paper is acceptable). Use those academic and credible sources provided to you throughout the course, as well as other scholarly material obtained from conducting your own research. Freely utilize appropriate and reputable academic sources, summarize in your own words and cite accordingly.

The paper must be free of typographical, spelling and grammatical errors (make sure to proof read before submission)

Turn your paper in as a Word Document and title your assignment “Lastname_Midterm”

Finally, be mindful of excessive direct quotes as the paper should not contain just a string of quotations from sources. So paraphrase where you can and provide your own analysis and synthesis of your research (direct quotes only when necessary to support your thesis). The bottom line for academic integrity is to write an original work for this assignment (not copied from anywhere on the internet or recycled content from your own previous papers) and to properly cite your references.


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research paper based on the research topic

In this assignment, you will produce a 1500-word research paper based on the research topic you chose for Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography. You will be provided the assignment (Annotated Bibliography). The articles are also in the citation section of the Annotated Bibliography Assignmen. See the attachment below.

There is APA template also provided for the format for this assignmen.

The general topic for this assignment is:

“The impact of digital technology.”

You will need to significantly narrow down the topic to a specific focus that interests you. For example, you can explore the impact of digital technology on education, on political participation, on interpersonal communication, or on business strategies. You could also focus on the impact of digital media on different aspects of our wellbeing, i.e., social, psychological, physical, occupational, etc.

Based on the specific topic for your annotated bibliography, you are expected to locate this topic in the existing knowledge, identify a knowledge deficit, and make a new claim which will be supported by reasoned argument.

Please adhere to the following guidelines for the organization of your research paper.


Your introduction should sketch the typical rhetorical moves academic writers make as they find a position for themselves:

• Describe the existing knowledge on a topic by way of summary and citations from other sources.

• Identify the knowledge deficit, i.e., something missing, inadequate, or hidden in the view expressed in the existing knowledge, or something more complicated than that view.

• Make a thesis claim that will address the gap (knowledge deficit) in the existing knowledge.

You must draw on at least one of the articles in your annotated bibliography to examine the existing knowledge, identify a knowledge deficit, and make a thesis


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