CostCo Case Study

  1. What is Costco’s business model? Is the company’s business model appealing? Why or why not?

As discussed in Chapter 1, a company’s business model explains the rationale for why its business approach and strategy will be a moneymaker. This rationale sets forth the key components of the company’s business approach, indicates how revenues will be generated, and makes a case for why the strategy can deliver value to customers and at the same time be profitable.

The information in the case lays out the chief components of Costco’s business model in a straightforward manner. Please offer very specific details of the components (bullet points) of the business model with their explanations. (Every bullet point needs to be explained)


  1. What are the chief elements of Costco’s strategy? How good is the strategy?

Identify the specific elements of Costco strategy and its generic strategy COSTCO is employing (among the 5 options that exist); look at how COSTCO is doing to maintain such strategy and all the other specifics that are employing.


Product Line (categories)

Number of Products


Stores 848 in U.S

Growth Strategy


  1. Do you think Jim Sinegal was an effective CEO? What grades would you give him in leading the process of crafting and executing Costco’s strategy? How well is Craig Jelinek performing as Sinegal’s successor; what grade would you give him so far in leading the process of crafting and executing strategy? What support can you offer for these grades? Refer to Figure 2.1 in Chapter 2 in developing your answers.

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Describe one recent event in American news that highlights the current state of civil liberties

Describe one recent event in American news that highlights the current state of civil liberties. Make sure to tie the event to what was covered in the text and the lecture. Be sure to state whether the how the event highlights a liberty and whether it’s being protected or violated. Be as original as possible! There’s a lot out there and the event doesn’t have to make national news!.



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The current state of American civil liberties is something that should be of concern to all citizens, but especially those in the minority. For example, the recent decision by President Biden to support the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, marks a major victory for gay rights activists across the United States. While in principle, this should be a cause for celebration and justice, there is still debate over whether or not it is a good idea for government to take sides in what many consider to be personal issues. In this case, legal recognition of same-sex marriage. Of course, the debate surrounding the issue of gay marriage is not merely a discussion involving the rights of homosexuals. Rather, it is something that touches on many other...Order A Similar Paper 


Use the information from a given a case study (provided on the content section under session 5, Choose one) to write a Standards-aligned IEP

Assignment 3, Writing an IEP:

Use the information from a given a case study (provided on the content section under session 5, Choose one) to write a Standards-aligned IEP, including measurable goals to address the student’s learning needs, the interventions to remove the barriers caused by the student’s disability in the learning environment, the supports and the additional services to be provided, as well as a transition plan.  Submit in the Assignment folder.

Write a brief reflection on the link “Transitions After High School.”  Why is the transition process so important? 

Please complete the following assignments listed below: When completing the discussions please cite from the book.

Assignment 1, Discussion 5: Write a brief reflection on the link “Transitions After High School.”  Why is the transition process so important?  Use text evident to support your ideas.  Transition

Watch the three short videos listed below and write two-three sentences for each about what you learned.

The IEP Team:   

What’s in the IEP   

The IEP Meeting


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Assignment 1, Discussion 5

This link about “Transitions after High School” is helpful for students with disabilities who are thinking a lot more about their future. Whether they want to get more education after high school, go to work, live, learn to drive, whether they want to have people to help them take care of their lives, and what they want to do during their free time. We can only dream up our future, but there is a lot of help from various people along the way. Mainly…..Read More 

How does what was stated impact you the health & physical educator? what ideas do you have that will impact on the students you will teach?

Assignment 1, Discussion 8: View the video “I sued the school board”    …..after viewing the video, explain your thoughts as to how you feel the state of education is at this time….how does what was stated impact you the health & physical educator? what ideas do you have that will impact on the students you will teach?



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In this video, Prince EA claims that schools are ancient institutions that have outlived their usage. I completely agree with him. This video definitely makes me think about the past and the future. It is very interesting and cool, especially when Prince AR showed images of phones and …Full Solution 

How will you the Physical Educator implement the Differentiated Learning Concept into your classes?

How will you the Physical Educator implement the Differentiated Learning Concept into your classes?” …..refer to specific examples cited in references…use the above reading materials/videos as guides/references… and submit as word/google doc (no more than one (1) page and submit as



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Assignment 2 Learning Activity

As physical education teachers, we are obliged to provide barrier-free lessons and ensure they meet the diverse student needs. Based on the illustrations in the videos, this is what is called differentiation. Differentiated instruction is not as difficult as many people think. After watching this video and the other one on Hollywood differentiation, I have realized that it is a very easy task, especially when we integrate our interests with those of our students.  Kritikos, McLoughlin  & Lewis (2017) describes differentiation as matching work with the different capabilities of groups or individual students to improve their learning…...Full Solution 

How would you conceptualize the word ‘transfer’ when applied to learning? Imagine that you are facilitating an induction session for a group of new teachers focused on the concept of transfer. 

