You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. 

You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.

· All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.

Post #1

Jenna Horgan

St Thomas University

NUR 420

Professor Roberts

February 23, 2023


Give a brief summary evaluation of your community’s health, the major strengths of your community, and the hopes for your community in the future. Also, discuss what has resonated with you in this course.

In my community, most of the individuals are adults over 45 years. Due to their old age and lack of exercise, they suffer from numerous conditions, such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. The other population tends to suffer from stress due to an increase in the cost of living as well as job losses caused by the Covid-19 pandemic (Smith et al., 2021). There are also numerous homeless individuals who suffer from illness because they lack healthcare services.

Our community has numerous strengths. It has been around for many years and has transitioned from traditional to modern performances. The people in the community have local businesses, both big and small, which offer employment to the locals and those from neighboring communities. Most residents own personal vehicles, but the community is equipped with public transportation, which provides metro rails, taxis (Uber/Lyft), and buses.

The issue of the homeless in the community has been addressed, and the number of homeless people on the streets has significantly decreased as compared to other communities. The community also takes care of the population of drug users and the mentally ill. The community has set up several rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and health centers to offer medical care and services to those in need. Another strength our community has is recreational facilities. We have numerous recreational facilities that offer entertainment to everyone on weekends, holidays, and every other day.

Our community was able to fight against the pandemic that had affected us greatly. The community was able to set up a vaccination center to help mitigate the spread of the disease as well as a testing center. Finally, the last strength in our community is our unity. Through this unity, we have achieved small and great things. As a community, we were able to engage our youths in activities that are beneficial to them and will help them grow to be respectable citizens. In addition, this helped us reduce the abuse of substances because most youths are engaged in other activities.

The community has several hopes for the future. We hope to become more socially, economically, culturally, and educationally developed. The community plans to achieve this by advancing nightlife opportunities (Ife, 2016). This will allow for more infrastructures to be developed, which in turn will secure commercial and residential developments. The community also aims to increase and maximize security for all residents. We plan on doing this by lowering the crime rates within the city and in neighboring communities. This will allow the city to progress in a positive direction.

This course has allowed me to have a better understanding of my community as well as know my place and responsibility in society. This understanding will allow me to ensure that my community moves in the right direction. This course has allowed me to create my locality because it has created competition in class among all of us regarding which community has better facilities and which community does better than the others. I have also become more knowledgeable, and I am in a better position to educate fellow community members on different things that are beneficial to them as well as the community (Pigg, 2013).


Ife, J. (2016). Community development in an uncertain world: Vision, analysis and practice. Cambridge University Press.

Pigg, K. (2013). Community leadership development: The effects on community development. Community Development, 44(4), 408-410. Links to an external site.

Smith, B., Riddle, M., Wagner, A., Edgemon, L., Burdi, C., & Hyde, I. (2021). County economic impact index: Measuring the ongoing economic effects of COVID-19. Links to an external site.





Post #2


Student: Fabienne Jean Baptiste

Professor: Tina Roberts

Class: NUR-420-AP1

Assignment: Discussion #7

Due date: 02/23/2023

Community Health

My community is significantly diverse, incorporating people from various ethnicities and socio-cultural and economic backgrounds. The diversity implies that people’s levels of access to healthcare differ. However, the community has not experienced any significant health challenges. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic represents the most notable health challenge the community has faced in the past few decades. COVID19 manifests the novel coronavirus, which spreads mainly through the air and affects the respiratory and cardiovascular system.

Most people in the community are unaware of the symptoms associated with the coronavirus, despite the massive sensitization efforts aimed at curbing the pandemic. This lack of awareness manifests in failure to adhere to all the measures prescribed by major healthcare authorities to curb the disease. The community appears to be in urgent need of information about the pandemic, especially with regard to the way it spreads and approaches that can be adopted for prevention, such as symptom identification.

Additionally, the number of people visiting healthcare facilities has reduced drastically, albeit for the wrong reasons. For example, this reduction is attributable to the fact that most fear acquiring the virus. This trend is particularly dangerous for low-income families, which are already struggling with the burden of preventing varying diseases due to financial challenges. For example, in light of the pandemic, there is an acute lack of crucial supplies such as disinfectants in low-income households. For this reason, the potential of the members of such families to contract the novel coronavirus is significantly high.

Major Strengths

The primary strength of this community is the unity exhibited by the residents. This unity manifests in the support people tend to have for one another despite their diversity. It plays a central role in ensuring that the promotion strategies adopted by health agencies are likely to be implemented. This aspect is crucial, considering the massive extent to which such measures thrive in a supportive environment (Meng et al., 2020). This community also boasts a wide array of health facilities, which can be avenues for educating people about the disease. It also enhances the prospects of awareness drives to be massively successful in curbing the spread of the pandemic.

The community also boasts of access to basic emergency service facilities. These facilities play a crucial role in catering to the needs of those with adverse ailments and the massive population of the elderly prone to many health issues. The distance between the community and the town is also minimal, which implies easy accessibility when practitioners or patients want to interact with one another.

Future Hopes

The community will curb the pandemic and thus enhance its prospects of maintaining its previous health status. I hope that an effective awareness campaign will be carried out, ensuring that residents stand a significant chance of combatting pandemics in the future. Implementing screening exercises for coronavirus can be an effective tool in attaining the aforementioned objective (Logan, 2020). This aspect is crucial to helping people understand the extent to which the disease can be linked to their symptoms.

Course Resonation

This course has been both helpful and interesting, especially in the way it has provided knowledge about health issues. Engaging with the course material has enabled learning about the need for targeting health promotion initiatives on residents and locations to enhance the effectiveness of the implementation process. Additionally, learning about the different health promotion strategies reinforced my belief in the notion of combating the COVID-19 pandemic.


Logan, R. I. (2020). ‘A poverty in understanding’: Assessing the structural challenges experienced           by community health workers and their clients. Global Public Health, 15(1), 137-150.

Meng, L., Hua, F., & Bian, Z. (2020). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): emerging and future             challenges for dental and oral medicine. Journal of dental research, 99 (5), 481-487.

Discussion Topic: On what policy issues might nurses lobby Congress? What strategies might nurse use to have their voices heard?

Discussion Topic: On what policy issues might nurses lobby Congress? What strategies might nurse use to have their voices heard?


– The discussion must address the topic

– Rationale must be provided

– Use at least 600 words (no included 1st page or references in the 600 words)

– Formatted and cited in current APA 7practice

Ø Formatted and cited in current APA 7

– Use 3 academic sources, not older than 5 years. Not Websites are allowed.

