“This Changes Everything” – Film Reflection


“This Changes Everything” – Film Reflection Note:

The film is available on Netflix. Or, it can be rented on Amazon Prime Video or iTunes.
 For this assignment, students should watch the film, “This changes Everything,” in its entirety and take notes while doing so (NOTE: there will be exam questions from the film).
Then, each student should write up a two-page reflection paper.
In the reflection paper, students should do the following:
 Reflect on:
What did you learn from the film?
What did you find most surprising/informative/impactful? In what ways can you connect what you learned in the film to what we are learning in class? (draw connections between the film and the information presented in your textbook—cite the textbook at least once in the essay).
Who benefits/profits from the way women are represented in the media? Who loses?
How do we overcome the media’s negative messaging?
What can we/you do? (There is no right or wrong answer here, I just want to you to reflect on how to can translate knowledge into action).
The paper should adhere to basics of APA formatting (i.e., Times New Roman, double spaced, 1-inch margins)…..View Solution 

expatriate manager for a subsidiary of a major company headquartered in the United States

Imagine you are an expatriate manager for a subsidiary of a major company headquartered in the United States. You are preparing to brief the CEO on your plan to address the safety issues specific to the country (of your choice) where you are working as the expatriate manager.

In your introduction, discuss four concerns in the workplace: benefits, safety, health, and global security issues. List one issue for each concern listed.
Next, prepare a solution for each of the four concerns.
Discuss how your solutions address the issues within the workplace.
Discuss what would be the responsibility of the global leadership team.
Conclude with a summary of how you noted the needs of your global audience, how you will design and deliver the training for employees keeping in mind about cultural differences, and your plans to assess its success…….View the customized paper 

Single-Sex School Opinion


Single-Sex School Opinion

How do you think your learning experience would have been different socially or academically if you had attended an all-boys or all-girls school sixth grade through high school? Identify your responses as positive changes, negative changes, or mixed/neutral changes, and in a sentence or two explain why you categorized them as you did. The more changes you can come up with the better but try for a minimum of three…View solution now


Employment Standards Act of Ontario

1. How many days of paid sick leave are employees entitled to under the ESA? How
many days of unpaid sick leave are employees entitled to? Are there any
requirements to prove their sickness? Make reference to Employment Standards Act of Ontario

Employers are not obligated by ESA to give paid sick leave to their employees. However, if an employer does provide paid sick leave, the terms and conditions, including the number of days, must be specified in the employment contract. Some of these contracts include a collective agreement and they must offer a greater right than that of ESA to ensure they apply instead of the latter’s provisions on sick leave (Ontario 2022).

ESA entitles employees to three a 3-day unpaid sick leave per calendar year. This insinuates that employees can take a maximum of three days off without the insecurity of loosing their jobs due to personal ailment, medical emergency, and injury (Ontario, 2022). If an employee requests sick leave, the employer may require proof of illness or injury, such as medical notes from a doctor, but only if doing so is appropriate given the circumstances. In this sense, the employer must not put excessive difficulty on the employee. Other requirements include providing information on the period or expected period of the leave and the date the worker was attended to by the healthcare professional….Read more 

Streptococcal (GAS) Pharyngitis

  1. Could Joey be a chronic pharyngeal carrier? Why or why not?

In streptococcal (GAS) pharyngitis, Chronic pharyngeal carrier is a state in which group A β-hemolytic streptococcus is present in the pharynx for a period without showing signs of infection. There is a possibility that Joey could be a chronic pharyngeal carrier. It is difficult to clear GAS from a carrier’s pharynx hence recurrent episodes. The fact that he has received multiple treatments for GAS pharyngitis shows that he has had recurrent group A streptococcal pharyngitis. According to Shulman et al. patients experiencing recurrent episodes of pharyngitis and laboratory results show group A streptococcal pharyngitis may be chronic pharyngeal carriers with repeated viral infections (2012). Streptococcal pharyngitis is a self-limited infection, and a patient responds to antibiotics within 24-48 hours. The symptoms of streptococcal pharyngitis can resolve days after the onset of the disease without treatment (Shulman et al., 2012). When treated with appropriate antibiotics, carriers do not respond and have positive throat cultures for group A streptococcal pharyngitis……………Read more 

Data breach in the entertainment industry

Assessment Information: Data breach in the entertainment industry 
This assignment is an individual assignment. This assignment requires you to produce a report evaluating at least one current issue facing the arts or entertainment industry. Justify how this issue has shaped or will shape the future of the arts and entertainment industries. Provide recommendations for the industry that will address or resolve this issue.
Give consideration to issues such as audience and participant experience, economic and social impacts, and any other issues you feel are relevant. You should use appropriate theories and academic references in your work to discuss impacts of the selected issue and provide recommendations with academic justification for proposed changes or developments within the arts and entertainment industries.




Data breach in the entertainment industry


The Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) alleges that in 2020, over 292 million people were impacted by data breaches (Algarni et al. 2021). ITRC also noted that one of the reasons linked to the latter was an implementation of weak work models decreasing Cybersecurity issues. As one of the prominent companies in the entertainment industry, Netflix has encountered several data breach issues deteriorating its reputation and overall business performance (Coleman and Techie, 2022). Termed as an American Service and Production Company, Netflix has encountered data breaches since 2006. In 2006, for instance, its users’ histories were exposed. Despite taking versatile measures to curb data breaches, Netflix experienced addition cyber-attacks in 2017, 2019 and 2022. This paper argues that data breach is an ongoing issue in the entertainment industry and adversely affects the firm’s reputation and overall brand profit. In addition, this paper will discuss some of the examples of data breaches in Netflix Company and, its effects and, remedies companies in the entertainment industry can use to address the issues of data breach.

A brief overview of Netflix Company

Netflix was founded 29th August 1997 by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings in Scotts Valley, California (Rancord Society, 2019). It offers several award-winning television programs, animations, films and documentaries….. Read more



Canadian VS U.S. Healthcare Systems

Canadian VS U.S. Healthcare Systems

Perform an internet search on the Canadian Healthcare System. Please summarize the system and list five pros and cons of the system. In addition, please explain how the Canadian Healthcare System is different from the US Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid system.

It is extremely important that your initial post should be written in an essay format. At a minimum, you will need an introductory paragraph, paragraphs to analyze the content in pros and cons or positive & negatives as well as a paragraph relating to your conclusions.

The Chicago City Council

The Chicago City Council should implement a coordinated approach to provision of services such as housing to prevent homeless residents from experiencing the harsh consequences including addiction, low self-esteem, and poverty to lower crimes in the city

spiritual diversity in clinical practice

 For this assignment, reflect on your Christian educational experience so far. What influence will it have on your personal and professional life? Write a two- to three-page paper that responds to the following: How will you maintain a biblical worldview and also demonstrate an ethical response to spiritual diversity in your clinical practice? Use Scripture to support your response. Please discuss any tension you may feel between the two. Discuss how you will manage that tension. If you do not feel such tension, please explain how and why. Your paper must be written in APA format, and you must use at least three academic sources to support your response.

Significance of accountability and reporting in the Army

Significance of accountability and reporting in the Army

Must include significance of why soldiers must be ready to deploy and include examples of 82nd rapid deployment to HKIA Afghanistan and Panama.