Assignment 3, Session 5 Summary Response Paper: Throughout this course one key word has been embedded in all of our work. That key word is ‘transfer’.

In this week’s Summary Response paper, dig deeper into this key word. How would you conceptualize the word ‘transfer’ when applied to learning? Imagine that you are facilitating an induction session for a group of new teachers focused on the concept of transfer.

Write your paper as an outline of what you would share during the professional learning session around both the theory of transfer and how to implement instructional and assessment practices that prioritize transfer in a learning environment. An outline/bulleted list is appropriate as long as it is logical/sequential and I can follow your line of thinking!

If you prefer, you may prepare a few slides in a PowerPoint of Google slide deck with this focus and present the information in this format…….Solution 

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How do you define curriculum in your school/district? Do you have a particular model you follow?

Assignment 1, Curriculum Interview: Conduct an interview (live) with an administrator or lead teacher who is responsible for curriculum design/work in a K-12 school or district in PA. Submit a 3-page paper that includes the questions asked, responses received, as well as your own reflection on the interview which connects and references what you learned in the interview to the work in this course. Cite specific connections to the course readings. Sample interview questions are included below. Please feel free to add a few of your own if questions arise during the interview.

1 – How do you define curriculum in your school/district? Do you have a particular model you follow?

2 – How does the budget impact curriculum decisions?

3 – Who is involved in selecting/writing curriculum and what is the process for implementing curriculum-based decisions?

4 – What role does assessment play in the curriculum design process? How it is embedded?

5 – How is technology used in designing and implementing the instructional program?

6 – How are teachers provided with professional development to effectively implement new curriculum models or resources?


Grading Rubric:

Grading Criteria

Point Value (Total Possible – 30 points)

Relevance & Comprehensiveness

Not Achieved


Partially Achieved




Embedded  professional reflection and connection to course content

Not Achieved


Partially Achieved




Correct use of grammar and general writing mechanics

Not Achieved


Partially Achieved





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EDUC 623-80- Curriculum Design Week 5
Assignment 1, Curriculum Interview

Curriculum design is a daunting task that can be even more challenging in K-12. This is because the educator is not alone in this process. When you are working with a school, you get more than just a teacher; you get the whole school and its needs. Then, the pacing of how the curriculum design occurs is specific to the needs of that school and those teachers who have been hired by that particular principal. In order to have a full understanding and knowledge regarding this subject matter, I interviewed a lead teacher responsible for curriculum design/work in a K-12 school in Philadelphia. Through this session, I was able to gain a better understand and knowledge about curriculum design and its importance for the growth of our students in Philadelphia. This report thus presents, the questions I asked, responses I received, as well as my own reflection on the interview which connects and references what you learned in the interview to the work in this course.

Questions Asked and Responses Received During the Interview

How do you define curriculum in your school/district? Do you have a particular model you follow?
The interviewee responded by saying: “A curriculum is a planned design for instruction and involves an organized series of learning experiences.” The interviewee also went on to say that their school follows the “broad curriculum” model……Full Paper


 Students are presented with a scenario at the end of each module. Scenarios will challenge the student to think critically about the material covered in the lecture videos and apply it to “real life” situations. Students will respond to scenarios with a paragraph describing how they would solve the problem.

Assignment 2, Module 5 Scenario:  Students are presented with a scenario at the end of each module. Scenarios will challenge the student to think critically about the material covered in the lecture videos and apply it to “real life” situations. Students will respond to scenarios with a paragraph describing how they would solve the problem.

Eli is a junior researcher who has been asked to write the introduction of a research study. Eli feels it is important to acknowledge the potential biases of the research team. The senior researcher feels this is unnecessary and could create confusion. How should Eli proceed in discussing the senior researcher’s concerns?


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Eli should explain to the senior researcher that the acknowledgement of the biases of the research team is an essential part of writing the introduction to a research study. If these biases are not acknowledged, then it exposes the research study to bias as well as to possible dismissal by its readership. Also, Eli should……Full Solution 

What might be a potential ethical dilemma when using a “True” Experimental Design?

How do we use probability and statistics in our daily lives?

How do we use probability and statistics in our daily lives? What are your personal strengths and skill sets? How can you use these to participate in research and data analysis?


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Probability and statistics are useful in our daily lives primarily in practices such as, weather forecast, sports and gaming strategies, and buying or selling insurance. For instance, in sports and gaming strategies, statistics are used to……Full Solution