– Plagiarism is NOT permitted

Compare and contrast the attachments.  At a minimum, you should address the following  in your assignment 

Compare and contrast the attachments.  At a minimum, you should address the following  in your assignment

  1. Discuss at least two similarities and two differences between the perspectives expressed by the authors of each article.
  2. Discuss your own perspective on the material in the articles and how your views changed or did not change after reading the articles.
  3. In your future PMHNP practice, you will be using the DSM-5-TR to diagnose patients.  How will you apply what you learned from the articles when diagnosing and treating patients?

Criteria for success:

  • Fully answer all of the prompts in detail.
  • Show evidence of scholarly analysis and synthesis of the materials.  Go beyond repeating the authors’ perspectives.

What makes a good psychiatrist?

What makes a good psychiatrist? What particular skills are needed to practice a ‘medicine of the mind’? Although it is impossible to answer such questions fully we believe that there is mounting evidence that good practice in psychiatry primarily involves engagement with the non-technical dimensions of our work such as relationships, meanings and values. Psychiatry has thus far been guided by a technological paradigm that, although not ignoring these aspects of our work, has kept them as secondary concerns. The dominance of this paradigm can be seen in the importance we have attached to classification systems, causal models of understanding mental distress and the framing of psychiatric care as a series of discrete interventions that can be analysed and measured independent of context.1

In recent years this Journal has published a series of editorials arguing that the profession should adopt an even more technological and biomedical identity, and that psychiatrists should focus on their mastery of technology to allow progress in the development of brain research, genetics, pharmacology and neuroradiology.2–4 These resonate with calls in North America for psychiatry to become simply a ‘clinical neuroscience’.5

However, the promise of therapeutic gains from the brain sciences always seems to be for the future, leading some to interrogate their contribution to advances in our field.6 Indeed, neuroscientists themselves have become more cautious about the value of reductionist approaches to understanding the nature of human thought, emotion and behaviour.7,8 Furthermore, there is ample evidence that anti-stigma campaigns based on biogenetic models of serious mental illness have been counterproductive.9

The increasing focus on neuroscience has meant that other important developments in the provision of care and support for people with mental health problems over the course of the past century have been neglected. Historically, these have been driven mostly by non-technical changes that have fostered empowerment and social inclusion.10 It is generally agreed that the closure of the large Victorian asylums improved patients’ quality of life. But this was mainly the result of economic imperatives combined with a growing realisation of the negative effects of institutionalisation, rather than, as frequently suggested, a consequence of the introduction of new drugs.11,12 Other positive developments have resulted from the establishment of multidisciplinary, community- based care and the rise of the service user movement and

voluntary sector supports. Many psychiatrists have worked hard to promote these developments but the increasing focus on technical and biomedical aspects of care have served to sideline such efforts.

The technological paradigm

Since its origins in the asylums of the 19th century,13 psychiatry has faced a fundamental question: can a medicine of the mind work with the same epistemology as a medicine of the tissues? Through the 19th and 20th centuries, psychiatry held fast to the idea that mental health problems are best understood through a biomedical idiom; that problems with feelings, thoughts, behaviours and relationships can be fully grasped with the same sort of scientific tools that we use to investigate problems with our livers and lungs. In more recent decades, models of cognitive psychology, such as ‘information processing’, have been developed that work with the same technical idiom.14 The ‘technological paradigm’ that now guides psychiatry incorporates these perspectives, works with a positivist orientation15 and involves the following assumptions.

(a) Mental health problems arise from faulty mechanisms or processes of some sort, involving abnormal physiological or psychological events occurring within the individual.

(b) These mechanisms or processes can be modelled in causal terms. They are not context-dependent.

(c) Technological interventions are instrumental and can be designed and studied independently of relationships and values.

In the technological paradigm, mental health problems can be mapped and categorised with the same causal logic used in the rest of medicine, and our interventions can be understood as a series of discrete treatments targeted at specific syndromes or symptoms. Relationships, meanings, values, cultural beliefs and practices are not ignored but become secondary in importance. This order of priorities is reflected in our understanding of the training needs of future psychiatrists, what gets published in journals, what topics are selected for analysis at conferences, the types of research that are promoted and how we conceptualise our relationship with the service user movement.

We suggest that this paradigm has not served psychiatry well. Ignoring fundamental epistemological issues at the heart of our


Psychiatry beyond the current paradigm{

Pat Bracken, Philip Thomas, Sami Timimi, Eia Asen, Graham Behr, Carl Beuster, Seth Bhunnoo, Ivor Browne, Navjyoat Chhina, Duncan Double, Simon Downer, Chris Evans, Suman Fernando, Malcolm R. Garland, William Hopkins, Rhodri Huws, Bob Johnson, Brian Martindale, Hugh Middleton, Daniel Moldavsky, Joanna Moncrieff, Simon Mullins, Julia Nelki, Matteo Pizzo, James Rodger, Marcellino Smyth, Derek Summerfield, Jeremy Wallace and David Yeomans

Summary A series of editorials in this Journal have argued that psychiatry is in the midst of a crisis. The various solutions proposed would all involve a strengthening of psychiatry’s identity as essentially ‘applied neuroscience’. Although not discounting the importance of the brain sciences and psychopharmacology, we argue that psychiatry needs to move beyond the dominance of the current, technological

paradigm. This would be more in keeping with the evidence about how positive outcomes are achieved and could also serve to foster more meaningful collaboration with the growing service user movement.

Declaration of interest None.

The British Journal of Psychiatry (2012) 201, 430–434. doi: 10.1192/bjp.bp.112.109447

Special article

{See editorial, pp. 421–422, this issue.

models does not make them go away. Moreover, it does not yield results that are consistent with the demands of evidence-based medicine. Many inside and outside the profession are asking searching questions that challenge current theory and practice. For example, Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, launched a serious attack on the orientation and practice of modern psychiatry in a series of book reviews last year.16,17 The technological paradigm underscores a trend towards the medicalisation of everyday life, which, in turn, is associated with expanding markets for psychotropic agents. This has drawn widespread criticism, including from the chair of the DSM-IV taskforce.18 This process has also led to the corruption of sections of academic psychiatry through its entanglement with the pharmaceutical industry, damaging the profession’s credibility in the process.19

Psychiatry now faces two challenges it cannot ignore. First, a growing body of empirical evidence points to the primary importance of the non-technical aspects of mental healthcare. If we are genuine about promoting ‘evidenced-based’ practice, we will have to take this seriously. Second, real collaboration with the service user movement can only happen when psychiatry is ready to move beyond the primacy of the technical paradigm. In contrast to the thrust of recent editorials, we argue that substantive progress in our field will not come from neuroscience and pharmaceuticals (important as these might be) but from a fundamental re-examination of what mental healthcare is all about and a rethinking of how genuine knowledge and expertise can be developed in the field of mental health.

