Why Project governance and program governance are not the same.


Our focus this week is program governance. Project governance and program governance are not the same.

For that reason, research the two topics using scholarly sources that include journals and subject matter experts.

Write a 3-4-page paper (No less than 3 pages and not more than 4 pages) that discusses how program management governance (as it
relates to projects as there are programs that exist that are not project related) needs more research to help distinguish it from project
management governance since we understand more organizations are using program management to help meet strategic initiatiives.
Remember, you are not just reporting facts and ideas; you are explaining the relevance of the information you find has on how program
managers can benefit from understanding the need for additional research to help program management practitioners Your paper will be
in APA format. If you have diagrams or charts, they should be added to the appendix section. The title page, abstract (if you choose to add one), references, and the appendix are not considered part of the page length requirements.
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Project governance is the governing of a project. Program governance is the governing of more than one project. These are not synonyms and should not be used interchangeably. Successful programs have a program management office to coordinate, monitor, and assess these related projects. The PMO should have an understanding of each individual project’s needs as well as an awareness of how they relate to other projects in this program or in other programs. The PMO’s work should be to help manage the projects and resources so that they reach their goals and to improve the effectiveness of these programs…..Read More

The model of addiction etiology that best describes why people get addicted and how to best to help them


***Solved***The model of addiction etiology that best describes why people get addicted and how to best to help them

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The current scientific understanding of addiction is that it is behaviorally-based, meaning that a physical process, such as the release of dopamine, produces the addictive effect. However, there are many different models of addiction etiology that have been proposed by researchers. The following models all focus on the behavioral mechanisms behind addiction and what causes one person to become an addict while another never does so. Scientists believe that an addict has at least two main disease processes going on in their brain: sensory-motor deficits and judgment-impairments……..Read More


What Can U.S. Firms Learn using an Inventory Optimization Model as Baseballs 2002 Oakland Athletics did in the Movie “Money Ball”.


You have most likely seen or at least heard of the story behind the movie “Moneyball”. In 2002 the Oakland Athletics had a very limited budget to “carry” their team roster through the season, and they still had to compete with topnotch teams in their league. Some of the teams they had to compete with, like the Yankees, spent up to four times (4x) as much as they did on their “inventory” of ballplayers (i.e. “products” in baseball).

The A’s turned away from traditional thinking on how to allocate their budget to field a team, which meant relying on the gut feel of managers and buying the highest priced players. Instead, they started to rely on “Sabermetrics”, the use of statistical analysis to determine the most cost-efficient baseball players based on the measure of in-game activity/history. Hence, based on mathematical models, the A’s figured out how to best optimize the team at every position on the field. The result was that Oakland won 103 games in 2002, made it to the playoffs, and tied with the Yankees for most wins that season. Again, Yankees spent more than three times (3x) of what Oakland paid for its team, in the same year.
Coming back to the supply chain world, in the same manner, that Sabermetrics can help optimize the baseball players on a team, Multi-Echelon Inventory Optimization (MEIO) can optimize your inventory that is deployed throughout your supply chain, in order to achieve target customer service levels, and maximize profit. There are obvious parallels in taking the Moneyball philosophy to the optimization of inventories and improving the efficiency of the supply chain.
Instead of the General Manager in baseball using statistics to determine the best players to have on a baseball team, the Supply Chain Manager can use statistics and mathematical models in an MEIO system in order come up with the highest profitable scenarios and maximizing on-time delivery performance.
By examining these scenarios, the Supply Chain Manager can decide how to right-size the inventory levels at different locations, and achieve targeted customer service levels, at the highest profit margins.
Of course, instead of baseball metrics (e.g. RBI’s, on base%, ERA, salary), there are statistical supply chain metrics (e.g. Demand variability, supply variability, BOM, Inventory value, etc.) that can be used to objectively calculate the value of each unit of inventory that you plan to place at a given “position” in your supply chain (e.g. Raw Materials, WIP, Finished Goods, etc.). This would make it possible to optimize inventory deployment for meeting certain customer service objectives and squeeze the most profit out of your supply chain, while not exceeding the budget allocated for working capital.
The Oakland A’s are back in the playoffs again this year, with a budget that is one-third of the Bronx Bombers. Not surprisingly, the use of statistics (i.e. the right system) is helping them get the most out of their small budget. Adexa has the equivalent of Moneyball’s Sabermetrics for your Supply Chain, it’s called the Inventory Planning Optimizer to ensure each dollar of inventory is spent in the best possible way.”
Answer this question of how understanding “Moneyball” can help businesses plan their EOQ and ROP inventory problems with the Moneyball example of either hiring and laying off players on the team depending on their stats and the Oakland Athletics to continue wining their games.
2. How does JUST in TIME Inventory contribute to a great inventory strategy and why?
3. Also, give some of your own examples to how (EOQ) and (ROP) can work in your business or any other business setting.

Discuss how theme of colonialism is prevalent In the book “Pillars of Salt” by Fadia Faqir

Instructions: “Pillars of Salt” by Fadia Faqir: The thesis statement has to be one sentence and you have to underline the thesis statement.  Some examples that you can expand upon is
Mahas husband killed by english soldiers ,Her brother wanted to fit in with the british soldiers and civilians Doctors from mental hospital. Villages and cities are changing negatively affecting their culture……Customized Paper  

In the URL box type in Movies about the Civil Rights Movement and choose one movie.

In the URL box type in Movies about the Civil Rights Movement and choose one movie. Write a three-page paper describing the social movement tactics that were used in the movie. Cite the text book in five places using APA writing style (Rubin, 2008, pg. ). Double-spaced, 12 font, normal margins, Calibri or New Times Roman. Paper sections should be: Introduction, Social Action, and Conclusion. Upload to this site. Please be aware that this is a turn-it-in site that checks for plagiarism. It will notify me if you have cut and pasted from any source that is on the world wide web. Do not paraphrase movie reviews, comments on movies, spark notes, etc….. Customized Paper 

What is the difference between the role of the state health department and the local health department in providing health services?

Initial posting should be a minimum of 150 words and posted before Friday at midnight each week. If you do not post timely or comply with the minimum word requirements, you will not qualify for full credit. One source would be good enough, but if you make several statements, you need to identify your sources and give credit to your sources. The first choice would be scholarly journal articles, but with the discussion, you are allowed to use our program textbooks and websites (.com, .org, .net, .gov & .edu). I prefer not to see newspapers and magazines as a source. Wikipedia and any blogs are not acceptable sources. Any of our course textbooks are acceptable…..View Solution 

Write a 2 page essay discussion the earthquake that happened in Syria Feb 6th 2023.

Write a 2 page essay discussion the earthquake that happened in Syria Feb 6th 2023. I have to present this just an fyi. Pretty easy topic!….View Solution 

How did the Colonization of Africa effect the global economy ?

How did the Colonization of Africa effect the global economy ?
This is a global economy class. I just need to hit some points on how the Colonization of Africa affected economies all over the world
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What are the stone gods, that you have left as marks of remembrance that you are the living?

1). What are the stone gods, that you have left as marks of remembrance that you are the living? (The material legacy you leave behind) What will you leave to your people? What have you put your blood, sweat, and tears into that you will leave?

 2). Who are the kin, and/or the grounds that (your memorials) that inspire you to live? Whose Bones do you carry as source of pride and courage.
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