Unit 2- Substance Abuse Theory and Assessment

Assignment Description

Assignment Details:
Your state is considering passage of a statute that exempts possession and use of marijuana from prosecution if it is used for medical purposes. One of the cases that has been used to support the statute is that of Regina S., a 65-year-old woman, who has a son who has been undergoing treatment for cancer. The chemotherapy treatment made her son nauseous and he was in pain. Prescribed medication was not working, and Regina read that marijuana might be of help to her son. Regina is a gardener and decided to start growing marijuana in her backyard to give it to her son. The marijuana helped his nausea and discomfort. Your supervisor has asked you to write a report on marijuana and medical marijuana issues. You will need to cover the following issues:
  1. What is the history of the prohibition of marijuana in the United States?
  2. Identify and describe the effects of marijuana use on the brain and behavior.
  3. Is marijuana addictive? Support your answer with research.
  4. Are there scientific studies that support a finding that marijuana use can have medical benefits? If so, what are those findings?
  5. Do you support medical marijuana legislation? What about legislation permitting recreational use? Use research evidence to support your answer.



For this week, you will interview yourself while considering the concepts of “power” and “privilege” (or if you have a friend or family member that is willing, they could interview you with your pre-designed questions). How creative you get is up to you.

Here’s the scenario for your interview: You are yourself (so speak from your perspective). Envision that you are a therapist who works with multiple clients in multiple settings (e.g., in-home, telehealth, in office) and you have clients that are from multiple races/genders/sexual orientations/backgrounds/etc. Most of your clients live in poverty and/or do not have a high school diploma, some of your clients are considered disabled). You were picked for this interview on power and privilege in the therapy room for a local family therapy organization because of your work with such a diverse population. You will present your interview in Kaltura.
The first step in this assignment is to arrange a set of interview questions around the ideas of power and privilege. They should include the following themes:
*When you have felt power and privilege in your own life.
*Your own understanding of your own power and privilege.
*Examples of work with clients where you have been able to address power and privilege (answers will likely be “made up” for this – but consider some of the differences in the client population you work with).
*How telehealth might be beneficial with some communities that you work with (e.g., eliminates transportation costs, allows freedom for those that might be differently abled).
*Reflections on what you feel are your responsibility in the therapy room and out of the therapy room with regards to power and privilege
Secondly, you will “present” your own interview and address the questions that you created.
Length: 2 pages (write it as an interview)
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards.

CMIT440 Week 4 Discussion

Question 1: Privacy and Mini-Cameras

Consider the question of mini-cameras (Google Glass, for instance) and security. How do you think these types of devices affect privacy? Do you think there will come a time where these types of cameras will be so small that they’ll be impossible to detect?
Question 2: Global Positioning Systems (Military vs. Civilian)
Please read the following paragraph, from a section of a government article entitled, “Is Military GPS More Accurate than Civilian GPS?” The accuracy of the GPS signal in space is actually the same for both the civilian GPS service (SPS) and the military GPS service (PPS). However, SPS broadcasts on one frequency, while PPS uses two. This means military users can perform ionospheric correction, a technique that reduces radio degradation caused by the Earth’s atmosphere. With less degradation, PPS provides better accuracy than the basic SPS (GPS.gov, 2014). Do you feel that the general public should be able to use the PPS system rather than the SPS system for GPS navigation in order to take advantage of the system’s accuracy? Why or why not? Reference: GPS.gov. (2014). GPS accuracy. Retrieved April 3, 2014, from http://www.gps.gov/systems/gps/performance/accuracy/

Does the Internet do more harm than good.

  Write an original and cohesive argumentative research paper (suggested length of 8–10 pages). 1. Provide an effective introduction. 2. Provide an appropriate thesis statement that previews two to four main points. 3. Develop each of the previewed main points in effective paragraphs with support from a variety of sources. 4. Provide an effective conclusion. B. Incorporate seven academically credible sources in your paper. Note: More than seven sources may be used but are not required. C. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. Note: Refer to Appendix B, linked below, for assistance with referencing guidelines. D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Generate recommendations for addressing a complex challenge


Challenge: Describe your complex challenge and factors that contribute to the complexity of this issue:

Demographics of the individuals/group affected by challenge

Magnitude of the issue in community affected by challenge

Commonly held assumptions or obstacles around this issue

Social conditions that exist specific to this challenge

Cultural or societal issues specific to this challenge

Discipline-specific subject or branch of knowledge


Research: You and your mentor have discussed the importance of making your case with evidence-based research, as appropriate to the discipline, that informs your recommendations.