Empirical evidence that challenges the current paradigm

Many of our patients benefit from psychiatric care and report improvements with drug treatments and different forms of psychotherapy. This is not in doubt. But how do such improvements come about? We will look at the evidence relating to therapeutic change in depression and allied conditions first. We will then look at the evidence for ‘serious mental illness’ (a term that usually covers syndromes such as ‘schizophrenia’ and ‘bipolar disorder’).

Therapeutic change in depression and allied conditions

There is strong evidence that improvement in depression comes mainly from non-technical aspects of interventions. Recent meta-analyses of drug treatments for depression demonstrate that drug–placebo differences are minimal.20–23 Even in subgroups of individuals who are more severely depressed, where differences have been reported as being clinically significant, they are still small in absolute terms and may be simply the result of decreased responsiveness to placebo.24 The placebo effect is a complex phenomenon involving conscious and unconscious experiences.25,26 Among other things, it involves the mobilisation of a sense of hope and meaning27 and it would appear that this is the principal way in which these drugs work. The psychoactive effects of antidepressants, such as the sedative effects of tricyclics and the emotional disengagement produced by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, are also likely to be relevant to their performance in clinical trials, and may or may not be experienced as helpful by some individuals. Overall, available evidence does not support the idea that antidepressants work by correcting a pre-existing ‘chemical imbalance’.28

Two recent reviews of comparisons of real with ‘sham’ electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) also highlight the importance

of non-technical aspects of this treatment. Rasmussen29 concludes that ‘substantial proportions of what seemed to be severely ill patients responded to sham treatment quite robustly’. None of the studies reviewed by Read & Bentall30 found significant differences between real and sham ECT after the treatment period. The Northwick Park study,31 regarded by many as the best designed controlled study of ECT,32 is often quoted as having found evidence to support the use of ECT. However, there was no significant difference, over a 4-week treatment period, between real and sham ECT on ratings by patients or nurses. The single positive difference (for a ‘deluded’ group, and perceived by psychiatrists alone) had disappeared 1 month after the end of treatment. By 6 months, there was actually a two-point difference in scores on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression in favour of the sham treatment. It is unlikely that the trial, if designed and executed now to current trial guidelines, could have been reported as supporting the use of ECT and it is notable that the researchers, even then, concluded that: ‘many depressive illnesses although severe may have a favourable outcome with intensive nursing and medical care even if physical treatments are not given’.31

Similar conclusions emerge from the literature on psycho- therapy. Cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT) is the form of psychotherapy most widely promoted today. Its proponents argue that it works by rectifying faulty cognitions that are believed to cause depression.33 However, several studies have shown that most of the specific features of CBT can be dispensed with without adversely affecting outcomes.34 A comprehensive review of studies of the different components of CBT concluded that there is ‘ . . . little evidence that specific cognitive interventions significantly increase the effectiveness of the therapy’.35

The evidence that non-specific factors, as opposed to specific techniques, account for nearly all the change in therapy is overwhelming. In their review of the evidence on the effectiveness of psychotherapy, Budd & Hughes write ‘no clear pattern of superiority for any one treatment has emerged’.36 Cooper provides an up-to-date and comprehensive examination of the empirical research on psychotherapy in general.37 What emerges from the evidence is that non-specific factors (client variables, extra- therapeutic events, relationship variables and expectancy and placebo effects) account for about 85% of the variance in therapeutic outcomes across the psychotherapy field. In particular, the relationship between therapeutic alliance and outcome seems remarkably robust across treatment modalities and clinical presentations.38 The lack of markedly enhanced outcomes from the use of specific techniques is not limited to research settings. For example, in a review of over 5000 cases treated in a variety of National Health Service settings in the UK, no significant variance in outcome could be attributed to the specific psychotherapeutic model used, with non-specific factors such as the therapeutic relationship accounting for most of the variance in outcomes.39 This has caused some difficulty in developing national guidelines. Although the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Quick Reference Guide40 provides clear and definitive recommendations as to what therapies are recommended in states of depression, an exploration of the full guideline (Clinical Guideline 90)22 reveals that, in reality, the evidence for the superiority of a particular approach is far from clear-cut.

Recovery from serious mental illness

The move away from a technological paradigm resonates strongly with key insights from the ‘recovery approach’ to mental healthcare that has become increasingly influential.10 There is a growing appreciation that personally meaningful recovery from


Psychiatry beyond the current paradigm

Bracken et al

serious mental disorder is not necessarily related to the specific treatments that are prescribed.41 Research has pointed to the importance of the therapeutic alliance in determining outcomes.42

Others have pointed to the importance of self-esteem and an ‘internal locus of control’.43 It seems that creating a therapeutic context that promotes empowerment and connectedness and that helps rebuild a positive self-identity is of great significance.44,45

The concept of recovery is still in development.46 Evidence from non-Western settings47 and communities48 reveals that people recover from serious mental illness through many pathways, pointing to the crucial importance of respecting diversity in mental health work, both theoretically and therapeutically.49

At the same time, it is increasingly recognised that specific technical interventions, such as drugs, have a limited impact on the overall burden of serious mental illness.50 A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials investigating the effectiveness of first- and second-generation antipsychotic drugs found that, at best, the improvements seen in two commonly used rating scales (the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale and the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) were ‘disappointingly limited’.51 Although the authors’ caution against the conclusion that antipsychotics have ‘negligible effects in clinical practice’, given their findings, and those of other groups,52 such a conclusion does not seem unreasonable. Over-reliance on psychopharmacology as the primary response to serious mental illness created the conditions for a blindness towards the serious adverse effects of some psychiatric drugs, and for a shameful collusion with the pharmaceutical industry’s marketing campaign that sold the illusion of major innovations in antipsychotic drugs. The claimed therapeutic advances were, in fact, ‘spurious’.53 As Kendall put it recently ‘the story of the atypicals and the SGAs [second-generation antipsychotics] is not the story of clinical discovery and progress; it is the story of fabricated classes, money and marketing’.54 These drugs are associated with increased cardiovascular risk.55 Such iatrogenic effects have been cited as one of the reasons for the significantly decreased life expectancy of people with mental illness.56

The balance of evidence does not support the idea that mental health problems are best grasped through a technical idiom or that good mental health work can be characterised as a series of discrete interventions. This is not to say that medical knowledge and expertise are not relevant, and even vital, in the field of mental health. However, the problems we grapple with cry out for a more nuanced form of medical understanding and practice. As Kirmayer & Gold put it recently ‘Defining psychiatry as applied neuroscience valorizes the brain but urges on us a discipline that is both mindless and uncultured’.57 We need to develop an approach to mental health problems that is genuinely sensitive to the complex interplay of forces (biological, psychological, social and cultural) that underlie them and that can be used therapeutically. The evidence is becoming clear that to improve outcomes for our patients, we must focus more on contexts, relationships and the creation of services where the promotion of dignity, respect, meaning and engagement are prioritised.10

