The field of marriage and family counseling is varied and expansive. Narrowing down personal interests and strengths as it applies to the material is important as you further your study. The purpose of this Research Paper: Topic, Preliminary Research, and Rationale Assignment is to select a research paper topic you want to explore further, begin to develop pertinent ideas utilizing current and applicable research, and succinctly explain your interest in the topic as well as its usefulness within the field of counseling. Supporting your hypothesis with well documented, peer reviewed information is a skill necessary and essential to becoming an effective counselor.
In preparation for the Research Paper: Final Assignment, you will submit the Research Paper: Topic, Preliminary Research, and Rationale Assignment. This Research Paper: Topic, Preliminary Research, and Rationale Assignment will provide a description and explanation of your choice in topic, include a rationale, and include a minimum of 4 supporting sources (do not use the Bible or the textbook for this assignment) that will be used in the Research Paper: Final Assignment.
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Feedback is one of the essential tools for employee development. They are two main types of feedback, which include positive reinforcement and correction action. In positive reinforcement, the employee’s positive behavior or performance is acknowledged, while in corrective action, areas of improvement are pointed out and guidance is provided on how to address these areas. According to Davis & Russel (1990), these two methods of feedback are among the most effective and acceptable feedback strategies.

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How do the colors, text, graphics, etc., affect the user’s experience with the menu system? How could a “busy” interface become distractive to users?

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David’s Case Study

For this week’s Assignment, you will take on the role of David’s clinician. David is a 39-year-old Caucasian male, recently divorced, father of two children. David is attending an initial treatment evaluation at the behest of his ex-wife who is considering taking David to court to restrict his access to his children. David also reported that he recently lost his position at a pet store as he was caught on camera taking money from the cashier. David attends the clinic somewhat disheveled.
View David’s Case Study. (Transcripts)
Develop a 7-9 page plan for David incorporating the following elements: a complete biopsychosocial assessment, a risk assessment, formulate a diagnoses using the DSM–5-TR in the Purdue Global library, create a harm reduction plan, and a treatment plan. Include the following in your plan:
• a minimum of two long-term goal and two short-term goals. Be sure the goals are SMART goals.
• any ethical concerns that might present as an issue. Be sure to cite NAADAC Code of Ethics and state/local laws.
• an explanation of the etiology of co-occuring addiction and personality disorder
• an explanatory model for the dual diagnosis based on David’s Case Study


Your Assignment should be a 7-9 page essay, not including the Title and Reference pages, and should include the following elements:
• Title page: Provide your name, title of Assignment, course and unit number, and date
• Body: Answer the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs
o The assignment must be written in Standard English and demonstrate superior organization, including a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. The communication of your thoughts must be highly ordered, logical, and unified, displaying exceptional content, organization, style, and mechanics (including the use of correct grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure).
• Use the readings from our textbook and at least three peer reviewed journal articles published within the last 5 years from the Purdue Library.
• Reference Page: Sources in APA format
• Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced
• Use 6th Edition APA Formatting and Citation style
o If you need assistance with APA style, please visit Writing Resources.
Submitting your Assignment
Create your essay in a word document. Save it in a location you will remember and with the following format: Lastname_FirstnameUnit6Assignment. When you are ready to submit it, click on the Assignment Dropbox and submit.

Please use my text book as one of the resources

Atkins, C. (2021). Co-occurring disorders. A whole person approach to the

assessment and treatment of substance use and mental disorders. 2nd edition.

The effects of workplace bullying and harassment on employee mental health and ways to prevent it.

CW1: Essay Question – Designing a Wellbeing Intervention
Essay question:
“Critically present and discuss the design of an intervention to tackle a key well-being issue within the workplace.” Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed intervention; how does it work and who is responsible for their implementation.
Background information:
Improving the psychological well-being of a workforce brings benefits for both the individual employees and the organisation as a whole. For organisations, the business case for investing in psychological well-being is strong and associates with improved outcomes for organisations, including lower levels of turnover, sickness absence, and improved work performance.
The intervention discussed in your essay should convey the core message that psychological well-being can make a difference to work, individuals’ working lives and the success of organisations.
The wellbeing intervention you will propose can belong in one of two main categories: either focusing on treatment (i.e. interventions implemented once a health and wellbeing
issue has been identified), or focusing on prevention (i.e. interventions introduced to prevent the likelihood of reduced wellbeing occurring).
What will the markers be looking for?
The markers will be looking for an in-depth discussion of your proposed intervention which will aim to tackle a key well-being issue within the workplace. A critical discussion of different theories, models and psychological evidence relating to the presented well-being issue is expected. This module will introduce different topics from which you can choose, including but not limited to stress, bullying and harassment, resilience, and work-life balance. If you choose stress, for example, you might elaborate on and compare the Job Demand-Resources model (JD-R) and the Person-Environment Fit theory to provide a greater explanation of stress development and its impact on both the individual and the organisation.
The marker will expect an indication of how the well-being issue can affect employee work outcomes (e.g. motivation, engagement and performance) and how the proposed intervention will allow individuals and organisations to deal with this issue.
Remember, you need to ensure that you base your answer on newly introduced or previously discussed psychological theory and empirical evidence, where possible.