Annotated Bibliography: Select seven resources to analyze that are relevant to your challenge. These primary or secondary sources (conferences, dissertations, patents, journal studies, journal articles, technical reports, articles in scholarly journals, government policies, laws, or legislation) should address the challenge you have selected and inform the recommendations you make:

Identify the source authors and discuss their place in society

Discuss the purpose of the piece and why it was written

Explain the value or ideas behind the content in the source

Address the credibility of the piece (why or why not)


Your Methods: Include research that is appropriate to the methods that would be used by the professionals using the particular lenses you choose to address your research question. This may include qualitative data, quantitative data, or both.

Qualitative research that provides context and information on aspects of your challenge and informs your recommendations

Case studies that address issues relevant to your challenge

Comparisons on issues relevant to your challenge

Information on focus groups or interviews that were conducted and tackle questions relevant to your challenge

Quantitative research that is grounded in numerical evidence and informs your recommendations. For example, if your challenge is on quality of water, you would want to have quantitative data from impacted communities, such as scientific data that supports your recommendations.

Survey data

Chi square


Time Series





Solution: Propose a specific course of action or actions that represent a reasonable solution for your complex challenge, supported by at least five of the most appropriate sources in your annotated bibliography

Applicable methods

Applicable tools or technologies

Necessary resources

Interpretation: Discuss the research and how your interpretation supports your recommendations

What the research says in regard to the challenge you are addressing and recommendations you make

How you see this research as supporting the recommendations you are making

Significance: Discuss the significance and limitations of the research in supporting your recommendations

Geographical global/national/local impacts

Cultural, technological, scientific, etc., aspects


Conclusion: Defend the action or course of action you have recommended over the alternatives based on:

Utility of the type of methods or methodologies in addressing previous challenges of this type

Necessary resources, tools/technologies to implement proposed recommendations

Implications of your proposed recommendations

Ethical effects or consequences

Any additional concerns around implementing the specific course of action or actions, if applicable

Public health framework

For this assignment, you will choose one topic and apply a public health framework to it. The topic could be a current policy (e.g. the soda tax), or a crisis (e.g. COVID-19 pandemic, gun violence), or any other relevant current event. You should explain why the topic you’ve chosen is a public health issue and how public health professionals can help address this issue. Please use scientific data to support your framework. Remember that the Philadelphia Public Health Department often provide up to date data regarding public health issues; so feel free to use this information for your assignment (please use the most updated material). This assignment should be 1-2 pages in length. Please use Microsoft word and APA style for this assignment. Please be sure to review APA style writing using the link provided below. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/general_format.htm


INSTRUCTIONS (Please read the instructions twice and follow all the instructions below in detail and read all the resources before you start the project)
Understanding Lifespan Development

As discussed earlier in this course, development is not something that occurs only in childhood, but is rather an ongoing part of the human experience, from birth to death. Kurse and Schmitt (2001) define lifespan development as a “continuous and active process of coping with developmental tasks, i.e., demands, challenges, and changes that depend on people’s environment and life situation in given phases of the aging process” (p. 4223). It is these environments and life situations that are the unique context of people’s lives.