We must become more comfortable with cultural diversity, user empowerment and the importance of peer support.58

Collaboration with the service user movement

Although patients with mental illness were collectively pursuing their goals as far back as the 17th century,59 it was not until the 1980s that effective user organisations emerged. Since then the rise of the movement has been rapid. In the UK alone, it is now estimated that there are at least 300 groups with an approximate

membership of 9000.60 The service user movement is now worldwide, with organisations set up by service users consulted by national governments, the World Health Organization, the United Nations and the World Psychiatric Association.61

Although some service users are happy to define themselves and their problems through a biomedical framework, many others are not. Such groups and individuals hold a variety of views, but are generally united by a rejection of the technological framework and the way it defines their problems through an expert vocabulary and logic. A good example is the Hearing Voices Network (HVN). This emerged in the Netherlands in the late 1980s, after it was initiated by the psychiatrist Marius Romme.62

It has spread across Europe and America largely through the efforts of people who hear voices. The HVN is not only a peer support organisation but also offers a different way of under- standing and responding to voice hearing. Other organisations, such as Mind Freedom International and the Icarus Project not only offer peer support, but also challenge the dominant psycho- pathological framework. Thus, large sections of the service user movement seek to reframe experiences of mental illness, distress and alienation by turning them into human, rather than technical, challenges.63

There is also evidence that many patients who are not active in the service user movement find psychiatric interventions problematic and sometimes harmful. In their study of users’ views of services, Rogers et al 64 found that many service users did not really value the technical expertise of the professionals. Instead, they were more concerned with the human aspects of their encounters such as being listened to, taken seriously, and treated with dignity, kindness and respect.


Psychiatry is not neurology; it is not a medicine of the brain. Although mental health problems undoubtedly have a biological dimension, in their very nature they reach beyond the brain to involve social, cultural and psychological dimensions. These cannot always be grasped through the epistemology of biomedicine. The mental life of humans is discursive in nature. As Harré & Gillet put it ‘We must learn to see the mind as the meeting point of a range of structuring influences whose nature can only be painted on a broader canvas than that provided by the study of individual organisms’.14 Reductionist models fail to grasp what is most important in terms of recovery. The evidence base is telling us that we need a radical shift in our understanding of what is at the heart (and perhaps soul) of mental health practice. If we are to operate in an evidence-based manner, and work collaboratively with all sections of the service user movement, we need a psychiatry that is intellectually and ethically adequate to deal with the sort of problems that present to it. As well as the addition of more social science and humanities to the curriculum of our trainees we need to develop a different sensibility towards mental illness itself and a different under- standing of our role as doctors.65 We are not seeking to replace one paradigm with another. A post-technological psychiatry will not abandon the tools of empirical science or reject medical and psychotherapeutic techniques but will start to position the ethical and hermeneutic aspects of our work as primary, thereby highlighting the importance of examining values, relationships, politics and the ethical basis of care and caring.

Such a shift will have major implications for our research priorities, the skills we teach our trainees, the sort of services we seek to develop and the role we play in managing risk. This represents a substantial, but exciting, challenge to our profession


Psychiatry beyond the current paradigm

to recognise what it does best. We will always need to use our knowledge of the brain and the body to identify organic causes of mental disturbance. We will also need knowledge of psychopharmacology to provide relief from certain forms of distress. But good psychiatry involves active engagement with the complex nature of mental health problems, a healthy scepticism for biological reductionism, tolerance for the tangled nature of relationships and meanings and the ability to negotiate these issues in a way that empowers service users and their carers. Just as operating skills are at the heart of good surgical practice, skills in working with multiple layers of knowledge and many systems of meaning are at the heart of our work. We will never have a biomedical science that is similar to hepatology or respiratory medicine, not because we are bad doctors, but because the issues we deal with are of a different nature.

Understanding the unique contribution psychiatry makes to healthcare can only increase our relevance to the rest of medicine. All forms of suffering involve layers of personal history, embedded in a nexus of meaningful relationships that are, in turn, embedded in cultural and political systems. Kleinman & van der Geest have rightly critiqued the way in which medicine in general has come to see ‘caregiving’ in purely technical terms.66 Similarly, Heath has argued for the importance of relationships and narrative understanding in general practice.67 Psychiatry has the potential to offer leadership in this area. Retreating to an even more biomedical identity will not only sell our patients short, but risks leading the profession down a single narrow alley, when what is needed is openness to alternative routes.

Pat Bracken, MD, MRCPsych, PhD, Centre for Mental Health Care and Recovery, Bantry General Hospital, Bantry, Ireland; Philip Thomas, MPhil, FRCPsych, MD, University of Bradford, Bradford, UK; Sami Timimi, FRCPsych, Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust Child and Family Services Horizons Centre, Lincoln, UK; Eia Asen, MD, FRCPsych, Marlborough Family Service, Central and North West London Foundation NHS Trust, London, UK; Graham Behr, MRCPsych, Central and North West London Foundation NHS Trust, London, UK; Carl Beuster, MRCPsych, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, UK; Seth Bhunnoo, MA, MPhil, MRCPsych, The Halliwick Centre, Haringey Complex Care Team, St Ann’s Hospital, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, London, UK; Ivor Browne, FRCPI, FRCPsych, MSc (Harv), DPM, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland; Navjyoat Chhina, MA (Oxon), MSc, MRCPsych, Early Intervention Team, Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Penrith, UK; Duncan Double, MA, MRCPsych, Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, Norwich, UK; Simon Downer, MRCPsych, Severn Deanery School of Psychiatry, Bristol, UK; Chris Evans, MRCPsych, MSc, MinstGA, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK; Suman Fernando, FRCPsych, Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities, London Metropolitan University, London, UK; Malcolm R. Garland, MD, MRCPI, MRCPsych, St Ita’s Hospital, Portrane, Ireland; William Hopkins, FRCpsych, Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust, London, UK; Rhodri Huws, FRCPsych, Eastglade Community Health Centre, Sheffield, UK; Bob Johnson, MRCPsych, MRCGP, MA, PhD, Rivington House Clinic, UK; Brian Martindale, FRCP FRCPsych, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; Hugh Middleton, MD, MRCP, FRCPsych, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK; Daniel Moldavsky, Specialist Associate RCPsych, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Nottingham, UK; Joanna Moncrieff, MRCPsych, Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London, London, UK; Simon Mullins, MRCPych, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, Sheffield, UK; Julia Nelki, FRCPsych, Chester Eating Disorders Service, Chester, UK; Matteo Pizzo, PGDip, MRCPsych, St Ann’s Hospital, London, UK; James Rodger, MRCPsych, South Devon CAMHS, Devon Partnership NHS Trust, Exeter, UK; Marcellino Smyth, MRCPsych, MMedSci, MD, Centre for Mental Health Care and Recovery, Bantry, Ireland; Derek Summerfield, MRCPsych, CASCAID, Maudsley Hospital, London, UK; Jeremy Wallace, MSc, MRCPsych, HUS (Helsinki University Sairaala) Peijas, Vantaa, Finland; David Yeomans, MMedSc MRCPsych, Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds, UK

Correspondence: Pat Bracken, MD, MRCPsych, PhD, Centre for Mental Health Care and Recovery, Bantry General Hospital, Bantry, Co Cork, Ireland. Email:

First received 8 Mar 2012, final revision 10 Jul 2012, accepted 27 Sep 2012


1 Radden J. Thinking about the repair manual: technique and technology in psychiatry. In Philosophical Perspectives on Technology and Psychiatry (ed J Philips): 263–77. Oxford University Press, 2008.