What is the structure of the essay?
The Introduction:
• An introduction to the essay to state the well-being issue covered and why, as well as a brief reference to the designed intervention. This section should set the scene for your essay and its content, expanding on the necessity of intervening.
• The main body of the essay should provide a clear, coherent, and critical description of the intervention presented to tackle the discussed well-being issue. Your answer should thoroughly discuss the questions below:
1. What is this intervention about? What does it include? Will the wellbeing intervention focus on prevention or on treatment? For example, you may elaborate on stress prevention initiatives, or on interventions aiming to manage and reduce stress.
2. What would the outcome of the intervention be? Would the intervention effectively contribute to behavioural change? Would we expect, for example, individuals who are exposed to the intervention to acquire skills which will help them cope with stress? Or could the intervention contribute to organizational change, impacting for example on how work is arranged?

3. When expanding on the interventions’ effectiveness you should consider the role that each member of the organisation (e.g. top and lower management, HR staff and the employees) should play during its implementation.
4. Please note that you must consider and acknowledge ethical guidelines relating to the intervention presented.
5. Your intervention should conclude with a discussion about evaluation. Think about how to monitor, measure and evaluate the wellbeing intervention, including information on what to measure, how frequently to measure and how to safely store the data. This is very important as your intervention should make meaningful changes for the benefit of the workforce, learning from any possible mistakes. You should aspire to firmly place organisations in a great place; a place where people want to work and where their well- being is looked after.
6. A concluding paragraph is required summarising what was your essay’s focus and contribution. Final remarks about the intervention: Well-reasoned discussion of strengths/limitations and future applications/implications of the intervention.
7. The coursework should end with a reference list. Your reference list should be in APA (7th edition) only, any other referencing style or any inconsistencies will be considered when providing feedback and grades. Your submission should be well presented in the appropriate format as described above and should be coherent and well-structured with attention to language and grammar. (Writing support can be found at Centre for Academic writing CAW). Following the APA format (7th edition), all citations should be double line spaced and have a hanging indent in a Reference List. A “hanging indent” means that each subsequent line after the first line of your citation should be indented by 0.5 inches. You can find a sample here: ld.php (


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Wilmington’s Lie

Please answer the following questions within the body of your essay:

According to Zucchino, what about the demographics of Wilmington in 1898 made it unique? Democrats were the party of white supremacy; the Republicans were the ones that African Americans joined and supported. So you had this black middle class and meaningful representation in government. According to Zucchino, how did whites handle this? What were race relations like in the city? There was a very influential piece by an African American newspaper editor, Alex Manly, which played a role in all of these events. Using specific details from Wilmington’s Lie, describe in detail who Alex Manly was and what role his newspaper played in Wilmington. November 8 was election day in Wilmington and across the state. Using specific examples from the book, what was the plan of Wilmington’s white supremacists and what eventually happened in Wilmington? Using specific examples from the book, discuss in detail the response of the governor of North Carolina, as well as that of President William McKinley to the events in Wilmington. What prevented both men from intervening? This wasn’t simply a change of government. It was a radical transformation of the lives of black citizens. African Americans were successful attorneys and merchants who had real lives and stakes in the community and lots of black people who were employed in working-class roles. How were their lives affected by this? One little detail which underlined the permanence of these changes were that Tom Miller, this wealthy black citizen of Wilmington, the real estate broker who was banished from the city, years later asked permission to just come back to attend his mother’s funeral. What happened? According to Zucchino, this was America’s first and only armed overthrow of a legally elected government, and that’s because there were local officials who were not on the ballot; that, even after these horrific events, were technically still in office, legally elected – some of them African Americans. What happened to them? According to Wilmington’s Lie, after this violence in 1898, what measures were – did the white leaders enact to make permanent the denial of voting rights for blacks? In the decades that followed, how were these violent events characterized by white papers, white newspapers and leaders in the South? In 1998, as the 100th anniversary of the events in Wilmington was approaching, there was quite a debate about how these events were to be regarded. How did the community contend with this legacy? Had you known of the Wilmington massacre before reading David Zucchino’s book? If so, what was your understanding of the events recounted in the book? Josephus Daniels, publisher of the Record, and Furnifold Simmons of the state’s Democratic Party were able to exploit the anger and fears of the white population through an intentional campaign of disinformation. Is today’s public as gullible as it was at the turn of the 20th century? Or, given the impact of social media, are we perhaps more so? Does Wilmington’s Lie challenge your view of who we are as a nation? Have we changed over the past 120+ years? How or how not?

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Paper details:

Use 1.5 or double spacing leave blank line between paragraphs use bold for headings no underlining or italics requires a title page should be centred use calibre font use 11 or 12 point for body of assignment all pages except title to be numbered insert header or footer on each page not title page and word count

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