Ethics And Boundary Issues



Moral Conflict Occurs and When It Needs to Be Resolved Ethically 

John Duke

Phyllis and Harvey Sandler School of Social Work

 Florida Atlantic University

SOW 3302: The Profession of Social Work

David Simpson, Ph.D., LCSW (IL)

October 04, 2022




Social work boundary problems highlight the complexity and difficulty of boundary-related ethical dilemmas in the field. This paper examines when a moral dilemma arises in therapist-client relationship and how it ought to be resolved. The paper demonstrates this in an analysis of a case study involving a social worker who engaged in unethical conduct with his client, causing boundary violations and boundary crossing. Also, the paper will analyze the need for social workers to spot potentially hazardous relationships, identify dependency situations, and differentiate between ethical and unethical dual relationships. Social workers are responsible for determining the values, ethical standards, and principles that inform their practice as part of the profession’s emphasis on ethics. The code of ethics developed by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) outlines the core values of the social work profession, which include promoting clients’ health and safety and to assist them in obtaining their most fundamental needs.


Social ethics pertain to the beliefs and principles guiding social workers’ interactions with their clients. It is customarily the social worker’s responsibility to establish a respectful and professional rapport with their clientele. To build a strong working connection, they need to earn each other’s trust, which primarily benefits the clients by allowing them to evaluate their comfort level by showing emotion. With a case study of a social worker and client whose relationship featured multiple unethical acts and subsequent boundary violations, this paper primarily analyzes professional ethics in social work. When social workers disregard the profession’s code of ethics, it can lead to breaches of boundaries with their clients. Social workers must be aware of the principles and ethics guiding the field to spot unethical and ineffective clients and take appropriate action…….Read More

Discussion Post: The conflict perspective

Discussion Post: Conflict (Political)

The conflict perspective affirms that individuals in power are divided depending on their age, class, gender and race, among other extensive factors (Wilson et al., 2020). Politically, the conflict perspective asserts that change happens when institutions shit to restore power. The three issues discussed in this paper are poverty, voter roll purges and power struggle.

During the re-evaluation of voter rolls to remove deceased people’s names, duplicate names or people with standing felony convictions, election officials continuously discriminate against several voters’ lists (Corporate of New York, 2019). This, in turn, deletes many eligible voters’ details, often including people of colour. From the conflict perspective, voter roll purges are one of the ways to deny people of colour rights and voices at the expense of the wealthy.

Changes in political systems are often necessitated by individuals in high and medium-social classes (Wilson et al., 2020). This often is linked to their sex, age, gender, race, educational level and class. The visibility of such acts is even vivid in the contemporary world, where the older and rich make most of the final political decisions. From the conflict perspective, the government division regarding decision-making powers proves the need to introduce specific changes in the political structures to include everyone regardless of the factors discussed……Read More

Assignment 4-FE Analysis


Assignment 4, FE 2 (1 page): Complete at least 3-4 hours of observation of your identified student/client and identify current treatment strategies and supports in place. Identify one journal article on one the intervention strategies you observed being used and identify the pros and cons of the intervention.  You will submit a 1-2 summary as outlined using APA format.  These FE’s will then be combined and help to form the body of your final paper outlined below. The FE’s will be graded along the way and feedback will be provided.  Please note that for FE 5 you will not have to turn in a written product but those hours will need to be documented on your practicum tracking form. Complete 4 hours of observation with your identified student/individual and complete a one page summary outlining the observation including a description of the client and the setting.


Assignment 4, FE 2:

I conducted the observation of my identified child with autistic spectrum disorder from 10 am to 3 pm during an in-home therapy. The client, Mary, is a four-year old girl. She enjoys playing musical toys, Lego blocks, and walks around the park. Also, Mary is a fast learner, especially when focusing on the task at hand. However, Mary has a short attention span and struggles to maintain eye contact, thus blocking concentration. Also, although the therapist said that Mary had improved, she is minimally verbal. The treatment took place in n home-based setting. The current treatment strategy and support for Mary is incidental teaching……..Read More 

How do motivating operations affect behavior and the consequences of behavior?

How do motivating operations affect behavior and the consequences of behavior?

Assignment 1, Unit 6 Discussion: How do motivating operations affect behavior and the consequences of behavior? (Answer with at least 1 paragraph)Provide a specific example of how motivating operations can impact the reinforcer effectiveness. (At least 1 paragraph).


Assignment 1, Unit 6 Discussion:

Rispoli et al. (2011) define MOs as the events that alter the value of reinforcement and the frequency of behavior previously correlated with such reinforcement. Therefore, MOs affect behavior and the consequences of behavior by either increasing or decreasing the value of an event or stimulus as reinforcement. They establish a new behavior by increasing the value of something. On the contrary, behavior decreases when the operation decreases the value of the
stimuli. For example, when someone is thirsty, they eagerly want a drink. In this situation, thirst is the MO. It increases the value of the beverage. Accordingly, the beverage becomes……Read More

What are challenges you foresee in securing a practicum placement, a supervisor, and time management?


Discussion 6: Behavior Analysts

Discussion 6: A school district has two behavior analysts. One BA (Shannon) is responsible for middle and high school and the other (Judy) is responsible for elementary schools.   Judy is pregnant and will be taking 3 months of maternity leave, the administration wants Shannon to cover all the schools but stress that Shannon will have Judy’s assistant to help her. Shannon also has an assistant. The administrators remind Shannon that it is only for three months. They have been interviewing for a temporary replacement but none can be found since it is only a 3-month assignment. What should Shannon do?