2 Craddock N, Antebi D, Attenburrow M-J, Bailey A, Carson A, Cowen P, et al. Wake-up call for British psychiatry. Br J Psychiatry 2008; 193: 6–9.

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10 Slade M. Personal Recovery and Mental Illness. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

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13 Porter R. A Social History of Madness: Stories of the Insane. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1987.

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Identify and define the population that will be the focus of your DNP project or a population of interest.

1st stage – Identify and define the population that will be the focus of your DNP project or a population of interest.

2nd stage – Explain how you conduct a preliminary needs assessment using the course materials you have read in Modules 1-3.


2-3 paragraphs

Health Needs Assessment

Health Needs Assessment

Pamela J. Biernacki, DNP, FNP – C

Master’s Program Director, Assistant Professor

Department of Family and Community Health


Needs assessment: evaluation that answers questions about the conditions your program addresses, used to determine whether there is a need for a new program, and to prioritize needs within and across program areas

Key informant: Persons whose personal or professional position gives them a perspective on the nature and scope of a social problem


Survey: systematic collection of information from a defined population, usually interviews or questionnaires from a sample

Focus group: small panel of people chosen for their knowledge or perspective on a topic of interest

Social indicator: Periodic measurements designed to track the course of a social indicator over time





Incidence: Number of new cases over a specified time

Prevalence: Number of existing cases in a specific area at a given time

Population at risk: Individuals or units in a specified area with characteristics judged to indicate that they have a significant probability of having or developing a particular condition



Likelihood of correctly selecting the target who should be in a program in contrast to those who may be selected by the criterion but aren’t appropriate


Correctly excluding people or units that don’t have the condition of concern


Population in need: Individuals or units in a specific area that have a particular problematic condition

Rate: Occurrence or existence of a particular condition expressed as a proportion of units in the population (eg deaths per 1,000)

Stakeholders: Have something to gain or lose from the program





Citizen participation: mobilization of citizens to take action to change or improve a community

Community development: creating conditions of economic and social progress for the whole community with its active participation and initiative


Community participation: involving people in the institutions or decisions that affect their lives

Empowered community: one where individuals and organizations apply their skills and resources in an effort to meet their needs

Grass-roots participation: Bottom-up efforts of people taking action on their own behalf, blending confrontation and cooperation to meet their needs

Gathering Data

Getting Started

Primary, Secondary and Combined Data




Sources of Primary Data

From individuals

Surveys   Single step (cross-sectional, one time)

Multi-step (contact on more than one occasion)

Significant others

Opinion leaders

Key informants

Sources of Primary Data

From groups

Community forum

Focus group  Nominal group process

Few knowledgeable representatives of the target population (5-7) qualify and quantify needs

Observation  Self-directed assessments (health assessments)

Sources of Primary Data

From Governmental Agencies

US Department of Commerce  Centers for Disease Control  Census

Non-governmental agencies

Existing records





Conducting a

Needs Assessment

Purpose and Scope

Conducting a Needs Assessment  Decide the purpose and scope of the assessment

What do you want to collect?

How extensive do you want to be?

Gather Data

Decide if you will use primary or secondary data, or combination

Conducting a Needs Assessment  Analyze your data

Formal or informal

“Eyeballing” your data

Set priorities Most critical need

Adequate resources to manage

Is the best approach to the problem a health promotion intervention

Can you solve the problem in a reasonable amount of time




Conducting a Needs Assessment

In setting priorities consider:   A: Size of the problem

Epidemiological rates


B: Seriousness of the problem Economic loss to the community, families, individuals

Involvement of others not initially affected (infectious disease, drugs)

Severity of the problem (morbidity, mortality, disability)

Urgency of solving problem before causes other problems

C: Effectiveness of the intervention

D: Determine whether an intervention can be carried out at all

Conducting a Needs Assessment

Identify the factors linked to the health problem

Economic factors

Cultural factors



Conducting a Needs Assessment

Identify the program focus

What predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors exist?

What programs are available?

What programs are being used? Not used? Why?

How were those program needs determined?

Are the programs accessible?

Are needs being met?




Conducting a Needs Assessment

Validate your prioritized needs

Confirm that you’re doing the right thing

Double checking

Make sure needs assessment wasn’t biased

Conduct a focus group with your population to confirm your assessment

Get a second opinion from other health care providers


Define the Elements


A locale or domain that is characterized by the following elements:

Membership   a sense of identity and belonging

Common symbol systems language rituals symbols

Shared values/norms Mutual influence Shared needs Shared emotional connections




Community Organizing

Recognizing the concern

May happen inside or outside the community

Outside Local or state health department

VCU SON DNP Nursing Student

Inside Grass roots, citizen initiated, bottom-up


Health System

Community Organizing

Gaining entry

Gatekeepers   Approach on their terms, play their game

Know the politics

Know the power players

May enter through an established organization   Employer



Community Organizing

Organizing the people –   “Executive participants”

Fairly small group

Choose appropriate leaders

Choose supportive people

Choose people affected by the problem

Identify a leader from the core group




Community Organizing

Skills of organizers  Change vision attributes

Can see a need for change and are committed to making that change

Technical skills

Interactional or experience skills  Play well with others

Community Organizing

Assess the community   Identify primary building blocks   Most accessible assets

Located in the neighborhood/Employment Setting

Controlled by the neighborhood/Employment Setting

Small businesses or $$ source

If outside the employment setting Local expertise

Religious organizations

Citizens’ Associations

Community Organizing

Identify secondary building blocks

Located in the workplace (?)

Located in the neighborhood

Controlled outside the neighborhood

Higher education institutions


Public schools





Community Organizing

Identify potential building blocks   Resources outside the neighborhood

Controlled by outside people

Welfare expenditure

Final steps   Implement the plan

Evaluate the outcomes

Maintain the outcomes

Change as needed

Needs Services

What are the nature and magnitude of the problem?

What are the characteristics of the population in need?

What are the needs of the population?

