What do you think are the goals of practicum and why do you think the BACB is so strict in standards and documentation?

Assignment 1, Discussion 7 Practicum: What do you think are the goals of practicum and why do you think the BACB is so strict in standards and documentation?


Assignment 1, Discussion 7 Practicum:

Generally, the goal of practicum is to gain experience in the field, mainly in real-life service provision setting. Our field has various carefully evaluated practicum sites which give students unique experiences in applied behavior analysis. This practicum allows them to apply the procedures and principles they were taught by their professors. It is a perfect learning environment for students to develop their skills. We often consider it as a final exam because it is a chance to determine whether the student is ready to practice outside the classroom. I think BACB is strict in standards to protect consumers. This strictness also ensures that behavior analysts maintain standards of professional conduct when practicing….Read More

Introduction to ABA Studies Unit 8

What are challenges you foresee in securing a practicum placement, a supervisor, and time management?

Assignment 1, Discussion 8: What are challenges you foresee in securing a practicum placement, a supervisor, and time management?


Assignment 1, Discussion 8:

Practicum and supervised field experience are the initial step in the work-life for every ABA practitioner. For them to complete the ABA course and become a certified behavior analyst, the ABA student should complete a practicum program and supervision experience. Although many of us belief that landing a great practicum is the end to our worries, we must know that securing a practicum placement or supervision is a set of new problems. One major
challenge I foresee in securing a practicum placement is finding a suitable organization to work in. there are thousands of ABA students out there searching for attachment. The issue is that most of the organizations that specialize in behavior management were closed down during the pandemic. As such, most behavior analysts started working remotely, leaving limited places for students to do their practicum programs. Also, students may encounter challenges in carrying out their practicum in the midst of transitions and interruptions caused by the pandemic……Read More 

What do you think are the goals of practicum and why do you think the BACB is so strict in standards and documentation?

What are your fears about the exam?  How do you think you may prepare?

Assignment 1, Exam: What are your fears about the exam?  How do you think you may prepare?


Assignment 1: Exam

My greatest exam fear is the fear of failure. I fear not securing the recommended passing marks. I also fear disappointing other people’ expectations such as my guardians, friends and parents on the kind of grades I should get. The two keep creeping into my mind and I end up feeling very anxious and stressed. Days to exams am always finding myself suffering from increased heartbeat, headache, fear and panic attacks as I can’t withstand the feelings of failure. My wish has always been to get the best grade, which affects me emotionally and physically in most cases. I mood quickly shifts as most of the time I feel frustrated or angry. Therefore, to manage the fear of failing exams, I will implement a positive study approach. According to Ebrahim and Task (2022), with effective planning and strategy, one can overcome exam fear such as the fear of failure in any of the presented exams….Read more 

What are challenges you foresee in securing a practicum placement, a supervisor, and time management?

Functional Behavioral Assessments

Assignment 3, Final Project Check In #1: Read and review 1 previously unread article on functional behavioral assessments or functional analysis.  Write a brief 1-2 page review of the research.



Saini et al., (2020) use a qualitative and quantitative review to understand the functional analysis of problem behaviour. They note, functional analysis originated in the 1960s and is an effective standard technique. This is because it is crucial for identifying and analyzing environmental variables for shaping and maintaining behaviour problems. Some of the problematic behaviours they include are self-injury, aggression and property destruction. Saini et al., (2020) article is indeed important in identifying the vast studies discussing functional analysis methods. It includes procedural modifications and experimental designs through basic probability theory and visual inspection techniques. They are used to compare and evaluate functional analysis methods in understanding problematic behaviours. This paper provides a review of Saini et al., (2020)’s article. Saini et al., (2020) article discusses the role of functional analysis in problem behaviour assessment and treatment……Read more

Functions of behavior

Assignment 1, Unit 9 Discussion: Explain the two main functions of behavior.  Explain how one behavior can have multiple functions or multiple behaviors can have one function.  Briefly explain the difference between a formal experimental functional analysis, a descriptive analysis and an indirect FBA.  Explain the pros and cons of each.