As discussed last week, people’s social locations and positions in their environments can have lasting effects on their development. How these contexts shape people’s lives change as they age and encounter and become parts of new systems. As people get older, they may also view their context in different ways than they had as a child. For example, you may have a different connection with your religion when you are a child than you do when you are an adult.
As an MFT, you will work with clients throughout the lifespan. This can involve helping clients navigate lifespan transitions, such as getting married or becoming parents. Working with families, you will also need to navigate the interactions of different life stages within a family. For instance, helping a client through raising children while also caring for elderly parents. Having a strong foundation in lifespan development will help you to do this.
 Kruse, A., & Schmitt, E. (2001). Psychology of education in old age. In N. J. Smelser & P. B. Baltes (Eds.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences (pp. 4223-4227).
Select one stage of the family life cycle (e.g., emerging young adults, couple formation, families nearing the end of life). Consider how this stage would be similar and different for people with different cultural backgrounds and social locations (e.g., of different races, economic status, religion, sexual orientation). In your paper, you should:
*Identify which family life cycle stage you selected.
*Identify two hypothetical people you will use to compare and contrast. They should differ in at least two social locations (i.e., a heterosexual Black man with a gay Latinx man).
*Discuss how your therapeutic approach might differ for these two clients based on their cultural background and social locations.
*Consider your own personal cultural and diverse contexts, and how they shape your position as a therapist and your attitude during your therapeutic conversations. How might the awareness of your privilege/struggle benefit the therapeutic endeavor when working with clients?
Length: 3 pages
References: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly resources.
The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards.
Expanded Family Life Cycle: Individual, Family, and Social Perspectives McGoldrick, M., Carter, E. A., & Garcia-Preto, N. (2016). Expanded family life cycle: Individual, family, and social perspectives (5th ed.). Pearson Allyn & Bacon. Read Chapters 2-12.
 On Fathers and Sons and Love DeBose, C. (Director). (2015, January 1). On fathers and sons and love [Video]. SOC Media Films. Watch Video.

Business Aspects of Pharmacy

Purpose: To develop a business plan for a sustainable new pharmacy service allowing pharmacists to expand their role, fill healthcare gaps and provide high quality comprehensive patient care.


Instructions: Suggest couple business plans utilizing the core components described in the article titled “Writing a Business Plan for a New Pharmacy Service” by Randy McDonough. Be sure to include your mission statement in the appropriate section for each business plan suggested.

Suggest 10 business plans (10 ideas only) and write a mission statement for each one.


  • Business plan Idea:

Mission statement:


  • Business plan Idea:

Mission statement:


And so on

Journal on Covey’s book

Journal on Covey’s book



Habits 1-3 will be collectively graded


Habit 1: “Be Proactive: Principles of Personal Choice.” Identify and briefly describe a professional attribute/characteristic that is affecting your school or work environment and/or performance negatively and that you would like to change to a positive attribute.

 Habit 2: “Begin with the End in Mind: Principles of Personal Vision.” After identifying and describing the negative professional attribute you would like to change, identify and describe the positive attribute that it will be replaced with and what it will look like when performed/operationalized.
Habit 3: “Put First Things First: Principles of Integrity & Execution.” Identify the steps you will take to change/replace the negative attribute with the positive attribute. Create a brief timeline for these steps.

Habits 4-7 will be due on 1/31/23 at 8am

Habits 4-6 collectively graded

Habit 4: “Think Win-Win.” Using anonymity, identify a list of obstacles (persons, places, or things) that keep you in your negative behavior pattern in the Journal on Covey’s book. Determine what can be done in your “Circle of Influence” to eliminate obstacles to facilitate your positive behavior/attribute.
Habit 5: “Seek First to Understand and then to be Understood.” Approach the persons, places, or things that are obstacles to your positive attribute. Put yourself in their position/shoes, and describe why these persons, places, or things are obstacles to your growth.
Habit 6: “Synergize.” Once you have explored the point of view and the reason the persons, place, or thing is an obstacle, identify how you might collaborate together to build on the difference.
Habit 7: “Sharpen the Saw.” Prioritize the actions you have identified that must be accomplished to build upon and change the negative trait to a positive trait. Begin with the top priority action, if you have not done so already. How have you been renewed?


Please make references and/or paraphrase excerpts from the book and tie it into the personal reflection.
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The Descriptive Outline and Essay about: A Storm

The Descriptive Outline and Essay:  A Storm

  • Your assignment here is to first submit an outline for this paper (see sample outline). The format of the sample outline must be the same as the model. The content of the outline in the model may however, be similar to the model’s, just as long as you change at least one of the three of the required topic/points
  • See attached document for possible descriptive topics. You may choose to either write about a person, a place, or an object. To assist you in developing your descriptive outline and essay, I have attached worksheets.