How much service is needed, over what time frame?

What service delivery arrangements are needed?

Program Design

What clientele should be served?

What services should be provided?

What are the best delivery systems?

How can the program identify, recruit, and sustain the intended clientele?

How should the program be organized?

What resources are necessary and appropriate for the program?




Operations and Delivery

Are administrative and service objectives being met?

Are the intended people getting the intended services?

Are there needy but un-served persons the program isn’t reaching?

Do sufficient numbers use/complete services?

Are clients satisfied with services?

Are administrative, organizational, and personnel functions handled well?


Are goals and objectives being achieved?

Do the services have beneficial effects on the recipients?

Are some recipients affected more by the service than others?

Is the problem or situation the services address improving?

Cost and Efficiency

Are resources used efficiently?

Is the cost reasonable in relation to benefits?

Would alternative approaches yield equivalent benefits at less cost?

a nurse is assessing a client of possible exposure of HIV . Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an early manifestation of HIV infection?

1. a nurse is planning care for a client who has Meniere’s disease and his experiencing episodes of vertical. which of Following intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care?

a. Maintain strict bed rest—- pg 75

b. Restrict fluid intake to the morning hours.

c. Administer aspirin.

d. Provide a low-sodium diet.

2. a nurse is assessing a client of possible exposure of HIV . Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an early manifestation of HIV infection?

a. Stomatitis b. Fatigue

c. Wasting syndrome

d. Lipodystroph

3. Play nurse is teaching a client about using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device to treat obstructive sleep apnea . Which of the following information should the client include in the teaching?

a. It delivers a preset amount of inspiratory pressure at the beginning of each breath———— pg 119??????

b. it has continuous adjustment feature that changes the airway pressure throughout


c. it delivers a preset amount of airway pressure throughout the breathing cycle

d. it delivers positive pressure at the end of each breath

4. A nurse is teaching a client about fecal cult blood testing (FOBT) for the screening of colorectal cancer. Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching?

a. “Your provider will use stool from your digital rectal examination to perform the test.”

b. “Your provider will prescribe a stimulant laxative prior to the procedure to evacuate the bowel.”

c. “You should begin annual fecal occult blood testing for colorectal cancer screening at 40 years old.”

d. “You should avoid taking corticosteroids prior to testing.”

5. A nurse is preparing a client for a colonoscopy. Which of the following medication should the nurse anticipate the provider to prescribe as an anesthetic for the procedure?

a. Propofol——– pg 303

b. Pancuronium

c. Promethazine

d. Pentoxifylline


6. A nurse is teaching a client who has hypertension about dietary modifications to help control blood pressure. Which of the following food choices should the nurse recommend as a best choice for the client to include in their diet?

a. 1 packet of reconstituted dry onion soup

b. 3 oz of lean cured ham c. 3 oz of chicken breast

d. ½ cup of canned baked beans

7. A nurse is caring for a client who has rheumatoid arthritis and has been taking Prednisone.


Which     of the following findi

a. Weight loss

b. hypoglycemia

ng should the nurse identify as an adverse effect of this medication?


8. A nurse is who has increased intracranial pressure (ICP ). Which of the

following intervention should the nurse implement?

a. Place several pillows behind the client’s head

b. place the client in a Sims position – per p. 83 of 2019 version, first intervention to decrease ICP is to elevate head to at least 30o

c. keep the client’s neck in a midline position

d. maintain flexion of the client’s hips at a 90 degree angle

9. A home health nurse is providing teaching to the family of a client who has a seizure disorder. Which of the following intervention should the nurse include in the teaching?

a. Keep a padded tongue blade near the bedside.

b. Place a pillow under the client’s head while in bed during a seizure.

c. Administer diazepam orally at the onset of seizures.

d. Position the client on their side during a seizure— pg 36

10. A nurse is assessing a client who has meningitis the nurse should identify which of the following findings as a positive kernig’s sign?

a. After stroking the lateral area of the foot, the client’s toes contract and draw together. b. After hip flexion, the client is unable to extend their leg completely without pain— pg


c. The client’s voluntary movement is not coordinated.


d. The client reports pain and stiffness when flexing their neck.

11. A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has heart failure and a prescription for furosemide 20 mg PO two times daily. Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching?

a. Monitor for increased blood pressure.

b. Increase intake of high-potassium foods——– pg 207

c. Expect an increase in swelling in the hands and feet.

d. Take the second dose at bedtime.

12. A nurse is teaching a client who has type 1 diabetes mellitus about hypoglycemia. Which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?

a. exercise reduces the risk for hypoglycemia

b. I can skip my insulin when I don’t eat

c. I can drink 4 ounces of soda if my blood sugar is low

d. diabetic pills don’t cause hypoglycemia; Only insulin does

13.  A nurse in a rural community center is providing education to a group of clients about first aid interventions for snake bites to prevent further injury. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

a. Apply an ice pack directly to the affected area

b. Immobilize the affected extremity with a splint – p. 9, 2019

c. Place tourniquet above and below the affected area

d. Elevate the affected extremity

14. A nurse is teaching a group of clients about the risk factors for osteoporosis. Which of the following should the nurse include as a risk factor for osteoporosis?

a. Early menopause

b. history of falls

c. African American race

d. obesity

15. A nurse is reviewing the medical record of a client who has unstable angina. Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider? (Click on the “Exhibit” button for additional information about the client. There are three tabs that contain separate categories of data).

a. Breath sounds



b. Temperature

c. Blood pressure

d. Creatine kinase

16. A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who is starting to take carbidopa /levodopa to treat Parkinson’s disease. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

a. “This medication can cause your urine to turn a dark color.”

b. “Expect immediate relief after taking this medication.”

c. “Take the medication with a high-protein food.”

d. “Skip a dose of the medication if you experience dizziness.”— pg 42

17. A nurse is providing dietary teaching for a client who has chronic cholecystitis. Which of the following day each of the nurse recommend?

a. Low-potassium diet

b. High-fiber diet

c. Low-fat diet— pg 356

d. Low-sodium diet

18.  A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is scheduled for an electroencephalogram (EEG). which of the following statements by the client indicates an understanding of the teaching?

a. I should not wash my hair prior to the procedure

b. I will receive a sedated 1 hour before the procedure

c. I should avoid eating prior to the procedure



19.  A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client following a heart transplant. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?

a. Immunosuppressant medication needs to be taken for up to 1 year

b. Shortness of breath might be an indication of transplant rejection—– pg 209


c. the surgical site will heal in 3 to 4 weeks after surgery

d. begin 45 min of moderate aerobic exercise per day following discharge

20. A nurse is caring for a client who has been experiencing repeated tonic clonic seizures over the course of 30 minutes. After maintaining the client’s airway and turning the client on their side, which of the following medication should the nurse administer?