Explain the two main functions of behaviour. Explain how one behaviour can have
multiple functions or multiple behaviours can have one function.
The two main functions of behaviour are; gaining social attention and accessing tangible items and preferred activities (Neef and Peterson, 2007). Behaviour could happen to gain attention from another individual. Attention occurs through laughing, playing, scolding or comforting. Also, one can engage in a behaviour to gain access to an activity or item. Behaviours, therefore, can be termed as multiple controlled. A behaviour can have multiple functions such as escape, attention and, removing sensory input or providing sensory input. They  happen when individuals get something out of them…..Read more

Concept & Principles of Applied Behavior Class Unit 14

Concept & Principles of Applied Behavior Class Unit 14

Assignment 2, Safemeds Graph: Please submit your safemeds graph and a brief 1 page summary in terms of trend, level and variability.
Field Experiences:
You will complete 5 observations as part of your Field Experiences. Each FE should be approximately 4 hours in length.  You will submit a 1-2 summary as outlined using APA format.  These FE’s will then be combined and help to form the body of your final paper outlined below. The FE’s will be graded along the way and feedback will be provided.  Please note that for FE 5 you will not have to turn in a written
product but those hours will need to be documented on your practicum tracking form.  Lastly, students may get their hours done according to their schedule especially with time limits based on your schedules and availability especially during ESY.  Please contact your instructor for further questions and please be sure to document all observations and get a signature to outline the observation…See the SOLUTION 

Concept & Principles of Applied Behavior Class Unit 14



Assignment 1, Discussion 14: Provide a brief summary of an article related to ABA with a diverse population (e.g., another culture other than western culture, non-autism, other types therapeutic population, etc).  Respond to 2 peers posts



American Speech-Language-Hearing-Association’s (2022) article presents a systematic study on the role of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) in teaching new communication skills. According to the association above, ABA, linked to behavioral theory, is considered a scientific technique critical for understanding human behavior. The article notes that ABA can be used to  educate people with hearing and vision impairment on the right communication skills. It alleges, ABA can fulfil the latter by primarily paying attention to the learner’s behaviors, antecedents and consequences of their actions. The article too affirms that Applied Behavior Analysis helps teach new communication skills by first identifying the antecedents, including prompts the learner presents…….View full PAPER now

AUTISM Student Intervention Plan

AUTISM Student Intervention Plan and Literature Review

This project is intended to be a way for you to develop an intervention plan based on the various topics covered in this course that you can apply to students in your class or a future class. Based upon the readings/lectures/discussions in this class and your own research what would you do differently in the classroom. The product will provide guidelines for implementing specific strategies, procedures or techniques to address academic, behavioral or social goals. Research-based methods should be the main focus of your interventions. Your final paper of 8-10 pages APA format will be due by the last day of the course. The main idea of this project is to read and review relevant ABA literature and apply it to a potential case. You must include as a part of your product a reference section that lists any sources you used to prepare your guidelines for practice. (Use the APA style). Anyone using your product should be able to find the sources on which your suggestions, conclusions, and cautions are based.

This paper will include the following which will evolve over your two check ins:

1. Select and write an approximately 2 page review on a research article focusing on Functional Behavioral Assessments. (First Check In should have this section completed)

2. Select and write an approximately 2 page review on a research article on a Differential Reinforcement procedure. (Second check in should have this section completed)

3. Create a hypothetical case study by creating a mock problem behavior. Select a functional behavioral (FBA) you would utilize (e.g., ABC data, FAST, QABF, analog FBA).  Write up a mock FBA: identify the function of the made-up behavior (i.e., attention, escape, automatic).

4. Select 2 interventions, strategies or techniques you could implement to address your mock behavior problem based off your identified function. Review at least 1 ABA journal articles for each intervention. Include the rationale for why you chose the procedure, how the procedure is used, and possible limitations to using the particular intervention.

5. Create a one-page handout that details how to implement each intervention.

See the SOLUTION now

ABA Training and Supervising Human Service Staff Module 3

Assignment 1, Discussion 3: What is the essence of supervision based on what you read and your experiences?

There has been a significant increase in behavior analysts as well as aspiring ABA direct support staff in this industry, thus the need for efficient training and oversight of applied behavior analysts. Besides, most analysts are unable to provide efficient services because they receive little mentoring while training themselves. Mainly, supervision is a process of professional learning and development whereby the supervisor monitors and guides the
supervisee on how to develop and reflect on knowledge, skills, and competence (Reid, Parsons, & Green, 2021). Human services have long acknowledged the essence of supervision, especially on its importance for the direct support staff. Most importantly, most of the new direct staff don’t have previous training of their roles as ABA professionals. Even though these newly employed professionals usually get some orientation, their immediate supervisors have to train them on how to perform their daily tasks. As such, the supervision enables them to deliver high-quality behavioral services….Read more 


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Stanford Transfer Application Supplement Question


I will be sending my current responses to all the supplemental questions on the application. I wrote the responses, but when peer-reviewed, I was told the responses are too general. So I want you to rewrite the responses making them personal, research the classes, programs, and professors, and mention them and so on. You can ask me if you need any information about me to write in the responses. But in short, I just want you to write responses that are not as generalized as mine. And also, only send the bid, if you can write responses based on computer science major, and can make it personal insread of generalised as mine. Thank you.
Also, the word count of responses are 1531, and which is why i put 1530 words on the order. I want the responses to be at least of this words……View solution here