Discussion 6: Case Scenario

I think Shannon should go ahead and take over the elementary schools. This is reasonable because Judy made it clear that she will be taking 3 months maternity leave and by doing this it also benefits Shannon by giving her a chance to oversee the elementary school teachers. Furthermore, Shannon’s role as a temporary assistant principal can benefit the school district by developing new leadership skills and showing that she is willing to expand her duties in order to help improve the district. I also think it is reasonable because Shannon should be evaluated on
the basis of what she is capable of doing, not what someone else should be able to do….Read More 

Ethics and Professionalism Unit 6


Ethics and Professionalism Unit 6

Assignment 3, Diversity Assignment: Each student will choose one articles on cultural diversity in ABA and write a 1-page reflection based on the information presented.  This could be on race and ABA, Gender and ABA, Diagnosis of Autism and Ethnicity, etc. There are a ton of topics available so just select any journal article on the topics and write your paper accordingly.  Be sure to adhere to APA guidelines. Each student will be responsible for choosing an article on cultural diversity. The paper will cover your views of the article based on the information you have learned so far in this course and in your current/past work or life experiences. Each student will write a reflection based on the information presented.


Assignment 3, Diversity Assignment:

The demand for behavior analysts to serve people from diverse cultural backgrounds has increased significantly in the recent years, thanks to globalization. The article “Cultural Diversity within the Field of Applied Behavior Analysis” by Rodriguez (2020) explores how increase in immigration in the US has made it difficult for therapists to offer culturally competent services. Rodriguez claims that this problem is higher among behavior analysts whose major aim is to offer behavior analytic measures for solving issues of social significance. However, a crucial distinction to make is that what is socially significant to me may not be for another person. We should consider this difference when implementing behavioral interventions for people with a different cultural background. Sometimes we may assess a client and identify a treatment goal that doesn’t conform to the patient’s cultural beliefs. This…..Read More 

What do you think are the goals of practicum and why do you think the BACB is so strict in standards and documentation?

Assignment 1, Discussion 7 Practicum: What do you think are the goals of practicum and why do you think the BACB is so strict in standards and documentation?


Assignment 1, Discussion 7 Practicum:

Generally, the goal of practicum is to gain experience in the field, mainly in real-life service provision setting. Our field has various carefully evaluated practicum sites which give students unique experiences in applied behavior analysis. This practicum allows them to apply the procedures and principles they were taught by their professors. It is a perfect learning environment for students to develop their skills. We often consider it as a final exam because it is a chance to determine whether the student is ready to practice outside the classroom. I think BACB is strict in standards to protect consumers. This strictness also ensures that behavior analysts maintain standards of professional conduct when practicing….Read More

Introduction to ABA Studies Unit 8

What are challenges you foresee in securing a practicum placement, a supervisor, and time management?

Assignment 1, Discussion 8: What are challenges you foresee in securing a practicum placement, a supervisor, and time management?


Assignment 1, Discussion 8:

Practicum and supervised field experience are the initial step in the work-life for every ABA practitioner. For them to complete the ABA course and become a certified behavior analyst, the ABA student should complete a practicum program and supervision experience. Although many of us belief that landing a great practicum is the end to our worries, we must know that securing a practicum placement or supervision is a set of new problems. One major
challenge I foresee in securing a practicum placement is finding a suitable organization to work in. there are thousands of ABA students out there searching for attachment. The issue is that most of the organizations that specialize in behavior management were closed down during the pandemic. As such, most behavior analysts started working remotely, leaving limited places for students to do their practicum programs. Also, students may encounter challenges in carrying out their practicum in the midst of transitions and interruptions caused by the pandemic……Read More 

What do you think are the goals of practicum and why do you think the BACB is so strict in standards and documentation?

What are your fears about the exam?  How do you think you may prepare?

Assignment 1, Exam: What are your fears about the exam?  How do you think you may prepare?


Assignment 1: Exam

My greatest exam fear is the fear of failure. I fear not securing the recommended passing marks. I also fear disappointing other people’ expectations such as my guardians, friends and parents on the kind of grades I should get. The two keep creeping into my mind and I end up feeling very anxious and stressed. Days to exams am always finding myself suffering from increased heartbeat, headache, fear and panic attacks as I can’t withstand the feelings of failure. My wish has always been to get the best grade, which affects me emotionally and physically in most cases. I mood quickly shifts as most of the time I feel frustrated or angry. Therefore, to manage the fear of failing exams, I will implement a positive study approach. According to Ebrahim and Task (2022), with effective planning and strategy, one can overcome exam fear such as the fear of failure in any of the presented exams….Read more 

What are challenges you foresee in securing a practicum placement, a supervisor, and time management?

Functional Behavioral Assessments

Assignment 3, Final Project Check In #1: Read and review 1 previously unread article on functional behavioral assessments or functional analysis.  Write a brief 1-2 page review of the research.



Saini et al., (2020) use a qualitative and quantitative review to understand the functional analysis of problem behaviour. They note, functional analysis originated in the 1960s and is an effective standard technique. This is because it is crucial for identifying and analyzing environmental variables for shaping and maintaining behaviour problems. Some of the problematic behaviours they include are self-injury, aggression and property destruction. Saini et al., (2020) article is indeed important in identifying the vast studies discussing functional analysis methods. It includes procedural modifications and experimental designs through basic probability theory and visual inspection techniques. They are used to compare and evaluate functional analysis methods in understanding problematic behaviours. This paper provides a review of Saini et al., (2020)’s article. Saini et al., (2020) article discusses the role of functional analysis in problem behaviour assessment and treatment……Read more