a. Diazepam IV– pg 38

b. Lorazepam P0

c. Diltiazem IV

d. Clonazepam PO

21.  The nurse is providing discharge instructions to a client who has GERD. Which of the following statements by the client demonstrates an understanding of the teaching?

a. I should take my medicine with orange juice

b. a bedtime snack will prevent heartburn

c. I will lie down after meals

d. I will limit activities that require bending at the waist

22.  A nurse is caring for a client who is at high risk for iron deficiency anemia. Which of the following foods should the nurse instruct the client to increase in their diet?

a. Yogurt

b. apples

c. raisins———————– PER NUTRITION BOOK

d. cheddar cheese

23.  A nurse is caring for a client who has rights sided pneumothorax. Following chest tube insertion, which of the following findings indicates that the chest drainage system is functioning correctly?

a. Gentle bubbling in the suction chamber——- PG 108 2019 VERSION

b. crepitus around the insertion site

osteoc. constant bubbling in the water seal chamber

d. absence of breath sounds on the right side

24.  A nurse is planning care for a client who has acute post streptococcal glomerulonephritis . Which of the following intervention should the nurse include in the client’s plan?

a. Encourage a high-protein diet for the client

b. increase the client’s fluid intake

c. administer diuretics to the client – glomerulnophritis results in fluid retention (because kidneys can’t filter out well) (p. 402-403, 2019)


d. Weigh client twice a week – wrong, should weigh daily

25. A nurse is caring for a client who has a peripheral inserted central catheter (PICC). For which of the following findings should the nurse notify the provider?

a. The dressing was changed 7 days ago.

b. The circumference of the client’s upper arm has increased by 10% PG 175

c. The catheter has not been used in 8 hr.

d. The catheter has been flushed with 10 mL of sterile saline after medication use.

26. The nurse is developing a plan of care for a client who will be placed in a Halo surgical repair cervical spine. Which of the following intervention should the nurse include in the plan?

a. Inspect the pin site every 48 hr.

b. Monitor the client’s skin under the halo vest—- pg 474

c. Ensure two personnel hold the halo device when repositioning the client.

d. Apply powder frequently to the client’s skin under the vest to decrease itching.

27. A nurse is caring for a client who has syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone (SIADH) and is receiving 3% sodium chloride via continuous IV. which of the following laboratory findings should the nurse identify as an indication that the SIADH is resolving?

a. Urine specific gravity 1.020- pg 284 says “Urine specific gravity: Decreased (1.002 to

1.004 in sodium loss; greater than 1.012 in SIADH)” so 1.020 means not resolving

b. Sodium 119 mEq/L——- wrong bc when have SIADH will have hyponatrmia

c. BUN 8 mg/dL

d. Calcium 8.7 mg/dL – pg 85; I think bc its an electrolyte that is norm range-I PUT


28.  A nurse is caring for a client who is receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN ). which of the following findings should the nurse identify as a possible complication of TPN administration?

a. Pitting edema of bilateral lower extremities

b. hypoactive bowel sounds in all four quadrants

c. weight is the same as the day before

d. bilateral posterior lung sounds are diminished – I think it is this. TPN can result in fluid

imbalance/hypervolemia (p. 311)

29. A nurse is assessing a client who has a heart rate of 40 /min. the client is diaphoretic and as chest pain period which of the following medication should the nurse plan to administer?

a. Lidocaine– for tachycard

b. Adenosine

c. Atropine————pg 181 chart atropine, dopamine, and epi for bradycard less 60/min

d. Verapamil


30. The nurse is teaching a group of assistive personnel (AP) about caring for clients who have Alzheimer’s disease. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?

a. Explain procedures in full detail to a client before initiating care b.  limit a client’s activities to minimize emotional outburst

c. speak clearly and loudly to a client who is unable to form words or sentences

d. provide supervision to prevent a client from becoming injured or lost

31.  A nurse at a provider’s office is interviewing a client who has multiple sclerosis and has been taking dantrolene for several months. Which of the following client statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the medication is effective?

a. I don’t have muscle spasms as frequently——— PG 46 2016 VERSION

b. I haven’t gotten any colds, even though it is flu season

c. I feel like my nerve pain has improved

d. it is easier to urinate now

32. A nurse is preparing to discharge a client who has a new diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD). which of the following referral should the nurse plan to initiate?

a. Respiratory therapy

b. Hospice care

c. Occupational therapy

d. Dietary services—– pg 394

14. A nurse is caring for a client who has burn injuries covering their upper body and is concern about their altered appearance. Which of the following statements should the nurse make?

a. It is okay to not want to touch the burned areas of your body

b. cosmetic surgery should be performed within the next year to be effective

c. reconstructive surgery can completely restore your previous appearance


d. injuries


it could be helpful for you to attend a support group for people who have burn



4. A nurse is providing teaching to a client who was newly diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome. Which of the following statements should indicate to the nurse that the client understands the teaching?

a. I can expect swelling in my hands an on my face—- PER ATI PRE-ASSESS


b. the amount of protein in my blood is high


c. I might have some pain and gas in my stomach from this condition

d. I will use a soft bristle toothbrush so my gums don’t bleed

10. A nurse is caring for a client who has dehydration. The client has a peripheral IV and has a prescription for an infusion of 0.9% sodium chloride 1000 mL with 40 mEq potassium chloride to infuse over 1 hr. Which of the following action should the nurse take first?

a. Teach the client to report findings of IV extravasation

b. evaluate the patency of the IV

c. consult with the pharmacist about the prescription

d. verify the prescription with the provider – can’t find in ATI, but google says KCl can cause vomiting/diarrhea, which you wouldn’t want if pt is already dehydrated

13. A nurse is admitting a client who has suspected appendicitis. Which of the following findings should the nurse report to the provider immediately?

a. Distended, board-like abdomen

b. WBC count 15,000 /mm3

c. rebound tenderness over McBurney’s point – concur, but can’t find it in ATI on

Children ATI book pg 145 2019 e

d. temperature 37.3 C (99.1 F )—– expected

2. A nurse in an Emergency Department is caring for a client who sustained multiple injuries. The nurse observes client’s thorax moving inward during inspiration and outward during expiration. The nurse should suspect which of the following injuries?

a. Flail chest———— PER PG 157 2019 VERSION

b. Hemothorax

c. Pulmonary contusion

d. Pneumothorax

20. A nurse is assessing a client who has a sodium level of 122 mEq/L. which of the following findings should the nurse expect?

a. Decrease deep-tendon reflexes

b. positive Trousseau’s sign


c. hypoactive bowel sounds

d. sticky mucus membranes

 A nurse is providing teaching to a client who is scheduled for electromyography (EMG). the nurse should include which of the following information in the teaching?

a. “You will receive a fixed dose of radioisotope 2 hours before the procedure.”

b. “Momentary flushing will occur at the beginning of the procedure.”

c. “You should inform your provider if you are claustrophobic.”

d. “You should expect insertion of small needle electrodes into the muscles.” pg 448

12. The nurse is providing discharge teaching for a client who has COPD about nutrition. Which of the following instruction should the nurse include?

a. Eat three large meals daily

b. consume high calorie foods

c. limit caffeinated drinks to two per day

d. drink fluids during meal time

· A nurse is administering a blood transfusion to a client and suspects that the client is having an adverse reaction to the blood. Which of the following action should the nurse take first?

a. Maintain IV access.

b. Obtain the client’s vital signs.

c. Contact the provider. d. Stop the transfusion.

· A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a client who has acute leukemia and received chemotherapy 12 hours ago. Which of the following instruction should the nurse include in the teaching (select all that apply )

a. Use an electric shaver- pg 615

b. Avoid crowds.

c. Take temperature weekly—– weekly didn’t sound right

d. Consume a low-residue diet- pg 615; not true (low residue is veg and fiber; but in

leukemia- need to restrict)

e. Monitor for bruising——- pg 616

· A nurse is caring for a client who has a new diagnosis of tuberculosis. Which of the following precautions should the nurse initiate to prevent transmission of the disease?

o Contact precautions

o Airborne precautions

o Droplet precautions


o Protective environment

· A nurse is caring for a client who is hyperventilating and has the following abgs results PH 7.50, PACO2—29, HCO3—25. The nurse should recognize that the client has which of the following acid base imbalance?

o Respiratory acidosis

o Respiratory alkalosis

o Metabolic acidosis

o Metabolic alkalosis

5. A nurse is planning for a group of postoperative clients. Which of the following interventions should the nurse identify as the priority?

a. Administer IV pain medication to a client who reports pain as a 6 on a scale of 0 to 10

b. administer oxygen to a client who has an oxygen saturation of 91%

c. instructor client who is 1 hour postoperative about coughing and deep breathing exercises

d. initiate an infusion of 0.9% sodium chloride for a client who has just had abdominal surgery

23. A nurse is planning care for a client who has acute pancreatitis. Which of the following intervention should the nurse include in the clients plan? (Select all that apply )

a. initiate insulin drip—————— ??????????? Says “provide insulin as needs”

b. monitor blood glucose levels——– pg 360

c. continue regular diet as tolerated

d. maintain NPO status until pain-free

e. manage acute pain

7. A nurse is caring for a client who is to undergo in liver biopsy. Which of the following instruction should the nurse provide to the client following the procedure?

a. Lie on your left side

b. lie on your right side—————– PG 366 2019 VERSION

c. increase your fluid intake


d. decrease your fluid intake

A nurse is assessing a client who has permanent spinal cord injury and is scheduled for discharge. which


following client statement indicates the client is cop

“I would like     to play wheelchair basketball. When

of the ing efficiently?

· I get stronger, I think I’ll look for a league.”

· “I’m glad I’ll only be in this wheelchair temporarily. I can’t wait to get back to running.”

· “I’m so upset that this happened to me. What did I do to deserve this, and why am I not getting better?”

· “I feel like I’ll never be able to do anything that I want to again. All I am is a burden to my family.”

· The nurse is caring for a client who has chronic kidney disease. Which of the following diet should the nurse anticipate the provider to prescribe?

o 4 g sodium diet

o Potassium-restricted diet

o High-phosphorous diet

o High-protein diet

the nurse is caring for a client who is traumatic brain injury period which of the following binding should indicate to the nurse the need for Immediate intervention?

Axillary temperature 37.2° C (99° F)

Apical pulse 100/min

Respiratory rate 30/min

Blood pressure 140/84 mm Hg

Meredith discusses in the video ways that technology can cause stress in school or practice. What ways were mentioned in the video that can stress you out and what are ways you can deal with stress?

a. reflection:

• Meredith discusses in the video ways that technology can cause stress in school or practice. What ways were mentioned in the video that can stress you out and what are ways you can deal with stress?

• Can you describe a moment in your life that technology stressed you out?


You are working in a large urban pediatric clinic after-hours.


You are working in a large urban pediatric clinic after-hours.

A mother brings her 6-month-old daughter, Vivi Mitchell, to the clinic for rhinorrhea, congestion, fever, and cough. Upon assessment, you identify the child has wheezing upon auscultation and on inspection, you identify retractions.

  • The child is in less than 10th percentile of weight and has a cardiac history of Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA).
  • Born at 36 weeks gestation.
  • Mother states this child doesn’t go to day care but her two other children ages 2 and 3 do attend daycare.
  • T- 102.1 HR 140 RR 40 BP 83/58 Pulse ox 96%
  • A swab for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is positive.

Doctor orders – Nasal bulb suction and saline drops PRN, Tylenol 15mg/kg Q4 PRN for fever, Albuterol nebulizer in office and push po fluids as tolerated.

After the albuterol neb treatment, respirations are 36 and oxygen saturation is 100%. Wheezing has diminished. Mom is an ER nurse and the doctor feels comfortable that she has a nebulizer at home and can return to pediatric afterhours or ER if needed.

Client is discharged with these orders:

  • methylprednisolone 0.4 mg/kg oral BID for 3
  • Albuterol Q4 hours for 24 hours, then Q 6 hours for 24 hours, and Q6 as needed.
  • Call if needed prior to the Q4 dose.
  • Manage fever with Tylenol and continue hydration and nasal bulb suction Q6 while awake.
  • Return for re-evaluation in 3 days
  1. Describe the pathophysiology of bronchiolitis and identify the most common organism causing this infection. What laboratory testing can confirm your suspicion?
  2. Describe the pathophysiology of PDA and why the history of PDA is significant in this scenario.
  3. What risk factors place Vivi Mitchell at a greater risk for the development of bronchiolitis?
  4. What are the characteristic signs/symptoms of bronchiolitis?
  5. Vivi Mitchell been prescribed the following medications; acetaminophen, albuterol nebulizer, corticosteroids. Provide the rationale for why each medication has been included as part of her medical management and explain any potential contraindications related to these medications.
  6. You are designing Vivi Mitchell’s plan of care. Identify two priority nursing diagnoses to include in your plan. For each nursing diagnosis, identify two SMART goals, and two interventions for each goal.
  7. What short and long-term possible complications should the nurse anticipate?
  8. What client education is appropriate for Vivi Mitchell as she is discharged from the after-care clinic?
  • Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)
  • Logical, original and insightful
  • Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format
  • Submit document through Grammarly to correct errors before submission

Academic and Professional Network

Academic and Professional Network

Complete Part 1 of your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.
  • Explain why you selected these individuals and/or teams and how they will support your success in the MSN program and as a practicing nurse.